Migrant Bill Passed
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Weather Cloudy with showers or thunder- HOME showers and mild today, high 55- THEDAILY 60. Clearing and turning sharply colder tonight, temperatures Red Bank; Freehold T" dropping to near 30 by morning. Long Branch J FINAL Fair, seasonably cold tomorrow, high 35-40. Sunday's outlook, fair and cold. MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 89 YEARS DIAL 741-0010 VOL. 90, NO. 126 RED BANK, N. J., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22* 1967 10c PER COPY PAGE ONE Senate Margin Favors Farm Labor Migrant Bill Passed By CHARLES A. JOHNSTON a minimum of 15 in the affirma- don T. Byrne to be president of had been pushing for both the he banking measures would not TRENTON — Better living con- tive required for passage. the state Public Utility Commis- migrant and banking bills, let up have passed anyhow. He said that ditions are assured today for New Left Stranded sion, and of state Alcoholic Bev- on the banking series to assure insistence among Democrats Jersey migrant farm laborers. Left stranded were a package erage Commission Director Jo- passage of the labor laws. against even asking for a vote But the status quo will remain of three bills to broaden banking seph P. Lordi to succeed Byrne Two Hudson County Democrat- had been made to save time. for state bankers and for a cou- businesses within the state. as prosecutor. ic senators, William J. Kelly and The banking -bills would ple of state officials nominated by Sen. John A. Wadington, D-Sal- The banking measures would William F. Musto, provide the have allowed banks and savings Gov. Richard J. Hughes for new em, the majority leader, said have created three geographic needed votes for passage of the institutions to merge or expand positions. there were insufficient votes for districts in which most banks labor laws. with branches outside county lim- More rigid housing standards passage but he left unclear could expand by merger or Unquotable sources said the its within North, Central, or South and more harsh penalties for vio- whether his assessment covered branches, and in which stock two had agreed to become reluc- Jersey lines. The new laws would lations marked the new migrant only the Democratic majority or holding companies could be set tant supporters if assured that the have been effective in six proposals which squeaked through the full house. up. bank proposals would not come to months but district controls would the Senate by the slimmest of Also in limbo were Dominations Some Democratic sources said the floor. be dropped in favor of full state terms. The vote was 16 to 6 with of Essex County prosecutor Breo- that the administration, which Later Mr. Musto said that banking after five years. No Action Taken On the appointment level, sen- ators took no action on the gov- ernor's surprise nominations last Secret LBJ Flight May week of Essex County Prosecutor Brendan T. Byrne to be president of the state Public Utility Com- mission, and of state Alcoholic Beverage Control, Director Be Heading for Vietnam Joseph P. Lordi to replace Byrne. Mr. Lordi is a former assistant DARWIN, Australia (AP) - tion's interim prime minister, namese President Nguyen Van Front, without being committed Essex prosecutor. President Johnson left Australia John McEwen, and leaders of Thieu ended with a declaration to formal talks with the Front as Two judicial appointments today after attending memorial South Vietnam, South Korea, that the two men agreed on ways an organization. which had been made by the gov- services for Australian Prime New Zealand, Indonesia and the to promote peace in Vietnam. The statement also 6aid the ernor to the state Superior Court Minister Harold Holt and confer- Philippines — America's allies in The statement seemed to make two leaders saw no sign North were approved. They were for Al- ring with his Vietnam allies but the Vietnam war — as well as clear that Johnson and Thieu Vietnam was ready to talk peace an B. Handler, assistant attorney kept his next stop a secret. with British Prime Minister Har- agreed on the advisability of in- and agreed "in these circum- general, and Lawrence A. Bilder, Johnson's plane flew north old Wilson and Prime Minister formal talks betwen Thieu's offi- stances there was no alternative the acting counsel for Gov. Rich- from Melbourne and stopped in Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore. cials and representatives of the to continuing appropriate mili- ard J. Hughes. Darwin, on the north centra His meeting with South Viet- Viet Cong's National Liberation tary actions." Mr. Handler, 36, of Union, had coast, for a refueling stop which been blocked from confirmation was not announced in advance. two weeks ago by Sen. Marion The route indicated that the pres- Barry Hughes, no relation to the ident was on his way to visit governor, on a basis of personal U.S. troops in Vietnam or Thai- Freehold Raceway Asks privilege. land rather than that he was fly- AND LO> the star which they saw in the east went before them till it came and stood Mrs. Hughes, a lame duck Dem- ing direct to Washington via the ocrat from Union, Mr. Handler's over where the young child was. When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceed- Pacific. home county, had' objected not ing great joy. (Register Staff Photo by Don Lordi) There Have also been rumors against his appointment but at the President would stop in Rome No Night Trots in'68 her own inability to get a state to talk with Pope Paul VI. job for herself. Ready Demonstration TRENTON — There will be no Monmouth Park asked for 56 Garden State Race Track, near night racing at Freehold's harness days, Saturday, June 1, through Camden, sought approval for its She had no comment after the Unita, the Italian Communist ( latest senate action but withdrew party paper, indicated the party race track next year. Wednesday, Aug. 7, with no rac- usual split meeting, 29 days, Tues- ing Mondays June 3 and 10. day, April 23, through Thursday, her protest and concurred in the was ready with a giant demon- Though owners of the oval had May 30, with four dark Mondays; appointment. stration against U.S. policy in the right to petition for night pari- Freehold asked for 100 after- B52s Rip D-Zone Vietnam. noons, Saturday. July 28 through and 27 days, Saturday, Oct. 12, (See MIGRANT, Pg. 3, Col. 5) mutual privileges during its sea- During his 36 hours in Austra- son, the raceway made none yes- Saturday, Nov. 30, with no through Saturday, Nov. 16, with SAIGON- (AP) - U.S. B52 like the three the Reds fired at artillery positions in the northern lia Johnson talked with the na- terday in asking for a 100-pro- "dark," or non-operating days, in four dark Mondays. bombers returned to blast North them in the same area Wednes- No Paper half of the DMZ, seven miles gram schedule. between except for the usual The requests include overlaps Vietnamese targets in the demili- day night. north-northwest of the U.S. Ma- Sunday closings. of Oct, 12, Columbus Day, between tarized zone again today despite The huge high-altitude bombers rine outpost at Con Thien. Earli- The state Racing Commission, Atlantic City Raceway applied Garden State and Atlantic City, On Monday the threat of more SAM missiles pounded troop concentrations and er in the day they blasted sus- disclosing the requests of Free- for a 61-night harness program, and the final three days of Mon- The Daily Register will not pected Communist infiltration Seating hold, a new harness track at At- Saturday, May 11, through Satur- mouth, Aug. 5, 6, and 7, with be published Monday, Christ- routes along the Cambodian bor- lantic City, and of the three flat day, July 20. The Atlantic City three opening at Atlantic City. mas Day, and its business of- Nurses Set Resignations der. tracks, said Freehold is seeking Racing Association asked for a The commission said it would fices will be closed. an increase from its 90-day sched- Publication will resume BULLETIN ent," he said, "and I don't think At the same time, the U.S, Increased thoroughbred schedule of 56 days, meet soon to make awards. It Command disclosed a new am- ule last year. Tuesday with complete cover- MARLBORO — It was reported the people of New Jersey will Monday, Aug. 5 through Satur- has a standing rule of not per- phibious and helicopter assaul age of the holiday's news, this morning that some nurses stand for it." Decision on all applications was day, Oct. 12, with four "dark" mitting flat tracks to run on the by Marines along the northern sports and social events. at the State Hospital here were reserved. Mondays. same days. With a delegation of nurses sector - where 35,000 Communis scheduled to resign during the waiting outside his office to see At Center troops are believed concentrated^ day in protest over a reported him, he said, "if it happens, it WOODBRIDGE - Total maxi setback in their efforts to gain will be sheer chaos." There was no report of any Says Law Officer ]\Iost Qualified •alary increases. more SAMs being fired when the mum seating capacity of the Gar- The nurses have been appeal- den State Arts Center rose to 5,150 Dr. Robert Nenno, medical di- ing to Governor Hughes for B52s returned today. yesterday as the N. J. Highway rector, said at 10 a.m. that he $6,500 annual income. There are Other Big. Raids approved $369,128 worth of work expected "there will be resigna- 90 nurses employed at the hos- In other raids today, the big and purchase order additions.