PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. 7 " yMaMUhed June 23, rot. WEDNESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 21, 186a 7._PORTLAND, ta.oo per annum, tn THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS is published MISCELL AN EOU8. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. ar No. 1 Printers* [ gvery day, (Sunday executed.) __ WANTED_ _ miscellaseocs. November Exchange, Exchange Street, Portland. Putnam’s Monthly opens N. A. FOSTER, Proprietor. Dissolution Notice. DAILY PRESS. with an article of Copartnership No. M. Terms Eight Dollars a year in advance. WANTED—men to work on Ledge nt Alfred. 5. by Dr. George Beard, discussiug the some- ▼ ▼ Enquire at the Office ot Portland & Rochester WT“ Single copies 4 cents. poutland what startling qusstion, “Who of us are In- LOWELL & copartnership heretofore existing between the Railroad o mpanv. SIMILIA HOYT. THEundersigned, under the firm name ot W*NS- Portland, Oct 1868. dlw SIMIL1B0S (JURANTUR. sane?” The is an able and THE MAINE STATE is at the 15, paper interesting PRESS, published LOVV & is this same PAGE, day dissolved by mutual con- place every Thursday morning at #2.50 a vear; sent. one, though the cheerful conclusion reached 11 paid in advance #2.00 a year. Wednesday Moraine:, October 21, 1868. The liabilities ot this copartnc sh-p which has ex- Wanted! by the writer is that a large proporliou ot us isted since the 18th day of will be adjust- RENT of four fo six Humphrey’s Kaiem of Advertising.—One in*h ot tn May, 1868, rooms, In a good flommopathic mortals are space, ed Mr. and the Specifics, mo e or less cracked. ,Mr. Henry length oi column, constitutes a “square.” by Russell, payment «*l ad sums due, locality,! Address 185 Commercial Street, Presidential whether by note or is to be made to him, uctober 15 1868. dlw* PROYTED, from the most Election, Tuesday, Nov.fid. T Tuckerman follows with au accouut of “Lo- #1.50 per square daily first week. 75 cents ]»er account, ample experi- FURNITURE! who is alone authorized to code t the same. HAVEence, R’i en ire success; Effi- week after; three insertions, or less, #1.00; contmu- Simple—Prompt- renzo “The Regions of ■s SUMNER cient and Reliable. They arc the only Dapoute:” Unexplored ne every other day atter first week, 50 cents. WINSLOW, Medicines CHARLES E Wanted I per.'ecuy ad pted to use—so Rcpahllcuu Nomination**. Central ” Mr. Halt square, three insertion^ or less, 75 cents: one PAGE, Immediately! popular simp’e that are described by George JO N RUSSELL. 'I mistake” cannot be made in using so harmless week, $1.00; 50 cents pe week alter. / AN^nVei’aIt“er’wi $2,000 capital. Business them; 'iquier, who knows them Mr. T. VV. Unde- head ot And Portland, Oct. 1868. octl7eodlw anpSI-,rts, Small Wa N,;ti„n « o 44 *'onHh*, da, Bronchitis, 25 T. W. Parsous,entitled “Watching the River" Ac. Aduress Box Weuial***, Toothache, Facenohe BUSIMKS8 CARDS. 19T6. boston_octl0-u2w <4 S 44 25 “The Three Work Days, ”by J. J. Piatt; “The O LEACH, HORACE B. PARKER «< in cc Head«*ehea,Sick-Hea.iache, Vertigo,25 and all »7'pr,»*a Billmus 25 Pounders of Globe J. O. CONVERSEDWARD ROBINSON, of Portland, Wanted! JJ11 Stomach, City," by Culver; Cumberland county, have this 30th day of rU/STOH Niit>i»i-e««cd or painful Periods, 25 COMSTOCK, MERsON & Septem- COAT MAKEKS. Apple to 12 WhiifN too “With the Nuns,” by C. E. Robbins; “A CO., ber, A. D. 1808, to med a limited partnership, in ac- profuse enods, 25 Day ■fcx. FEED. P 1^ C roup. Cough, 'lifficu't 25 With cordance with the provisions ot the Statutes of o,111 >r. t KOCTOK, Breath-ng, the by L. D. Nichols; “The MANUFACTURERS OF 100 Middle ‘‘14 Nalt ti lien Babies," and have executed a certificate thereof a* fol- Street. nijErvsipel is. Erupt ions. 25 NEW Maine, *llf_ 15 Mountain of C. P. WAREHOUSE Rbeiimatitfin Rheumatic by Craucb; CARPET 25 Knowledge," lows:—The name of the firm is Leach & Parker. 26 Pains, The special partner is Edward Robinson of said Agents Wanted I Fever «ic Ague, Chill Fever, Ague, 50 f!> by John J. Piatt; A Day ol Surprises,” ENVELOPES! Po File*, bdnd or 50 Hand, and the gene al partners are Convers O. JJ blreding. For by Virginia and “Life Leach and *nd sore or weak 50 PRESIDENT, Vaughan, in the Argen- DEALERS IN Horace B. Parker, likewise of said Port- Snd relial>le <4 ft Dpthalmy, eyes, A8ems wanted to canvass f'alarrh acute or Intfuenra.50 tine The land. A'tOr Hie JJ ** cronie, Republic.” December number will The business to be transacted is the Goods Whooping violent Coughs.50 oontain the whole Dry b-quiiable I.tfe •ico?21 A-thnia. ULYSSES S. of Mr. Howells’ poem “No Pine &c. business at said Portland, and tlie amount of capi- Anurancr Society. 'i( Opprt^wwf3Jreathing, 50 Writing Papers, ta* *:a,‘ GRANT, Love Lost.” contributed by said Robinson is twelve thousand (^“Liberal cc Z* * Di»cb«nie*lti*pt»ired Hearing,50 W. T. KILBORN & terms offered. " !* OF ILLINOIS. Ner'fula.cnlargerdand«,Sweldi 50 And Agent tor UNION INK CO. CO., ($12,000) dollars. Said r'.rmuship commences this gs, The JBEA ',/ 0 Atlantic Monthly offers the flnt of e thirtieth day ot Sept ..,er, A. D. 1863, and is to COI.Ji 1% State Agent. HI c! r»ebilby,Phvsi alWeakness. HAVE REMOVED TO THEIR cease the Drop*y, «nd Secretion-* 50 twenty-ninth day of Sep'ember, A. D. 1873. cc o sranty FOR series of papers on No. 59 Water Boston. —Wtteehonwew. sickness trorn VICE-PRESIDENT, “Co-operaiive Housekeep- Street, (Signed CONVERS O. LE H. 444- , riding, 60 27 Kidney-I>i*ea*e. Gravel. 50 ing.” which will command attention both from HORACE B. PARKER. Wanted. “ Factory 114 Sudbury Street sept28eodlin 28 Neiv-.u*. -emirml [Stamp) EDWARD ItOBINSCN. Debility, their subject and the way in which it !s treat- Box Sll00k V?tui**»ion«. Dis- SCHUYLER to°e J„We“ty g£od ?ugar Involuntary COLFAX, ed. NEW AND SPACIOUS g s»co Enquire at 282 Com'l charges 100 We understand this series is to be a pro- STORE, STATE OF MAINE. Portland or at, «4 .. OF INDIANA. PLU MBI NO! JOSEPH HORsON, 29 Nnif ’lout Is, Canker, 50 traced 8S : scpiodttMDlOdtt No 1 ,, one; and it promises to be rich in prac- CUMBERLAND, Spring's ■*•.***»**y W**»skue*-, wetting 50 October 1, A. D. 1868. o? * bed, 'ical _^ islamPJBiiidelord. Fniuful eriod*. with 50 For Flrctor. t suggestions Mr. Whipple 'concludes hie Convers O. Horace B. yj: '*pasms, It. E. COOPER i£- IVo. 14 Free Personally appeared I.cacli, Buffering* at of 100 on CO., Parker and Euward ami ^2 Change Lye. essay Bacon with a singu'aily keen Street, Robinson. made oath to the BOARD and *oi»ep«y Spasms.St.Vitus jVraoe.100 AT Laeoe— GEORGE L. BEAL. analy- Practical in truth of the ab >ve certificate and the rooms. J* sis of the and Plumbers, and dealers Acknowledged M Diphtheria,ulcerated Sore Thwji 50 SAMUEL P. genius character of the greet same as their tree act. STRUT*LAND. Where they are now ready to show their new and Before me, Lead Pipe, KraM, t opper. Iron Force FAiWILV 1st District—ESKEFF FT philosopher, which he presents in a nov- (Signed) WILLIAM L. PUTNAM, Board C4SES BANKS, quite and Lift Pump*, Bathi-g Tuba, M ater {Stamp) Justice ot the Peace. Wanted Of .*15 2d District—AMOS el Mr. Beusou writes with large rials, morocco c*»*e, NoURSF. light. Eugene his Lloiria Iron Miuka. Tlnibie Wa*h* fIpPtloiunt 1 an,i \Vi|e jn a priv,\te family couni. itite a specific for 31 District—r»KN\IS L. usual aud aland Tour. Nmip «»e where there are o every MILT1KEN. brilliancy whimsical exaggeration Slinka, STATE OF MAINE. other hoarders. Ite'erenci a ordinary disease a is WumIi Tr«-*.n„d family sub- I'll DistRICT—HICNRY O. of the CUMBERLAND 8S J 8tat*ng name and ject to, and a book of PERRY. difference between “Foreign Faces' B..HXt” a,!m™'„rAh'office ot ihe Press.o"S' location, directions, 910,00 Stock Registry or received Oct. at 5 h. 30 oct20J3l# Smaller 8lh District—KBENEZER KNoWLTWN. and those of All kirds Material*. of Deeds, 1,1868, *ninily and Americans. des- of Plumbing Splendid m. P. Traveling cases, Bayard Taylor M., and recorded in Book 300. with Carpeting! 362, page 20 to 28 vials.from $5 to cribes “The $5 Laud of Karl Blind fur- (^“Orders eoliclttd and promptly attended ”o. -- Board. Specifics tor all Private Paoli;” Disease- both “The IVirhrdrai (Signed) EBEN LEACH, more boarders can tor and for Pnrly’’— A Propotiiioo uishes a on the No. 109 Fedeial Fortlond, I?le. Rogister. be accommodated at Curiug Preventive treat- paper “Traditional Policy of M|.; oc8eod6w AFF.>\Johnson s new vials and fur u Hoarding House on II mips lire ment,^ pocket case*,.i to $.1 Qneer fuaritna, Adams S. Hill sep28 d&wtt in the Line CARPETS and oueet, fei ond door Horn Ru-sia;" int-oduces us to Everything of Middle. Comfortab e Q^These Remedies bvthecaseor sinjrle Box are Upholstery rooms, goodI tab e and sent to of UooruBAi, Oct. Notice. reasonable rates. any part tbe Country, b) mail or express, 18,1868. ‘Maidenvalley, Spinsterland;” “The Face in Goods that can he Copartnership October 20. dlw tree ol To found, in any First-Class cliavgH on receipt ot the price. Address the Editor of the Press: WEIS & ZOKBISCH, the Glass," is continued, and Miss Pnelps tells In the Humphrey’s Specific Argus of Oct. 5th I noticed in ar- a of Carpet House l subscribers have this formed a Boarders very good story “Kentucky’s Ghost,” day copart- and^Lodgers! HOTia OPATHIf .YIEDICIIVE Wholesale Manufactures of Furs! under the name COMP V ticle I as it THEnership firm ot 1 (editorial, presume, was leaded) though ouo wonders a little that so intelligent Lodgers ▼“«- Office and Dc» ot No 562 OF EVERY D ESC RIP J ION. GEl?rm™nab?earS AND ARCHITECTS. tes*ity having been entirely cure I And Solicitor of Patents, For Sale or to Let. ov R. DUBOIS’ have ol who have so EATON BROTHERS. HE using CATARRH CO .1 POUND. upwards eighty served, —A snake charmer exhibiting his power Has Removed to 4-eodtf first-class, tbree-siorv brick house,with free- I*a Unts *ill no* ha-c to use m ire than April stone one or two no one has as To Parlies to T trimmings, number .75 Iliah stieet before receive yet responded. Without wer venomous reptiles in Austrilia about Buitei. for packages they a benefit. Severe cases lately, Brown particulars inquire al No 30 have been Oornor of and Congress Streets, Practical Business Exchange street, cured I can learn of but four was requested by a police magistrate, just tor Plans, Specifications and Estimates made, und Preparation. Spanish Consulate’s, between 10 A. M. ami 3P. M. counting deserters, i»16 BROWN’S NEW BLOCK. dU BV USING ONE PACKAGE. Buildings Superintended by DAY AND EVENING SESSIONS. April 21-dtf Now if the author of the article in question curiosity’s sake, to allow the snakes to bite NE This Remedy hog met with areat success in GEO. B. PELHAM. Architect. TS, 'I Eurrpe, or other man sees tt him. He gratified the magistrate, who died and has cured thousands of the worst cases. any respectable to “take Office Canal National Bank Buildinz. Middle st. The snake charmer was ar- ^Catarrh causes Dropping in the Throat. me up,” iet him me col- inconsequence. Portland, April 20, 18G-S. dtf Comer’s Commercial Hawking notify through your Coffins, Caskets, Desks, and College, and Spitting, Sounds in the Head. W. ak Eves, Deaf- rested tor his bat on his trial Seines, Weirs, Netting umns or, it he those of the causing death, ness. Headache. Tigbtnea- across the Forehead. Neu- prefer it, Weekly w. T. BROW n & Show Cases and OF EVERY DESCRIPTION BOSTON. ’"PARMER*? and was acquitted. to., Office Furniture, HOUSEKEEPERS ralgia Hoarseness. Canker. Bronchitis, t e rt Dis- Argu’. I am in earnest in this matter and Of e i>e. and linallv in —It is asserted that when a General Commission Every Description, Furnished and Fitted in the best Grateful for the in Asthma, ending the great terr Canadian begins Merchants, Complete very generous reposed TAKE NOTICE. ot therefore that should you see fit to de- him for more than a a mankind—CONSUMPTION. Sold by all Drug- beg to Made from the best materia! and EXPERIENCED manner. quarter of century, the sub- wiite poetry, they make him on No. 00 1>‘J ( ornmcrcin by gists. Price $1 per paymaster Street, scriber hopes, with increases experience and untir- BREAD Is the staff of most package. cline to this article you will send it to WORKMEN, at Mle—your Important Wholesale Gto.C. Goodwin & 38 Han- publish a railroad, w hich has a tenden- (Thoina- ing efforts lor the interests of his stud- nts, to merit article of u’et. The health or your fimilv Agents, Co., very repressive .r^ock,) Mackerel, Herring and l»rgelv over M. S. urr & 26 the office. C. II. Pohagen, and receive a continuance of c dep nds upon its being LIGHT and st, Co., Tremont vt., Boston Argus Silas Smith. Wit.LARD T. 1 BLAKE’S, nfidence. WHOLESOME. DR. W cy. Brown, Would have it so ? H. DU BOI*s 72 Friend | Portland. septlEdii No. 10 Cross Portland Mo. Blue Fish Gill GEORGE N. COMER, A M., Pres’t. you Then use only Proprietor, street, Walter H. Brown, } St., Ne'ling. B .-ton, where the emedv be tree ot —An athlete has arrived fiom who Sales Room foot ot Falmouth may ie-ted, Europe, Sole Wholesale Agents tor the Boston M -*cii Co. Temple St, opp. Cotton expense. Send for circular. (jSrnnt’a Kate in Na*bville. Hotel. Net, Peine and Patent Twine, CATALOGUES and CIRCULARS, giving full in- sept28eod3mw his feet while he lilts a horse from (or Maine. refer to Dana & NATRONA SA LERA TUS. hangs by By permission Co., J. formation, with list o« Mr. Comer’s work* on PEN- the Nashville Press and W. Perkins & [from Times.] the his Co., Jos.ali H. Drummoi.u, burgess, SEA ISLAND AND MANSHIP, B'tOK-KE ground by teeth. COTTON, FLAX, LINEN PING, NAVIGATION. It is absolu elvpure; whiter than snow; makes Uoon tbe of Nashville the Cun- Fol>es&Co. sent or he had at tlie occupation ju^e.tid4! &e., by ma;l, may free College, Bread always light, white and beautiful. a WEED an coalT GFLLING TWINE. Take on Hiali was taken —In old crllarin Rome has been recent- 3*43 Waaliiugiou Street, corner of Wist Street, pound home to your wife to-night. She will he de- ningham residence, street, DEERJNG, M1LLIKEN & Sea Island otton Mackerel Cities. Boston aug26eoa2i \ lighted with it. as the headquarters ol tbe general in com ly discovered a marble pedestal with an in- OK CO AL of soda should our maud. It was -JOBBERS l Seine Buyers try successively occupied hy a scription to Hercules, erected by Silius Messa- Rope,Cork Buoys, l.eads, &c, SEV.ING MACHINES number of generals who hail the entrances la, who was consul with Sabinus und r tbe l»K¥ 4» O on O l» $ , Constantly hand and manuf »ctur$d to order at Natrona Bi-Carbonate of Sodi. guarded by sordiers with bayonets. One ot AND liOWtRt Emperor Caracalla, A. D. 214. It was lound for Johns Coal. Prices, by THE them went so far as to place a cordon or bay- Agents We guarantee it not only tar superior to other BEST. near ii. & G. W. any onets around the whole block. Whtn Gen. Pompey’s theatre. LORD, American ma e, but even purer than the best New underpinned having been appointed Agents — WOOLENb, 89 Commercial BOSTON. Castle or English soda. Manufactured the attention of tlie public Is now most Grant came to Nashville he had his head- A fellow in New York has cured bis Save this day removed to tb ew and spacious store THEfor the sale ot the above Coal, would say to tlie Street, by earnestly THEinvited 10 tno latest whirl for that at the satre erected for rn'm citizens of Portland Agent- tor Beman’s Tatent Seine production; quarters place. We had occasion weetheart of the “Grecian Bend.” He Rings. Patented October 22d. 1867. Penn’a Salt fact alone, ought to be “The Bes*,M and it is with the adopt- Before in Winter^ be May 18 UCmos Manufacturing Co.. t<> ea.l upon him seve al tunes. He was not 58 and GO Middle you lay your Coal, most unaffected sinceniy that ti e Weed ed it himself. One dose of the remedy was ef- He., nure ibe John** Coal. Sewing-Ma- about with a musket aiudlry PA. chine Co assert that their productions are unexcell- hedged bayonets—uot On tlie 010 »1te occupied by them previons to the PITTSBURGH, fectual. This celebrated Coal has for years stood the high- A Valuable ed by any machine ever presented tor popular la- was to be seen. Au orderly, without arms, great fire. Improvement vor. est lor domestic use of any White Ash Coal mined. of an l stood at the door and received —Only forty thousand of wine March 16. tl Rich S Importers CRYOLITE, Manufacturers o visitors kindly pipes port Portland, In preparation and it has been For Old or New Feathers which hare the Standard Full instruction given, and satisfaction quality always kept Jewelry following chemicals. guaranteed. and politely. The gallant Bowers—a tear to have been produced in Portugal this year,— up to the standard. Ii the Johns Coal suits it AND- With these assurances, your careful and candid once, become Foul or Hlatted and inju- his the C. J. SCHUMACHER. will because there is no mixture This SAPONIFIER, the riginal anl on'v genuine CON- examination is mos< respec fully ami solic- memory—and Parker, Indian aid, ihe sma lest amount for many years. It is, aiwa>s suit; rioim Health earnesly to ! CENTRATED LYE. ited. M. J. CHAPIN * were and it the General was we claim as a particular advantage over other coals. CO.Ageut-, inside; not en- however, of remarkably fine this be- At Mrs. E, T No 2 Block quality, FI* ESC© PA I AT ESI. Consumers by ouving the Johns Coal will avoid the FANCY Bi-Garb. Cushman’s, Deenng with a show ot with GOODS. Natrona Soda, Natrona Salera us gaged would, respect, go the first seasou continued trouble and annoyance of every Congress st, Portland, Me. ing since 1891 that the grapes Oflce at the Drug 8tore of Messrs. A. Q. Scblotter- getting Sal Soon, Cau-iic and introduce them at uuce. II engaged, other year bad flatv coal. one has bad ihis MR. J. S. PEASLEY’S Soda, Machines of all kinds rep-tire I. sepl5d&w3m they have been Every Porus Alum, would tell them when to call perfectly free from oidiurn. beck & Co., trouble. Johns Coal wTe will warrant to suit In Su'plmric Acid, again. every PATENT Muintie Acid. Nitric —Russia case We a few reasons the Johns Coal Acid, General Grant received visitors still further insults Poland CsngrpM St, Portland, Me. give why LOWELL & Cop eras. Re d. invariably by ■a the BUST. SEi\TEl{, Saponifier, ODe door above Brown. Chlor. Calcium, <• Fluor LOOK, LOOK! with courtesy, making them lee! at ease erecting a statue of F.eld Marshal Pa-kie- Ial2dtt_ First—It is the Purest White Ash Coal mined. Calcium by At 301 Reid the blandness and of his manner Second—It is the most Economical and gives the Congress St., Feather Renovator ! Salt, Petroi’m siweiity witschin Warsaw. H. etc. W. PENNELL & CO., hear. etc., NOW IS THE TIME. 'l'hi spirit which him reacted best just received large additions to their stock governed —Filteen hundred persons, two thirds of Third—It will not clinker, and for durability and HAVEof Rich Jewelry, Fancy This Patent is well established and doing a profit- throughout headquarters, and we never heard it is them foreigners, and a majority of the for- Gas and Steam Fitters ! strength unsurpassed. able business. Mr. Peasley will j-ell tbe right for the eod&w3m of an instance of rudeness durin his sojourn Fourth—It alwa>s comes the same. SOLID State or any portion of it. Persons wishing SAVE YOIII MONEY. eigners English, visit the churcn ot Notre No. ill Union Portland. S1LVBS AND PLACED GOODS, any in our midst. He was then at tbe head of all Ntreel, We sell the Johns Coal at the same as any thing of the kind, will do well to call on him from 7 price Vienna Beautiful tbe armies ot the Ire had cause Dame in Paris every other good White Ash Coal. We have lor free-burn- Bronzes, Parian Stat- to 12 o’clock daily. GO TO republic. good day. W Houses fitted with Pipes lor steam or (>l»Ns and Porcelain to Gas, ing uary, Megout Sinking School! be proud of his position and his successes. —A widower of 78 and a of in a workmanlike and satisfac tion Coal, spinster 60 have Water, manner, Vases, doubt lie felt but it was the modest warrauted. Read the following Certificate from, Dealers for E. S. Wormell & No proud, united their fortunes mayl dtt And or LEATHER GARDINER will Co’s in Connecticut. Their liewStyles GOODS tor presen- whom, work has be* n done: commence Ills Fall Term Gallery! pride ol the noble soldier who leit that he had DIAMOND AND LORBERY, tations. A New and Valuable Improvement MR.tor instruction in Vocil Music at Brown’s hall, fortune is not but their united SEEBIDAN & We, 816 done his and his was not un stated, weight GBiTHTHS, We confidently offer our stock /or public inspec- the bavin" had Feathers renovated (now occupied by ihe P. Y. M. C. A., corner ot Con- Congress Street. duty, country Furnaces and Parlor we shall kee undersigned, by •* is 700 CfeSF^For Stoves tion as interior to none. Call and see. gress and Brown There was none ol the insolence pounds. the sep26dlm Mr. Peasley’sNew Process, are willing to lestttythat j*ts,)on (Monday Lrcniuu, Oc- gratetul. Harleigh, tober at Gat Your Pictures n PLASTERERS, tbe improvement made is much greater than would 5th, 7£ o’clock. Tak at H .If Price ! ol office” about him—no show, no parade. —Patti was almost smothered in flowers at b expected. The leathers are ro ieved from iheir TERMS, TWfr PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL NTY-FOUR LESSONS. Equally ns Good in Clomly Weather. Another incident: One fine morning Gen. her reappearance in Paris. matted condition, cleansed irorn all impurities, and 00. “Paine’s Music Store.” 5adi«',.$2 Grant walked down to Chattanooga depot, —A crazy Tennesseean climbed & rendered much lighter, more elastic and more whole- Gentleman,...3 co. sixty feet STUCCO MASTIC WORKERS, Also on band Hard and Soft Wood. w0rm"ll & Co., deferm'ned to give all a chance to ol the train loi some. T with the intention taking a tree to himselt in a ckets for sale at the Hall. The School will con- obtain a picture for th mselves and friends lm'e up hang fork of the NO. 6 SOUTH ST., ME. WOULD announce to the that Marrett, Poor & Co., Adams & Tarbox, The doors ol the cars were PORTLAND, McAllister & respoctlully public tinue every MONDAY m til lur her reduced th#» piiee » and notwithstand- Chattanooga. Randall, Co., 1 I have laken-the Store in Evans Sr JosBelyn, W. H EVENING, Nk-HALF; limbs. jy Prompt attention paid to all kindsot .lobbing batihoin, notice. All are invited. ing the Fxtr' mely Low will tuin out locked and a soldier on guard on each plat OO W. I.owell, Dresser & Co. sep2ldif Puice, oar line. apr22re&ent, faces beaming delight,indica lug Pavement, E. S. di toned, honorable Isabella's Latin. 1 as an Corporation, WORMECC CO., high gentleman and soldier, Queen good rre»b air was abundantly suppiie invig- oi Mew Slioe Is the best and in use for —The little prince royal Belgium is fast orating age t The uni versa lex da matter: irom those w. & o. a. Store. cheapest 316 Coagr—fl Mlroel, Portlaad, iVaine. —excusable lor his lack of patriotic devotion in the milldleh, His galleries was. ‘How pure the air is! How Portland, HI.,, going with dropsy. legs are already as different irom that in the old hall !’ Sidewalks.Garden Walks. Carriage E. S Wormell, J. Packard, Jr to the Union by his weak to the subscriber, I a to of the firm of Jones & Wil- lojalty as an The Boston on 37 of fj Warehouse Oct 13dl»,&fvit big elephant’s. School Committee say, p. tli°ir GENERAL SELLING AGENTS. THEley, lias taken flic store, rives, cellars, Southern notion of State rights. Said Wade Report, 18Cv:—The s ccoss oi these Ventilators has Floors, —The Loodon Times’s Paris correspondent been comp.ete and entirelu satisfactory. and can Xo. 15 in a campaign speech in Ohio last week ;— offering to the tbe Star we Chestnut Street,- Portland, NOT BE Q E8TIONED public Ma*cb, claim No. 81 Fox And for any place where a solid foundation is re- thinks the Queen of Spain will not be ailow.-d INlor them the following advantages to the censum- Block, Exchange St., Let \s see what kind of a Christian gentle- Fairbanks Scale Manufactory, quired. MAINE. MEW STOKE! to in over other viz: UJC7ITKRE he will an of there is a remain France if she continues to hold St 1807. er, any Match, keep assortment Men** The man this General Lee is. 1 know ... Johnsbury. Vt., June 4, 7 7 Organ is the best Bred instrument new in tamiliar with the Each bunch is full count, one hundred. RootH and NIiocm, of the best and most sub- Order* Ucft at Wo. 6 Month Mtreet use, excuse tins such toward her late We are results accomplished bv voiced with a rich, mellow and tone. The in some to language suhj.ota Held Mr. Each gross contains 576 more than the common stantial find. power!ul disposition places the Ventilators by and have no promptly attended to. great aim ha9 been to ol his intaiuv, and as in her In it she Kob.-naon, card matches. Having removed the of manufacture an instrument to traitor Irom a just reward recent address. as- hesitation in recommend ng the Panic. Thieeo* tlienr Manufacturing department please the ana satis NEW UOODS. lull count is to about six bunches he late firm to the above eye y tue ear. most sneaking, infamous to are on our Scnool one The equals more named place on Exchange G4TLi;Y,MIIEKIDA!V & GRIFFITHS Aiso he is the sumes a with r-gard France and High House, on the North sneet. he improved Melodeons. the latest of which is a yet, sir, position, one on our office. ii4a gross than other matches. will pay part cular attention to the manu- March 31-eodtt batch, i was there. I Church, and newly arranged which in- Rebel ol the whole inconsistent with in any climate. facture of prime Swell, does not put the the Emperor, totally that E. & T. FAIRBANKS & CO They keep strument out of tune. it was when the Rebellion broke have less odor than other Match. know fiow himself d to For Ventilation apply to the U. s VEN- They any Sulphur ALo on head of which he has shown dispos. allow perfect than keeps haiui Piano Fortes ot the best styles E. L. Scott was at the your army, TILAtlON 4G Congress They are longer auy other Sulphur Card Fashionable Hoots & tone. STARWOOD & out CO., Street, Boston. Shoes, Hard and White Pine Timber. and dc9eodly WA1. P. HASTINGS. CO., chief, and his chief ot his her. Her “illustiious a ly,” as she designates oct5-deodlm Sty Pricelist sent commander-in stall', for bv mail. Have taken the spacious They answer both Splint and Card Matches to bo ol the first quality. His long on baud and sawed to dimensions. store, most intimate counselor, was General Lee. him, lias certainly not hitherto displayed any do not black rbe wall wl en rubbed on it. buril>ess, anil the sat'sfaction his b>' him and most They Tnnu.iSn'.fJ11 >!‘c HARD PINE most trusted trusted by the inclination to come to her aid. On the con- Slew Store and Prices in tine in cases 8iven 1,1 the eusromeis PLANK. They are packed shipping order, * ol Jones He lurked there 20 and 30 each, in 1-4 gross SELLING AT COST Nos. 47 & 49 country. in the councils ol he has taken care to containing 10, gross pack- ,hat a" wh0 cal> UP- HARD PINE n.OORIVU Middle Street, trary, make it widely Sacrifice in Goods him will be ^™d.BUarUntCe AND STEP- ot General scott, got all his understood Greatest Dry ages. His terms And plans, known that he declines all are tbe sole are cash To close the stock of having purchased an new stock ot interference in the ever known in Portland! The above named firm Selling Agents upon deliverv of the ponds* and BOARDS. For Sale by out entire what he intended to do to put down the Re- lor domestic the corporation. as lin- affairs of Spain, and he may not be READ! BEAD! STETSON & POPE, Medi- bellion—thete, his confidential officer, E. P, GKURISH, ) s,e.n,i“wtL Drugs, '.Chemicals. Patent the well to cents Directors. gering in his ranks until he had obtained pleased find her, from the Imperial Prints. 7} lieryard. J. S. MARRETT, [ S WILLEY. Wliart and Dock, First, corner of E Street. Office Millinery and Fancy Goods, Good sep 22-dtf No. 10 state Boston. whole—hud then sneaked into the Confeder- Castle at her .9} MANASSEH smith, ) Street, may27dyni To make a in cine, Goods, Paints, Pau, insisting upon legitimate Best October 1. change business. Fancy ..12$ dti acy and swore to that, adding the and maintain Bleached Cottons.10 allegiance rights declaring her intention to d• C. Ac., perjury ol his soul to liell to his treason. Brown Cottons, . ..'2$ To Grant and BROWX, Congress St., Oils, Varnishes, them and to act “as becomes my quality of Very Colfax Clubs. Rubber Lined Horse Collars! That is the Christian gentleman they talk heavy Cottons—4-4.12$ of Chestnut st. usually kept In a This ob-ervt-s that if Heavv Shirting Flannel.2t) Hulled Corn* _Head oc2d2w* And all the stock about. Queen.” correspondent been of _ Real ‘’ ** appointed agent for the State to English Crown AlpaccB...-37$ We are Manuthcturers’ for Maine for tbe Freneli Government is prepared recog- ,r <« <• Agents the sale ol all HAVING the sale of the Eig’d ....25 will >t the of Rolled Com lresh — One of the soldiers in the “Huguenots,” nize in Spain that peo- All*Wool Long SHAWLS, $4 ; J. Bl’kCloaks, $4 50. Will find it daily, RUBBER Lift EU IIOKNE COLLAR) FOB^SALEl First Class and at the Saloon of Drug House, bis 10 the Also a stock ot LOVERShot, CLUB when played in Dublin, ou which bases right large UNIFORMS we are now and recently accidentally ple Napoleou prepared to furnish them to dealers to the trade ol this and afford Woolen* Lr men and Boys Wear! at the One Second-Hand Can now offer City State, the who was crown he it will not long hospi- New York others C as prostrate “Raoul,” Mon- wears, At Manufacturers’ Price*. mpaay’s price. Engine Lathe, good, on as reasonablo terms can be nought In prodded At HI. C. BOINTON’8, Mrs, 131 Thi is the best Col ar lor Work Horses and Princess who it Ulmer, Pearl Street. badly 18 ieet 27 Itn-ton or elsewhere, and parties belore in the face, and there was a scene of tality to the deposed gives horses wiil heal exain- long, swing inches. purchasing gini, jane, bailey a- co.. galled with its use. Call and do well to that means to 120 Middle Under Falmouth Hotel lte^h ,ue Also one New Drill will and Titieus be understood she Street, CsS***Also, Oysters and nice constantly on HujnkY DUNN & SON, Lathe. fainting rushing before the cur- plainly to bau»irei»i the price ECONOMY, Haying my Discount on Taxes. Lotti, lsi are attracting a irade from lovers of choice flav- Varieties. surprise, that it is asserted some and some mpany Pow,,er»for which there is a by parties in some very naughty very distressing Situation Wanted in a Grist Mill. known basso Susini, and others. on- ors which is without a IPer »l Baltimore, at Portland We can ?iii demand parallel. City New York ] Fourth Reveille; A Scotchman that I entertain ‘doubts about the He had visited North street and War Claim W. HAY—The market less Their >jreat succeis is Page—The things. other Agency—D. Shaw, ly trust that the ruuior for is firm than it win la*f because they are the true °‘ Kth' Cb,ni wh”l«- of a How to Get Patents—Munn & Co. may prove true, rich the fruits and Wiim.rth, in New praUeability constructing successfully localities and for dualities and flavors gf spices g/' remarkable NewYorkiT*rP England. line notorious Saturday evening re- Wanted—J. F. Tlbbets. Miss is not a as aie7e£ifilfW?>?U?te184 for b^st f n ??lppil,K working of railway through the Notch of Boot Maker Kellogg only beautiful woman »17® retailing. Compressed ba'es will strength. En» out at London 5tb. Sarah A Burke. Staples stnr.ie* the White X hasten to record the Modern Albanians for Save Your Monev—H. well as a bring a higher price tlan the common Ex-Gov. James Y..Smith, ot Providence, R. I.. for 7th, M A M*‘- Mountains, again proached becoming thorough artist, but she is also a per- pressed—the Philadelphia; Utrreia, Havener for ®ore 10 my conviction Millinery—Mrs. A A. Bent. difference in fre gh's. Loose hay is at says: “My w le pronounc e* them to Baltimore. As Wicked positive of its entire feasibility. so much iuterested iu account of fect We have selling superior any Agassiz’s Check Lost—A. C. Libby. lady. also heard that Vanden- $18 according to Straw is and flavoring extracts she lias ever used.” Ai at Falmouth 5th Deltt re- Not do I trom own odd quality. higher, deT- Inst, haven, Fieeie irom elections three very only my twenty in Xickersoi. & Co. ersare Kx-Jov. Since the Octo!>er monkeys Brazil, when so many chil- Dissolution—J. hofif, the celebrated actor and paying $12®13 per ton. The demmd ior Wm. A. Buckingham, of Connectic ut, Itai gooi. years experience as a civil upon rail- H. eminent elocu- his engineer dren in the House to Let—W. Jerris, shipping fal'en off, consequent upon reduced says: “Fora long time we have used them, and \r at Greenock 6th, Welkin, Hlamhird. markable things have happened. it very heart of the were tionist, will give one of his tad Sagu*. roads, pronounce an absolutely practicable metropolis dramatic readings prices at the South. ihem very fine/’ Sid fm Cards!) 5th, Ellon ]>yer, eland. Executive Committees ot aud of lor HIDES AND Dr. J. G. Carden*., The Democratic feasible route, but in confirmation my suffering attention. during the cours SKINS—The busint as transactions Holland, (Timothy Titcouh) author ot BM fm Glasgow 6th, Toscano, Simps m, tor New at the in send for publica- Notice. have been light, bill the market is ‘Katrina,” & the well-known author ot York. Georgia and Soutli Carolina, instigation position this matter I you Iu the course of his lecture Mr. des- firm, consequent spring- from H. Dyer the high rates for gol i. field, Mass., says: “They are the standard in this Ar at Bel Iks t • fh have issued manifes- cation a letter received by me Beuj. J^" TBe Carriers ol tiie Press are not allowed upon Waldo, Baker. Montevideo. of Northern politicians, known who cribed a tour among the haunts of vice which Excursion to Boston.—The of IRON—There is a good demand and the market is vicinity,” Latrobe Esq, the widely engineer to sell papers or the week, under cir- Captains Dealers that will the singly by any firm and steady at our quotations. Nails are treble their sales with them. Ar at. Batavia toes declaring they uphold negro the construction and, he made some years ago in company with the various Republican Ward quick Aug l.\ Maitha llowker, Good bum. located, superintended cumstances. Persons who are, or have seceiv- Organizations at tor assorted sizes. Pori'and, Me., sided of the right of after its been, 5|@54c mam1 by Cheribon, (and 22d tor Holland.) in the exercise suffrage. for many years completion,bad charge Judge McLean of the Court of the *• are called together this to the LARD—The market is steady, with a fair demand. SM 9, Hutc and Ohio railroad. Supreme ing the Press in this manner, will center a tav- evening perfect A,,,. Aug Naples. liD'on, Piling). has been the Demo- of the Baltimore No alteration in prices. Ar at Galie 4th .1 H It proposed by leading United and A. Af- or at this office. arrangements for a visit to Boston on i&yasv«s& ult, McCarreM, Corning, now the of Mr Statos, Stephen Douglas. by leaving word the 28th. LEATHER—There is more firmness Boston. of the Knowing high standing Latrobe, in the mar- cratic journal country, with the eminent ter was Mr. said that The of Boston and appro- as one of our mos. civil engineers, the visit over, Douglas Republicans are alive to the ket. Prices arc unchanged the business tran- Ar at St Helena lih ult. Moonbeam, Field, tfoKU bation of a number of minor his relation to that Western rail- sactions arc light. lor large journals, and great he had never before been able to fully credit work of giving the Portland Tanners a DODD’S Akyab Falmouth, (an .sailed.) United States Circuit Court. glori- LfME—We our for NERVINE way across the so close- advance quotations Rockland Otf* ibe por 1st ult, J F Patten, tm that and Blair, Alleghany Mountains, ous Percy, Akyab Seymour candidates represent- the of the debauchery and wick- SEPTEMBER TERM—CLIFFORD A5D reception, and it is to be a to -1 1 50 bbl—an advance or 15c bid loi ly aualagons to the projected Portland aud descriptions FOX, .J., PRE- hoped strong 45® per per AND SSVIGOBATOH > England. those who are hostile to SIDING. having taken ce at the kilns. Ar al Colombo 3d ult. ing negro suffrage, I wrote to edness of the ancient Romans, but he had delegation will go from this city. pi Heroine. Nickerson, from Ogdens urg Railway, him previous Arrange- ore no This Medicine is a NERVE should be for- Tuesday.—United States vs. Wm. S. LUMBER—There active movements and TONIC, it stops the (iraujam. withdrawn and others be put to the of the recon noisance seen that to enable him Trefethen. ments have been the to waste ol braces the supmitting report enough night hereaf- completed by Marshal Ben- demand is principally confined wants tor vitality, Nerves and reg- SM liu Goree Aug 2% Arthur Egg'cso, Doaoe. for made Mr. Chas. The of the Court was given quietly ward in their who favor suffrage by J. and myself in opinion by Judge Fox, son for an building. Our quotations show the as ulates the sysietn. Slecj Boston held II. Snow do. place negro Noyes ter to believe in any accounts of human wick- express train, both ways, to convey prices they lessness, Irritability, Los* Bird, Johnson, August of last year. us his letter ex- on motion in arrest of judgment in relation to the are at present. ot Energy-. Los* ot Appetite, D spepsia, Const 1 Ar at St Helena 30. Manila, and the reconstruction which it is secured. But, our pa Aug , bray, by edness and Ho Portland have MOLASSES—The '8 firm an 1 holders lion, local Weakness, ami a la (and sa plains, his absence from the country delayed a debauchery. gave graphic two counts in the indictment, and the Court held delegation. Arrangements market very general ling ot the |«m| 3lit tor N, w York) to be in mental and < The Southerners who happen to of also been made for are stiff at our quotations. Thee is a large demand bodily fum tions, are the omm.ii indica- Ar at Genoa 28th ult, Pat ter-on, trow reply my letter until some two months alter descriptions what he had seen in his visits the first count was ba and their accommodation while Caprera, that judgment was ar- ior and the stocks on are n' t abun- tion of Nervous Disease. D ildN and New York. an address to tlte De- our boiling hand Nervine Invtg- Washington have issued report had been submitted to the corpora- these in that Let orator is a Ar at among places. He had found persons rested on the charge of plundering the wreck of the city. every Commander be present dant. The rctaidng demand is confined to imme- complete sp‘cific tor all troubles, it is also sxmrna 19th ult, Edward Hill, Minton, to bend before the tors. the best mocracy imploring them living in cellars and life in them- Annie at the meeting this diate want.-. Portland Sugar House Syrup is held as it is also the most agreeable. Constantinople. Reference to Mr. Lat robe’s letter shows that keeping Ingraham. eveuing. at 37c in bbls ** 5,11 Radical hurricane and withdraw the revolu- **am*)ur* ‘Wi. Cosmopolite, Watts, iroia the Baltimore and Ohio Railway, has one con- selves by making cloth caps at a cent apiece. On the second count, for taking copper sheathings, NAVAL STORES—The market is quiet and the Remedy for Female Complaints CoU ticket. tinuous 11 miles in trom was and Periodicals.—Harper’s Monthly aud Pe- demand limited. No in from last tionary grade of length,varying He spoke of the New York tenement houses, judgment sustained, respondent sentenced change prices ever ottered to the and for terson’s International week. public. Prostration ot Strength, HPUKK.Y, These three things are evidently of the same 110 to 120 ft. per mile averaging the to one month’s imprisonment in the Magazine for Novem- and which contain generally nearly a hundred county jail. OILS—The Portland Kerosene have re- Hysteria—retained, excessive, irregu.ar painful Se*)t 17. lat 43 whole distance named 116 ft. per mile. Au- ber have been Company to its N. Ion 38 W, was passed brig K B origin. Neither could by any possibility Geo. F. Talbot, United States Attorney, for Govern- received, and can now be pur- duced the price of their pioductions to 3*c for kero- menses—yield power. otiior continuous grade uniformly 116 ft. families each, and spoke of one which con- Gove, steering East. pr. J. O’Donnell for chased at the book stores of sene and 33c tor refined petroleum. The demand Oct lat Ion have happened bofore the 13th of October.— and one-half with hundred ment. respondent. Bailey & Noyes To MOTHERS. 15, 3J, 7* 47. barque Almira Coombs, mile for8 miles, curves, upon tained twelve people. These houses for them continues to be large. Linseed has fa Ion Irom Marsh ill Davis vs. Elisha T. Cotton. of and Hall Havana for Fahuoutb, E, 5 days out. They are all suggested the same considera- tiiese grades, of radii as low as tioo ft. or Action L. Davis, Short & to $1 00 for raw and 05 lor by sharp- are vile and dirty beyond description or even Excliauge street; $1 boi'ed; lard oil lias al- Mothers! we also commend the NERVINE tor use er than the Fish Point curve account against defendant as of so shaded off. Fish are tion that moved Wade to consent origiual of the alleged agent plain- Loring, corner of Free and Centre C. oilH firm and unchanged in the diseases which alliiet c hildren while Hampton There are who streets; with Teething, Grand Trunk which I believe was a 9 conception. 600,000 persons tiff. Heard the re- a good demand. as certain to adorn to suppress the and declara- degree by presiding Judge. Decision R. Chisholm & Grand Trunk Also quick ami grateful relief. The SBW Ai>\ EBTlBKMWTat plain unequivocal curve, since made easier. live iu these places in New Ycrk. There are Bro., Depot. PAINTS—Prices are very firm and steady at last stupefying of which is Hie something served. week’s syrups, Opium principal tions that he wished to insert in the New York at the school music aud store quotations. The business transactions have are >is to Now reference to the report made Mr. in New York 221 arrests a and book, periodical ingredient, dauge. rite, impair the tune by day, among Putnam. Howard & Cleaves. been very fair. tions of aud will show that no such of E. C. tlicstoinacu and bowels, and actually platform —policy. Noyes myself high the arrests last there were arresta Andrews, No. 36 Centre street; the PRODUCE—The market is well with the is year 21,382 Elisha T. Colton vs. Norman Y. Briuiall. As- supplied Impede healthy growth of your offspring. To that there is uo average grade required in surmounting the tresh meats and are not and W.nd Ins. €o. It will bn observed proposi- of women. The on account annexed. periodical depot of Messrs. Fessenden Broth- poultry. Eggs plenty cure Colic, regulate the'bowels so:ten the Albany City of land in the but that tile heavi- whole number of arrests of sumpsit Not finished. in bight Notch, bring 32® 33c large packages. Potatoes are‘high- gums, and relieve pain, the NERVINE 'will tion from any to change the Demo- Howard & ers, Lancaster and at the store of er. always quarter est and only unusually severe division—that both sexes last year was about 80,000, which is Cleaves. Putnam. Hall, fancy t he poor ones having been got rid of, those that be tound safe and efficient. N date me u of its isudilisu cratic Whoever was to be in Court W. D. street. are now brought in are o; better and we platform. placed between Lawrence’s aiid the present Crawlord more than the entire of some adjourned to 10 o’clock Robinson, Exchange quality, on the 1st of 1858. population Wednesday. quote them at day January, Hotel—will not exceed an of 100 ft. nr. 75®90o per bushel. Onions bring Don’t Use Else! Domtnauon was to be pledged b'r average 50 Anythin!; States. $7®7 per bbl fir choice ones. Sweet potatoes are mile for a distance of 10 miles and our judg- Court. P. L. I. Promenade.—It last Dodd’s the act of the nom- Superior promised high and oriug $6 50<®7 50 per bbl for prime. Cran- Nervine contains no OPIUM or other Cash OO very accepting ment was that the curvature would be Capital, $200,000 quite OCTOBER TERM—GODDARD, J., PRESIDING. to be a brilliant affair at the Prome- berries are quite plentv and all the from poisonous ingredient. For sale by all New Hampshire Items.—Five are evening bring way Druggists. ination to the payment of the nation- throughout. In conclusion it may not be persons $7 tor sott to $14 for Coil bbl. Price One Dollar per bottle Surplus, 151,877 42 easy Tuesday—No. 91—Palmer Clark vt. Caleb S. nade Concert of the Portland Cape per al debt In greenbacks and to the overthrow of deemed impertinent for me to say that when to lie tried for murder at this term of the Su- Light Infantry. PROVISIONS—There is no change from last H. B. STORKK & CO., Proprietors, Small. Assumpsit on account annexed for services the market is No. 75 Fulton New the lino was first projected through the White Judicial Blit just as the first dance bad commenced, week; very firm especially lor pork, Street, York. the and void” preme Court, which began at Ports- as clerk for the stocks of clear W. F. Co Total Assets, $351,877 42 “uuconttitutional, revolutionary I it as a to plaintiff. Judgment for plaintiff being light. Phillips & Wholesale A gents lor Maine* Mountain Notch, regarded visionary and crowds were pouring into the hall the reconstruction acts. Remember here what mouth, yesterday: Josiah L. Pike, for the and costa. gas PLASTER—The market is firm .at our Ootobei 15,1867. W&Slv and absurd scheme, predicating my belief upon $84.14 quota- Caeti oa In Bank and In out the in darkness. tions ot last week. sales have been made at bund, course of an as I then cor- murder of Mr. and Mrs. Brown at gave leaving party Noth- Cargo Hampton said in bis speech after the adjourn- early notion, aud, thought, Hampton D. H. Ingraham. S. L. Oarleion. our quotations. transmission, $42,682 81 rect ol that mountain pass. When daunted, the members scattered and U. S. A N. Y. State market ment of the New York Convention of the impression Falls, May 8th. He will plead guilty. Toom- No. 145—Henry Rowe vs. Sherman P. Place and ing gath- RICE—The demand except tor immediate use is MARRIED. Bonds, value, 127,239 09 invited to make a rtconnoissance with Mr. small. Our are Bunds and Mortgages (first Trustee. for re- tered all the could muster and re- quotations maintained. liens), property beartiuess with which Northern men in the as O. Cornell for the murder of a man named Assumpsit rent, &c. Decision lamps they valued at Noyes I contemplated the expedition with so SALT—There has been a large demand tor coarse $202,750, 82,681 71 served. lighted the hall, and the dances went on. A Bills Receivable notes not contending for and re- strong an assm auco, in my own meet Page at Hampstead, July 31st. Enoch salt for country purposes, as is usual at this season In this city, Oct. 20. by Itev. E. ('. Bolles, Geo. W. (prem. due), 50,3 5 46 Convention, “policy” mind,of Fogg, Loans secured to Carleton. Davis Sc Drummond. time was those who re- of the year. Prices are firm and Green, ot Reusing on, and Miss A. I by Collaterals, 12,645 04 eerve in the of the ing with insurmountable obstacles the pro- for murder of at pleasant enjoyed by unchanged. Emily Prescott, language platform, pledged -Mcquillan Seabrook, SOAPS—At the reduced ol .•*. H. Peisonal property, Office Furniture, Ac., no had serious No. 175—Andrew Winslow vs. Webster. prices, Leatbe & Gore’s Hampton trails, 10,000 ject, that I thoughts of declining George but a portion left the hall when Duj from other themselves to do what was required of them in Aug. 31st, by beating him on the head with a mained, large steam refined soaps find a good market, and are in In Vfllaige. (Cape Elizabeth) Oct. 19, bv R v sources, 22,099 85 to undertake the examination. for account annexed for Feny lute rest accrued but Assumpsit provisions—the darkness reigned. We the company will demand m all pans of the State. H. M. Vajil, Silas W. Pierce and Maria M. Hiciiards, not due, 4,163 50 behalf of the late Confederates election.— to me to make gunstock. Dorr for to murder his hope after So that enable the report ottemptiug balance claimed to be due is $63.25. Defendant SUGARS—The demand tor Portland is both ol Monhegan Island. it when are sure ol a brilliant sugars from this how sincere would be the the grave doubts then entertained mother with an axe at try again, they good, for refined. In the New York mar- In Uiddetord, Oct. II, Oliver S. and $331 877 42 Jnnge truthfully, Derby, Sept. 15th. C. claims that he paid plaintiff $50 that has not been especially Whitney Eliza* had to be overborne the evidence ket there has been marked in raw beth M. Whitnev. LIABILITIES: of heart indicated a of can- by positive E. Marston for an to kill Oliver Blake light- activity sugars, change by change attempt credited to him, and filed an offer to be defaulted ami refining qualities have been taken in In Rockport, Oct. 4, David O. Llncoln- of my own eyesight. That report was djiiber- large quan- Mahoney,ol Losses adjusted, not due, $4,002 88 didates. that their candidates nomi- at North June 2d. for and costs. Decision reserved. tities as soou as they arrived. We the vdle, and Mary A. Sherman, of Camden Finding ately drawn up after a careful examination Hampton, $20 legal Levee.—The friends of the “Allen give quota- do.(reported,but not Investigated,) Mission,” tions of Portland sugars a' were on in Belmont, Oct. 3, Comfort Whitcomb an t Mis. nated because of their fitness as exponents of and I positively and uucquivocally reaffirm it A schooner arrived at Portsmouth on Sun- Smith & Reed. 0. P. Mattocks. they Tuesday. Marine, Iniandiand Fire, 47,036 79 will hold a levee and festival this evening, at TEaS—The market is very firm tor all Kinds of Hannah W. Ordway. now. John F. The cases are for in teas. -$51,089 67 the n are unpopular they propose to Anderson, whose crew took 100 barrels of mackerel following assigned Wednesday They have advaned in New York but our In Verona, Oct. 5, Richard C. Abbott and Mercy platfor day, their chapel on Locust street, for the purpose Civil Engineer. the order are named: jobbers are selling at old prices. M. Bridges. make an ostensible change by putting up new in on one worth $20 per barrel they Total Net Assets, $^00,838 15 day, of raising funds to assist them in their good TINS—The market is quiet with a moderate de- In Rockport, Sept. 30, Franklin E. and MR. LATROBE’S LETTER. 150—Hooper vs. Ray et al. Moody men on the same platform. Work in tlie Navy Yard is not driving and mand at our reduced quotations of last week. Amelia N. Hilt, both of Lincolnville. 146—Power vs. Brown and Trustees. work of clothing the children and giving them Commonwealth of Massachusetts. I Baltimore, Nov. 26,1867. TOBACCO—There is a fair demaud and are How tar, for instance, can the of the resembles Goldsmith’s deserted vil- et al. vs. Hall. prices sincerity Jno. F. C. Me. yard 31—Corey instruction in the Sabbath school.— firm. are Insurance Department. ) Anderson, Esq., E., Portland, 59—Haskell et all. vs. religous Quotations unchanged. the Georgia Democrats be trusted when lage. 500 are on the rolls. Ripley. VARNISH—The demand is moderate and Be it known unto all to whom these they Dear Sib,—Your letter to me of the 7th Only persons 137—Varnev et al. vs Donations of and other refreshments prices presents come, Perry. fruit,cake are steady at our quotations. that the Albany Cily Insurance the •xpelied from the House the negro members September was not received until a day or two Loose hay is worth $18 Der ton; potatoes $1 vs. Dvor. _DIED. Company,of City 166—McCarty sent to the this afternoon will WOOL—There have been more movements the of in tne Stat* of New York, naviug been siBee on my return from four months’ absence 247—Wheeler etai. vs. Nichols. chapel during Albany, to whose magnanimity the most of them owed per bushel; apples are plenty; cider 15 conts past week than for some time back. In this city, Oct. 20, Mrs. Martha A wile ot Geo. duly admitted to do business in this Common vrealt h in or it would have been answered at be received. We the Europe, afternoon. thankfully hope chapel F. aged 25 vears 8 months. under the laws and duly their own seats? FREIGHTS—There is some for Hanna, thereof, having complied once. The time has I per gallon. inquiry tonnage all lung passed, presume, 3—Hearn vs. Soule. will be crowded to overflowing by the friends lor with but fFuneral Thursday afternoon, at 2 o’clock, from with said laws,and being possess* d of the requisite can Cuba, few vessels in port How far the sincerity of the authors of wht u any information 1 could now give or Charles Brewster, editor of the Portsmouth disengaged. No. 94 Brackett street. tunds and investments, ist'u ly auth >nzed to trans- of this truly Christian The only engagements since our last report are manifesto which has been issued from express upon the you pro- . In Falmouth, Oct. 19, Mr. Edward Noyes, 68 act ihe business ot Fire anil Marine Inzum ic< wi»h- the just opinion questions Journal, has nearly ready for the press Ram- schooner T. J. Trafton, from N. S. to Al- aged would be of service to aud I write Municipal Court. Windsor, years. iu this Cumnmnweatb. JOHN K. SANFORD, be that pose you, bles in and exandria, Ya. with plaster at $3 25 per ton; Washington trusted, remembering around Portsmouth.” JUDGE PRESIDING. Masonic.—At the annual of brig [Funeral this at 2 o'clock. Insurance Commissioner. now only to account for my uot writing before. KINGSBURY meeting Eagle George Amos, from Portland to Halifax, N. S. and (Thursday) afternoon, of the c'ass who have In Augusta, Sept. 15, Mrs. Lucy N., wileol It. B. they are representatives I will however say, as you ask what sire “the Ex-President Pierce is gaining His Tuesday.—The case of John for intox- No. of held back at $UOO tor the round slowly. Callahan, Chapter, 11, Saccarappa, Maine, currency trip. Worth ley. aged 40 years. the South with san- grades aud their also the seaside house has been constantly filling highest lengths, high- for the greater part of the ication and disturbance, was continued to Oct. 30tb. Oct. 19th, the following officers were elected In Sidney, Sept.'9, Mrs. Kate H., wife ol Charles Marine and Fire est contiuuons grade for any distance up to S. Holt, aged 26 years. Insurance, what would time been Michael was on a guinary threats of they do to both full of visitors, and if that is any O’Donnell brought up complaint for the Masouic II. J. Brad- SPECIAL twenty miles which I have known 10 lie work- ensuing year: NOTICES. In Vassalboro, Oct. 2, Mrs. Zeruah, wife of William TAK EN AT CURRENT RATES. and after election? he must be a made for an assault and battery on officers Beal and 41 negroes carpet-baggers ed over by locomotive engines”—that on the criterion, popular man. bury, H. P.; D. N. McCann, K.; Andrew Jepson, aged years. Pennell, and fined $3 and costs. Committed. John Quiuey Adams was right when he told Baltimore & Ohio railroad which I located Mr. Lynch’s resolution for removing the ma- Hawes, Sc.; H. P. Murch, C. of H.; C. W. MISS Cortland—Office 166 fore St. west of Cumberland in there is a Jane Soper was brought up on a complaint made JONES, IMPORTS. the of South Carolina that the North- 1848-9, con- terial of the Charleston Yard to S. people Navy Kitterv, Foy, P. S.; B. M. Edwards, Jr., R. A. C.; CLAIRVOYANT 21 tinuous grade ranging from 116 to 120 feet per for larceny of butter from Stephen Emerson and for MEDIUM, Brown ern people are profoundly d istrustful of their ought to pass, and then the latter would be the H. M. 3d Wm. C. M. 2d BLINDstreet, is very successful in all diseases of the Joint W. & mile and averaging 116 for 11 miles, with a notorious thief She was sentenced to the Cutter, VI.; Phiuney, PICTOU, NS. Trairie Son, being blood, In describing the present and hi busi- Brig Rose—420 tons coal, Monger Agents. honesty. They have every reason to be so dis- curves on the i20 feet of 1000 feet radius one in the Its A. W. M. 1st James Pennell, future, to Jas L Farmer. October 21-eod3w grade largest country. surroundings House of Correction for thirty days. VI,; Shaw, VI.; nese matters, &c. sepl4dtt trustful. The elections for the last three dud over, and ou the 110 feet grade of 600 feet are such that it is capable of being one of the Solomon for intoxication and disturb- Treas.; D. W. Babb, Sec. as a minimum Hanscora, radius between all reversed Jgg^FREE LUNCH served at 10 years have been evidences of this distrust. finest in the world. was fiued every day o’clock, DKPAR'l Cl RID OF OCRAN STttAMfcRS. curves not less thau 200 feet ance, $5 and cost straight—up this Promenade Concert.—The Female Samar- G. D. There is one to by MILLER, Boody House, cor. of Congrss NAME FROM DESTINATION New satisfactory inference be grade engines of about 38 tons (of 2000 pounds) Michael Carty was brought up on a complaint England The Elections. — The itan Association will a con- and Chestnut sts. Missouri.New York. .Havana.Oct 20 drawn, from the attitude all wheels carry nine to ten freight Copperheads have made for attempting to break into the dwelling give promenade sep3dtt8N however, penitential coupled, Germania.New York. Hamburg.Oct 20 each 20 tons car aud or lrom 180 to now all the States that held their cert at Hall on next in of the Southern Democracy. It foreshadows cars, load, given up bouse of Sylvester B. Beckett, and erdeied to recog- City Thursday evening Moro Castle.New York.. Ha. ana.Oct 22 tons A lard. Mutual Insurance 200 behind the tender. There is another elections on the 13th inst. The nize to the State in the sum of for Samaria.New York.. 22 Co., the prompt acquiescence which will be New York $500 his appear- aid of the poor of the city. Chandler will Liverpool.Oct they grade uniformly 116 feet per mile of 8 1-2 nnles A Clergyman, wbi e residing in South America as Merrimack.New York. .Rio Janeiro. .Oct 22 World concedes to the Radicals ance at the Superior Court to be held in January furnish the and there will be refresh- BOSTON. constrained to show in the election of Pennsylvania music, .. Grant. long on the some road, with curves of 600 feat a missionary, disco ved a safe and simple lor Hibernian.Quebec.. Liverpool.Oct 24 to obtain sureties he was committed. remedy now radius on that Ou a branch of the same by a majority of 8,991, Ohio and In- Failing ments for sale in the Room. It is (.olumbia.New 1'ork..Glasgow.Oct 2* The Devil is sick aud would be a monk; grade. by 18,328 Reception the Cure of Nervous Weakness, Dis- Mutual. Chartered 1835. to Early Decay, Guiding Star.New York. .Aspinwall.Oct 2ft Curety road leading coal mines there is a continu- diana Some of these are to be our citizens will if Seymour were elected he would immediate- by 1,093. majorities hoped liberally patronize eases ol the Urinary and Seminal Organs, and the Allemannia.... New York.. Hamburg.Oct 27 ous grade of seven or eight miles of 135 feet resume his if not as as those which the Radicals have Attention Continentals. this its for such a noble whole train ot disorders on baneful and Russia.New York. .Liverpool.Oct 2' ly diabolical form; Grant is elec- which the same large concert, object being brought by Capital, $5,300,000. per mile, up class of engines Moravian. Queb c.Liverpool.Oct 31 but are to A of the Commercial Street Conti- as the necessities of the vicious habits. Great numbers have ted be will remaiu a monk for the rest of his carry empty coal cars weighing some 100 tons actually given, they enough insure meeting purpose relieving poor been cured by Scotia.New York.. Liverp >ol.Cct 31 All Polieie* Won-I'orfelting ! The election of Grant will be the gross. The curves on some parts of this road victory, and this is acknowledged on all hands. nental Club will be holden at Lancaster Hali, aud needy of our city. this noble remedy. Prompted by a desire to benefit Peruvian.Quebec.Liverpool.Nov 7 ( nth Dividends Paid Anuually. days. sig- Nova are, I think, of a radius as short as 400 the afflicted and 1 will send the Scotian.Quebec.Liverpool.Noa 21 nal for the disappearance of the last Ku-Klux feet, The latest returns from Nebraska give us that Wednesday evening at 7 1-2 o’clock to maka unfortunate, recipe but the grade is lessened, 1 ou those to a believe, State for the excursion to Boston.— Unnatural.—In the passage way for preparing and using this medicine in a sealed en- Office 166 Fore Sts. squad. Negro shootiug will give place to parts. I speak only from a recollection oi by 2,400 majority. arrangements Miniature Almanac.October 21. house on Park street, Mr. Hilton yesterday velope, to any one who needs it,/ree of charge. *• more legitimate branches of and the some years past in regard to this road, which Every person wishing to accompany the Con- Min rises.6.20 Moon nets. 9.40 PM W industry, a with a tied Address. JOSEPH T. INMAN, Station D. Bible John I did uot locate. On the part of the B. & O. Horatio on the Stump.—Our dispatches tinentals in that excursion is to be morning found bandbox string Sun sets.5.08 Hi«b water.... 3.IS PM reign of peace will extend even to Texas. requested House, New York City. jy‘22d3m sn Railroad, which is above referred to and which state this that the Democratic candi- around it. On it the doad of a Meanwhile it is morniDg present. Per Order opening body good to have vice apologize embraces the passage of the Alleghanv Water date for the Presidency is about to take the al- oct20-2t P. female infant was discovered, apparently re- to virtue in the manner it has been compelled shed, the passenger traius of 5 or 6 ears behind Chamberlain, Secretary. MAKJ^TT" .a, V » most was WELLCOME’S are unprecedented step of advocating his cently born. It placed in charge of Coro- to do by the exigencies of the political situa- the tender carried up the grades at twenty miles hour 10 wheeled own claims to office on the ner who ordered it to be in- per by locomotives—6 stump. Douglas Gould, decently A. A. HEX a, tion. drivers and Attention All l coupled supporting some 60,000 lbs. did this in but as the net lesult was terred. 1860, only Liver -• *iO C enter Nlrvfl,.Pertlani, adhesive weight aud a tender in front. On the of all the Ward Kegul; The indomitable 12 electo- al votes his can be Captains Republican Organ- •o< the patronage or hei old friends and “youthful, Democracy still R. R. moun- example hardly New Houses.—Mr. AVm. has Pennsylvania through Alleghauy izations are to meet at Kilby just A1SD- customers, to give satisfaction a- former- as In the case of requested Republican SOLICITS hoping have in the Argus a humorous organ that in tains from Altoona to Galitzin, about 16 regarded inspiring. Seymour ot miles, erected an elegant block of houses on Cush- field, St John, NB, via ly. She has all the ditterent styles is surmounted a of Headquarters, Lancastor Hall, this evening at its power of exciting cachinnations exceeds by grade 95 feet per mile, it is not possible that greater success will at- ..v/ston. with curves of about 800 feet radius I o'clock to man street, and also one on Spruce. They are M Hats, Bonnets, Flowers, Feathers, think. tend the It is too well 712 perfect the arrangements for a Curei ~.>gU&ra Goodrich, Look, 1‘ictou, NS. the united powers of Dean Swift, experiment. understood Dyspeptic and in tho line. Sidney On this grade passenger tiaius of 7 or 8 cars to Boston. A. M. beautifully finished aud contain all the mod- Sch r S McLellan, (new) Farr, oi and from Bruns- everything Millinery Goldsmith. Dr, that it is the last resource of and visit Benson, wick. Smith, Holmes, Saxe, Nasby, arc carried up by two ordinary passenger loco- despairing ern conveniences. October 21,18U8. dtf Marshal. Sch (Jtlca, Thorndike, Rockland. Artemus Daniel Mirk motives couple l together ip frout of the train. ntterly hopeless political managers. To throw Ward, Pratt, Twain, Sch Z Snow, Thorndike. Rockland for New York. If these facts will be ol to is an service you you are off the reserve which Presidental can- extraordinary remedy lor the LIVER Sch Audrew Johnson and all the other fitting as Lecture.—Miss Sally Holley of New York Henry A, Wade, Waldoboro for Boston. humorists, welcome to them. It would be for Opera.—It is impossible to translate the an l KIDNEYS, when diseased. It is coin! ound- Discount on Taxes! impossible THIS Steam-tug Alert, from Richmond, Me. with a ancient or modern. The still Uia didates usually preserve and into the will lecture at the Street Church on ed ot several of tlie best Koot«.fierbM and Hnrfeii Argus keeps me from the data you give in your letter to ex- plunge telling points and witty sayings of a French Newbury barge In tow witn 1100 tons Ice. Coaled and known, which act directly on the LIVER and KID- up pro- names of and Blair at the head of its I press au as to what of noisy arena of political strife, will place Mr evening next. ceeded. Seymour opinion system grades Opera Bouffe into Euglish as it is to give Friday Subject—Temperance NEYS. D the Bh would be the best correcting gestion, Purii\ing od, ■ comes out I for the line you describe. I at a sad for liis The are CLEARED. t'AX Payers are hereby reminded that the time column, but square ami lair for Seymour disadvantage, strong Frenchmen a correct Idea of of and Justice. public invited to attend. Regulating the Nervous System, Curing Pain in the G^n. can however, that I could have a the^gorlq* the • allowed for tae or Taxes sav, got grade lias It would Side, Shoulders, Back, Head, Keek and Steamer Chesapeake, Bragz, New York—Hen- voluntary payment Hancock. It prints a communication from “bn point always been“deportment.” immortal a lib- Limbs,Shill- under a of 66 leet per mile instead of that averaging Shakespeare. Neverthfless, by ing and Faintness 01 the stoma Weakness of the ry Fox. have been far better for him to take the advice Birds.—To-day is the last day on which the b, eminent soldier”—probably Mrs. Harris, iu lier 116 on the B. & O. R. If. by elongating the eral anil a local habitation Limbs, Languidness, Yellowness ot the and Steamer Chase, Mulligan, Halitax, NS —John interpretation giving beautiful collection of Eyes lines several miles and ad- of th# and other birds, at the rooms of Skin, Jaundice, Pain in the Bones, Dry Porteoas. great impersonation of Minerva—who says encountering great World, Intelligencer, Argus to the “Grand Duchess” as references to Dyspepsia, Discount of five Per ditional and much (such E. M. Patten Cough, Sore throat, Night Ner- Sch E G Willard, Parsons, Philadelphia—K G Wil Cent, expense heavy curvature. Democratic and suffer his name to be & Co., Exchange street, will be Sweats, Irritaoiiitv, that the nomination of Seymour was “unwise journals well known local a vousness, Loss of Weak la d. The uractical working of the road has, I think, institutions) very agreable sold at sale. Memory, Eves, Dizziness, will expire at the close of business on the 81st lost. and and that of Blair withdrawn. private Dropsy, eic. These difficulties arise trom a bail Liv- Enoch H Ill-Judged” “a worse .justified my location. No accident due to the entertainment was the result. The last sum- SAILED—Ship Talbot; brig C Kennedy; H. tv. Trea*. & Collector. er. sob Ida L Howard. HEKSKY, blunder,” He that there is a grade had has ever happened on the 11 miles mer i8a Portland, October -Hit, I860. ocvldtd gays very truly News Items. Mr' Bateman’s troupe gave this opera with The Portland Mechanic Blues are to have a B3F*ft valuable remedy tor Scrofulous and or that of 8 1-2 and it grade mites, continues to Syphilitic Diseases,and all Glandular BY TEL. TO MEBf popular impression, that the nomination of a that had uot been time on Enlargements, HANTS EXCHANGE. be worked satisfactorily. People will be very much surprised to learn perfectness surpassed in grand Friday evening next, and all Canker, Humor in the Stomach and Bowes.Costive- was about Ar at l »th, bar-iue P Lord, Seymour brought by the Copper- I remain that Jeff Davis New York; chorus, orchestra, supernumerar- that are in search of should ness, Rheumatism, etc. It is iree »rom UalonuJ and Philadelphia Henry 12©w to Get Patents. respectlully Yours, is not to be tried in Decem- happiness attend. Pinkham, Portland; Golden do. with “that Aloes—lias all the good pioperti.-s of those bug Lead, Dow, heads, beginning obnoxious,though Benj. Latrobe. ies, everything was Last (he Drugs schs c L Vamiervort. and For no Send sketch and ber. perfect. night and noner t the bad. Ttthf is a Purely Henry Horion.do opinion, charge. descrip- aud Mr. Andrew the fashionable Vegeta- Sid tm e aware Breakwater 17th, A outraged wrongly-abused gentlemen, Mr. The in Madrid have stuck notices company had great odds to contend Geyer, sta- ble Keuiedy, safe lor all. brig Amy tion. For application send model not over one loot To the Soldiers and Sailors.—The fol- insurgents against; Lane, tor Portland. He that tioner, is to occupy one of the new stores un- in and tir.-t 'lover ament and Vallandighaia.” says,also very truly, on the “This house to the failure of the gas compelled the use of such rze, $16 Stamp lee*.— address has been issued to the royal palace, advertising &F“Sold by all Druggists and Medicino Dealers. is to lowing stirring der the St. Julian Hotel. Launched—At Waldobnro 15th inst, caveats It useless deny these aspersions, aud let.” temporary aid as could be procured in the way by Reed, Specifications, Drawings, ; assignments pre- soldiers and sailors of the country: and Welt A Co, a ship of ilOOtons, named Annie Fish, reacted claims winds up his effusions with an of kerosene and and Prepaied Sold only by pared; prosecuted. Also, interfer- lugubrious ap- The leaf of the plantain, the kind haviDg a lamps candles, their light owned by the builders and others, and to be com- Headquarters Soldiers’ and Sailors’ manded G M ences, extension ot patents, and appeals. Patents for the substitution of the name' ot Han- ) threw a over the by Capt Yates, of Bristol. peal National Executive > red stalk, is said to he a certain cure for the gloomy tinge brilliant court Biisincxs lie ni h. JEREMIAH Republican Com., BUXTON, JR., taken out in all Kuropcan countries, lllustra ed cock for that of Horatio Seymour. Taken all 446 14th St., D. Oct. 19. 1 after Should of her Washington, C., ■‘haukering” tobacco. there be Royal Highness. MEMORANDA. 110 sent tree. Ad >res* Dr. Bennett heals the sick without Also Proprietor ol the Great German pamphlets, pages, MUNN