Priesthood Ordinations June 4

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Priesthood Ordinations June 4 « Priesthood Ordinations June 4 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations Contents Copyright by the Catholic Press Society, Inc;, 1955—Pemnission to Reproduce, Except on Rev. Wm. Sievers Is Lone Candidate Articles Otherwise Marked,' Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue For Archdiocese of Denver This Year The Rev. William Earl Solemn Mass will be taken by nand, Robert Sievers, is a mem­ Sievers, only candidate of Thomas Stone and Robert Dore, ber of the editorial department seminarians. of the Register System sf News- DENVER CATHOLIC the Denver Archdiocese this The only brother of the ordi- papers. j year, will be ordained to the priesthood by Archbishop + + + . + Urban J. Vehr in the Immacu­ late Conception Cathedral Satur­ day, June 4, at 9:30 a.m. The glory of the occasion will be somewhat shaded by the tragical REGISTER fact that only one ordinand joins the archdiocesan clergy when VOL L No. 41. THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1955 DENVER, COLORADO priests are more badly needed than ever before. The Rev. John Holloway of Stratton will be ordained in the same ceremony for service in 530 High School Graduates the Sioux City, la.. Diocese. Father Sievers’ First Solemn Mass, in St. John the Evange­ list’s Church on Siyiday, June 5, at 10:30 a.m., will be the first To Receive Diplomas June 5 such event in the new edifice on East Seventh Avenue. C A la m n M A in o n t At this solemn moment of blessing of the cis de Sales’ High School, second, First award is won by Dave Gar­ The Rt. Rev. Monsignor John dD IC lIin I f io n ic n i Andrew Avelino Theatine Seminary, Archbishop Urban J. Vehr will .present high and Sharon Turner of St. Jo­ cia of Annunciation High School, Moran, pastor of St. John’s, the Denver, are shown the Very Rev. William Kenneally, C.M., Arch­ seph’s High School, third. second place by Barbara Padgett ordinand’s home parish, will be bishop Urban J. Yehr, and Bishop Bernard Sullivan, S.J. school graduation diplomas The 1954 American Bishops’ of Cathedral High School, and chaplain at his ordination as to 530 seniors from seven Letter provided the topic for jun­ third place by Kathleen La Certe well as assistant priest at his + + + + + Denver Catholic high schools ior and senior high school stu­ of Mt. St. Gertrude Academy, Fifst Solemn Mass. Father on Sunday, June 5, at 3 p.m. in dents: “The Victory—Our Faith.” Boulder. Francis Syrianey, formerly of the City Auditorium Arena. + + - f + + • St. John’s and now pastor of Rev. William E. Sievert Rev. John V. Holloway Theatines' Progress Seen City and state dignitaries will the new St. Pius Tenth Parish, be guests of His Excellency in Aurora, will be deacon in the + + + "T + honoring the largest group of Mass. Subdeacon wifi be John graduates to complete their Loretfo Heights and Regis Jepson, college classmate of the In Dedication of Seminary secondary education under Cath­ new priest. olic auspices in Denver. Father Roy Figlino, pastor of The new St. Andrew Avelino’s of the state. He commented on Fifty-seven graduates from Mt. Graduations Set on May 29 St. Augustine’s Parish, Brighton, Stirring Story Seminary in Denver will result the surprising number of small Carmel High comprise the first and former assistant at St. in great growth of the Theatine mission churches the Theatines graduation class from the four- John’s, will deliver the sermon Congregation in this area. Arch­ have erected, particularly in the year-old school. An enrollment of 6/ Heights Seniors Afternoon Moss in the First Mass. bishop Urban J. Vehr predicted southern part of the state. A 80 freshmen will occupy their va­ Seminarians from the parish in a talk at the seminary’s Dedi­ number of these have developed cated and new accommodations who will fill the minor offices cation Mass. Archbishop Vehr, into parishes. The Archbishop at the North Denver school. To Get Degrees On Jesuit Campus at the Mass will include John Of Convert to who blessed the new structure, said that the Theatine House of The class of 103 graduates from Rae, Robert Harrington, Rich­ St.'Francis de Sales’ High School Archbishop Urban J. Sixty-four members of the foresaw progress for the Span­ Studies, the students of which Vehr will confer degrees on class of 1955 wilF receive ard Ling, Leo Horrigan, James ish-speaking residents of the attend nearby St. Thomas’ Semi­ is the largest of the seven schools, Delaney, and Gerald Lewis. Southwest as a result of the new nary, gives St. Thomas’'a quasi­ with Cathedral High School sec­ 61 seniors at the 34th an­ bachelors’ degrees from Re­ St. John’s adult choir will seminary. university status. ond with 89. Holy Family will nual commencement exer­ gis College, Denver, in grad­ provide the music for the Mass. Become Priest The new seminary, at S. Birch graduate 83, Regis, 80; St. Jo­ Benediction, Reception By R ev. Robert E. K ek eisen The Rev. Edward Dinan, Strat­ Two Bishops and 10 Monsi­ seph’s, 68; and Annunciation, 50. cises of Loretto Heights Col­ uation rites May 29 climax­ gnors were present at d^^dication and Mississippi Streets, Denver, lege, Sunday, May 29, at 4 p.m. ing a day of special ceremonies Father Sievers will give Bene­ The Rev. John V. Holloway— ton pastor, will be the assistant is virtually complete, but its sec­ Student chairman of the com­ rites May 25 for the Theatines’ mencement exercises will be Conrad N. Hilton, president of including an afternoon Bac­ diction of the Most Blessed Sac­ convert, country school teacher, priest in the First Mass. The or­ .only major seminary in the ond floor is still being finished. Hilton Hotel Corporation, - will calaureate Mass at 4. In ad rament in St. John’s Church at The eight-acre grounds are Chester Boh of Mt. Carmel High navy man, mortician—will be dinand's spiritual adviser, the Rev. Western Hemisphere. About 50 School. The valedictory address give the commencement address. dition to. the candidates for de­ 5 p.m. that day. John LePenske, members of the clergy attended graced by a number of new will be given by John Brugge- The title of Mr. Hilton’s talk is grees, three will receive certifi­ seminarian,- will direct a choir ordained to the sacred priesthood Newman Flanagan of Sioux City, the dedication dinner after the trees, including fruit trees. man of Holy Family High School. “Christian Womanhood — 1955" cates in commerce and finance of ^seminarians for the service. by Archbishop Urban J. Vehr' in will deliver the sermon. The Rev. Mass. Assisting Father March as A commencement choir of 200 The Rev. Edward A. Leyden, and one a certificate in general Following Benediction a recep­ the Denver Cathedral Saturday, celebrant of the Mass were the archdiocesan superintendent of education. tion will be held in the church George Weibel of St. Vincent de The Most Rev. Anthony voices and a high school concert June 4. He first saw the light of Very Rev. 0. Martorell, C.R., band will provide music for the schools, will give the invocation Special graduation events, in­ lounge until 8 p.m. Paul's Parish, Denver, will be sub­ March, C.R., Superior General San Luis, assistant priest; the faith in the friendly eyes of a of the Theatines, with head- occasion. Pastors of the individ­ and will present the candidates cluding a Saturday reception, Deacon Sievers is the son of deacon. Father Weibel was reared Very Rev. William Kenneally, ual high schools will present their for degrees. were planned for the Regis grad­ Mr. and Mrs. William 0. Sievers Kansas priest. in Stratton. ■ quarters in Rome, offered the C.M., deacon; the Rev. Michael Solemn Mass of Dedication. Fa­ graduates to His Excellency, Graduation activities will be­ uation speaker, Maj. Gen. Em­ of 600 Garfield Street in St. The ordinand's parents, Mr. and Pascual, C.R., Antonito, sub Archbishop Vehr. gin Thursday, May 26, with the mett (Rosie) O’Donnell, Jr., of John’s Parish. He was born in A parish dinner in Stratton will ther March will leave late this deacon; and the Very Rev. Mon­ Mrs. James R. Holloway, both follow the Mass. week to inspect Theatine parishes Mullen High School graduated senior banquet in Machebeuf the United States Air Force. Denver April 5, 1929, and at­ signor David Maloney, Chancel­ 28 seniors May 20. St. Mary’s Hall. At this time the newly General O’Donnell, who rose from tended St. John’s Grade School, non-Catholics, reside in Stratton, John Holloway's attraction to in Mexico City and Brazil. He lor, master of ceremonies. will also visit Theatine founda­ Academy will graduate 29 on May elected members of Kappa Gam­ an air mail pilot for the Army being graduated in 1943. where Father Holloway will offer Catholicity, with his subsequent In the sanctuary were Bishop 26, bringing Denver area gradu­ ma Pi, national Catholic honor­ Air Corps in 1934 to the rank The young cleric entered his First Solemn Mass on Thurs­ tions in Argentina, currently the Sullivan and these chaplains to desire to serve Christ as a priest, scene of persecutibn by the ates to 587 total. St. Mary’s of ary society, will be announced. of Major General and holder of Regis High School, Denver, in the Archbishop: The Rt. Rev Colorado Springs will graduate Mary Night Exercises the Distinguished Flying Cross, day, June 9, at 10 a.m. in St. forms a study in the working of Peron forces.
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