Heinrich Graetz Born 150 Years Ago Invited to Apply for the Post of Rabbi in Every Way I Lack Force of Manner, Soul
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( Page Fifty THE JEWISH POST Thursday, April 11, 1968 Thursday, April 11, 1968 THE JEWISH POST Page Fifty-one as his rabhinical assistant; in order side of tradition. tinue. He wrote: "Of all position I instrument of such calibre, then to while away the tedium of the He obtained his degree and was am least adapted for that of rabbi; here am I ready for it, body and journey there he taught himself Heinrich Graetz Born 150 Years Ago invited to apply for the post of rabbi in every way I lack force of manner, soul. But the preaching!" Joyous Passover Greetings Greek. By AUBREY NEWMAN ten additions as well as several Graetz was boni the son of a Samson Raphael Hirsch, who applied in the community of Gleiwitz. When, an imposing presence. 'My knowl· He was saved from this fa·te, and He stayed with Hirsch for three BOSTON HAT WORKS" Lecturer in History at "popular" editions is enough to make butcher in a little village of Prus to Orthodox Judaism the prestige however, he ascended the pulpit to edge, too, is highly defective, hut instead became a teacher. Eventu DRY CLEANERS Leicester University any writer green with envy. sian Poland. He had the conven and authority of modern scholar years and then went to Breslau to deliver the Kol Nidre sermon, he my will is strong, energetic. If God's ally, in 1853, he was appointed lec acquire a university degree. Bres1au U But to do this in the field of Jew tional education of cheder and yesh ship. Graetz hecame one of his dried up and was unable to con- service can' 'be performed by an turer at the Jewish Theological Sperle • in Cleaning and Blocking was at that time split in hitter con T .ad'1I!' IIDd GeDt'B Hats To write thirteen volumes, each ish history at a time when the mar iva, and after bar mitzvah went to ardent disciples, and went to live SI'rninary at Breslau. The same ·year troversy between traditional and Passover Greetings to my Friends and Customers of five hundred pages, is no small ket for such history was much the Wollstein yeshiva where the he published the first of his thirteen 8aita Pawed ~U-Wait in his house at Aoldenhurg to serve Reform Judaism. Graetz. took the achievement. To he translated from smaller than today is even more principal, Rabbi lMunk. introduced PHONE 339·4612 volumes on Jewish history, "History PhOlle WBltebaIl 3-0188 566 MIIhl St. an original German into English, surprising. This was the outstand him to secular studies. of the Jews from the downfall of the t;:;:;;;;;;=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:~::;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, French, Hebrew iRussian and Yid- ing achievement of Heinrich Graetz, Graetz already had a phenomenal Our Most Cordial Passover Greetings and Very Best Wishes Western Repair Service Jewish State., to the completion of II for a Very Joyous Festival the Talmud." dish and to he reprinted in at least professor extraordinary. capacity for learning with a very REPAIRS TO ALL TYPES OF OFFICE EQUIPMENT' Sincere Passover Greetings good comprehension, a retentive AND SHIPPmG ROOM EQUIPMENT Creat Traveller Best Wishes for a Joyous Passover to all our Patrons and Friends memory, and an industry unim From then until his death he 71 Linerest Road worked incessantly. He rose at five paired by any lack of food and STA:N WALFOBD Winnipeg 17, Man. Fort Ignition Limited sleep. By the age of 17 he had taught Tessler's Iron and Metal Co. =-"';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;~;;;~ deskin the until morning nine, andwhen worked he turned at histo •. Winnipeg • Regina Economy Electric Co. Ltd. himself French and Latin from vari IMPORTERS and EXPORTERS ous textbooks he had picked up, his lectures and his pupils. But LONE STAR AUTO ELEC'.l1RIC SERVICE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS acquired a taste for Euclid and Bible BARRY TESSLER, Manager JOYOUS PASSOVER Gl1iEEt1'1NGS thereafter he came back to his writ~ exegesis and had developed an en ing and worked till late into' the • Saskatoon • Prinee Albert • North BattIeford night. His zest for scholarship never 837 SARGENT AVE. PHONE 772·0353 thusiasm for natural history. Phone JUstice 6-2704 INDtJ'S'IUU.AL ifi1~ AUTOIMOTIVE _ At yeshiva he chafed against the GREAT WALL . flagged, and even when his major writings seemed to have been com ''Your Specialized Automotive Electrical Dealer" J!-;~~~~~~~~~;;;;;~~;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~ daily religi01.lS practices of Judaism CHARLES and SUTHERLAND AVE. WINNIPEG NOW NOW li as having become a matter of habit FREE pleted he returned to them. LOCATED AT LOCATED AT He loved to travel, and went to "INFINITE JOY IN D~G OUT" and not of principle; this, after all, HOME was the time of Enlightenment, the 568 DEUIViERY 568 Palestine in order to get 'background • Specializing in Cantonese Dishes - the Ultimate struggle hetween a narrow obscur- i SELKIRK AVE. SELKIRK AVE. for his volumes on the earliest period 'Best Wishes for a Joyous Passover to all our Patrons and Friends in Chinese Cuisine. On the occasion of the observance of Passover Weare pleased antist Judaism and an equally in-I of his work. There he helped to i to extend to all our Relatives and Friends Best Wishes for Catering To Any Size Of Social Gathering • Favorite for Family Diners - More Variety, tolerant secularism. found a society for the education of More to Enjoy Graetz was in the process of A BRIGHT AND JOYOUS PASSOVER Jewish orphans. In aid of this soci~ty D. THOMPSON LTD. • Facilities arranged for Private Gatherings abandoning the one without feeling 589-1873 582·3936 he delivered lectures all over cen More Pleasure for Dining with Friends any attachment to the other when 568 SELKIRK AVE. tral Europe and Galicia, and at the MR. and MRS. GERALD L. STERN ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS ''Take-Out Orders Equally !Delicious" he came across the writings of Rabbi I Ph.one WHitehall 3·3933 I and fami'y ~~~~~~~~~~~~============~~~~. age of 7Q he travelled to England to A Very Happy Passover to all r. Heartiest Passover Greetings our Friends and Customers 1084 MAIN STREET WINNIPEG 224 KING STREET WINNIPEG MR. and MRS. ALLAN STERN Sincere Passover Greetings to the Jewish People ACME VENETIAN BLINDS & DRAPERY WISHIiNG A VERY JOYOUS PASSOVER TO * * and fami'y Winnipeg Gear & Machine Co. ALL OlJlR JEWISH PA'l'RONS ANID FmENDS GOLDIN BIIDERY JUstice 9·6524 Bookbinding, etc. G. ANDERSON RES. 83e-1054 We are pleased to wish all our Jewish Friends and Customers 1038 Magnus Ave. a Very Happy and Joyous Plissover Best Wishes for .. a Bright .and Joyous Passover MR. and MRS. CYRIL STERN Bus. Phone SU 3·7757 to all our Jewish Patrons and i'riends 441 Flora Ave. and fami'y . Winnipeg Manitoba Phone JUstice 2-6221 Internal & Erlernal Spur Gears, Bevel & Mitre Gears L. A. Barkman Co. Ltd . WINNIPEG MANITOBA Chain Sproeket Wheels Winnipeg Man. I Direct Phone Service To MRS. E. CRABTREE, Proprietor 735 Wall Street Winnipeg 10, Man. STEINBACH WEDDmG GOWNS BEADY MADE Joyous Passover Greetings to all our Jewish Friends and Patrons Joyous Passover Greetings No Long DIstance Charge 1344 Main St. Phone JU 2-7589 Winnipeg .SOLOMON'S Most Cordial !Passover Greetings to our Many * PONTIAC * BU1CK Joe Boehm DELICATESSEN AND RESTAURANT Friends and Customers * ACAl)IAN * FIREBlBD MOISHA and FRED SOLOMON, Props. * G.M.C. TRUCKS 1322 Main st. (at ~chray) Phone ro 9-8269 W'mnipeg, Man. PLASTERING FULL LINE OF HOUSEHOLD A!J.'IPLLAiNOE:S Reed, Shaw &. McNaught AT CAIRLQAD PBICES .. Plain and Ornamental Stuccoing JOYOUS PASSOVER GREETINGS EST. 1872 GENUJiNE GM PARTS - SA1JES..SERVICE Your FREE ESTIMATES INSURANCE BRO~ 320 MAIN 4 5 2.-1772. STEINBACH " Sidney G. Sheps & Associates Ltd. best friend 490 MOUNTAIN AVE. Phone 943·0787 . ,- Phone JU 6-2017 GENERAL INSlJRANCE - RENTALS •. 'REAL ESTATE 1006 CHILDS BLDG. WINNIPEG, MAN. BEST WISHES FOiR A lmIOaT AIN!D .HAPPY ·PASSoVElR MORTGAGES TO .ALL OUR JEWISH PATRONS AND :FRIENDS I Financially Winnipeg 4 Manitoba 300 Main Street Phone WH 2·5581 Winnipeg, M.... I A Joyous Passover c. KELEKIS RESTAURANT Just call or write: Best Wishes for a Bright and Joyous Passover to all our :Patrons and Friends "A NAME IN GOOD FOOD FOR' OVER 30 YEARS" C. G. HARRIS DINING ROOM FAClIJTIES D. L. (Dennis) HERMAN General Manager Division Manager 1100 Main Street • MILES-GORDON TRAVEL LTD. Most Cordial Passover Phone JUstice 6·9554 LEW .M'JITiES Greetings to all our Jewish Office Phone WH 3-0361 HAiROLD GOBDON' iMI'11CHI!lLL GORDON Friends and Customers AIR RAIL BUS STEAMSHIP Residence Phone 334-7988 408 MAIN ST. PHONE 943·6621 WINNIPEG SECURIn .. STORAGE JOYOUS PASSOVER GREETINGS RADIO WINNIPEG COMPAD Lm. Best Wishes for a Joyous Passover to the Jewish Community Winnipeg BEST WISHES FOR nice n' new - dial right to 1470 Manitoba A VER'Y H~ ipASSOViER We are deeply appreciative of your generous patronage since . our opening and trust to merit your continued support by render TO ALL MY, ,FRIENDS AND CLlIDNTS ing the ultimate 'in fine satisfactory service. JOYOUS P AS'SOVER GREETINGS I I We Always Feature Reasouable Prices and Prompt, Expert Service . , ESTABLISHED 1940' INVESTORS SYNDICATE INVESTORS MUTUAL· • ORiGINAL OIL PAINTINGS INVESTORS GROWTH FUND TBlf-itBT· Beauty Salon • ALL WORK DONE INVESTORS INTERNATIONAL • PICl'URE FBAMES ON P.RElMISES INVJ!STO~ TRUST COMPANY 3rd Floor Norlyn Wdg.- Open Daily 8 LJIl. ~ Block North of Portage MODERN and TRM>ITIONAL BY SKljLT ,ED ClRAFTSMEN Officos in Principal Cities Head Office - W'JDDipeg 3q9 Hargrave St. (Elevator ServIce) Ph. WH 2·0289 WHitehall 2·5625 '1030 8'.1,'. JAMES STREET PHONE 774·2476 306 Kennedy I I I .