[email protected] F2T2EA area, real-time sensors make it easy in the bar. Drinking was a deportation One way to simplify the F2T2EA to quickly and reliably assess the offense. [“Find, Fix, Track, Target, Engage, effectiveness of air operations. Most people arrived with little Assess,” July, p. 24] problem is to put Lt. Col. Price T. Bingham, knowledge of the climate except a more emphasis on managing the tac- USAF (Ret.) vague idea it was “hot.” July and tical employment of surveillance and Melbourne, Fla. August [temperatures] were 109 [de- attack assets from onboard the the- grees]—with 119 the absolute max ater [Command and Control, Intelli- It Was Earlier and 42 the lowest the year I was gence, Surveillance, and Reconnais- The USAAF established a pres- there. The Persian Gulf was only three sance] team of AWACS, Rivet Joint, ence at Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, in miles away and provided a shallow and Joint STARS [aircraft], rather than 1946. It was closed out in either 1958 layer of very moist air. During my from an air operations center. or 1959. [See “The Long Deployment,” year, we had an official measure- Thanks to the cross-cuing of their July, p. 30.] ment of an 88 [degrees] F dew point own wide-area, real-time sensors and I was a first lieutenant weather and once zero/zero fog at a [tem- the sensors of other systems like forecaster there from June 1956 to perature] of 85 [degrees] F. Dust was [unmanned aerial vehicles], the the- June 1957. The base organization the worst.