INTERNATIONAL RESCUE COMMITTEE South Sudan Program FINAL REPORT DFD-A-00-06-00068-00 Headquarter Mailing Address Field Contact person Anne Goforth Demere Seyoum Program Officer-Horn & East Africa Region Deputy Director of Programs International Rescue Committee IRC South Sudan 122 East 42nd Street Hai Malakal New York 10168-1289 Juba, South Sudan Tel: (212) 551-2906 Phone: +882-165-1197043 Fax: (212) 551-3185 +249-811823260
[email protected] [email protected] Program Title: Local Solutions: Conflict Response Initiative in South Sudan. Location: Upper Nile and Bahr El Ghazal, South Sudan. Type of Disaster/Hazard: Post conflict displacement and return Period of the Program: January 1st to December 31st 2006 Reporting Period: January 1st to December 31st 2006 Program Goal The improved social wellbeing of conflict-affected and vulnerable groups from both returnee- and receiving- communities in Southern Sudan through the reduction of mortality and morbidity from disease and the increased capacity of the affected communities to collectively work towards this end. Objective 1 – Conflict affected and vulnerable populations from returnee and receiving Health communities in targeted areas of Bahr el Ghazal and Western Upper Nile have improved access to and increased utilization of curative, preventative and educative health care services for leading causes of morbidity and mortality. Within conflict-affected returnee and receiving communities in targeted areas of Objective 2 – Bahr el Ghazal and Western Upper Nile in Southern Sudan: Civil Society Capacity Building Organizations (CSOs) have improved capacity to define, plan and manage interventions in their own communities through strengthened core planning and management capacities and practical experience in the provision of social services; targeted County Health Departments (CHD) have increased capacity to be responsible to better monitor and over-see health service delivery.