Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Legislative
COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL TUESDAY, MAY 10, 2005 SESSION OF 2005 189TH OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY No. 31 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES No. 1555 By Representatives GEORGE, MARKOSEK, The House convened at 10 a.m., e.d.t. PHILLIPS, BEBKO-JONES, BELFANTI, BENNINGHOFF, CALTAGIRONE, CURRY, DeLUCA, FREEMAN, GOOD, GOODMAN, GRUCELA, HARHAI, JAMES, JOSEPHS, THE SPEAKER (JOHN M. PERZEL) LaGROTTA, LEDERER, McCALL, McGEEHAN, PRESIDING McILHATTAN, PETRARCA, PISTELLA, ROEBUCK, SANTONI, SATHER, SHANER, SOLOBAY, STURLA, PRAYER SURRA, THOMAS, TIGUE, WALKO and WANSACZ REV. WARREN D. SICKMAN, Chaplain of the House of An Act amending Title 12 (Commerce and Trade) of the Representatives, offered the following prayer: Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, further providing for responsibilities of the Department of Community and Economic Development; and making appropriations. Let us pray: Almighty God, who alone gives wisdom and understanding, Referred to Committee on COMMERCE, May 10, 2005. inspire, we pray Thee, the minds of all to whom Thou hast committed the responsibility of government and leadership in No. 1556 By Representatives HUTCHINSON, S. H. SMITH, the nations of the world. Give to them the vision of truth and ALLEN, ARMSTRONG, BAKER, BALDWIN, BASTIAN, justice that by their counsel, all nations and peoples may work BENNINGHOFF, BOYD, CALTAGIRONE, CAPPELLI, together in true brotherhood and Thy church may serve Thee in CAUSER, CLYMER, CRAHALLA, CRUZ, DENLINGER, unity and peace. DeWEESE, J. EVANS, FAIRCHILD, FLEAGLE, FORCIER, Amen. GABIG, GEIST, GEORGE, GERGELY, GINGRICH, GOODMAN, HARHART, HERMAN, HESS, KAUFFMAN, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE KOTIK, LEH, MAITLAND, MAJOR, McILHATTAN, METCALFE, R. MILLER, S. MILLER, MUSTIO, NAILOR, (The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by members and NICKOL, O’NEILL, PHILLIPS, PICKETT, PISTELLA, visitors.) RAPP, READSHAW, REED, REICHLEY, ROHRER, SATHER, SCAVELLO, SHANER, B.
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