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Capelin and Cod in Newfoundland Coastal Waters

Capelin and Cod in Newfoundland Coastal Waters

Spatial variance of mobile aquatic organisms: and in Newfoundland coastal waters

JOHN K. HORNE and DAVID C. SCHNEIDER † Ocean Sciences Centre, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada A1C 5S7 ([email protected])

CONTENTS page 1. Introduction 633 2. Methods 635 (a) Sampling procedure 635 (b) Analysis 635 3. Results 636 4. Discussion 637 References 641

SUMMARY Spatial variance in the distribution of aquatic mobile organisms differs from that of passive tracers such as or water temperature. On average, spatial variance of phytoplankton scales 2 2 with sample unit as L or equivalently with frequency as f − . Limited evidence suggests that spatial variance in the distribution of mobile organisms is concentrated at relatively small scales, with little 1 increase over larger scales: spatial variance scales as f − or less. We investigated whether spatial variance in distributions of a mobile predator, (Gadus morhua), and a schooling prey, 1 capelin ( villosus), also scale with frequency as f − . Acoustic surveys showed that at short time scales spatial variance in cod and capelin densities, as measured by spectral density, peaked at various scales ranging from 20 m to 10 km. At longer time scales, spatial variance of cod scaled 1.08 0.18 as f − at resolutions finer than 90 m, while scaling as f − at coarser scales. Spatial variance 1.1 0.21 of capelin scaled as f − at resolutions finer than 400 m, while scaling as f − at coarser scales. Spatial variance plots of and marine birds showed similar transitions from shallow to steep scaling. Shoaling, schooling and the aggregative response by predators to concentrations of prey were three processes hypothesized to influence spatial variance in distributions of mobile organisms. Numerical experiments showed that shoaling injects variance at large to intermediate scales, resulting 1 in scalings flatter than f − . Additional experiments showed that schooling produces a transition from shallow to steep scaling as frequency increases. Spatial variance patterns in cod density were not due to aggregative responses by the predator to concentrations of capelin—there was no association, on average, at resolution scales from 20 m to 10 km. Exponent values for aquatic or terrestrial mobile organisms are predicted to be approximately two at the scale of an individual organism, 0.2 at scales that contain aggregations, and two at scales larger than that of populations. These findings suggest that relations between mobile organisms and large scale variables will be difficult to detect, that stratified survey designs used to estimate commercial population sizes will be inefficient, and that rates of interaction between predator and prey will be underestimated if local observations are averaged over the spatial scale of the population.

1. INTRODUCTION natural settings (Mercer & Hall 1911) to separate scale domains of equivalent spatial variability (Fair- Heterogeneity in spatial distributions of organisms is field Smith 1938) to identify scales of maximum het- a long recognized attribute of both terrestrial (Watt erogeneity (Greig-Smith 1952; Kershaw 1957) and to 1925, 1947) and aquatic (Hensen 1911; Hardy 1935, provide clues to the biological or physical processes 1936) . Quantifying spatial heterogeneity that generate observed patterns (Greig-Smith 1983; as a function of scale has been used to judge the ap- Denman & Powell 1984; Legendre & Demers 1984; plicability of small scale experiments to larger scale Mackas et al. 1985). Present address: Great Lakes Centre, SUNY at Buffalo A simple yet useful way to characterize the scale † State, 1300 Elmwood Ave., Buffalo, NY 14222-1095, USA. dependence of spatial variability in biological or

Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B (1997) 352, 633–642 c 1997 The Royal Society

Printed in Great Britain 633 TEX Paper 634 J. K. Horne and D. C. Schneider Spatial variance of aquatic organisms physical variables is to quantify the rate of change an unspecified behavioural mechanism (Weber et al. in spatial variance using a power law. To illustrate 1986) or the movement of krill into swarms (Levin by way of example, kinetic energy generated at large et al. 1989). Similar spatial variance patterns have scales by physical structures in fluid environments been observed for pelagic fish (Horne 1994; Schneider (e.g. eddy, gyre) is transferred to successively smaller 1994). The generality of these patterns and poten- scales until viscous dissipation becomes important tial variance generating mechanisms have not been (Kolmogorov 1941). This ‘turbulent cascade of vari- systematically investigated for mobile aquatic organ- ability’ (cf. figure 2, Mackas et al. 1985) can be sum- isms. marized by scaling the variance in a quantity of in- Physical, biological and a combination of physi- terest Var(Q) with sample unit or length scale L cal and biological processes have been hypothesized Var(Q)=cLβ. to generate spatial variance in distributions of mo- bile aquatic organisms. By definition mobile organ- Variability in the same series can also be described isms have the ability to move independently of the in the frequency domain using the power spectra fluid, so spatial variance patterns are not expected to P (squared magnitude of the Fourier transform) to be heavily influenced by large scale water motions. quantify variance (i.e. spectral density) as a function Among biological processes the most commonly pro- of frequency f posed mechanism that creates spatial variance at β P (f)=cf − , small scales is locomotory behaviour (Mackas & Boyd 1979; Star & Mullin 1981; Mackas et al. 1985). Weber where c is a proportionality constant. When the log- et al. (1986) proposed that behaviour was responsi- arithm of the power spectrum is plotted as a function ble for small scale variability in krill distri- of logarithm of frequency, the slope of the line is equal bution that could not be attributed to physical pro- to the scaling factor β. cesses. Rose & Leggett (1988a, 1989) suggested that Theoretical values of β collected from a diverse a combination of biological and physical processes set of disciplines range from zero to over two. If the influence the distribution and resulting spatial vari- variance in a series of measurements is independent ance of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua). Distribution of frequency, or its inverse—spatial scale—then the of cod was attributed to an aggregative response by value of β equals zero. This is known as white noise predators to concentrations of prey, constrained by (cf. Schroeder 1991). When variance in a series is pro- thermal structure. portional to the inverse of the frequency the value of We hypothesize that at least three biological pro- β is one. The amplitude of the variance will be pro- cesses potentially generate spatial variance in the portional to the scale of observation. In classic Brow- distribution of mobile aquatic organisms: shoaling, nian diffusion processes (i.e. series that lack serial schooling and the aggregative response by predators correlation between successive measures) β is equal to concentrations of prey. Shoaling, defined as the to two. convergence of organisms independent of fluid mo- In aquatic ecosystems, efforts to quantify spatial tion, is predicted to increase spatial variance at in- variance as a function of scale have traditionally fo- termediate scales by altering local densities and caus- cused on particles or organisms that move passively ing a reduction in the value of β. Schooling is distin- with the surrounding fluid. In a dimensional analysis of spatial variance in phytoplankton density distri- guished from shoaling by the coordinated movement 5 of a group of aquatic organisms (Pitcher 1986). At butions, Denman & Platt (1976) found that β = 3 for passive organisms. Empirical examples where the scales smaller than the size of an aggregation, even variance is proportional to approximately the square spacing of individuals within groups (Weihs 1973, of the length scale include surface water temperature 1975; Pitcher 1986) should reduce spatial variance of (Saunders 1972; Fasham & Pugh 1976; Richerson et schooling organisms. This would result in a steeper al. 1978; Star & Mullin 1979), sea level (Wunsch slope in the spatial variance plot below the scale of 1972) and distributions (Platt et al. 1970; an aggregation and an increase in the value of β. Platt 1972; Powell et al. 1975; Denman 1976; Hor- Experiments using live fish to test the changes in wood 1978). spatial variance due to shoaling or schooling have Spatial variance in the distribution of at least one not been conducted (cf. Pitcher & Parrish 1993). A mobile aquatic organism differs from that of pas- third process that potentially influences patterns of sive organisms or particles. At the temporal scale of spatial variance among mobile organisms is aggrega- a survey transect, Weber et al. (1986) found that tive responses by predators to concentrations of prey spatial variance of (Euphausia su- (Holling 1965, 1966; Murdoch & Oaten 1975). Con- perba) density was concentrated at single spatial vergence of predators in areas of high prey density scales. But these concentrations of spatial variance will increase spatial variance of predator distribution did not always occur at the same scale among tran- at the scale of a prey aggregation. If cod are track- sects. When transects were averaged to increase the ing capelin to maximize encounter rates then spatial temporal scale, the slope of the spatial variance plot variance patterns in cod distribution will match those was less than that of surface temperature or phyto- of capelin and peaks in predator spatial variance will plankton over length scales of 1–100 km (Weber et al. coincide with those of prey. Predator spatial variance 1986; Levin et al. 1989). Increased spatial variance in potentially decreases at smaller or larger scales. Al- krill distribution at smaller scales was attributed to ternatively, spatial association between predator and

Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B (1997) Spatial variance of aquatic organisms J. K. Horne and D. C. Schneider 635 prey may peak at a scale that maximizes net ener- ages (V ) using an equation from Burczynski (1982) getic benefit to the predator. V 2 K K We used relative density estimates of capelin (Mal- i x,z TVG S RDi,x,z = , lotus villosus) and Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) X PxNx,z from acoustic surveys to evaluate whether spatial where RDi,x,z is the relative fish density of species variance patterns reported for krill apply to other i in horizontal bin x (m) at depth interval z (m), mobile aquatic organisms. Capelin are a pelagic, 2 ( V )x,z is the squared sample voltages of species schooling fish species whose adults (aged not less i i in horizontal bin x at depth interval z, KTVG is an than three years) migrate from offshore to coastal empiricallyP determined constant that compensates waters to on gravel beaches during June and the 20 log R +2αR amplifier gain for the attenuation July (Templeman 1948; Carscadden 1983). During of sound α in seawater over R m, KS is an empiri- this same period Atlantic cod, a demersal species, cally determined constant that corrects system pa- complete a post-spawning migration to coastal wa- rameters to theoretical values, Px is the number of ters where they forage on capelin (Akenhead et al. echo sounder pulses in each horizontal bin and Nx,z 1982; Lilly 1987). Examining spatial variance in the is the number of sampled voltages in horizontal bin distribution of cod and capelin also allows us to de- x at depth interval z. termine if: (1) mobile aquatic organisms will not be Data were stratified in 10 m horizontal by 5 m ver- concentrated at a characteristic spatial scale, as ob- tical bins to a maximum depth of 112 m. To prevent served in euphausiids; (2) spatial variance in the dis- integration of surface noise or bottom echoes the top tribution of a predator matches that of its prey; and 2 m and bottom 1 m of the water column were not (3) association between predators and prey occur at included. Relative capelin and cod densities were in- a characteristic spatial scale. tegrated vertically to a maximum depth of 112 m and then summed for each 10 m horizontal distance. Cod were distinguished from capelin by: (a) classi- 2. METHODS fication of targets by signal properties as viewed on an oscilloscope (Rose & Leggett 1988b); (b) simulta- (a) Sampling procedure neous viewing of near-surface capelin aggregations in Acoustic surveys were conducted along the west- the water and traces on oscilloscope and echograms; ern of Conception Bay, Newfoundland during (c) capture of capelin and cod using hook and line the latter half of July and the first week of August, while recording traces on echograms; (d) observa- 1991. Linear transects were oriented parallel to the tion and sampling of capelin and cod as the over- coast within the 100 m depth contour when possi- whelmingly dominant species in commercial traps in ble. Stationary fishing gear adjacent to the coast re- the sampling area; and (e) similarity of echogram stricted proximity of transects to shore. The major- traces with those of capelin and cod reported in ity of transects were run during the day but collec- northwest Atlantic waters (Atkinson & Carscadden tively transects spanned all 24 h in a day. Transect 1979; Whitehead 1981; Piatt 1990; Rose 1992). Uni- length among the 19 transects used in the analysis and bivariate spectral analyses were used to quan- varied from 5.5 to 22.7 km. Capelin and cod rela- tify scale-dependent spatial variability of cod and capelin density distributions (Jenkins & Watts 1968; tive density distributions were surveyed by using a Koopmans 1974; Platt & Denman 1975). This tech- 120 kHz echosounder (Model 105, Biosonics, Seat- nique estimates scale-dependent variance of a con- tle, WA, USA) with a single-beam 22 transducer ◦ tinuously recorded variable over a range of frequency mounted in a towed V-fin. Pulse width was 0.8 ms 1 bands. The frequency band range extends from half and generated at 2 s− . Data were heterodyned to the length of the series to twice the sample resolu- 10 kHz using a Biosonics model 171 interface and tion. The power spectra of each species as well as stored on digital audio tapes for echo integration pro- the coherence and phase between capelin and cod cessing. A calibration tone was recorded at the begin- were estimated for each transect using the BMDP ning of each day to standardize playback amplitude statistical package (Dixon 1983). Coherence mea- levels. The V-fin was towed at a depth of approxi- sures the strength of association between two vari- 1 mately 1.5 m and at a speed of 2.5 m s− . A pair of ables as a function of frequency and is analogous to 95 N expansion springs were used to decouple mo- a squared correlation. Potential values range from tions of the boat from that of the V-fin in an effort zero to one. Phase indicates the sign of correlation to enhance transducer stability. Surface temperature between the two series. Two series that are less than was continuously monitored using a towed thermis- 90◦ out of phase are positively correlated and termed tor and electronically recorded at 100 m intervals. in phase. Two series that are greater than 90◦ out of phase are negatively correlated and termed out of 1 (b) Analysis phase. A smoothing window of 0.01 cycles m− was used in comparative analyses to provide the best Acoustic data were integrated using a Bioson- compromise between accuracy and smoothness. All ics 221 echo integrator which digitally samples volt- spectral density estimates were standardized to per- ages at 25 kHz. Relative fish density (RD) estimates mit direct comparison of survey transects (Denman were calculated from 20 log R amplified target volt- 1975). To increase the temporal scale of observation,

Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B (1997) 636 J. K. Horne and D. C. Schneider Spatial variance of aquatic organisms spectral density estimates of capelin, cod and sur- face temperature from all transects were averaged 1 over 0.001 cycle m− bins to produce average spectral density plots. Linear regressions were used to quan- (a) tify slopes (i.e. β values) of spectral density plots. If residuals from a single regression equation were not acceptable (i.e. uniformly distributed with no appar- ent pattern), the data was divided in two sections and regression equations were fit to each section. Lo- cation of the data division was determined by the fit of regression equations to the data, and the distribu- tion of residuals. To assess the generality of spatial variance patterns among mobile organisms, average spectral density estimates of phytoplankton, Antarctic krill, capelin, Atlantic cod and two marine birds—common mur- res (Uria aalge) and Atlantic puffins (Fratercula arc- tica)—were plotted in a single diagram. Murres and puffins nest on rocky areas along the Newfoundland (b) coastline where they feed extensively on capelin while rearing chicks (Brown & Nettleship 1984). Spectral density estimates of murres and puffins (bandwidth 0.1) from 35 transects were standardized and then 1 averaged over 0.01 cycle km− bins (D. Schneider, unpublished data).

3. RESULTS A characteristic scale of maximum spatial vari- ance for cod or capelin was not observed in the 19 transects surveyed in Conception Bay. At short time scales (ca. 1 h), peaks in spectral density plots of capelin and cod spatial variance occurred at scales ranging from 20 m to 10 km. Scales of maximum spatial variance differed among spatially separated Figure 1. Spectral density estimates of (a) capelin and (b) transects or within any series of repeated transects. Atlantic cod (bandwidth 0.01, centred, normalized) plot- Within the 20 m to 10 km range of analysed spa- ted as a function of frequency. Periods (m) are shown on tial scales, distinct peaks of capelin spatial variance the upper x-axis. Each graph contains four repetitions occurred in five of 19 transects. Broader peaks of of a 20 km transect, sampled at a resolution of 10 m, along the western shore of Conception Bay, Newfound- spatial variance were observed in seven of 19 tran- land, Canada. sects. No peaks of spatial variance were observed in the remaining seven transects. Among the cod spectral density plots, only two transects contained Spatial variance patterns of capelin and cod over sharp peaks of spatial variance. An additional seven transects contained peaks in spectral density spread longer temporal scales were examined by averaging over a broader range of spatial scales. A group of spectral density estimates and plotting them as a four transects provide representative plots of spa- function of frequency (figure 2). A peak in spatial tial variance patterns. Spectral density estimates of variance, indicative of a characteristic scale of ag- capelin and cod from a 20 km transect were plot- gregation, was not observed in the average power ted as a function of frequency. In three of four tran- spectra of capelin or cod. Capelin and cod average sects spatial variability of capelin (figure 1a)was spectral density plots contained two ranges of scales similar at all scales ranging from 5000–100 m and that differed in slope. From large to intermediate then rapidly decreased at smaller scales. Small peaks scales, slopes of spectral density plots were slightly negative (capelin 0.21, r2 =0.951, n =6;cod in spatial variance were observed in spectral density − plots of single transects at scales less than 90 m. In 0.18, r2 =0.795, n = 11). At scales smaller than a − contrast, two distinct patterns were present in the transition region (capelin ca. 400 m; cod ca. 90 m), plots of cod spectral densities (figure 1b). Two tran- slopes of spectral density plots increased (capelin sects had slight negative slopes down to spatial scales 1.1, r2 =0.997, n = 46; cod 1.08, r2 =0.993, − − of approximately 80 m. Spatial variance decreased n = 41). at smaller scales. Spatial variance of the remaining To compare spatial variance patterns of capelin two transects was approximately uniform across the and cod to those of passive tracers, an averaged range of sampled scales. sea surface temperature plot was added to the same

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n = 2247


Figure 2. Average capelin (broken line), Atlantic cod n = 642 (solid line), and surface temperature (dotted line) spec- tral density estimates (bandwidth 0.01, centred, normal- ized) plotted as a function of frequency. Periods (m) are shown on the upper x-axis. Data for capelin and cod spec- tral density estimates from Horne & Schneider (1994). graph (figure 2). The steep monotonic slope of the surface temperature power spectrum ( 1.06, r2 = 0.944, n = 71) was steeper than slopes− of capelin and cod power spectra at large to intermediate scales and matched slopes at scales smaller than transition regions. Scales of transition regions identified in average spectral density plots (figure 2) were compared to Figure 3. Cumulative frequency histograms of (a) capelin tabulations of capelin and cod aggregation sizes. and (b) Atlantic cod sizes. Shoal sizes are tabulated in bins of 10 m. A shoal is defined as the number of con- Cumulative frequency distributions of capelin (fig- tiguous 10 m horizontal blocks with fish present. ure 3a) and cod (figure 3b) aggregation sizes (de- fined as the number of contiguous 10 m blocks with fish present) showed that 98% of capelin aggregations association, on average, at resolution scales ranging were not more than 400 m (n = 2247) and 91% of cod from 20 m to 10 km (cf. figure 3, Horne & Schneider aggregations were not more than 100 m (n = 642). 1994). This result was also observed at the temporal Distances between aggregations of capelin averaged 46.3 m ( 2.0 s.e.) compared to 242.5 m ( 24.5 s.e.) scale of single transects (figure 5). In general, coher- for cod. ± ± ence of cod with capelin was less than 0.2 within any Patterns of capelin and cod average spatial vari- of these transects. Only three of the 19 transects ex- ance were consistent with those of other mobile ma- hibited recognizable peaks of coherence at any scale. rine organisms (figure 4). Over large to intermediate In the absence of any consistent spatial association, scales, spectral density slopes of capelin, cod, puffins no attempt was made to determine the form of a and murres were shallower than that of phytoplank- functional aggregative response by the predator to ton. The dip in the power spectra of common mur- its prey. res coincides with the observed association of murres with events at the spatial scale (5 km) of 4. DISCUSSION a Rossby radius (cf. Schneider 1989). Among mo- bile organisms shallow spectral density slopes reduce Spatial variance patterns of mobile, aquatic organ- 2 spatial variance at large scales and increase spatial isms did not follow the f − scaling proposed for pas- variance at intermediate scales relative to the distri- sive tracers of the surrounding fluid. Among single bution of spatial variance in passive tracers. transects, recurring peaks at the same spatial scale The scaling of spatial variance in cod resembled in spectral density plots, indicative of characteristic that of its primary prey, capelin (figure 2). How- patch sizes, were not observed for capelin or cod. ever, this was not due to aggregative responses by the Similar episodic concentrations of spatial variance predator to concentrations of prey. At the temporal over a range of scales have been reported among ben- scale of all 19 transects (ca. 2 weeks) there was no thic megafauna (Grassle et al. 1975), krill (Weber et

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proximately 1. This pattern was maintained when spatial variance− plots of other mobile, aquatic ani- mals were compared to a plot of phytoplankton spa- tial variance. All spectral density plots of mobile organisms con- tained two regions of differing slopes. The slight neg- ative slope at large to intermediate spatial scales is consistent with the hypothesized injection of spatial variance due to the convergence of individuals into . The sharp drop in spectral density plots at scales smaller than transition regions is consistent with the hypothesized reduction in spatial variance due to the even spacing of schooling . To de- termine if these mechanisms would produce observed patterns, we randomly replaced values of a continu- ously recorded, surface temperature data series with zeros. The intent of this exercise was to see if spatial variance patterns observed among passive particles can be altered to those observed for mobile organisms through biologically meaningful data manipulations. The division of a continuous data series into discrete patches by introducing a single zero creates distri- bution patterns that are analogous to shoaling by Figure 4. Average spectral density estimates of capelin organisms. In each of eight numerical experiments, (broken line), Atlantic cod, Atlantic puffin (broken line), , Antarctic krill (data from Weber et al. a single value from a 10 km sea surface temperature 1986), Antarctic krill (dotted line) (data from Levin et record (resolution 233 m, n = 44 data points) was al. 1989), and fluorescence as an index of phytoplankton randomly replaced with a zero. Spectral density es- (data from Weber et al. 1986) plotted as a function of fre- timates from each series were standardized by the quency. Phytoplankton is plotted as a dotted line to dis- variance and plotted as a function of frequency in a tinguish spectral density plots of mobile organisms from common log–log plot. The slope of the spectral den- passive tracers of the surrounding fluid. Periods (km) are sity plot from the original temperature series (fig- shown on the upper x-axis. ure 6a)was 2.57 (r2 =0.962, n = 22) compared to an average slope− of 0.36 (r2 =0.727, n = 176) in the manipulated temperature− series (figure 6b). Spec- tral analysis of the manipulated surface temperature series confirms that the presence of zeros in a data series reduces slopes of spatial variance plots at large to intermediate scales. In a similar set of numerical experiments, effects of schooling on β values were investigated by ran- domly substituting two consecutive zeros in the orig- inal surface temperature data series. Introduction of consecutive zero counts creates patterns that resem- ble those of organisms actively forming mobile ag- Figure 5. Coherence of capelin and Atlantic cod plotted gregations and creating ‘empty’ areas along survey as a function of frequency. Periods (m) are shown on the transects. The substitution of two consecutive zeros upper x-axis. in the original surface temperature series (figure 6c) resulted in an increase in spatial variance at inter- mediate scales and a sharp drop in spatial variance al. 1986; Levin et al. 1989), marine birds (Schneider at scales smaller than a transition scale of approx- & Duffy 1985; Schneider 1989) and fish (Schneider imately 400 m. Transitions in spectral density plots 1989; Rose & Leggett 1990). With the exception of of mobile aquatic organisms, marked by an increase the study by Weber et al. (1986), these patch size in β values, can be replicated by creating strings of studies were based on a single or a limited number of unoccupied locations in a continuous data series. survey transects. At larger temporal scales, capelin Virtually all counts of mobile organisms contain and cod spatial variance decreased slightly from large zeros. Zero counts in transect data can arise from to intermediate scales. The slight negative slopes of high resolution sampling or convergent behaviour of capelin and cod spectra (β 0.2) contrasted to animals. High resolution sampling combined with low the slope of the average surface≈− temperature spec- organism lowers the mean abundance per tral density plot (β 1), used as an example of sample and increases the probability of a zero count. a passive tracer of the≈− surrounding fluid. At scales The probability of a zero count increases as the ra- smaller than transition regions, β values in fish and tio of organism body size to sample quadrat size surface temperature spectral density plots were ap- increases. Sampling patchily distributed organisms

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techniques. Slopes of spectral density plots have been shown to decrease as the mean count per sample de- creases (Fasham 1978). (a) A process that potentially influences spatial vari- ance of mobile aquatic organisms is the aggregative response by predators to concentrations of prey. We predicted that a characteristic scale of maximum as- sociation between predator and prey would occur within the range of a few body lengths to the spatial scale of a small bay. Contrary to predictions we found that, on average, capelin were not associated with cod over spatial scales ranging from 20 m to 10 km. This was an unexpected result. Capelin are a ma- jor component of cod diet (Popova 1962; Lilly 1987, 1991) especially during late spring through early summer (Thompson 1943; Methven & Piatt 1989). Coherence between adult capelin and Atlantic cod has been observed (Rose & Leggett 1990) at the spa- (b) tiotemporal scale of a bout (length less than 5 m, duration less than 1 h) during a short (185 m) daytime transect when cod were actively feeding on capelin. The present study includes samples from all hours of the day to ensure sampling occurred when cod were actively feeding on capelin. We do not believe that the lack of spatial associ- ation between capelin and cod was due to analytic or data acquisition procedures. Failure to detect a characteristic scale of coherence between capelin and cod was not due to sampling over a limited range of spatial scales. Spatial variance of fish density distri- butions and predator–prey interactions were exam- ined over four orders of sampling magnitude (10 m to 20 km). A sampling range of this size is rare within a (c) single study. Failure to detect a characteristic scale of spatial association between capelin and cod was also not due to the use of spectral tech- niques. A similar approach using spectral analysis showed that it is possible to detect a scale of max- imum spatial association between marine birds and pelagic fish (Schneider 1989). The existence of as- sociation scales between marine birds and fish were confirmed using variance to mean ratios (Piatt 1990). Using spectral decomposition techniques to detect scales of association between two count series does have limitations. One limitation is the inability of spectral analysis to detect nonlinear interactions be- tween predator and prey. Spectral analysis fits a lin- ear relationship between two variables. Aperiodic or nonlinear interactions are underestimated and result Figure 6. Spectral density estimates of (a) original surface in lower coherence estimates (Star & Cullen 1981). temperature series (length 10 km, resolution 233 m), (b) Coherence estimates between predator and prey may eight repetitions of surface temperature series with a sin- also be influenced by the vertical integration of rel- gle zero randomly substituted, and (c) eight repetitions ative fish density data prior to estimating spectral of surface temperature series with two zeros randomly densities. Two-dimensional transects were analysed substituted as a block. as one-dimensional data series. This potentially in- creases fish aggregation sizes and would increase the scale of maximum association between predator and such as capelin will also result in a higher proportion prey. At small scales this may lower coherence be- of zeros when compared to counts of uniformly dis- tween the two species but strong spatial associations tributed animals. This effect is amplified when mean would remain detectable in spectral density plots. A densities are low. The presence of zeros in count two-dimensional spectral analysis was not computed data potentially introduces an additional source of because it requires a square data matrix to be used variance when analysed with spectral decomposition in the algorithm (Ripley 1981). The disproportionate

Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B (1997) 640 J. K. Horne and D. C. Schneider Spatial variance of aquatic organisms length to depth ratio of survey transects would re- than the range of the due to the presence or quire a large number of zeros to be added to ‘square’ absence of populations. a data matrix. As discussed above, the addition of We predict that similar β values and transitions zeros lowers the overall mean density in a data series will be observed in aquatic and terrestrial popula- and changes spectral density estimates (cf. Fasham tions at spatial resolutions high enough to result 1978). Coherence values can also be lowered by ran- in unoccupied locations along continuously surveyed dom sampling error of a Poisson process (Mackas transects. This hypothesis could be tested in a labo- 1977). As a compromise between high data resolu- ratory setting by comparing spatial variance patterns tion and reducing the probability of getting a zero of dispersed animals to those of shoaling and school- count, data resolution in this study was set at 10 m. ing animals. It could also be tested as a natural field A fourth factor that potentially affects coherence is experiment by comparing spatial variance patterns the choice of bandwidth used in spectral analyses. of animals that aggregate during daylight hours to Bandwidth influences coherence by setting the num- those that disperse during night foraging. A com- ber of adjacent periodograms averaged to estimate puter simulation of animal is the magnitude of variance in each frequency band a third method to test this hypothesis (e.g. Horne (Chatfield 1980). A wide bandwidth smooths the 1995). curve by averaging a larger number of periodogram We found that spatial variance of mobile organisms estimates (Diggle 1990). A narrow bandwidth may at local scales (i.e. the scale of an aggregation) did lower coherence values but was used in this study not dramatically increase at large scales (i.e. the scale to minimize bias due to smoothing among frequency of a survey). One implication of this finding is that bands. relations between mobile organisms and large scale A simple biological explanation for the low coher- habitat variables will be difficult to detect. Large ence between cod and capelin is that cod do not need sample sizes will be required to detect spatial associ- to be spatially coupled with capelin at the space and ations of mobile organisms with important physical time scales of our study. If energetic costs of tracking and biological features of the environment because of prey over large distances exceed net energy gained the intensity of local variation relative to larger scale by consuming prey, then spatial coupling of cod to variation. A second implication of this finding is that capelin is potentially restricted to scales greater than stratified survey designs, which are often used to esti- 10 km or smaller than 20 m. Bioenergetic calcula- mate in commercial fish species, such tions show that movement is not restricted by ener- as cod and capelin, will be inefficient. Stratification getics when cod forage on capelin (Horne & Schnei- typically occurs at the scale of tens or hundreds of der 1994). The energetic costs of swimming by cod km. Our results suggest that variance at the scale of represent a small proportion (10–14%) of the to- strata will be small relative to variance within strata, tal energy used to obtain and assimilate a ration and that stratification will do little to reduce the vari- of capelin. The absence of a characteristic scale of ance in an estimate of population size. spatial association combined with the large energetic Our finding that spatial variance in mobile organ- gain of cod glut feeding on capelin (Horne & Schnei- der 1994) suggests that cod can function successfully isms depends on measurement scale has implications as ‘sit and wait’ predators. The lack of an aggregative for ecological theory. Lotka–Volterra models (Lotka response by cod to concentrations of capelin at small 1925; Volterra 1926, 1931) assume that rates of con- to intermediate scales may be true of other preda- tact between predators and their prey depends on the tors. Aggregative functional responses by predators number of predator–prey pairs, not on scale or dis- may prove to be strongly scale-dependent in other tance between organisms. Quantifying spatial vari- mobile predator–prey systems. ance in counts of predators and prey can be used Scale-dependent spatial variance in the distribu- to measure the number of potential contacts among tion of mobile aquatic organisms did not match the organisms at any scale (cf. Schneider et al. 1987). ‘turbulent cascade of variability’ proposed for passive Our finding that spatial variance of mobile organ- tracers (β 2). For mobile organisms the decrease isms does not dramatically increase with scale means in spatial variance≈ with increasing scale is very small that there is little additional potential for interac- (i.e. β =0.2). Spatial variance is concentrated at lo- tion between predators and their prey with increas- cal scales, with little increase in patchiness at larger ing scale. This suggests that population interactions scales. Transitions in slopes of spectral density plots among mobile organisms are highly localized and do will arise from any factor, including social behaviour, not extend much beyond the spatial scale of an aggre- that increases the number of unoccupied locations gation. This may lead to an underestimate of popu- along a transect. Transitions that define domains of lation interaction rates if field observations are made homogeneous spatial variance (cf. Horne & Schneider at the scale of predator–prey interactions and subse- 1995) will occur at the spatial scale of an individual quent models are averaged over the spatial scale of organism, at the scale of an aggregation and at the a population (e.g. Anderson & May 1985; Mason & scale corresponding to the range of an organism. In Brandt 1996). Our estimates of spatial variance as a general, β values for mobile organisms are predicted function of scale are a step toward a better under- to be two at small spatial scales due to the presence standing of how contact-dependent interactions such or absence of individuals, 0.2 at intermediate scales as , and habitat selection vary that contain aggregations and two at scales larger in intensity with spatial scale.

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