Regulations on Dwellings Passed Into State Property
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VOL 20-eng/bt 15/6/1998 11:34 Page 2 VOL 20-eng/bt 15/6/1998 11:34 Page 165 Regulations on dwellings passed into State property LAW on the settlement of the legal condition of some buildings designed for dwelling purposes, passed into State property * DECISION on the constitutionality of some provisions of the Law on the settlement of the legal condition of some buildings designed for dwelling purposes, passed into State property * METHODOLOGICAL NORMS with reference to the application of the Law No. 112/1995 on the settlement of the legal condition of some buildings designed for dwelling purposes, passed into State property VOL 20-eng/bt 15/6/1998 11:34 Page 166 VOL 20-eng/bt 15/6/1998 11:34 Page 167 LAW on the settlement of the legal condition of some buildings designed for dwelling purposes, passed into State property* CHAPTER I General provisions Art. 1. Ñ The former owners Ñ natural persons Ñ of dwelling-houses, passed as such into the property of the State or of other legal persons, after March 6, 1945, with title, and were in the State or other legal personsÕ posses- sion on December 22, 1989, shall benefit by the remedial measures provided under the present law. By the provisions of paragraph 1 shall also benefit the heirs of the former owners, according to the law. Art. 2. Ñ The persons provided under Article 1 shall benefit by the restoration in kind, by reacquiring the pro- perty right on the flats in which they live as lessees or of those which are not occupied, and for the other flats they shall receive indemnification as stipulated under Article 12. In the case of flats passed into State property for which indemnifications were received, if they are occupied by the former owners or are free, they shall be restored in kind. The reacquisition of the property right is condi- tioned by the repayment of the sum received as indemnifi- cation, brought up to date in the terms of the provisions established under Article 13. Art. 3. Ñ By flat in the sense of the present law, shall be understood the dwelling consisting of one or more rooms, with outhouses, garages and annexes connected with the dwelling, service rooms, garrets, cellars, sheds and such- like, too, regardless of whether they are situated on the same level or at different levels, and which, at the date of * The Law No. 112/November 25, 1995 Ñ Law on the settlement of the legal condition of some buildings designed for dwelling purposes, passed into State property Ñ was published in the ÒMonitorul OficialÓ (Official Gazette of Romania), Part I, No. 279/November 29, 1995. 167 VOL 20-eng/bt 15/6/1998 11:34 Page 168 VOL 20-eng/bt 15/6/1998 11:34 Page 169 Law No. 112/November 25, 1995 Regulations on dwellings passed into State property their passing into the StateÕs property, constituted a single the owner, if they are still living in them at the date of self-contained housing unit, as it was determined by con- coming into force of the present law. The consent shall be struction. given in authenticated form. The flat, as defined under paragraph 1, shall remain Art. 6. Ñ On the date when the decision of the com- considered as such, regardless of whether, subsequent to mission provided under Article 15, ordering the restitution its passage into State property, interior structural modifi- in kind of the flat, remains final, necessary and useful cations were carried out or whether it was recorded in the expenses and expenses spent on ornamental repairs made books as representing two or more flats. by the former owners or their heirs, as lessees, and by the For additions, penthouses, equipment, utilities and any unit in charge of the administration of the flat, shall be other constructions, exceeding the flat passed into State compensated by right, taking into account the provisions property as well as for imputable losses in value, the pro- of Article 3, without fulfilling the conditions established visions under Article 13 shall apply. under the Civil Code. Art. 4. Ñ By the provisions of the present law shall bene- The leasing contracts between the former owners and fit Romanian citizens only. their heirs as well as relatives up to the second degree of the former owner still alive and the unit in charge of the flatÕs administration shall cease by right, on the same CHAPTER II date. Restoration in kind Art. 5. Ñ If the former owner or the respective heirs CHAPTER III were living on December 22, 1989 as lessees in the flats Protection of lessees passed into State property, they shall become owners of Art. 7. Ñ Lease contracts concluded on the grounds of the respective flat, under the provisions of the present law. the Law No. 5/1973 on the administration of the housing In case that several heirs were living on December 22, fund and regulation of relations between owners and les- 1989 each in a flat passed into State property from the for- sees, for flats from the dwelling-houses provided under mer owner, they become the owners of the respective flat. Article 1, shall be extended by right for a period of 5 years The former owner or the respective heirs, who were after the date when the decision of the commission pro- living on December 22, 1989 in the same flat together with vided under the last paragraph of Article 15 shall have other lessees, shall become owners of the whole flat, as it remained final. was defined under Article 3. Evacuation of the lessees and In the extension period of the lease contracts, lessees giving possession to the owners shall be made only after provided under Article 5, paragraph 3 shall benefit by the the public authorities or the owner effectively provides an legal provisions in force with reference to the construction adequate dwelling. of an own dwelling-place with State support or by priority Heirs in the sense of the present law shall be consider- in the assignment of a dwelling-place from the housing ed by right the acceptors of the inheritance after the date fund administered by the local public authorities. when the petition provided under Article 14 was register- The following lessees shall not benefit by the provisions ed. of paragraphs 1 and 2 and may be evacuated on passage of If relatives up to the second degree of the former owner a year after the coming into force of the present law: still alive were lessees on December 22, 1989 in the flats a) titular lessees and members of their families Ñ hus- taken over by the State from the former owner, the flats band, wife and minor children Ñ who, after January 1, shall become their property, with the written consent of 1990, acquired or alienated in their locality of residence a 168 169 VOL 20-eng/bt 15/6/1998 11:34 Page 170 VOL 20-eng/bt 15/6/1998 11:34 Page 171 Law No. 112/November 25, 1995 Regulations on dwellings passed into State property dwelling-place corresponding to the conditions established Young married couples up to 30 years of age as well as by the Law No. 5/1973; people over 60 shall pay an advance payment of 10%, and b) lessees who refuse to take over and use another ade- the payment by monthly installments shall be spread out quate dwelling-place, according to the Law No. 5/1973; over a period of 20 years maximum. c) lessees who sub-let the dwelling-place without the The commission due to the specialist units estimating ownerÕs consent; and selling flats shall be of 1% of their value. d) lessees who changed as a whole or in part the pur- Titular lessees or members of their family Ñ wife, hus- pose or interior structure of the flat, without the ownerÕs band or minor children Ñ who have acquired or alienated consent. a dwelling place of their own property after January 1, The former owners or their heirs and relatives up to the 1990, in the place of residence, shall be excepted from the second degree of the former owner still alive, who benefit provisions of paragraph 1. by the provisions of Article 5, paragraph 3 shall be subro- Lessees who have no means to buy the flat in which they gated, on the date provided under Article 6, in the legally- live may continue to stay in the respective housing space, born rights and obligations of those who previously held paying the rent established by law. the flat on lease. Flats acquired in the terms of paragraph 1 may not be The level of rents shall be that which is established by alienated over a period of 10 years after the purchasing law. date. Any litigations between owners and lessees shall be of Art. 10. Ñ Flats which, on the date of coming into force of the exclusive competence of judicial instance. the law, benefit by special endowments, such as: swimming Art. 8. Ñ For expenses made by lessees with compensa- pool, sauna, hothouse, wine cellar, bar, wine collection or tion at the expense of rent, in the terms of the law, based refrigerating room shall be excepted from selling. on adequate documents and accounts at the units that Dwelling-houses used as guest-houses, protocol-houses, held the flats, compensation shall be continued from the those declared as historic monuments and from the rent owed to the new owner.