THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, WEDNESDAY, APRTL 5, 1899. 9 < A delectable operetta Jpad been arranged guns, twelve caissons, two battle wagons RAILROAD TRAVEL. for his reappearance, and the nurse was and forglngs. The train was composed of handed to him on a silver salver, pre- <">ne Pullman sleeper. seven tourist sleep- sented by the soft of the Califor- MMTIIMO I'AtlKlt' t«MrAM. hands ers, four palace horse cars, seven gon- (PAOiriO itarntl HIS nia Deep Thinkers' Racegolng Associa- dolas and baggage BOLLMAN six cars. '« CORRIGAN nml lire «lnw ED itrrlre «• tion. February ran second. The Twenty-first United States In- Train*lfi»T» WELTER fantry. General will NAN riUM'IMO. WEIGHTS commanding, WHO Kline Street) (Main Line, Foot of.Market Track Notes. leave Plattsburg. N. V., on the 10th inst. being galloped at the track on in sections, composed of - — While three each one leave From March 23, 1899. amut< ANOTHER FALL Monday Flashlight, which, was about ASSAULTS AN first-class sleeper, thirteen tourist sleep- ** baggage ready to go to the post after a long rest, ers and one car. There will also •O:OOa Nile*.San Jose and Way Stations... days ARE be a baggage freight cars. Kenicia, o:-iapi** racing MATCHED train of lifteen Suiann »nd Sacramento.... are EVENLY 7:OOa broke down again. His Redding via now undoubtedly over. Two hundred men and officers of the 7:OOa MarjßTtlle, OrovlUeaud Twenty-fourth United States Infantry Woodland 5:1"2F left Cheyenne yesterday and due 7:OOa Elmira, Vacaville and Eumsey tti+or AT To-Day's Entries. are to Martinez, Kamon.Vallejo, Napa, \u25a0 OAKLAND San OLD arrive here 7:30a • BOOKMAKER to-morrow. Ualistoga and Santa Kosa \u0084 furlong: selling-. 8:00* 8:*»P First race— Six Henry lSxpreas, Og.l«n and Kast.. ... Rosalba . 114 1 902 C... 11l Marine Firemen's Funds. »i:t«A .Sail .line, LiTcrmore, Htooliton, 793 I>is Troncos . 11l •'\u25a0'\u25a0' Reid... 95 lone. Sacramento, Plac=rvillc, Jingle Jingle.... 95 :\u25a0 - Petrarch 11l Ward, secretary 4«15p «05 <;"!'!Fin 100 Bernard ox-financial of M»rj«Tillr,Chico, Ue.nilutf Luck Pursues the 924 Crawford ml '\u25a0\u25a0>\u25a0' Over a Union, yester- »:!lO*•Milton. Oakdale and Bonora 4tl3p 111 100 867 Oahu . 106 Quarreled the Marine Firemen's was Stockton, 765 Naranja ••• day Superior «:OOa Martinez, Tracy, Lathrop. •",•'\u25a0•;\u25a0• BSS Darechoto I"* '•"'"' Alvin E 11l held to answer before the Merced »nd Fresno 12:13p Jockey. S9O LlmatUß .. 95 Anchored 100 Race Decision. Court by Judge Conlan on the charge of U:«llAKresno, HakenticM, Santa Iturlmra. Angeles, Demlng, Paso, furlongs; two-year- embezzling $3000 drawn from the Hibernia Los El 6:45p Second race— Four maiden Bank. $4000. New Orleans and Kant •olds. His bonds were fixed in IO:OOa Vallejo. Martinez and Way Stations 7:45* charge i Xiles, Ll»ermore, Stockton, Sacra- 104 •aooc 1131 MO Ned Dennis 110 This Is the second on which he l'4:OOu MSTanobe" ...... 110 868 St. Elizabeth.. ..llo has been held and the other three hays i ! mento, Mendota, Hanford, Vualia, " • ...."3| *93 of G01d. ..110 4tiHr ESCAPED WITH LIGHT \u25a0" 1> Flush been dismissed. Porterville BRUISES n 'V THREATENED HIS LIFE "Stoop \u25a0 "0 SSO •I Stenuiurs \u25a0•• Castillo Burdock 110 :OOr Sacramonto Itlvcr Vallejo, Ftrrita "0 903 Pidalla 110 litturMarline*. Han Itainnii, 893 .... "» *" Aml*a 11" Napa, OttllBt<>(!», Nuiititl!osa 9ilB* BambouJUof .110 £? 113 ADVERTISEMENTS. \u25a0ItOOr Btnicia, Vacavllle, ffocnuiiento, 910 Flower G01d. ...Tizona Landing, HURDLE EVENT CAPTURED BY Qifi Rachel C 110 880 Moana 110 BULING OF Woodland, Knights Big Horn 113 OUTCOME OF THE Marysville,Oroville 10:45 SS6Glissando m_9o4 4iSopNUes. San Jose and Stockton 7:15? a THREE FORKS. AT OAKLAND. 3:OOpStn Third race— Four and a half furlongs; two- JUDGES Francisco and Los Angeles Stakes. $1000. Limited. Fresno, Bjk»rsne!d, San- year-olds; Andmus ta Barbara, Los Angiles 9:43a. iTSnr.oMen Rule 1201 Kitty Kelly 120 His Rupture Cured. iJSiOOr Pacific Coast Limited. El Paso, 904 Limerick .- 116 i»10 Bathos 118 Fort Worth, Little Rock, St. iLed Big Bunch of Two- Year- 869 Loyh Katrine... llsl Louts, Chicago East aSi43A a W. E. Scott Consults With Chief of and 12:15p — S:3op Stockton, Merced, Fremo Olds Past the Wire Three Fav- Fourth race— One mile; selling; three-year- Police Lees as to His Encoun- C. & N. W. Engineer Restored by s:Sop Martinez, Tracy, Mtudota, Fresno, — olds nnd upward. Jiojave and 1..m Aiik«!<'S 8:4.1* 106 SiSOp orites Defeated Geyser Terra Archer....loßl 897 Montallade ter With the Burly the Wonderful Rice Method. «m itiiK.i nutita. Atluiillc Kxpress ...595 Oralliee S7j (892)Faversham 90 forMojnvn and Ka*t 6:4.1p Gets a Purse. S<;4 P.->t«»nte 102ln9Q7)Umewater 1"2 Horseman. «:<»(»r RiimpeaiiMall,Ogilrnaud ICaet 9i4^4 102, - jmiX Socialist ... Ledai BE 8:«Op Hay wards, Nik*and San Jose 7i43a. 915 Cabrillo LOS 871 Glenn Anne 100 Member of Waseca, Division No. 9, •0:OO i-Vullejo 1«il5 17:00p Vallejo, Port Costa and Way bta- Six furlongs; selling; ages. Tells How He Was Cured. tions J0:4.->r Fifth race— all Marys- | "hoodoo" still clings to nonita . 106; SlO Meadow Lark...lll the deposed czar of B