PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. 7 " yMaMUhed June 23, rot. WEDNESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 21, 186a 7._PORTLAND, ta.oo per annum, tn THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS is published MISCELL AN EOU8. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. ar No. 1 Printers* [ gvery day, (Sunday executed.) __ WANTED_ _ miscellaseocs. November Exchange, Exchange Street, Portland. Putnam’s Monthly opens N. A. FOSTER, Proprietor. Dissolution Notice. DAILY PRESS. with an article of Copartnership No. M. Terms Eight Dollars a year in advance. WANTED—men to work on Ledge nt Alfred. 5. by Dr. George Beard, discussiug the some- ▼ ▼ Enquire at the Office ot Portland & Rochester WT“ Single copies 4 cents. poutland what startling qusstion, “Who of us are In- LOWELL & copartnership heretofore existing between the Railroad o mpanv. SIMILIA HOYT. THEundersigned, under the firm name ot W*NS- Portland, Oct 1868. dlw SIMIL1B0S (JURANTUR. sane?” The is an able and THE MAINE STATE is at the 15, paper interesting PRESS, published LOVV & is this same PAGE, day dissolved by mutual con- place every Thursday morning at #2.50 a vear; sent. one, though the cheerful conclusion reached 11 paid in advance #2.00 a year. Wednesday Moraine:, October 21, 1868. The liabilities ot this copartnc sh-p which has ex- Wanted! by the writer is that a large proporliou ot us isted since the 18th day of will be adjust- RENT of four fo six Humphrey’s Kaiem of Advertising.—One in*h ot tn May, 1868, rooms, In a good flommopathic mortals are space, ed Mr. and the Specifics, mo e or less cracked. ,Mr. Henry length oi column, constitutes a “square.” by Russell, payment «*l ad sums due, locality,! Address 185 Commercial Street, Presidential whether by note or is to be made to him, uctober 15 1868. dlw* PROYTED, from the most Election, Tuesday, Nov.fid. T Tuckerman follows with au accouut of “Lo- #1.50 per square daily first week. 75 cents ]»er account, ample experi- FURNITURE! who is alone authorized to code t the same. HAVEence, R’i en ire success; Effi- week after; three insertions, or less, #1.00; contmu- Simple—Prompt- renzo “The Regions of ■s SUMNER cient and Reliable. They arc the only Dapoute:” Unexplored ne every other day atter first week, 50 cents. WINSLOW, Medicines CHARLES E Wanted I per.'ecuy ad pted to use—so Rcpahllcuu Nomination**. Central America” Mr. Halt square, three insertion^ or less, 75 cents: one PAGE, Immediately! popular simp’e that are described by George JO N RUSSELL. 'I mistake” cannot be made in using so harmless week, $1.00; 50 cents pe week alter. / AN^nVei’aIt“er’wi $2,000 capital. Business them; 'iquier, who knows them Mr. T. VV. Unde- head ot And Portland, Oct. 1868. octl7eodlw an<l as to 1».- free from danger, an .so efficient °s to be al- well; “Amusementh,” #2.00 per square Monse-Furnishing €»oods, 16, ForF, P“vin~ $3,000 l*r annum Itartherufith8*®0"8'"1'1 reliable. have raise the com- Kinix writes ol per week; three insert i ns or less, $1.50. particulars address ways They highest “Commercial Progress In Gbi- mendation trora will Special $J.J5 per square tor the first D F O Box 2108 Me. all, and always render satislac- j I and the Notices, i ssolution sh Poitiand, ion. na,” serial story, “Too Is and 25cents *‘or each subse- CHEAP AS I of Copartner ip 0013_business, True," Insertion, per square THE CHEAPEST to a quent brought satisfactory conclusion. The insertion. No. 1 po- Advertisements inserted iu the “Maine State copartnership heretofore existing under the wanted. Cures Fever*. Congestion, Infinmat'ons, i’5 litical article is ot entitled, “Whom the People Press” has a ciiculation in 11 THEstyle LEACH, PAhKER & CO. is this day Worm 25 (which large every part PREBLE «« ? .! Worn,-Fever, Colic, wiil and lor STREET, PORTLAND. dissolved bv mutual consent. The busineas will be or Elect, Why.” Other contributions ot the State) lor $1.00 per square first insertion w i «*ry,ug Colic of 25 settled Leach & Wholesale Dry Goods’ T Teeiking fntan'B, and 50 cents per square lor each inser by Parker. Sales trail, Dmrrhcea of children or 25 are: An “Anthem of subsequent SEiF~Highe8t price in cash paid for all descriptions of second-hand Goods. u \ adult-*, the Universe,” by Mr. House-Keeping Portland, Sept. 30, 1868. Mlllinus 25 Mott. cau inflnenC€ first cl:t8s trade in «« r c. ®J"®»«®ry. Griping, Colic, W. ocl2dlm L. F. HOYT. I^iif Charles A. Munger, and a beautiful poem LOWELL._ of tostery, G Fur- <4 4< V. w<e.ra"tJiorbn««Nausea,Yoiniling.25 by ifiihiMa slm K GooniTff ls J.e1Par‘mtntsiIo oves, Co SPECIAL PARTNERSHIP. >pSI-,rts, Small Wa N,;ti„n « o 44 *'onHh*, da, Bronchitis, 25 T. W. Parsous,entitled “Watching the River" Ac. Aduress Box Weuial***, Toothache, Facenohe BUSIMKS8 CARDS. 19T6. boston_octl0-u2w <4 S 44 25 “The Three Work Days, ”by J. J. Piatt; “The O LEACH, HORACE B. PARKER «< in cc Head«*ehea,Sick-Hea.iache, Vertigo,25 and all »7'pr,»*a Billmus 25 Pounders of Globe J. O. CONVERSEDWARD ROBINSON, of Portland, Wanted! JJ11 Stomach, City," by Culver; Cumberland county, have this 30th day of rU/STOH Niit>i»i-e««cd or painful Periods, 25 COMSTOCK, MERsON & Septem- COAT MAKEKS. Apple to 12 WhiifN too “With the Nuns,” by C. E. Robbins; “A CO., ber, A. D. 1808, to med a limited partnership, in ac- profuse enods, 25 Day ■fcx. FEED. P 1^ C roup. Cough, 'lifficu't 25 With cordance with the provisions ot the Statutes of o,111 >r. t KOCTOK, Breath-ng, the by L. D. Nichols; “The MANUFACTURERS OF 100 Middle ‘‘14 Nalt ti lien Babies," and have executed a certificate thereof a* fol- Street. nijErvsipel is. Erupt ions. 25 NEW Maine, *llf_ 15 Mountain of C. P. WAREHOUSE Rbeiimatitfin Rheumatic by Craucb; CARPET 25 Knowledge," lows:—The name of the firm is Leach & Parker. 26 Pains, The special partner is Edward Robinson of said Agents Wanted I Fever «ic Ague, Chill Fever, Ague, 50 f!> by John J. Piatt; A Day ol Surprises,” ENVELOPES! Po File*, bdnd or 50 Hand, and the gene al partners are Convers O. JJ blreding. For by Virginia and “Life Leach and *nd sore or weak 50 PRESIDENT, Vaughan, in the Argen- DEALERS IN Horace B. Parker, likewise of said Port- Snd relial>le <4 ft Dpthalmy, eyes, A8ems wanted to canvass f'alarrh acute or Intfuenra.50 tine The land. A'tOr Hie JJ ** cronie, Republic.” December number will The business to be transacted is the Goods Whooping violent Coughs.50 oontain the whole Dry b-quiiable I.tfe •ico?21 A-thnia. ULYSSES S. of Mr. Howells’ poem “No Pine &c. business at said Portland, and tlie amount of capi- Anurancr Society. 'i( Opprt^wwf3Jreathing, 50 Writing Papers, ta* *:a,‘ GRANT, Love Lost.” contributed by said Robinson is twelve thousand (^“Liberal cc Z* * Di»cb«nie*lti*pt»ired Hearing,50 W. T. KILBORN & terms offered. " !* OF ILLINOIS. Ner'fula.cnlargerdand«,Sweldi 50 And Agent tor UNION INK CO. CO., ($12,000) dollars. Said r'.rmuship commences this gs, The JBEA ',/ 0 Atlantic Monthly offers the flnt of e thirtieth day ot Sept ..,er, A. D. 1863, and is to COI.Ji 1% State Agent. HI c! r»ebilby,Phvsi alWeakness. HAVE REMOVED TO THEIR cease the Drop*y, «nd Secretion-* 50 twenty-ninth day of Sep'ember, A. D. 1873. cc o sranty FOR series of papers on No. 59 Water Boston. —Wtteehonwew. sickness trorn VICE-PRESIDENT, “Co-operaiive Housekeep- Street, (Signed CONVERS O. LE H. 444- , riding, 60 27 Kidney-I>i*ea*e. Gravel. 50 ing.” which will command attention both from HORACE B. PARKER. Wanted. “ Factory 114 Sudbury Street sept28eodlin 28 Neiv-.u*. -emirml [Stamp) EDWARD ItOBINSCN. Debility, their subject and the way in which it !s treat- Box Sll00k V?tui**»ion«. Dis- SCHUYLER to°e J„We“ty g£od ?ugar Involuntary COLFAX, ed. NEW AND SPACIOUS g s»co Enquire at 282 Com'l charges 100 We understand this series is to be a pro- STORE, STATE OF MAINE. Portland or at, «4 .. OF INDIANA. PLU MBI NO! JOSEPH HORsON, 29 Nnif ’lout Is, Canker, 50 traced 8S : scpiodttMDlOdtt No 1 ,, one; and it promises to be rich in prac- CUMBERLAND, Spring's ■*•.***»**y W**»skue*-, wetting 50 October 1, A. D. 1868. o? * bed, 'ical _^ islamPJBiiidelord. Fniuful eriod*. with 50 For Flrctor. t suggestions Mr. Whipple 'concludes hie Convers O. Horace B. yj: '*pasms, It. E. COOPER i£- IVo. 14 Free Personally appeared I.cacli, Buffering* at of 100 on CO., Parker and Euward ami ^2 Change Lye. essay Bacon with a singu'aily keen Street, Robinson. made oath to the BOARD and *oi»ep«y Spasms.St.Vitus jVraoe.100 AT Laeoe— GEORGE L. BEAL. analy- Practical in truth of the ab >ve certificate and the rooms. J* sis of the and Plumbers, and dealers Acknowledged M Diphtheria,ulcerated Sore Thwji 50 SAMUEL P. genius character of the greet same as their tree act. STRUT*LAND. Where they are now ready to show their new and Before me, Lead Pipe, KraM, t opper. Iron Force FAiWILV 1st District—ESKEFF FT philosopher, which he presents in a nov- (Signed) WILLIAM L. PUTNAM, Board C4SES BANKS, quite and Lift Pump*, Bathi-g Tuba, M ater {Stamp) Justice ot the Peace. Wanted Of .*15 2d District—AMOS el Mr. Beusou writes with large rials, morocco c*»*e, NoURSF. light. Eugene his Lloiria Iron Miuka.
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