The Royal British Legion North County

Newsletter Issue 2 May 2011 Welcome to the Second edition of the County Newsletter 2011…………..

County President: Michael Charlton-Weedy. CBE, Chairman County Colin Northridge.MBE Past County Chairman: Bob Burrows. County Vice Chairman: Mark Hogan County Secretary: Kimberley Thornton County Treasurer : Mark Hogan County Manager: Chris Cunningham. County Welfare Officer : Beverley Davies. County Welfare Officer: Ian Poole. County Managers Assistant: Louise Beilby. Community Fundraiser Elizabeth Hughes County PA Co-ordinator: Terry Goodall . County Standard Bearer: Ernest Sawdon ( Branch)

From the County Chairman

Hi everybody,

This is the first County Newsletter since last July and I would like your views to be aired, your Branch activities to be advertised and your events displayed. So please use the Newsletter and let other Branches know what you are doing. We are trying and improve communications between County and Branches, but it is proving to be an uphill climb. We communicate, but there is very little feed back to the County office, consequently trying to find articles for this second edition of the County Newsletter has been hard work for Kimberley. Our 90 th Anniversary is upon us and I am hoping you are all doing something to commemorate and celebrate this great year which in turn will create greater awareness, strengthen the membership, raise the income of the Poppy Appeal and recruit additional supporters. PLEASE let us have details of any events so we can publicise them and display your achievements.

Amalgamation The Membership Council has approved the plan to amalgamated North and East Yorkshire Counties. A small steering committee comprising members of the executives from both counties has been set up. The first And second meetings was on Saturday 10th April and Saturday 7 th May. A further meeting is to be held on Tuesday 7th June. There will be a Special Joint General Meeting of both Counties to elect a County Chairman, Officers and Executive members, on Saturday 23rd July 2011, at the Easingwold. Kimberley has been sending out details and nomination forms to branches. It is hoped that the new County and Youth Standards will be dedicated in time for the SGM, so they can be presented. Those elected will serve until the first County Conference, which will be held January 2012, when a Chairman and Officers will be elected for a three-year period. The Executive Committee will be elected, serving in the first instance for periods three, two and one year. The number of individual votes cast for each person will determine the respective terms.

Best wishes to you all.

Colin Northridge MBE.

Your County Committee Steve Jewell, Scarborough ; Andrew Cowie, Ripon ; Angela Shepherd, County Central ; Fergus Osborne, Guisborough ; George Murgatroyd, Tadcaster; Alex Bentley , Skipton; Elwyn Pickering , ; Ray Ashby , York Tony Anderson , Riders Branch; Andy Monger , Riders Branch

COUNTY RETURNS The County Officers THANK ALL Groups and Branches who submitted their Branch MS1’s to the County Office by 31 st December 2009 as requested. Details of Branch Officials etc; have been updated in the County handbook, which we have now just received from the printers and is currently being distributed through Group and mail shots. The details of those branches who have omitted to send in their MS1’s will not be updated in the Handbook this year.

R&P Accounts Well done to all those Branches that have submitted their annual accounts. The Royal Charter Governing Rules 86 states:- Within 3 months after the close of its financial year, or within 1 month after the audit, every branch must send a copy of its accounts to its County Office, together with the report of the independent Examiners or qualified auditor. This means that the branch must send in its R&P accounts by 31 st December of each year. Currently we only have 2 outstanding, Well done and thank you .

National Conference This years Conference is to take place at Telford International Centre, St Quentin Gate, Telford, Shropshire, on Saturday and Sunday 21 st and 22 nd May 2011.

Sessions Saturday 9:30 – 1230, 1400 - 1730

Sunday Sessions 9:30 – 1230, 1400 – 1730

All those branches who nominated a delegate to attend and have been accepted by the Conference Committee should have received all of their delegate credentials in the post. Should any branch that has qualified, not yet received them, to contact the County office ASAP.

For future interest branches are reminded that the Jim Prince fund was created in order to provide financial assistance to small branches, specifically to help defray the costs of sending a Delegate to Annual Conference. Each Regional Manager may annually nominate two branches to the Board of Trustees to apply to the fund. Branches with a membership of 100 or fewer, regardless of category are eligible to apply for assistance. To apply for the fund for next years National Annual Conference, please submit your Branch Delegate application form along with a covering letter to the County, by the due date specified in the Annual Conference Special Circular. Please be aware that only ONE Branch per County may be submitted for consideration. This year we received no nominations, let’s change that for next year.

County Directory The directory that has been produced and issued to branches is a temporary handbook. There will be a further full combined and completed copy produced and distributed to all the branches after The price of Gold Badges the SGM 23 rd July. There was an omission in the current has risen to £168.00 per Badge due to directory, with an amendment page enclosed for all. It would be the increased cost of gold appreciated if you could provide me with any further amendments to ensure the revised directory will be up to date

Forces Discount Scheme Veterans and families can benefit from discounts offered by over 1,100 companies through the free MOD Discount Scheme. Discounts and special deals are available from a wide range of providers, on everything from legal services to holidays and theme parks. You can register for free on their website at www.forcesdiscounts- BRANCH

The Boroughbridge branch of the Royal British Legion has helped to make life a little easier for injured members of the Armed Forces confined to wheelchairs.

The group has raised money to buy 20 sheepskin wheelchair seat and back covers which have been presented to Lt Col Mel Pears, commanding officer of 15 Brigade, Personnel Recovery Unit in York, by branch president Coun Geoff Craggs, chairman Ken Richardson and other members, in Hall Square in Boroughbridge. Using natural sheepskin for the covers helps prevent sores because of its compression resistance, its breathability and its ability to retain moisture

Lt Col Mel Pears (fourth from right) receives one of the sheepskin covers from members of the Boroughbridge branch of the Royal British Legion, from left, Janet Taverner, president Coun Geoff Craggs, Angels Collin, Aiden Foster, A rthur Unitt, John Reeves, chairman Ken Richardson


On Friday 29 th April, The George Hotel in Easingwold provided complimentary coffee, scones with cream. All donations were given to the Easingwold Branch Royal British Legion, £131.40 was raised. Many thanks to Mr & Mrs Riley for all their hard work, it was much appreciated

At the Easingwold Galtres Centre on Thursday 7 th May a presentation evening was held by the Easingwold Branch Royal British Legion. The awards were for the hard work Poppy appeal collectors have done. Twelve recipients were presented with their awards by Major General Charlton-Weedy. CBE, DL. Mrs M Toase of Easingwold received her 50 years bar and broach. An evening enjoyed by all.

BRANCH ACCOUNTS In the near future the facility will be available for those branches to submit their annual branch accounts electronically. The Legion will be introducing a new electronic system called “Legion Arms Accounting System”. The National Training Team is to visit our Areas and give LAAS training to all County Secretaries/Membership Administrators/County Treasurers and any Branch Treasurers who would wish to be trained.

The National Training Team will link in with the existing training programme for Branch Treasurers, and partly they will need to offer separate courses. I have been asked to identify which branch treasurers may be interested in attending this course. No dates have yet been fixed yet but will start in May and carry on to September.

To register your interest in attending this course, please make contact with the County Secretary, [email protected] or 01904 550577 It is the Legion’s Mission to be;

The organisation which is, and is recognised as, the number one provider of welfare, comradeship, campaigning and Remembrance for the Armed Forces community.

The Legion provides financial, social and emotional support to Service people, past and present, and their dependants.

We are a major campaigner for improvements to legislation, public policies and statutory services. Our nationwide network of volunteers and staff work locally – often with partner organisations – to help those in need. We provide funds for those living in poverty and help for others to live independently. We provide residential care for vulnerable, older people and offer services to improve the quality of life to isolated or excluded people and families. We also help others to develop their vocational skills to find suitable employment.

We are the national custodian of Remembrance – we inform people of all ages about the importance of remembering those from the British Armed Forces who have made the ultimate sacrifice, and those who fought and are still fighting for the freedom we enjoy.

The Legion is embarking on an ambitious five year strategy that will lay the foundations for our Centenary by;

1. Maximising our offering i. Boosting the impact of those services that are the most relevant to our beneficiaries. ii. Developing new services to meet changing need. iii. Extending our advocacy both within the Armed Services and Parliament; and iv. Developing new engaging events and materials to ensure all generations Remember those who died in service to this Country.

2. Broadening our support i. Cultivating new groups and communities of people to help us in our work.

3. Revitalising our Membership i. Rekindling comradeship and a common sense of purpose and belonging.

The Flying of Flags

Days for flying the Union Flag on Government and Public Buildings (from 8am to sunset)

June 2 nd Coronation Day (1953) June 10 th Birthday of the Duke of Edinburgh (1921) June 11 th Queen’s Official Birthday 2011 (Provisional) June 21 st Birthday of Prince William (1982) June 25 th Armed Forces Day July 17 th Birthday of the Duchess of Cornwall (1947) Aug 15 th Birthday of the Princess Royal (1950) Sept 15 th Birthday of Prince Harry (1984) Oct 21 st Trafalgar Day Nov 13 th Remembrance Sunday 2011 Nov 14 th Birthday of the Prince of Wales (1948) Nov 20 th Her Majesty’s Wedding Day (1947)

And on the occasion of the opening and closing of Parliament by the Queen.

Flags will be flown at half mast on the following occasions;

From the announcement of the death up to the funeral of the Sovereign, except on Proclamation Day, when they are hoisted right up from 11am to sunset.

The funeral of members of the Royal Family, subject to special commands from Her Majesty in each case.

The funeral of Foreign Rulers, subject commands from Her Majesty in each case.

The funeral of the Prime Minister and Ex-Prime Ministers of the .

On other occasions by special commands from Her Majesty.

The Royal Standard is only to be hoisted when the Queen is actually present in the building and never when Her Majesty is passing in procession.

Thirsk & District Royal British Legion Celebrate

A Service of Thanksgiving and Rededication to mark the 90 th Anniversary Year of the Founding of the Legion Parade & Church Service Sunday 3rd July 2011 Assemble 1230 - Parade 1300hrs - The Marage Car Park, Thirsk Church Service – 1330 to 1430hrs St. Mary’s Church, Thirsk Refreshments – RBL Club Thirsk – 1430hrs Get on Parade ! Also celebrating the 66 th Anniversary of the End of World War 11

Veterans National Awareness week & The safe return of all our Armed Service Personnel from Afghanistan

We welcome all Service/Ex-Service personnel and Standards from Legion Branches and Ex-Service Associations to attend this event.

Please inform Thirsk & District Branch of your intentions to join this event with numbers attending. For further information contact; Colin Northridge MBE Tel; Mobile 07787 114355

The Royal British Legion Shoulder to shoulder with all who serve.

FANFARE ROYAL BRITISH LEGION Newsletter for Fulford and District Branch Typing and Publishing – Maureen M Smith Editing and Proof Reading – Ian N. C. Smith

APRIL/MAY 2011 EDITION Welcome to the April Edition of the Fulford Fanfare. Our apologies for the slight delay, but there have been just too many Bank Holidays. Anyway Spring has sprung . We’ve had some fantastic weather during the last few weeks which meant we were able to get out into the garden, this culminated in back ache and aches and pains from exercising muscles which had been resting during the winter. Lets hope we have a superb Summer with lots of events to attend. Maureen and Ian, your producers of this newsletter were hoping to have all the building/renovation works done to their new property and starting to hold Sunday Afternoon Teas in support of the Poppy Appeal, but this has had to be put on hold for at least 2/3 months. Still decorating etc. etc., meantime, watch this space.


BRANCH MEETINGS: 12 May, 9 June and 14 July. All to be held at the Sgt’s Mess, Imphal Barracks at 19.30 hours.


2nd June 2011 RN Association Social at The Clarence Club, cost is £5 per head. 25 June 2011 Army Day at Scarborough, Sponsors are York Branch. Coach Pick Up in Fulford. Tickets are £5 per head – Contact Tel: 01904-795272 1 July 2011 Branch Coach Trip to Beamish and Durham Cathedral. Invitations to York Branch and other Military Associations, but subsidy applies to Fulford Branch Members only.


9 July 2011 Haxby Show, volunteers and bric-a-brac needed 30 July 2011 St Crux – again as above i.e. volunteers and bric-a-brac needed 29 Aug. 2011 Fulford Bank Holiday Show – volunteers and bric-a-brac needed 16 Sept.2011 This is the proposed date for a Branch Race Night at Fulfordgate WMC. Chairman Cliff recently attended one in Scotland which raised £2,000. 25 Sept.2011 York Historical Vehicle Rally on The Knavesmire – Bric-a-brac and Volunteers are needed


16 Oct.2011 York Naval Association – Trafalgar Day.

The Cabaret Evening held at Fulfordgate WMC on 23 February 2011, organised by Jack Redfern, was a huge success and raised £175. It is hoped to make this a regular fund raising event.

Ruth Wheatley and her team manned the book stall at York Hospital on 3 March 2011 and raised the magnificent sum of £361.20p.

Well done to all our fund raisers – Volunteers are always needed as well as Bric-a-Brac – contact Ruth direct on 01904- 466085 to organise delivery/collection.

THE ROYAL WEDDING – As you are all aware, this wonderful event has already happened, and we wish the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge a Happy and Healthy Life together .


ITS SMILES ALL ROUND FOR RUTH WHEATLEY AND HER BAND OF FAITHFUL HELPERS (See above for the fantastic amount raised) (and Ruth read everyone before she sold it!!!, we are only joking of course)


16 th July - Airborne Forces Day 10.00am – 5.00pm

Reunion specifically for veterans who have served with Airborne Forces over the last 60 years.

11 th September - All Services Parade and Service

Eden Camp's Annual Remembrance Parade and Service. Probably the largest gathering of service veterans in the North of . Parade at 2.00pm.

15 th October- Palestine Veterans Association Reunion

Reunion for those members of British military forces and Palestine Police who served in Palestine between 1945 and 1948 . Parade at 1.00pm.

The Royal British Legion said today, 16 March, it was "delighted" that Her Majesty the Queen has bestowed a Royal title upon the town of Wootton Bassett in recognition of its efforts to honour the UK war dead.

To be known as Royal Wootton Bassett, it is the first town in 100 years to receive such a distinction

The Royal British Legion Lister House Southgate RIPON



Dear Members


nd This year’s Garden Party will be held on Saturday 2 July 2011 with the official opening at 2.00p.m. We are hoping to have many varied stalls there including tombola, bottle raffle, home produce and cream teas served throughout the afternoon. Branches are invited to have their own stalls to help boost the Lister House Amenities Fund. If you are unable to man a stall but would like to help, donations of goods for the tombola, raffle or other stalls would be much appreciated. We also hope that as many members as possible will be able to come along on the day and support this event.

As an extra fundraiser this year we are also holding a special raffle with cash prizes, the first three prizes being £100, £50 and £25. Tickets have been printed and we would hope that as many counties/branches as possible nd will apply for some and sell them to members and friends before the draw which will take place on 2 July. The tickets costing £1 each are in books of 5 and if you would like some please contact Mrs L Carter at the above address or telephone her on 01765 607878.

If you feel you would like to participate would you please indicate to me what type of stall you would like to th run by completing and returning the tear off slip no later than 25 June 2011.Of course, we would supply any furnishings you may need i.e. tables and chairs.

Yours sincerely, Mrs B Frankland Secretary to the Lister House Amenities Committee

To: Mrs B Frankland, Secretary LHAC Telephone 01325 355234 7 Tunstall Terrace, , County Durham, DL1 4XH

We will/will not attend the Garden Party We will/will not be prepared to run a stall at the Garden Party

We would require the following furniture………………………………………………………………………... The type of stall we would like to run is…………………………………………………………………………..

There will be approximately ……………….. of us attending the Garden Party Our transport is coach/car etc……………………………………………………………………………………..


ADDRESS………………………………………………………………………………………………………... TELEPHONE NUMBER…………………………………………………………………………………………

Alderson House Activities and Events 2011

On Tuesday 10 th May we will be holding a Cheese and Wine Charity Evening with a 60’s theme in the bar lounge at Alderson House. Starting at 7pm there will be live music from the Classic pop singers and lots of fun there will be a prize for the sixties fancy dress.

On Saturday 11 th June to celebrate the 90 th Anniversary of the Royal British Legion, and in conjunction with other celebrations across the UK we will be holding a 40’s garden party, with stalls, a chocolate raffle, a bottle tombola and the event will go with a swing - the entertainment will be provided by ‘big band’ singer Lilli de Carlo.

To continue our 90 th celebrations, we are very excited to announce our Poppy Ball to be held on Saturday 26 th November at the Revelstoke Hotel in Bridlington, for a ticket price of £30 per person this will include a three course dinner, live music and entry into out prize raffle, this takes place at 7.30pm- midnight and all proceeds will go to Alderson House and the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal 2011.

Also ongoing is our Poppy Club at Alderson House , we meet every Tuesday between 2.30pm and 4pm , this is an informal group available to eligible service personnel past and present. The club is free to join and you do not need to be a member of the TRBL to access this service. We have various activities including film shows, keep fit, arts and crafts, discussions and quizzes, but more importantly there is always a friendly face and a cup of tea. You can drop in every week, or just occasionally when you can make it.

For further information on any of the above please contact Anna Roseby On 01262 408010.


th Poppy Appeal Total as @ 15 April 2011



I was delighted to take the opportunity offered to me by the County Chairman, Colin Northridge, to introduce myself in the newsletter for the East Ridings of Yorkshire. I have recently taken up the post of Community Fundraiser for North Yorkshire, having spent a year as the Community Fundraiser for Lancashire. My role is to support any volunteer who is involved in the Poppy Appeal and further fundraising for the Royal British Legion. As this is our 90 th Anniversary year, there are more events being organised than ever before. I am constantly amazed and humbled by the time given and dedication shown by all of you, active and inspirational, RBL members. I am able to provide items to support an event, assist with publicity or can put you in touch with your local Poppy Appeal Organiser who will be able to offer help and advice.

I am very much looking forward to all the celebrations during the Poppy Party weekend of 11 th & 12 th June, the Redcar Armed Forces Day celebrations on 25 th June and the 90 th Anniversary Service of Re-Dedication and Parade in Thirsk on the 3 rd July. I am certain that through this wonderful variety of events, North Yorkshire has ensured that all people across the generations will be able to commemorate our 90 th Anniversary, whilst offering us the added opportunity to raise the funds which we need to continue our welfare work in support of the serving and ex- service community and their families.

The official weekend of the 90 th Anniversary is The Poppy Party Weekend 10 th -12 th June. Why not have a simple party to celebrate our 90th anniversary. Invite your branch, your family or friends? You could ask them all to bring food and drink that could be shared to keep costs down and cut down the work involved. You can register your party at or over the phone on 01722 714 937.

As part of The Great Poppy Party Weekend, the Royal British Legion would like to ask all of our members and supporters to stand and raise a glass at 4pm on Sunday 12th June 2011 in national 'Toast' to The Royal British Legion’s 90th Anniversary. The glass could be filled with a soft drink, wine or beer, to enable people of all ages to take part in this unique aspect of this event. This 'Toast' has the possibility of involving hundreds of thousands of people throughout the United Kingdom in a simple way of acknowledging the wonderful work undertaken by The Royal British Legion, so I do hope that you will encourage all your family and friends to take part.

The North Yorkshire Poppy Appeal total is now at £701,250.18 , which is already more than the total for last year – with more money still being paid in! This is an amazing achievement in these times of national financial difficulty and due to the wonderful support and commitment of the members and volunteers in North Yorkshire.

If you have any events planned or any ideas for fundraising, please do contact me at County Office on 01904 550576, on my mobile 07827 356709 or by email [email protected] I do hope to hear from you in the near future.

THE ROYAL BRITISH LEGION East Riding and North Yorkshire EVENTSAUGUST DIARY 20 11/12

MAY 15 East Riding 90th Anniversary Parade & Service Beverley Minster. 1300hrs 15 Kirkbymoorside 90 th Anniversary Celebrations, Memorial hall, 7:30pm. Town Brass Band and Songs of Reflection., Tickets £5.00. Tel: 01751 431471 21-22 National Conference, Telford 26 York Branch 90 th Anniversary Parade & Church Service at all St Church 27 York Branch Fundraising day – St Crux Church, commencing 10am

JUNE 1 Regional Meeting County Chairman – Office 4 90th Anniversary Driffield Branch Dance & Social Evening, Old Town Hall, Bell Hotel, Driffield, Tickets £6.00 each or £12.00 to include Pea & Pie Supper, Further information from J Forrester 01377 256762 4 1100 – 1500 Fund Raising band performance Princes Quay 7 Joint Counties Steering Group – York Office 11 1100 – 1500 Fund Raising band performance – Princes Quay Hull 11 Willerby Kirk Ella & Anlaby Branch are holding their Annual Garden Party with Afternoon Tea to celebrate the 90th Birthday of the Royal British Legion on Saturday 11th June 2011 1pm to 4pm in the garden of 401 Beverley Road, Anlaby. Admission Price: Adults £4, Concessions £2 to include sandwiches, scone and drink. The proceeds will be shared between Branch Funds and the 90th Anniversary of the Royal British Legion. There will be Long Service awards presented by the County Chairman, Mr Alan Higbee MBE and we will be having various stalls and entertainment. For further info contact the Branch Secretary on 01482 652274, After 6pm please Mobile: 07951 218026 or e-mail her at [email protected] 11 Alderson House Garden Party: 2 – 5 pm. Poppy Party Weekend, with a 40’s to present day theme. Various events throughout the day. Further info Anna Roseby 01262 408010 18 90th Anniversary Dinner at Londesborough Barracks Hull. 20 Redcar branch holding a flag raising for Armed Forces week at 10,30am Monday 20th June 25 1100 – 1500 Fund raising band performance – Princes Quay Hull 25 Redcar branch holding a full day of events including march on of Standards and veterans, drill displays and competition from the three local cadets forces, adets dancing the Hornpipe, air display along the beach area by a Tiger Moth by-plane plus other things. Full details when available 25-26 National Bowls Final – Melton Mowbray 26 South Cave 90 th Anniversary Church Service, All St Church, 2:15pm. Music by TA Band and all Standard Bearers welcome.

JULY 2 Lister House Garden Party, Ripon, 1400 hours 3 Armed Forces Day Beverley 3 Thirsk 90 th Anniversary Parade and Church Service. Assemble in the Marage 1230hrs, Parade 1300hrs, Church Service 1330hrs followed by refreshments in Thirsk Club at approx. 1430hrs 5 Haltemprice Group Meeting Driffield. 1930hrs 8 Independent Examiners Refresher Course – York 9 1100 – 1500 Fund raising band performance – Princes Quay Hull 9 Fulford Branch – Haxby Show 9-10 Independent Examiners Course - York 12-14 Great Yorkshire Show 15 90th Anniversary Concert Hull City Hall. , 1930hrs 16 Eden Camp, Airborne Forces Day 10.00am – 5.00pm, Reunion specifically for veterans who have served with Airborne Forces over the last 60 years 17 York Branch, Rowntree Park Summer Fair, family day, 1400hrs 23 1100 hrs SGM Counties Amalgamation Galtres Centre Easingwold. 30 Fulford Branch – St Crux

AUGUST 13 York Branch information stall at York City Council Summer Fair, Hull Road, 2pm 13-14 Driffield Steam Rally

SEPTEMBER 2-4 County Training Officers Course – Haigh House 2-4 Bridlington Rally Spa Bridlington 3 Northern Regional Bowls – Location TBC 6-7 Independent Examiners Course – Haigh House 8 Independent Examiners Refresher Course – Haigh House 11 All Services Parade and Service , Eden Camp's Annual Remembrance Parade and Service. Probably the largest gathering of service veterans in the North of England. Parade at 2.00pm 16-18 Bridlington Rally 20 RBL Anniversary Service Westminster Abbey. 23-24 National Chairman's Seminar Staverton Park 23-25 Standard Bearers Judges Course – Hermitage 24-25 Basic Welfare Caseworker Training Course - York

OCTOBER 1 Northern Regional Games – Location TBC 4 Haltemprice Group AGM, Market Weighton 7 Qualified Panel Members Refresher Course – Haigh House 8-9 Qualified Panel Members Course – Haigh House 15 Eden Camp - Palestine Veterans Association Reunion, Reunion for those members of British military forces and Palestine Police who served in Palestine between 1945 and 1948 . Parade at 1.00pm

NOVEMBER 6 York Festival of Remembrance, The Barbican. 11 Festival of Remembrance, Hull City Hall, awaiting further info 26 Alderson House 90 th Poppy Ball: The Revelstoke Hotel, Bridlington, Tickets £30 each. Three course dinner, live music & dancing, Further info Alderson House 01262 408010


This Diary of Events is up-dated regularly and any items of interest to the Ex-Service Community are welcome. It is circulated to all Branches within the County and to other Service Associations on request to the County Secretary. Entries are welcome and should be addressed to the County Secretary, at the address below, preferably in writing, or e-mail: [email protected]

The East Riding County Website and the North Yorkshire County Website can be accessed through



TEL: 01904 550577 IFAX: 0203 2072456


Schedule Of Events

Haworth 1940s Weekend Sun 15 May 2011

Armed Forces Day 2011 Sun 19 June 2011

rd Hampsthwaite Feast 2011 Sat 23 July 2011

Last Night of the Proms 2011 Sat 22 nd October 2011 Erymsted School, 1930hrs

th Remembrance Sunday 2011 Sun 13 November 2011

In Memorium Mr D. Hudson York Mr A. Stokes Knaresborough Mr R Leighton Redcar Mr J McAndrew Whitby Mrs I Lancaster Skipton Mr J Norfolk Knaresborough

Mr R Ford Danby Mr T. Riley Smith Tadcaster Mr P. Guggan Osmotherley Mr F. Smith Danby & District Mr R. Ford Danby & District Mr A. Scott Aldbrough St John Mr J. Ward Thornton le Dale Mr A Wood Whitby Mrs E Needham Knaresborough Mrs J Swales Scarborough Maj Gen V. Metcalf Scarborough Mr B Raw Scarborough Mr P. Sawden Thirsk

Mr G. Pyle Aldbrough St John Mr. R Hall York Mr. J. Bromley York Mr. B. Collin Carlton in Coverdale Mr. H. Waudby Carlton in Coverdale Mr. R. Hall Guisborough Mr. G. Simpson Mrs. B. Thwaite Scarborough North Yorkshire County Maj T Cook Central Mr J. McCormick Carlton in Coverdale

Mr C. Basil Carlton in Coverdale Mrs. C. Spencer Fulford Mr. P. Harrison Whitby Mr. R. Taylor York Mr. J. Empson Guisborough Mr. B. Wray Fulford Mr. W. Cathpole Dormanstown Mr J. Williams Leyburn Mr. W. Bottrill Hedon Mr. L. Farrington York Mrs. E. Simpson Northallerton Mr. C. Fawcett Leyburn Mr. J. Hart Guisborough Pickering & Thornton le Mrs S. Otterburn Dale Pickering & Thornton le Mr. P. D'Alquen Dale Mr. D.F. Brown Thirsk