Emergency Bursary (EB) Application Form

In addition to filling out the below form, applicants MUST ALSO book a GSA EB appointment through Student Connect. Appointments can be made by dropping in to the main floor of the Administration Building or by calling Student Connect at 780-492- 3113.

Applicants MUST bring the following to the meeting:  Bank statements for chequing and savings accounts for the past three (3) months (and from August to September if these months are not included in the past (3) months);  A letter confirming total yearly funding amount from the Department or three (3) pay stubs if employed off campus;  A copy of a current student loan funding assessment if receiving student loans;  Documents confirming any scholarships, awards, or bursaries for the current academic year;  Current University of Alberta student ID card (ONEcard) and one additional piece of identification (birth certificate, passport, driver's license, study permits, etc);  Any other relevant documentation proving the emergency circumstance(s) (death certificate, receipts for expenses, estimate for expenses such as airfare, dental, medical, etc).

Please Print Clearly


Marital Status (please check one) □ Single □ Married □ Cohabiting Partner □ Separated/Divorced □ Widow(er)


Citizenship Status: Social Insurance Number (SIN) or Individual Tax Number (ITN) □ Canadian Citizen □ Permanent Resident for Non-residents:

□ International Student Mailing Address:

City/Town: Province: Postal Code:

Home/Cell #: Work #: Email Address:

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ii – ACADEMIC INFORMATION Student Status (please check one) □ Full time □ Part time If part time, how many hours/week? ______(Provide fee assessment—available from Beartracks) Student ID #: □ Masters □ PhD (Last 7 Digits) Faculty: Department:

iii – EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION Are you employed outside of your graduate program? □ YES □ NO If Yes: Primary Place of Employment: ______How many hours/week?: ______(Provide proof of income)


How many dependent children under 18 years of age are living at home?______ A copy of identification is needed for all family members .  Please list all your child(ren).  Use the legal name of the child(ren).

Family Name Given Name Birth Date Age (Date/Month/Year) 1. 2. 3. 4.


What is the nature of your emergency at this time? Please explain in detail and use a separate sheet / letter to fully explain your circumstance.

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 Please attach required documentation (including bank statements for the past 3 months)

Number of Months in part-time/full-time studies ______(Line 1) In current academic year

BUDGET Household Income Amount Household Expenses Amount (monthly) ($CDN) (monthly) ($CDN) Assistance from Parents $ Rent/Mortgage $ Line 28 Spouse/Partner Net Income $ Utilities $ Line 29 Assistantships (TA/RA) $ Phone/Cable $ Line 30 Other Employment $ Food $ Line 31 Band Funding $ Clothing $ Line 32 Child Tax Benefit $ Transportation $ Line 33 Child Care Benefit $ Medical/Dental $ Line 34 Child Support/Alimony $ Child Care $ Line 35 Children’s Benefit (CPP) $ Credit Card Minimum Payment $ Line 36 Disability Benefit $ Student Line of Credit Payment $ Line 37 Other Income (specify) $ Other Expenses (specify) $ Line 38 ______$ Line 13 ______$ Line 39 ______$ Line 14 ______$ Line 40 ______$ Line 15 ______$ Line 41 TOTAL MONTHLY HOUSEHOLD $ Line 16 TOTAL MONTHLY HOUSEHOLD $ Line 42 INCOME (sum of lines 2 – 15) EXPENSES (sum of lines 28 – 41)

Household Income Available Amount Household Expenses Amount During Study Period ($CDN) During Study Period ($CDN) Total Study Period Income $ Line 17 Total Expenses $ Line 43 (Line 1 x Line 16) (Line 1 x Line 42) Savings (in current academic year) $ Line 18 Tuition and Fees $ Line 44 Government Student Loan $ Line 19 Books and Supplies $ Line 45 RESPs $ Line 20 Return Transportation $ Line 46 Scholarships (specify) Line 21 Other One-time Expenses (specify) $ Line 47 ______Total Department Pay for current $ Line 22 ______$ Line 48 academic year ______$ Line 23 ______$ Line 49 Awards/Bursaries (specify) $ Line 24 ______$ Line 50 ______$ Line 25 ______$ Line 51 ______$ Line 26 ______$ Line 52 TOTAL HOUSEHOLD INCOME $ Line 27 TOTAL HOUSEHOLD EXPENSES $ Line 53 AVAILABLE DURING STUDY DURING STUDY PERIOD (sum of PERIOD (sum of lines 17 – 26) lines 43 – 52)

GSA Grants: Emergency Bursary Application Form Page 3 of 5 SHORTFALL = Line 27 – Line 53 = $ ______


(please attach supporting documentation for each question that is applicable to your situation)

1. Do you have any additional assets (savings, RRSP’s, Bonds, etc.)? □ YES □ NO If YES, describe and list their current value:

2. List any outstanding debts or loans NOT listed above:

3. How had you planned to meet your expenses for this year?

4. If your request for an emergency bursary is to cover the costs of health and dental care, please answer the following questions: a) What Health Care coverage do you currently have (e.g., Sun Life, Blue Cross etc.)?

b) Are members of your family also covered by this plan?

c) If NO to b), please explain.

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Section G: DECLARATION AND CONSENT (please read before signing)

I declare that:  The information provided on this application and all attachments is true. I understand that all information provided is subject to verification.

I agree to:  Notify the GSA in writing if there are changes to my address, my financial, or academic status, or my study period.

I understand that: I may be denied financial assistance if:  I am not currently a University of Alberta graduate student;  I make a false or misleading statement in this application;  I do not comply with a request from the GSA to provide information or documents to verify information in this application;  I have already been awarded a GSA Emergency Bursary in the past 12 months.  My financial emergency relates to dental issues and I have opted out of the GSA Health and Dental Plan.

I consent to:  The release and exchange of financial or personal information and related documents by and between Student Financial Support (SFS), Office of the Registrar, the GSA, the University of Alberta and any level of government department, funding agency, landlord, reference, lending institution or employer, for verification;  The disclosure of my personal information to the GSA for use in research, statistical analysis, program evaluations and fund raising;  The disclosure and exchange of information and documents including my address, contact information, references, academic status, financial assistance and ,other personal information by and between the GSA, the University of Alberta, and any third party authorized to collect a debt owed to the University of Alberta.

The following personal information is being collected under the authority of Section 13(1) of the Alberta Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA) to assess your application. If you have questions about the use and disclosure of your personal information contact the GSA at 780-492-2175.

By signing this form, you give the GSA permission to use the personal information collected on this forum for the purposes listed above.

I understand that if this declaration is not signed, my Emergency Bursary application cannot be considered for funding.

Date (MM/DD/YYYY): ______Applicant’s signature: ______

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