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Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-78144-2 - The Cambridge History of English Literature, 1660–1780 Edited by John Richetti Index More information Index Abridgment (Calamy), 463 Age of Reason, 423 Absalom and Achitophel (Dryden), 138, 141–2, Agnes de Castro (Behn), 91 180, 190–1, 206 Agriculture (Dodsley), 280 Account of the Life and Writings of Cowley Aikin, Anna Letitia, 314 (Sprat), 431 Akenside, Mark Account of the Life of the Late Reverend Mr David On Leaving Holland, 310 Brainerd, An (Edwards), 465 On Lyric Poetry, 310 Account of the Slave Trade on the Coast of Africa, Pleasures of Imagination, 302–3 An (Falconbridge), 734–5 Alarme to Unconverted Sinners (Alleine), 456 Acis and Galatea (Handel), 435 Albion and Albanius (Dryden), 120, 434 Act of Uniformity of 1662, 446 Alchemist, The (Jonson), 327 Act of Union (1707), 260, 278 Alcibiades (Otway), 117 Adams, John Quincy, 774 Aldrich, Henry, 48 Addison, Joseph, 175 Alexander, William, 381 advice poems by, 161 Alexander’s Feast (Dryden), 435 on country public houses, 72 Alfred (Blackmore), 202 on Gothic literature, 683 Algarotti, Francesco, 415 on literary criticism, 482, 485–7 Alleine, Joseph, 456 on old English ballads, 612 Allestree, Richard, 456 periodical essays by, 405–6, 538–9 All for Love (Dryden), 114, 150 political pamphlets by, 557 Allusion to Horace, An (Rochester), 45 travel narratives, 710–12 Alma, or the Progress of the Mind (Prior), 205 works almanacs, 70–1 The Campaign, 184 Ambitious Statesman, The (Crowne), 118 Cato, 120, 328 Amelia (Henry Fielding), 32 Essay on Virgil’s
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