Income Per Capita and Spread of COVID-19 in Catalan Municipalities

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Income Per Capita and Spread of COVID-19 in Catalan Municipalities Income per capita and spread of COVID-19 in Catalan municipalities Income per capita and spread of COVID-19 in Catalan municipalities Regional Quantitative Analysis Research Group (AQR–UB) AQR COVID-19 / #8 Barcelona, May 13th 2020 BACKGROUND Throughout the month of March and the beginning of COVID-19 and some factors of interest, such as the so- April, the COVID-19 was transmitted exponentially in the cioeconomic level of the population in the different terri- population of Catalonia, with a slowdown in subsequent tories. In this sense, the higher relative number of infec- days, possibly associated with the implementation of tions in BHA with a lower socioeconomic level compared population confinement. to those with the highest socioeconomic level has had an impact not only on the Catalan and Spanish press but The increasing availability of data on the spread of the also on international media.iii disease with territorial detail is making it possible to mo- nitor the spatial distribution of the epidemic and link its However, the analysis of the spatial distribution by BHA incidence to various characteristics of the territories. implies a representation of the territory with deep detail Although it has been suggested that the expansion of the of the areas with the highest population density. Thus, disease has been more intense in territories with less the city of Barcelona has around sixty BHA, Badalona has favored socioeconomic situations, the evidence on the 13, L'Hospitalet de Llobregat 12, etc. On the other hand, relationship between the spatial distribution of income in other areas of the Catalan territory, a very high num- per capita and COVID-19 is still scarce. This analysis is the ber of municipalities remain within a single BHA: the main objective of this research note, and complements Urgell Plan and rural Penedès have 18 municipalities, previous analysis of the AQR Research Groupi. and another 24 BHA include 10 municipalities or more. This means that the analysis that has been carried out In the Catalan case, the Open Government portal of the with BHA has a very important urban bias, insofar as ii Generalitat de Catalunya , through the RSAcovid19 regis- urban areas have a much higher weight in the set of te- try of the Department of Health, has been providing sin- rritories analyzed. In contrast, a municipal analysis ce the end of March, data regarding the impact of COVID allows give greater weight to all the territories, to the -19, both for the case of the municipalities and of the extent that the largest and smallest municipalities play a Basic Health Areas (BHA). With these data, for example, similar role into the analysis. the Catalan Agency for Health Quality and Assessment (AQuAS) has been producing maps of the number of A first analysis with this information leads to a more ro- positive cases of COVID-19, and of the corresponding bust result in relation to that obtained previously by BHA rate per 10,000 inhabitants. This has allowed measure in terms of a synthetic index of socioeconomic level: relationships between the geographical distribution of specifically, income per capita has a positive correlation This note summarizes some of the results on the analysis of the geographical distribution of COVID-19 in Catalonia that is being carried out by re- searchers from the AQR Research Group of the UB ( aqr/). Special emphasis is placed on considering geographic and territorial aspects, facts of special interest in the research for the group. The detailed results that have been used in this note are available to the interested reader. Josep Lluís Carrion-i-Silvestre, Antonio Di Paolo, Alicia García, Enrique López-Bazo, Jordi López-Tamayo, Alessia Matano, Rosina Moreno, Ernest Pons, Raul Ramos, Vicente Royuela and Jordi Suriñach have participated in the preparation of this note. 1 Income per capita and spread of COVID-19 in Catalan municipalities with the expansion of COVID-19 until April 10th (chosen OBJECTIVE as the reference date), although the relationship seems to be non-linear. Specifically, from a certain income The implications of the relationship between the com- threshold, increases in income would not lead to a munity spread of COVID-19 and, in general terms, the higher incidence of the disease but quite the opposite, income level of the population in the different territories as can be seen in Figure 1 where the fitted line in the is important enough to deserve a detailed analysis. In scatterplot of the data has a quadratic shape. Further- fact, several studies have shown how the spatial varia- more, the association between the two variables seems tion in the spread and impact of other infectious disea- to have changed over time, as seen in Figure 2, where a ses, such as the 1918 Spanish flu, was related to the in- greater association is observed during the first weeks of come level of each territory, its unemployment rate, and v of the pandemic, and decreases as the confinement ta- the educational level of its population . kes effectiv . Therefore, this research note aims to synthesize the evi- Figure 1. dence obtained in the analysis of the relationship bet- ween the spread of COVID-19 in the population of the municipalities of Catalonia and their income level, con- trolling for the effect of other factors that may also have affected, to a greater or lesser extent, to the spread of the epidemic in each territory. As indicated before, the existing evidence referring to other pandemics suggests that the spread of the disease could vary between different groups of the population depending on social and economic characteristics. Thus, given the diversity in the distribution of the characteris- tics of the population, a different degree of incidence of COVID-19 can be expected in the different municipali- ties, as well as a diverse evolution of the incidence. In this sense, a greater expansion in those territories with a Source: Own elaboration based on data from the RSAco- greater economic activity is expected, since it is plausible vid19 registry of the Departament de Salut de la Gene- to expect more frequent and more intense interactions ralitat de Catalunya and the National Institute of Statis- between people in the daily development of their work. tics. Similarly, we can argue the possibility that the spread of SARS-CoV-2 may have been lower in places with higher Figure 2. incidence of unemployment or, more generally, with less labor participation (given the lower interaction with ot- her people). In fact, apart from the above, there are ot- her channels through which we can argue the possible existence of an inverted U-shaped relationship between income levels and the spread of the disease. For exam- ple, researches from the United Kingdom and the Barce- lona Metropolitan Areavi show a lower use of public transport among the highest-income groups, which could have reduced the possibilities of contagion during the initial phase of expansion of the disease. On the ot- her hand, there is evidence on how in the United States the possibilities of teleworking are clearly higher in those occupations that also offer higher levels of income, which is confirmed by the importance of having high- speed internet connections that also come more easily to areas with higher income. Finally, some studies have found robust results on the existence of a positive asso- Source: Own elaboration based on data from the RSAco- ciation between income and health levelsvii, as well as a vid19 registry of the Departament de Salut de la Gene- ralitat de Catalunya and the National Institute of Statis- greater propensity among higher-income individuals to tics. go to health centers for possible symptoms. This mecha- nism has already been discussed in the case of COVID-19 for New York City neighborhoods.ix 2 Income per capita and spread of COVID-19 in Catalan municipalities The data reproduced in Table 1 suggests that, in fact, the PROPAGATION OF COVID-19 incidence of the disease has been higher in the munici- palities with the highest income per capita, with some AND INCOME PER CAPITA notable exception, as is the case of the Tarragona muni- cipality of Caseres, with a low level of income and a very A first step in the study of the relationship between the high rate of COVID-19 cases, or the municipality of Sal- income per capita of the municipality and the communi- des (Berguedà), with just the reverse situation. ty spread of the disease is the comparison of the geo- graphical distribution of these two variables. Regarding Figure 4. the first, Figure 3 shows the municipal distribution of the rate of positive cases of COVID-19 in some diagnos- tic test (PCR or rapid test) for 10,000 inhabitants accu- mulated until April 10th, from the RSAcovid registry19. It can be seen that, as revealed in various media, the distribution of the disease is not uniform throughout the Catalan territory. Figure 3. Source: Own elaboration based on data from the Muni- cipal Income Atlas of the National Statistics Institute Table 1. Rate of COVID-19 cases on April 10th per 10,000 inhabitants. according to level of income per capita Source: Own elaboration based on data from the RSAco- vid19 register of the Departament de Salut of the Gene- ralitat de Catalunya To assess the impact of economic factors on the spread of the disease, our study has used information on the level of income per capita, published by the National Institute of Statistics (INE) in the Income Distribution Atlas, with information from income per capita and hou- sehold for 2016. The territorial distribution of the value of income per capita is shown in Figure 4, where a higher level of inco- me is seen in municipalities in the vicinity of the Barce- lona Metropolitan Area, as well as in several municipali- ties in Girona and the Pyrenees.
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