April Board Meeting Agenda

April 16, 2015 2M – 3:30 PM Participant Dialing Instructions: 1. Dial the Moderator's Access Number: 602-506-9695 2. Enter the Participant Passcode: 671693

I. Call to Order – Irma Guzman, President

II. Approval of Minutes  March Board Meeting Minutes  Budget

III. Committee Updates  Budget and Finance – Sharon Brause 1. Treasurer’s report

 Community Outreach – Suzanne Alberts / Steve Troxel 1. Pat’s Run/Volunteer

 Cooperative – Bill Munch

 Education and Professional Development – Telma Reyes / Peggy Ferrin, Co- Chairs 1. Updates on classes 2. Federal Grants (do we need to move the date?) 3. SEMINAR - ABC’s of RFP’s

 Elections – Barbara Corella

 Legislative – Barbara Corella 1. Legislature

 Governance – Gary Barkman / Sharon Brause, Co-Chairs

 Historical – Art Enriquez / Doug Nicholson

 Website, Marketing & Communications – Cheryl Rentscheler / Sharon Brause, Co-Chairs

 Membership and Outreach – Kristy Garcia 1. Total Active Members – 389 2. Total Expired Members – 0 3. Total Vacancy – 8 4. 1 pending 5. 4 New Members since last month

POST OFFICE BOX 18123, PHOENIX, 85005-8123

 Mentoring – Brian Walsh

 Newsletter – Mary Hammer

 Photography – Karie Ingles

 Pro-D Drawings – Betty Austin

 Programs & Webinars / Lunch ‘n’ Learns – Valarie Erwin 1. June Lunch & Learn

 2015 Regional Conference 1. Letters to last year vendors reminding them to add us to their budgets? 2. $25.00 Increase for booths? Board Vote/July 1st

 Resource Library – Sharon Brause

 Scholarships & Awards – Bill Munch / Larry Larson 1. Forum Scholarship awards – approval 2. Total dollar awards

 Young Professionals / Student Chapter – Peggy Ferrin

 Chapter of the Year – Valarie Erwin

IV. Other Topics for Discussion  FleetCon 2015 Reverse Trade Show Partnership  Verification Enforcement on membership registration  Anything else?

V. Adjournment



March Executive Board Meeting Minutes

March 12, 2015 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM Participant Dialing Instructions: 1. Dial the Moderator's Access Number: 602-506-9695 2. Enter the Participant Passcode: 671693

Attendees: Irma Guzman, Bill Munch, Teena Ziegler, Peggy Ferrin, Brian Walsh, Sharon Brause, Telma Reyes, Haydee Nora, Mary Hammer, Art Enriquez, Betty Austin, Ed Quedens, Gary Barkman

I. Call to Order – Irma Guzman, President – Irma called the meeting to order at 2:03 p.m.

II. Approval of Minutes

 February Board Meeting Minutes

 February 12, 2015 Executive Board Meeting minutes were reviewed. Sharon Brause motioned to approve the minutes, seconded by Gary Barkman, all “yea” votes, no “nay votes, motion to accept minutes was approved.

 Budget – (See Treasurer’s report)

 Etiquette during Board Meetings

 Irma explained that several people reached out to her after the last board meeting and indicated that many people were talking at the same time. It became confusing as it was hard to know who was talking, hear what was being discussed, others chiming in during an existing conversation, etc. Irma suggested that the person wanting or needing to speak, state their name and continue on with the discussion at that time. Irma asked if board members had anything else.

 Gary added that some discussion gives the appearance that we are conducting committee meetings during the Board Meeting. Committee updates should be just that, updates. If committees don’t have answers or updates, table until the next meeting and move forward.

 Sharon also mentioned another piece that was brought up in an email, indicating that it is a board meeting and everyone else should just be listening or giving their committee reports.

 Bill mentioned that when Irma is calling for the question or motion, she can simply ask if there are any other comments. Once the President calls for the question/motion and no one has comments, it’s a vote by the Board and no other discussion should be taking place.

III. Committee Updates

 Budget and Finance – Sharon Brause

1. Treasurer’s report

 February 2015 Treasurer’s report was reviewed. Gary Barkman motioned to approve the treasure’s report, seconded by Irma Guzman, all “yea” votes, no “nay votes, motion to accept the treasurer’s report was approved.


 Sharon explained the budget discrepancies for ($30.00) expense, (Dec. Chapter Luncheon) individuals card was charged, came out of Sharon’s card and shows on the report. Will see a credit and re-charge for next month.

 Larry’s scholarship ($1,000.00) was budgeted for last year; paid for out of this year’s budget.

 Library resources came in and we didn’t spend the full allotment.

2. Outstanding fee’s (Update)

 Sharon reported that the Chapter has collected some of them but not all and needs to know where to go from here. Irma will need to look at the outstanding balance to decide how to move forward and determine at a later time.

 Community Outreach – Suzanne Alberts / Steve Troxel – (Suzanne or Steve not present)

Irma reported and believes that Pat’s Run is open on the website for people that want to be sponsored for the run, itself. Sharon confirmed this and indicated that we only have four members registered. Gary inquired as to who and Sharon indicated, Gary, Sharon, Kristy and Brandy.

1. Pat’s Run/Volunteer – Irma will email the Community Outreach committee for actual volunteer portion of the event and get posted to the website.

2. Any other events – (None reported).

 Irma asked for additional questions/comments and there were none.

 Cooperative – Bill Munch

 Bill Munch to present on the Master Guidelines that was approved by the NIGP Capitol Chapter at the Copper Chapter meeting on March 24, 2015. Bill invited any other Capitol Chapter members to carpool with him on that day and present with him.

 Gary and Bill submitted the Master Guideline to National for publication and still waiting for a response by National.

 Bill indicated that the next topic for our committee to tackle is “Developing a Formal Best Practice Process for Evaluating Multiple Cooperative Contracts, Prior to Selection and Award”. Bill thanked Kristy Garcia for the idea! Committee to meet again, soon.

 Education and Professional Development – Telma Reyes / Peggy Ferrin, Co-Chairs

1. Updates on classes – (Telma reported)

 “Developing and Managing Requests for Proposals” – Ten (10) people registered.  “Federal Grants - Intermediate” – Four (4) people registered.  “ABC’s of RFP’s” – Three (3) people registered and scheduled for June 15, 2015 at Maricopa Integrated Health, (Peggy Ferrin’s) location.  “Best Practices in Service Contracting” – No one registered yet.  “Protests and Disputes” – Form has been submitted to National and they’re working on getting this class posted to the website. Registration is not open yet.  “Legal Aspects of Public Procurement” – Form has been submitted to National and waiting for class to be posted to the website. Registration is not open yet.  World Class Procurement Practices” – Form has been submitted to National and waiting for class to be posted to the website. Registration is not open yet.


 CPPO Review Sessions – Four (4) people registered. Starts on March 19, 2015 and facilitated by Corry Slama and Brian Walsh at Maricopa County.

 CPPB Review Sessions – Three (3) people registered. Starts on March 16, 2015 and facilitated by Bill Munch and Sharon Brause at City of Mesa.

 Gary questioned the classes of four (4) CPPO and three (3) CPPB to see if they could be combined. Even if too late for this session, we may want to consider minimum totals when doing certification review sessions for better utilization of time and resources.

 Gary Suggested letting participants know up front when registering for these sessions that this may become a reality if low numbers are registered for both certifications.

 Peggy suggested asking when people are scheduled to take the class and people not taking it during the May testing time could possibly wait for the next session.

 Both facilitating teams to work together for possible resolution for the spring sessions and inquire what would work best with the participants.

2. CPPB/CPPO registrants (has anyone registered?) Question answered during meeting.

3. ABC’s of RFP’s (do we need to move the date?) Question answered during meeting.

 Elections – Barbara Corella – (Barbara not present)

 Legislative – Barbara Corella – (Barbara not present)

1. Legislature – Teena reported that Barbara gave the most updated information available and that Barbara would be the best “go to” person for any changes to the updates.

2. Proclamation from Governor received – Governors proclamation has been received and available on the website. It will be going out in a special newsletter that will also indicate the latest certifications for CPPO and CPPB.

 Governance – Gary Barkman / Sharon Brause, Co-Chairs – (Gary reported)

 Gary indicated that he would like to have a committee meeting for tightening up the language on Board of Director meetings, (Ex: twenty-four (24) hour notice). Also to verify some language on another issue. Gary would like to propose some language for the next board meeting. The Board could approve or give additional direction.

 Gary will email the committee for scheduling purposes and move forward.

 Historical – Art Enriquez / Doug Nicholson – (Art reported)

 Art had nothing new to add. He indicated that he will be at the next meeting and if anyone has additional information, bring it to him. Current inventory list is on the website.

 Website, Marketing & Communications – Cheryl Rentscheler / Sharon Brause, Co-Chairs

 Sharon reported – Sharon has worked with Website Company to enhance the colors and brighten it up. Also to add some spaces to Chapter News for additional information.


 Membership and Outreach – Kristy Garcia 1. Total Active Members – 389 2. Total Expired Members – 0 3. Total Vacancy – 8 4. 1 pending 5. 4 New Members since last month

 Mentoring – Brian Walsh – (Brian reported)

 Brian will be speaking about the mentoring program at the March 19, 2015 Career Seminar.  Brian & Gary inquired about the cut-off for Mentoring Award criteria. Brian and Gary to finalize and bring draft to the next meeting.

 Newsletter – Mary Hammer – (Mary reported)

 Mary reported that we just published a newsletter for March. Anyone having pictures, email directly to Mary Hammer at City of Phoenix.

 Photography – Karie Ingles – (Karie not present) – No report.

 Pro-D Drawings – Betty Austin – (Betty reported)

 Betty had nothing new to report.  The committee will have gift cards for the Career Seminar.

 Programs & Webinars / Lunch ‘n’ Learns – Valarie Erwin – (Valarie not present) – Irma reported

1. March Career Seminar

 Career Seminar is set for next week, March 19, 2015. Availability for one-hundred (100) people for attending. Irma explained the cut-off process for the number of (100).  Irma and Valarie to bring projector and laptop for the Career Seminar.

2. When can we get the rest of the events scheduled and opened on our website?

 No answer for this question right now. Table until the April 16, 2015 meeting.

 2015 Regional Conference – (Bill Munch reported)

 Bill has scheduled our first Regional Conference meeting for one (1) week from Monday, March 23, 2015 at 1:00 pm.

 If anyone has questions regarding attendance of this meeting, email Bill Munch.

1. Letters to last year vendors reminding them to add us to their budgets?

 Bill asked to have letters sent out to last year’s vendors for reminding them to budget for this event.

2. $50.00 increase for booths? Do we need a Board Vote/July 1st?

 Bill didn’t think it was necessary for board to vote on the $50.00 increase for booths. Sharon Brause reiterated that it was not necessary to bring to the Board. POST OFFICE BOX 18123, PHOENIX, ARIZONA 85005-8123

 Resource Library – Sharon Brause – (Sharon reported)

 Sharon has received the new books purchased for the NIGP Library. Inventory has not been taken yet, but we did receive new CPPB and CPPO review books.

 Reverse Trade Show – Jess Romney – (Jess not present) – Irma reported

 Irma asked for input regarding the Reverse Trade Show.  Gary had concerns regarding the drop in attendance, (vendors) from historical data. Previous two (2) years reflected numbers around (500) and this year all indications were around (170). Inquiry as to other events/items that may create cause for less attendance.

 Scholarships & Awards – Bill Munch / Larry Larson

1. Buyer / Manager of the Year award submissions

 Bill reported that we have a Buyer and Manager of the Year. Information is being disclosed at the Career Seminar. Received two (2) submittals total for Manager of the Year and three (3) submittals total for Buyer of the Year.  Plaques for the winners of BMOTY. Certificates for the other submittals. The Board felt no need to announce the applicants receiving certificates for submitting.

2. Forum Scholarship awards – approval

 Bill reported that there were four (4) submittals and all four (4) of the submittals scored eighty (80) points. The committee will hold a drawing for the two (2) winners at the Career Seminar.

3. Total dollar awards

 Bill reported that there have been three (3) scholarships awarded, to date for a total of $1,555.00. No pending requests at this time. Bill wanted to remind everyone that we need to keep encouraging people to apply for the scholarships.

 Young Professionals / Student Chapter – Peggy Ferrin – (Peggy reported)

 Peggy indicated there were no new updates. Previously had conflicts in schedules but will meet the third Thursday at 2:00 pm.

 Peggy was previously asked to define “Young Professionals”. Peggy indicated that they are using thirty-five (35) and under which should mirror what the Copper Chapter uses. We can ask National what they have as a definition for “Young Professionals”. Bill Munch indicated that we should be consistent with National’s definition.

 Chapter of the Year – Valarie Erwin – (Valarie not present) – Irma reported.

1. Submission is Due May 4th – Irma indicated that Valarie had no updates.

IV. Other Topics for Discussion

 March – Purchasing Month – (No additional).  Anything else – (No additional).

V. Adjournment – Meeting was adjourned at 3:01 p.m.


Proposed Income Expense Net Budget Balance Beginning Balance $ 65,421.97

Career Seminars 1st - March 19, 2015 $0.00 $0.00 ($2,500.00) 2nd - August 18, 2015 $0.00 ($675.00) Total $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($3,175.00)

Chapter Luncheons Last Year - Dec 2014 luncheon $130.00 $30.00 $100.00 $0.00 1st - January 13, 2015 $522.00 $958.00 -$436.00 ($1,500.00) 2nd - May 12, 2015 $0.00 ($1,000.00) 3rd - September 15, 2015 $0.00 ($1,000.00) 4th - December 8, 2015 $0.00 ($4,000.00) Next Year - January Luncheon $0.00 $0.00 Total $652.00 $988.00 -$336.00 ($7,500.00)

Professional Development Seminars ABC's of RFP's $160.00 $0.00 $160.00 $500.00 3 day Seminar $0.00 $1,500.00 2 day Seminar $0.00 $1,000.00 2 day Seminar $0.00 $1,000.00 1 day Seminar - Nov 3, 2015 $0.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 CPPB/CPPO Review Sessions $0.00 $500.00 Total $160.00 $0.00 $0.00 $5,500.00

Programs and Lunch 'N' Learns 1st - February 10, 2015 (cancelled) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($25.00) 2nd - April 7, 2015 $0.00 $0.00 ($25.00) 3rd - June 9, 2015 $0.00 $0.00 ($25.00) 4th - November 10, 2015 $0.00 $0.00 ($25.00) Total $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($100.00)

Events ISM Joint Partnership Meeting $0.00 ($300.00) Charity Sponsorships (P.F. Chang's/Pat's Run) $180.36 -$180.36 ($1,000.00) Regional Conference - 2015 $940.00 $940.00 $60,000.00 Buyer/Manager of the Year - Mar (Nat'l Conf) $0.00 ($6,000.00) National Conference Attendance - Aug $0.00 ($6,000.00) National Conf. Attendance for Immediate Past President (if applicable) $0.00 ($3,000.00) National Conf. - Vendor Expo chair ($3,000.00) National Conf. Membership dinner ($1,500.00) Transitional Board Meeting - Dec $0.00 ($1,000.00) Total $940.00 $180.36 $759.64 $38,200.00

Other Income / Expenses Membership Dues $180.00 $180.00 $14,000.00 Pro-D Drawing $28.00 $130.00 -$102.00 $500.00 50/50 drawing $0.00 $500.00 Community Outreach $0.00 ($100.00) Scholarships - Classes/Other (B. Andersen - $645; S. Brause - $455; L. Larson - $1,000; L. Szymanoski - $445 $2,545.00 -$2,545.00 ($5,000.00) Scholarships - National Attendance $0.00 ($6,000.00) PO Box - Feb $92.00 -$92.00 ($100.00) Donations / Sponsorships $0.00 $0.00 Reverse Trade Show(s) $1,531.96 $1,531.96 ($4,000.00) Website Maintenance - April $0.00 ($4,200.00) Chapter Manager Training (website) $32.95 $2,421.74 -$2,388.79 ($2,388.79) Corporation Commission Filing - April $0.00 ($10.00) Credit Card Transaction Fees $0.61 $119.41 -$118.80 ($2,000.00) Office Supplies $0.00 ($300.00) Recognition Items $127.51 -$127.51 ($500.00) National Membership Assessment $704.00 -$704.00 ($1,500.00) Chapter Investment $0.00 $0.00 Leadership Training for New Vice President $359.20 -$359.20 ($359.20) Committee Expenses $102.16 -$102.16 ($100.00) Miscellaneous (NSF's, flowers, etc) $147.98 -$147.98 ($500.00) Checking Account Interest Paid $6.91 $0.00 $6.91 $20.00 Library Resource materials $1,228.00 -$1,228.00 ($2,000.00) Total $1,780.43 $7,977.00 -$6,196.57 ($14,037.99)

Grand Total $3,532.43 $9,145.36 -$5,612.93 $18,887.01

Checking Account Balance Total $ 59,809.04

11 Month CD - Current Balance $6,075.31 ARIZONA STATE CAPITOL CHAPTER OF NIGP Treasurer's Report Mar-15

Beginning Balance $59,915.92 Checking Account Income Date: Received from Event Amount 3/2/2015 auto BBVA Interest on checking account $2.12 3/2/2015 auto STRIPE Reverse Trade Show $85.89 3/2/2015 auto STRIPE Reverse Trade Show $180.59 3/2/2015 auto STRIPE Reverse Trade Show $28.23 3/4/2015 auto STRIPE Reverse Trade Show $151.16 3/5/2015 auto STRIPE Reverse Trade Show $56.46 3/6/2015 auto STRIPE Reverse Trade Show $153.26 3/9/2015 auto STRIPE Reverse Trade Show $188.80 refund - January luncheon - L. 3/11/2015 auto STRIPE Nash (charged wrong card) $10.00 refund - Holiday luncheon - C. 3/11/2015 auto STRIPE Elms (charged wrong card) $15.00

refund - Holiday luncheon - P. 3/11/2015 auto STRIPE Shamrock (charged wrong card) $15.00 3/11/2015 auto STRIPE refund of fees $0.61 3/12/2015 auto STRIPE January luncheon - L. Nash $9.41 3/12/2015 auto STRIPE Holiday luncheon - C. Elms $14.26 Holiday luncheon - P. 3/12/2015 auto STRIPE Shamrock $14.26 ABCs of RFP Registration - 3/25/2015 auto STRIPE Williams, Carmen $38.54 3/30/2015 auto STRIPE Membership - Sandy Ressler $38.54

3/30/2015 auto STRIPE Membership - Crista Clevenger $38.54

Subtotal $1,040.67 $1,040.06

Expenses Date Paid To Event Amount 3/3/2015 Check NIGP National Chapter Assessment Fee $704.00 3/13/2015 Debit Wist Office Products Certificate Frames $186.04 3/17/2015 Debit Frys Marketplace Gift cards for Por D $130.00 3/23/2015 Check Awaeds by C & L Plaques for Buyer/Manager of yea $127.51

Subtotal $1,147.55

Ending Balance $59,809.04 Arizona State Capitol Chapter of NIGP Education and Professional Development Committee April 7, 2015 Update Report

Developing and Managing Requests for Proposals April 13-15, 2015 8:00am to 5:00pm City of Chandler Chandler City Hall 175 S. Arizona Avenue, Room A Chandler, Arizona 85224

Registration is now open as of 1/15/2015. 8 minimum required. Accredited. 12 registered as of 4/7/2015.

The Seminar is being advertised through National, AZ NIGP, SAVE, GPPCS, other chapters and local organizations throughout the State.

Committee member on site – Peggy Ferrin and Kim Keever will introduce the instructor and assist with snacks, forms, etc.

Continental Breakfast and Afternoon Snacks will be provided daily. Lunch will be provided on third day.

Federal Grants - Intermediate May 18-19, 2015 8:00am to 5:00pm City of Mesa Utilities 640 N. Mesa Drive NW Community Room Mesa, Arizona 85201

Registration is now open as of 1/28/2015. 15 minimum required. Non-Accredited. 4 registered as of 4/7/2015.

The Seminar is being advertised through National, AZ NIGP, SAVE, GPPCS, other chapters and local organizations throughout the State.

Committee member on site – Peggy Ferrin and Sharon Brause will introduce the instructor and assist with snacks, forms, etc. Sharon Brause will be there to assist with the facility.

Continental Breakfast and Afternoon Snacks will be provided daily.

ABCs of RFPs June 15, 2015 8:00am to 5:00pm Maricopa Integrated Health System 2601 E. Roosevelt Street Pima Room (main hospital, lower level) Phoenix, Arizona 85008 Instructor – Peggy Ferrin

Registration is now open as of 2/3/2015. 6 registered as of 4/7/2015.

The Seminar is being advertised through AZ NIGP, SAVE, GPPCS, other chapters and local organizations throughout the State.

Committee member on site – Peggy Ferrin and Christina Jimenez will introduce the instructor and assist with snacks, forms, etc.

Continental Breakfast and Afternoon Snacks will be provided.

Best Practices in Service Contracting July 27-28, 2015 8:00am to 5:00pm City of Glendale Oasis Water Campus 7070 W. Northern Ave., Conference Room B Glendale, Arizona 85303

Registration is now open as of 2/10/2015. 8 minimum required. Accredited. 3 registered as of 4/7/2015.

The Seminar will be advertised through National, AZ NIGP, SAVE, GPPCS, other chapters and local organizations throughout the State.

Committee member on site – Colette Lewis will introduce the instructor and assist with snacks, forms, etc.

Continental Breakfast and Afternoon Snacks will be provided daily.

Protests: Managing Options for Positive Results (formerly titled Protests & Disputes) September 21, 2015 8:00am to 5:00pm City of Goodyear 190 N. Litchfield Road, Room #117 Goodyear, Arizona 85338

Registration is now open as of 3/23/2015. 10 minimum required. Non-Accredited. 0 registered as of 4/7/2015.

The Seminar is being advertised through National, AZ NIGP, SAVE, GPPCS, other chapters and local organizations throughout the State.

Committee member on site – Haydee Nora and Christina Jimenez will introduce the instructor and assist with snacks, forms, etc.

Continental Breakfast and Afternoon Snacks will be provided.

Legal Aspects of Public Procurement November 2-4, 2015 8:00am to 5:00pm Tolleson Union High School District 9801 W. Van Buren Street, Room A107 Tolleson, Arizona 85353

Request for seminar has been submitted to National. Peggy Ferrin was requested as the instructor. 8 minimum required. Accredited.

The Seminar will be advertised through National, AZ NIGP, SAVE, GPPCS, other chapters and local organizations throughout the State.

Committee member on site – Haydee Nora and Kim Keever will introduce the instructor and assist with snacks, forms, etc.

Continental Breakfast and Afternoon Snacks will be provided daily. Lunch will be provided on third day.

World Class Procurement Practices February 22, 2016 8:00am to 5:00pm ADOT HRDC 1130 N. 22nd Avenue 3 Phoenix, Arizona 85009

Request for seminar has been submitted to National. (National will open registration this summer) 15 minimum required. Non-Accredited.

The Seminar will be advertised through National, AZ NIGP, SAVE, GPPCS, other chapters and local organizations throughout the State.

Committee member on site – Cathy Lonnegren and Christina Jimenez will introduce the instructor and assist with snacks, forms, etc.

Continental Breakfast and Afternoon Snacks will be provided.

CPPO / CPPB Review Sessions 1 day per week - Thursdays March 19, 2015 to April 30, 2015 – 7 sessions 2pm to 4pm Maricopa County Office of Procurement Services 320 W. Lincoln Street, 2nd Floor Conference Room Phoenix, Arizona 85003 Facilitator – Corry Slama and Brian Walsh

Registration is closed. 10 registered as of 3/19/2015. Sessions are going well.

Review Sessions are being advertised through AZ NIGP, SAVE, GPPCS, other chapters and local organizations throughout the State.