International Foundation High Altitude Research Stations Jungfraujoch + Gornergrat

Activity Report 2007

International Foundation High Altitude Research Stations Jungfraujoch + Gornergrat Sidlerstrasse 5 CH-3012 /

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March 2008 International Foundation HFSJG Annual Report 2007 Table of contents

Message of the President...... i Report of the Director ...... iii High Altitude Research Station Jungfraujoch Statistics on research days 2007 ...... 1 Long-term experiments and automatic measurements ...... 3 Activity reports: ƒ High resolution, solar infrared Fourier Transform Spectrometry, Application to the study of the Earth atmosphere (Institut d’Astrophysique et de Géophysique, Université de Liège, Belgium) ...... 5 ƒ Study of the atmospheric aerosols, water, ozone and temperature by LIDAR (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland) ...... 15 ƒ Global Atmosphere Watch Radiation Measurements (Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology, MeteoSwiss, Payerne, Switzerland)...... 19 ƒ Remote sensing of aerosol optical depth (Physikalisch-Meteorologisches Observatorium Davos, World Radiation Center, Switzerland) ...... 25 ƒ Longwave Infrared radiative forcing trend assimiliation over Switzerland (LIRAS) (Physikalisch-Meteorologisches Observatorium Davos, World Radiation Center, Switzerland)...... 27 ƒ Long-term energy yield and reliability of a high alpine PV photovoltaic plant at 3454 m (Berner Fachhochschule BFH, Technik und Informatik TI, Photovoltaik Labor, Switzerland)...... 29 ƒ National Air Pollution Monitoring Network, NABEL, (Empa Materials Science and Technology, Switzerland)...... 31 ƒ Hydrogen observations at Jungfraujoch, Switzerland (Empa Materials Science and Technology, Switzerland...... 37 ƒ Aerosol monitoring station at the Jungfraujoch (Bundesamt für Gesundheit, Sektion Umweltradioaktivität) ...... 41 ƒ The Global Atmosphere Watch Aerosol Program at the Jungfraujoch (Laboratory of Atmospheric Chemistry, Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland)...... 47 ƒ Automated GPS Network in Switzerland AGNES (Bundesamt für Landestopographie swisstopo, Switzerland)...... 57 ƒ High precision carbon dioxide and oxygen measurements (Klima- und Umweltphysik, Physikalisches Institut, Universität Bern, Switzerland)...... 63 14 222 ƒ Long-term observations of CO2 and Radon at Jungfraujoch (Institut für Umweltphysik, Universität Heidelberg, Germany)...... 65 ƒ Atmospheric physics and chemistry, (Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy BIRA-IASB, Belgium) ...... 67 ƒ 85Kr activity determination in tropospheric air (Climate and Environmental Physics, Universität Bern, Switzerland and Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz, Freiburg i.Br., Germany,)...... 73 International Foundation HFSJG Annual Report 2007

ƒ Cloud and Aerosol Characterization Experiment CLACE 6 (Particle Chemistry Department, Institute for Atmospheric Physics, University of Mainz and Max Planck Institute for Chemistry Mainz, Germany)...... 75 ƒ Mass spectrometric studies of ice nuclei and background aerosol within CLACE 6 (Particle Chemistry Department, Institute for Atmospheric Physics, University of Mainz and Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz, Germany) ...... 81 ƒ FINCH (Fast Ice Nucleus CHamber counter) Measurements of ice nucleus concentration as function of temperature and supersaturation during CLACE 6 (Institut für Atmosphäre und Umwelt, Universität Frankfurt, Germany) ...... 87 ƒ Sampling and physio-chemical characterization of ice nuclei in mixed phase clouds (Leibniz-Institut für Troposphärenforschung, IfT, Leipzig, Germany)...... 93 ƒ Investigation of the cloud condensation nucleus (CCN) activity of aerosol particles (Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Biogeochemistry Department, Mainz, Germany)...... 99 ƒ Studies of the chemical composition of aerosol in mixed phase clouds (ETH Zürich, Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science, Switzerland)...... 101 ƒ In-situ environmental scanning electron microscopic investigation of the ice nucleating abilities of aerosol particles from mixed-phase clouds from the CLACE 6 campaign (Technische Universität Darmstadt, Institut für Angewandte Geowissenschaften, Umweltmineralogie, Germany)...... 105 ƒ GLOBE Aerosol Monitoring project (Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut, Royal Dutch Meteorological Institute, The Netherlands...... 111 ƒ Collection of large volume air sample (Institute for Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences, J.W.Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany) ...... 113 ƒ Project SPAESRANE, Solutions for the Preservation of Aerospace Electronic Systems Reliability in the Atmospheric Neutron Environment, UK) ...... 115 ƒ Cosmogenic 3He and 21Ne measured in artificial quartz targets after one year of exposure in the (Institut of Isotope Geology and Mineral Resources, ETH Zürich, Switzerland) ...... 119 ƒ Neutron Monitors – Study of solar and galactic cosmic rays (Physikalisches Institut, Universität Bern, Switzerland) ...... 121 ƒ An orientable time of flight detector for cosmic rays, (Department of Physics, University of Rome “La Sapienza, Italy)...... 125 ƒ Acute exposure to hypobaric hypoxia: influence on combined lung diffusion capacity for NO and CO (Institut und Poliklinik für Arbeits-, Sozial- und Umweltmedizin, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München; Viasys Healthcare GmbH, Würzburg; Pneumologie, Medizinische Klinik Innenstadt, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München, Germany)...... 127 ƒ Fetal programming of hypoxic pulmonary hypertension (Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois, Switzerland)...... 129 International Foundation HFSJG Annual Report 2007

ƒ Changes in neural respiratory drive and breathlessness during ascent to high altitude (Respiratory Muscle Laboratory, Dept of Asthma, Allergy and Respiratory Science, King’s College London, UK)...... 131 ƒ Mercury behaviour in the seasonal snow cover, VIVALDI (Variability in Ice, Vegetation, and Lake Deposits - Integrated), within the frame of NCCR Climate (Labor für Radio- und Umwelt Chemie der Universität Bern und des Paul Scherrer Instituts, Switzerland) ...... 137 ƒ Variations of the Grosser Aletschgletscher (Versuchsanstalt für Wasser- bau, Hydrologie und Glaziologie, VAW, ETH Zürich, Switzerland) ...... 139 ƒ PERMASENSE and PERMOS: Measuring permafrost in Alpine rock walls (Department of Geography, University of Zürich, Switzerland) ...... 141 ƒ Permafrost in the Jungfrau East Ridge (Swiss Federal Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research SLF, Switzerland) ...... 145 ƒ The weather in 2007 (Bundesamt für Meteorologie und Klimatologie MeteoSchweiz, Switzerland) ...... 147 High Altitude Research Station Gornergrat Statistics on research days 2007 ...... 153 Activity reports: ƒ KOSMA - Kölner Observatorium für Submm-Astronomie (I. Physikalisches Institut, Universität zu Köln; Radioastronomisches Institut, Universität Bonn, Germany) ...... 155 ƒ SONTEL - Solar Neutron Telescope for the identification and the study of high-energy neutrons produced in energetic eruptions at the Sun (Physikalisches Institut, Universität Bern, Switzerland) ...... 159 ƒ Jökulhlaups from Gornersee (Versuchsanstalt für Wasserbau, Hydrologie und Glaziologie, ETH Zentrum, Switzerland) ...... 163 The International Foundation HFSJG in the news ...... 169 Publications ...... 171 Index of research groups / institutes...... 187 Index of projects ...... 191 Review of 2007: Pictures of the month from ...... 195 Acknowledgements ...... 203

International Foundation HFSJG Annual Report 2007

International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007 Message of the President

After two quite busy years, due to our anniversary activities and the construction work at Gornergrat, we now look back on a „normal“ business year. And yet as one reads the director’s report, one realizes that this past year was far from quiet. It is no surprise that stations at such high altitudes need more attention than a suburban home in Bern. Two facts especially aggravate the situation: The age of the research station at Jungfraujoch makes substantial investments in the building unavoidable, and the climate warming leads to problems, in particular falling rock. It is good to know that our director, in collaboration with the custodians and the technicians of the Jungfraubahn, is observing these developments closely and has worked out a plan for the necessary measures during the next decade. The board meeting in 2009 will have to thoroughly discuss this matter.

The last board meeting was held in Zermatt with the kind support of the Burgergemeinde and the Gornergratbahn. There was, of course, the opportunity on the day following the meeting to visit the newly renovated Kulmhotel on Gornergrat. Prof. J. Stutzki of the Universität zu Köln introduced us to his fascinating submm astronomy projects in the South tower, and a visit to the North tower gave an impression of how this observatory could be used to serve a broad public (including tourists) as well as the Swiss amateur astronomers. Unfortunately the project as worked out by the amateur astronomers for long-term use is still waiting for a sponsor.

Talking about money leads me to mention that at the time this report went to press, our director submitted a request for financial support to the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF) for the next budget period. Fortunately his request could be based on the very substantial activity reports that were provided by the user community, documenting how scientifically successful the activities in our two stations are. Of course the SNF contribution remains the backbone of our existence, and we must rely on our “customers” to keep up their high scientific standing. In this context I would like to mention a sponsor in kind whose contributions go back over many decades: The University of Bern with its Physikalisches Institut has hosted the director and the administration since 1969, and in the age of fast communication the computer specialists of the University have played an ever increasing supportive technical role in addition. We acknowledge this generous support and would like to report at the same time that we are in the process of putting this collaboration – for the mid-term future – on a more formal basis.

I would like to finish my acknowledgements firstly with my thanks to our foreign and national members and last but not least to the whole staff of the Foundation HFSJG.

Bern, March 14, 2008 Hans Balsiger

i International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

ii International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Report of the Director

After the jubilee period 2005 - 2006, the period covered by this report can be marked as “back to normal”. As documented by the individual reports that have been prepared by the respective research groups, the year 2007 was again extremely rich in scientific activity at both sites Jungfraujoch and Gornergrat. Therefore, the main goal of the International Foundation High Altitude Research Stations Jungfraujoch and Gornergrat (HFSJG), i.e. providing infrastructure and support for scientific research of international significance that must be carried out at an altitude of 3000-3500 meters above sea level or for which a high alpine climate and environment are necessary, was successfully pursued.

The Foundation HFSJG On September 7, 2007, the Board of the Foundation HFSJG met at the Hotel Zermatterhof in Zermatt for its regular meeting. The president, Prof. Hans Balsiger, had the honor to welcome the members of the board, representatives of the Jungfraujoch Commission of the Swiss Academy of Sciences (scnat), of the Astronomic Commission HFSJG, of the Swiss National Science Foundation, and a small number of distinguished guests. Unfortunately, Mr. Balsiger had to excuse the absence of an Italian delegate. The Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica INAF and the foundation HFSJG are currently in negotiations about INAF’s membership and financial contribution since there are no longer any scientific activities at Gornergrat involving Italian institutions. In the statutory part of the meeting the annual activity report 2006 as well as the statement of accounts for 2006 were approved unanimously and with no abstentions. The scientific part of the board meeting included three highlight talks presented by Prof. H.H. Loosli, Prof. U. Baltensperger, and Prof. J. Stutzki. The extensive and excellent scientific output that resulted from the research at Jungfraujoch and Gornergrat was recognized with great pleasure and satisfaction. The board meeting was followed on the next day by a visit to the Astronomical Observatories at Gornergrat. During the meeting, the warm and benevolent hospitality of the Burgergemeinde Zermatt and its Matterhorn Group was highly appreciated.

Figure 1: Snapshots from the visit to the Astronomical Observatories at Gornergrat on September 8, 2007, after the Meeting of the Board HFSJG in Zermatt.

iii International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

The Jungfraujoch Commission of the Swiss Academy of Sciences (scnat), which looks after the interests of Swiss research within the Foundation HFSJG, held one meeting in 2007 in conjunction with the meeting of the Board HFSJG. Prof. C. Fröhlich will leave the Commission by 2008, while Prof. G. Burki, Observatoire de Genève, was elected as a new member. Prof. G.A. Tamman, president of the Commission since 2000, declared his wish to resign. Prof. M.C.E. Huber was elected as the new president of the Jungfraujoch Commission. The position of the Commission within the newly structured organization of the Academy was discussed, and the Commission will join the platform “Mathematics, Astronomy and Physics (MAP)”. The Astronomic Commission, which acts as a users’ and science advisory committee to strengthen the Foundation’s internal and external communication, had no meetings in 2007. In the management and administration of the Foundation no changes had to be noted. The meeting of the Board and the General Assembly of the Sphinx AG took place at Jungfraujoch on May 30, 2007.

Additional scientific and public outcome of the events in celebration of the 75th anniversary of the High Altitude Research Station Jungfraujoch Under the leadership of PD Dr. M. Leuenberger, who acted as guest editor, the proceedings of the Jubilee Conference “Jungfraujoch – Top of Science”, held from September 11-13, 2006, at the Casino-Kursaal in Interlaken, were compiled. A total of 14 refereed contributions will finally be published by ELSEVIER in a special issue of “Science of the Total Environment”. The work continued on the popular brochure about the scientific station at Jungfraujoch initiated by Prof. H. Balsiger. A limited edition of an updated 2nd version was prepared for the meeting of the board. The final version of “Top Science at the Top of Europe” is expected to be ready in 2008. A popular review paper “75 Jahre Hochalpine Forschungsstation Jungfraujoch” was published by Prof. Hans Balsiger and the Director HFSJG in the 2007 issue of the “Mitteilungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Bern”.

The High Altitude Research Station Jungfraujoch As documented by the individual reports and the lists and statistics, the High Altitude Research Station Jungfraujoch continued to be a place of exceptionally lively and exciting research. In 2007, 36 (2006: 35) teams were active at Jungfraujoch. Among a total of 46 (2006: 37) research projects, 22 (2006: 20) were primarily based on automatic measurements around the clock. With the exception of Austria, all member countries of the Foundation benefited from the excellent research conditions (Figure 2). By number of projects, Germany was again the second largest user after Switzerland. Scientists spent a total of 1273 person-working days at Jungfraujoch. As shown in Figure 3, this number is about 10% higher than in 2006 and is again above the long- term average. Figure 4 illustrates the relative number of person-working days for 2007 by country. Leading in presence at Jungfraujoch were the Centre Hospitalier iv International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

35 29 30 Research Projects 25 at Jungfraujoch 20 2007

15 10 10 Total = 46 5 3 2 1 0 1 0

Switzer- Germany United Belgium Italy Austria The land Kingdom Nether- lands

Figure 2: Number of research projects at the High Altitude Research Station Jungfraujoch by country.

Working Days at Jungfraujoch 1600 1500 1432 1400 1278 1273 1197 1157 1200 1095 1032 1027 967 976 922 1000 906 881 910

800 686 600




4 7 0 3 4 6 7 92 95 98 01 9 99 9 99 9 00 0 00 00 00 00 1 1993 1 1 1996 1 1 1999 2 2 2002 2 2 2005 2 2

Figure 3: Number of working days spent by scientists at the High Altitude Research Station Jungfraujoch during the past years.

0.9% 0.0% 6.0% 0.2%

18.5% Switzerland Germany Belgium 51.9% United Kingdom Italy The Netherlands Austria


Figure 4: Relative number of person-working days in 2007 at the High Altitude Research Station Jungfraujoch by country.

v International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Universitaire Vaudois (259 person-working days), the Institut d’Astrophysique et Géophysique de l’Université de Liège (234), the Laboratory of Atmospheric Chemistry of the Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen (134), and the Institute for Atmospheric Physics, University of Mainz, and Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz (96). The research conducted at Jungfraujoch resulted in the following output in 2007: 47 refereed publications, 87 conference presentations / posters, 14 data publications and reports, 1 chapter in a book on photovoltaic, and 4 Ph.D. theses. At the 2007 General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union in Vienna there were more than 20 presentations with a direct reference to Jungfraujoch either in the title or in the abstract. The special session on “The Tropospheric Ice Phase” was a dedicated platform for CLACE results. Due to the unique location and the unspoiled environment as well as the quality of the scientific work, Jungfraujoch has maintained its role as a leading European center for environmental research. The site plays a significant role in a number of nationally and internationally coordinated research programs, many of them funded by the European Commission. Jungfraujoch is a key station in a number of major networks or projects (please see Table 1 for details). As in previous years, Jungfraujoch environmental measurements again played an important role in the validation/calibration of satellite instruments (e.g. the Canadian ACE-FTS spectrometer onboard SCISAT-1, the Ozone Monitoring Instrument OMI onboard the NASA satellite AURA). A special highlight in the research activity at Jungfraujoch was the Cloud and Aerosol Characterization Experiment from February 4, to March 24, 2007. The CLACE 6 measurement campaign was the sixth intensive field mission in a long-term series conducted in the past years. For the 2007 experiment more than 40 individual scientists and technicians from nine different research institutions from Germany, the United Kingdom, and Switzerland went to Jungfraujoch, and more than 25 additional instruments were installed in the Sphinx laboratory and on its outside platforms. For studies on climate change and the consequences of global warming for the high alpine environment in general and in particular for the region of the UNESCO World Heritage Jungfrau-Aletsch-Bietschhorn (JAB), Jungfraujoch has become a research site of utmost importance. Examples illustrating this trend are the recent projects PERMOS (Permafrost Monitoring Switzerland, and PERMASENSE ( The main objective of the PERMASENSE project is to build and customize a high-tech set of wireless measurement units for use in remote areas with harsh environmental monitoring conditions. The second goal is the gathering of environmental data that helps to understand the processes that connect climate change and rock fall in permafrost areas (Department of Geography, University of Zurich; Swiss Federal Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research SLF). As in previous years, the High Altitude Research Station Jungfraujoch served again as a base for several scientific expeditions to the glacier area of the Jungfrau region (Paul Scherrer Institute; within the NCCR climate project VIVALDI: Variability in Ice, Vegetation, and Lake Deposits; and ETH Zürich, Versuchsanstalt für Wasserbau, Hydrologie und Glaziologie VAW). vi International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Table 1: List of major nationally and internationally coordinated networks and/or research programs where Jungfraujoch is a key station

NDACC Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change Primary Site ( GAW, GAW-CH Global Atmosphere Watch, Global GAW Station ( and tungen/GAW_CH_Allg.html) SOGE System for Observation of Halogenated Greenhouse Gases in Europe ( EARLINET-ASOS European Aerosol Research Lidar Network - Advanced Sustainable Observation System ( GEOMON Global Earth Observation and Monitoring of the Atmosphere ( HYMN Hydrogen, Methane and Nitrous oxide: Trend variability, budgets and interactions with the biosphere ( EUROHYDROS European Network for Atmospheric Hydrogen Observations and Studies ( CarboEuro-IP Assessment of the European Terrestrial Carbon Balance ( EUMETNET Network of European Meteorological Services ( SwissMetNet Automatic Measuring Network of MeteoSwiss ( swissmetnet.html) RADAIR Swiss Automatic Network for Air Radioactivity Monitoring ( /index.html?lang=de) NADAM Netz für automatische Dosis-Alarmierung und -Meldung ( NABEL Nationales Beobachtungsnetz für Luftfremdstoffe (National Air Pollution Monitoring Network) (*/---/l=1) AGNES Automated GPS Network for Switzerland ( n/statjujo.html) NCCR Climate Swiss Climate Research ( Environmental research at Jungfraujoch by European research teams was again supported in 2007 through the “Access to Infrastructure” programs by ACCENT Atmospheric Composition Change, The European Network of Excellence ( EUSAAR European Supersites for Atmospheric Aerosol Research Most of the measurements made at Jungfraujoch are publicly available via the respective databases, many of them almost in real-time.

vii International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Jungfraujoch, however, is not only a center for atmospheric and environmental research. Medical research continues to be a major research topic at Jungfraujoch. During the month of October 2007 the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois, Lausanne, conducted a study aimed at a better understanding of possible mechanisms predisposing to pulmonary hypertension. Pulmonary-artery pressure response to hypoxia was examined in subgroups of adolescent children who had suffered from specific events during their fetal period that may have resulted in fetal programming of pulmonary hypertension. Fifty adolescent children were involved in this high- altitude study that was completed without any incident. First results are expected in 2008. Material sciences are a further topic where the high altitude site Jungfraujoch is gaining importance. As in the years before, several experiments were conducted addressing the problem of soft errors on electronic devices due to cosmic rays, e.g. the UK consortium project SPAESRANE (Solutions for the Preservation of Aerospace Electronic Systems Reliability in the Atmospheric Neutron Environment, The big spark chamber, built by the Laboratory of High Energy Physics, Physikalisches Institut, University of Bern (Prof. K. Pretzl and Prof. A. Ereditato, and team), in collaboration with CERN, and installed with support by the Jungfraubahn AG in the tourist area of the Sphinx during the Einstein Year, continued operation throughout 2007. Complementing the automatic meteorological measurements within SwissMetNet, our custodians continued the daily visual weather observations for the Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology (MeteoSwiss). The custodians also provide the updates for the internet weather report of the Jungfraubahnen.

The Research Station, the scientific activity, and the unique environment of the UNESCO World Heritage Jungfrau-Aletsch-Bietschhorn attracted a number of visitors throughout the year. Several organizations initiated meetings of national and international scientific committees in the Jungfrau region and combined these meetings with an excursion to Jungfraujoch. The research station was also visited by a large number of student groups as part of a lecture or training school. Examples of the more than 75 individual and group visitors in 2007 are: - Novartis Global Leadership Meeting (Vischer, Merkt & Partner AG, 10.01.2007) - Prof. D. Rosenfeld, Prof. A. Khain, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel (Dr. J. Cozic; 20.02.2007 - Dr. S.K. Sath, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India (Dr. M. Riffler, Dept. of Geography, University of Bern; 21.02.2007) - Prof. R. Pattrick, SEAES School of Earth, Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences, University of Machester, UK (CLACE 6; 23.02.2007) - Delegations of the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft München, and of the Max-Planck- Institut für Chemie, Mainz (CLACE 6; 05.03.2007 - Prof. Neng-Huei (George) Lin, Prof. Charles J.-L. Wang, Prof. Chung-Te Lee, Delegation of the National Central University of Taiwan / Lulin Atmospheric Background Station LABS ( 2862 m) (06.-09.03.2007) - Media Delegation Chile (Mr. M. Leitner, Counsellor, Swiss Embassy in Santiago de Chile; 09.05.2007) - Student Group, University of Padua, Italy (Prof. A. Pitacco; 17.05.2007) - Studium Generale, Universität Konstanz (Prof. K. Hanselmann; 26.05.2007) viii International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

- ACCENT Meeting Interlaken (Prof. E. Schüpbach; 27.06.2007) - Berner Fachhochschule, Photovoltaik, Burgdorf (Prof. Häberlin; 13.07.2007) - Student Group, Hokkaido University, Sapporo. Japan (Dr. T. Sueyoshi; 05.09.2007) - Student Group, Singaporean Youth Competition, Seneko Power Singapur (07.08.2007) - Dreiländertagung Medizinphysik 2007 (Dr. R. Mini; Dr. E. Born; 29.09,2007) - Miss R. Cooper, Royal Society, London (25.10.2007) - Student Group „Angewandte Glaziologie“, ETH Zürich (Prof. M. Funk; 14.11.2007)

In addition to the large number of request for visits of the Research station at Jungfraujoch, there was an unbroken intense interest by print media and TV, with more than Figure 5: Award- 35 contributions in 2007. The Sphinx Observatory was winning proposition for furthermore selected as a motif on the CHF 200 bill of new CHF 200 bank note the award-winning proposition worked out by Manuela with Sphinx Observatory Pfrunder, Zürich, for a series of new Swiss bank notes (Manuela Pfrunder, (Figure 5). Zürich). In order to provide the researchers with optimal working conditions, continuous effort is made to adapt the infrastructure to the changing needs of the researchers and to adequate standards. In view of the increasing number of experiment campaigns with large numbers of participants, part of the researchers’ floor in the research station was renovated in 2007. The sanitary tract now includes three toilets instead of only one and two showers/bathtubs instead of only one (Figure 5). Unfortunately, during the renovation work, the central telephone switchboard was damaged. It had to be replaced, including all the outdated portable wireless user phones, and a new state-of-the-art telephone system is now installed. In the Sphinx laboratory a new central uninterrupted power supply (UPS) was installed (Figure 6).

Figure 5: Part of the new sanitary facilities Figure 6: The new central UPS in the in the research station: shower Sphinx laboratory room

ix International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

As in previous years, several coordination discussions took place with the management of the Jungfraubahnen. The annual coordination meeting at Jungfraujoch, a platform for the discussion of items of common concern, took place on December 6, 2007, and was attended by the director HFSJG and Mr. Hemund. Prime topics from our point of view were the continued efforts to avoid or minimize disturbances of the scientific measurements by emissions in connection with construction work or by apparatus defects. The concept worked out by a team of specialists together with the Jungfraubahn AG to solve the problem of the frequent situations with too high and too variable temperatures affecting the measurements of EMPA in the Sphinx laboratory could finally be realized and is now in a phase of fine-tuning. A subject of common concern is the increasing risk of falling rocks. The reorganization of the fire fighting concept for Jungfraujoch was concluded in 2007 with the inauguration on October 11, of the “Alpenfeuerwehr”, the body now also responsible for the High Altitude Research Station Jungfraujoch. The continuous support by Mr. Andreas Wyss, chief of technical services and maintenance division of the Jungfraubahnen at Jungfraujoch, of Mr. Fritz Jost and Mr. Heinz Schindler in all these matters is gratefully acknowledged. On October 9, 2007, the entire research infrastructure was inspected by a risk manager of the HELVETIA insurance company. No serious risk factors requiring immediate action were reported, but a number of potentially risky items were identified that will be addressed during 2008 with different priorities. Unfortunately, our main custodians, Mr. and Mrs. Fischer, were not able to work at Jungfraujoch for two months because of illness and an accident. As in the previous year, Mr. and Mrs. Staub, former custodians, were so kind to help out during a limited time period. Much to our regret, Mr. and Mrs. Hemund, our second custodian couple, announced that they would like to resign from their duty in February 2008.We were lucky to find a qualified replacement with Mr. and Mrs. Seiler.

The High Altitude Research Station Gornergrat Due to its unique location, its clean environment, and the good infrastructure, the High Altitude Research Station Gornergrat, which at present includes the astronomical observatory Gornergrat South and a container laboratory, continues to be an excellent basis for astrophysical research. The Observatory Gornergrat South is subleased to the Universität zu Köln. Here, the I. Physikalisches Institut der Universität zu Köln has installed the 3m radio telescope KOSMA (Kölner Observatorium für Submillimeter und Millimeter Astronomie). The central topic of the research with KOSMA, conducted jointly with the Radio- astronomisches Institut, Universität Bonn, is the spectrally resolved observation of the global distribution of interstellar matter in the Milky Way and nearby external galaxies, using the important mm-, submm-lines of CO, and atomic carbon. The most advanced technical equipment combined with the excellent observing conditions at Gornergrat allows astronomical observations up to the highest frequencies accessible to ground-based instruments. Figure 7 shows the statistics for the use of the Gornergrat South Observatory during 2007. Compared to previous years, the number of 279 working days at Gornergrat was again somewhat smaller, but still remarkable. The Observatory was again used by a significant number of guest observers. x International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

160 146 39.4% 140

120 110

100 5.4%

80 2.9% 52.3% 60

40 France Germany 20 15 8 China Switzerland 0 1. Physikal. Inst CEA Paris ETH Zürich University of Universität zu Köln Peking

Figure 7: Statistics of the person-working days at the Astronomical Observatory Gornergrat South.

The facade of a building at 3100 m asl is exposed to an extremely harsh environment. In 2006 the catwalk around the Gornergrat South Observatory showed severe damage, with pieces of loose concrete falling down to the tourist area (Figure 8). Repair was necessary. Thanks to good weather conditions, this work was completed successfully in 2007. We gratefully acknowledge the lead and the support by the Matterhorn Group in this matter. As already stated in previous reports, the termination of the TIRGO era by the Italians leaves the future of Gornergrat North open. The Burgergemeinde Zermatt would like the Foundation HFSJG to use Gornergrat North to embed science in public outreach and tourism. The project for a robotic telescope worked out by a team of astronomers under the lead of the president of the Schweizerische Astronomische Gesellschaft, Dr. M. Hubmann, looks very promising. Financing, however, has not yet been solved, and negotiations are still ongoing. In the meantime the Observatory Gornergrat North continues to be used by an experienced amateur astronomer for astrophotography and astronomical lectures to the public.

Figure 8: Structural damage and repair on the catwalk at the Observatory Gornergrat South.

xi International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Since 1998, the Space Research and Planetary Sciences Division of the University of Bern has been operating a solar neutron telescope (SONTEL) on the Belvedere plateau. This detector is the European cornerstone of a worldwide network initiated by the Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory of the Nagoya University for the study of high-energy neutrons produced in energetic processes at the Sun. During 2007, continuous operation of SONTEL was ongoing. During the last couple of years the region of the Gorner glacier has become increasingly interesting to the glaciologists of the Versuchsanstalt für Wasserbau, Hydrologie und Glaziologie (VAW) of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETHZ). In 2007, the teams under the leadership of Prof. Martin Funk spent about 300 working days near and at the Gornersee in order to study the processes controlling the drainage of glacier-dammed lakes. In 2007, eight scientific papers and several conference contributions were published based on work at Gornergrat. Details can be found in the individual reports. Also the Gornergrat site with its observatories was a demanded topic for media reports. A very special opportunity for public outreach was given on October 5, 2007, when the Burgergemeinde Zermatt celebrated the 100th anniversary of the Gornergrat Kulm Hotel, with the attendance not only of a large number of distinguished guests but also of federal councillor Doris Leuthard and former federal councillor Adolf Ogi. Astronomical observations at Gornergrat are also addressed in the jubilee book “100 Jahre im Banne des Monte Rosa” published in this context by the Burgergemeinde Zermatt. An extremely important help for the operation of the observatories and the successful scientific work at Gornergrat is the continued support provided by the Burger- gemeinde Zermatt as the owner of the Gornergrat Kulm Hotel, by the Gornergrat Bahn, and locally by Mrs. Fabienne Clemenz and Mr. Fernando Clemenz as the directors of the Kulm Hotel, and their crew.

Summary and Acknowledgements As documented by the individual activity reports, the large number of publications, and the feedback from meetings, scientific work at the High Altitude Research Stations Jungfraujoch and Gornergrat during the report period 2007 continued to be extensive and of high international standard. Due to the unique observational and measuring conditions, the Jungfraujoch station has maintained its position as a key station in a number of European and global measuring networks for climate and environmental studies. For the same reasons, even after termination of the Italian activity, Gornergrat continues to be a center for astronomical and astrophysical research. The Foundation HFSJG confirmed its role as a provider of excellent research infrastructure. The hard work and the efforts of all who contributed to this success are highly appreciated and gratefully acknowledged. We also thank all members of the Foundation and their representatives for their support. In particular, we thank the Swiss National Science Foundation for the most significant funding of the Swiss contribution, and in particular Prof. Christian Leumann (President Div. II), Dr. Paul Burkhard (Head secretariat Division II), and Dr. Jean-Bernard Weber (Deputy Director; Head Interdivisional Coordination), for the excellent and benevolent collaboration. xii International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Operation of the High Altitude Research Stations Jungfraujoch and Gornergrat would not be possible without the help and support of many individuals and organizations. For the Research Station Jungfraujoch, our thanks go to our custodians, Mr. and Mrs. Fischer, and Mr. and Mrs. Hemund, as well as to Mr. and Mrs. Staub. With their devotion to duty, their competence, and their ability to create a comfortable atmosphere in the station, they are providing the basis for all scientists to do good research work. Special thanks goes to the Jungfrau Railway Holding Ltd and to the Jungfrau Railways. Without their goodwill and their substantial support the Research Station at Jungfraujoch could hardly be operated. The Board of the Jungfrau Railway Holding Ltd under its president Prof. Thomas Bieger, as well as the management and personnel of the Jungfraubahnen under Chief Executive Officer Walter Steuri, are always open and positive toward our needs, which quite often conflict with touristic objectives. We gratefully acknowledge the generous direct and indirect support and appreciate the continued interest in the research activity and the scientific output. At Jungfraujoch we are particularly grateful to Mr. Andreas Wyss, chief of technical services and maintenance, and his team, and to Mr. Fritz Jost, chief Zugförderung und Werkstätte (ZfW). Our thanks also include Mr. Urs Zumbrunn, and the personnel of the Restaurant Top of Europe. The great efforts of all these individuals and institutions would, however, be worthless if the research facilities would not be used adequately. We therefore would like to express our sincere gratitude to all scientists for their dedicated work and good collaboration, demonstrating through the excellence of their research that the High Altitude Research Station Jungfraujoch continues to fulfill an undisputed need of the scientific community. In this sense, for Gornergrat our thanks go first to all the scientists of the I. Physikalisches Institut der Universität zu Köln (Prof. Juergen Stutzki, Dr. Martin Miller), and to the MPI for Radio Astronomy in Bonn, of the University of Bern, and of all collaborating institutions. We are also grateful to the scientists of the Versuchs- anstalt für Wasserbau, Hydrologie und Glaziologie (VAW) of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETHZ). We then thank the Brig-Visp-Zermatt Bahn (BVZ Holding AG) and, in particular, its member of the board, Mr. René Bayard. The substantial continuous support provided by the Gornergrat Bahn, by its Chief Executive Officer Hans-Rudolf Mooser as well as the entire crew, has been essential for the success of the scientific work. Finally, we are extremely grateful to the Burgergemeinde Zermatt under the presidency of Mr. Andreas Biner, the members of the Burgerrat, and to Mr. Fernando Clemenz, director of the Matterhorn Group Holding AG and of the Kulm-Hotel Gornergrat. Without their goodwill and support it would not be possible to operate a world-famous astrophysical observatory at Gornergrat. At the administrative office in Bern I would like to thank Dr. Urs Jenzer, the technical assistant HFSJG for electronics and computers, for his proficient work. Continued assistance by the Informatikdienste of the University of Bern in networking and data transfer is also gratefully acknowledged. We have greatly appreciated the competent services of our treasurer, Mr. Karl Martin Wyss, the knowledgeable support and bookkeeping by Mr. Christian Gasser, and the professional auditing by Treuhand Cotting AG, Bern (Mr. H. Lüdi). Last, but not least, I would like to thank our president, Prof. Hans Balsiger, and our secretary, Mrs. Louise Wilson. Once again it was to a great deal due to her competence and kindness in the daily contacts with staff and scientists, to her excellency in running all the administrative affairs, and to her

xiii International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007 devotion to the Foundation HFSJG that we could successfully pursue our goal in supporting top-level research.

Bern, February 26, 2008 Erwin O. Flückiger

xiv International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Research statistics for 2007 High Altitude Research Station Jungfraujoch

Institute Country Research with Research during overnight stay the day only Department of Internal Medicine, Switzerland 259 CHUV, Lausanne Institut d’Astrophysique et Belgium 234 Géophysique, Université de Liège Laboratory of Atmospheric Chemistry, Switzerland 134 18 Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen Institute for Atmospheric Physics, Germany 94 2 University of Mainz and Max Planck Institute for Chemistry Mainz Universität Mainz School of Earth Atmospheric and UK 62 Environmental Sciences, University of Manchester Medizinische Klinik Innenstadt, Germany 60 Pneumologie, Medizinische Klinik, München Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Switzerland 51 5 Science, ETH-Zentrum, Zürich Institut für Troposphärenforschung, Germany 48 Leipzig Institut für Atmosphäre und Umwelt, Germany 43 J.W. Goethe Universität, Frankfurt Institut für angewandte Germany 21 Geowissenschaften, Technische Universität Darmstadt Laboratoire de Pollution Atmosphérique Switzerland 20 2 et Sol, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne Institut für Geowissenschaften, Germany 17 Universität Mainz Labor für Radio- und Umweltchemie, Switzerland 15 Paul Scherrer Institut King’s College London School of UK 12 Medicine Eidg. Materialprüfungs- und Switzerland 9 39 Forschungsanstalt (EMPA) Dübendorf Department of Physics, University of Italy 8 3 Rome „La Sapienza“

1 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Institute Country Research with Research during overnight stay the day only Department of Geography, University Switzerland 6 5 of Zürich Royal Dutch Meteorological Institute The 3 KNMI, De Bilt Netherlands Klima- und Umweltphysik, Switzerland 3 7 Physikalisches Institut, Universität Bern Physikalisch-Meteorologisches Switzerland 3 6 Observatorium PMOD, World Radiation Center WCR, Davos Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy Belgium 2 (BIRA-IASB), Brussels University of Central Lancashire, UK 2 SPAESRANE High Altitude Experiments Lancaster University, SPAESRANE UK 1 High Altitude Experiments MeteoSwiss Switzerland 50 Gruppe Kosmische Strahlung, Switzerland 9 Physikalisches Institut, Universität Bern VAW Glaziologie, ETH Zürich Switzerland 7 Bundesamt für Gesundheit, Freiburg Switzerland 4 Berner Fachhochschule, Technik und Switzerland 3 Information, Photovoltaiklabor, Burgdorf Bundesamt für Landestopographie, Switzerland 2 swisstopo Institut für Angewandte Physik, Switzerland 2 Universität Bern Laboratory for High Energy Physics Switzerland 2 Universität Bern TOTAL 1107 166

Overnight stays Days with no overnight stay Workers, Jungfrau railway, and visitors 95 1 Media / film / TV and radio 23 HFSJG administration 67 21 Total including researchers 1292 188

2 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Long-term experiments and automatic measurements at the High Altitude Research Station Jungfraujoch

Institute Experiment / Measurements

Institut d’Astrophysique et Atmospheric physics and solar physics de Géophysique de l'Université de Liège B-4000 Liège

Belgian Institute for Atmospheric physics and atmospheric chemistry Space Aeronomy B-1180 Brussels

École Polytechnique Fédérale de LIDAR Lausanne EPFL CH-1015 Lausanne

Federal Office of Meteorology and Atmospheric physics and atmospheric chemistry Climatology (radiation measurements) MeteoSwiss CH-1530 Payerne

Federal Office of Meteorology and Weather observations Climatology MeteoSwiss CH-8044 Zürich

Bundesamt für Landestopographie Automated Global Positioning System Network AGNES swisstopo CH-3084 Wabern-Bern

Paul Scherrer Institut Atmospheric physics and atmospheric chemistry (aerosol Laboratory of Atmospheric measurements) Chemistry CH-5232 Villigen PSI

Labor für Radio- und VIVALDI (Variability in Ice, Vegetation, and Lake Deposits Umweltchemie – Integrated) within the frame of NCCR Climate Universität Bern CH-3012 Bern and Paul Scherrer Institut Analytical Chemistry CH-5232 Villigen PSI

Physikalisch-Meteorologisches Solar and terrestrial radiation measurements Observatorium Davos and World Radiation Center Aerosol depth monitoring CH-7260 Davos Dorf

Eidg. Materialprüfungs- und Atmospheric chemistry Forschungsanstalt Empa (O3 - and NOx measurements) CH-8600 Dübendorf NABEL National Air Pollution Monitoring Network

3 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Institute Experiment / Measurements

Abteilung für Weltraumforschung Astrophysics (cosmic ray measurements) und Planetologie Physikalisches Institut Universität Bern CH-3012 Bern

Department of Physics Measurement of large zenith angle cosmic rays University of Rome „La Sapienza“ I-00185 Rome

Berner Fachhochschule, Technik Photovoltaic power plant und Informatik Photovoltaik-Labor CH-3400 Burgdorf

14 222 Universität Heidelberg Long term observations of CO2 and Radon Institut für Umweltphysik D-69120 Heidelberg

Climate and Environmental 85Krypton measurements Physics, Universität Bern CH-3012 Bern Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz D-78098 Freiburg i.B.

Abteilung für Klima- und High precision carbon dioxide and oxygen measurements Umweltphysik, Physikalisches Institut Universität Bern CH-3012 Bern

Nationale Alarmzentrale NADAM Automatic Dose Alarm and Monitoring Network Bundesamt für Bevölkerungsschutz (ambient dose rate) CH-8044 Zürich

Bundesamt für Gesundheit RADAIR Measurements of radioactivity in the air CH-1700 Freiburg

VAW Glacier measurements Laboratory of Hydraulics, Hydrology and Glaciology ETH Zürich CH-8092 Zürich

Swiss Federal Institute for Snow Permafrost monitoring and Avalanche Research SLF CH-7260 Davos Dorf

4 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Name of research institute or organization: Institut d’Astrophysique et de Géophysique, Université de Liège

Title of project: High resolution, solar infrared Fourier Transform spectrometry. Application to the study of the Earth atmosphere

Project leader and team: Philippe Demoulin, Pierre Duchatelet, Emmanuel Mahieu, Ginette Roland (em.), Christian Servais (project leader), Samy Trabelsi, Rodolphe Zander (em.) Jacqueline Bosseloirs, Olivier Flock, Vincent Van De Weerdt, Diane Zander

Project description: Contribution to the long-term monitoring of the Earth’s atmosphere has remained the central activity of the Liège group. Regular observations performed at the Jungfraujoch by our two high-performance Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectrometers allow to derive abundances of more than 25 constituents affecting our climate and monitored in the frame of the Kyoto protocol (N2O, CH4, CO2, SF6…), related to the erosion of the ozone layer in the stratosphere (HCl, ClONO2, HNO3, NO, NO2, HF, COF2, O3, CCl2F2, CHClF2, CCl3F…), or altering the oxidization processes in the troposphere (CO, C2H2, C2H6, OCS, HCN, H2CO…). The resulting databases allow the determination of the short-term variability, seasonal modulations, as well as long-term changes affecting most of these species. During 2007, observers spent 230 days at the Jungfraujoch. Good weather conditions enabled solar observations on 106 days. Regular measurements with a sealed cell containing HBr gas have also been realized, in order to characterize the instrumental line shape. This objectively warrants that the observations are performed consistently at the highest level of quality/performance. In addition to the constituents routinely retrieved, emphasis was placed in 2007 on some gases related to the tropospheric processes, for example hydrogen cyanide HCN, formaldehyde H2CO, formic acid H2CO2, ethylene C2H4 and methane isotopologues. Furthermore, systematic investigations aiming at the retrieval of information on the vertical distribution of water vapour from infrared spectra have been initiated this year.

Methane isotopologues Due to its high warming potential and its relatively long chemical lifetime (~9 years), atmospheric methane CH4 plays a major role in the radiative forcing responsible of the greenhouse effect. The cycle of methane is complex and his characterization requires a thoroughly study of the sources and sinks of its main isotopologue as well as the other isotopic species. Different processes are known to fractionate these isotopologues, and hence isotopic abundances are particularly useful to differentiate between various sources of atmospheric methane. Systematic investigations have been performed to determine the best set of 13 microwindows for the retrieval of CH4 and CH3D from the Jungfraujoch FTIR spectra.

5 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

13 The selected CH4 absorption features are located in two different spectral regions: around 1234 cm-1 and from 2817 to 2926 cm-1. They allow to derive total columns of 13 CH4, as well as partial columns between 3.58 and 14 km. -1 For CH3D retrievals, four microwindows, ranging from 2950 to 3090 cm , have been selected. They are fitted together to increase the collected information. This multi- windows approach has been compared with a multi-spectra approach, i.e. using only one micro-window, but fitting simultaneously several spectra recorded on the same day and at the same spectral resolution, also to increase the information content. The multi-microwindows strategy provides slightly more vertical information. Preliminary results of the retrievals of these methane isotopologues are displayed in Figure 1 and 2.

13 Figure 1. Comparison of CH4 partial columns between 3.58 and 14 km, derived for the period January 2005 to August 2006 from two different spectral regions: one line around 1234.2 cm-1 (“MCT”, light blue dots) and 7 lines from 2817 to 2926 cm-1 (“InSb”, yellow triangles). The relative differences (top panel, 100*(MCT-InSb)/InSb) reveal a significant mean bias close to 4 % between 13 both CH4 partial columns time series, probably arising from inconsistencies in spectroscopic parameters.

Ethylene (C2H4) Ethylene originates from a variety of anthropogenic (e.g. cars in urban areas) and natural (e.g. plants, volcanoes, forest fires) sources. Given its very short chemical lifetime combined with weak infrared absorption, C2H4 detection is difficult from FTIR spectra, in particular at a remote high-altitude site like the Jungfraujoch. However, during special events, e.g. under enhanced biomass burning, it is possible to clearly see ethylene absorptions in our spectra. Figure 3 presents such an example of ethylene enhancement above the Jungfraujoch, with an atmospheric contents more than 4 times the normal value.

6 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Figure 2. Daily means CH3D total columns above Jungfraujoch for the year 2005, derived from the multi-microwindows approach [four microwindows, ranging from 2950 to 3090 cm-1] (light blue dots) and from the multi-spectra approach [one microwindow around 3070.9 cm-1; simultaneous fitting of several spectra recorded on the same day and at the same spectral resolution] (yellow triangles). The multi-microwindows strategy provides slightly more vertical information. Only FTIR spectra recorded at solar zenith angles between 70 and 80° have been analyzed here. Relative differences between the two retrieval strategies are plotted in the upper panel. A slight significant relative difference of 1.5 ± 1.0 % can be noticed, with the multi-microwindows approach giving higher abundances.

Water vapour In the frame of GAW-CH1 and AGACC2 projects, preliminary investigations have been performed to derive total and partial vertical abundances of water vapour from Jungfraujoch infrared solar observations, including historical atmospheric spectra recorded with a grating spectrometer from the 1968 to the late 80s. To retrieve water vapour from the FTIR spectra, more than 60 microwindows, encompassing one or -1 several H2O lines and located in spectral regions ranging from 700 to 4300 cm , have been selected and tested to develop a robust fitting strategy. At this stage, averaging kernels analysis indicates a quite good sensitivity from the altitude site (3.58 km) up to 11 km. We hope to derive 3 to 4 independent pieces of information on the water vertical profile. In the most favorable cases, the sensitivity range may extend up to 15 km. 17 Investigation of micro-windows containing water vapour isotopologues (H2 O, 18 H2 O and HDO) has also started. The analysis of the atmospheric isotopologic water vapour composition provides valuable information on many climate, chemical and atmospheric circulation processes.

1 Swiss Global Atmosphere Watch 2 Belgian Advanced exploitation of Ground-based measurements for Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate Applications,

7 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Figure 3. Example of detection of ethylene (C2H4) enhancement above the Jungfraujoch. The blue curve shows a spectrum recorded in January 1998 at a zenith angle of 89.8°, where the ethylene absorption is clearly visible (grey arrow). Four days later, another FTIR spectrum (red curve), obtained under similar geometric conditions, corresponds to background atmospheric ethylene contents. A total column of 1.18 1015 molec./cm2 was retrieved in the first case, i.e. about four times larger than the mean total column value of 2.64 1014 molec./cm2 derived for 1998.

Comparison with ACE-FTS measurements In support of the validation of the Canadian ACE-FTS spectrometer, flying onboard the SCISAT-1 satellite, specific observational campaigns have again been organized at the Jungfraujoch in 2007, to record as many coincident measurements as possible. Amongst the 38 occultations of ACE-FTS that occurred in 2007 in the vicinity of Jungfraujoch (closer than 1000 km), we succeeded in obtaining coincident measurements for 13 of them. Besides specific ongoing validation efforts, we have compared the abundance of different gases retrieved from the Jungfraujoch spectra with ACE-FTS data. One of these gases is hydrogen cyanide (HCN), for which we recently developed a new retrieval strategy, using simultaneously five HCN lines and specific microwindows for the proper simulation of water vapour absorptions (the major interference in the fitted microwindows, even at the high-altitude site of the Jungfraujoch). Our HCN retrievals provide good sensitivity up to 20 km, thus permitting comparisons with the ACE-FTS measurements in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere. Figure 4 shows such a comparison, for 117 occultations recorded between March 2004 and May 2007. The two data sets are in excellent agreement in terms of absolute value, amplitude and phase of the seasonal modulation.

8 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Figure 4. Comparison of HCN partial columns retrieved from Jungfraujoch spectra (black dots) or by ACE-FTS satellite instrument (red dots), for a similar altitude range (7-20 km for Jungfraujoch and 7- 21 km for ACE). The 117 occultations from the ACE instrument were recorded between March 2004 and May 2007 in the 41-51ºN latitudinal belt. Green circles show the Jungfraujoch a priori partial columns (i.e. the starting point for the retrieval procedure).

OMI validation We are also participating to the validation of the OMI (Ozone Monitoring Instrument) experiment, flying on board the NASA Aura satellite. For that reason, we regularly measure formaldehyde (H2CO) – one of the OMI products – at the Jungfraujoch, thanks to a dedicated optical filter. During 2007, 349 formaldehyde spectra were recorded. Although the infrared H2CO absorption is extremely weak, the quality of the FTIR spectra is sufficient to deduce the formaldehyde column with a single measurement precision estimated to about 10 % and H2CO is now becoming a standard product provided by our group.

Aura / IRWG campaign In support of the validation of the 4 remote-sounding instruments aboard the NASA Aura satellite (MLS, TES, HIRDLS and OMI,, we participated in the 2007 NDACC/IRWG3 - Aura intercomparison campaign, which took place from 15 August to 15 September 2007. During this period, we obtained 383 spectra at the Jungfraujoch, recorded over 19 days. Vertical volume mixing ratio profiles of O3, HNO3 and CO and the total column of O3 will be compared with Aura instruments measurements.

3 InfraRed Working Group of the Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change

9 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Key words: Earth atmosphere, climate change, greenhouse gases, ozone layer, long-term monitoring, infrared spectroscopy

Internet data bases:,

Collaborating partners/networks: Main collaborations: IASB (Institut d’Aéronomie Spatiale de Belgique) / NDACC (Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change, previously NDSC; / GAW-CH / partners of the EC-project HYMN ( samenw/hymn/) and GEOMON ( / NASA Langley Research Center / ACE science team / NASA JPL / University of Oslo / EMPA / University of Leeds / IMK (Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe) / satellite experiments: IASI, AURA, OMI, ACE, ENVISAT / …

Scientific publications and public outreach 2007: Refereed journal articles Clerbaux, C., M. George, S. Turquety, K. A. Walker, B. Barret, P. Bernath, C. Boone, T. Borsdorff, J. P. Cammas, V. Catoire, M. Coffey, P.-F. Coheur, M. Deeter, M. De Mazière, J. Drummond, P. Duchatelet, E. Dupuy, R. de Zafra, F. Eddounia, D. P. Edwards, L. Emmons, B. Funke, J. Gille, D. W. T. Griffith, J. Hannigan, F. Hase, M. Höpfner, N. Jones, A. Kagawa, Y. Kasai, I. Kramer, E. Le Flochmoën, N. J. Livesey, M. López-Puertas, M. Luo, E. Mahieu, D. Murtagh, Ph. Nédélec, A. Pazmino, H. Pumphrey, P. Ricaud, C. P. Rinsland, C. Robert, M. Schneider, C. Senten, G. Stiller, A. Strandberg, K. Strong, R. Sussmann, V. Thouret, J. Urban and A. Wiacek, CO measurements from the ACE-FTS satellite instrument: data analysis and validation using ground-based, airborne and spaceborne observations, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 7, 15277-15340, 2007. Cortesi, U., J.C. Lambert, C. De Clercq, G. Bianchini, T. Blumenstock, A. Bracher, E. Castelli, V. Catoire, K.V. Chance, M. De Mazière, P. Demoulin, S. Godin- Beekmann, N. Jones, K. Jucks, C. Keim, T. Kerzenmacher, H. Kuellmann, J. Kuttippurath, M. Iarlori, G.Y. Liu, Y. Liu, I.S. McDermid, Y.J. Meijer, F. Mencaraglia, S. Mikuteit, H. Oelhaf, C. Piccolo, M. Pirre, P. Raspollini, F. Ravegnani, W.J. Reburn, G. Redaelli, J.J. Remedios, H. Sembhi, D. Smale, T. Steck, A. Taddei, C. Varotsos, C. Vigouroux, A. Waterfall, G. Wetzel and S. Wood, Geophysical validation of MIPAS-ENVISAT operational ozone data, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 7, 4807-4867, 2007. De Mazière, M., C. Vigouroux, P. F. Bernath, P. Baron, T. Blumenstock, C. Boone, C. Brogniez, V. Catoire, M. Coffey, P. Duchatelet, D. Griffith, J. Hannigan, Y. Kasai, I. Kramer, N. Jones, E. Mahieu, G. L. Manney, C. Piccolo, C. Randall, C. Robert, C. Senten, K. Strong, J. Taylor, C. Tétard, K. A. Walker and S. Wood, Validation of ACE-FTS v2.2 methane profiles from the upper troposphere to lower mesosphere, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 7, 17975-18014, 2007. Gardiner, T., A. Forbes, P. Woods, M. De Mazière, C. Vigouroux, E. Mahieu, P. Demoulin, V. Velazco, J. Notholt, T. Blumenstock, F. Hase, I. Kramer, R. Sussman, W. Stremme, J. Mellqvist, A. Strandberg, K. Ellingsen and M. Gauss, Method for evaluating trends in greenhouse gases from ground-based remote FTIR measurements over Europe, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 7, 15781-15803, 2007.

10 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Goldman, A., R.H. Tipping, Q. Ma, C.D. Boone, P.F. Bernath, P. Demoulin, F. Hase, M. Schneider, J.W. Hannigan, M.T. Coffey and C.P. Rinsland, On the line parameters 1 + 14 for the X Σ g (1-0) infrared quadrupolar transitions of N2, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, 103, 168-174, 2007. Höpfner, M., T. von Clarmann, H. Fischer, B. Funke, N. Glatthor, U. Grabowski, S. Kellmann, M. Kiefer, A. Linden, M. Milz, T. Steck, G.P. Stiller, P. Bernath, C. E. Blom, Th. Blumenstock, C. Boone, K. Chance, M.T. Coffey, F. Friedl-Vallon, D. Griffith, J.W. Hannigan, F. Hase, N. Jones, K.W. Jucks, C. Keim, A. Kleinert, W. Kouker, G.Y. Liu, E. Mahieu, J. Mellqvist, S. Mikuteit, J. Notholt, H. Oelhaf, C. Piesch, T. Reddmann, R. Ruhnke, M. Schneider, A. Strandberg, G. Toon, K.A.Walker, T. Warneke, G. Wetzel, S. Wood and R. Zander, Validation of MIPAS ClONO2 measurements, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 7, 257-281, 2007. Payan, S., C. Camy-Peyret, H. Oelhaf, G. Wetzel, G. Maucher, C. Keim, M.Pirre, N. Huret, A. Engel, M. C. Volk, H. Kuellmann, J. Kuttippurath, U.Cortesi, G. Bianchini, F. Mencaraglia, P. Raspollini, G. Redaelli, C.Vigouroux, M. De Mazière, S. Mikuteit, T. Blumenstock, V. Velazco, J.Notholt, M. Mahieu, P. Duchatelet, D. Smale, S. Wood, N. Jones, C.Piccolo, V. Payne, A. Bracher, N. Glatthor, G. Stiller, K. Grunow, P.Jeseck, Y. Te, K. Pfeilsticker and A. Butz, Validation and data characteristics of methane and nitrous oxide profiles observed by MIPAS and processed with Version 4.61 algorithm, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 7, 18043-18111, 2007. Rinsland, C.P., A. Goldman, J.W. Hannigan, S.W. Wood, L.S. Chiou and E. Mahieu, Long-term trends of tropospheric carbon monoxide and hydrogen cyanide from analysis of high resolution infrared solar spectra, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, 104, 40-51, 2007. Rinsland, C.P., R. Nassar, C.D. Boone, P.F. Bernath, L.S. Chiou, D.K. Weisenstein, E. Mahieu and R. Zander, Spectroscopic detection of COClF in the tropical and mid- latitude lower stratosphere, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, 105, 467-475, 2007. Vigouroux, C., M. De Mazière, Q. Errera, S. Chabrillat, E. Mahieu, P. Duchatelet, S. Wood, D. Smale, S. Mikuteit, T. Blumenstock, F. Hase and N. Jones, Comparisons between ground-based FTIR and MIPAS N2O and HNO3 profiles before and after assimilation in BASCOE, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 7, 377-396, 2007. Wang, D.Y., M. Höpfner, C.E. Blom, W.E. Ward, H. Fischer, T. Blumenstock, F. Hase, C. Keim, G.Y. Liu, S. Mikuteit, H. Oelhaf, G. Wetzel, U. Cortesi, F. Mencaraglia, G. Bianchini, G. Redaelli, M. Pirre, V. Catoire, N. Huret, C. Vigouroux, M. De Mazière, E. Mahieu, P. Demoulin, S. Wood, D. Smale, N. Jones, H. Nakajima, T. Sugita, J. Urban, D. Murtagh, C.D. Boone, P.F. Bernath, K.A. Walker, J. Kuttippurath, A. Kleinbohl, G. Toon and C. Piccolo, Validation of MIPAS HNO3 operational data, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 7, 4905-4934, 2007.

Conference papers Duchatelet P., E. Mahieu, P. Demoulin, P. Bernath, C. Boone, K. Walker, S. Wood and D. Smale, Determination of COF2 vertical distributions above Jungfraujoch by FTIR and multi-spectra fitting, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 9, 06906, 2007. ( Duchatelet P., E. Mahieu, P. Demoulin, M. De Mazière, C. Senten, P. Bernath, C. Boone and K. Walker, Approaches for retrieving abundances of methane isotopologues in the frame of the AGACC project from ground-based FTIR

11 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007 observations performed at the Jungfraujoch, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 9, 06948, 2007. ( Mahieu E., P. Duchatelet, P. Demoulin, C. Servais, M. De Mazière, C. Senten, C.P. Rinsland, P. Bernath, C.D. Boone and K.A. Walker, Retrievals of HCN from high- resolution FTIR solar spectra recorded at the Jungfraujoch station, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 9, 07059, 2007. ( Mahieu, E., P. Duchatelet, R. Zander, S.W. Wood, D. Smale, R. Ruhnke, M. Wiehle, C.P. Rinsland and P. Demoulin, Recent evolution of stratospheric inorganic chlorine (Cly) inferred from long-term ground-based FTIR observations of HCl and ClONO2, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 9, 10392, 2007. ( Ruhnke, R., Th. Blumenstock, P. Duchatelet, K. Hamann, F. Hase, W. Kouker, I. Kramer, E. Mahieu, S. Mikuteit, J. Notholt, Th. Reddmann, M. Schneider, B.-M. Sinnhuber, R. Sussmann, V. Velazco, T. Warneke and M. Wiehle, Measured and modelled trends of stratospheric Cly and Fy column amounts in the northern hemisphere, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 9, 07597, 2007. ( Senten C., M. De Mazière, C. Hermans, B. Dils, M. Kruglanski, A. Merlaud, E. Neefs, F. Scolas, A.C. Vandaele, C. Vigouroux, K. Janssens, B. Barret, M. Carleer, P.F. Coheur, S. Fally, J.L. Baray, J. Leveau, J.M. Metzger and E. Mahieu, Ground- based FTIR measurements at Ile de La Réunion: Observations, error analysis and comparisons with satellite data, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 9, 08640, 2007. (

Data books and reports Clerbaux, C., D.M. Cunnold, J. Anderson, A. Engel, P.J. Fraser, E. Mahieu, A. Manning, J. Miller, S.A. Montzka, R. Nassar, R. Prinn, S. Reimann, C.P. Rinsland, P. Simmonds, D. Verdonik, R. Weiss, D. Wuebbles and Y. Yokouchi, Long-lived compounds, Chapter 1 of WMO Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion: 2006, WMO Report No. 50, 572 pp., World Meteorological Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, 2007. Dils, B., M. De Mazière, T. Blumenstock, F. Hase, I. Kramer, E. Mahieu, P. Demoulin, P. Duchatelet, J. Mellqvist, A. Strandberg, M. Buchwitz, I. Khlystova, O. Schneising, V. Velazco, J. Notholt, R. Sussmann and W. Stremme, Validation of WFM-DOAS CO and CH4 Scientific Products using Ground-Based FTIR Measurements, in Observing Tropospheric Trace Constituents from Space, ACCENT-TROPOSAT-2 in 2006-7, J. Burrows and P. Borrell, Eds., 263-267, 2007. Mahieu, E., C. Servais, P. Duchatelet, R. Zander, P. Demoulin, M. De Mazière, C. Senten, K.A. Walker, C.D. Boone, C.P. Rinsland and P. Bernath, Optimisation of retrieval strategies using Jungfraujoch high-resolution FTIR observations for long- term trend studies and satellite validation, in Observing Tropospheric Trace Constituents from Space, ACCENT-TROPOSAT-2 in 2006-7, J. Burrows and P. Borrell, Eds., 280-285, 2007. Mahieu, E., P. Théate et V. Brahy, La destruction de la couche d'ozone, dans le chapitre 9 du Rapport analytique 2006-2007 sur l'état de l'environnement wallon,

12 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

316-321, Cellule Etat de l'Environnement Wallon, MRW – DGRNE, D/2007/5322/45, 736p., 2007. Mahieu, E., R. Zander, P. Demoulin, P. Duchatelet, C. Servais, M. De Mazière and C.P. Rinsland, FTIR Observations at the Jungfraujoch Station for Long-term Monitoring of the Troposphere and Validation of Space-based Sensors, in Measuring Tropospheric Trace Constituents from Space, ACCENT-TROPOSAT-2 in 2005-6, J. Burrows and P. Borrell, Eds., 274-277, 2007. Magazine and Newspapers articles “Dernières tendances pour l'ozone”, Emmanuel Mahieu, University of Liège monthly magazine “Le 15ème jour du mois”, nº 162, March 2007. Radio and television “L'avenir sera-t-il caniculaire ?”, participation of Emmanuel Mahieu to the “Controverse” debate about human influence over climatic changes, Belgian television RTL-TVI, February 4, 2007 “L'astronome de la Jungfrau”, interview of Philippe Demoulin at the Jungfraujoch, by Sonia Zoran, Swiss radio RSR 1, “Comme un soleil”, August 19 and 25, 2007. “Recovery of the ozone layer”, by Emmanuel Mahieu, Belgian radio RTBF – La Première, September 13, 2007 “La recherche : notre avenir !”, interview of Christian Servais at the Jungfraujoch, in a film by Bernard Balteau, created for the 80th anniversary of Belgian FNRS (Fonds national de la Recherche scientifique), IPEP and RTBF, October 1, 2007

Address: Institut d’Astrophysique et de Géophysique - Université de Liège allée du VI août, 17 - Bâtiment B5a B-4000 Sart Tilman (Liège, Belgique)

Contacts: Philippe Demoulin Tel. +32 4 366 9785 e-mail: [email protected] Pierre Duchatelet Tel. +32 4 366 9786 e-mail: [email protected] Emmanuel Mahieu Tel. +32 4 366 9786 e-mail: [email protected] Ginette Roland Tel. +32 4 342 2594 e-mail: [email protected] Christian Servais Tel. +32 4 366 9784 e-mail: [email protected] Samy Trabelsi Tel. +32 4 366 9785 e-mail: [email protected] Rodolphe Zander Tel. +32 4 366 9756 e-mail: [email protected]


13 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

14 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Name of research institute or organization: École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)

Title of project: Study of the atmospheric aerosols, water, ozone and temperature by LIDAR

Project leader and team: Dr. Valentin Simeonov, project leader Prof. Hubert van den Bergh, head of the Laboratory for Air and Soil Pollution Marcel Bartlome, Pablo Ristori, Todor Dinoev

Project description: In 2007, the EPFL lidar group continued the upgrade of the multiwavelngth elastic- Raman scattering lidar with an ozone channel. During the reporting period the work was directed mostly towards software development, although some hardware development was carried out too. First, ozone profiles were measured with the lidar. The lidar profiles are in good agreement with balloon measurements carried out simultaneously by MeteoSwiss. Data treatment routines in MATLAB and Mathematica have been developed in order to treat the raw lidar datasets and to perform inter-comparison with the parallel balloon data. A flow chart of the algorithm for calculating ozone concentration can be found in Figure 1. Prior to the ozone calculation, the vertical profiles of temperature and air molecular number density are calculated from meteorological balloon sonding data. Ozone absorption cross-sections corrected for temperature are then calculated using the vertical temperature profile and literature data. The raw lidar data is corrected for the offset due to background radiation and detector dark noise. In order to obtain higher ozone profile accuracy the background corrected signal has to undergo a signal averaging process responsible for the smoothing of the signal and the deriving of its slope. The spatial averaging over contiguous bins results in a decrease of the probability of inaccurate slopes due to signal noise and system- internal recording processes. This algorithm is based on a moving filter with an increasing with the range filter size. Since the signal intensity falls down with the square of the distance, the filter size is increasing parabolically with the distance, in order to compensate for the loss of signal to noise ratio.

Figure 1: Flow chart description of the algorithm for calculating ozone profiles from the Jungfraujoch ozone UV DIAL system

15 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

After filtering, ozone concentration [mol/cm2] is deduced. At the end the ozone lidar profile can be compared against an ozone profile measured from an ECC ozone launched from Payerne. The whole algorithm was programmed in 2007 and was first tested with datasets from other lidar measurements. First data sets have been measured and treated with the MATLAB and Mathematica data routine. An example of such measurement compared to the balloon sounding is shown in (Figure 2). The two profiles show very good agreement between 2.5 and 4.8 km above ground level (agl) or 6.1- 8.4 km asl even though the distance between the balloon launching site and Jungfraujoch is more than 80 km. A possible reason for the differences in the ozone concentration between the lidar and the balloon data that reaches up to 30% is the fact that the two instruments measure different air masses. For example, the fast increase in the ozone concentration seen by the lidar above 5.5 km (9.1 km asl) could be due to a local intrusion of stratospheric masses.

Figure 2: Lidar ozone profile above Jungfraujoch (3580 m asl) measured with the UV DIAL system (black line). The MeteoSwiss balloon sounding concentration is plotted as a red line. At present the operational range of the lidar is limited to 6-7 km agl. The limitation comes from the maximum transmited laser energy and the laser beam quality. We expect a 1.5 fold increase in distance by deployng a new harmonic cristals setup, that gives 20 % higher energy and by deploying a new emission scheme which alows 3 times lower beam divergence. Both hardware upgrades were developed in 2007 and will be deployed in 2008. The ozone data together with the data from the existing water vapor and temperature channels will be used to study troposphere-stratosphere exchange (STE).

16 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Key words: Multi –wavelength lidar, Raman lidar, pure rotational Raman scattering, aerosols, backscatter and extinction coefficients, troposphere, water-vapor mixing ratio, temperature, ozone, STE.

Internet data bases:

Collaborating partners/networks: EARLINET – European Aerosol Research Lidar NETwork Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology MeteoSwiss Institue of Atmospheric Optics – Tomsk, Russia

Scientific publications and public outreach 2007: Refereed journal articles Amodeo A., J. Bösenberg, A. Ansmann, D. Balis, C. Böckmann, A. Chaikovsky, A. Comeron, V. Mitev, A. Papayannis, G. Pappalardo, M. R. Perrone, V. Rizi, V. Simeonov, P. Sobolewski, N. Spinelli, D. V. Stoyanov, T. Trickl, M. Wiegner - EARLINET: the European Aerosol Lidar Network - Optica Pura y Aplicada, of the Optical Spanish Society, 39, N. 1-10, 2006.

Conference papers Pappalardo G., Jens Bösenberg, Aldo Amodeo, Albert Ansmann, Arnoud Apituley, Lucas Alados Arboledas, Dimitris Balis, Christine Böckmann, Anatoly Chaikovsky, Adolfo Comeron, Volker Freudenthaler, Georg Hansen, Valentin Mitev, Doina Nicolae, Alexandros Papayannis, Maria Rita Perrone, Aleksander Pietruczuk, Manuel Pujadas, Jean-Philippe Putaud, Francois Ravetta, Vincenzo Rizi, Valentin Simeonov, Nicola Spinelli, Dimitar Stoyanov, Thomas Trickl, Matthias Wiegner - EARLINET- ASOS: European Aerosol Research Lidar Network-Advanced Sustainable Observation System - American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting 2007, January 2007, S. Antonio, Texas, USA. in print

Theses Pablo Ristori, “Development of a high spatial and temporal resolution water vapor Raman lidar for turbulent observations” EPFL thesis No. 3963 (2007).

Address: EPFL ENAC LPAS Station 6 CH 1015 Lausanne

Contacts: Valentin Simeonov Tel.: +41 21 693 61 85 Mob.: +41 79 277 61 76 Fax: +41 21 693 36 26 e-mail: [email protected] URL:

17 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

18 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Name of research institute or organization: Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology MeteoSwiss, Payerne

Title of project: Global Atmosphere Watch Radiation Measurements

Project leader and team: Dr. Laurent Vuilleumier, project leader Dr. Rolf Philipona, Daniel Walker, Dr. Alain Heimo, Armand Vernez

Project description: The major part of 2007 was devoted to the integration of the data acquisition infrastructure of the GAW Swiss Atmospheric Radiation Monitoring program (CHARM) in the main MeteoSwiss ground measurement network SwissMetNet (SMN). This required the interruption of the radiation monitoring while the infrastructure was renewed. Furthermore, the transition was more difficult than anticipated, and the interruption lasted longer than foreseen. CHARM radiation data monitoring at the Jungfraujoch was resumed end of October 2007. As a consequence, the data availability is below 10% for radiation parameters at the Jungfraujoch in 2007. In order to mitigate the impact of this transition, an independent and self- sufficient measuring system for short-wave global and long-wave downward radiation (used as travelling reference by the Alpine Surface Budget Network) has been installed to supply data at least for these two parameters during the interruption. Currently, quality control and analysis is on-going on the data from the new system to ensure at least the same level of quality as in the previous setting. Because SMN will include all standard surface meteorological stations as well as other stations such as the CHARM stations with common data acquisition software, hardware, and a dedicated data transmission network, resources can be focused on insuring the reliability of this network, and CHARM will profit from it. In addition, this common network will improve the compatibility of CHARM data with other meteorological data, and the maintenance of CHARM will be simplified. Finally, this will insure that CHARM data acquisition hardware and software are updated with state-of-the-art technology. While the data acquisition infrastructure is renewed, the measurement program is maintained with the same parameters using the same instrument models (brand and version) so that only one component of the general infrastructure is changed at a time. Thus, the configuration is the same than described in the 2002 HFSJG Activity Report. A project focused on analyzing the time evolution of aerosol optical depth (AOD) and shortwave radiation in Switzerland and Germany has been initiated in 2006. Solar irradiance from various regions around the globe show a decrease after the mid-1950s followed by an increasing trend since the mid-1980s [Ohmura, 2006]. This solar dimming and brightening can not be explained by variations of the sun radiative output [Foukal, et al., 2006], and is therefore rather expected to be a consequence of changing atmospheric transmission due to the increases and subsequent decreases in anthropogenic aerosol concentrations and possible related cloud effects. Aerosols are known to affect atmospheric transmission and hence temperature via the direct aerosol effect (scattering and absorption of sunlight by aerosol particles). However modeling studies expect indirect aerosol effects, like the cloud albedo effect

19 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

(enhancement of cloud albedo due to smaller droplets) [Twomey, 1974] or the cloud lifetime effect (extension of cloud lifetime due to smaller droplets and less precipitation loss) [Albrecht, 1989] to have an even larger impact than the direct aerosol effect [Lohmann and Feichter, 2005; Solomon, et al., 2007]. Aerosol optical depth has been determined by sunphotometry in an automated and continuous way since the end of the 1980’s in Germany [Weller and Leiterer, 1988], and the middle of the 1990’s in Switzerland. The longest series of spectral AOD measurements from the German Weather Service and MeteoSwiss are used in this study from six sites covering mainland Europe from the Baltic Sea to the Alps. A BAS type sun photometer was used at the German sites Zingst (ZIN), (LIN) and Hohenpeissenberg (HOP), and SPM2000 sun photometers [Ingold, et al., 2001] and PFR precision filter radiometers were used at the Swiss sites Payerne (PAY), Davos (DAV) and Jungfraujoch (JUN). Figure 1 shows the AOD sites in orange (left) and AOD measurements at λ = 500 nm (right), ordered by increasing altitude from ZIN at sea level up to JUN at 3580 m a.s.l.

Figure 1. Left: location of surface observation sites in Germany and Switzerland used in this study (left). AOD sites are shown in orange, DWD (German Weather Service) radiation measuring sites in green, and MeteoSwiss sites in blue. Right: monthly mean AOD (smoothed with a three month running mean). Data included in the trend analysis are shown in green, data excluded from trend analysis (Pinatubo affected years 1991-1994) are shown in red. Trends in AOD are given per decade and are shown for different time periods (green 1986-2005, blue 1995-2005), and 95 percent confidence intervals are indicated in square brackets.

The longest data series are from ZIN and LIN, with LIN showing an uninterrupted record from February 1986 to 2005. Continuous records are available at all stations since January 1995. Monthly values are shown with a three month running mean to better illustrate AOD seasonality. Since AOD data are log-normally distributed, trends for different time periods were estimated by fitting the logarithm of the monthly mean AOD with a Least Mean Square (LMS) approximation. Trends are

20 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007 given per decade and in square brackets the 95 percent confidence interval. AOD data are illustrated in green except for the Pinatubo affected years 1991 to 1994 that are shown in red and which have been omitted from trend analyses. A considerable decrease in AOD with a statistically significant trend is observed at Zingst and Lindenberg over the 1986 to 2005 measurement period (green). A statistically significant reduction is also observed for the 1995 to 2005 period (blue) at the three lowland stations ZIN, LIN, PAY. Despite a reduction in AOD at the alpine stations HOP, DAV and JUN over the same period, the trends are not statistically significant due to lower absolute AOD and larger relative variability. Zingst and Lindenberg show an overall AOD decrease of about 60 percent from 1986 to 2005. From 1995 to 2005 AOD decreases between 20 and 30 percent at the three lowland stations, and by 10 to 15 percent at the higher sites. The large aerosol decrease at low altitude suggests declines that are primarily due to reduced anthropogenic aerosol emissions [Streets, et al., 2006]. Since around 2000 the AOD stabilizes at low values. With decreasing AOD, global solar irradiance or shortwave downward radiation (SDR) is expected to increase particularly at low altitudes, where aerosol and hence solar transmission changes are largest. SDR measurements from low-altitude sites in Switzerland and Germany were used to study the relationship between AOD change and SDR change. Anomalies with respect to the mean irradiance from 1981 to 2005, of cloud-free shortwave downward radiation appeared strongly related to the observed 60% decrease in AOD at low elevation (i.e. direct aerosol effect) from 1986 to 2005. By subtracting SDRcf from SDRas anomalies we obtained the changes in shortwave downward radiation anomalies that are due to changes in cloud cover (SDRcloud). SDRcloud anomalies show large year-to-year variability and the average trend of +1.84 Wm-2 dec-1, but it is strongly influenced by the summer 2003. With the observed large AOD decreases SDRcloud increases are expected due to indirect aerosol cloud effects, but these cloud trends may also have been affected by long-term variations of large scale circulation patterns. The extreme summer 2003 however, is different from such long-term changes. Time series of shortwave radiation fluxes from 1981 to 2005, without the year 2003 were therefore used for computing changes, and the increase in the resulting modified SDRcloud is reduced by about one third and is no longer statistical significant. This reduction and hence the impact of 2003 is mainly affecting SDRcloud, whereas trends on cloud-free SDR radiation fluxes show almost no change and remain statistical significant. Our analyses show solar brightening to be more affected by direct aerosol effects under cloud-free skies than by indirect aerosol cloud effects, and to affect mainly low-altitude sites. The fact that despite the 60 percent aerosol decline indirect aerosol cloud effects remain small is unexpected. It is though not impossible that part of the effect was balanced by increasing cloud amounts with changing large scale circulation. With respect to climate, direct aerosol forcing is found to be five times larger than cloud forcing, which is partly compensated by longwave cloud effects. Estimations of the impact of the observed radiative forcings on surface warming using mean climate sensitivity factors show, that with the observed strong aerosol decline the direct aerosol forcing and the indirect cloud forcing combined may have produced up to 50 percent of the recent rapid temperature increase observed in Central Europe since the 1980s.

21 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

References: Albrecht, B. A. (1989), Aerosols, Cloud Microphysics, and Fractional Cloudiness, Science, 245(4923), 1227-1230. Foukal, P., C. Frohlich, H. Spruit, and T. M. L. Wigley (2006), Variations in solar luminosity and their effect on the Earth's climate, Nature, 443(7108), 161-166. Ingold, T., C. Mätzler, A. Heimo and N. Kämpfer (2001), Aerosol optical depth measurements by means of a Sun photometer network in Switzerland, J. Geophys. Res., 106, 27537-27554. Lohmann, U., and J. Feichter (2005), Global indirect aerosol effects: a review, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 5, 715-737. Ohmura, A. (2006), Observed long-term variations of solar irradiance at the earth's surface, Space Sci. Rev., 125, 111-128, doi:10.1007/s11214-006-9050-9. Solomon, S., et al. (2007), Technical Summary. In: Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA. Streets, D. G., Y. Wu, and M. Chin (2006), Two-decadal aerosol trends as a likely explanation of the global dimming/brightening transition, Geophys. Res. Lett., 33(15), L15806, doi:10.1029/2006GL026471. Twomey, S. (1974), Pollution and Planetary Albedo, Atmos. Environ., 8(12), 1251- 1256. Weller, M., and U. Leiterer (1988), Experimental data on spectral aerosol optical thickness and its global distribution, Contr. Atmos. Phys., 61, 1-9.

Key words: Solar irradiance, ultraviolet, visible, infrared, spectral irradiance, precision filter radiometer (PFR), pyranometer, pyrheliometer, UV biometer, total aerosol optical depth (AOD), integrated water vapor (IWV).

Internet data bases: (IWV STARWAVE data) (World Radiation Data Centre – WRDC)

Collaborating partners/networks: Integrated water vapor data submitted to the NCCR Climate P2.4 STARTWAVE database at the Institute for Applied Physics, University of Bern. Radiation data submitted to the World Radiation Data Centre (WRDC, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation) within the framework of the Global Atmosphere Watch. Study of AOD evolution in collaboration with the German Weather Service (DWD) and the Institute for Applied Physics, University of Bern.

22 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Scientific publications and public outreach 2007: Refereed journal articles Ruckstuhl, C., R. Philipona, J. Morland and A. Ohmura (2007). Observed relationship between surface specific humidity, integrated water vapor, and longwave downward radiation at different altitudes. J. Geophys. Res., 112, D03302, Conference papers Walker D., L. Vuilleumier and J. Staehelin: 2007. Short-term variability of erythemal UV radiation due to clouds. Geophys. Res. Abstr., 9, 11443. European Geosciences Union, General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 15 – 20, 2007. Philipona, R. Solar brightening over Europe – a consequence of strong aerosol decline – is coming to an end. IUGG XXIV General Assembly, Perugia, Italy, July 2 – 13, 2007. Ruckstuhl, C. and R. Philipona. Solar irradiance changes in Switzerland since 1981. IUGG XXIV General Assembly, Perugia, Italy, July 2 – 13, 2007. Philipona, R. Declining aerosols – solar brightening – and the rapid temperature rise in Europe since the 1980s. 7th EMS Annual Meeting, San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Spain, October 01 – 05, 2007. Data books and reports “Ozone, rayonnement et aérosols (GAW)” in Annalen 2006 MeteoSchweiz, Zürich SZ ISSN 0080-7338 pp. 119–135.

Address: Office fédéral de météorologie et de climatologie MétéoSuisse Station Aérologique Les Invuardes CH-1530 Payerne

Contacts: Laurent Vuilleumier Tel.: +41 26 662 6306 Fax: +41 26 662 6212 e-mail: [email protected] URL:

23 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

24 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Name of research institute or organization: Physikalisch-Meteorologisches Observatorium Davos, World Radiation Center

Title of project: Remote sensing of aerosol optical depth

Project leader and team: Christoph Wehrli, project leader

Project description: Aerosol optical depths (AOD) are derived from solar spectral irradiance measurements at Jungfraujoch since 1998. These measurements are made in the context of the Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW) program of the WMO by PMOD/WORCC in collaboration with MeteoSwiss. Quality controlled results are fed into the World Data Center Aerosols (WDCA) for public access. No AOD measurements were taken in the first 10 months of 2007 as the automated dome of MCH remained closed since August 2006 after a major remodeling of the SwissMetNet infrastructure. Since October 2007 the dome is operational again. The former data link by an analog modem to the PMOD/WRC instrument was successfully replaced by a direct internet connection. The Jungfraujoch station thus served as a test site for upgrading further sites towards near real time access in the global network of PFR instruments.

Key words: Solar radiation, Aerosol optical depth monitoring, calibration

Internet data bases:

Collaborating partners/networks: MeteoSwiss (MCH) Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW) AOD network

Address: PMOD/WRC Dorfstrasse 33 CH-7260 Davos Dorf

Contacts: Christoph Wehrli Tel.: +41 81 417 5137 Fax: +41 81 417 5100 e-mail: [email protected] URL:

25 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

26 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Name of research institute or organization: Physikalisch-Meteorologisches Observatorium Davos, World Radiation Center

Title of project: Longwave Infrared radiative forcing trend assimiliation over Switzerland (LIRAS)

Project leader and team: Julian Gröbner Stefan Wacker Eugene Rozanov

Project description: The LIRAS project will investigate downwelling longwave infrared radiation (LIR) measurements during 1994-2009 from four stations in Switzerland, the global GAW station Jungfraujoch, the BSRN station Payerne, the Swiss MetNet station Locarno- Monti and the PMOD/WRC at Davos. The objective will be to produce consistent and quality assessed trend estimates of LIR through the assimilation of this radiation data with a large ancillary data set using the state of the art radiation code and statistical tools (multiple linear regression analysis and singular value decomposition method). Radiative transfer calculations will be used for specific sensitivity studies and for the differentiation between different forcing mechanisms. A major breakthrough in the trend estimation is expected from the use of multiple linear regression analysis and singular value decomposition method, which have never been applied to this dataset before. The application of numerical and statistical models will allow to separate the trends in the observed LIR induced directly by an increase of anthropogenic greenhouse gases (AGHG) and indirectly by the changes of temperature, clouds and water vapor due to changes in the atmospheric state. This approach will be validated by the identical analysis of the LIR trends from the multi-model simulation performed in the framework of IPCC fourth assessment (4AR), when the direct forcing by AGHG is known.

Key words: Infrared radiation, Climate change

Collaborating partners/networks: Meteoswiss, Univ. Bern - Institute of Applied Physics (IAP)

Address: PMOD/WRC Dorfstrasse 33 7260 Davos Dorf

Contacts: Julian Gröbner Tel.: +41 814175157 Fax: +41 814175100 e-mail: [email protected] URL:

27 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

28 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Name of research institute or organization: Berner Fachhochschule (BFH), Technik und Informatik (TI), Photovoltaik-Labor

Title of project: Long-term energy yield and reliablity of a high alpine PV (photovoltaic) plant at Jungfraujoch (3454 m)

Project leader and team Prof. Dr. Heinrich Häberlin, project leader Martin Kämpfer, project assistant

Project description: PV plant Jungfraujoch (1.152 kWp, 3454 meters above sea level) was planned and realised by the laboratory for photovoltaics (PV) of the Berne University of Applied Sciences (BFH) during summer and fall 1993. At the time of its erection it was the highest grid connected PV plant in the World. Purpose and Goals of the project: • Test of PV components: Operation in high altitudes is a very hard stress for all components due to extremely high irradiance peaks of more than 1.7 kW/m², heavy storms and thunderstorms, and large temperature differences. PV components surviving in such a harsh environment should perform more reliably under normal operating conditions. • Long-term operating experience: Experimental demonstration that high PV energy yields for high alpine PV plants can not only be simulated, but can actually be obtained in practical operation over many years. • Intensive analytical monitoring with redundant sensors to ensure maximum reliability in order to get long-term data about energy yield and reliability. • Maximum availability of energy production and monitoring data (AMD ≈ 100%). In 2007, PV plant on Jungfraujoch (rated peak power 1.152kWp, effective peak power 1.13 kWp, 3454 m above sea level) had again a very good energy production with a normalized yield of 1453 kWh/kWp/a or 1449 h/a , considerably more than in an average year. Compared to 2006, irradiation into the array plane was nearly equal, but performance ratio PR increased slightly. The long-term annual average from 1994 to 2007 of PV plant Jungfraujoch increased to 1413 kWh/kWp/a or 1413 h/a with a winter energy fraction of 46.4%.

1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Mean 1994- 2007

Yf 1272 1404 1454 1504 1452 1330 1372 1325 1400 1467 1376 1537 1449 1453 1413 (h/a)

PR=Yf /Yr 81.8 84.1 84.7 85.3 87.0 84.8 84.6 78.6 85.2 84.9 86.2 86.9 85.5 85.9 84.7 in %

Table 1: Annual energy production (referred to effective STC-power) and performance ratio PR (referred to reference cell irradiance measurement) from 1994 – 2007. Fourteen-year average values are also indicated.

29 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Fig. 1: Normalized monthly energy production for 2007.

In September 2007, an extended book about photovoltaic systems technology (in German) was published, which includes not only a detailed description of PV plant Jungfraujoch, but also long-term monitoring data of plant Jungfraujoch and of other PV plants in the Alps and at other locations in Switzerland, Germany and USA. A detailed description of the plant, measurement results of earlier years and defini- tions used can be found in earlier annual reports (2000 - 2006) and in several publications under (many publications can be downloaded). Diagrams similar to fig. 1 for the years 1994 – 2006 and normalized diagrams for each month can be downloaded under > PV monitoring data.

Key words: Grid-connected PV plants, energy yield, high alpine

Internet data bases:

Scientific publications and public outreach 2007: H. Häberlin: "Photovoltaik – Strom aus Sonnenlicht für Verbundnetz und Inselanlagen". AZ-Verlag, CH-5001 Aarau, 2007, ISBN 978-3-905214-53-6 and VDE Verlag, Berlin, ISBN 978-3-8007-3003-2" (in German).

Address: Berner Fachhochschule, Technik und Informatik Fachbereich Elektro- und Kommunikationstechnik Photovoltaiklabor Jlocweg 1 CH-3400 Burgdorf

Contacts Prof. Dr. Heinrich Häberlin Tel.: +41 34 426 68 53 Fax: +41 31 426 68 13 e-mail: [email protected] URL:

30 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Name of research institute or organization: Empa Materials Science and Technology

Title of project: National Air Pollution Monitoring Network (NABEL)

Project leader and team Martin Steinbacher, Christoph Hüglin (project leader)

Project description: The national air pollution monitoring network NABEL is a joint project of the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (BAFU/FOEN) and Empa. The NABEL network was established in 1978 with initially 8 sites emerging from activities that started already in 1968 as contributions to international observations networks as part of WMO and OECD. Early activities mainly focused on sulfur dioxide and particulate matter. In 1990/1991 the NABEL network was extended to 16 monitoring stations that are distributed all over Switzerland. The monitoring stations represent the most important air pollution levels. The NABEL site at Jungfraujoch is a very low polluted site, representing a background station for the lower free troposphere in central Europe. Since in-situ measurements by Empa at Jungfraujoch started in 1973 as part of these programs, time series of nearly 35 years are now available for selected species. The current measurement program at Jungfraujoch includes continuous in-situ analyses of ozone (O3), carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen monoxide (NO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), the sum of nitrogen oxides (NOy) and sulfur dioxide (SO2). The concentrations of methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), molecular hydrogen (H2), and sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) are observed in 30min intervalls. An extended set of halocarbons and a selection of VOCs (alkanes, aromatics) are measured with a time resolution of four hours. Daily samples are taken for determination of particulate sulfur. The concentrations of particulate matter < 10µm (PM10) are continuously observed as well as measured as 24-hour bulk samples. Figure 1 shows some of the longest time series that are available for in-situ observations of air pollutants at Jungfraujoch. The time series of sulfate and SO2 show steadily decreasing concentrations that well reflect the continuous emission reductions within this period. This was mainly achieved by the implementation of improved emission control technologies and the upcoming usage of gas instead of coal in the early 1980s and mainly the economic depression in Eastern Europe and the desulphurization of fossil fuels in Western Europe in the 1990s [1]. These measures led to a significant improvement in terms of environmental acidification but resulted in a stronger direct radiative forcing due to a smaller cooling effect of the particulate sulfate [2]. Particulate sulfate and TSP levels show a distinct seasonal pattern due to the seasonally varying vertical transport of polluted air masses from the boundary layer. The average TSP levels are in summer about a factor 4 higher than in winter when the Jungfraujoch is almost permanently decoupled from the planetary boundary layer and the measurement site is representative for the free troposphere. In addition, the

31 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007 ] 3 g/m µ Sulphate [ 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 1973 1976 1979 1982 1985 1988 1991 1994 1997 2000 2003 2006 ] 3 g/m µ [ 2 SO 0246

1973 1976 1979 1982 1985 1988 1991 1994 1997 2000 2003 2006 ] 3 g/m µ TSP [ TSP 0 5 10 15 20 25

1973 1976 1979 1982 1985 1988 1991 1994 1997 2000 2003 2006

Figure 1: Monthly means of particulate sulfate, sulfur dioxide and total suspended particles (TSP) at Jungfraujoch.

32 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007 frequency of Saharan dust events (SDEs) is very low in winter [3], whereas SDEs can significantly contribute to the TSP level at Jungfraujoch during the warmer seasons. In contrast to SO2 and sulfate, TSP concentrations only decreased slightly over the investigated period. Nevertheless, TSP trends are negative for all seasons, although the trends are only significant for average summer and fall values (95% confidence level). This trend analysis indicates continuously decreasing TSP levels of both, the free troposphere as well as the air masses that are transported from the polluted boundary layer to the Jungfraujoch. [1] Vestreng V., Myhre G., Fagerli H., Reis S., Tarrason L., 2007. Twenty-five years of continuous sulphur dioxide emission reduction. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 7, 3663-3681. [2] Marmer E., Langmann B., Fagerli H., Vestreng V., 2007. Direct shortwave radiative forcing of sulfate aerosol over Europe from 1900 to 2000. Journal of Geophysical Research 112, D23S17, doi: 10.1029/2006JD008037. [3] Collaud Coen M., Weingartner E., Schaub D., Hueglin C., Corrigan C., Henning S., Schwikowski M., Baltensperger U., 2004. Saharan dust events at the Jungfraujoch: detection by wavelength dependence of the single scattering albedo and first climatology analysis. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 4, 2465-2480.

Key words: Air quality, long-term monitoring

Internet data bases:

Collaborating partners/networks: Bundesamt für Umwelt (BAFU)/ Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW) Labor für Atmosphärenchemie, Paul Scherrer Institut Meteo Schweiz

Scientific publications and public outreach 2007: Refereed journal articles Steinbacher, M., M.K. Vollmer, B. Buchmann, S. Reimann, 2008. An evaluation of the current radiative forcing benefit of the Montreal Protocol at the high-Alpine site Jungfraujoch, Science of the Total Environment, 391, 217-223. Reimann, S., M.K. Vollmer, D. Folini, M. Steinbacher, M. Hill, B. Buchmann, R. Zander, E. Mahieu, 2008. Observations of Long-Lived Anthropogenic Halocarbons at the High-Alpine site of Jungfraujoch (Switzerland) for Assessment of Trends and European Sources, Science of the Total Environment, 391, 224-231. Cozic J., B. Verheggen, E. Weingartner, J. Crosier, K. Bower, M. Flynn, H. Coe, S. Henning, M. Steinbacher, M. Collaud Coen, A. Petzold, U. Baltensperger, 2007. Chemical composition of free tropospheric aerosol for PM1 and coarse mode at the high alpine site Jungfraujoch, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 7, 12145-12184.

33 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Zanis P., A. Ganser, C. Zellweger, S. Henne, M. Steinbacher, J. Staehelin, 2007. Seasonal variability of measured Ozone Production Efficiencies in the lower free troposphere of Central Europe, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 7, 223-236.

Conference contributions Steinbacher, M., M. K. Vollmer, S. Henne, D. Brunner, B. Buchmann, S. Reimann – Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gas Mixing Ratios at Jungfraujoch, Switzerland; Influence of Air Mass Origin, 14th WMO/IAEA Meeting of Experts on Carbon Dioxide, Other Greenhouse Gases, and Related Tracer Measurement Techniques, Helsinki, Finland, September 10 – 13, 2007. Reimann, S., M. K. Vollmer – On the usage of VOCs for determination of processes in the background atmosphere, 4th ACCENT T&TP Barnsdale Expert Meeting, Barnsdale, UK, November 05 – 07, 2007. Reimann, S., M. K. Vollmer, D. Folini, M. Steinbacher, A. Manning, S. O'Doherty – On the use of continuous atmospheric measurements at background sites for the assessment of regional sources of greenhouse gases in Europe, 8th International Conference on Emissions Monitoring, Duebendorf, Switzerland, September 05 – 07, 2007. Reimann S., M. K. Vollmer, M. Steinbacher, D. Folini, M. Hill, B. Buchmann – Long-Term Monitoring of Greenhouse Gases at Jungfraujoch, Climate Change Committee Working Group I Meeting, Ispra, Italy, March 08 – 09, 2007. Folini, D., S. Ubl, P. Kaufmann – Modelling passive tracer transport to the high Alpine site Jungfraujoch, 6th International Conference on Urban Air Quality, Cyprus, March 27 – 29, 2007. Cui J., Siegrist A., Kunz M., Sprenger M., Staehelin J., Steinbacher. M – Stratospheric intrusion and transatlantic transport events at Jungfraujoch in 2005: comparison and validation of FLEXPART and LAGRANTO; 2nd ACCENT symposium; Urbino, Italy; July 23 – 27, 2007. Dils B., Demoulin P., Folini D., Mahieu E., Steinbacher M., Buchmann B., de Maziere M. – Ground-based CO observations at the Jungfraujoch: Comparison between FTIR remote sensing and NDIR In Situ Measurements; 2nd ACCENT symposium; Urbino, Italy; July 23 – 27, 2007. Zanis, P., A. Ganser, C. Zellweger, S. Henne, M. Steinbacher, and J. Staehelin – On the seasonality of ozone production efficiency at Jungfraujoch in the Swiss Alps for undisturbed free tropospheric conditions, 2nd ACCENT Symposium, Urbino, Italy, July 23 – 27, 2007.

Data books and reports BAFU 2007: NABEL Luftbelastung 2006. Messresultate des Nationalen Beobacht- ungsnetzes für Luftfremdstoffe (NABEL). Umwelt-Zustand Nr. 0726. Bundesamt für Umwelt, Bern. 139 S.

34 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Address: Empa Laboratory for Air Pollution/Environmental Technology Ueberlandstrasse 129 CH-8600 Dübendorf

Contacts Martin Steinbacher Tel.: +41 1 823 4654 Fax: +41 1 821 6244 e-mail: [email protected] URL:

35 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

36 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Name of research institute or organization: Empa - Materials Science and Technology

Title of project: Hydrogen observations at Jungfraujoch, Switzerland

Project leader and team: Steven W. Bond, Martin K. Vollmer (project leader), Martin Steinbacher, Stephan Henne, Stefan Reimann, Brigitte Buchmann

Project description: Molecular hydrogen (H2) is one of the most abundant atmospheric trace gases. Yet despite its classification as a trace constituent of the atmosphere, H2 is widely regarded as a potential key component in the future energy chain. For this reason, measurements of molecular H2 have recently gained broader scientific appeal, as a more complete understanding of atmospheric H2 is essential as we move towards an increasingly hydrogen-intensive economy. To better ascertain the impacts of enhanced H2 emissions to the atmosphere, however, the current H2 budget must be better understood. In order to ameliorate our understanding of H2 in the atmosphere, along with its various sources and sinks, continuous H2 measurements have been conducted at Jungfraujoch since 2005. The goal of these observations is to evalutate various trends (diurnal, seasonal, annual), in addition to identifying European sources.

The instrument used to measure H2 is a modified reduction gas analyzer (RGA3, Trace Analytical), which uses a technique based on chromatographic separation followed by the reduction of mercuric oxide (HgO): X + HgO (solid) → XO + Hg (vapor) where X represents an appropriate reducing gas. The resultant mercury vapor is quantitatively determined through ultraviolet light absorption detection. Mercury vapor is easily measured in minute concentrations, which provides this method significant sensitivity and very low detection limits.

H2 is not a direct greenhouse gas, although its behavior in the atmosphere has the ability to indirectly influence weather and climate patterns. An increase in atmospheric H2 concentrations could have effects on chemistry in both the troposphere and stratosphere. An increase in tropospheric H2, for example, could lead to a reduction in the hydroxyl radical (OH), which could consequently push methane (CH4) concentrations upwards (H2 and CH4 similarly compete for the oxidizing OH radical), increasing the radiative forcing of CH4, a potent greenhouse gas. An increase in tropospheric H2 could also lead to an augmentation in stratospheric H2. Greater concentrations of H2 in the stratosphere could lead to a rise in stratospheric water vapor and the formation of polar stratospheric clouds, which in turn could accelerate ozone (O3) depletion and exacerbate the development of the O3 hole, particularly in the Antarctic due to the delayed breakdown of the polar vortex. Source identification is an important function of the continuous measurements at Jungfraujoch. Figure 1 illustrates an example of the influence imposed by the southern hemisphere on northern mid-latitudes. On October 1, 2005, advection of clean maritime air masses from low northern latitudes led to depressed CH4, carbon

37 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007 monoxide (CO), and chlorofrom (CHCl3) concentrations at Jungfraujoch. On the other hand, molecular H2 concentrations were simultaneously elevated. Figure 2 below depicts the 10-day backward trajectories of the maritime air masses that produced the results observed in Figure 1. The trajectories are based on 3-D wind analysis from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF).

Figure 1. Concentrations of various substances depicting influence of southern hemisphere on northern mid-latitudes.

Anthropogenic activities are major sources of CH4, CO, and CHCl3, and are a significant factor in the global budget of each of these substances. As a result of human activities, concentrations of these pollutants are higher in the northern hemisphere. As air masses from low northern latitudes (which are influenced by the lower concentrations of these compounds in the southern hemisphere) are carried north, measured concentrations of these pollutants are reduced at the Jungfraujoch station. Alternatively, the soil sink is the major factor in the global H2 budget. With the greater soil surface area in the northern hemisphere, H2 concentrations are lower Figure 2. 10-day backward air mass trajectories leading to north of the equator, measurements at Jungfraujoch on October 1, 2005. despite correspondingly

38 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007 higher anthropogenic emissions. As such, as air from low northern latitudes (with high H2 concentrations from the influence of the southern hemisphere, e.g. from biomass burning) are carried north, measurements at Jungfraujoch reveal elevated H2 concentrations, as ambient alpine air is displaced by air from the south.

The continuously measured H2 at Jungfraujoch will be further analysed for trends and for emissions from European sources. This activity is part of the EUROHYDROS project, where data from several European measurement stations are integrated. Furthermore, measurements are also used within the Competence Centre for Energy and Mobility (CCEM-CH), an activity within the ETH domain. Key words: Hydrogen, H2, Jungfraujoch, Atmosphere

Collaborating partners/networks: • EUROHYDROS – A European Network for Atmospheric Hydrogen Observations and Studies • Competence Centre for Energy and Mobility (CCEM-CH)

Scientific publications and public outreach 2007: Refereed journal articles Steinbacher, M., A. Fischer, M.K. Vollmer, B. Buchmann, S. Reimann, C. Hueglin, 2007. Perennial observations of molecular hydrogen (H2) at a suburban site in Switzerland. Atmospheric Environment, 41, 2111-2124. Vollmer, M. K., N. Juergens, M. Steinbacher, S. Reimann, M. Weilenmann, B. Buchmann, 2007. Road vehicle emissions of molecular hydrogen (H2) from a tunnel study. Atmosperic Environment, 41, 8355-8369, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2007.06.037. Conference contributions Vollmer, M. K., Steinbacher, M., Reimann, S., Buchmann, B., Weilenmann, M., Fischer, A., Hill, M., Juergens, N. Atmospheric molecular hydrogen (H2): sources, sinks, and Empa's links, TECAT seminar, Empa Dubendorf, May 5, 2007. Steinbacher, M., Vollmer, M.K., Henne, S., Brunner, D., Buchmann, B., Reimann, S. Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gas Mixing Ratios at Jungfraujoch, Switzerland - Influence of Air Mass Origin, 14th WMO/IAEA Meeting of Experts on Carbon Dioxide, Other Greenhouse Gases, and Related Tracer Measurement Techniques, Helsinki, Finland, September 10-13, 2007.

Steinbacher, M., Continuous H2 observations and H2 road tunnel studies in Switzerland, EUROHYDROS 1st annual meeting, Norwich, September 18-19, 2007.

Bond, S., Vollmer, M. K., Sources and Sinks of Atmospheric H2 during the Transition to Hydrogen-based Transportation, CONCAWE, Brussels, November 5-6, 2007. Poster presentations Bond, S., Reimann, S., Vollmer, M. K., Steinbacher, Hill, M., Buchmann, B., Weilenmann, M., Sources and Sinks of Atmospheric H2 during the Transition to Hydrogen-based Transportation, Empa PhD Symposium 2007, Empa Akademie, Dübendorf, November 21, 2007.

39 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Address: Empa Laboratory for Air Pollution/Environmental Technology Überlandstrasse 129 CH-8600 Dübendorf

Contacts: Stefan Reimann Tel.: +41 44 823 4638 Fax: +41 44 821 6244 e-mail: [email protected]

40 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Name of research institute or organization: Bundesamt für Gesundheit, Sektion Umweltradioaktivität

Title of project: Aerosol Monitoring Station at the Jungfraujoch

Project leader and team: Pierre Beuret, Matthias Müller, André Gurtner, Matthias Jungck, Philipp Steinmann, Sybille Estier

Project description: An automatic aerosol radioactivity monitor FHT59S is operated at the Jungfraujoch research station by the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health. It has the following particular features: - To detect rapidly any increase of air radioactivity at the altitude of 3400 m above sea level, - The detection limit for artificial gross beta radioactivity is as low as 0.1 Bq/m3, due to the very low Radon daughter concentration at this altitude.

Comments on the measurement of 2007: Graph 1 shows the contribution to the gross alpha radioactivity during 2007 (and 2005).

- Alpha radioactivity - Radon daughter products - is transported mainly up to the Jungfraujoch by air masses from the lowlands; - During the period January 1st to December 31 maximal values were observed every - week; - This maximal values are approximately 2 to 7 times lower at the Jungfraujoch than those on the ; for instance the highest natural gross alpha concentration observed near the Paul Scherrer Institute were 40 to 50 Bq/m3 (See below, graph 1); - Normally the highest values are recorded between March and November, due too the greater thermal move of the air in summer that in winter. (in year 2005 there were two additional maxima in February and December caused by meteorological effects combined with of thermal inversion near the ground (fog)); - The maximal values in 2007 were approximately the same as last years (see 2005)

41 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

M a x i m a l v a l u e s o f t h e n a t u r a l a l p h a c o n c e n t r a t i o n J u n g f r a u j o c h : j a n - d e c 2 0 0 7

16 JUN 07 14 JUN 05






2 Natural] [ Bq / m3 alpha concentration

0 01.01.07 01.02.07 01.03.07 01.04.07 01.05.07 01.06.07 01.07.07 01.08.07 01.09.07 01.10.07 01.11.07 01.12.07 01.01.08

M a x i m a l v a l u e s o f t h e n a t u r a l a l p h a c o n c e n t r a t i o n P a u l S c h e r r e r I n s t i t u t : j a n - d e c 2 0 0 7






10 Natural/] alpha concentration [ Bq m3


01.01.07 01.02.07 01.03.07 01.04.07 01.05.07 01.06.07 01.07.07 01.08.07 01.09.07 01.10.07 01.11.07 01.12.07 01.01.08

42 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Graph 2 shows the calculated net beta radioactivity for 2007. - No artificial beta concentration above the detection limit of 0.1 Bq/m3 was observed; - As the subtracted value for the natural radioactivity was too small, the histogram is slightly shifted towards positive values. At the Jungfraujoch natural radioactivity is extremely low, this makes a precise determination of the natural background activity concentration is rather difficult; - As shown in the histogram below 95 percent of the values of 2007 were below 0.08 Bq/m3. - The histogram is rather symmetric; this shows that the compensation technique was good.

Histogram of the artificial beta mean concentration Jungfraujoch : jan - dec 2007




2000 Mean value: 3.8E-3 ± 0.3E-3 Bq/m3


1000 Number of [ -- ] measures


0 -0.10 -0.08 -0.06 -0.04 -0.02 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 Mean beta concentration [ Bq / m3 ]

Graph 2

For normal situations, i.e. with no artificial radioactivity is present, the calculated net Beta radioactivity at the Jungfraujoch, using the Alpha-Beta compensation technique (See below), is below 0.1 Bq/m3. Therefore a radiation incident causing an increase of the artificial beta radioactivity in the atmosphere of 0.1 Bq/m3 could be detected at the top of Europe.

The automatic α/β-compensation technique applied by our aerosol monitoring stations is based on the simultaneously measured gross Alpha (AG) and gross Beta (BG) radio-activity of the aerosols collected on the filter. The net (artificial) Beta . radioactivity (BN) is calculated by the following formula: BN = BG - f AG. The constant factor f can be adapted either by the software program or by the operator.

43 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Comments on technical aspects: In year 2006 a new aerosol sampler (DIGITEL) was installed in the same room as the FHT59S monitors. The temperature of the room is increased by 7 -10 degrees due to thermal dispersal of the two monitors. Two fans were installed, one to suck up external air and the other to evacuate the air. The pump of the FHT59S monitor has been replaced by another model which causes less heat. Now, the temperature of the room is 1 - 2 degrees lowers that before. Due to a power failure at the end of January, the hard disk and the power supply of the PC had been damaged. , The pump has been damaged by a second power failure in October. Apart from some minor telecommunication problems, no major breakdown at the aerosol monitor was registered during 2007.

DIGITEL - aerosol sampler The Digitel DHA-80 High Volume Sampler is an automatic air sampler with an air flow rate up to 1 m3/min. Aerosols are collected on glass fibre filters of 150 mm in diameter. The pump maintains a constant flow rate independently of dust load of the filter. Filter change intervals are programmed in advance and the sampler is controlled remotely by an internet connection. Normally the filters are changed once a week automatically and they are measured at the end of the month by gamma ray spectrometry in the laboratory using a high purity coaxial germanium gamma-ray detector during 1-2 days. The graph below shows the activity of 7Be and 210Pb at Jungfraujoch (3450 m AMSL) and Fribourg (650 m AMSL):

Comparison Be-7 and Pb-210

10000 10000


1000 ] 3

100 Activity [µBq/m Activity Precipitation [mm] 100 Be-7 (JJ) 10 Be-7 (FR) Pb-210 (JJ) Pb-210 (FR) precipitation (JJ) precipitation (FR)

1 10 Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Date 2007

44 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Concentrations of the cosmogenic radionuclide 7Be are slightly higher at Jungfrau- joch, as, due to the half-life of 53 days and considering a mean residence times of 10- 30 days in the troposphere, part of the nuclides decay before arriving at lower altitudes. On the other side, snow and ice prevent terrestrial radionuclides to ascend into the atmosphere, which explains the smaller concentrations of the long-lived 210Pb at the high altitude research station. The heating up of earth’s surface in summer leads to more convection in the troposphere and vertical mixing is larger. In this way air from the upper troposphere with higher concentrations is forced downward. The rate of exchange between troposphere and stratosphere is also enlarged in summer bringing air with higher beryllium concentrations down because 7Be formation is largest in the stratosphere, where 70 % of whole production takes place and only 30 % in the troposphere. Convection brings the terrestrial 210Pb to appreciable altitudes where it comes down again due to the same mechanisms as 7Be. Thus 7Be and 210Pb curves should correlate in summer, which is the case for both locations. The rather untypical behaviour of the graph (generally, concentrations are higher during summer time) is probably due to low precipitations in April and a rainy period between May and August 2007.

Internet data bases:

Address: Bundesamt für Gesundheit Sektion Umweltradioaktivität Schwarzenburgstrasse 165 CH-3003 Bern

45 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

46 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Name of research institute or organization: Laboratory of Atmospheric Chemistry, Paul Scherrer Institut, CH- 5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland

Title of project: The Global Atmosphere Watch Aerosol Program at the Jungfraujoch.

Project leader and team: Prof. Dr. Urs Baltensperger, project leader Dr. Ernest Weingartner, co-leader Dr. Martin Gysel, Julie Cozic, Zsofia Juranyi, Lukas Kammermann, Rahel Schmidhauser, Günther Wehrle, Dr. M. Collaud Coen, MeteoSwiss, Payerne

Project description: Airborne aerosols affect our climate primarily by influencing the atmospheric energy budget through direct and indirect effects. Direct effects refer to the scattering and absorption of radiation and their influence on planetary albedo and the climate system. Indirect effects refer to the increase in available cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) due to an increase in anthropogenic aerosol concentration. This could lead to an increase in cloud droplet number concentration and a decrease in cloud droplet effective radius, when the cloud liquid water content (LWC) remains constant. The resulting cloud droplet spectrum could lead to reduced precipitation and increased cloud lifetime. The overall result would be an increase in cloud albedo which cools the Earth’s climate. Despite the uncertainty, it is believed that in regions with high anthropogenic aerosol concentrations, aerosol forcing may be of the same magnitude, but opposite in sign to the combined effect of all greenhouse gases. The Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW) program is an activity overseen by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). It is the goal of GAW to ensure long-term measurements in order to detect trends and to develop an understanding of these trends. With respect to aerosols, the objective of GAW is to determine the spatio- temporal distribution of aerosol properties related to climate forcing and air quality up to multi-decadal time scales. Since the atmospheric residence time of aerosol particles is relatively short, a large number of measuring stations are needed. The GAW monitoring network consists of 23 Global (including the Jungfraujoch) and some 300 Regional stations. While Global stations are expected to measure as many of the key variables as possible, the Regional stations generally carry out a smaller set of observations. The Jungfraujoch aerosol program is among the most complete ones worldwide. The current GAW instrumentation that is continuously run at the Jungfraujoch consists of

• CPC (TSI 3010) Particle number density (particle diameter Dp>10 nm) • Nephelometer (TSI 3563) Scattering coefficient at various wavelengths • Aethalometer (AE-31) Absorption coefficient at various wavelengths; black carbon (BC) concentration • MAAP Absorption coefficient; black carbon (BC) conc. • Filter packs Aerosol major ionic composition (PM1 and TSP) • Betameter and HiVol Aerosol mass (PM1 and TSP)

47 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

For these measurements, ambient air is sampled via a heated inlet (25 °C), designed to prevent ice build-up and to evaporate cloud particles at an early stage, ensuring that the cloud condensation nuclei and/or ice nuclei are also sampled. This is called the total inlet. In warm months, the site is influenced by injection of planetary boundary layer air into the free troposphere during sunny afternoons due to thermal convection, while in winter it is usually in the undisturbed free troposphere. This causes the concentration of pollutants, including the aerosol loading, to be higher in summer than in winter (see Figure 1).

1E-4 daily mean monthly mean annual mean


1E-6 scattering coefficient [1/m]

1E-7 Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Dez 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2007 Figure 1. Long-term measurements of the light scattering coefficient (at 550 nm). This data set was used to analyze the long-term trend of aerosol optical measurements at the Jungfraujoch (Collaud Coen et al., 2007). Since the aerosol variables are approximately lognormally distributed, the seasonal Kendall test and Sen’s slope estimator were applied as non-parametric methods to detect the long-term trends for each month. The yearly trend was estimated by a least-mean square fit. The most significant trend is the increase (4-7% yr-1) in light scattering coefficients during the September to December period. The light absorption and backscattering coefficients and the aerosol number concentration also show a positive trend during this time of the year. This increase of the extensive aerosol properties during autumn can tentatively be related either to the general temperature increase over Europe, which lengthens the period when the influence of the PBL is preponderant and increases the injection of PBL air masses into the lower FT over large regions, or to long-range transport from areas with growing economy and increasing air pollution. The hemispheric backscattering fraction and the scattering exponent show an increase in size of small particles during most of the year, whereas the size of large particles remains constant. Generally the summer months at the Jungfraujoch, which are strongly influenced by planetary boundary layer air masses, do not show any long- term trend. The sixth Cloud and Aerosol Characterization Experiment (CLACE-6) took place in February/March, 2007, with participation from numerous European research groups. This campaign aimed at characterizing aerosol and cloud properties with a particular focus on aerosol-cloud interactions in mixed liquid/ice phase clouds. Three different inlet systems were used the separate and further investigate the physical and chemical properties of the aerosol fractions acting as CCN, IN, or remaining in the interstitial phase in comparison to the total aerosol available. The interstitial and total inlets

48 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007 operated by PSI selected the interstitial and total (interstitial plus droplet and ice residual particles) aerosol, respectively. The Institute for Tropospheric Research (IfT Leipzig) operated a novel Ice Counterflow Virtual Impactor (Ice-CVI, Mertes et al., 2007), which makes it possible to separate residual particles from ice crystals and/or cloud droplets from the remainder of the aerosol. Many different aerosol instruments were operated behind these inlets by the research consortium. In addition to the standard GAW equipment, PSI operated instruments to the aerosol number size distribution (Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer, SMPS; Optical Particle Counter, OPC), the enhancement of light scattering by the aerosol at enhanced relative humidity (humidified Nephelometer), hygroscopic diameter growth factors at enhanced relative humidity (hygroscopicity tandem differential mobility analyzer, HTDMA), the concentration of cloud condensation nuclei (CCN counter) and concentrations of organic and elemental carbon (Sunset Lab OC/EC analyzer). A first set of cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) concentration measurements at different supersaturations have been conducted in February/March 2007. Parallel total measurements of the total particle concentration (CN, D > 10 nm) were used to calculate so-called activation ratios CN/CCN, which is the number fraction of particles having the potential to act as a CCN at a defined supersaturation. The results of these measurements are illustrated in Figure 2, indicating that the activation ratios are highly variable in time. Further parallel hygroscopicity, number size distribution and CCN measurements are planned in order to determine whether the observed variability of activation ratios is caused to a greater extent by the variability of the number size distribution or the particle hygroscopicity (composition).

Figure 2. CCN activation ratio relative to the total number of particles with D>10 nm measured during the CLACE-6 campaign in February/March 2007.

49 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Figure 3. Histogram of mean hygroscopic growth factors at 85% relative humidity of aerosol particles with dry diameter D0 = 250, 200, 50 nm from top to bottom (Sjogren et al., 2007). Figure 3 shows histograms of the mean hygroscopic diameter growth factor at 85% relative humidity of aerosol particles with different dry sizes group by air mass type. Mean hygroscopic growth factors in free tropospheric (FT) air masses (black) are larger than in planetary boundary layer (PBL) influenced air masses consistently across all investigated dry sizes, thus indicating that atmospheric aging processes result in a general trend towards larger hygroscopicity. Externally mixed non- hygroscopic particles are often found at D0 = 250 nm during Sahara dust events (SDE), thus leading to reduced mean growth factors (grey bars in top panel). This is not observed for smaller diameters, as can be seen from similar mean growth factor histograms for FT and SDE air masses (middle and bottom panel). Another important activity in 2007 was the analysis of the complex interactions of aerosol particles with cloud hydrometeors. An important result obtained during former CLACE campaigns is that the partitioning of aerosol particles to the cloud phase is strongly dependent on the relative fraction of ice in the cloud (Verheggen et al., 2007). Figure 4 shows that the scavenged volume fraction (derived from the size

50 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007 distribution measurements and defined as (Vtot-Vint)/Vtot is about 60% in liquid clouds. The fraction of scavenged particles decreases with increasing cloud ice mass fraction (IMF) to reach FScav<10% in mixed-phase clouds with IMF > 0.2. This can be explained by the Wegener- Bergeron-Findeisen process, which describes the effect of a water vapour flux from liquid droplets to ice crystals. The formation of ice during the early stages of cloud development could have prevented additional particles from activating by quickly lowering the supersaturation. This is also due to the difference in vapour pressure over ice and liquid. Figure 4b shows that black carbon (BC) mass is scavenged into the cloud phase to the same extent as the total aerosol (Cozic et al., 2007). Such behaviour is not expected for freshly emitted soot particles because they are hydrophobic. Most soot particles on the Jungfraujoch experienced aging processes which transformed them into an internally mixed hygroscopic aerosol. The scavenged fraction was increased in liquid cloud with increasing liquid water content (LWC) up to a plateau of 60% and decreased with increasing particle (or BC) concentration since there is an increased competition for the available water vapour.

Figure 4. Scavenged fraction of aerosol volume (a) and black carbon mass (b) vs. the ice mass fraction of mixed phase clouds. Each point represents an average of 100 min of measurement.

The Ice-CVI allowed for the sampling and subsequent analysis of residual particles in small ice crystals (ice residuals). The chemical composition of ice residuals was found to be remarkably different from the total aerosol. Comparison of SMPS and AMS data confirms findings that this aerosol is composed to about 95% of non- refractory material (vaporized at 600°C) (Cozic et al., 2008b). Ice residuals show a significantly different signature: Ice crystal residuals sampled by the Ice-CVI show a negligible mass concentration of non-refractory material as measured by the aerosol mass spectrometer compared to the SMPS derived mass, indicating that preferably refractory (i.e. non-volatile, such as BC or mineral dust) particles act as ice nuclei. An analysis of the size resolved mass size distributions shows that the ice residuals

51 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007 experience a relatively larger mass contribution from particles larger than 300 nm, suggesting that larger particles (e.g. mineral dust) preferentially act as ice nuclei.

The BC mass fraction behind the total inlet (BCtot/(Vtot·ρ, assuming an aerosol density of ρ =1.5 g/cm3)) was compared to the BC mass fraction behind the Ice-CVI 3 (BCcvi/Vcvi·ρ, assuming a BC density of ρ = 2 g/cm ). It can be observed that BC behind the total inlet represents between 3 to 10% of the total aerosol mass whereas in ice residuals it represents from 4 up to 60% of the aerosol mass. Points above the 1:1 line have a larger BC fraction in the ice residuals than in the total aerosol, while below the reverse is true. Figure 5 thus shows that most of the time, BC is enriched in the ice residuals compared to the total aerosol. On average, the BC mass fraction was 5% for the total aerosol and 27% for the ice particle residuals.

Figure 5: Comparison of the BC mass fraction in the ice residual phase with the corresponding fraction in the total aerosol phase in-cloud. Filled circles represent hourly averaged data whereas triangular points (and their errors) present averages over 6 individual cloud periods. Note that the scales are logarithmic. From Cozic et al. (2008a).

These measurements indicate that besides dust, BC (or compounds associated with BC) also acts as potential ice nuclei. If generally true, this means that in addition to an indirect effect on liquid cloud formation, there is an indirect aerosol effect via glaciation of clouds. This result is highly important for climate since BC has a predominately anthropogenic origin.

Key words: Atmospheric aerosol particles, aerosol-cloud interactions, aerosol climatic effects, radiative forcing, cloud condensation nuclei, hygroscopic growth, light scattering

Internet data bases: Allg/GAW-aerosol.html

52 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Collaborating partners/networks: Dr. P. Viatte, MeteoSwiss, Payerne Dr. C. Hüglin and Dr. S. Reimann, EMPA, Dübendorf Prof. H. Burtscher, Institut für Sensoren und Signale der Fachhochschule (FHA), Windisch Prof. U. Lohmann and Prof. T. Peter, Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science, ETH Zürich Prof. J. Heintzenberg, Institut für Troposphärenforschung, Leipzig, Germany Dr. Paolo Lai, Laboratoire de Météorologie Physique, University of Clermont- Ferrand –CNRS, France Dr. A. Petzold, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, DLR Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany Prof. J. Curtius, Institut für Atmosphäre und Umwelt, Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main, Frankfurt, Germany Prof. H. Coe and Prof. T. Choularton, School of Earth, Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences (SEAES), University of Manchester, Manchester, England Dr. J. Schneider and Prof. S. Borrmann, University of Mainz, Particle Chemistry Department, Mainz, Germany Dr. U. Pöschl, Biogeochemistry Department, Max-Planck-Institut für Chemie, Mainz, Germany Prof. S. Weinbruch, Universität Darmstadt, Institut für Mineralogie, Darmstadt, Germany Prof. M. Kulmala, Department of Physics, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland

Scientific publications and public outreach 2007: Refereed journal articles Choularton, T. W., K. N. Bower, E. Weingartner, I. Crawford, H. Coe, M. W. Gallagher, M. Flynn, J. Crosier, P. Connolly, A. Targino, M. R. Alfarra, U. Baltensperger, S. Sjogren, B. Verheggen, J. Cozic, and M. Gysel (2008), The influence of small aerosol particles on the properties of water and ice clouds, Faraday Discussions, 137, 205-222. Collaud Coen, M., E. Weingartner, S. Nyeki, J. Cozic, S. Henning, B. Verheggen, R. Gehrig, and U. Baltensperger (2007), Long-term trend analysis of aerosol variables at the high alpine site Jungfraujoch, J. Geophys. Res., 112, D13213, doi: 10.1029/2006JD007995. Cozic, J., S. Mertes, B. Verheggen, D. J. Cziczo, S. J. Gallavardin, S. Walter, U. Baltensperger, and E. Weingartner (2008a), Field observations of black carbon enrichment in atmospheric ice particle residuals suggesting a potential ice nucleating capability, J. Geophys. Res., submitted. Cozic, J., B. Verheggen, E. Weingartner, J. Crosier, K. Bower, M. Flynn, H. Coe, S. Henning, M. Steinbacher, S. Henne, M. C. Coen, A. Petzold, and U. Baltensperger (2008b), Chemical composition of free tropospheric aerosol for PM1 and coarse mode at the high alpine site Jungfraujoch, Atmos. Chem. Phys. 8, 407-423.

53 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Cozic, J., B. Verheggen, S. Mertes, P. Connolly, K. Bower, A. Petzold, U. Baltensperger, and E. Weingartner (2007), Scavenging of black carbon in mixed phase clouds at the high alpine site Jungfraujoch, At mos. Chem. Phys., 7, 1797-1807. Hoose, C., U. Lohmann, B. Verheggen, and E. Weingartner (2008), Aerosol processing in mixed-phase clouds in ECHAM5-HAM: Model description and comparison to observations, J. Geophys. Res., in press. Mertes, S., B. Verheggen, S. Walter, M. Ebert, P. Connolly, E. Weingartner, J. Schneider, K. N. Bower, M. Inerle-Hof, J. Cozic, U. Baltensperger, and J. Heinzenberg (2007), Counterflow virtual impactor based collection of small ice particles in mixed-phase clouds for the physico-chemical characterisation of tropospheric ice nuclei: sampler description and first case study, Aerosol Science & Technology, 41, 848-864. Sjogren, S., M. Gysel, E. Weingartner, M. R. Alfarra, J. Duplissy, J. Cozic, J. Crosier, H. Coe, and U. Baltensperger (2007), Hygroscopicity of the submicrometer aerosol at the high-alpine site Jungfraujoch, 3580 m a.s.l., Switzerland, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 7, 13699-13732. Verheggen, B., J. Cozic, E. Weingartner, B. K. N. Bower, S. Mertes, P. Connolly, M. W. Gallagher, M. Flynn, T. Choularton, and U. Baltensperger (2007), Aerosol activation in liquid and mixed phase clouds at the high alpine site Jungfraujoch, J. Geophys. Res., 112, D23202, doi:10.1029/2007JD008714R. Conference papers Baltensperger, U., E. Weingartner, B. Verheggen, U. Lohmann, J. Cozic, M. Gysel, S. Mertes, K.N. Bower, P. Connolly, M. Flynn, J. Crosier, M. Gallagher, H. Coe, T. Choularton, S. Walter, J. Schneider, J. Curtius, S. Borrmann, A. Petzold, M. Ebert, A. Worringen, S. Weinbruch, Aerosol partitioning in mixed-phase clouds, European Geosciences Union (EGU), Vienna, Austria, April 15-20, 2007. Baltensperger, U., Physical properties and chemical composition of atmospheric aerosols, ESF - INTROP Workshop on Aerosols - Properties, Processes, Climate, Crete, Greece, April 21-24, 2007. Collaud Coen, M., E. Weingartner, R. Nessler, U. Baltensperger, Ambient single scattering albedo at the high alpine site Jungfraujoch, European Aerosol Conference (EAC), Salzburg, Austria, September 9-14, 2007. Cozic, J., B. Verheggen, E. Weingartner, U. Baltensperger, S. Mertes, K.N. Bower, I. Crawford, M. Flynn, P. Connnolly, M. Gallagher, S. Walter J. Schneider, J. Curtius, A. Petzold, Partitioning of aerosol particles in mixed-phase clouds at a high-alpine site, 17th International Conference on Nucleation & Atmospheric Aerosols, Galway, Ireland August 13-17, 2007. Herich, H., L. Kammermann, D. Cziczo, E. Weingartner, M. Gysel, U. Baltensperger, U. Lohmann, Proc. Aerosol chemical composition and hygroscopic growth - first results from field studies, 11th ETH-Conference on Combustion Generated Nanoparticles, ETH Zürich, August 13-15, 2007. Herich, H., L. Kammermann, B. Friedman, E. Weingartner, M. Gysel, U. Baltensperger, A. Arneth, T. Holst, D. Gross, U. Lohmann, D.J. Cziczo, A rapid in- situ technique for aerosol chemical composition as a function of the hygroscopic growth: results from urban, remote and polar field sites, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, December 10-14, 2007.

54 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Hoose, C., U. Lohman, E. Weingartner, Aerosol processing in mixed-phase clouds, IUGG XXIV General Assembly, Perugia, Italy, July 2-13, 2007. Kammermann, L., H. Herich, D.J. Cziczo, M. Gysel, E. Weingartner, U. Lohmann, U. Baltensperger, Proc. Hygroscopic Growth and Chemical Composition - First results from combined measurements with a HTMDA and an ATOFMS, 11th ETH Conference on Combustion Generated Nanoparticles, ETH Zürich, August 13-15, 2007. Schmidhauser, R., G. Wehrle, P. Zieger, A. Jefferson, J. Ogren, E. Weingartner, U. Baltensperger, Aerosol light scattering at high relative humidity, European Aerosol Conference (EAC), Salzburg, Austria, September 9-14, 2007. Verheggen, B., E. Weingartner, J. Cozic, M. Vana, J. Balzani, E. Fries, G. Legreid, A. Hirsikko, M. Kulmala, U. Baltensperger, Observations of particle nucleation and growth events in the lower free troposphere, 17th International Conference on Nucleation & Atmospheric Aerosols, Galway, Ireland, August 13-17, 2007. Weingartner, E., J. Cozic, B. Verheggen, M. Gysel, U. Baltensperger, S. Mertes, K.N. Bower, I. Crawford, M. Flynn, P. Connolly, M. Gallagher, T. Choularton, U. Lohmann, D. Cziczo, J. Schneider, S. Walter, J. Curtius, S. Borrmann, A. Petzold, Partitioning of aerosol particles in mixed-phase clouds at a high alpine site, European Aerosol Conference (EAC), Salzburg, Austria, September 9-14, 2007. Weingartner, E., J. Cozic, B. Verheggen, U. Baltensperger, S. Mertes, S. Walter, J. Schneider, J. Curtius, Proc. Impact of black carbon on climate: Interaction of soot containing particles with clouds, 11th ETH-Conference on Combustion Generated Nanoparticles, ETH Zürich, August 13-15, 2007. Weingartner, E. Aerosol partitioning between interstitial and condensed phase in mixed-phase clouds, Aerosols - Properties, Processes and Climate (APPC), ESF - INTROP Conference, Crete, Greece, April 22-24, 2007.

Theses University of Bern, October 11, 2007, PhD Thesis, J. Cozic, Aerosol properties of the free troposphere and their interference with mixed-phase clouds. ETH Zürich, June 1, 2007, PhD Thesis, S. Sjogren, Hygroscopic properties of organic and inorganic aerosols. Magazine and Newspapers articles „Auch positive Klima-News vom Joch“, Zeitungsartikel: Berner Oberländer, March 9, 2007. „Wolkendoktor und Steinhorcher“, Reportage: Beobachter, August 17, 2007. „Aerosole und Feinstaub - ihre Gefahren“, Zeitungsartikel: Die Botschaft, November 10, 2007. „Je kleiner; desto gefährlicher“, Zeitungsartikel: AZ Baden, November 13, 2007. „Klima: Schweizer Forscher top“, Zeitungsartikel: Sonntag, November 11, 2007. „Aerosole: Kühlende Schwebeteilchen unter der Lupe“, Zeitungsartikel: Sonntag, November 11, 2007.

55 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Radio and television „Wolken“, Fernsehsendung: SF2, NZZ Format, Klimafaktor und Wettermaschine July 1, 2007. „Wunschreportage: Forschungsstation Jungfraujoch“, Fernsehbericht: SF1, Schweiz Aktuell, May 3, 2007.

Address: Laboratory of Atmospheric Chemistry Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI) CH-5232 Villigen Switzerland

Contacts: Ernest Weingartner Urs Baltensperger Tel: +41 56 310 2405 Tel: +41 56 310 2408 Fax: +41 56 310 4525 Fax: +41 56 310 4525 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected]

56 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Name of research institute or organization: Bundesamt für Landestopografie / Swiss Federal Office of Topography (swisstopo)

Title of project: Automated GPS Network Switzerland (AGNES)

Project leader and team: Dr. Elmar Brockmann, Dominique Andrey, Daniel Ineichen, Christian Misslin, Dr. Stefan Schaer, Dr. Urs Wild

Project description: Conversion of AGNES to GPS/GLONASS The Automated GNSS Network for Switzerland (AGNES) and the Swiss Positioning Service (swipos) constitute an important part of the geodetic infrastructure of Switzerland. In order to meet the demands required by various applications, the systems must be continually adapted to the newest technical developments of the Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS). The enhancement of the AGNES infrastructure to include the Russian navigation system GLONASS is one such development tackled in 2007.

Conversion GNSS is the general term used for all operational satellite navigation systems or those being developed. The evolution is characterized by the introduction of new signals for civil applications in the American GPS system, the deployment of the Russian system GLONASS as well as the development of new systems such as the European system Galileo. All major manufacturers of GNSS receivers have been designing combined receivers for both GPS and GLONASS since 2006. In order to keep step with this development, swisstopo adapted its network AGNES, consisting of 31 permanently operating stations, to the new technical demands. Since AGNES is a multifunctional reference network not only for applications in national surveying but also for scientific studies and positioning services, swisstopo had to find a compromise between the continuity of the observations and the rapid alignment to the demands and developments of the market. To assure continuity, conventional GPS receivers operate simultaneously with new GPS/GLONASS receivers on ten AGNES stations. At the end of 2007, seven stations were equipped with the new receivers, and the remaining three stations should be completed by the end of March 2008. The rest of the 21 AGNES stations were converted during summer 2007. The swipos positioning service was at that time already operating in vast parts of Switzerland with receivers of the newest generation. To guarantee highest precision, all of the new GNSS antennas were first calibrated by a specialized firm in Germany. Switzerland is one of the first organizations in Europe having taken this step.

57 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Applications Because of the still very limited number of available GLONASS satellites, the modernization of the AGNES stations has not brought about any dramatic increase of accuracy in national surveying. However, the greater number of satellites does bring about improvements in the positioning service swipos because the availability and performance of the service has increased in difficult terrain (built up areas, narrow valleys, etc.). An interesting collaboration has evolved over the past years with MeteoSwiss. The hourly analysis of data from the AGNES network yields not only coordinates but also meteorological parameters which can then be used by MeteoSwiss and other European institutions in making weather predictions. At the present the information is being analysed by MeteoSwiss for testing purposes. Because some of the AGNES stations are installed right next to MeteoSwiss sites, further synergies and benefits are gained by the direct comparison of results.

Fig.1: The sucessful replacement of the antenna at the AGNES station Kreuzlingen

58 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Fig.2: Status of the conversion (end of 2007)

Key words: GPS, GLONASS, GNSS, Meteorology, Positioning, Intergrated Water Vapour, Zenith Path Delay, GPS Tomography

Internet data bases:;

Collaborating partners/networks: Astronomical Institute (AIUB), University of Berne MeteoSwiss, Zurich and Payerne Institute of Applied Physics (IAP), University of Berne Institute of Geodesy and Photogrammetry, ETH Zürich E-GVAP (EUMETNET GPS Water Vapor Programme)

Scientific publications and public outreach 2007: Conference papers Brockmann E., M. Kistler, U. Marti, A. Schaltter, B. Vogel, A. Wiget, U. Wild (2007): National Report of Switzerland: New Developments in Swiss National Geodetic Surveying. In: Torres, J.A. and H. Hornik (Eds): Subcommission for the European Reference Frame (EUREF). London, June 6-8, 2007, EUREF Publication in preparation. Brockmann E., D. Ineichen, S. Schaer, U. Wild (2007): GNSS activities within the Automated GPS Network of Switzerland (AGNES). Poster Presentation at the Trimble 2007 GNSS Network Operator Seminar, Barcelona, May 29-30 2007. Brockmann E., D. Ineichen, S. Schaer, U. Wild (2007): GNSS activities within the Automated GPS Network of Switzerland (AGNES). Poster Presentation at the XXiV

59 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics in Perugia, Italy, July 2007. Ineichen, D., E. Brockmann, S. Schaer (2007): Enhancing the Swiss Permanent GPS Network (AGNES) for GLONASS. In: Torres, J.A. and H. Hornik (Eds): Subcommission for the European Reference Frame (EUREF). London, June 6-8, 2007, EUREF Publication in preparation. Troller M., D. Leuenberger, E. Brockmann, A. Geiger, H.-G. Kahle (2007): GPS- Tomography: Results and Analyses of the operational Determination of Humidity Profiles over Switzerland. Paper presented at the EGU Meeting in Vienna, Austria, April 15-20, 2007. Troller M., A. Geiger, D. Perler, H.-G. Kahle, D. Leuenberger, E. Brockmann (2007): GPS-Tomography for Meteorology: Impact on Operational Weather. Paper presented at the ION, 2007.

Data books and reports Brockmann E., S. Grünig, D. Ineichen, S. Schaer and U. Wild (2007): "Automated GPS Network in Switzerland (AGNES)“, International Foundation HFSJG, Activity Report 2006, University of Bern, 2007.

Presentations Brockmann E. (2007): Contribution of swisstopo to GANUWE. Kick-off Meeting in Zürich, ETHZ, 18.1.2007 Brockmann E. (2007): GNSS infrastructure and geodetic datum; how to incorporate CORS stations to the EPN network. Presentation at the Trimble 2007 GNSS Network Operator Seminar, Barcelona, May 29-30 2007. Brockmann E., D. Ineichen, S. Schaer, U. Wild (2007): GNSS activities within the Automated GPS Network of Switzerland (AGNES). Poster presented at the Trimble 2007 GNSS Network Operator Seminar, Barcelona, May 29-30 2007. Brockmann E., D. Ineichen, S. Schaer, U. Wild (2007): GNSS activities within the Automated GPS Network of Switzerland (AGNES). Poster presented to the General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Perugia, Italy, July 2-13, 2007. Troller M., D. Leuenberger, E. Brockmann, A. Geiger, H.-G. Kahle (2007): Impact of GPS-Tomography on operational weather forecast: Determination of the 3D distribution of humidity. Paper presented at the Timenav'07 Frequency Time Navigation, May 29 – June 1st 2007, Geneva

Newsletters swipos-News 01/2007 (April 2007) swipos-News 02/2007 (September 2007) swipos-News 03/2007 (Dezember 2007)

Address: Bundesamt für Landestopographie (swisstopo) Seftigenstrasse 264 CH-3084 Wabern

60 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Contacts: Elmar Brockmann Tel.:+41 31 963 2111 Fax.:+41 31 963 2459 e-mail: [email protected] URL:

61 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

62 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Name of research institute or organization: Klima- und Umweltphysik, Physikalisches Institut, Universität Bern

Title of project: High precision carbon dioxde and oxygen measurements

Project leader and team: PD Dr. Markus Leuenberger, project leader Chiara Uglietti, Peter Nyfeler and Hanspeter Moret

Project description: During 2007 we monitored the CO2 and O2 concentration at Jungfraujoch. Since four years we have observed an increasing trend for CO2 and an expected decrease in O2. However, the decrease in oxygen was stronger than expected between 2002 and 2006 pointing to an uptake by the ocean since it is not compatible either with the consumption by fossil fuel burning nor with terrestrial exchange. However, the decreasing trend has now significantly slowed down.

Key words: Greenhouse gas, climate change, CO2 emissions

Internet data bases:

Collaborating partners/networks: CarbonEurope IP partners

Scientific publications and public outreach 2007: Conference papers Leuenberger, M., and E. Flückiger, Research at Jungfraujoch, Science of The Total Environment Research at Jungfraujoch - Contributions to the International conference in celebration of the 75th anniversary of the High Altitude Research Station Jungfraujoch at Interlaken, Switzerland (11-13 September, 2006), 391 (2-3), 169-176, 2008. Uglietti, C., M. Leuenberger, and F.L. Valentino, Comparison between real time and flask measurements of atmospheric O2 and CO2 performed at the High Altitude Research Station Jungfraujoch, Switzerland, Science of The Total Environment, Research at Jungfraujoch - Contributions to the International conference in celebration of the 75th anniversary of the High Altitude Research Station Jungfraujoch at Interlaken, Switzerland (11-13 September, 2006), 391 (2-3), 196-202, 2008. Valentino, F.L., M. Leuenberger, C. Uglietti, and P. Sturm, Measurements and trend analysis of O2, CO2 and d13C of CO2 from the high altitude research station Junfgraujoch, Switzerland -- A comparison with the observations from the remote site Puy de Dome, France, Science of The Total Environment, Research at Jungfraujoch - Contributions to the International conference in celebration of the 75th anniversary of the High Altitude Research Station Jungfraujoch at Interlaken, Switzerland (11-13 September, 2006), 391 (2-3), 203-210, 2008.

63 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Seiz, G., and N. Foppa, Nationales Klima-Beobachtungssystem (GCOS Schweiz), pp. 92, Publikation von MeteoSchweiz und ProClim, Zürich, 2007.

Address: Physikalisches Institut Universität Bern Sidlerstrasse 5 CH-3012 Bern

Contacts: Markus Leuenberger Tel.: +41 31 631 44 70 Fax: +41 31 631 87 42 e-mail: [email protected]

64 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Name of research institute or organization: Institut für Umweltphysik, Universität Heidelberg

Title of project: 14 222 Long-term observations of CO2 and Radon at Jungfraujoch

Project leader and team: Ingeborg Levin, project leader Bernd Kromer, Felix Vogel

Project description: 14 Atmospheric CO2 observations at Jungfraujoch are used as background for other observational sites in Central Europe to estimate the regional fossil fuel CO2 component. The measurements have been started in 1986 and were continued without 14 interruption until today. In recent years, the Jungfraujoch background CO2 level was used to estimate the fossil fuel CO2 component at Schauinsland station as well as in 14 Heidelberg from respective CO2 observations. These results are described in detail by Levin et al. [2007]. Atmospheric 222Radon daughter observations started at Jungfraujoch in April 2006 in the frame of the EU-funded CarboEurope-IP and EuroHydros Projects. These observations will be used to identify (polluted) air masses that have recently been in contact with continental surfaces as well as for flux estimates of other continent-borne trace gases using the Radon-Tracer-Method. An example of the comparison of 214Polonium observations at Jungfraujoch with those performed at other high altitude Alpine sites, Zugspitze and Sonnblick observatory is given in Figure 1.

4.0 Sonnblick 3.5 Jungfraujoch Zugspitze 3.0 ] -3 2.5



Polonium [Bq m 1.0 214


0.0 13.12.2006 16.12.2006 19.12.2006 22.12.2006 Date

Figure 1: Measurement episode comparing the 214Polonium activity at Sonnblick, Jungfraujoch and Zugspitze observatories. The variations at all three mountain sites are well correlated, showing clean air levels until December 16, 2006, and passage of a large scale pollution event thereafter.

65 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Reference: Levin, I., S. Hammer, B. Kromer and F. Meinhardt, 2007. Radiocarbon observations in atmospheric CO2: Determining fossil fuel CO2 over Europe using Jungfraujoch observations as background. Sci. Total. Environ.,doi. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2007.10.019.

Key words: carbon dioxide, Radiocarbon, fossil fuel CO2, climate, Kyoto Protocol 222Radon, atmospheric tracer

Internet data bases: http://www.iup.uni-

Collaborating partners/networks: CarboEurope-IP ( EuroHydros (

Scientific publications and public outreach 2007: Refereed journal article: Levin, I., S. Hammer, B. Kromer and F. Meinhardt, 2007. Radiocarbon observations in atmospheric CO2: Determining fossil fuel CO2 over Europe using Jungfraujoch observations as background. Sci. Total. Environ,. doi. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2007.10.019.

Address: Institut für Umweltphysik Universität Heidelberg Im Neuenheimer Feld 229 D-69120 Heidelberg

Contacts: Ingeborg Levin Tel.: +49 6221 546330 Fax: +49 6221 546405 e-mail: [email protected] URL:

66 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Name of research institute or organization: Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy (BIRA-IASB)

Title of project: Atmospheric physics and chemistry

Project leader and team: Dr. Martine De Mazière: project leader FTIR Dr. M. Van Roozendael: project leader UV-Vis Bart Dils, Caroline Fayt, François Hendrick, Christian Hermans, Jean-Christopher Lambert, Gaia Pinardi, Corinne Vigouroux: team scientists Pierre Gérard, José Granville: team support engineers

Project description: UV-Vis BIRA-IASB operates a SAOZ (Système d’Analyse par Observations Zénithales) UV- visible spectrometer installed on the Sphinx platform since June 1990. Measurements of the ozone and nitrogen dioxide total columns are performed twice a day at twilight and used for long-term climatological studies as well as for satellite validation as part of the Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change (NDACC, former NDSC). SAOZ total ozone and NO2 data are regularly submitted to the NDACC and ENVISAT Cal/Val databases and used for the geophysical validation of relevant satellite instruments. The SAOZ instrument suffered from a major breakdown in June 2007, which prevented the further acquisition of measurements in 2007. The instrument has now been fixed and will be put back into operation in February 2008. In the course of 2007, the existing long-term total column NO2 and ozone data series have been used in the context of the validation of a number of atmospheric chemistry instruments, including SciSat/ACE (Kerzenmacher et al., 2007), Aura/OMI (Celarier et al., 2007; Brinksma et al., 2007), MIPAS on ENVISAT (Wetzel et al., 2007) as well as the recent GOME-2 instrument onboard METOP (Lambert et al., 2007). In addition the SAOZ measurements have been used for the delta-validation of the most recent version of the SCIAMACHY level 2 data product (version 3.01).

FTIR solar absorption spectrometry BIRA-IASB participates in the measurement of the atmospheric composition by Fourier transform infrared spectrometry coordinated by the University of Liège (see report by ULg). BIRA-IASB has finalised a publication concerning trends of tropospheric and stratospheric ozone above Europe derived from FTIR observations (Vigouroux et al., 2007b); in this context it has been responsible for the analysis of the Jungfraujoch data. At the Jungfraujoch, we find a small but significant positive total ozone trend of (0.41± 0.21)%/year over the period 1995-2004; the largest contribution to this trend comes from the lower stratosphere (10-18 km altitude). For this same period, we observe no significant trend in tropospheric ozone.

Jungfraujoch FTIR data have been used together with FTIR data from other NDACC stations worldwide for the validation of satellite experiments, in particular for the validation of vertical profiles of O3 (Cortesi et al., 2007), HNO3 (Wang et al., 2007; Vigouroux et al, 2007a), and N2O and CH4 (Payan et al., 2007) from MIPAS and from

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ACE. For the latter, BIRA-IASB has coordinated the validation of the CH4 vertical profiles (De Mazière et al., 2007). The concentration of CO at Jungfraujoch is measured on a continuous basis at the surface by in-situ observations, with a non-dispersive infrared detection method. It is also observed regularly by FTIR remote-sensing methods in the boundary layer. In 2006, we have initiated comparisons between both data sets, and their interpretation using trajectory modelling, in collaboration with colleagues from the University of Liège and EMPA in Switzerland. This work has continued in 2007. In particular, we have detected some events with large differences in the CO concentrations observed by both techniques, that we have been able to explain via transport processes. We have also detected a difference in the long-term trends between both data sets, for which the explanation is still under investigation. This work should be published in 2008.

BIRA-IASB also coordinates the Belgian AGACC project that aims – among others - at an advanced exploitation of the ground-based FTIR and MAXDOAS measurements at the Jungfraujoch. University of Liège is responsible for the FTIR measurements, BIRA-IASB for the MAXDOAS measurements. A preparatory campaign for the measurement of H2CO by (simultaneous) FTIR and MAXDOAS observations has been performed at Uccle in the second half of 2006. The data have been analysed in 2007: a good agreement between the MAXDOAS and FTIR data has been demonstrated. The strategy developed for the FTIR and MAXDOAS data analysis of H2CO at Uccle has also been applied successfully to data at the Ile de La Reunion (21°S, 55°E), and will be further explored at the Jungfraujoch in 2008. A publication in this respect is in preparation.

Key words atmospheric composition, long-term monitoring, optical remote sensing, vertical inversion methods, satellite validation

Internet databases ¾ The data are archived in the NDACC database (, in the NADIR/NILU database ( ¾ Data processed for ENVISAT validation purposes are also submitted to the ENVISAT CAL/VAL database ( ¾ Revised FTIR vertical profile data have been submitted to NADIR/NILU in a dedicated database for UFTIR (see They will be copied to the NDACC database as soon as this one is upgraded to accept FTIR profile data.

Collaborating partners/networks: ¾ Collaborations with University of Liège and NDACC partners ¾ Collaboration with European FTIR teams and modelling teams in the frame of the EU projects GEOMon and HYMN; ¾ Collaboration with M. Chipperfield of Univ. Leeds. ¾ Both the UV-Vis and FTIR observations contribute to the international Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Changes (NDACC, or the former NDSC) . ¾ Collaboration with S. Reimann, B. Buchmann, D. Folini, D. Brunner and M. Steinbacher of EMPA

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¾ Collaborations with A. Prévot (PSI) and I. Bey (EPFL) ¾ Collaboration with the GOME, ENVISAT, ACE and MetOp satellite communities.

Scientific publications and public outreach 2007: Refereed journal articles Brinksma, E. J., G. Pinardi, R. Braak, H. Volten, A. Richter, A. Schoenhardt, M. E. J. an Roozendael, C. Fayt, C. Hermans, R. J. Dirksen, T. Vlemmix, A. J. C. Berkhout, D. P. J. Swart, H. Oetjen, F. Wittrock, T. Wagner, O. W. Ibrahim, G. de Leeuw, M. Moerman, R. L. Curier, E. A. Celarier, W. H. Knap, J. P. Veefkind, H. J. Eskes, M. Allaart, R. Rothe, A. J. M. Piters, and P. F. Levelt, The 2005 and 2006 DANDELIONS NO2 and Aerosol Validation Campaigns, accepted for publication in J. Geophys. Res. (2007). Cortesi, U., J.-C. Lambert, C. De Clercq, G. Bianchini, T. Blumenstock, A. Bracher, E. Castelli, V. Catoire, K. V. Chance, M. De Mazière, P. Demoulin, S. Godin- Beekmann, N. Jones, K. Jucks, C. Keim, T. Kerzenmacher, H. Kuellmann, J. Kuttipurrath, M. Iarlori, G. Y. Liu, Y. Liu, I. S. McDermid, Y. Meijer, F. Mencaraglia, S. Mikuteit, H. Oelhaf, C. Piccolo, M. Pirre, P. Raspollini, F. Ravegnani, W. J. Reburn, G. Redaelli, J. J. Remedios, H. Sembhi, D. Smale, T. Steck, A. Taddei, C. Varotsos, C. Vigouroux, A. Waterfall, G. Wetzel, and S. Wood, Geophysical validation of MIPAS-Envisat operational ozone data, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 7, 4807-4867, 2007 Celarier, E.A., E.J. Brinksma, J.F. Gleason, P.F. levelt, J.P. Veefkind, A. Cede, D. Ionov, F. Goutail, J-P. Pommereau, J-C. Lambert, M. Van Roozendael, G. Pinardi, and E.J. Bucsela, Overview of the Validation of Nitrogen Dioxyde Retrieved from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument, accepted for publication in J. Geophys. Res. (2007). De Mazière, M., C. Vigouroux, P. Bernath, T. Blumenstock, C. Boone, V. Catoire, M. Coffey, P. Duchatelet, J. Hannigan, L. Harvey, N. Jones, E. Mahieu, G. Manney, C. Piccolo, C. Randall, C. Senten, K. Strong, J. Taylor, K. Walker, S. Wood, Validation of ACE v2.2 methane profiles from the upper troposphere to lower mesosphere, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Disc., Special Issue ‘Validation Results for the Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment (ACE)’, 7, 17975-18014, 2007. Gardiner, T., A. Forbes, P. Woods, M. De Mazière, C. Vigouroux, E. Mahieu, P. Demoulin, V. Velazco, J. Notholt, T. Blumenstock, F. Hase, I. Kramer, R. Sussman, W. Stremme, J. Mellqvist, A. Strandberg, K. Ellingsen, and M. Gauss, Method for evaluating trends in greenhouse gases from ground-based remote FTIR measurements over Europe, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 7, 15781-15803, 2007 Neefs, E., M. De Mazière, F. Scolas, C. Hermans and T. Hawat, BARCOS an automation and remote control system for atmospheric observations with a Bruker interferometer, Rev. Sc. Instrum., 78, 035109-1 to -8, 2007. Payan, S., Camy-Peyret, C., Oelhaf, H., Wetzel, G., Maucher, G., Kleim, C., Pirre, M., Engel, A., Volk, M. C., Kuttippurath, J., Cortesi, U., Raspollini, P., Vigouroux, C., De Mazière, M., Piccolo, C., Payne, V., Bracher, A., Glatthor, N., Stiller, G., Grunow, K., and Butz, A.,Validation and data characteristics of methane and nitrous oxide profiles observed by MIPAS and processed with Version 4.61 algorithm, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 7, 18043-18111, 2007.

69 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Kerzenmacher, T., M. A. Wolff, K. Strong, E. Dupuy, K. A. Walker, L. K. Amekudzi, R. L. Batchelor, P. F. Bernath, G. Berthet, T. Blumenstock, C. D. Boone, K. Bramstedt, C. Brogniez, S. Brohede, J. P. Burrows, V. Catoire, J. Dodion, J. R. Drummond, D. G. Dufour, B. Funke, D. Fussen, F. Goutail, D. W. T. Griffith, C. S. Haley, F. Hendrick, M. Höpfner, N. Huret, N. Jones, J. Kar, I. Kramer, E. J. Liewellyn, M. López-Puertas, G. Manney, C. T. McElroy, C. A. McLinden, S. Melo, S. Mikuteit, D. Murtagh, F. Nichitiu, J. Notholt, C. Nowlan, C. Piccolo, J.-P. Pommereau, C. Randall, A. Richter, M. Schneider, O. Schrems, M. Silicani, G. P. Stiller, J. Taylor, C. Tétard, M. Toohey, F. Vanhellemont, T. Warneke, J. M. Zawodny, and J. Zou, Validation of NO2 and NO from the Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment (ACE), submitted to Atmospheric Chemistry and Physic, 2007. Vigouroux, C., M. De Mazière, Q. Errera, E. Mahieu, P. Duchatelet, S.Wood, D. Smale, S. Mikuteit, T. Blumenstock, F. Hase, and N. Jones, Comparisons between ground-based FTIR and MIPAS N2O and HNO3 profiles before and after assimilation in BASCOE, ACP 7, 377-396, 2007a. Vigouroux, C., M. De Mazière, E. Mahieu, P. Demoulin, P. Duchatelet, F. Hase, T. Blumenstock, I. Kramer, J. Mellqvist, A. Strandberg, V. Velazco, J. Notholt, R. Sussmann, W. Stremme, A. Rockmann, T. Gardiner, M. Coleman, P. Woods, K. Ellingsen, M. Gauss, and I. Isaksen, Evaluation of O3 tropospheric and stratospheric trends over Western Europe from ground-based FTIR observations, submitted to ACPD, UFTIR Special Issue, 2007b. Wang, D. Y., Höpfner, M., Blom, C. E., Ward, W. E., Fischer, H., Blumenstock, T., Hase, F., Keim, C., Liu, G. Y., Mikuteit, S., Oelhaf, H., Wetzel, G., Cortesi, U., Mencaraglia, F., Bianchini, G., Redaelli, G., Pirre, M., Catoire, V., Huret, N., Vigouroux, C., De Mazière, M., Mahieu, E., Demoulin, P., Wood, S., Smale, D., Jones, N., Nakajima, H., Sugita, T., Urban, J., Murtagh, D., Boone, C. D., Bernath, P. F., Walker, K. A., Kuttippurath, J., Kleinböhl, A., Toon, G., and Piccolo, C., Validation of MIPAS HNO3 operational data, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 7, 4905-4934, 2007. Wetzel, G., A. Bracher, B. Funke, F. Goutail, F. Hendrick, J.-C. Lambert, S. Mikuteit, C. Piccolo, M. Pirre, A. Bazureau, C. Belotti, T. Blumenstock, M. De Mazière, N. Huret, D. Ionov, M. López-Puertas, G. Maucher, H. Oelhaf, M. Sinnhuber, G. Stiller, M. Van Roozendael, and G. Zhang, Validation of MIPAS-ENVISAT version 4.61 NO2 data, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 7, 3261-3284, 2007. Data books and reports Lambert, J.-C., I. De Smedt, J. Granville, and P. Valks, Initial validation of GOME-2 nitrogen dioxide columns (GDP 4.2 OTO/NO2 and NTO/NO2): March – June 2007, TN-IASB-GOME2-O3MSAF-NO2-01, O3MSAF Technical Report, EUMETSAT, 22 October 2007.

70 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Address: Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy Ringlaan 3 B-1180 Brussels Belgium

Contacts: Martine De Mazière Tel. +32 2 373 03 63 Fax: +32-2-374 84 23 e-mail: [email protected]

Michel Van Roozendael Tel. +32 2 373 04 16 Fax: +32-2-374 84 23 e-mail: [email protected]


71 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

72 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Name of research institute or organization: Climate and Environmental Physics, University of Bern Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz, Freiburg i.Br.

Title of project: 85Kr Activity Determination in Tropospheric Air

Project leader and team Hartmut Sartorius, Clemens Schlosser and Sabine Schmid, Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz, D-79098 Freiburg Roland Purtschert, Heinz Hugo Loosli, Physikalisches Institut, Universität Bern, CH- 3012 Bern

Project description: Since more than 15 years the tropospheric Kr-85 activity has been continuously monitored at Jungfraujoch (JFJ). In the last year this valuable data record has been expanded. Krypton separated from about 10 m3 of air, which is collected during one week, is sent to Freiburg i.Br for activity measurement (Figure 1). At present the baseline of the Kr-85 activity concentration is app. 1.45 mBq/m³ at the stations located in the northern hemisphere (Fig. 1). The Kr-85 activity concentration in ground level air showed a regular increase of about 0.03 Bq/m3 per year during the last decades. However, the data from 2007 indicate that the Kr-85 activity has stabilized in the last two years. This means that the yearly global release rate of about 5·1017 Bq is constant and the emissions are exactly compensated by radioactive decay in the atmosphere. This is also supported by the published emissions of the reprocessing plant at La Hague in France (Fig.1, inset) which are rather stable since the year 2000. Future measurements will show in how far the start of a new reprocessing plant in Japan will cause a renewed rise of atmospheric Kr-85 activity concentrations. The data of the global Kr-85 measuring network, provide an instrument for the surveillance of radioactivity in the environment. The location of the JFJ sampling site is strategically important because at this altitude the northern tropospheric background level can best be determined. Secondly, the gradient of the baseline concentration and the occurrence of elevated peak concentrations allow some conclusion about the global and local reprocessing activities, respectively. This feature of Kr-85 could be an important tool to monitor clandestine nuclear reprocessing activities. Known Kr-85 emissions can also be used for the validation and calibration of global circulations models. The well known atmospheric Kr-85 activity provides last but not least the basis for one of the most reliable dating methods for groundwater.

73 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Figure 1: Measured 85Kr activities in weekly samples of air, collected at Jungfraujoch (3500 m a s l) and at Schauinsland (1284 m a s l) near Freiburg i.B. in the last three years. Key words: Krypton, 85Kr, radioactivity in air, reprocessing plants

Internet data bases: [email protected]

Collaborating partners/networks: [email protected]

Scientific publications and public outreach 2007: Umweltradioaktivität und Strahlendosen in der Schweiz, Bundesamt für Gesundheit, Abteilung Strahlenschutz, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 (in preparation) Winger K., Feichter M. B., Kalinowski M., Sartorius H., and Schlosser P. (2005) A new compilation of the atmospheric 85krypton inventories from 1945 to 2000 and its evaluation in a global transport model. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 80, 183-215. R. Purtschert, H. H. Loosli, H. Sartorius, C. Schlosser, S. Schmid, Kr-85 measured at Jungfraujoch and elsewhere, A versatile global tracer, JFJ booklet, 2007.

Address: Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz Rosastrasse 9 D-79098 Freiburg

Contacts: H. Sartorius e-mail: [email protected]

74 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Name of research institute or organization: Particle Chemistry Department Institute for Atmospheric Physics, University of Mainz and Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz

Title of project: Cloud and Aerosol Characterization Experiment 6 (CLACE 6)

Project leader and team: Dr. Joachim Curtius, project leader Dr. Ernest Weingartner, Dr. Martin Gysel, Dr. Johannes Schneider, Dr. Michael Kamphus, Dr. Ulrich Pöschl, Dr. Ulrich Bundke, Dr. Martin Ebert, Dr. Daniel Cziczo, Dr. Richard Winterhalter, Dr. Stephan Mertes, Dr. Keith Bower, Dr. Michael Flynn, et al.

Project description: The properties of clouds in the atmosphere have a major influence on Earth's climate and on the hydrological cycle. Therefore, a detailed understanding of the microphysical and radiative properties of clouds is essential. Atmospheric aerosol particles interact with clouds and influence the cloud formation. Ice nuclei are aerosol particles that lead to the formation of primary ice particles in the atmosphere by heterogeneous nucleation. These are of special interest for the formation of mixed phase clouds, i.e. clouds that exist at temperatures where supercooled water droplets as well as ice particles are present inside the clouds. These types of clouds are often present at the altitude of the Jungfraujoch research station and make this station a unique place for ground-based in situ studies of mixed-phase clouds. The German Collaborative Research Center 641 "The Tropospheric Ice Phase" (SFB "TROPEIS"), funded by the German Research Foundation DFG, comprising 14 different scientific sub-projects, focuses on research concerning ice particles in the atmosphere. Therefore, a major fraction of the CLACE 6 experiments was conducted and funded within the framework of the SFB "TROPEIS", namely the contributions by the University of Frankfurt, the Technical University of Darmstadt, the University of Mainz and the Max-Planck-Institute for Chemistry in Mainz. The CLACE 6 experiment was the sixth intensive field mission on the characterization of clouds and aerosol carried out at the High Alpine Research Station Jungfraujoch. The experiment took place from 4 February, 2007, to 24 March, 2007, with an intensive measurement period from 17 February to 14 March. Numerous cloud events were sampled during this time. For the CLACE mission in 2007 about 40 individual scientists and technicans came up to the High Altitude Research Station Jungfraujoch to take part in the measurements directly. The Spinx lab and its outside platforms hosted more than 25 additional instruments, including: • 3 different aerosol mass spectrometers, • an ice nucleus counter (INC), • two cloud condensation nucleus counter (CCNC),

75 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

• numerous condensation nucleus counters (CNC), • optical aerosol counters (OPC), • several soot monitors, including a new a single particle soot photometer • scanning mobility particle sizers (SMPS), • a forward scattering spectrometer probe (FSSP), • a cloud particle imager (CPI), • a wet nephelometer • an EC/OC analyser • a Hygroscopicity Tandem Differential Mobility Analyzer (HT-DMA) • a particle volume monitor (PVM) • an ice counterflow virtual impactor (Ice-CVI) • several particle impactors for off-line analysis • filter samplers for off-line analysis • snow samplers • ice and graupel samplers Several of these instruments were entirely new developments and were tested for the fist time in the field, for example, the ice nuclei counter from U Frankfurt. Three different inlet systems were used to sample the aerosol and the cloud elements. The photographs show a group of researchers involved in CLACE 6 on the platform of the Sphinx laboratory and an impression of the rough measurement conditions on the platform is given.

A first data workshop to present and discuss the data obtained during CLACE 6 will be carried out at in Frankfurt from 6 to 7 March 2007. Data sets from the campaign have been supplied to a central the CLACE FTP-server. To review the various scientific results of the measurements is beyond the scope of this report. Please consult the sub-project's individual reports for further details. Acknowledgement. We thank the International Foundation HSFJG, the SFB 641”Tropospheric Ice Phase” and the FP6 EU project EUSAR for comprehensive support.

Key words: ice nuclei, mixed phase clouds, ice phase, ice particle residuals, cloud-aerosol- interactions, aerosol composition, CLACE

76 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Internet data bases: An FTP-server for internal use by all CLACE participants has been established.

Collaborating partners/networks: Institutions and investigators participating in CLACE 6:

Institut für Troposphärenforschung, Leipzig: Dr. Stephan Mertes, Prof. Jost Heintzenberg Labor für Atmosphärenchemie, Paul-Scherrer-Institut, Villingen: Dr. Ernest Weingartner, Dr. Martin Gysel, Julie Cozic, Dr. Rahel Schmidhauser, Prof. Urs Baltensperger Institut für Atmosphäre und Klima, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, Zürich: Dr. Daniel Cziczo, Livia Keller, Hanna Herich, Prof. Ulrike Lohmann Institut für Mineralogie, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Darmstadt: Dr. Martin Ebert, Dr. Annette Worringen, Nathalie Benker, Prof. Stephan Weinbruch Institut für Atmosphäre und Umwelt, Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt: Dr. Ulrich Bundke, Dr. Thomas Wetter, Björn Nillius, Prof. Ulrich Schmidt Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre, Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz: Dr. Joachim Curtius, Dr. Michael Kamphus, Prof. Stephan Borrmann Institut für Geowissenschaften, Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz: Markus Maria Miedaner, Prof. Michael Kersten Max-Planck-Institut für Chemie, Mainz: Dr. Johannes Schneider, Saskia Walter, Dr. Ulrich Pöschl, Diana Rose, Sachin Cunthe, Dr. Richard Winterhalter, Dr. Geert Moortgat, Prof. Meinrat Andreae, Prof. Jos Lelieveld, Prof. Stephan Borrmann School of Earth Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences, University of Manchester: Dr. Michael Flynn, Dr. Keith Bower, Admir Targino, Prof. Tom Choularton

Scientific publications and public outreach 2007: Refereed journal articles Please consult the sub-project's individual reports for details.

Conference Contributions Joachim Curtius chaired a special session on “the tropospheric ice phase” at the EGU General Assembly at Vienna in April 2007. Numerous talks and posters on CLACE results and measurements at the HFSJG were presented at this occasion:

EGU2007-A-01192 Zimmermann, F.; Ebert, M.; Worringen, A.; Schuetz, L.; Weinbruch, S. Environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM) as a new technique to determine the ice nucleation the ice nucleation capability of individual atmospheric aerosol particles EGU2007-A-02600 Winterhalter, R.; Williams, J.; Fries, E.; Sieg, K.; Moortgat, G.K. Concentrations of dicarboxylic acids in freshly precipitated snow samples at the high altitude research station Jungfraujoch during CLACE 5

77 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

EGU2007-A-02720 Cziczo, D. J.; Gallavardin, S. ; Herich, H. ; Keller, L. ; Lohmann, U. The Chemical Composition of Ice Nuclei in Mixed Phase Clouds EGU2007-A-05268 Baltensperger, U.; CLACE Team Aerosol Partitioning in Mixed-Phase Clouds EGU2007-A-06109 Kamphus, M.; Ettner-Mahl, M.; Drewnick, F.; Curtius, J.; Mertes, S.; Borrmann, S. Chemical analysis of ambient aerosol particles and ice nuclei in mixed phase clouds by single particle laser ablation mass spectrometry EGU2007-A-06566 Raupach, S.M.F; Curtius, J.; Vössing, H.J.; Borrmann, S. Groundbased digital in situ holography of large atmospheric particles in mixed phase clouds at the alpine site Jungfraujoch EGU2007-A-07134 Schneider, J; Walter, S; Curtius, J; Drewnick, F; Borrmann, S; Mertes, S; Weingartner, E; Gysel, M; Cozic, J In-situ analysis of free tropospheric aerosol and small ice crystal residuals using a high resolution aerosol mass spectrometer (HR-ToF-AMS) at Jungfraujoch during CLACE 5 EGU2007-A-07251 Sieg, K.; Fries, E.; Püttmann, W.; Jaeschke, W.; Winterhalter, R.; Williams, J. Occurrence of VOC in snow and ice in spring at Jungfraujoch (46.6°N, 8.0°E) in 2005 and 2006 during CLACE 4 and 5 EGU2007-A-08430 Klein, H.; Bingemer, H. G.; Bundke, U.; Wetter, T. Measurements of atmospheric ice nuclei using a vacuum diffusion chamber and CCD detection EGU2007-A-08631 Crawford, I; Gallagher, M.W; Bower, K; Choularton, T.W; Connolly, P; Flynn, M; Verheggen, B; Weingartner, E; Mertes, S Observations of phase transitions in mixed phase cloud during CLACE EGU2007-A-08681 Nillius, B.; Bingemer, H.; Bundke, U.; Jaenicke, R.; Wetter, T. First Measurement Results of the Fast Ice Nucleus Counter FINCH EGU2007-A-09627 Rose, D.; Frank, G.P.; Dusek, U.; Gysel, M.; Weingartner, E.; Walter, S.; Curtius, J.; Pöschl, U. Cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) concentrations and efficiencies on Jungfraujoch during the CLACE-5 campaign EGU2007-A-11488 Miedaner, M.M.; Huthwelker, T.; Enzmann, F.; Kersten, M.; Ammann, M.; Stampanoni, M. On the kinetics of trapping air bubbles and salt precipitates during freezing of diluted salt solution droplets

78 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Please consult the individual group reports for further details. Other Together with Prof. Flückiger from the HFSJG, a one day visit at the Jungfraujoch of Dr. Stefan Echinger, Michael Truchseß, and Simone Bischoff, as leading officers from the Max Planck Society, as well as Prof. M.O. Andreae, director of the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, and Mr. Kunzmann, head of the administration of the MPI-Chemistry was organized in March 2007.

Address: Institute for Atmospheric Physics University of Mainz J.-J.-Becherweg 21 55099 Mainz Germany

Contacts: Prof. Dr. Joachim Curtius

Now at: Institute for Atmospheric und Environmental Sciences Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main Campus Riedberg Altenhöferallee 1 60438 Frankfurt am Main Germany phone: +49 (69) 798-40258 fax: +49 (69) 798-40252 email: [email protected]

79 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

80 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Name of research institute or organization: Particle Chemistry Department Institute for Atmospheric Physics, University of Mainz and Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz

Title of project: Mass spectrometric studies of ice nuclei and background aerosol within CLACE 6

Project leader and team: Dr. Joachim Curtius, project leader Dr. Johannes Schneider Dr. Michael Kamphus Dipl.-Met. Saskia Walter

Project description: The identification of ice nuclei is crucial for the understanding of heterogeneous ice nucleation in supercooled clouds, which is the main initiation process of precipitation in mid latitudes. Until today it is not well understood which chemical components (e.g. sulfuric acid, ammonium, nitrate, various organic substances, mineral dust, sea salt, soot, or other materials) contained inside or on the surface of aerosol particles enable a particle to act as an ice nucleus (IN). While water soluble compounds are expected to favour the formation of liquid cloud droplets, insoluble materials like mineral components may favour the formation of ice particles. Similar to the 5th and other previous Cloud and Aerosol Characterization Experiments (CLACE-3, CLACE-4, CLACE-5), also in 2007 mass spectrometric measurements of particles were performed at the High Alpine Research Station Jungfraujoch within the frame of the follow-up project CLACE 6. Our CLACE 6 sub- project was embedded into the activities and largely financed by the German Collaborative Research Center SFB 641 "The Tropospheric Ice Phase", sub-project A3 "In situ measurements of the chemical composition of atmospheric ice residuals and ice nuclei by mass spectrometric methods". During CLACE 6 two different types of aerosol mass spectrometers were operated at the Sphinx laboratory in order to analyze in situ and on-line the chemical composition residuals of supercooled cloud droplets, small ice particles as well as background and interstitial aerosol particles. The first mass spectrometer, a Time-of-Flight Aerosol Mass Spectrometer (W-ToF- AMS by Aerodyne) is an improved version of the Quadrupole Aerosol Mass Spectrometer that was already deployed to the Jungfraujoch during CLACE 3 and 4. This improved version has a significantly higher sensitivity (only 20 ng/m3 of arosol mass is needed) and a very high mass resolution of >4000. The mass spectrometer operated very sucessfully and the chemical composition of the non-refractory compounds of the background and interstitial aerosol (sulfate, nitrate, organics and ammonia) was measured quantitatively throughout the campaign at high time resolution. The high mass resolution allows to distinguish ions of different chemical + composition but identical integer m/z ratio: for example, the ions of C2H3O and + C3H7 at m/z 43.0184 and 43.0551 were clearly separated and this separation allows

81 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007 to analyze the degree of oxidation of the organic aerosol fraction. The W-ToF-AMS provided successful measurements of ice residuals and background aerosol. An important new finding of these measurements is that the ice residuals did contain a small fraction of organic material, clearly above the instrumental detection limit. This organic material was hardly oxidized but the organic fraction seems to be formed mostly from un-oxidized so-called hydrocarbonlike organic aerosol (HOA). The second mass spectrometer, a Single Particle Laser Ablation Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer (SPLAT), analyzes individual particles in the size range of 300-3000 nm diameter. This mass spectrometer has been developed by our group in recent years and by successfully implementing a number of technical and operational improvements during the last year the sensitivity of the instrument was greatly enhanced. The instrument worked very well and reliable during the campaign and mass spectra for about 10 000 individual background aerosol particles were provided during the campaign. For the first time with this instrument the analysis of individual ice residuals was successfully performed, representing a) a major progress of the technical development of the instrument and b) finally opening up the area of interest for scientific analysis with this instrument. The SPLAT instrument sampled 25 days with only small interruptions for calibrations and realignment of the particle beam and the laser beams. During that time 9771 background aerosol particles and 357 ice residues were analysed -0.24 with both polarities. During a one-day experiment 168 CCNs -0.20 (Cloud Condensation Nuclei) -0.16 were analysed with the droplet -0.12 pre-impactor of the Ice-CVI (Ice-Counterflow Virtual Im- pactor, see report by S. Mertes, -0.08 intensity / a. u. IFT Leipzig) being removed. -0.04 First analysis of some highlights of the data showed that we 0.00 observed a strong enhancement 200 205 210 215 220 of lead in the ice nuclei (41.8% of the IN spectra showed a lead Figure 1: Mass spectrum from a lead signature), while it was present containing aerosol particle with the char- in only 9.1% of the detected acteristic isotopic pattern at m/z 204, 206, background particles and the 207 and 208. CCNs exhibited a depletion to 3.7%. Sources for the lead contributions in atmospheric aerosol may include aviation gasoline, smelters, coal combustion, etc. but the influence of lead on cloud formation has not been investigated up to now. Therefore we plan to intensify research and discussion of this topic within the second phase of the SFB-641. A preliminary result of the SPLAT measurements during CLACE 6 is shown in Figure 4. The spectra from 903 background particles and the spectra from 355 ice residues were processed by a k-means classification algorithm. The pie charts show the percentage of particles (regardless of the particle size) that belong to different groups of particles. It is evident that the IR composition differs strongly from the average background aerosol composition. Mineral dust is by far the dominating

82 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007 substance in the ice residues from fresh ice crystals. The lead in the IR was found in all classes of particles. Further analysis and data interpretation is in progress. The results from the IR measurements with the SPLAT instrument during the CLACE 6 campaign will be presented in a forthcoming paper (Kamphus et al., to be submitted to Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 2008).

Aerosol composition of the background aerosol and the ice residues from mixed- phase clouds measured with the SPLAT instrument at the Jungfraujoch research station during CLACE 6 in 2007. The IN are clearly dominated by mineral dust. Carbon-containing particles may be soot or organic material. Data are preliminary.

Acknowledgement. We thank the International Foundation HSFJG, the SFB 641” Tropospheric Ice Phase” and the FP6 EU project EUSAR for comprehensive support. Key words: Aerosol chemical composition, ice nuclei chemical composition, aerosol mass spectrometry

Internet data bases: An FTP server for internal use of CLACE participants has been established

Collaborating partners/networks: ift Leipzig (Dr. Stephan Mertes), PSI (Dr. Ernest Weingartner), ETH Zürich (Dr. Daniel Cziczo), Tech Univ. Darmstadt (Dr. Martin Ebert),

Scientific publications and public outreach 2007: Refereed journal articles Mertes, S., Verheggen, B., Walter, S., Conolly, P., Ebert, M., Schneider, J., Bower, K.N., Cozic, J., Weinbruch, S., Baltensperger, U., and Weingartner, E., 2007: Counterflow virtual impactor based collection of small ice particles in mixed-phase clouds for the physico-chemical characterization of tropospheric ice nuclei: Sampler description and first case study, Aerosol Science Technology, 41, 848-864.

83 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Conference papers (for 2007, mostly concerning previous CLACE campaigns) Kamphus M.; Ettner-Mahl, M.; Drewnick, F.; Curtius, J.; Mertes, S.; Borrmann, S., Chemical analysis of ambient aerosol particles and ice nuclei in mixed phase clouds by single particle laser ablation mass spectrometry, EGU, Vienna, Austria, Geophysical Research abstracts Vol. 9, 06109, 2007. Schneider J; Walter, S; Curtius, J; Drewnick, F; Borrmann, S; Mertes, S; Weingartner, E; Gysel, M; Cozic, J, In-situ analysis of free tropospheric aerosol and small ice crystal residuals using a High Resolution Aerosol Mass Spectrometer (HR- ToF-AMS) at the Jungfraujoch during CLACE 5, European Aerosol Conference, Salzburg, 2007. Schneider J; Walter, S; Curtius, J; Drewnick, F; Borrmann, S; Mertes, S; Weingartner, E; Gysel, M; Cozic, J, In-situ analysis of free tropospheric aerosol and small ice crystal residuals using a high resolution aerosol mass spectrometer (HR- ToF-AMS) at Jungfraujoch during CLACE 5, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 2007. Weingartner, E., Verheggen, B., Lohmann, U., Cozic, J., Gysel, M., Baltensperger, U., Mertes, S., Bower, K. N., Connolly, P., Flynn, M., Crozier, J., Gallagher, M., Coe, H., Walter, S., Schneider, J., Curtius, J., Borrmann, S., Petzold, A., Ebert, M., Worringen, A., and Weinbruch, S.: Aerosol Partitioning in Mixed-Phase Clouds, EGU Wien, 2007.

Address: Max-Planck Institute for Chemistry J.-J.-Becherweg 27 55128 Mainz Germany

Institute for Atmospheric Physics University of Mainz J.-J.-Becherweg 21 55099 Mainz Germany

Contacts: Prof. Dr. Joachim Curtius

Now at: Institute for Atmospheric und Environmental Sciences Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main Campus Riedberg Altenhöferallee 1 60438 Frankfurt am Main Germany phone: +49 (69) 798-40258 fax: +49 (69) 798-40252 email: [email protected]

84 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Dr. Johannes Schneider

Max-Planck Institute for Chemistry J.-J.-Becherweg 27 55128 Mainz Germany phone: +49 6131 305 586 fax: +49 6131 305 597 email: [email protected]

85 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

86 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Name of research institute or organization: Institut für Atmosphäre und Umwelt, Universität Frankfurt

Title of project: FINCH (Fast Ice Nucleus CHamber counter) Measurements of Ice Nucleus concentration as function of Temperature and Supersaturation during CLACE 6

Project leader and team: Dr. Ulrich Bundke, project leader Dr. Heinz Bingemer, project leader Prof. Dr. Ruprecht Jaenicke, project leader Dr. Thomas Wetter, Björn Nillius

Project description: FINCH principle of operation The Fast Ice Nuclei Counter FINCH (Bundke, 2006a) was developed jointly by the Institute for Atmosphere and Environment Frankfurt and the Institute for Atmospheric Physics in Mainz (Figure.1). In FINCH, a 5-10 lpm sample air flow is introduced into the supersaturation zone at the upper end of the annular processing chamber (Figure 1). Here, supersaturation (with respect to water or ice) is produced by the mixing of particle-free warm, humidified air and cold dry air. Temperature and supersaturation are actively controlled using PID (Proportional Integral Derivative) algorithms with measurements of temperature and frost point as process variables. IN and CCN are activated and grow to macroscopic ice crystals or supercooled water droplets of 5 to 10 µm size as the sample travels along the annular processing chamber of about 1 m length. With a new developed optical detector it is possible to distinguish between supercooled droplets and ice particles, in order to obtain the number concentrations of CCN and IN. FINCH is called a fast IN-counter because of its high sample flow rate of 5-10 l/min. Considering a number concentration of 10 IN/l, a measuring period of 1 up to 2 minutes will be sufficient to obtain good statistics.

87 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

F Aerosol Aerosol Humidifyer: F T Warm and T sheath air T P F

Td T Cold,dry air

Development chamber Signalprocessing, Td Data Storage Unit

Virtual Impactor

Laser-beam Optical P multiangular depolarization detector


High volume Exh a u st PT Pu m p F System-Bus Zero Filter F Massflow Controller Td heated Dewpoint-mirror P Preasure Sensor Figure 1. Schematic flow diagram of the FINCH counter

FINCH: Detection of ice nuclei and droplets Cloud-active aerosols grow to supercooled droplets or ice crystals of 5-10 µm size while they travel through the processing chamber. For the detection and discrimination of super-cooled droplets and ice-crystals we have developed a new optical detector, shown in Fig.2a.

Columns 400 Bullets

300 Aggregats Water droplets 200

Number of Counts 100

0 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Ratio P44/P11

FIGURE 2 Schematic diagram of the optical sensor for detection and discrimination of super-cooled droplets and ice-crystals (a) left. The right graph (b) shows the Histogram (frequency of occurrence) of single particle detection as function of the ratio P44/P11 of scattered light from single particles. P11 and P44 are elements of the scattering matrix.

P44/P11 is a measure of the different depolarization of scattered light by ice crystals and by droplets, as described by Hu et al. (2003)

88 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

First Measurements during CLACE 6 The capabilities of FINCH were first exhibited during the CLACE 6 experiment. As an example Figure 3 shows the number-concentration of IN as one minute average values during a cloud event. Boundary layer air reached Jungfraujoch station at 10:20, when CN increased (See Figure 3b). Figure 3a shows that the IN concentration rose up to 4 IN/l until at 10:50 a cloud reached the station. Theconcentration of IN then fell rapidly, whereas CN remained at a constant level. The reasons for this may be either that IN were incorporated into hydrometeors, which were not sampled by the inlet, or that the residuals of those hydrometeors that were sampled and evaporated in the inlet could not be reactivated at the operating temperature and supersaturation of FINCH. The temperature and supersaturation were kept constant at -17 °C and 20% with respect to ice, to be comparable with ambient conditions.

4 1.8 mixed temperature -17°C -1 saturation_ice 1.6 3 IN/l 1.4

2 1.2

1.0 1 0.8 Number concentration IN in l

0 0.6 Saturation ratio with respect to ice 10:00:00 10:20:00 10:40:00 11:00:00 11:20:00



-3 0.3-0.4µm 0.4-0.5µm 0.5-0.65µm 30 0.65-0.8µm


10 CN number concentration in cm CN number concentration 0 10:00:00 10:20:00 10:40:00 11:00:00 11:20:0 time

FIGURE 3 IN and CN measurements at Jungfraujoch station during an event of cloud formation. The upper graph shows the IN number concentration measured by FINCH at -17°C and 1.2 saturation ratio with respect to ice. Part (b) shows the CN number concentration measured for different size classes using a Grimm Optical Particle Counter (OPC) operated by the MPI Chemie Mainz by J.Schneider.

89 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

We have in total 40 hours of data measured at the total inlet. Futhermore we have IN and CCN data from one cloud event during which the air was sampled downstream of the Ice CVI (Counter flow Virtual Impactor) inlet (Meters et al. this issue). At this inlet position only the residuals of small ice crystals are sampled.During this cloud event FINCH measured ten times more CCN than IN. indicating that secondary ice production was effective in relativley fresh formed ice clouds. Acknowledgements This work has been performed within Project A1 of the Collaborative Research Centre (SFB) 641 “The Tropospheric Ice Phase”, funded by the German Science Foundation. We thank the European project EUSAAR for financial support of the measurement site. References U. Bundke, H. Bingemer, T. Wetter, B. Nillius, R. Jaenicke, The FINCH (Frankfurt Ice Nuclei Chamber) Counter - new developments and first measurements. 7th International Aerosol Conference September 10-15, 2006 St. Paul, MN, USA, p.1350 Hu, Y.X., Yang, P., Lin, B., Gibson, G., Hostetler, al.:,2003. Discriminating between spherical and non-spherical scatterers with lidar using circular polarization: A theoretical study, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 79– 80, 757–764

Key words: Ice Nuclei, Cloud physics, CLACE

Internet data bases:

Collaborating partners/networks: The CLACE community

Scientific publications and public outreach 2007: Refereed journal articles U. Bundke, H. Bingemer, B. Nillius, R. Jaenicke, T. Wetter, The Fast Ice Nucleus Chamber counter FINCH, J. Atm. Res. Submitted Sep 2007.

Book sections U.Bundke, H.Bingemer, B. Nillius, R. Jaenicke, T. Wetter, The FINCH (Fast Ice Nucleus Chamber counter), in Colin D.O.´Dowd, Paul Wagner (eds.), Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols, Springer, 440-444, 2007.

90 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Conference papers Klein, H.; Bingemer, H. G.; Bundke, U.; Wetter, T.Measurements of atmospheric ice nuclei using a vacuum diffusion chamber and CCD detection, EGU2007-A-08430 Nillius, B.; Bingemer, H.; Bundke, U.; Jaenicke, R.; Wetter, T., First Measurement Results of the Fast Ice Nucleus Counter FINCH, EGU2007-A-08681

Address: Institut für Atmosphäre und Umwelt Universität Frankfurt Altenhöferallee 1 D- 60348 Frankfurt am Main

Contacts: Dr. Ulrich Bundke Tel.:+49 69 798 40255 Fax: +49 69 798 40262 e-mail: [email protected] URL:

91 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

92 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Name of research institute or organization: Leibniz-Institut für Troposphärenforschung, Leipzig, Deutschland (IfT)

Title of project: Sampling and physico-chemical characterization of ice nuclei in mixed phase clouds

Project leader and team: Dr. Stephan Mertes, project leader Stephan Günnel, Peter Glomb, Stephan Nordmann, Patric Seifert

Project description: The nucleation of ice particles in middle and lower tropospheric clouds can initiate precipitation and change cloud radiative properties, thus affecting the climate forcing of tropospheric clouds. In the lower and middle troposphere heterogeneous nucleation which is triggered by a subset of atmospheric aerosol particles, named ice nuclei (IN), is the main process to initiate ice formation inside supercooled clouds. Field studies investigating the physico-chemical properties of ice nuclei in tropospheric mixed-phase clouds are needed to improve the understanding of heterogeneous ice nucleation. By means of the unique Ice-CVI sampling system it is feasible to extract particles that have nucleated ice particles in mixed-phase clouds for the determination of their physical and chemical properties. The analysis of the international joint field campaigns CLACE-4 (2005) and CLACE-5 (2006) at the high alpine research station Jungfraujoch using the novel Ice-CVI inlet generally showed that super-micron particles preferentially serve as IN, although in absolute terms the IN concentration is dominated by submicron particles. This finding is consistent with the qualitative identification of mineral dust, non-volatile organic matter and black carbon as IN components. However, the used instrumentation for the chemical IN characterization was either non-sensitive for refractory particles, or integral mass but not number related, or pure qualitative due to the low abundance of IN. Since the influence of heterogeneous ice formation on precipitation and radiative cloud properties is a number based phenomenon, it is the main objective at present to determine the chemical composition of single IN, and if possible, size resolved, quantitatively and with sufficient statistical significance. Therefore, it was the main goal to achieve a chemical single particle characterization of the ice nuclei sampled by means of the Ice-CVI during the field campaign CLACE-6 at the Jungfraujoch in February/March 2007. Thus, during this joint experiment, which was led for the second time by the German collaborative research centre TROPEIS, the Ice-CVI was coupled with the single particle mass spectrometers ATOFMS (ETH Zürich) and SPLAT (University of Mainz) and the single particle soot photometer SP-2 (University of Manchester). Further instrumentation for the characterization of IN was similar to CLACE-3, CLACE-4 and CLACE-5 (cf. activity reports 2004, 2005 and 2006). The residual mass spectra measured with SPLAT verify the dominance of mineral dust particles serving as IN. A first classification of the obtained mass spectra reveals that mineral dust (detected as Si) was found in 74 % of the identified ice particle residuals. 63 % of the residuals contained sulphate and 37 % of the residuals

93 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007 contained mineral dust and sulphate. The latter implies that half of the mineral dust particles had a sulphate coating most likely originating from the cloud condensation nuclei matter of frozen drops. The SPLAT mass spectra analysis of the background aerosol particles yielded that 15 and 85 % of these particles comprised mineral dust and sulphate, respectively. Thus, the mineral dust component was strongly enriched in the ice nuclei whereas sulphate was depleted. Another chemical element, which was detected quite often in the ice particle residuals by the coupling of Ice-CVI and SPLAT is lead (Pb) with a relative number contribution of 42 %. Although, this is less than the contribution of mineral dust, Pb seems to have a similar atmospheric IN efficiency, because the fraction of Pb containing particles of the total aerosol reservoir was measured to be only 9 %. Another approach was additionally carried out during CALCE-6 in order to obtain information about the dominating heterogeneous ice nucleation mechanism. Therefore, the IN-counter FINCH (University of Frankfurt) was connected downstream the Ice-CVI in order to study how many of the atmospheric IN that are coming out of the Ice-CVI as residual particles could be activated to ice particles inside FINCH. Fig.1 (left panel) shows a time series of IN number concentration measurements with FINCH at the 8th of March connected to the Ice-CVI (15:50- 16:26) and thereafter connected to the total inlet (16:28-16:50). Moreover, the temperature and the saturation ratio with respect to ice adjusted inside FINCH are given (the latter is most likely 20 % to high according to a revised calibration).

IN measurement at total inlet 2000 20 saturation ratio_ice 2.0 -10 -10 -1

temperature ) 1.8 -12 -1 -12 measurement at ice_CVI (enrichment ~5.5) 1600 IN ambient temperature 15 1.6 -14 -14 1200 1.4 -16 -16 10 1.2 -18 -18 800 1.0 -20 -20 temperature (°C) temperature

5 °C in temperature 0.8 saturation ratio (ice) -22 400 -22 IN number concentration (l concentration number IN

IN number concentrationl in 0.6 -24 -24 0 0 15:50:00 16:00:00 16:10:00 16:20:00 16:30:00 16:40:00 16:50:00 15:50 16:00 16:10 16:20 16:30 16:40 16:50 tim e time

Fig.1: Left panel: time series of IN number concentration measured with FINCH connected to the Ice- CVI and total inlet (change at 16:26) and adjusted temperature and saturation ratio with respect to ice inside FINCH. Right panel: simultaneous time series of IN number concentration sampled with the Ice-CVI and ambient temperature.

IN number concentration sampled by the Ice-CVI and ambient temperature are illustrated on the right side of Fig.1. The IN number concentration measured with FINCH downstream the Ice-CVI is not corrected for the CVI enrichment, which was 5.5, and thus the absolute mean value is about 1.2 L-1 (and not about 7 L-1 as indicated in the left hand side of Fig.1). The residual number concentration was much higher with about 760 L-1 although the ambient temperature was slightly higher than the FINCH chamber temperature. Indeed, residuals coming from ice particle fragments created by collisions of precipitating or wind-blown ice crystals could have been sampled that did not serve as ice nuclei. But as shown already during CLACE-3 these residual particles are small (< 50 µm) and do not account for more than 60 % of the complete residual particle concentration. Thus, this effect could by far not explain the discrepancy between the FINCH and Ice-CVI number concentration results, which is still at least a factor of hundred. It is more likely that this difference in number

94 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007 concentration is related to the heterogeneous ice nucleation processes. The Ice-CVI samples IN inducing all heterogeneous mechanisms whereas the heterogeneous ice particle formation inside FINCH is restricted to deposition and condensation freezing. Consequently, these processes seem to be negligible with respect to contact and immersion freezing of supercooled drops in the investigated clouds. Another finding visible from the left panel of Fig.1 is that FINCH detected the same amount of IN at the Ice-CVI and at the total inlet (taking into account the CVI enrichment factor) which is an independent indication that the Ice-CVI collects IN that induce ice particle formation via deposition and condensation freezing quantitatively.

Key words: aerosol cloud interactions, mixed-phase clouds, heterogeneous ice nucleation, ice nuclei

Internet data bases:

Collaborating partners/networks: Paul Scherrer Institute Villigen; ETH Zurich; Max Planck Institute Mainz; University of Mainz; Technical University of Darmstadt; University of Frankfurt; University of Manchester

Scientific publications and public outreach 2007: Refereed journal articles Cozic, J., B. Verheggen, S. Mertes, P. Connolly, K.N. Bower, A. Petzold, U. Baltensperger, and E. Weingartner, Scavenging of black carbon in mixed phase clouds at the high alpine site Jungfraujoch, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 7, 1797-1807, 2007.

Mertes, S., B. Verheggen, S. Walter, P. Connolly, M. Ebert, J. Schneider, K.N. Bower, J. Cozic, S, Weinbruch, U. Baltensperger, and E. Weingartner, Counterflow Virtual Impactor based collection of small ice particles in mixed-phase clouds for the physico-chemical characterization of tropospheric ice nuclei: Sampler description and first case study, Aerosol Sci. Technol., 41, 848-864, 2007.

Verheggen, B., J. Cozic, E. Weingartner, K.N. Bower, S. Mertes, P. Connolly, M. Gallagher, M. Flynn, T.W. Choularton, and U. Baltensperger, Aerosol partitioning between the interstitial and the condensed phase in mixed-phase clouds, J. Geophys. Res., 112, D23202, doi:10.1029/2007JD008714, 2007.

Cozic, J., S. Mertes, B. Verheggen, D. J. Cziczo, S. J. Gallavardin, S. Walter, U. Baltensperger, and E. Weingartner, Field observations of black carbon enrichment in atmospheric ice particle residuals suggesting a potential ice nucleating capability, J. Geophys. Res., submitted, 2007.

Conference papers Crawford, I., M. W. Gallagher, K. Bower, T. W. Choularton, P. Connolly, M. Flynn, B. Verheggen, E. Weingartner, and S. Mertes, Observations of phase transitions in mixed phase cloud during CLACE, EGU General Assembly 2007, Vienna, Austria, April 15-20, 2007.

95 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Weingartner, E., B. Verheggen, U. Lohmann, J. Cozic, M. Gysel, U. Baltensperger, S. Mertes, K. N. Bower, P. Connolly, M. Flynn, J. Crozier, M. Gallagher, H. Coe, S. Walter, J. Schneider, J. Curtius, S. Borrmann, A. Petzold, M. Ebert, A. Worringen, and S. Weinbruch, Aerosol partitioning in mixed-phase clouds, EGU General Assembly 2007, April 15-20, 2007. Schneider, J., S. Walter, J. Curtius, F. Drewnick, S. Borrmann, S. Mertes, E. Weingartner, M. Gysel, and J. Cozic, In-situ analysis of free tropospheric aerosol and small ice crystal residuals using a high resolution aerosol mass spectrometer (HR- ToF-AMS) at Jungfraujoch during CLACE 5, EGU General Assembly 2007, Vienna, Austria, April 15-20, 2007. Kamphus, M., M. Ettner-Mahl, F. Drewnick, J. Curtius, S. Mertes, and S. Borrmann, Chemical analysis of ambient aerosol particles and ice nuclei in mixed phase clouds by single particle laser ablation mass spectrometry, EGU General Assembly 2007, Vienna, Austria, April 15-20, 2007. Nilius, B., U. Bundke, R. Jaenicke, H. Bingemer, S. Mertes, and T. Wetter, First measurement results of the Fast Ice Nucleus Counter FINCH, EGU General Assembly 2007, Vienna, Austria, April 15-20, 2007. Weingartner, E., J. Cozic, B. Verheggen, M. Gysel, , S. Sjogren, U. Baltensperger, S. Mertes, K.N. Bower, P. Connolly, M. Flynn, J. Crosier, M. Gallagher, H. Coe, T. Choularton, D.J. Cziczo, L. Keller, H. Herich, C. Hoose, U. Lohmann, S. Walter, J. Schneider, J. Curtius, S. Borrmann, A. Petzold, M. Ebert, A. Worringen, and S. Weinbruch, Aerosol partitioning between interstitial and condensed phase in mixed- phase clouds. Aerosols - Properties, Processes and Climate (APPC). ESF - INTROP Conference, Crete, Greece, April 22-24, 2007. Weingartner, E., J. Cozic, B. Verheggen, U. Baltensperger, S. Mertes, S. Walter, J. Schneider, and J. Curtius, Impact of black carbon on climate: Interaction of soot containing particles with clouds. 15th ETH-Conference on Combustion Generated Nanoparticles, Zurich, Switzerland, August 13-15, 2007. Cozic, J., B. Verheggen, E. Weingartner, U. Baltensperger, S. Mertes, K. N. Bower, I. Crawford, M. Flynn, P. Connolly, M. Gallagher, S. Walter, J. Schneider, J. Curtius, and A. Petzold, Partitioning of aerosol particles in mixed-phase clouds at a high Alpine site, 17th International Conference on Nucleation & Atmospheric Aerosols, Galway, Ireland, August 13-17, 2007. Gysel, M., B. Verheggen, J. Cozic, E. Weingartner, K. Bower, S. Mertes, P. Connolly, M. Gallagher, M. Flynn, T. Choularton, and U. Baltensperger, Activation behaviour of aerosol particles in mixed phase clouds at the high alpine research station Jungfraujoch, Special Symposium on Atmospheric Observations and Advanced Measuring Techniques in the Remote Areas within the Asian Aerosol Conference 2007, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, August 26-29, 2007. Worringen, A., N. Benker, M. Ebert, F. Zimmermann, S. Mertes, E. Weingartner, and S. Weinbruch, Characterization of ice residuals from the CLACE 5 experiment, European Aerosol Conference (EAC), Salzburg, Austria, September 9-14, 2007. Schneider, J., S. Walter, J. Curtius, F. Drewnick, S. Borrmann, S. Mertes, E. Weingartner, M. Gysel, and J. Cozic, In-situ analysis of free tropospheric aerosol and small ice crystal residuals using a High Resolution Aerosol Mass Spectrometer (HR-

96 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

ToF-AMS) at the Jungfraujoch during CLACE 5, European Aerosol Conference (EAC), Salzburg, Austria, September 9-14, 2007. Weingartner, E., J. Cozic, B. Verheggen, M. Gysel, U. Baltensperger, S. Mertes, K. N. Bower, I. Crawford, M. Flynn, P. Connolly, M. Gallagher, T. W. Choularton, U. Lohmann, D. J. Cziczo, J. Schneider, S. Walter, J. Curtius, S. Borrmann, and A. Petzold, Partitioning of aerosol particles in mixed-phase clouds at a high alpine site, European Aerosol Conference (EAC), Salzburg, Austria, September 9-14, 2007. Data books and reports Mertes, S., and J. Heintzenberg, Collection of small ice particles by means of a novel counterflow virtual impactor system for the determination of microphysical and chemical properties of tropospheric ice nuclei, final report, German Research Foundation, reference number HE 939/17-1, 2007.

Mertes, S., Ice nuclei identification based on Ice-CVI measurements, Scientific Project Report, ACCENT, Access to Infrastructures, 2007.

Address: Leibniz Institut für Troposphärenforschung Permoserstrasse 15 D-04318 Leipzig Deutschland

Contacts: Stephan Mertes Tel.: +49 341 235 2153 Fax: +49 341 235 2461 e-mail: [email protected] URL:

97 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

98 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Name of research institute or organization: Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Biogeochemistry Department

Title of project: Investigation of the cloud condensation nucleus (CCN) activity of aerosol particles

Project leader and team: Ulrich Pöschl, Sachin Gunthe, Diana Rose

Project description: The influence of aerosols on clouds and precipitation is one of the central questions of current atmospheric and climate research. The activation of aerosol particles as cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) and its relation to other properties of aerosols from different sources and regions are, however, not yet well characterized. CCN are those particles onto which water vapor condenses to form cloud droplets at a given water vapor supersaturation. During the Cloud and Aerosol Characterization Experiment (CLACE 6) in February- March 2007, we measured CCN concentrations and efficiencies using a continuous- flow CCN counter (CCNC, DMT), differential mobility analyzer (DMA, TSI), and a condensation particle counter (CPC, TSI). Size-resolved CCN concentrations and effiencies (monodisperse aerosol) and total CCN concentrations (polydisperse aerosol) were recorded alternatingly in the particle size range of 20-250 nm and at water vapor supersaturations of 0.1-0.7 %. The instruments were connected to the total aerosol inlet. The basic processing and quality control of the measurement data have been completed successfully. Detailed analysis and interpretation of the results in combination with complementary physical and chemical aerosol parameters measured by the CLACE campaign partners are under way and expected to provide substantial new insight into the formation of clouds and the influence of aerosols on climate.

Key words: cloud condensation nuclei (CCN), droplet activation, water vapor supersaturation

Collaborating partners/networks: Paul Scherrer Instut, Villigen, Switzerland; Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Particle Chemistry Department; DFG-SFB 641 TROPEIS; CLACE 6 Team

Scientific publications and public outreach 2007: Refereed journal article D. Rose, G. P. Frank, U. Dusek, S. S. Gunthe M. O. Andreae, and U. Pöschl. Calibration and measurement uncertainties of a continuous-flow cloud condensation nuclei counter (DMT-CCNC): CCN activation of ammonium sulfate and sodium chloride aerosol particles in theory and experiment. Atmos Chem Phys Discuss, 7, 8193-8260, 2007.

Conference papers D. Rose, S. S. Gunthe, E. Mikhailov, G. P. Frank, U. Dusek, M. O. Andreae, and U. Pöschl. Calibration and measurement uncertainties of a continuous-flow cloud

99 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007 condensation nuclei counter (DMT-CCNC): CCN activation of ammonium sulfate and sodium chloride aerosol particles in theory and experiment. Geophys Res Abstr, 10, 07860, 2008. S. Gunthe, D. Rose, E. Mikhailov, P. Reutter, J. Trentmann, M. Simmel, M. O. Andreae, and U. Pöschl. Activation of aerosol particles with complex chemical composition as cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) in laboratory experiments, field measurements and model simulations. Geophys Res Abstr, 10, 09558, 2008. D. Rose, G.P. Frank, U. Dusek, M.O. Andreae, and U. Pöschl. Are the cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) properties in polluted air different from those in a remote region? Geophys Res Abstr, 9, 09452, 2007. D. Rose, G.P. Frank, U. Dusek, M. Gysel, E, Weingartner, S. Walter, J. Curtius, and U. Pöschl. Cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) concentrations and efficiencies on Jungfraujoch during the CLACE-5 campaign. Geophys Res Abstr, 9, 09627, 2007. D. Rose, G.P. Frank, U. Dusek, M.O. Andreae, and U. Pöschl. Are the cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) properties in polluted air different from those in a remote region? European Aersol Conference, Salzburg, 2007.

Address: Max Planck Institute for Chemistry Biogeochemistry Department J.-J.-Becherweg 27 55128 Mainz Germany

Contacts: Dr. Ulrich Pöschl Tel.: +49 6131 305 422 Fax: +49 6131 305 487 e-mail: [email protected]

100 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Name of research institute or organization: ETH, Zurich, Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science

Title of project: Studies of the Chemical Compostion of Aerosol in Mixed Phase Clouds

Project leader and team: Prof. Ulrike Lohmann, Dr. Daniel Cziczo, team leaders Hanna Herich, Livia Keller, Prof. Ulrike Lohmann

Project description: Aerosols, both natural and anthropogenic, are important factors with respect to the radiation budget of the atmosphere. Ice nuclei in mixed phase clouds are not sufficiently investigated. The high alpine research station on the Jungfraujoch is an ideal site to study mixed phase clouds. In order to investigate only ice nuclei in mixed phase clouds, a special inlet was applied. Droplets and interstitial particles are removed in this inlet, such that only ice particles of a certain size range remain in the sampling lines. The chemical composition of the ice residues was analyzed with a bipolar single particle mass spectrometer, the Aerosol Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer (ATOFMS, TSI Model 3800). Thus spectra for both polarities were optained simultaneously. In order to also investigate the ambient aerosols a total inlet was applied before the ATOFMS.The aerodynamic diameter of the ice nuclei detected in the mass spectrometer were found to range from approximately 0.14 µm to about 1.67 µm. The particles were found to be internally mixed. Compared to the background, a higher fraction of mineral dust, fly ash and metals was found in the ice residues. Outstanding compared to the background is also the discovery that there was hardly any sulfate present in the ice nuclei and if there was sulfate then mostly only traces. Furthermore, another interesting finding is the presence of rather strange particles containing phosphates. The origin of these particles is not yet known. Also, a quite large fraction of ice nuclei contained chlorine. These particles might contain sea salt or could origin form an industrial process involving sodium chloride or chlorine in another form. The particles measured were grouped according their assignment of their spectra. The largest fractions are from mineral dust, fly as or metal particles and from salt-like particles (contain sodium chloride). Furthermore, there were biomass burning particles and the above mentioned phosphates found. Another important property is the ability of an aerosol particle to take up water which can have an impact on aerosol optical properties and cloud formation. To date little is known about how aerosol water uptake depends on the chemical composition of the aerosol. In this study an in-situ measurement setup to determine the chemical composition of atmospheric aerosols as a function of hygroscopicity is presented. This has been done by connecting a custom-built Hygroscopicity Tandem Differential Mobility Analyzer (HTDMA) and an ATOFMS. Thus, single particle bipolar mass spectra from aerosols leaving the HTDMA could be obtained as a function of hygroscopic growth factor. For these studies the HTDMA was deployed at a relative humidity of 82% and particles with a dry diameter of 260 nm were selected. This novel setup was laboratory-tested with mixed hydrophobic and hygroscopic aerosols. Subsequently, several sets of field experiments were performed during the last year. One datasets was obtained during wintertime 2007 at the remote high alpine station

101 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Jungfraujoch. There, due to low particle concentrations, a long sampling period was required. During the measurements two different growth factor modes were observed. First results from this location show that most aerosols were generally internally mixed. A large contribution of organics and biomass combustion was found in the non-hygroscopic growth mode particles. Refractory material (e.g. metals, mineral dust, fly ash elements) was also highly enhanced in the non-hygroscopic particles. Sulfate was found to be a constituent in almost all particles independent of their growth factor.

Key words: Aerosol chemical composition, hygroscopicity, ice nucleation

Collaborating partners/networks: Pacific Northwest National Laboratories

Scientific publications and public outreach 2007: Conference papers Keller, L., Herich, H., Cziczo, D., and U. Lohmann, The composition of ice residue in clean mixed phase clouds, European Aerosol Conference, Salzburg, Austria; September 2007. Cziczo, D., Herich, H., Keller, L., and U. Lohmann, The Chemical Composition of Ice Nuclei in Ice and Mixed-Phase Clouds : Studies at a High Altitude Research Station in Switzerland, Washington State University Environmental Seminar Series, Pullman, WA, January 2008. Cziczo, D., Herich, H., Keller, L., and U. Lohmann, The Chemical Composition of Ice Nuclei in Ice and Mixed Phase Clouds”, University of Washington Atmospheric Science Colloquium, Seattle, WA, January 2008. Cziczo, D., Herich, H., Keller, L., and U. Lohmann, What have we learned about the indirect effect by studying aerosol composition?”, PNNL Atmospheric Science and Global Change Seminar, Richland, WA, January 2008. Cziczo, D., Herich, H., Keller, L., and U. Lohmann, A Comparison of Ice Nucleation in Ice and Mixed Phase Clouds”, International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics Meeting, Perugia, Italy, July 2007. Herich, H., Keller, L., Cziczo, D., and U. Lohmann, A Rapid In-Situ Technique for Aerosol Chemical Composition as a Function of Hygroscopic Growth, AGU, San Francisco, USA, December 2007.

Herich, H., Keller, L., Cziczo, D., and U. Lohmann, Aerosol Chemical Composition and Hygroscopic Growth - first results from field studies, ETH-Conference on Combustion Generated Nanoparticles, Zurich, Switzerland, August 2007.

Magazine and Newspapers articles D. J. Cziczo, A Nice Place To Ski, But How About To Study Clouds?, Particle Distributions (2007).

102 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Address: ETH-Zentrum Institut f. Atmosphäre und Klima CHN O 11 Universitätstrasse 16 8092 Zürich

Contacts: Prof. Ulrike Lohmann Phone: +41 44 633 05 14 E-Mail: [email protected]

103 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

104 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Name of research institute or organization: Technische Universität Darmstadt, Institut für Angewandte Geowissenschaften, Umweltmineralogie

Title of project: In-situ environmental scanning electron microscopic investigation of the ice nucleating abilities of aerosol particles from mixed-phase clouds from the CLACE 6 campaign

Project leader and team: Dr. Martin Ebert, Dr. Annette Worringen, Dr. Nathalie Benker, Dipl.-Met. Dörthe Müller-Ebert, Dr. Frank Zimmermann and Prof. Dr. S. Weinbruch (project leader)

Project description: The aerosol-cloud interaction processes in mixed-phase clouds were studied during the CLCE 6 campaign in February/March 2007 at the high alpine research station Jungfraujoch. During the CLACE 5 campaign we have performed individual particle analysis of ice residuals, which were sampled by an ice-counterflow virtual impactor (ice-cvi), developed by the Institute for Tropospheric Research in Leipzig (Mertes et al., 2007). The main focus of our electron microscopic work during CLACE 6 lies on the in-situ environmental scanning electron microscopic investigation of the ice nucleating abilities of ice resiudials sampled during the CLACE 6 campaign. Additionally, the single particle analysis approach is used for the chemical identification of the ice forming fraction and to characterize the remaining interstitial particle fraction of the total aerosol in mixed-phase clouds. For particle sampling we have used two self constructed 2-stage impactors (cut off diameters 0.9 µm and 0.06 µm) behind different inlet systems. The interstitial aerosol was sampled behind an interstitial inlet operated with a PM2 cyclone impactor. An ICE-CVI (Counterflow Virtual Impactor) inlet was used to sample resiudal particles of small ice nuclei (IN). For the electron microscopical analysis a FEI Quanta 200 FEG environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM) and a JEOL J3010 transmission electron microscope (TEM) each combined with energy dipsersive X-ray analysis (EDX) were used.

Pb-containing agglomerates The most obvious difference between IN- and interstitial-samples, observed in the CLACE 5 campaign, was the enhanced occurrence of Pb-containing particles in the IN-samples. These particles are predominantly internally mixed with (aged) sea salt, carbonaceous particles or silicates. Our observation of these lead-containing particles in the IN-fraction is in agreement with findings of other participants of the CLACE 5 campaign. As a possible source for the lead component in these particles aircraft emissions are assumed, because lead is still added as additive to avitation gasoline. The potential behaviour of Pb-containing particles as ice nuclei is discussed by Szymer and Zawadzki [1997].

105 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

The phase composition of the Pb containing particles could be identified with TEM. In Figure 1-left a section of an aged sea salt particle with small Pb-containing inclusions (black dots) are shown. The Pb inclusions are generally smaller than 10 nm (with a maximum at 5-6 nm), what prevents the direct phase determination of the Pb containing phase by selected area electron diffraction. According to high-resolution images in the TEM and “pseudo” electron diffraction patterns, obtained by Fourier transformation of the bright field images (see Figure 1-right), the predominant part of the Pb inclusions could be identified as PbS and in single cases as elemental Pb.

5 nm

Figure1: (left) TEM-bright field image; section of an aged sea salt particle with Pb- containing particles (black dots); (right) TEM-bright field image and „pseudo“ electron diffraction pattern of PbS inclusions.

First ice activation experiments First in-situ ice nucleating experiments in the ESEM of ice resiudial samples from the CLACE 6 campaign were performed. For this purpose IN samples (ice-CVI) were collected on silicon substrates. These samples were transferred in the environmental scanning electron microscope. Environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM) enables in-situ observation of interactions between water vapor and aerosol particles in the sub-micrometer range (e.g., Ebert et al., 2002). By varying the water partial pressure and using a Peltier element to realize temperatures below the freezing point it is possible to obtain supersaturated conditions relative to ice in the sample chamber of such an instrument (Zimmermann et al., 2007). Ice nucleation experiments of the CLACE 6 ice-CVI samples were performed at temperatures between -13 °C and -21°C. The temperature was changed in steps of 1K, and at each temperature the H2O vapor pressure was increased from subsaturation to supersaturation values (relative to ice). The special

106 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007 design of the vacuum system allows working pressures up to approximately 40 hPa in the sample chamber during imaging with secondary and backscattered electrons. The working pressure can be set by any non-flammable and non-corrosive gas including H2O. In our experiments, the total pressure in the sample chamber was always equal to the partial pressure of H2O, i.e., no other gas species was present inside the sample chamber. Prior to the ice nucleation experiments, the temperature of the Peltier element was calibrated by determination of the deliquescence relative humidity (DRH) of different salts (Ebert et al., 2002). In order to check that ice nucleation is initiated by the particles, an experiment with a pure silicon substrate (i.e., without particles) was performed. In this case, ice formation was not observed, even at high supersaturation values up to approximately 140 % (relative to ice). More details of the calibration procedures and ice nucleation experiments are given by Zimmermann et al. (2007).

sampling sampling particle Ice nucleation observed start end diameter -13°C -17°C -21°C (µm) 02/24/07 02/25/07 > 0.9 Yes Yes Yes 02/24/07 02/25/07 0.06 – 0.9 No No No 02/25/07 02/26/07 > 0.9 No No No 02/25/07 02/26/07 0.06 – 0.9 No No No 02/26/07 02/27/07 > 0.9 No No No 02/26/07 02/27/07 0.06 – 0.9 No No No 02/27/07 02/28/07 > 0.9 No No No 02/28/07 03/01/07 > 0.9 No No No 03/06/07 03/06/07 > 0.9 Yes Yes Yes 03/08/07 03/08/07 0.06 – 0.9 No No No 03/09/07 03/10/07 > 0.9 No No No

Table 1: Results of the in-situ ice nucleating experiments of ice residual samples from the CLACE 6 campaign.

In total 33 ice nucleating experiments of eleven IN samples (ice-CVI inlet system) at three different temperatures (-13°C, -17°C, and -21°C) were performed. Unexpectedly, ice nucleation could be observed only for 2 of these 11 samples (see Figure 2). For all other samples no growing ice crystals could be observed, even at supersaturation values (relative to ice) and temperatures of -21°C. It is important to notice in this context that in these ESEM in-situ ice nucleating experiments only ice formation by the condensation freezing and deposition freezing

107 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007 modes can be reproduced. Other ice forming processes like contact or immersion freezing are not possible to follow by this method. Further on, in some cases, activation of a particle is not reproducible, i.e., a particle that acted as an ice nucleus cannot be activated in further cycles (e.g., Soulage, 1957).

Figure 2: Reactivated ice residual particle from the CLACE 6 campaign (6th of March 2007).

References Ebert, M., M. Inerle-Hof, and S. Weinbruch, Environmental scanning electron microscopy as a new technique to determine the hygroscopic behaviour of individual aerosol particles, Atmos. Environ. 36, 5909-5916, 2002. Mertes S., B. Verheggen, S. Walter, M. Ebert, P. Conolly, E. Weingartner, J. Schneider, K. Bower, S. Weinbruch, J. Cozic, J. Heintzenberg, Counterflow virtual impactor based collection of small ice particles in mixed-phase clouds for the physico-chemical characterisation of tropospheric ice nuclei: sampler description and first case study, Aerosol Sci. Technol. 41, 9, 848-864, 2007. Soulage, G., Les noyaux de conge´lation de l’atmosphe` re, Annales de Geophysique 13, 103–134, 167–185, 1957. Szymer W. and I. Zawadzki, Biogenic and anthropogenic Sources of Ice-Forming Nuclei: A Review, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 1997, 209-228. Zimmermann F., M. Ebert, A. Worringen, S. Weinbruch, Environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM) as a new tool to determine the ice nucleation capability of individual aerosol particles, Atmospheric Environment 41, 8219-8227, 2007.

108 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Key words: Ice nuclei, ESEM, individual particle analysis, chemical composition

Collaborating partners/networks: Institut für Troposphären Forschung, Leipzig, Germany Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre, Johannes Gutenberg-University und Max-Planck Institut für Chemie, Mainz, Germany Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Scientific publications and public outreach 2007: Refereed journal articles Mertes S., B. Verheggen, S. Walter, M. Ebert, P. Conolly, E. Weingartner, J. Schneider, K. Bower, S. Weinbruch, J. Cozic, J. Heintzenberg, Counterflow virtual impactor based collection of small ice particles in mixed-phase clouds for the physico-chemical characterisation of tropospheric ice nuclei: sampler description and first case study, Aerosol Sci. Technol. 41, 9, 848-864, 2007. Zimmermann F., M. Ebert, A. Worringen, S. Weinbruch, Environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM) as a new tool to determine the ice nucleation capability of individual aerosol particles, Atmospheric Environment 41, 8219-8227, 2007. Conference paper Worringen, A., N. Benker, M. Ebert, F. Zimmermann, S. Mertes, E. Weingartner, and S. Weinbruch, Characterization of ice residuals from the CLACE 5 experiment, EAC Salzburg, 2007.

Address: TU-Darmstadt Institut für Angewandte Geowissenschaften Fachgebiet Umweltmineralogie Schnittspahnstr. 9 64287 Darmstadt

Contacts: Martin Ebert ([email protected])

109 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

110 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Name of research institute or organization: Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut (Royal Dutch Meteorological Institute)

Title of project: GLOBE Aerosol Monitoring project

Project leader and team: J.P. de Vroom T. Vlemmix P.F. Levelt (project leader)

Project description: The project is part of the satellite mission project OMI ( The project involves OMI aerosol optical thickness validation by undergraduate student measurements ( and These measurements are done with a LED-based, hand-held GLOBE Sun photometer. Main results are published in JGR (see reference section) Goal of work at Jungfraujoch was the Langley-plot calibration of the extraterrestrial constants for several GLOBE Sun photometers. This was done by clear sky measure- ments of direct sunlight at 508 and 625 nm at different solar zenith angles, i.e. at sun- rise and sunset.

Key words: Aerosol Optical Thickness, Calibration, Sun photometer, Education

Internet data bases:,

Collaborating partners/networks: SME Advies and Drexel University

Scientific publications and public outreach 2007: Refereed journal articles Boersma and De Vroom (2006): Validation of MODIS aerosol observations over the Netherlands with GLOBE student measurements, J. Geophys. Res., 111, D20311, doi:10.1029/2006JD007172. Contributed to measurements reported in JGR (to be published): The 2005 and 2006 DANDELIONS NO2 and Aerosol Intercomparison Campaigns.

111 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Presentations Vlemmix, T: yearly conference for teachers in geography Poster and Presentation on the GLOBE-aerosol project, KNAG (Koninklijk Nederlands Aardrijkskundig Genootschap / Royal Dutch Geographical Society) , Utrecht, 8/12/2006. Vlemmix, T: Poster and Presentation on the GLOBE-aerosol project, Conference for teachers in physics, Woudschoten, 15/12/2006. T.Vlemmix, E.J. Brinksma, P.F. Levelt, R. Braak, B. Veihelmann, and J.P. Veefkind: Presentation "The GLOBE-Aerosol monitoring Project at KNMI", 2007 EGU General Assembly, April 19, 2007, Vienna, Austria. Vlemmix, T: Presentation on results of GLOBE spring campaign, OMI Science Team conference, UMBC, Baltimore, 6/6/2007.

Magazine and Newspapers articles E.J.Brinksma, T.Vlemmix, P.F.Levelt: „Satellite validation by Students“, Dutch Magazine for Physics (Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Natuurkunde), March 2007 T.Vlemmix, E.J.Brinksma, J.P. de Vroom, P.F.Levelt: „Dutch Students contribute to OMI aerosol validation“, The Earth Observer (NASA), October 2007 Radio and television “start of the GLOBE aerosol measurement campaign”, news item, National Dutch Radio 1, October 2007. “start of the GLOBE aerosol measurement campaign”, news item, Rotterdam newspaper, October 2007.

Address: Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut Wilhelminalaan 10 3732 GK De Bilt The Netherlands

Contacts: Joris de Vroom Tel.: 0031-(0)30-2206 596 Fax: 0031- (0)30-2210 407 e-mail: [email protected] URL:

112 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Name of research institute or organization: Institute for Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences J.W.Goethe University Frankfurt

Title of project: Collection of large volume air sample

Project leader and team: PD Dr. Andreas Engel Johannes Laube

Project description: We have visited the Jungfraujoch Research station in order to collect a large volume whole air sample. This samples is intended to be used for the analysis of CO and H2, as well as halocarbons which can destroy ozone if transported into the stratosphere and as a long term reference gas for the measurements of such gases in our analytical laboratory. We have collected the sample cryogenically on December 12 on the terasse of the Sphinx observatory.

113 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Key words: Halocarbons, ozone depletion, hydrogen

Collaborating partners/networks: EMPA Dübendorf

Address: Institut für Atmosphäre und Umwelt J.W. Goethe Universität Frankfurt Altenhöferallee 1 D 60438 Frankfurt

Contacts: Andreas Engel Tel.: + 49 / 69 / 798 40259 Fax: + 49 / 69 / 798 40262 e-mail: [email protected] URL:

114 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Name of research institute or organization: Project SPAESRANE (Solutions for the Preservation of Aerospace Electronic Systems Reliability in the Atmospheric Neutron Environment)

Title of project: SPAESRANE environmental experiments

Project leader and team: A. M. Chugg, MBDA UK, SPAESRANE project manager A. J. Burnell, MBDA UK X. X. Cai, University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) K. Ford, QinetiQ A. Hands, QinetiQ S. Monk, University of Lancaster S. P. Platt, UCLan Z. Török, UCLan

Project description: A range of detectors to monitor cosmic-ray effects in electronics was deployed at the Jungfraujoch Sphinx between January 2006 and April 2007. These detectors were as follows: 1. An Imaging Single-Event Effects Monitor (ISEEM, University of Central Lancashire). This is a novel monitor based upon the use of a commercial charge- coupled device (CCD) sensor directly to image charge packets resulting from nuclear interactions in semiconductor devices. ISEEM was deployed between January 2006 and April 2007. 2. A Cosmic Radiation Effects and Activation Monitor (CREAM, QinetiQ). CREAM is a multichannel dosimeter providing time-resolved deposited energy measurements and calibrated against reference fields to provide radiobiological equivalent dose. CREAM has previously been deployed in a wide range of aircraft and spacecraft environments. CREAM was deployed at Jungfraujoch between January and August 2006. 3. An experiment comprising five Unibrain Fire-i scientific webcams (MBDA UK). This experiment was deployed at Jungfraujoch between January and May 2006. 4. A portable cosmic ray three-band neutron detector (Lancaster University). This spectrometer was deployed between November 2006 and April 2007. The aims of the experiments were to • Measure single-event effect (SEE)-inducing phenomena in the natural cosmic-ray field and compare with effects in accelerated test facilities. • Gather data for validation of atmospheric radiation models. • Reduce risk in the development of future advanced flight experiments for monitoring SEE-inducing phenomena in flight.

115 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

The experiments provided valuable data making significant progress towards these goals. For example, Figure 1 shows the differential charge-collection spectrum observed in ISEEM compared to that observed in the simulated cosmic-ray neutron test field at Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANSCE). The peak in the Jungfraujoch data is caused by α particles arising from radioactive contamination of the CCD packaging. This is not visible during accelerated testing, such as at LANSCE. Some discrimination between spurious events (due to contamination) and true events (due to cosmic rays) was achieved. Outside the region affected by spurious events the statistics of generated charge packets were consistent with those observed during accelerated testing. The mean true event rate in ISEEM was estimated to be 0.6 d−1. This was somewhat greater than predicted from extrapolations from accelerated test data informed by atmospheric radiation simulations, but insufficient for it to be possible to detect the December 2006 disturbances in the cosmogenic neutron field. We believe that long term exposure of a larger device would provide valuable data to benchmark accelerated testing for neutron-induced single-event effects. We estimate that a large-area CCD or a group of similar devices with a total active area of 14 cm2 would provide a useful dataset of about 10,000 events in about one year. We are working on developing such a system and on obviating the influence of radiactive contamination, and hope to deploy one or more monitors in suitable locations.

Figure 1: Differential charge collection spectra observed using ISEEM: Jungfraujoch and LANSCE compared

CREAM data gathered at Jungfraujoch are contributing to QinetiQ’s characteristaion and simulation of atmospheric radiation fields (for example see As a result of their successful observations of cosmic-ray events in webcams, MBDA UK have proposed a global cosmic-ray event network exploiting idle webcams. The raw spectrometer data is awaiting unfolding at Lancaster. These experiments contributed to a publication (in press) on the Lancaster spectrometer [1], and were the subject of two papers which were presented at the 9th European Conference on Radiation and its Effect on Components and Systems [2,3] and which are due to appear in the conference proceedings during 2008. The experiments contributed to a PhD thesis from the University of Central Lancashire which was sucessfully defended during 2007 [4]. Data from the

116 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007 experiments are contributing to continuing PhD projects at both UCLan and Lancaster.

Key words: Cosmic rays, neutrons, electronic system reliability, single-event effects

Internet data bases:

Collaborating partners/networks: University of Central Lancashire University of Lancaster MBDA UK QinetiQ

Scientific publications and public outreach 2007: Refereed journal articles [1] Monk S. D., Joyce M. J., Jarrah, Z., King, D., and Oppenheim, M., A portable energy-sensitive cosmic neutron detection instrument, Review of Scientific Instruments, in press Conference papers [2] Török, Z., Platt, S. P., and Cai, X. X., SEE-inducing effects of cosmic rays at the High-Altitude Research Station Jungfraujoch compared to accelerated test data, 9th European Conference on Radiation and its Effect on Components and Systems, RADECS 2007, Deauville, France, September 10-14, 2007, paper D-1 [3] Burnell, A. J. and Chugg, A. M., Webcam Observations of SEE Events at the Jungfraujoch Research Station, 9th European Conference on Radiation and its Effect on Components and Systems, RADECS 2007, Deauville, France, September 10-14, 2007, paper PD-1 Theses [4] Török, Z., Development of Image Processing Systems for Cosmic Ray Effect Analysis, PhD Thesis, University of Central Lancashire, 2007 Address: University of Central Lancashire School of Computing, Engineering and Physical Sciences Preston Lancashire PR1 2HE England

Contacts: Simon Platt Tel.: +44 1772 893341 Fax: +44 1772 892915 e-mail: [email protected] URL:

117 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

118 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Name of research institute or organization: Institute of Isotope Geology and Mineral Resources, ETH Zurich

Title of project: Cosmogenic 3He and 21Ne measured in artificial quartz targets after one year of exposure in the Swiss Alps

Project leader and team: Dr. Pieter Vermeesch, postdoctoral researcher Prof. Rainer Wieler, project leader

Project description: All currently used scaling models for Terrestrial Cosmogenic Nuclide (TCN) production rates are based on neutron monitor surveys. Therefore, an assumption underlying all TCN studies is that production rates are directly proportional to secondary cosmic ray intensities for all cosmogenic nuclides. Several efforts are underway to test this crucial assumption in the framework of the CRONUS-EU and CRONUS-Earth initiatives. The bulk of this work is done on lava flows of known age. In a complementary effort, we here present the first results of an alternative approach measuring, for the first time, cosmogenic 3He and 21Ne in artificial quartz targets after one year of exposure at mountain altitudes in the Swiss Alps.

The targets were inconel stainless steel tubes containing one kg of artificial quartz sand (250-500um), degassed for one week at 700C in vacuum prior to exposure. Quartz was used as the target material, as it is the most commonly used mineral for exposure dating and both cosmogenic helium and neon are produced and retained in the target container. Pre-exposure blank measurements revealed 21Ne- and 3He- concentrations of about 5e5 and 5e4 atoms per container, respectively. In August of 2006, two targets were exposed at each of five locations in Switzerland: Zurich (556m), Davos (1560m), Saentis (2502m), Jungfraujoch (3571m), and Monte Rosa (4554m). Additionally, a sixth set of two blank targets was stored in the basement of the noble gas laboratory at ETH-Zurich, ~15m below street level, and effectively shielded from all cosmic ray exposure. Exactly one year later, the targets were retrieved and measured in said lab.

Cosmogenic noble gases were measured at room temperature and 700C. Between 10 and 30% of the cosmogenic 3He was measured in the cold step, confirming earlier experiments indicating that 3He diffuses out of quartz at room temperature. The remaining 3He was released at 700C. No 21Ne was measured in the cold step, but >99% of the cosmogenic 21Ne was released at 700C, as evinced by a repeat measurement at 800C for the Monte Rosa target. At the time of writing, significant amounts of cosmogenic 3He was found in four of the five exposed targets, while a blank target showed an almost atmospheric composition. A leak in one of the targets (mount Saentis) precluded the 21Ne measurement, but by April 14, we will measure the duplicate target for this location, as well as the fifth and final target (Zurich), thus further improving the precision of our experiment before the EGU meeting.

As expected, the Monte Rosa target contained the highest cosmogenic nuclide contents, with 1.6e6 atoms of excess 3He and 4.3e5 atoms of excess 21Ne. After correction for blanks, shielding (roof + container wall), and solar modulation (five

119 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007 solar cycles), this corresponds to weighted mean production rates at sea level and high latitude of 55.2 +/- 2.7 a/g/yr for 3He and 16.9 +/- 1.9 a/g/yr for 21Ne (all errors are 2se). Assuming a 3H/3He branching ratio of 0.5, the long term 3He production rate would, thus, be ~110 a/g/yr. Given the unusually high solar activity during recent decades compared to the previous 11,000 years which, if corrected for, would slightly increase our production rates, these estimates agree extremely well with production rates derived from long-term exposure experiments at natural calibration sites.

The main goal of the artificial target experiment, however, was not to estimate accurate production rates, but to determine the production rate attenuation length. Because all our targets had an identical design and were exposed at identical conditions, all systematic errors should cancel out in the calculation of an attenuation length. Based on our preliminary results, the best estimates for the 3He and 21Ne attenuation lengths are 132 +/- 22 g/cm2 and 157 +/- 49 g/cm2 (2se), respectively, again agreeing very well with current scaling models. Thus, we see no evidence for an anomalously low attenuation length for the cosmogenic noble gases, as recently suggested by Amidon et al. [EPSL, 2008, vol 265, p. 287-301].

Key words: Cosmogic nuclides, artificial targets, quartz, 21Ne, 3He, attenuation length

Internet data bases:

Collaborating partners/networks: University of Bern, Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory

Scientific publications and public outreach 2007: Conference papers Vermeesch, P., HeberV., Strasky S., Kober, F., Schaefer, J., Baur, H., Schluechter, C., and Wieler, R., Cosmogenic 3He and 21Ne measured in artificial quartz targets after one year of exposure in the Swiss Alps, EGU fall meeting, Vienna.

Address: IGMR, ETH Zurich Clausiusstrasse 25, NW CH 8092 Zurich

Contacts: Pieter Vermeesch (presently at University of London, Birkbeck) Tel.: +44 20 7679 3406 e-mail: [email protected] URL: htpp://

120 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Name of research institute or organization: Physikalisches Institut, Universität Bern

Title of project: Neutron monitors - Study of solar and galactic cosmic rays

Project leader and team: Prof. Erwin Flückiger, project leader Dr. Rolf Bütikofer

Project description: The Cosmic Ray Group of the Division for Space Research and Planetary Sciences of the Physikalisches Institut at the University of Bern, Switzerland, operates two standardized neutron monitors (NM) at Jungfraujoch: an 18-IGY NM (since 1958) and a 3-NM64 NM (since 1986). NMs provide key information about the interactions of galactic cosmic radiation with the plasma and the magnetic fields in the heliosphere and about the production of energetic cosmic rays at the Sun, as well as about geomagnetic, atmospheric, and environmental effects. They ideally complement space observations. The NMs at Jungfraujoch are part of a worldwide network of standardized cosmic ray detectors. By using the Earth's magnetic field as a giant spectrometer, this network determines the energy dependence of primary cosmic ray intensity variations in the GeV range. Furthermore, the high altitude of Jungfraujoch provides good response to solar protons ≥ 3.6 GeV and to solar neutrons with energies as low as ~250 MeV. In 2007, operation of the two NMs at Jungfraujoch was pursued without major problems. No significant technical modifications were necessary. The recordings of the NM measurements are published in near-real time on the webpage ( In 2007 a proposal for a European Seventh Framework Program project (FP7) for building up a neutron monitor database in real-time was successfully submitted together with 10 European operators of neutron monitor stations. The new neutron monitor database will provide high time resolution neutron monitor data in real-time as well as deduced information from the neutron monitor measurements such as alert of solar cosmic ray events, galactic and solar cosmic ray flux near Earth (energy spectrum, information about anisotropy) and ionization and radiation dose rates in the Earth's atmosphere. Figure 1 shows the daily counting rates of the IGY NM for 2007. The counting rate increased slightly during the first months in 2007 and fluctuated about a more or less constant level afterwards. The yearly average count rate of 2007 is about 2% higher than in 2006. It is probable that the solar activity reached its minimum in 2007, and that the new solar activity cycle number 24 has started at the end of 2007 or will start at the beginning of 2008. In Figure 2 the measurements of the IGY neutron monitor at Jungfraujoch (lower panel) since the begin of measurements in 1958 are shown. This unique dataset reflects the variations of the primary cosmic radiation over four solar sunspot cycles. The galactic cosmic ray intensity shows an 11-year variation in anti- correlation with the solar activity characterized by the sunspot number plotted in the upper panel of Figure 2.

121 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Figure 1: Relative pressure corrected daily counting rates of the IGY neutron monitor at Jungfraujoch for 2007.

Figure 2: Smoothed sunspot numbers (top panel), pressure corrected monthly average counting rates of IGY neutron monitor at Jungfraujoch (bottom panel) for the years 1958-2007. The neutron monitor count rate is expressed in relative units with respect to May 1965.

In addition to the NMs, a device to measure environmental radioactivity has been in operation since 2002 in the housing of the NM64 by the Bern Cosmic Ray Group. In Figure 3 the monthly average radioactivity measurements with the radiation- monitoring unit GammaTRACER manufactured by Genitron Instruments GmbH,

1221 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Frankfurt am Main, Germany, are plotted together with the relative count rates of the Jungfraujoch neutron monitors for the time interval 2002-2007. All three measurements exhibit a similar intensity vs. time trend. In addition the NM64 neutron monitor and the dose rate measurements show seasonal variations. This can be explained by snow accumulations on and around the detector housing. At the location of the IGY on the roof terrace of the Sphinx building, which is exposed to strong winds, the wind blows the snow away from the roof and the surrounding of the detector housing. In addition the custodians at Jungfraujoch remove the snow from the roof of the IGY neutron monitor housing at least once per day. The NM64 detector housing, in contrast, is less exposed to winds, and therefore snow accumulation often occurs on the roof as well as around the detector housing. During springtime when the temperature increases, the falling snow is wet, and it is removed from the roof by wind to a lesser extent. Therefore the snow accumulation and the snow effect are most dominant during the spring season. In summer the temperature at Jungfraujoch during the daytime is mostly above the freezing point, and therefore the snow melts away again shortly after periods with snow fall. Therefore, the counting rates of the NM64 neutron monitor and the GammaTRACER often increase with the increasing temperatures (~ after the month of May). The dose rate and the count rate of the NM64 neutron monitor are strongly affected by the snow effect, although the detectors are sensitive to different radiations (GammaTRACER mainly measure photons and muons; neutron monitor measure almost exclusively neutrons).

Figure 3: Monthly average relative count rates of IGY and NM64 neutron monitor at Jungfraujoch (top panels) and monthly average dose rates measured by the GammaTRACER unit in the detector housing of the NM64 neutron monitor for the time interval 2002-2007.

123 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Key words: Astrophysics, cosmic rays, neutron monitors; solar, heliospheric and magnetospheric phenomena

Internet data bases:

Collaborating partners/networks: International Council of the Scientific Union's (ICSU) Scientific Committee on Solar- Terrestrial Physics (SCOSTEP) World Data Centers A (Boulder), B (Moscow), C (Japan), International GLE database

Scientific publications and public outreach 2006: Refereed journal articles Bütikofer, R., E.O. Flückiger, L. Desorgher, M.R. Moser, The Extreme Solar Cosmic Ray Particle Event on 20 January 2005 and its Influence on the Radiation Dose Rate at Aircraft Altitude, The Science of the Total Environment 391, 177-183, 2007

Conference papers Bütikofer, R., E.O. Flückiger, and L. Desorgher, Characteristics of Near Real-Time Cutoff Calculations on a Local and Global Scale, Paper 1032, 30th International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC-07, 3 - 11 July 2007, Merida, Yucatan, Mexico, 2007. Flueckiger, E.O., M.R. Moser, R. Buetikofer, L. Desorgher, and B. Pirard, A Parameterized Neutron Monitor Yield Function for Space Weather Applications, Paper 1182, 30th International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC-07, 3 - 11 July 2007, Merida, Yucatan, Mexico, 2007. Bütikofer, R., E.O. Flückiger, M.R. Moser, and L. Desorgher, Environmental Effects on the Neutron Monitor Measurements at High Altitudes as Observed at Jungfraujoch, BEOBAL conference, 21-25 March 2007, Gyulechitsa, Bulgaria, in Stamenov, J., Vachev, B. (eds.), Observatoire de Montagne de Moussala, 12, 64-71, 2007. Flückiger, E.O., R. Bütikofer, M.R. Moser, and L. Desorgher, The Cosmic Ray Ground Level Enhancements on January 20, 2005, and December 13, 2006, European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly, 16-20 April 2007, Vienna, Austria, 2007. Bütikofer, R., E.O. Flückiger, L. Desorgher, M.R. Moser, and B. Pirard, The Cosmic Ray Ground Level Enhancement on 13 December 2006, Solar Extreme Events 2007 (SEE 2007) International Symposium, Athens, Greece, September 2007. Address: Physikalisches Institut Universität Bern Sidlerstrasse 5 CH-3012 Bern

Contacts: Rolf Bütikofer Tel.: +41 31 631 4058 e-mail: [email protected] Fax: +41 31 631 4405 URL:

1241 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Name of research institute or organization: Department of Physics, University of Rome La Sapienza

Title of project: An orientable time of flight detector for cosmic rays

Project leader and team: Prof. Maurizio Iori, Dr. Antonino Sergi and Dr. Fabio Ferrarotto

Project description: During the 2007 we have done several tests on a detector prototype that will be used in a project named TAUWER that involves European and US Institutions [1] . The prototype working at the research station Jungfraujoch is capable to measure large zenith angle cosmic rays as well as an element of an orientable surface array of detectors to measure signature of Ultra High energy tau neutrinos using the Earth skimming strategy. In particular it is designed to study the shower front structure and the muon electron component as well discriminate the direction of the particles by time of flight; this is done by using a sampling ADC based on MATACQ, 2.5 µs at 1GS/s [1] that can be used also at trigger level to define the direction of the track. The tests made last year were related manly to test the new board MATACQ and measurement of cosmic ray flux between 80-90 degrees. The performances of these measurements were presented at the RICAP’07 Conferences and submitted for publication to Nuclear Instruments and Methods [3] .

Key words: Cosmic rays, tau neutrino

Collaborating partners/networks: University of Carnegie Mellon Pittsburgh USA

Scientific publications and public outreach 2007: Refereed journal articles [1] M. Iori et al. arXiv:astro-ph/0602108. [2] E. Delagnes, D. Breton, Echantilonneur analogique rapide grandeprofondeurmemoire,Frenchpatentn01-05607April26th 201. US patent 6,859,375 Feb 2nd 205: fast analog sampler with great memory depth. [3] M. Iori and A. Sergi astro-ph 0712.2445v1

Conference papers M. Iori and A. Sergi, An orientable time of flight detector for cosmic rays Proceedings RICAP’07 Conference, 20-22 Jun 2007 Submitted to Nucl.Instrum.Meth

125 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Address: Department of Physics University of Rome La Sapienza Piazza A. Moro 5 I-00185 Rome Italy

Contacts: Maurizio Iori Tel.: +39 06 49914422 Fax: + 39 06 4957697 e-mail: [email protected]

126 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Name of research institute or organization: 1 Institut und Poliklinik für Arbeits-, Sozial- und Umweltmedizin, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München 2 Viasys Healthcare GmbH, Würzburg 3 Pneumologie, Medizinische Klinik Innenstadt, Ludwig- Maximilians-Universität, München

Title of project: Acute exposure to hypobaric hypoxia: influence on combined lung diffusion capacity for NO and CO

Project leader and team: Holger Dressel1, Kristin Vierling1, Laura Filser1, Dorothea de la Motte1, Engelbert Kienle2, Werner Steinhäusser2, Rudolf M. Huber3, Dennis Nowak1, Rudolf A. Jörres1, Rainald Fischer3

Project description: Exposition to hypoxia in high altitudes leads to cardio-pulmonary adaptation processes with hyperventilation, increased pulmonary blood flow and edema formation. In principle the combined diffusion capacity for nitrogen monoxide (DLNO) and carbon monoxide (DLCO) can distinguish between changes of alveolo- capillary diffusion (DM) and pulmonary blood volume (Vc). Methods: We measured in 17 subjects (14 m, mean±SD age 39±9 years; FEV1 111±12 % predicted) DLNO and DLCO as well as the concentration of exhaled nitrogen monoxide (FENO) in Grindelwald Grund (height 940 m, M1) as well as immediately after travel to Jungfraujoch (height of 3454 m, M2) and after one night at Jungfraujoch (M3). For all time points, we evaluated vital capacity, arterial oxygen saturation, pulse rate and symptoms of the high altitude illness with the Lake Louis Score. Results: FENO did not show differences between the times M1, M2 and M3 (geometrical mean 27; 25; 25 ppb). Also DLNO and DM did not show any change over time and altitude (50,5; 50,2; to 50,4 mmol/min/kPa). In contrast, DLCO was significantly increased at altitude compared to low altitude (13,6; 14,9; 15,2 mmol/min/kPa). The same significant change was found for the quotient DLNO/DLCO. Regardless of the increase of the DLCO no difference in vital capacity resulted after conventional correction for the oxygen partial pressure. As shown previously, we found an increase in pulse rate and altitude related symptoms and a decrease in oxygen saturation (each p < 0.01). Conclusions: The data did not show a diffusion disturbance as a result of pulmonary or bronchial edema formation. We found also no signs of an increased pulmonary capillary blood volume. However this conclusion depends critically on the method of the altitude correction for DLNO.

127 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Key words: altitude, diffusion capacity, DLNO, DLCO, high altitude pulmonary edema

Scientific publications and public outreach 2007: Conference papers Holger Dressel, Kristin Vierling, Laura Filser, Dorothea de la Motte, Engelbert Kienle, Werner Steinhäusser, Rudolf M. Huber, Dennis Nowak, Rudolf A. Jörres, Rainald Fischer. Acute exposure to hypobaric hypoxia: influence on combined lung diffusion capacity for NO and CO. Accepted for oral presentation at the congress of the German society for environmental medicine, April, 2008.

Address: Div. Respiratory Medicine, Medizinische Klinik Innenstadt, University of Munich Ziemssenstraße 1, D-80336 Munich

Contacts: PD Dr. med. Rainald Fischer Ziemssenstrasse 1, 80336 München Tel +49 89 5160 7535 (Pforte -2111) Fax +49 89 5160 5491 Mobil +49 17 9329 9197 e-mail [email protected] Web

128 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Name of research institute or organization: Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois

Title of project: Fetal programming of hypoxic pulmonary hypertension

Project leader and team: Urs Scherrer, project leader, Claudio Sartori, Yves Allemann, Hervé Duplain, Jonathan Bloch, Stefano Rimoldi, Thomas Stuber, Susi Kriemler, Nils Staub, Anita Monney, Pierre Dessen, Rolf Vetter

Project description: Pulmonary hypertension is a syndrome of diverse etiology and pathogenesis. It is characterized by a persistent increase in pulmonary vascular resistance, potentially leading to right heart failure and death. Despite important advances in the understanding of the mechanisms underlying its pathogenesis, and new therapeutic approaches, the long-term prognosis for patients with pulmonary hypertension remains poor. A better understanding of the factors and underlying mechanisms predisposing to pulmonary hypertension remains an important challenge. Among the different forms of pulmonary hypertension, the one related to chronic hypoxia is the most frequent one. In line with Barker’s concept of a fetal programming of adult diseases, recent observations from our group suggest that in humans, pathologic events during the fetal and/or perinatal period predispose the offspring to pulmonary endothelial dysfunction, and, in turn, to exaggerated hypoxic pulmonary hypertension later in life. However, the underlying mechanisms remain unknown. During these studies at the high-altitude research laboratory Jungfraujoch, we are planning to confirm and expand these preliminary findings, by studying the pulmonary-artery pressure response to hypoxia in subgroups of adolescent children who had suffered from specific events during their fetal period that may have resulted in fetal programming of pulmonary hypertension. Moreover, we will test for underlying mechanisms that may be involved in the fetal programming of pulmonary hypertension, and predispose these adolescents to exaggerated hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction. This proposal is expected to provide important new insight into the role and underlying mechanisms of the fetal programming of hypoxic pulmonary hypertension. Furthermore, the translation of this new insight to clinical studies in high-altitude dwellers having suffered from pathologic events during their fetal/perinatal period, is expected to provide new tools for the prevention and the treatment of this frequent and potentially lethal cardiovascular disease. During the month of October 2007, we have studied 50 adolescent children at the research laboratory. The high-altitude studies have been completed without any incident. We are expecting to have the first results during the first semester of 2008.

Key words: Hypoxia, pulmonary hypertension, fetal programming, endothelial function

129 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Collaborating partners/networks: University of Berne, University of Basel, University of Galmorgan, CSEM Neuchâtel

Address: Department of Internal Medicine CHUV CH-1011 Lausanne

Contacts: Urs Scherrer Tel.: +41 21 314 0934 Fax: +41 21 314 0928 e-mail: [email protected]

130 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Name of research institute or organization: Respiratory Muscle Laboratory, Dept of Asthma, Allergy and Respiratory Science, King’s College London, UK

Title of project: Changes in neural respiratory drive and breathlessness during ascent to high altitude

Project leader and team: Dr Caroline Jolley, Dr Joerg Steier (project leaders), Dr Nic Cade, Mr Ben Walker, Prof John Moxham (principal investigator)

Project description: Between 24th-27th November 2007, we performed a series of investigations at the Jungfraujoch High Altitude Station as feasibility studies in preparation for the BREATHE expedition to Mt Aconcagua in January 2008. The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between respiratory drive and breathlessness at 3 increments of ascent to high altitude, and to make comparisons with the same measurements made at sea level. Specifically, we seek to answer the following question: does the relationship between levels of neural respiratory drive and exertional breathlessness change during ascent to altitude? This should provide data to further our understanding of differing symptomatic responses to hypoxic drive at high altitude, and our understanding of the physiology of breathlessness in general.

Neural respiratory drive was measured by quantifying the diaphragm electromyogram (EMGdi) recorded using a multipair oesophageal electrode catheter and surface recordings of the parasternal intercostal muscles. EMG activity was recorded continuously at rest (5-10 minutes), during a submaximal step test and an incremental cycle exercise in all 4 members of our research team (3 male, 1 female, age 27-34 years, all healthy subjects). Minute ventilation, oxygen saturation (pulse oximetry) and heart rate were also measured concurrently. Breathlessness was assessed using the Borg breathlessness scale at rest, and at each one minute of exercise and a 2- minute recovery phase. EMG signals were amplified and band-pass filtered between 10 Hz and 3 kHz (Biomedical amplifier Pclab-3808, Guangzhou Yinghui Medical), and acquired and digitised using a Powerlab analog-to-digital converter running Chart software (ADInstruments Pty Ltd, Castle Hill, Australia) at a sampling frequency of 2kHz. The recordings were stored for off-line analysis following post-acquisition band-pass filtering between 20Hz and 1kHz using Chart software. A Panasonic Toughbook CF28 laptop was used to acquire and store data. Examples EMG traces recorded at rest and at peak exercise are shown in figure 1.

The studies ran without complication and are, to the best of our knowledge, the first recordings of respiratory muscle EMG activity to be made using this technique at high altitude.

131 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Figure 1 Representative diaphragm EMG (EMGdi) traces recorded using a multipair oesophageal electrode catheter at rest and during a step exercise protocol. The increased amplitude of the EMGdi trace on exertion indicates increased neural respiratory drive. EMGdi units are microvolts.

Key words: Breathlessness, respiratory muscles, electromyogram, physiology, altitude

Address: King’s College London School of Medicine Denmark Hill Campus, Chest Unit Bessemer Rd London SC5 9RS / UK

Contacts: Dr. Caroline Jolley, Dr. Jörg Steier

132 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Name of research institute or organization: Labor für Radio- und Umweltchemie der Universität Bern und des Paul Scherrer Instituts

Title of project: Mercury behaviour in the seasonal snow cover VIVALDI (Variability in Ice, Vegetation, and Lake Deposits — Integrated), within the frame of NCCR Climate

Project leader and team: PD Dr. Margit Schwikowski Sarah M. Biner Manuel Schläppi Leonhard Tobler Michael Sigl

Project description: Mercury (Hg) exists in different forms in our environment and has a very complex geochemistry, summarized in the Hg cycle. Emission sources can be natural (e.g. soils, forests, volcanoes, lakes and open oceans) and anthropogenic (emissions from fossil fuel combustion, waste incineration and mining). Hg is highly toxic and can easily enter the food chain. Elemental Hg has a long residence time in the atmosphere and is globally distributed. The deposition back to the ground is just a matter of time. In order to estimate anthropogenic and natural emission sources in the past, natural archives such as glacier ice cores can be used. However, in the case of Hg, it is not clear if it is fully preserved in snow and ice. Schuster et al. (2002) reported a Hg profile from the Upper Fremont Glacier. The continuity of the Hg profile and the presence of various concentration peaks attributed to volcanic eruptions and anthropogenic activities were interpreted as an indication that Hg is preserved in ice. Another study from Lalonde et al. (2002) presented results that Hg is highly labile in snowpacks and could be rapidly reduced and re-emitted. The aim of this study was therefore to investigate Hg preservation in the seasonal snow cover at the high-alpine research station Jungfraujoch (3450 m a.s.l.). Snow pit samples and firn cores were collected at the Jungfraujoch in March, April, and June 2007. In addition, surface snow was sampled in August 2007 (Fig. 1). Hg concentrations were determined with cold vapour-atomic fluorescence spectrometry (CV-AFS, MERCUR, Analytik Jena). After melting, all Hg species in the liquid samples were oxidized to Hg2+ by adding BrCl-solution. Afterwards the excess of 2+ free halogens had to be neutralized with NH2OH*HCl. The dissolved Hg in the 0 liquid sample is reduced to Hg with SnCl2. Gaseous elemental Hg is purged by Ar from the solution and collected onto a gold trap for preconcentration. After thermal desorption Hg is transported to the fluorescence cell and detected (US EPA, 2001). Hg concentrations were in the lower ng/L (ppt) range where the analytical limit is reached (limit of determination: 1.2 ng/L). We could show that Hg is preserved in the seasonal snow cover, since the concentration profile observed in March could be recovered in April and June (Fig. 2). Hg fluxes during the overlapping time period showed no significant difference.

133 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Fig. 1: Photo of the sampling locations at the Jungfraujoch in August (31.08.07). The photo was taken from the Sphinx observatory. In the front the ski piste and traces of the snow cat can be seen.

Fig. 2: Hg concentrations in the firn core samples from March (red), April (blue) and June 2007 (green). Concentrations below the limit of determination were replaced by the determination limit. The data set for core April is blank corrected.

A particular loss of Hg was observed in the topmost snow layers during the exceptional conditions in August 2007 with rainfall during the first three days and strong solar irradiation on the last day (Fig. 3). We assume that the Hg is partly percolated with rain and melt water and the other part was re-emitted to the atmosphere due to photoreduction processes. The topmost cm of the surface snow layer showed elevated concentrations of Hg. This was also observed in March, April, and June, but cannot be explained yet.

134 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Fig. 3: Hg concentrations of surface snow samples from the Jungfraujoch. Concentrations below the limit of determination (all values for 31.08.07) were replaced by the determination limit.

Within the VIVALDI project the temperature-stable isotope relationship using the well-dated Colle Gnifetti ice core record has been investigated. Stable isotope records from ice cores are widely used to reconstruct past climate conditions especially in polar regions (Johnson et al., 2001), but increasingly also in mid-latitude high-alpine environments (Henderson et al., 2006). Temperature during condensation of water vapour leaves a fingerprint in the isotopic composition of precipitation, which can be used to decipher site temperature, applying methods of linear regression. For correlation studies we smoothed predictor and predictant with a 5-year moving average to deal with the dating uncertainty within the proxy data. The time period covered by our temporal calibration studies is 1865 to 2003. As suspected correlations where in general highest between climate variables and proxy between 1930 and 2003 indicating a better reliability in dating compared to time periods prior (Fig. 4). Surprisingly correlations between δ18O and mean temperature of months when accumulation takes place (e.g. Apr-Sep, Jun-Aug) are quite low. The highest correlations are observed with February temperature at the different climate stations.

135 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Fig. 4: Comparison between the δ18O ice core record (red line) and temperatures anomalies relative to 1901-2000 (meteorological stations Sion, Lago Gabiet, and Jungfraujoch).

Acknowledgement The access to the high-alpine research station Jungfraujoch is highly acknowledged. References Henderson et al., J. Geophys. Res., 111 (2006). Johnsen et al., J. Quat. Sci., 16 (2001). Schuster et al., Environ. Sci. Tech., 36, 2303–2310, (2002). Lalonde et al., Environ. Sci. Technol., 36, 174-178 (2002). United States Evironmental Protection Agency (US EPA), Method 1631 (2001).

Internet data bases:

Collaborating partners/networks: Markus Leuenberger, KUP, University of Bern. Martin Grosjean, Heinz Wanner, Geographical Institute, University of Bern.

Scientific publications and public outreach 2007: Refereed journal articles T.M. Jenk, S. Szidat, M. Schwikowski, H.W. Gäggeler, L. Wacker, H.-A. Synal, M. Saurer, Microgram level radiocarbon (14C) determination on carbonaceous particles in

136 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007 ice, Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. B 259, 518-525, doi:10.1016/j.nimb.2007.01.196 (2007). H. Reithmeier, M.Schwikowski, V.Lazarev, W.Rühm, H.W.Gäggeler, E.Nolte, Increase of 129I in the European environment, Chimia 61 (1/2), 283 (2007).

Address: Paul Scherrer Institut Labor für Radio- und Umweltchemie CH-5232 Villigen Switzerland

Contacts: Margit Schwikowski Tel.: +41 56 310 4110 Fax: + 41 56 310 4435 e-mail: [email protected] URL:

137 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

138 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Name of research institute or organization: Versuchsanstalt für Wasserbau, Hydrologie und Glaziologie (VAW), ETH Zürich

Title of project: Variations of the Grosser Aletschgletscher

Project leader and team: Dr. Andreas Bauder, project leader 2-4 coworkers, field assistants and support by the custodians

Project description: Long-term glacier observations have been carried out to document glacier variations of Grosser Aletschgletscher: - Since the 1880's the length changes at the glacier tongue were recorded annually. - Starting in September 1918, the firn accumulation and mass balance was measured on Jungfraufirn. These are the second longest time series of in-situ stake measurements. - Hydrological runoff measurements of the whole catchment area started in 1922. - Special high precision topographic maps covering the whole catchment area of the branched glacier system have been produced repeatedly in 1926/27 and 1957. These maps are complemented by an earlier map from 1880 and recent repeated surveys of aerial photographs (1980, 1999). In an ongoing project the length, area, volume, and mass changes are continuously observed applying modern remote sensing techniques as well as direct field measurements. Net volume changes are calculated by comparison of digital alevation models (DEM) derived from the existing maps and photogrammetrical analysis. A new method for the determination of the glacier wide mass balance has been developped merching available point-based observations with net volume changes and runoff measurements.

Figure: Evolution of snow and firn accumulation on Jungfraufirn (3350 m a.s.l.) during the past observation period of 2006/07

139 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Key words: Glacier measurements, firn accumulation, ice melt, volume change, mass balance

Internet data bases: gretscher

Collaborating partners/networks: Swiss Glacier Monitoring Network in collaboration with the Cryospheric Commission of the Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT), Federal Office for the Environment (BAFU)

Scientific publications and public outreach 2007: Refereed journal articles Bauder, A., M. Funk, and M. Huss, Ice volume changes of selected glaciers in the Swiss Alps since the end of the 19th century. Annals of Glaciology 46, 145-149, 2007 Conference papers Huss, M., D. Farinotti, A. Bauder and M. Funk, Grosser Aletschgletscher in the 21th century: Modelling glacier evolution and stream-flow runoff, 5th Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Genf, Switzerland, 17.11.2007 Data books and reports Bauder, A., R. Meister and D. Vonder Mühll, Messnetze der Kryosphäre: Schnee, Gletscher, Permafrost. Hydrologischer Atlas der Schweiz, Tafel 3.1. (2007) Public outreach Bauder A., "Die Schweizer Gletscher in einem sich verändernden Klima", Rotary- Club Schaffhausen, 8.1.2007 Bauder A., "Gletscherveränderungen in den Schweizer Alpen", Studienwoche Freie Waldorfschule Esslingen, Steingletscher, 18.7.2007

Address: ETH Zürich Versuchsanstalt für Wasserbau, Hydrologie und Glaziologie (VAW) Gloriastrasse 37/39 CH-8092 Zürich

Contacts: Andreas Bauder Tel. +41 44 632 4112 e-mail: [email protected] URL:

140 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Name of research institute or organization: Department of Geography, University of Zurich

Title of project: PERMASENSE & PERMOS: Measuring permafrost in Alpine rock walls

Project leader and team: Dr. Stephan Gruber, project leader Prof. Christian Tschudin, PERMASENSE principal investigator Dr. Daniel Vonder Mühll, PERMOS responsible Igor Talzi, PhD student (computer-science in PERMASENSE) Andreas Hasler, PhD student (geo-science in PERMASENSE)

Project description: In PERMASENSE we develop a wireless sensor network for permafrost monitoring. It should be reliable and fully operational under harsh environments. After the initial phase of PERMASENSE with a first deployment on Jungfraujoch in autumn 2006, diverse technical challenges have been identified. Proper network functionality could only be established for limited time and eventually near real-time data of the installed temperature and moisture sensors could only be gathered for some weeks in April and May 2007. While the general setup seems to cope well to the environmental conditions met on Jungfraujoch, synchronization and communication schemes are still subject to extensive testing in a testbed in Zurich. Once this test gives evidence for reliable and year long operation in high alpine Photo 1: PermaSense "protective rock faces, we undertake a new setup at shoe" mounted on a little rock spur. Jungfraujoch. This should latest be in In this steel housing, a wireless spring 2008 to acquire data from the communication node will be mounted thawing period of the rock surface layer. and protected from damage by falling The operation of conventional data rock or ice (photo: Stephan Gruber) loggers to monitor rock surface tem- peratures within PERMOS on the Jungfrau East Ridge, the west ridge of Mönch as well as the north and south faces of Eiger was again assured and data successfully gathered.

141 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Photo 2: Installation of a sensor node between the roof of the research station and the Sphinx Terrace. This node is part of a PermaSense wireless sensor network prototype (photo: Andreas Hasler).

Key words: Permafrost, ground temperatures, monitoring, wireless sensor networks, rock fall

Internet data bases:

Collaborating partners/networks: PERMOS, NCCR-MICS, TIC-ETHZ

Scientific publications and public outreach 2006: Refereed journal articles Gruber, S. and W. Haeberli, Permafrost in Steep Bedrock Slopes and its Temperature- Related Destabilization Following Climate Change. Journal of Geophysical Research 112, 2007. Talzi, I., A. Hasler, S. Gruber and C. Tschudin, Investigating Permafrost with a WSN in the Swiss Alps. Proceedings for EmNets-2007: 8-12. Cork, Ireland, June 25-26, 2007.

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Photo 3: Installation of temperature and conductivity sensors in the rock and ice face of the Sphinx (photo: Stephan Gruber).

Conference papers Hasler, A., I. Talzi, S. Gruber and C. Tschudin, First Experiences with Wireless Sensor Networks in Steep Bedrock Permafrost, European Geosciences Union, Vienna, Austria, April 15-20, 2007. Hasler, A. and S. Gruber, Quantifying the Non-Conductive heat transport in the Surface Layer of High Alpine Rock Faces, European Geosciences Union, Vienna, Austria, April 15-20, 2007. Tschudin, C. and I. Talzi, Turning Wireless Sensor Networks into a Science Grade Instrument, MICS newsletter, September 2007. Magazine and Newspapers articles “Un thermomètre pour mesurer la fièvre des Alpes“, l’Hebdo, p. 15, August 9, 2007. Noetzli, J., Vonder Mühll, D., Roer, I., Delaloye, R., Frei, C., Gruber, S., Haeberli, W., Hoelzle, M. & Phillips, M. (2007): Permafrost in den Schweizer Alpen 2004/05 und 2005/06. Die Alpen 9, 10-17. Radio and Television “Felssturz; wenn die Berge brüchig werden” Documentary on rockfall and permafrost with PERMASENSE between others, ZDF / 3sat Film, May 2007. “Messners Alpen” Part 3: “Vom Eiger zum Matterhorn” Documentary with a part on permafrost and natural hazards with Stephan Gruber, Uni Zürich, Schwenk Film GmbH, to be broadcast on different European TV channels in 2008.

143 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Address: Department of Geography University of Zurich Winterthurerstr. 190 CH-8057 Zurich, Switzerland phone: +41-1-635 51 46 fax: +41-1-635 68 41

Contacts: Stephan Gruber Tel.: +41-1-635 51 46 Fax: +41-1-635 68 41 e-mail: [email protected]

Andreas Hasler Tel.: +41-1-635 51 88 Fax: +41-1-635 68 41 e-mail: [email protected]

144 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Name of research institute or organization: Swiss Federal Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research SLF

Title of project: Permafrost in the Jungfrau East Ridge

Project leader and team: Dr. Marcia Phillips

Project description: Borehole temperatures are measured automatically in two 20 m boreholes in the the North and South sides of the Jungfrau East ridge, at an altitude of 3590 m ASL. The measurements deliver valuable information on the state of high alpine permafrost in rock walls. These react rapidly to climate change and if warming occurs, melting of the ice in the cracks and fissures of the rock can lead to rock wall instability. The boreholes are part of the PERMOS network (Permafrost Monitoring Switzerland), which includes boreholes in scree slopes, rock walls and rock glaciers at different altitudes in alpine permafrost terrain. The boreholes in the Jungfrau were drilled in 1995.

Key words: Mountain permafrost, active layer depth, frozen rock walls, borehole measurements

Scientific publications and public outreach 2007: Data books and reports Vonder Mühll et al. (2007) Permafrost in Switzerland. Glaciologicial Report (Permafrost) No. 4/5. 107p. Magazine and Newspapers articles PERMOS (2007). Permafrost in den Schweizer Alpen 2004/05-2005/06. Die Alpen, 9/2007, 26-33.

Address: Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research SLF Flüelastrasse 11 7260 Davos Dorf

Contacts: Marcia Phillips Tel.: +41 81 417 02 18 Fax: +41 81 417 01 10 e-mail: [email protected] URL:

145 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

146 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Name of research institute or organization: Bundesamt für Meteorologie und Klimatologie MeteoSchweiz

Title of project: The weather in 2007: Report for the International Foundation HFSJG

Report by: Stephan Bader and Mischa Croci-Maspoli

Project description: The atmospheric conditions in Switzerland during the first period of 2007 were characterized by a succession of breaking temperature records. Record breaking monthly mean temperatures have been recorded for January and April and in addition the winter and the spring experienced the highest temperature anomalies since the beginning of continuous measurements back in 1864. The weather conditions during summer were specified by frequently occurring thunder-storms. Heavy snowfall events at the end of autumn and beginning of winter brought an early snow cover in the mountains which resulted in significantly higher snow depths than during the long-term mean. Table 1 indicates the clear temperature surplus in 2007 compared to the long-term mean 1961-1990 in both the plains of the northern Alps and the high mountain areas. In Bern it was +1.3°C and at Jungfraujoch +1.4°C warmer than on average. Also the precipitation amounts in 2007 were higher than normal for both stations (respectively 112% and 126%).

Table 1: Comparison of temperature and precipitation in respect to the long-term mean 1961-1990 at the stations Jungfraujoch and Bern. Precipitation is expressed relative to the average amounts. Because precipitation is not measuered at Jungfraujoch, values from Kleine Scheidegg have been used instead.

Jungfraujoch Bern mean temperature - 6.5 °C + 9.5 °C deviation + 1.4 °C + 1.3 °C

precipitation 1771 mm 1291 mm relative to average 112 % 126 %

Extraordinary warm winter and spring The first three weeks of the year 2007 resembled typical conditions for a mild day in March or April rather than a winter day and also February 2007 was determined by mild air masses throughout the entire month. This ended in a surplus of 3°C for the entire winter, which reflects the warmest winter since the beginning of systematic temperature recording. At the station Jungfraujoch (Fig. 1) the second warmest winter has been recorded.

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Winter temperature Jungfraujoch 1937 - 2007 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14

temperature °C temperature -15 -16 -17 -18 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 year

Figure 1: Winter temperatures (1938-2007) measured at the Jungfraujoch station (homogeneous dataset). The winter 2007 (-10.1°C) indicates the second warmest winter during this measurement period.

The continuing warm conditions had also implications for the snow cover. Up to this end in particular the plains of the northern Alps as well as the northern Alps experienced below average snow fall. Finally, but only for a short intermezzo, winter reached Switzerland at the beginning of spring. It was on 22 March to the 23 March that various towns in the German part of Switzerland obtained a significant amount of snow with almost 30 cm whereas the northern Alps received up to 1 meter of fresh snow. Complete opposite conditions dominated the April 2007. Switzerland experienced the highest monthly mean temperatures on record. On average, the temperature anomalies reached 5.5°C and in higher altitudes they even obtained 6 - 7.5°C. These anomalous high temperatures exceeded the foregoing maximum by more than 1.5°C. Note, however that the anomalies at Jungfraujoch station were less

148 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Spring temperature Jungfraujoch 1937 - 2007 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11

temperature °C temperature -12 -13 -14 -15 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 year

Figure 2: Spring temperatures 1937-2007 measured at the Jungfraujoch station (homogeneous dataset). The spring 2007 (-7.7C) indicates together with spring 2003 the fourth warmest winter during this measurement period.

Switzerland not only experienced new temperature records but also an exceptional drought. In most of the country less then 30% of the normal precipitation amount was measured. The Ticino and Engadin got less than 20% and some parts of Switzerland got no precipitation at all during this month. It was primarily the exceptional warm April 2007 that contributed to a new temperature record for the spring season of about 3.3°C above the long-term mean. It is worth to mention that all of the succeeding seasons of autumn, winter and spring experienced a temperature anomaly of about 3°C respectively.

The summer 2007 – A stormy season Shortly after the beginning of the meteorological summer, the weather conditions put their worst instincts on display. The first 10 days in June 2007 were characterized by a multitude of thunderstorms spreading over entire Switzerland and causing considerable damage. During the evening of the 8 June 2007 the rain gauges registered 100 mm of rain within 1 to 2 hours in the Langeten catchment which is in the region of the Napf. It is assumed that local precipitation amounts even reached 200 mm. During this event, the river “Langeten” found a new path through the village Eriswil causing serious devastation and also flooded the village Huttwil. Only about two weeks later at the 21 and 22 June 2007, damage causing conditions hit the eastern part of the northern Alps including the northern flatlands. At the evening of the 20 June 2007 the gauges registered 21 mm of rain within 10 minutes in Chur. This high value has never been reached since the measurements had been started the year 1981. At the same evening powerful thunderstorms were also detected in central Switzerland. For instance the rain gauge “Alpthal” in the region of

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Einsiedeln recorded 73 mm of rain within one hour and that amount was responsible for serious devastation. One day later, in the morning of the 21 June 2007, a fast proceeding storm-front boomed across the flatlands of Switzerland from Lake Geneva to Lake Konstanz. The black cloud literally swallowed all the villages on its path and turned the day into night. Berne and Fribourg were hit by heavy showers including floods, stormy winds and several deracinated trees. Towards the east the precipitation amounts decreased slightly, however, the city of Zurich could not manage the vast amount of water. The streets were turning into rivers and the drainage system was desperately overloaded. The thunderstorms also did not stop in July. At the 19 July the Bernese Oberland was again hit by a large cell of heavy precipitation that eventually caught the region of Interlaken. Hail, with the size of a golf ball or even tennis ball, was responsible for considerable damage in the surrounding. And just the following day a heavy thunderstorm made street and train track impassable in the region of Brünig Pass. Finally in August the series of thunderstorms came, after two additional extreme events, to its end. First, a southwesterly flow configuration brought moist air from the Mediterranean sea towards the northern Alps and caused long-lasting wet conditions. Some regions of the midlands recorded extreme rain amounts resulting in critical flood conditions. Action forces were fighting against rivers that spill over from the region of Berne towards Aargau and Thur. Fortunately the situation relaxed before the real big damage started. Second, during the last days of August 2007, exceptional thunderstorms hit the Lake District, the Freibergen und the Bernes Jura. Within a very short period some of these areas recorded higher rain amounts than normal for the entire month. Accordingly the effects were obvious resulting in local land slides and floods. Note that the village Lyss has been hit again intensively and this accounts for already the third time during this summer. Due to the succession of three extraordinary wet summer months some parts of Switzerland, including the western and northwestern parts, experienced the wettest summer since recording in 1864.

Golden autumn and early winter The first weeks in October were characterized by mild conditions and clear views in the mountains. Temperatures reached almost 20°C in major parts of Switzerland and the northwestern part even got 22°C. After these days Switzerland got caught by cold polar air. The first harbinger of winter was still in October. At the 20 October 2007 a small but area-wide snow cover was measured along the central and eastern Alps at medium altitudes and some areas even got snowfall in the lowlands. Three weeks later Switzerland was hit by the first considerable winter outbreak. Within one week all central and eastern Alps were fully covered by snow and above 1000 asl the snow depth reached 50 – 100 cm. The snow showers didn’t stop in the following days, which denoted for some regions snow depths of up to 150 cm, whereas the eastern Bernes Oberland, the Gotthard region and parts of Grisons got 100 cm. Winter resorts could never open so early in the season.

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After a strong Föhn periode snow again Towards the end of November, a strong Föhn period wiped away almost the entire snow cover at lower altitudes. However, from the 9 to 12 December 2007 an additional snow period, this time including the Valais, with intensive snow falls and low temperatures let the snow depths again accumulate far above the long-term mean for this time of the year. Together with the sunny conditions in the second half of the December the ski areas experienced a perfect start into the winter season 2007/2008.

Figure 3: Time series of the daily mean temperatures in 2007 measured at the station Jungfraujoch. Color bars represent anomalies in respect to the long-term mean 1961- 1990 and red indicates positive and blue negative anomalies. The dashed lines represent the standard deviation.

Address: MeteoSchweiz Krähbühlstrasse 58 Postfach 514 CH-8044 Zürich

Tel. +41 44 256 91 11 URL:

151 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

152 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Research statistics for 2007 High Altitude Research Station Gornergrat

Astronomical Observatory Gornergrat South (KOSMA) Institute Country Person-working days I. Physikal. Institut, Universität zu Köln Germany 110 CEA Paris France 146 ETH Zürich Switzerland 8 University of Peking China 15 Total 279

Relative number of person-working days by country (KOSMA) Country Person-working days Germany 39.4% Switzerland 2.9% China 5.4% France 52.3%

Solar Neutron Telescope SONTEL Institute Country Person-working days Physikalisches Institut, Universität Bern Switzerland 15

Field campaigns Institute Country Person-working days VAW ETH Zürich Switzerland 300

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154 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Name of research institute or organization: I. Physikalisches Institut, Universität zu Köln, Radioastronomisches Institut, Universität Bonn

Title of project: KOSMA – Kölner Observatorium für Submm-Astronomie

Project leader and team: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Stutzki, observatory director Dr. M. Miller, station manager Universität zu Köln: H. Jakob, Dr. U.Graf, PD Dr. C. Kramer, Dr. R. Simon, PD Dr. V. Ossenkopf, Dr. M. Röllig. Universität Bonn: Prof. Dr. F. Bertoldi, Prof. Dr. U. Klein, P. Müller, J. Pineda.

Project description: The large scale distribution, physical and chemical conditions of the interstellar matter In 2007, the observatory was in operation for 3 months. In January and early February the group of Philippe Andre (CEA Paris) used the KOSMA telescope for 3 weeks to test a new version of the 450 µm Bolometer camera ARTEMIS. The camera was developed at the Astrophysics Division of the CEA/DAPNIA and the LETI/LIR of CEA in Grenoble (France). The detector is a 16x16 pixel array which is cooled to 300 mK. It is similar to the CEA detector PACS which is one of the three instruments used in the Herschel satellite. A series of tests were done on the Gornergrat KOSMA telescope. The recycling time of the 3He cooler could be extended to more then 24 hours. Three months later, the first wide-field maps were obtained with this prototype camera on APEX telescope on the Chajnantor plateau in Chile. In preparation for future observations on the NANTEN2 telescope on Pampa la Bola, Atacama desert, Chile, we updated the spectrometer control software (kosma_control). A new server for continuum observations was included. The multi backend server software was tested once more using the Acousto Optical Spectrometers (AOS) and the Digital Fourier Transform Spectrometer (DFT) of ETH Zürich in parallel mode. Under laboratory conditions we found that the linearity of the AOS is better than that of the DFT. But in astronomical observations with higher noise a difference in the amplitude of the lines cannot be seen clearly.

Within a one week observing period in beginning of November we tried to detect HNC(4-2), HCN(3-2), CO(3-2), and CO(2-1) in comet Holmes, which had a extremely strong outbreak two weeks before. The weather conditions were good for several days. The pointing was controlled by images done with the optical pointing telescope. But we could not detect any of the lines in the comets core. Observations of the Plateau de Bure Interferometer done at the same time showed an active region of the comet of 10”-20” only (dust and HCN emission). The beam filling factor for the KOSMA telescope was too small to detect a significant signal.

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In December 2007 we installed the upgraded array receiver SMART, a dual- frequency, 2x8 pixel array receiver operating at two frequency bands near 492 and 810 GHz, and KOSMA array Acousto Optical Spectrometers (AOS) as backends. SMART allows observations of both [CI]-lines and CO 7-6 simultaneously. It also allows for CO(4-3), 13CO(8-7) observations. The LO system of SMART is very different to the former one. We now use an amplifier chain of Virginia Diodes. A phase-lock loop and backshorts are no longer needed and thus allow for a much easier and faster tuning of the receiver. All parameters can be set remotely. This is very important for remote observations with SMART on the NANTEN2 telescope in Chile. We will use the winter season 2007/2008 to test the hardware and software of SMART and improve it if necessary. The transport to Chile is planned before beginning of the southern winter which is the best observing season.

Key words: Interstellar matter, ISM, PDR, millimeter, submillimeter wave telescope, SIS receiver, array receiver, bolometer, comet Holmes

Internet data bases:

Collaborating partners/networks: MPI für Radioastronomie Bonn, Institut für angewandte Physik, Universität Bern, ETH Zürich, Astrophysics Division of CEA Grenoble, France, Observatoire de Bordeaux, France, Astronomy Department Peking University, China, NANTEN2 Observatory, Pampa la Bola, Atacama, Chile (Nagoya and Osaka University)

Scientific publications and public outreach 2007: Refereed journal articles T.Kamiński, M. Miller, M. R. Tylenda, Observations of V838 Monocerotis in the CO rotational transitions, A&A 475, 569-574, 2007. T. Kamiński, M. Miller, R. Szczerba, R. Tylenda, Observations of V838 Mon and the Nearby Region in the CO J = 1→0, 2→1 and 3→2 Transitions, Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 363, 103, 2007. H. Jakob, C. Kramer, R. Simon, N. Schneider, V. Ossenkopf, S. Bontemps, U.U. Graf, J. Stutzki, The cooling of atomic and molecular gas in DR21, A&A 461, 999- 1012, 2007. K. Wang, Y. Wu, L. Ran, W. Yu, M. Miller, A search for massive stellar objects in early evolutionary phase, MNRAS, submitted, 2007. R. Xue, Y. Wu, A multi-wavelenghth study of the massive star forming region, ApJ, submitted, 2007.

Conference papers K. Sun, C. Kramer, B. Mookerjea, V. Ossenkopf, M. Röllig, J. Stutzki, Study of photon dominated regions in IC 348, Triggered Star Formation in a Turbulent ISM, edited by B. G. Elmegreen and J. Palous. Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union 2, IAU Symposium #237, held 14-18 August, 2006 in Prague, Czech Republic. Cambridge University Press, 477-477, 2007.

156 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Address: 1. Physikalisches Institut Radioastronomisches Institut Universität zu Köln der Universität Bonn Zülpicher Str. 77 Auf dem Hügel 71 D-50937 Köln D-53121 Bonn

Contacts: Jürgen Stutzki (observatory director) Tel.: +49 221 470 3494 Fax: +49 221 470 5162 e-mail: [email protected] Martin Miller (station manager) Tel.: +49 221 470 3558 Fax: +49 221 470 5162 e-mail: [email protected] URL:

157 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

158 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Name of research institute or organization: Physikalisches Institut, Universität Bern

Title of project: SONTEL – Solar Neutron Telescope for the identification and the study of high- energy neutrons produced in energetic eruptions at the Sun

Project leader and team: Prof. Erwin Flückiger, project leader Dr. Rolf Bütikofer

Project description: The solar neutron telescope (SONTEL) at Gornergrat, Switzerland, has been in continous operation since 1998 as the European cornerstone of a worldwide network for the study of high-energy neutrons produced in energetic processes at the Sun. Since 2002 the environmental radiation at Gornergrat has also been monitored by a conventional GammaTracer unit designed and manufactured by Genitron Instruments GmbH, Frankfurt, Germany. In 2007 the operation of SONTEL and of the GammaTRACER was continued. The radioactivity detector GammaTRACER had to be sent to the manufacturer in Germany for exchange of battery and re-calibration in June 2007. In the first half of 2007 several problems arose with the data-taking computers of SONTEL. Therefore it was decided to exchange the data-taking system. The new data archiving system consists now of only one personal computer based on the operating system Linux instead of two personal computers as before. With this new system the probability of a breakdown of the data-taking system could be reduced significantly. In the beginning of August 2007 lightning struck near the lab container at Gornergrat, causing total damage to some parts of the SONTEL electronics. It was not easy to find out which parts of the electronic were broken. After receipt of some spare parts from our Japanese colleagues it turned out that other parts had also been destroyed by the lightning. All in all SONTEL was not in operation for one month due to this incident. At the beginning of November 2007 we had problems with the internet connection to the data-taking computer. Due to this problem, SONTEL was again down for several days. The solar activity during 2007 was very low, and no solar flare candidates were observed that could have emitted a solar neutron flux observable at ground. We therefore present in this activity report an overview of the measurements by the GammaTRACER unit at Gornergrat. Figure 1 shows the daily averaged relative not pressure corrected count rate of the SONTEL proportional counters, the dose rate, and the atmospheric pressure at Gornergrat for 2007. The gaps in the data series are, as already mentioned above, due to a longer break in the operation of SONTEL in August 2007 and during seven days in November 2007, as well as to the revision of the GammaTRACER unit from 25 May to 20 July 2007. As some sections of the proportional counters show a clear temperature dependence, the data of these units were not included in this analysis, i.e. sections A-1, A-2, E-1, and E-2. The developing with time of the dose rate as well as the count rate of the SONTEL proportional counters are in anti-correlation with the atmospheric pressure. As expected from the difference in the volumes of the detectors, the count rates of the

159 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

SONTEL proportional counters has better statistics than the dose rate measured by the GammaTRACER unit. In Figure 2 the count rates of the SONTEL proportional counters are plotted versus the dose rate measured by the GammaTRACER unit in 2007. The time series are divided into two time intervals: 1 January – 25 May 2007 (before exchange of battery and recalibration of GammaTRACER, symbol +) and 10 September – 31 December 2007 (after exchange of battery and recalibration of GammaTRACER, symbol *). During both time intervals in 2007 the data points can be approximated by a linear regression fit. From Figure 1 and 2 it follows that after the recalibration, the GammaTRACER unit most likely gives a dose rate that is about 3.8 nSv/h or 2% higher than before the exchange of the battery at the mean dose rate of 189 nSv/h. This discrepancy is within the uncertainty of calibration of +/-6% given by the manufacturer. The analysis of the GammaTRACER data yields an average dose rate at Gornergrat of ~190 nSv/h, with a dependence on atmospheric pressure of ~1 nSv/h/mmHg.

Figure 1: Daily average values of the dose rate, of the relative not pressure corrected count rate of the proportional counters of SONTEL, and of the atmospheric pressure at Gornergrat for the time interval January - December 2007.

160 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Figue 2: Daily average dose rates measured by GammaTRACER versus daily average counting rates of SONTEL proportional counters in 2007. +: 1 January – 25 May 2007, *: 10 September – 31 December 2007.

Key words: Astrophysics, cosmic rays, solar neutrons

Internet data bases:

Collaborating partners/networks: Prof. Y Muraki , Prof. Y. Matsubara, Dr. T. Sako, Dr. H. Tsuchiya, Solar Terrestrial Environment Laboratory, Nagoya University, Nagoya 464-8601, Japan T. Sakai; Physical Science Lab., College of Industrial Technology, Nihon University, 2-11-1 shin-ei, Narashino-shi, Chiba 275, Japan Prof. A. Chilingarian, Cosmic Ray Divison, Yerevan Physics Institute, Yerevan, 375036, Armenia

Scientific publications and public outreach 2006: Refereed journal articles Muraki, Y., Y. Matsubara, S. Masuda, S. Sakakibara, T. Sako, K. Watanabe, R. Bütikofer, E.O. Flückiger, A. Chilingarian, G. Hovsepyan, F. Kakimoto, T. Terasawa, Y. Tsunesada, A. Velarde, P. Evenson, J. Poirier, T. Sakai, Detection of High-Energy Solar Neutrons and Protons by Ground Level Detectors, accepted for publication in Astroparticle Physics, 2007.

161 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Conference papers Matsubara, Y., Y. Muraki, T. Yuda, M.Ohnishi, H. Tsuchiya, Y. Katayose, R. Ogasawara, Y. Mizumoto, F. Kakimoto, Y. Tsunesada, A. Velarde, R. Ticona, T. Sako, N. Martinic, P. Miranda, J. Valdes-Galicia, L.X. Gonzalez, A. Hurtado, O. Musalem, K. Watanabe, T. Sakai, S. Shibata, E. Flueckiger, R. Buetikofer, A. Chilingarian, Y. Tan, Search for solar neutron associated with series of X-class flares during the declining period of solar cycle 23, 30th International Cosmic Ray Conference, 03 11 July 2007 in Mérida, México. Y. Muraki, Y. Matsubara, S. Masuda, T. Sako, S. Sakakibara, K.Watanabe, E. Flueckiger, R. Buetikofer, A. Chilingalian, G. Hovsepyan, F. Kakimoto, T. Terasawa, A. Veralde, T. Sakai, Simultaneous Detection of High-Energy Solar Neutrons and Protons at Chacaltaya Observatory on April 15, 2001, 30th International Cosmic Ray Conference, 03 11 July 2007 in Mérida, México.

Address: Physikalisches Institut Universität Bern Sidlerstrasse 5 CH-3012 Bern

Contacts: Rolf Bütikofer Tel.: +41 31 631 4058 Fax: +41 31 631 4405 e-mail: [email protected] URL:

162 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Name of research institute or organization: Versuchsanstalt für Wasserbau, Hydrologie und Glaziologie, ETH Zürich

Title of project: Jökulhlaups from Gornersee

Project leader and team: A. Bauder, H. Blatter, N. Deichmann, M. Funk, M. Huss, M. Lüthi, S. Sugiyama, P. Riesen, F. Walter and M. Werder

Project description: In the following report we give a short overview of our work done on Gornergletscher since 2004 (Huss et al., 2007, Sugiyama et al., 2007 and Sugiyama et al., submitted). Since 1970 we identified significant drainage events every year except for 1984, 1991 and 1995. Fig. 1a presents the evolution of the lake outburst timing showing an obvious trend.

Figure 1: (a) Evolution of lake outburst timing. The dots correspond to the date of the peak discharge. In 1984, 1991 and 1995 no drainage events could be found. Vertical bars (after 1970) show the duration of the drainage events. (b) Evolution of drainage volume. Error bars indicate the uncertainty range of the calculated values. Between 1950 and 2005 a shift of about two months has been observed, moving the expected date of the event from late August to late June. In contrast, the temporal evolution of drainage volume does not show an uniform trend. In addition to the year- to-year variability, long-term fluctuations of drainage volumes also occurred (Fig. 1b). Since only very limited direct observations exist, we do not know to what extent the volume fluctuations are caused either by changing the lake basin geometry or different filling levels of the lake. Seismic investigations were performed for locating and characterizing the sources of deep ice-quakes and understanding their role in the lake drainage process. During the summers 2004-2006 up to 24 seismometers were installed on the glacier ice (Fig. 2).

163 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Figure 2: (left) Seismic arrays and epicenters of deep ice-quake clusters detected in 2004 (red empty squares) and 2006 (red empty circles). Empty and solid triangles represent the 2004 and 2006 seismic stations, respectively. Additional deep borehole seismometers were installed at locations where dotted triangles are drawn. The blue solid line shows the 2004 lake outline. The black dot indicates the position of a borehole to the glacier bed equipped with a pressure sensor. The moulin into which the lake drained in 2006 is indicated by the circled dot. The contour lines correspond to the bed topography as determined by radio-echo sounding. The dotted line indicates the vertical cross-section path to show the hypocentral locations of the two 2004 ice-quake clusters (on the right of this figure). (Right): Hypocenters of the two 2004 clusters. The two black lines show the glacier surface and glacier bed. The crosses indicate the ice-quake locations and uncertainties thereof as determined by the arrival time inversion described in the text.

The analysis focused on three major aspects: Locations, source times and signal forms of the seismic signals. • Locations: Most deep ice-quakes occurred near the glacier bed, some were located at intermediate depths. The large majority of basal ice-quakes tend to cluster at distinct locations (Fig. 2). Two and five main basal clusters were found in the years 2004 and 2006, respectively. • Source times: The overall seismic activity increases during the warmest hours of the day. This is a result of melt water enhanced sliding yielding large deformation rates. The deep cluster ice-quakes, however, tend to occur in the early morning hours. Furthermore, no deep cluster ice-quakes were detected in the days following the initiations of the 2004 and 2006 lake drainages. Comparing these observations with the time series measured by pressure sensors in boreholes indicates that this type of ice-quakes preferentially occurs at low basal water pressures (Fig. 3).

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Figure 3: Basal water pressure as measured in the borehole close to the moulin into which the lake drained in 2006 (see Fig. 2). There is a low- pressure cutoff because the pressure sensor was located about 10 m above the bedrock. The pressure shows large diurnal fluctuations as a consequence of good connection to the sub-glacial drainage system. Immediately after lake overflow, the moulin was saturated resulting in high water pressures even during the night. Once the drainage system had adjusted to the large amount of lake-water input the pressure is again prone to large diurnal fluctuations. The source times of the ice-quakes of the nearby basal clusters are indicated by the red dots. The seismic activity seems almost exclusively limited to times of low basal water pressures, with no deep ice-quakes occurring during the time of the moulin saturation. • Signal forms: Seismic signals contain information about the source. In particular, the first arrivals of almost all deep cluster ice-quakes are exclusively compressive favouring tensile fracturing as a possible source. In order to rigorously characterize the source, numeric calculations of the seismic moment tensor are necessary.

These observations permit the following interpretation: The deep cluster ice-quakes appear to be due to large deformation rates of the basal ice layer. At falling water pressures, when sliding is inhibited, such large deformation rates may occur.

During the outburst event in July 2004, the ice surface moved vertically upward by up to 10 cm within a distance of 400 m from the lake. This suggests a separation of the glacier sole from the bed due to the intrusion of lake water. The largest surface upward motion was found in the zone where the ice floatation level was exceeded. This indicates that the seal broke as soon as the hydraulic potential line surpassed the level of the glacier bed. In addition to the afore-mentioned vertical displacement, the glacier surface was lifted up by 0.5-3 m within 100 m from the lake border. Moreover, the formation of a substantial englacial drainage could be observed in a

165 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007 borehole. This can be explained by an upward bend of the ice dam due to the buoyancy force, as illustrated in Fig. 4.

Figure 4: Schematic presentation of a possible triggering of the lake outburst. Due to the buoyancy force, the ice dam experienced a vertical displacement of up to 3 m. This caused the formation of englacial cracks with subsequent englacial drainage. Presumably, this englacial water flow triggered the sub-glacial drainage.

The englacial fracturing caused by the large upward displacement probably favored the initiation of the observed englacial lake water drainage. It is likely that the lake outburst was initiated by this englacial drainage, after which the sub-glacial water flow started in the basal opening caused by the upward bend of the marginal ice (Sugiyama et al., submitted).

References Huss M., Bauder A., Werder M., Funk M. and Hock R. (2007), Glacier-dammed lake outburst events of Gornersee, Switzerland, Journal of Glaciology, 53 (181), p. 189- 200. Sugiyama S., Bauder A. Weiss P. Funk M. (2007), Reversal ice motion during the outburst of a glacier-dammed lake on Gornergletscher, Switzerland, Journal of Glaciology, 53 (181), p. 172-180. Sugiyama S., Bauder A., Huss M. and Funk M. (submitted), Triggering and drainage mechanisms of glacier-dammed lake outburst in Gornergletscher, Switzerland, Journal of Geophysical Research.

166 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Address: VAW ETH Zürich Gloriastrasse 37/39 CH-8092 Zürich

Contacts: Prof. Dr. Martin Funk Tel. +41 44 632 4132 e-mail: [email protected]

167 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

168 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

The International Foundation HFSJG in the News

“Nachwuchstreffen im Sommer 2008: Atmosphärenforscher bereiteten Workshop in Interlaken vor”, Der Brienzer, Der Oberhasler, Echo von Grindelwald, Jungfrau- Zeitung, January 16, 2007. “Les mutations au Jungfraujoch”, Le Matin Bleu Genève, January 19, 2007. “Les glaciers suisses ont encore reculé”, Le Matin Bleu Lausanne, January 19, 2007. “Warum scheint in der Nacht plötzlich die Sonne?” Blick Online, February 11, 1007. “Die messen wie in Simbabwe”, Blick, February 13, 2007. “Messstation Jungfraujoch”, Umwelttechnik Schweiz, February 21, 2007. “Preparation of new banknote series for Switzerland: project to be pursued further with Swiss graphic artist Manuela Pfrunder”, communication from the Swiss National Bank, February 26, 2007. (Manuela Pfrunder incorporated the Sphinx in the design of the new CHF 200 note.) “Auch positive Klima-News vom Joch”, Berner Oberländer, Berner Zeitung Burgdorf und , Berner Zeitung Langenthal und Oberaargau, Berner Zeitung Stadt und Region Bern/Freiburg, Solothurner Tagblatt, March 9, 2007. “Feinstaub made in China auf dem Jungfraujoch”, Berner Oberländer, March 9, 2007. “Vom Joch kommen auch positive Nachrichten aus der Atmosphäre”, Thuner Tagblatt, March 9, 2007. “Erster Nachweis neuer Fluorkohlenwasserstoffe in der Atmosphäre”, Neue Produkte, Februar 28, 2007. “Trop cool”, Snowactive, March 10, 2007. “ ‘Spurnasen’ von EMPA auf dem Jungfraujoch”, Chemie plus / Labor flash, March 12, 2007. “Kurzinformationen Netzwerk für die Klimaforschung”, Der Gartenbau / L’Horti- culture, March 15, 2007. “Themen für die Jungfrau-Region”, Schlusblatt Aargau und Solothurn, March 16, 2007. “L’EMPA fait la chasse aux polluants en temps réel”, Le Temps, March 20, 2007. “Zwischen Himmel und Erde”, Walliser Bote, April 11, 2007. “Die Leute mit dem richtigen Riecher”, CASH, April 12, 2007. “ ‘Früherkennunssystem’ für neue halogenierte Luftschadstoffe“, Umwelttechnik Schweiz, April 25, 2007. “Europa beobachtet die Atmosphäre”, Umwelttechnik Schweiz, April 25, 2007. ProClim-Flash / News, April 2007, photo: research station Jungfraujoch as an important measurement station for reactive gases. “Alu-Podest für die Sternwarte Gornergrat”, technica, May 16, 2007. “Rekorde, Fantasie und Einzigartigkeit: vor der Generalversammlung der Jungfraubahn Holding AG”, Echo von Grindelwald, May 18, 2007.


International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

“Estrade en aluminium” La Revue Polytechnique, May 31, 2007. New podest at Gornergrat north. “Un hélicoptère perd sa charge!”, Le Nouvelliste, July 25, 2007. Report about the loss of experiment material used by the ETH Zürich in glacier research at Gornergletscher. “Leben auf dem Jungfraujoch”, Bödeliinfo, August 2007. “Wolkendoktor und Steinhorcher”, Beobachter, August 17, 2007. “Schwierige CO2-Bilanzierung”, September 28, 2007, Aargauer Zeitung / Aarau- Niederamt, Baden-Wettingen-Zurzach, Brugg-Windisch, Frick-Laufenburg-Rhein- felden-Möhlin, Gesamt Regio, Lenzburg-Seetal, Wohlen-Muri-Bremgarten- Mutschellen, Wynental-Suhrental-Zofingen, Zurzach-Aaretal; September 29, 2007, Limmattaler Zeitung; October 1, 2007, Luzerner Nachricht, Zofinger Tagblatt; October 2, 2007, Berner Rundschau, Grenchner Tagblatt, Langenthaler Tagblatt, Solothurner Zeitung, October 8, 2007, Basellandschaftliche Zeitung. “Branché sur les étoiles”, Le Nouvelliste, October 13, 2007. Interview with Erwin Flückiger at the celebration of the 100th anniversary of Kulmhotel Gornergrat. “Heute vor 70 Jahren”, Berner Oberländer, October 31, 2007. Article on the mete- orological observatory at Jungfraujoch inaugurated on October 31, 1937, as an addition to the research station that opened in 1931. “Klima: Schweizer Forscher top”, Sonntag Berner Rundschau, Sonntag AZ / Aarau- Niederamt, Baden-Wettingen-Zurzach, Brugg-Windisch, Frick-Laufenburg-Rhein- felden-Möhlin, Gesamt Regio, Lenzburg-Seetal, Wohlen-Muri-Bremgarten- Mutschellen, Wynental-Suhrental-Zofingen, Zurzach-Aaretal, Sonntag AZ Baselland- schaftliche Zeitung, Sonntag Grenchner Tagblatt, Sonntag Luzerner Nachrichten, Sonntag, Langenthaler Tagblatt, Sonntag Oltner Tagblatt, Sonntag Solothurner Zeitung, Sonntag Zofinger Tagblatt, November 11, 2007. “Photovoltaik”, H. Häberlin, hi Tech, das Magazin der Berner Fachhochschule – Technik und Informatik, December 2007. “Wie entstehen Wolken?” Connect (ETH Alumni) no. 11, November 2007. “Auf dem Jungfraujoch entsteht das höchste Sonnenkraftwerk”, SF1, Schweiz aktuell, December 19, 2007. „BE: su Jungfraujoch si installa impianto solare più alto al mondo”, “Auf dem Jungfraujoch entsteht die wohl welthöchste Solaranlage”, SDA/ATS, December 19, 2007. „Jungfraujoch-Sonne liefert viel Solarstrom“ News, Basel, Bern, Mittelland, Zürich, December 20, 2007. „Höchste Sonnenkraftwerk“, Der Brienzer, Der Oberhasler, Echo von Grindelwald, Jungfrau Zeitung, December 21, 2007 „Es regnet immer öfter“, interview with Joan and Martin Fischer, Berner Zeitung, December 31, 2007. „Auf dem Jungfraujoch gibt der Schnee den Felsen frei“, Berner Zeitung, December 31, 2007.


International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Publication list Refereed publications Bauder, A., M. Funk, and M. Huss, Ice volume changes of selected glaciers in the Swiss Alps since the end of the 19th century. Annals of Glaciology 46, 145-149. 2007. Brinksma, E. J., G. Pinardi, R. Braak, H. Volten, A. Richter, A. Schoenhardt, M. E. J. an Roozendael, C. Fayt, C. Hermans, R. J. Dirksen, T. Vlemmix, A. J. C. Berkhout, D. P. J. Swart, H. Oetjen, F. Wittrock, T. Wagner, O. W. Ibrahim, G. de Leeuw, M. Moerman, R. L. Curier, E. A. Celarier, W. H. Knap, J. P. Veefkind, H. J. Eskes, M. Allaart, R. Rothe, A. J. M. Piters, and P. F. Levelt, The 2005 and 2006 DANDELIONS NO2 and Aerosol Validation Campaigns, accepted for publication in J. Geophys. Res. (2007). Bundke, U., H. Bingemer, B. Nillius, R. Jaenicke, T. Wetter, The Fast Ice Nucleus Chamber counter FINCH, J. Atm. Res. Submitted Sep 2007. Bütikofer, R., E.O. Flückiger, L. Desorgher, M.R. Moser, The Extreme Solar Cosmic Ray Particle Event on 20 January 2005 and its Influence on the Radiation Dose Rate at Aircraft Altitude, The Science of the Total Environment 391, 177, 2007. Celarier, E.A., E.J. Brinksma, J.F. Gleason, P.F. Levelt, J.P. Veefkind, A. Cede, D. Ionov, F. Goutail, J-P. Pommereau, J-C. Lambert, M. Van Roozendael, G. Pinardi, and E.J. Bucsela, Overview of the Validation of Nitrogen Dioxyde Retrieved from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument, accepted for publication in J. Geophys. Res. (2007). Clerbaux, C., M. George, S. Turquety, K. A. Walker, B. Barret, P. Bernath, C. Boone, T. Borsdorff, J. P. Cammas, V. Catoire, M. Coffey, P.-F. Coheur, M. Deeter, M. De Mazière, J. Drummond, P. Duchatelet, E. Dupuy, R. de Zafra, F. Eddounia, D. P. Edwards, L. Emmons, B. Funke, J. Gille, D. W. T. Griffith, J. Hannigan, F. Hase, M. Höpfner, N. Jones, A. Kagawa, Y. Kasai, I. Kramer, E. Le Flochmoën, N. J. Livesey, M. López-Puertas, M. Luo, E. Mahieu, D. Murtagh, Ph. Nédélec, A. Pazmino, H. Pumphrey, P. Ricaud, C. P. Rinsland, C. Robert, M. Schneider, C. Senten, G. Stiller, A. Strandberg, K. Strong, R. Sussmann, V. Thouret, J. Urban and A. Wiacek, CO measurements from the ACE-FTS satellite instrument: data analysis and validation using ground-based, airborne and spaceborne observations, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 7, 15277-15340, 2007. Collaud Coen, M., E. Weingartner, S. Nyeki, J. Cozic, S. Henning, B. Verheggen, R. Gehrig, and U. Baltensperger (2007), Long-term trend analysis of aerosol variables at the high alpine site Jungfraujoch, J. Geophys. Res., 112, D13213, doi: 10.1029/2006JD007995. Cortesi, U., J.-C. Lambert, C. De Clercq, G. Bianchini, T. Blumenstock, A. Bracher, E. Castelli, V. Catoire, K. V. Chance, M. De Mazière, P. Demoulin, S. Godin- Beekmann, N. Jones, K. Jucks, C. Keim, T. Kerzenmacher, H. Kuellmann, J. Kuttipurrath, M. Iarlori, G. Y. Liu, Y. Liu, I. S. McDermid, Y. Meijer, F. Mencaraglia, S. Mikuteit, H. Oelhaf, C. Piccolo, M. Pirre, P. Raspollini, F. Ravegnani, W. J. Reburn, G. Redaelli, J. J. Remedios, H. Sembhi, D. Smale, T. Steck, A. Taddei, C. Varotsos, C. Vigouroux, A. Waterfall, G. Wetzel, and S. Wood, Geophysical validation of MIPAS-Envisat operational ozone data, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 7, 4807-4867, 2007.

171 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Cozic, J., B. Verheggen, E. Weingartner, J. Crosier, K. Bower, M. Flynn, H. Coe, S. Henning, M. Steinbacher, M. Collaud Coen, A. Petzold, U. Baltensperger, 2007. Chemical composition of free tropospheric aerosol for PM1 and coarse mode at the high alpine site Jungfraujoch, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 7, 12145-12184. Cozic, J., B. Verheggen, S. Mertes, P. Connolly, K.N. Bower, A. Petzold, U. Baltensperger, and E. Weingartner, Scavenging of black carbon in mixed phase clouds at the high alpine site Jungfraujoch, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 7, 1797-1807, 2007. Cozic, J., S. Mertes, B. Verheggen, D. J. Cziczo, S. J. Gallavardin, S. Walter, U. Baltensperger, and E. Weingartner, Field observations of black carbon enrichment in atmospheric ice particle residuals suggesting a potential ice nucleating capability, J. Geophys. Res., submitted, 2007. De Mazière, M., C. Vigouroux, P. Bernath, T. Blumenstock, C. Boone, V. Catoire, M. Coffey, P. Duchatelet, J. Hannigan, L. Harvey, N. Jones, E. Mahieu, G. Manney, C. Piccolo, C. Randall, C. Senten, K. Strong, J. Taylor, K. Walker, S. Wood, Validation of ACE v2.2 methane profiles from the upper troposphere to lower mesosphere, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Disc., Special Issue ‘Validation Results for the Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment (ACE)’, 7, 17975-18014, 2007. Derwent, R. G., P. G. Simmonds, B. R. Greally, S. O'Doherty, A. Mannning, A. McCulloch, S. Reimann, D. Folini, and M. K. Vollmer, 2007. The phase-in and phase-out of European emissions of HCFC-141b and HCFC-142b under the Montreal Protocol: Evidence from observations at Mace Head, Ireland and Jungfraujoch, Switzerland from 1994-2004, Atm. Environ., 41, 757-767. Gardiner, T., A. Forbes, P. Woods, M. De Mazière, C. Vigouroux, E. Mahieu, P. Demoulin, V. Velazco, J. Notholt, T. Blumenstock, F. Hase, I. Kramer, R. Sussman, W. Stremme, J. Mellqvist, A. Strandberg, K. Ellingsen and M. Gauss, Method for evaluating trends in greenhouse gases from ground-based remote FTIR measurements over Europe, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 7, 15781-15803, 2007. Gardiner, T., A. Forbes, P. Woods, M. De Mazière, C. Vigouroux, E. Mahieu, P. Demoulin, V. Velazco, J. Notholt, T. Blumenstock, F. Hase, I. Kramer, R. Sussman, W. Stremme, J. Mellqvist, A. Strandberg, K. Ellingsen, and M. Gauss, Method for evaluating trends in greenhouse gases from ground-based remote FTIR measurements over Europe, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 7, 15781-15803, 2007. Goldman, A., R.H. Tipping, Q. Ma, C.D. Boone, P.F. Bernath, P. Demoulin, F. Hase, M. Schneider, J.W. Hannigan, M.T. Coffey and C.P. Rinsland, On the line parameters 1 + 14 for the X Σ g (1-0) infrared quadrupolar transitions of N2, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, 103, 168-174, 2007. Greally, B. R., A. J. Manning, S. Reimann, A. McCulloch, J. Huang, B. L. Dunse, P. G. Simmonds, R. G. Prinn, P. J. Fraser, D. M. Cunnold, S. O'Doherty, L. W. Porter, K. Stemmler, M. K. Vollmer, C. R. Lunder, N. Schmidbauer, O. Hermansen, J. Arduini, P. K. Salameh, P. B. Krummel, R. H. J. Wang, D. Folini, R. F. Weiss, M. Maione, G. Nickless, F. Stordal, R. G. Derwent, 2007. Observations of 1,1- difluoroethane (HFC-152a) at AGAGE and SOGE monitoring stations 1994--2004 and derived global and regional emission estimates, J. Geophys. Res., 112, D06308, doi:10.1029/2006JD007527.

172 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Gruber, S. and W. Haeberli, Permafrost in Steep Bedrock Slopes and its Temperature- Related Destabilization Following Climate Change. Journal of Geophysical Research 112, 2007. Höpfner, M., T. von Clarmann, H. Fischer, B. Funke, N. Glatthor, U. Grabowski, S. Kellmann, M. Kiefer, A. Linden, M. Milz, T. Steck, G.P. Stiller, P. Bernath, C. E. Blom, Th. Blumenstock, C. Boone, K. Chance, M.T. Coffey, F. Friedl-Vallon, D. Griffith, J.W. Hannigan, F. Hase, N. Jones, K.W. Jucks, C. Keim, A. Kleinert, W. Kouker, G.Y. Liu, E. Mahieu, J. Mellqvist, S. Mikuteit, J. Notholt, H. Oelhaf, C. Piesch, T. Reddmann, R. Ruhnke, M. Schneider, A. Strandberg, G. Toon, K.A.Walker, T. Warneke, G. Wetzel, S. Wood and R. Zander, Validation of MIPAS ClONO2 measurements, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 7, 257-281, 2007. Huss M., Bauder A., Werder M., Funk M. and Hock R. (2007), Glacier-dammed lake outburst events of Gornersee, Switzerland, Journal of Glaciology, 53 (181), p. 189- 200. Jakob, H., C. Kramer, R. Simon, N. Schneider, V. Ossenkopf, S. Bontemps, U.U. Graf, J. Stutzki, The cooling of atomic and molecular gas in DR21, A&A 461, 999- 1012, 2007. Jenk, T.M., S. Szidat, M. Schwikowski, H.W. Gäggeler, L. Wacker, H.-A. Synal, M. Saurer, Microgram level radiocarbon (14C) determination on carbonaceous particles in ice, Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. B 259, 518-525, doi:10.1016/j.nimb.2007.01.196 (2007). Kamiński, T., M. Miller, R. Szczerba, R. Tylenda, Observations of V838 Mon and the Nearby Region in the CO J = 1→0, 2→1 and 3→2 Transitions, Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 363, 103, 2007. Kamiński, T., M. Miller, M. R. Tylenda, Observations of V838 Monocerotis in the CO rotational transitions, A&A 475, 569-574, 2007. Kerzenmacher, T., M. A. Wolff, K. Strong, E. Dupuy, K. A. Walker, L. K. Amekudzi, R. L. Batchelor, P. F. Bernath, G. Berthet, T. Blumenstock, C. D. Boone, K. Bramstedt, C. Brogniez, S. Brohede, J. P. Burrows, V. Catoire, J. Dodion, J. R. Drummond, D. G. Dufour, B. Funke, D. Fussen, F. Goutail, D. W. T. Griffith, C. S. Haley, F. Hendrick, M. Höpfner, N. Huret, N. Jones, J. Kar, I. Kramer, E. J. Liewellyn, M. López-Puertas, G. Manney, C. T. McElroy, C. A. McLinden, S. Melo, S. Mikuteit, D. Murtagh, F. Nichitiu, J. Notholt, C. Nowlan, C. Piccolo, J.-P. Pommereau, C. Randall, A. Richter, M. Schneider, O. Schrems, M. Silicani, G. P. Stiller, J. Taylor, C. Tétard, M. Toohey, F. Vanhellemont, T. Warneke, J. M. Zawodny, and J. Zou, Validation of NO2 and NO from the Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment (ACE), submitted to Atmospheric Chemistry and Physic, 2007. Levin, I., S. Hammer, B. Kromer and F. Meinhardt, 2007. Radiocarbon observations in atmospheric CO2: Determining fossil fuel CO2 over Europe using Jungfraujoch observations as background. Sci. Total. Environ., doi. 10.1016/ j.scitotenv.2007. 10.019. Mertes, S., B. Verheggen, S. Walter, M. Ebert, P. Connolly, E. Weingartner, J. Schneider, K. N. Bower, M. Inerle-Hof, J. Cozic, U. Baltensperger, and J. Heinzenberg (2007), Counterflow virtual impactor based collection of small ice particles in mixed-phase clouds for the physico-chemical characterisation of tropospheric ice nuclei: sampler description and first case study, Aerosol Science &

173 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Technology, 41, 848-864. Mertes, S., B. Verheggen, S. Walter, P. Connolly, M. Ebert, J. Schneider, K.N. Bower, J. Cozic, S, Weinbruch, U. Baltensperger, and E. Weingartner, Counterflow Virtual Impactor based collection of small ice particles in mixed-phase clouds for the physico-chemical characterization of tropospheric ice nuclei: Sampler description and first case study, Aerosol Sci. Technol., 41, 848-864, 2007. Monk, S. D., Joyce M. J., Jarrah, Z., King, D., and Oppenheim, M., A portable energy-sensitive cosmic neutron detection instrument, Review of Scientific Instruments, in press. Morland, J. and C. Mätzler, Spatial interpolation of GPS integrated water vapour measurements made in the Swiss Alps, Meteorological Applications, 14, 1, 15-26, 2007. Muraki, Y., Y. Matsubara, S. Masuda, S. Sakakibara, T. Sako, K. Watanabe, R. Bütikofer, E.O. Flückiger, A. Chilingarian, G. Hovsepyan, F. Kakimoto, T. Terasawa, Y. Tsunesada, A. Velarde, P. Evenson, J. Poirier, T. Sakai, Detection of High-Energy Solar Neutrons and Protons by Ground Level Detectors, accepted for publication in Astroparticle Physics, 2007. Neefs, E., M. De Mazière, F. Scolas, C. Hermans and T. Hawat, BARCOS an automation and remote control system for atmospheric observations with a Bruker interferometer, Rev. Sc. Instrum., 78, 035109-1 to -8, 2007. Payan, S., C. Camy-Peyret, H. Oelhaf, G. Wetzel, G. Maucher, C. Keim, M.Pirre, N. Huret, A. Engel, M. C. Volk, H. Kuellmann, J. Kuttippurath, U.Cortesi, G. Bianchini, F. Mencaraglia, P. Raspollini, G. Redaelli, C.Vigouroux, M. De Mazière, S. Mikuteit, T. Blumenstock, V. Velazco, J.Notholt, M. Mahieu, P. Duchatelet, D. Smale, S. Wood, N. Jones, C.Piccolo, V. Payne, A. Bracher, N. Glatthor, G. Stiller, K. Grunow, P.Jeseck, Y. Te, K. Pfeilsticker and A. Butz, Validation and data characteristics of methane and nitrous oxide profiles observed by MIPAS and processed with Version 4.61 algorithm, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 7, 18043-18111, 2007. Reithmeier, H., M.Schwikowski, V.Lazarev, W.Rühm, H.W.Gäggeler, E.Nolte, Increase of 129I in the European environment, Chimia 61 (1/2), 283 (2007). Rinsland, C.P., A. Goldman, J.W. Hannigan, S.W. Wood, L.S. Chiou and E. Mahieu, Long-term trends of tropospheric carbon monoxide and hydrogen cyanide from analysis of high resolution infrared solar spectra, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, 104, 40-51, 2007. Rinsland, C.P., R. Nassar, C.D. Boone, P.F. Bernath, L.S. Chiou, D.K. Weisenstein, E. Mahieu and R. Zander, Spectroscopic detection of COClF in the tropical and mid- latitude lower stratosphere, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, 105, 467-475, 2007. Rose, D., G. P. Frank, U. Dusek, S.S. Gunthe, M.O. Andreae, and U. Pöschl. Calibration and measurement uncertainties of a continuous-flow cloud condensation nuclei counter (DMT-CCNC): CCN activation of ammonium sulfate and sodium chloride aerosol particles in theory and experiment. Atmos Chem Phys Discuss, 7, 8193-8260, 2007. Ruckstuhl, C., R. Philipona, J. Morland and A. Ohmura (2007). Observed relationship between surface specific humidity, integrated water vapor, and longwave downward radiation at different altitudes. J. Geophys. Res., 112, D03302,

174 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007 Sjogren, S., M. Gysel, E. Weingartner, M. R. Alfarra, J. Duplissy, J. Cozic, J. Crosier, H. Coe, and U. Baltensperger (2007), Hygroscopicity of the submicrometer Aerosol at the high-alpine Site Jungfraujoch, 3580 m a.s.l., Switzerland, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 7, 13699-13732. Steinbacher, M., A. Fischer, M.K. Vollmer, B. Buchmann, S. Reimann, C. Hueglin, 2007. Perennial observations of molecular hydrogen (H2) at a suburban site in Switzerland. Atmospheric Environment, 41, 2111. Stemmler, K., D. Folini, M. K. Vollmer, S. O'Doherty, P. Simmonds, and S. Reimann, 2007. European emissions of HFC-365mfc, a chlorine-free substitute for the foam blowint agents HCFC-141b and CFC-11, Environ. Sci. Technol., 41, 1145- 1151. Sugiyama S., Bauder A. Weiss P. Funk M. (2007), Reversal ice motion during the outburst of a glacier-dammed lake on Gornergletscher, Switzerland, Journal of Glaciology, 53 (181), p. 172-180. Sugiyama S., Bauder A., Huss M. and Funk M. (submitted), Triggering and drainage mechanisms of glacier-dammed lake outburst in Gornergletscher, Switzerland, Journal of Geophysical Research. Talzi, I., A. Hasler, S. Gruber and C. Tschudin, Investigating Permafrost with a WSN in the Swiss Alps. Proceedings for EmNets-2007: 8-12. Cork, Ireland, June 25-26, 2007. Verheggen, B., J. Cozic, E. Weingartner, B. K. N. Bower, S. Mertes, P. Connolly, M. W. Gallagher, M. Flynn, T. Choularton, and U. Baltensperger (2007), Aerosol activation in liquid and mixed phase clouds at the high alpine site Jungfraujoch, J. Geophys. Res., 112, D23202, doi:10.1029/2007JD008714R. Verheggen, B., J. Cozic, E. Weingartner, K.N. Bower, S. Mertes, P. Connolly, M. Gallagher, M. Flynn, T.W. Choularton, and U. Baltensperger, Aerosol partitioning between the interstitial and the condensed phase in mixed-phase clouds, J. Geophys. Res., 112, D23202, doi:10.1029/2007JD008714, 2007. Vigouroux, C., M. De Mazière, E. Mahieu, P. Demoulin, P. Duchatelet, F. Hase, T. Blumenstock, I. Kramer, J. Mellqvist, A. Strandberg, V. Velazco, J. Notholt, R. Sussmann, W. Stremme, A. Rockmann, T. Gardiner, M. Coleman, P. Woods, K. Ellingsen, M. Gauss, and I. Isaksen, Evaluation of O3 tropospheric and stratospheric trends over Western Europe from ground-based FTIR observations, submitted to ACPD, UFTIR Special Issue, Dec. 2007. Vigouroux, C., M. De Mazière, Q. Errera, S. Chabrillat, E. Mahieu, P. Duchatelet, S. Wood, D. Smale, S. Mikuteit, T. Blumenstock, F. Hase and N. Jones, Comparisons between ground-based FTIR and MIPAS N2O and HNO3 profiles before and after assimilation in BASCOE, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 7, 377-396, 2007. Vollmer, M. K., N. Juergens, M. Steinbacher, S. Reimann, M. Weilenmann, B. Buchmann, 2007. Road vehicle emissions of molecular hydrogen (H2) from a tunnel study. Atmosperic Environment, 41, 8355-8369, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2007.06.037. Wang, K., Y. Wu, L. Ran, W. Yu, M. Miller, A search for massive stellar objects in early evolutionary phase, MNRAS, submitted, 2007. Wang, D.Y., M. Höpfner, C.E. Blom, W.E. Ward, H. Fischer, T. Blumenstock, F.

175 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Hase, C. Keim, G.Y. Liu, S. Mikuteit, H. Oelhaf, G. Wetzel, U. Cortesi, F. Mencaraglia, G. Bianchini, G. Redaelli, M. Pirre, V. Catoire, N. Huret, C. Vigouroux, M. De Mazière, E. Mahieu, P. Demoulin, S. Wood, D. Smale, N. Jones, H. Nakajima, T. Sugita, J. Urban, D. Murtagh, C.D. Boone, P.F. Bernath, K.A. Walker, J. Kuttippurath, A. Kleinbohl, G. Toon and C. Piccolo, Validation of MIPAS HNO3 operational data, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 7, 4905-4934, 2007. Wetzel, G., A. Bracher, B. Funke, F. Goutail, F. Hendrick, J.-C. Lambert, S. Mikuteit, C. Piccolo, M. Pirre, A. Bazureau, C. Belotti, T. Blumenstock, M. De Mazière, N. Huret, D. Ionov, M. López-Puertas, G. Maucher, H. Oelhaf, M. Sinnhuber, G. Stiller, M. Van Roozendael, and G. Zhang, Validation of MIPAS-ENVISAT version 4.61 NO2 data, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 7, 3261-3284, 2007. Xue, R., Y. Wu, A multi-wavelenghth study of the massive star forming region, ApJ, submitted, 2007. Zanis, P., A. Ganser, C. Zellweger, S. Henne, M. Steinbacher, J. Staehelin, 2007. Seasonal variability of measured Ozone Production Efficiencies in the lower free troposphere of Central Europe, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 7, 223-236. Zimmermann F., M. Ebert, A. Worringen, S. Weinbruch, Environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM) as a new tool to determine the ice nucleation capability of individual aerosol particles, Atmospheric Environment 41, 8219-8227, 2007.

Conference presentations / Posters Baltensperger, U., E. Weingartner, B. Verheggen, U. Lohmann, J. Cozic, M. Gysel, S. Mertes, K.N. Bower, P. Connolly, M. Flynn, J. Crosier, M. Gallagher, H. Coe, T. Choularton, S. Walter, J. Schneider, J. Curtius, S. Borrmann, A. Petzold, M. Ebert, A. Worringen, S. Weinbruch, Aerosol partitioning in mixed-phase clouds, European Geosciences Union (EGU), Vienna, Austria, April 15-20, 2007. Baltensperger, U., Physical properties and chemical composition of atmospheric aerosols, ESF - INTROP Workshop on Aerosols - Properties, Processes, Climate, Crete, Greece, April 21-24, 2007. Baltensperger, U.; CLACE Team, Aerosol Partitioning in Mixed-Phase Clouds. EGU2007-A-05268 Bond, S., Reimann, S., Vollmer, M. K., Steinbacher, Hill, M., Buchmann, B., Weilenmann, M., Sources and Sinks of Atmospheric H2 during the Transition to Hydrogen-based Transportation, Empa PhD Symposium 2007, Empa Akademie, Dübendorf, November 21, 2007. (Poster)

Bond, S., Vollmer, M. K., Sources and Sinks of Atmospheric H2 during the Transition to Hydrogen-based Transportation, CONCAWE, Brussels, November 5-6, 2007. Brockmann E., D. Ineichen, S. Schaer, U. Wild (2007): GNSS activities within the Automated GPS Network of Switzerland (AGNES). Poster Presentation at the Trimble 2007 GNSS Network Operator Seminar, Barcelona, May 29-30 2007. Brockmann E., D. Ineichen, S. Schaer, U. Wild (2007): GNSS activities within the Automated GPS Network of Switzerland (AGNES). Poster Presentation at the XXiV General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics in Perugia, Italy, July 2007.

176 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Brockmann E., M. Kistler, U. Marti, A. Schaltter, B. Vogel, A. Wiget, U. Wild (2007): National Report of Switzerland: New Developments in Swiss National Geodetic Surveying. In: Torres, J.A. and H. Hornik (Eds): Subcommission for the European Reference Frame (EUREF). London, June 6-8, 2007, EUREF Publication in preparation. Bundke, U., H.Bingemer, B. Nillius, R. Jaenicke, T. Wetter, The FINCH (Fast Ice Nucleus Chamber counter), in Colin D.O.’Dowd, Paul Wagner (eds.), Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols, Springer, 440-444, 2007. Burnell, A. J. and Chugg, A. M., Webcam Observations of SEE Events at the Jungfraujoch Research Station, 9th European Conference on Radiation and its Effect on Components and Systems, RADECS 2007, Deauville, France, September 10-14, 2007, paper PD-1. Bütikofer, R., E.O. Flückiger, and L. Desorgher, Characteristics of Near Real-Time Cutoff Calculations on a Local and Global Scale, Paper 1032, 30th International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC-07, 3 - 11 July 2007, Merida, Yucatan, Mexico, 2007. Bütikofer, R., E.O. Flückiger, L. Desorgher, M.R. Moser, and B. Pirard, The Cosmic Ray Ground Level Enhancement on 13 December 2006, Solar Extreme Events 2007 (SEE 2007) International Symposium, Athens, Greece, September 2007. Bütikofer, R., E.O. Flückiger, M.R. Moser, and L. Desorgher, Environmental Effects on the Neutron Monitor Measurements at High Altitudes as Observed at Jungfraujoch, BEOBAL conference, 21-25 March 2007, Gyulechitsa, Bulgaria, in Stamenov, J., Vachev, B. (eds.), Observatoire de Montagne de Moussala, 12, 64-71, 2007. Collaud Coen, M., E. Weingartner, R. Nessler, U. Baltensperger, Ambient single scattering albedo at the high alpine site Jungfraujoch, European Aerosol Conference (EAC), Salzburg, Austria, September 9-14, 2007. Cozic, J., B. Verheggen, E. Weingartner, U. Baltensperger, S. Mertes, K.N. Bower, I. Crawford, M. Flynn, P. Connnolly, M. Gallagher, S. Walter J. Schneider, J. Curtius, A. Petzold, Partitioning of Aerosol Particles in Mixed-Phase Clouds at a High Alpine Site, 17th International Conference on Nucleation & Atmospheric Aerosols, Galway, Ireland August 13-17, 2007. Crawford, I; Gallagher, M.W; Bower, K; Choularton, T.W; Connolly, P; Flynn, M; Verheggen, B; Weingartner, E; Mertes, S., Observations of phase transitions in mixed phase cloud during CLACE. EGU2007-A-08631. Cui J., Siegrist A., Kunz M., Sprenger M., Staehelin J., Steinbacher. M – Stratospheric intrusion and transatlantic transport events at Jungfraujoch in 2005: comparison and validation of FLEXPART and LAGRANTO; 2nd ACCENT symposium; Urbino, Italy; July 23 – 27, 2007. Curtius, Joachim chaired a special session on “the tropospheric ice phase” at the EGU General Assembly at Vienna in April 2007. Numerous talks and posters on CLACE results and measurements at the HFSJG were presented at this occasion. Cziczo, D. J.; Gallavardin, S. ; Herich, H. ; Keller, L. ; Lohmann, U., The Chemical Composition of Ice Nuclei in Mixed Phase Clouds. EGU2007-A-02720. Cziczo, D., Herich, H., Keller, L., and U. Lohmann, A Comparison of Ice Nucleation in Ice and Mixed Phase Clouds”, International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics

177 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Meeting, Perugia, Italy, July 2007. Dils B., Demoulin P., Folini D., Mahieu E., Steinbacher M., Buchmann B., de Maziere M. – Ground-based CO observations at the Jungfraujoch: Comparison between FTIR remote sensing and NDIR In Situ Measurements; 2nd ACCENT symposium; Urbino, Italy; July 23 – 27, 2007. Duchatelet P., E. Mahieu, P. Demoulin, M. De Mazière, C. Senten, P. Bernath, C. Boone and K. Walker, Approaches for retrieving abundances of methane isotopologues in the frame of the AGACC project from ground-based FTIR observations performed at the Jungfraujoch, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 9, 06948,2007.( Duchatelet P., E. Mahieu, P. Demoulin, P. Bernath, C. Boone, K. Walker, S. Wood and D. Smale, Determination of COF2 vertical distributions above Jungfraujoch by FTIR and multi-spectra fitting, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 9, 06906, 2007. ( Flückiger, E.O., R. Bütikofer, M.R. Moser, and L. Desorgher, The Cosmic Ray Ground Level Enhancements on January 20, 2005, and December 13, 2006, European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly, 16-20 April 2007, Vienna, Austria, 2007. Flückiger, E.O., M.R. Moser, R. Buetikofer, L. Desorgher, and B. Pirard, A Parameterized Neutron Monitor Yield Function for Space Weather Applications, Paper 1182, 30th International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC-07, 3 - 11 July 2007, Merida, Yucatan, Mexico, 2007. Folini, D., S. Ubl, P. Kaufmann – Modelling passive tracer transport to the high Alpine site Jungfraujoch, 6th International Conference on Urban Air Quality, Cyprus, March 27 – 29, 2007. Hasler, A. and S. Gruber, Quantifying the Non-Conductive heat transport in the Surface Layer of High Alpine Rock Faces, European Geosciences Union, Vienna, Austria, April 15-20, 2007. Hasler, A., I. Talzi, S. Gruber and C. Tschudin, First Experiances with Wireless Sensor Networks in Steep Bedrock Permafrost, European Geosciences Union, Vienna, Austria, April 15, 2007. Herich, H., Keller, L., Cziczo, D., and U. Lohmann, A Rapid In-Situ Technique for Aerosol Chemical Composition as a Function of Hygroscopic Growth, AGU, San Francisco, USA, December 2007. Herich, H., Keller, L., Cziczo, D., and U. Lohmann, Aerosol Chemical Composition and Hygroscopic Growth - first results from field studies, ETH-Conference on Combustion Generated Nanoparticles, Zurich, Switzerland, August 2007. Herich, H., L. Kammermann, B. Friedman, E. Weingartner, M. Gysel, U. Baltensperger, A. Arneth, T. Holst, D. Gross, U. Lohmann, D.J. Cziczo, A rapid in- situ technique for aerosol chemical composition as a function of the hygroscopic growth: results from urban, remote and polar field sites, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, December 10-14, 2007. Herich, H., L. Kammermann, D. Cziczo, E. Weingartner, M. Gysel, U. Baltensperger, U. Lohmann, Proc. Aerosol Chemical Composition and Hygroscopic Growth - first results from field studies, 11th ETH-Conference on Combustion Generated

178 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Nanoparticles, ETH Zürich, August 13-15, 2007. Hoose, C., U. Lohman, E. Weingartner, Aerosol Processing in Mixed-Phase Clouds, IUGG XXIV General Assembly, Perugia, Italy, July 2-13, 2007. Huss, M., D. Farinotti, A. Bauder and M. Funk, Grosser Aletschgletscher in the 21th century: Modelling glacier evolution and stream-flow runoff, 5th Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Genf, Switzerland, 17.11.2007. Ineichen, D., E. Brockmann, S. Schaer (2007): Enhancing the Swiss Permanent GPS Network (AGNES) for GLONASS. In: Torres, J.A. and H. Hornik (Eds): Subcommission for the European Reference Frame (EUREF). London, June 6-8, 2007, EUREF Publication in preparation. Kaiser, A., Scheifinger, H. Spangl, W., Weiss, A., Gilge, S. Fricke, W., Ries, L., Cemas, D. Jesenovec, B., „Transport of nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide and ozone to the Alpine Global Atmosphere Watch stations Jungfraujoch (Switzerland), Zuspitze and Hohenpeissenberg (Germany), Sonnblick (Austria) and Mt. Krvavec (Slovenia). A contribution to the GAW-DACH co-operation, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2007 Vienna, Austria, 15 – 20 April 2007. Kammermann, L., H. Herich, D.J. Cziczo, M. Gysel, E. Weingartner, U. Lohmann, U. Baltensperger, Proc. Hygroscopic Growth and Chemical Composition - First Results from Combined Measurements with a HTMDA and an ATOFMS, 11th ETH Conference on Combustion Generated Nanoparticles, ETH Zürich, August 13-15, 2007. Kamphus, M., Ettner-Mahl, M., Drewnick, F., Curtius, J., Mertes, S., Borrmann, S., Chemical analysis of ambient aerosol particles and ice nuclei in mixed phase clouds by single particle laser ablation mass spectrometry. EGU2007-A-06109 Keller, L., Herich, H., Cziczo, D., and U. Lohmann, The composition of ice residue in clean mixed phase clouds, European Aerosol Conference, Salzburg, Austria; September 2007. Klein, H., Bingemer, H. G., Bundke, U., Wetter, T., Measurements of atmospheric ice nuclei using a vacuum diffusion chamber and CCD detection. EGU2007-A-08430 Mahieu E., P. Duchatelet, P. Demoulin, C. Servais, M. De Mazière, C. Senten, C.P. Rinsland, P. Bernath, C.D. Boone and K.A. Walker, Retrievals of HCN from high- resolution FTIR solar spectra recorded at the Jungfraujoch station, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 9, 07059, 2007. ( Mahieu, E., P. Duchatelet, R. Zander, S.W. Wood, D. Smale, R. Ruhnke, M. Wiehle, C.P. Rinsland and P. Demoulin, Recent evolution of stratospheric inorganic chlorine (Cly) inferred from long-term ground-based FTIR observations of HCl and ClONO2, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 9, 10392, 2007. ( Matsubara, Y., Y. Muraki, T. Yuda, M.Ohnishi, H. Tsuchiya, Y. Katayose, R. Ogasawara, Y. Mizumoto, F. Kakimoto, Y. Tsunesada, A. Velarde, R. Ticona, T. Sako, N. Martinic, P. Miranda, J. Valdes-Galicia, L.X. Gonzalez, A. Hurtado, O. Musalem, K. Watanabe, T. Sakai, S. Shibata, E. Flueckiger, R. Buetikofer, A. Chilingarian, Y. Tan, Search for solar neutron associated with series of X-class flares during the declining period of solar cycle 23, 30th International Cosmic Ray

179 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Conference, 03 11 July 2007 in Mérida, México. Miedaner, M.M.; Huthwelker, T.; Enzmann, F.; Kersten, M.; Ammann, M.; Stampanoni, M., On the kinetics of trapping air bubbles and salt precipitates during freezing of diluted salt solution droplets. EGU2007-A-11488. Muraki, Y., Y. Matsubara, S. Masuda, T. Sako, S. Sakakibara, K.Watanabe, E. Flueckiger, R. Buetikofer, A. Chilingalian, G. Hovsepyan, F. Kakimoto, T. Terasawa, A. Veralde, T. Sakai, Simultaneous Detection of High-Energy Solar Neutrons and Protons at Chacaltaya Observatory on April 15, 2001, 30th International Cosmic Ray Conference, 03 11 July 2007 in Mérida, México. Nillius, B.; Bingemer, H.; Bundke, U.; Jaenicke, R.; Wetter, T., First Measurement Results of the Fast Ice Nucleus Counter FINCH EGU2007-A-08681. Pappalardo G., Jens Bösenberg, Aldo Amodeo, Albert Ansmann, Arnoud Apituley, Lucas Alados Arboledas, Dimitris Balis, Christine Böckmann, Anatoly Chaikovsky, Adolfo Comeron, Volker Freudenthaler, Georg Hansen, Valentin Mitev, Doina Nicolae, Alexandros Papayannis, Maria Rita Perrone, Aleksander Pietruczuk, Manuel Pujadas, Jean-Philippe Putaud, Francois Ravetta, Vincenzo Rizi, Valentin Simeonov, Nicola Spinelli, Dimitar Stoyanov, Thomas Trickl, Matthias Wiegner - EARLINET- ASOS: European Aerosol Research Lidar Network-Advanced Sustainable Observation System - American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting 2007, January 2007, S. Antonio, Texas, USA. in print. Philipona, R. Declining aerosols – solar brightening – and the rapid temperature rise in Europe since the 1980s. 7th EMS Annual Meeting, San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Spain, October 01 – 05, 2007. Philipona, R. Solar brightening over Europe – a consequence of strong aerosol decline – is coming to an end. IUGG XXIV General Assembly, Perugia, Italy, July 2 – 13, 2007. Raupach, S.M.F; Curtius, J.; Vössing, H.J.; Borrmann, S., Groundbased digital in situ holography of large atmospheric particles in mixed phase clouds at the alpine site Jungfraujoch. EGU2007-A-06566. Reimann S., M. K. Vollmer, M. Steinbacher, D. Folini, M. Hill, B. Buchmann – Long-Term Monitoring of Greenhouse Gases at Jungfraujoch, Climate Change Committee Working Group I Meeting, Ispra, Italy, March 08 – 09, 2007. Reimann, S., M. K. Vollmer – On the usage of VOCs for determination of processes in the background atmosphere, 4th ACCENT T&TP Barnsdale Expert Meeting, Barnsdale, UK, November 05 – 07, 2007. Reimann, S., M. K. Vollmer, D. Folini, M. Steinbacher, A. Manning, S. O'Doherty – On the use of continuous atmospheric measurements at background sites for the assessment of regional sources of greenhouse gases in Europe, 8th International Conference on Emissions Monitoring, Duebendorf, Switzerland, September 05 – 07, 2007. Rose, D., G.P. Frank, U. Dusek, M. Gysel, E, Weingartner, S. Walter, J. Curtius, and U. Pöschl. Cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) concentrations and efficiencies on Jungfraujoch during the CLACE-5 campaign. Geophys Res Abstr, 9, 09627, 2007. Rose, D., G.P. Frank, U. Dusek, M.O. Andreae, and U. Pöschl. Are the cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) properties in polluted air different from those in a remote

180 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007 region? Geophys Res Abstr, 9, 09452, 2007. Rose, D., G.P. Frank, U. Dusek, M.O. Andreae, and U. Pöschl. Are the cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) properties in polluted air different from those in a remote region? European Aersol Conference, Salzburg, 2007. Rose, D.; Frank, G.P.; Dusek, U.; Gysel, M.; Weingartner, E.; Walter, S.; Curtius, J.; Pöschl, U., Cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) concentrations and efficiencies on Jungfraujoch during the CLACE-5 campaign. EGU2007-A-09627 Ruckstuhl, C. and R. Philipona. Solar irradiance changes in Switzerland since 1981. IUGG XXIV General Assembly, Perugia, Italy, July 2 – 13, 2007. Ruhnke, R., Th. Blumenstock, P. Duchatelet, K. Hamann, F. Hase, W. Kouker, I. Kramer, E. Mahieu, S. Mikuteit, J. Notholt, Th. Reddmann, M. Schneider, B.-M. Sinnhuber, R. Sussmann, V. Velazco, T. Warneke and M. Wiehle, Measured and modelled trends of stratospheric Cly and Fy column amounts in the northern hemisphere, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 9, 07597, 2007. ( Schmidhauser, R., G. Wehrle, P. Zieger, A. Jefferson, J. Ogren, E. Weingartner, U. Baltensperger, Aerosol light scattering at high relative humidity, European Aerosol Conference (EAC), Salzburg, Austria, September 9-14, 2007. Schneider, J; Walter, S; Curtius, J; Drewnick, F; Borrmann, S; Mertes, S; Weingartner, E; Gysel, M; Cozic, J, In-situ analysis of free tropospheric aerosol and small ice crystal residuals using a high resolution aerosol mass spectrometer (HR- ToF-AMS) at Jungfraujoch during CLACE 5. EGU2007-A-07134 Seiz, G., and N. Foppa, Nationales Klima-Beobachtungssystem (GCOS Schweiz), pp. 92, Publikation von MeteoSchweiz und ProClim, Zürich, 2007. Senten C., M. De Mazière, C. Hermans, B. Dils, M. Kruglanski, A. Merlaud, E. Neefs, F. Scolas, A.C. Vandaele, C. Vigouroux, K. Janssens, B. Barret, M. Carleer, P.F. Coheur, S. Fally, J.L. Baray, J. Leveau, J.M. Metzger and E. Mahieu, Ground- based FTIR measurements at Ile de La Réunion: Observations, error analysis and comparisons with satellite data, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 9, 08640, 2007. ( Sieg, K.; Fries, E.; Püttmann, W.; Jaeschke, W.; Winterhalter, R.; Williams, J. Occurrence of VOC in snow and ice in spring at Jungfraujoch (46.6°N, 8.0°E) in 2005 and 2006 during CLACE 4 and 5. EGU2007-A-07251

Steinbacher, M., Continuous H2 observations and H2 road tunnel studies in Switzerland, EUROHYDROS 1st annual meeting, Norwich, September 18-19, 2007. Steinbacher, M., M. K. Vollmer, S. Henne, D. Brunner, B. Buchmann, S. Reimann – Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gas Mixing Ratios at Jungfraujoch, Switzerland; Influence of Air Mass Origin, 14th WMO/IAEA Meeting of Experts on Carbon Dioxide, Other Greenhouse Gases, and Related Tracer Measurement Techniques, Helsinki, Finland, September 10 – 13, 2007. Sun, K., C. Kramer, B. Mookerjea, V. Ossenkopf, M. Röllig, J. Stutzki, Study of photon dominated regions in IC 348, Triggered Star Formation in a Turbulent ISM, edited by B. G. Elmegreen and J. Palous. Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union 2, IAU Symposium #237, held 14-18 August, 2006 in Prague, Czech Republic. Cambridge University Press, 477-477, 2007.

181 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Török, Z., Platt, S. P., and Cai, X. X., SEE-inducing effects of cosmic rays at the High-Altitude Research Station Jungfraujoch compared to accelerated test data, 9th European Conference on Radiation and its Effect on Components and Systems, RADECS 2007, Deauville, France, September 10-14, 2007, paper D-1. Troller M., A. Geiger, D. Perler, H.-G. Kahle, D. Leuenberger, E. Brockmann (2007): GPS-Tomography for Meteorology: Impact on Operational Weather. Paper presented at the ION, 2007. Troller M., D. Leuenberger, E. Brockmann, A. Geiger, H.-G. Kahle (2007): GPS- Tomography: Results and Analyses of the operational Determination of Humidity Profiles over Switzerland. Paper presented at the EGU Meeting in Vienna, Austria, April 15-20, 2007. Tschudin, C. and I. Talzi, Turning Wireless Sensor Networks into a Science Grade Instrument, MICS newsletter, September 2007. Verheggen, B., E. Weingartner, J. Cozic, M. Vana, J. Balzani, E. Fries, G. Legreid, A. Hirsikko, M. Kulmala, U. Baltensperger, Observations of Particle Nucleation and Growth Events in the Lower Free Troposphere, 17th International Conference on Nucleation & Atmospheric Aerosols, Galway, Ireland, August 13-17, 2007. Vermeesch, P., HeberV., Strasky S., Kober, F., Schaefer, J., Baur, H., Schluechter, C., and Wieler, R., Cosmogenic 3He and 21Ne measured in artificial quartz targets after one year of exposure in the Swiss Alps, EGU fall meeting, Vienna. Vlemmix, T., E.J. Brinksma, P.F. Levelt, R. Braak, B. Veihelmann, and J.P. Veefkind: Presentation "The GLOBE-Aerosol monitoring Project at KNMI", 2007 EGU General Assembly, April 19, 2007, Vienna, Austria. Vlemmix, T: Presentation on results of GLOBE spring campaign, OMI Science Team conference, UMBC, Baltimore, 6/6/2007 Vollmer, M. K., S. Reimann, Foaming the north: Can new HFCs help to trace southern hemispheric OH? OH workshop, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz, Germany, 25 – 26 March, 2007. Vollmer, M. K., S. Reimann, S. Henne, and SOGE-A Team: SOGE-A activities in China, 36th meeting of AGAGE scientists and cooperating networks, La Jolla, CA, USA, 30 Oct – 2 Nov 2007. Vollmer, M. K., Steinbacher, M., Reimann, S., Buchmann, B., Weilenmann, M., Fischer, A., Hill, M., Juergens, N. Atmospheric molecular hydrogen (H2): sources, sinks, and Empa's links, TECAT seminar, Empa Dubendorf, May 5, 2007. Walker D., L. Vuilleumier and J. Staehelin: 2007. Short-term variability of erythemal UV radiation due to clouds. Geophys. Res. Abstr., 9, 11443. European Geosciences Union, General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 15 – 20, 2007. Weingartner, E., Aerosol partitioning between interstitial and condensed phase in mixed-phase clouds, Aerosols - Properties, Processes and Climate (APPC), ESF - INTROP Conference, Crete, Greece, April 22-24, 2007. Weingartner, E., J. Cozic, B. Verheggen, M. Gysel, U. Baltensperger, S. Mertes, K.N. Bower, I. Crawford, M. Flynn, P. Connolly, M. Gallagher, T. Choularton, U. Lohmann, D. Cziczo, J. Schneider, S. Walter, J. Curtius, S. Borrmann, A. Petzold, Partitioning of aerosol particles in mixed-phase clouds at a high alpine site, European

182 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Aerosol Conference (EAC), Salzburg, Austria, September 9-14, 2007. Weingartner, E., J. Cozic, B. Verheggen, U. Baltensperger, S. Mertes, S. Walter, J. Schneider, J. Curtius, Proc. Impact of black carbon on climate: Interaction of soot containing particles with clouds, 11th ETH-Conference on Combustion Generated Nanoparticles, ETH Zürich, August 13-15, 2007. Winterhalter, R.; Williams, J.; Fries, E.; Sieg, K.; Moortgat, G.K.. Concentrations of dicarboxylic acids in freshly precipitated snow samples at the high altitude research station Jungfraujoch during CLACE 5. EGU2007-A-02600 Worringen, A., N. Benker, M. Ebert, F. Zimmermann, S. Mertes, E. Weingartner, and S. Weinbruch, Characterization of ice residuals from the CLACE 5 experiment, EAC Salzburg, 2007. Zanis, P., A. Ganser, C. Zellweger, S. Henne, M. Steinbacher, and J. Staehelin – On the seasonality of ozone production efficiency at Jungfraujoch in the Swiss Alps for undisturbed free tropospheric conditions, 2nd ACCENT Symposium, Urbino, Italy, July 23 – 27, 2007.

Theses Cozic, J., Aerosol properties of the free troposphere and their interference with mixed-phase clouds. PhD Thesis, University of Bern, October 11, 2007. Ristori, Pablo, Development of a high spatial and temporal resolution water vapor Raman lidar for turbulent observations, EPFL thesis No. 3963 (2007). Sjogren, S., Hygroscopic properties of organic and inorganic aerosols. PhD Thesis, ETH Zürich, June 1, 2007. Török, Z., Development of Image Processing Systems for Cosmic Ray Effect Analysis, PhD Thesis, University of Central Lancashire, 2007.

Data publications and reports Annalen 2006 MeteoSchweiz, “Ozone, rayonnement et aérosols (GAW)” in, Zürich SZ ISSN 0080. BAFU 2007: NABEL Luftbelastung 2006. Messresultate des Nationalen Beob- achtungsnetzes für Luftfremdstoffe (NABEL). Umwelt-Zustand Nr. 0726. Bundesamt für Umwelt, Bern. 139 S. Balsiger, Hans und Erwin Flückiger, „75 Jahre Hochalpine Forschungsstation Jungfraujoch“, Mitteilungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Bern, Neue Folge Band 64, 2007. Bauder, A., R. Meister and D. Vonder Mühll, Messnetze der Kryosphäre: Schnee, Gletscher, Permafrost. Hydrologischer Atlas der Schweiz, Tafel 3.1. (2007). Brockmann E., S. Grünig, D. Ineichen, S. Schaer and U. Wild (2007): “Automated GPS Network in Switzerland (AGNES)”, International Foundation HFSJG, Activity Report 2006, University of Bern, 2007. Clerbaux, C., D.M. Cunnold, J. Anderson, A. Engel, P.J. Fraser, E. Mahieu, A. Manning, J. Miller, S.A. Montzka, R. Nassar, R. Prinn, S. Reimann, C.P. Rinsland, P. Simmonds, D. Verdonik, R. Weiss, D. Wuebbles and Y. Yokouchi, Long-lived compounds, Chapter 1 of WMO Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion: 2006,

183 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

WMO Report No. 50, 572 pp., World Meteorological Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, 2007. Dils, B., M. De Mazière, T. Blumenstock, F. Hase, I. Kramer, E. Mahieu, P. Demoulin, P. Duchatelet, J. Mellqvist, A. Strandberg, M. Buchwitz, I. Khlystova, O. Schneising, V. Velazco, J. Notholt, R. Sussmann and W. Stremme, Validation of WFM-DOAS CO and CH4 Scientific Products using Ground-Based FTIR Measurements, in Observing Tropospheric Trace Constituents from Space, ACCENT-TROPOSAT-2 in 2006-7, J. Burrows and P. Borrell, Eds., 263-267, 2007. Lambert, J.-C., I. De Smedt, J. Granville, and P. Valks, Initial validation of GOME-2 nitrogen dioxide columns (GDP 4.2 OTO/NO2 and NTO/NO2): March – June 2007, TN-IASB-GOME2-O3MSAF-NO2-01, O3MSAF Technical Report, EUMETSAT, 22 October 2007. Mahieu, E., C. Servais, P. Duchatelet, R. Zander, P. Demoulin, M. De Mazière, C. Senten, K.A. Walker, C.D. Boone, C.P. Rinsland and P. Bernath, Optimisation of retrieval strategies using Jungfraujoch high-resolution FTIR observations for long-term trend studies and satellite validation, in Observing Tropospheric Trace Constituents from Space, ACCENT-TROPOSAT-2 in 2006-7, J. Burrows and P. Borrell, Eds., 280- 285, 2007. Mahieu, E., P. Théate et V. Brahy, La destruction de la couche d'ozone, dans le chapitre 9 du Rapport analytique 2006-2007 sur l'état de l'environnement wallon, 316-321, Cellule Etat de l'Environnement Wallon, MRW – DGRNE, D/2007/5322/45, 736p., 2007. Mahieu, E., R. Zander, P. Demoulin, P. Duchatelet, C. Servais, M. De Mazière and C.P. Rinsland, FTIR Observations at the Jungfraujoch Station for Long-term Monitoring of the Troposphere and Validation of Space-based Sensors, in Measuring Tropospheric Trace Constituents from Space, ACCENT-TROPOSAT-2 in 2005-6, J. Burrows and P. Borrell, Eds., 274-277, 2007. Solutions for the Preservation of Aerospace Electronic Systems Reliability in the Atmospheric Neutron Environment SPAESRANE, MBDA UK report DR33269. Strahlenschutz und Überwachung der Radioaktivität in der Schweiz; Ergebnisse 2006, Bundesamt für Gesundheit BAG, Juni 2007. Umweltradioaktivität und Strahlendosen in der Schweiz, Bundesamt für Gesundheit, Abteilung Strahlenschutz, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 (in preparation) Vonder Mühll et al. (2007) Permafrost in Switzerland. Glaciologicial Report (Permafrost) No. 4/5. 107p.

Popular publications and presentations Bauder A., „Die Schweizer Gletscher in einem sich verändernden Klima“, Rotary-Club Schaffhausen, 8.1.2007. Bauder A., „Gletscherveränderungen in den Schweizer Alpen“, Studienwoche Freie Waldorfschule Esslingen, Steingletscher, 18.7.2007. Brockmann E. (2007): Contribution of swisstopo to GANUWE. Kick-off Meeting in Zürich, ETHZ, 18.1.2007. Brockmann E. (2007): GNSS infrastructure and geodetic datum; how to incorporate CORS stations to the EPN network. Presentation at the Trimble 2007 GNSS Network

184 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Operator Seminar, Barcelona, May 29-30 2007. Brockmann E., D. Ineichen, S. Schaer, U. Wild (2007): GNSS activities within the Automated GPS Network of Switzerland (AGNES). Poster presented at the Trimble 2007 GNSS Network Operator Seminar, Barcelona, May 29-30 2007. Brockmann E., D. Ineichen, S. Schaer, U. Wild (2007): GNSS activities within the Automated GPS Network of Switzerland (AGNES). Poster presented to the General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Perugia, Italy, July 2-13, 2007. Cziczo, D. J., A Nice Place To Ski, But How About To Study Clouds?, Particle Distributions (2007). Flückiger, E., Die Hochalpine Forschungsstation Jungfraujoch, in Welt der Alpen - Erbe der Welt, A. Wallner, E. Bäschlin, M. Grosjean, T. Labhart, U. Schüpbach und U. Wiesmann (Herausgeber), Haupt Verlag, Jahrbuch der Geographischen Gesellschaft Bern, Band 62/2007, s. 149 - 161, 2007. Häberlin H., „Photovoltaik – Strom aus Sonnenlicht für Verbundnetz und Inselanlagen". AZ-Verlag, CH-5001 Aarau, 2007, ISBN 978-3-905214-53-6 and VDE Verlag, Berlin, ISBN 978-3-8007-3003-2" (in German). Mahieu, Emmanuel, “Dernières tendances pour l'ozone”, University of Liège monthly magazine “Le 15ème jour du mois”, nº 162, March 2007. Noetzli, J., Vonder Mühll, D., Roer, I., Delaloye, R., Frei, C., Gruber, S., Haeberli, W., Hoelzle, M. & Phillips, M. (2007): Permafrost in den Schweizer Alpen 2004/05 und 2005/06. Die Alpen 9, 10-17. swipos-News 01-03/2007 (April, September, December 2007), Bundesamt für Landestopographie, Bern. “Un thermomètre pour mesurer la fièvre des Alpes“, l’Hebdo, p. 15, August 9, 2007. Troller M., D. Leuenberger, E. Brockmann, A. Geiger, H.-G. Kahle (2007): Impact of GPS-Tomography on operational weather forecast: Determination of the 3D distribution of humidity. Paper presented at the Timenav'07 Frequency Time Navigation, May 29 – June 1st 2007, Geneva.

Radio and television “Felssturz; wenn die Berge brüchig werden” Documentary on rockfall and permafrost with PERMASENSE among others, ZDF / 3sat Film, May 2007. “Forschungsstation Jungfraujoch ist Hochburg der Klimaforschung”, SF1, Schweiz Aktuell, May 3, 2007. “La recherche: notre avenir!”, interview with Christian Servais at the Jungfraujoch, in a film by Bernard Balteau, created for the 80th anniversary of Belgian FNRS (Fonds national de la Recherche scientifique), IPEP and RTBF, October 1, 2007. “L'avenir sera-t-il caniculaire?”, participation of Emmanuel Mahieu to the “Controverse” debate about human influence over climatic changes, Belgian television RTL-TVI, February 4, 2007. “Recovery of the ozone layer”, by Emmanuel Mahieu, Belgian radio RTBF – La Première, September 13, 2007.

185 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

„Comme un soleil“ Radio Suisse Romande, August 19, 2007. Interview with Philippe Demoulin of the Migeotte group, Université de Liège. „Envoyé spécial“ France 2, October 11, 2007. Report on glaciers filmed at the research station Jungfraujoch.

186 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Index of research groups / institutes Research group / institute Project Page

Belgian Institute for Space Atmospheric physics and chemistry 65 Aeronomy (BIRA – IASB)

Berner Fachhochschule Long-term energy yield and reliability of a high alpine PV 29 (BFH), Technik und (photovoltaic) plant at 3453 m Informatik (TI), Photovoltaik-Labor

Aerosol Monitoring Station at the Jungfraujoch 41 Bundesamt für Gesundheit, Sektion Umweltradioaktivität /index.html?lang=de Bundesamt für Automated GPS Network Switzerland (AGNES) 55 Landestopographie / Swiss Federal Office of Topography (swisstopo)

Bundesamt für The weather in 2007: Report for the International Foundation 145 Meteorologie und HFSJG Klimatologie MeteoSchweiz

Climate and Environmental 85Kr Activity Determination in Tropospheric Air 71 Physics, University of Bern, Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz, Freiburg i.Br.

Centre Hospitalier Fetal programming of hypoxic pulmonary hypertension 127 Universitaire Vaudois

Department of Geography, PERMASENSE & PERMOS: Measuring permafrost in Alpine 139 University of Zurich rock walls

Department of Physics, An orientable time of flight detector for cosmic rays 123 University of Rome La


École Polytechnique Study of the atmospheric aerosols, water, ozone and 15 Fédérale de Lausanne temperature by LIDAR (EPFL)

Empa Materials Science Hydrogen observations at Jungfraujoch, Switzerland 37 and Technology

187 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Research group / institute Project Page

Empa Materials Science National Air Pollution Monitoring Network, NABEL 31 and Technology http://www.umwelt- ml

ETH, Zurich, Institute for Studies of the Chemical Composition of Aerosol in Mixed 99 Atmospheric and Climate Phase Clouds Science

Federal Office of Global Atmosphere Watch Radiation Measurements 19 Meteorology and Climatology MeteoSwiss, Payerne artwave_dbs.html (IWV STARWAVE data)

Institut d’Astrophysique et High resolution, solar infrared Fourier Transform Spectrometry. 5 de Géophysique - Application to the study of the Earth atmosphere Université de Liège

Institut für Atmosphäre und FINCH (Fast Ice Nucleus CHamber counter) Measurements of 85 Umwelt, Universität Ice Nucleus concentration as function of Temperature and Frankfurt Supersaturation during CLACE 6

14 222 Institut für Umweltphysik, Long-term observations of CO2 and Radon at Jungfraujoch 63 Universität Heidelberg http://www.iup.uni- ometrie-web-html

Institut und Poliklinik für Acute exposure to hypobaric hypoxia: influence on combined 125 Arbeits-, Sozial- und lung diffusion capacity for NO and CO Umweltmedizin, Ludwig-

Maximilians-Universität, München Viasys Healthcare GmbH, Würzburg Pneumologie, Medizinische Klinik Innenstadt, Ludwig- Maximilians-Universität, München

Institute for Atmospheric Collection of large volume air sample 111 and Environmental Sciences, J.W.Goethe University Frankfurt

Institute for Isotope Cosmogenic 3He and 21Ne measured in artificial quartz targets 117 Geology and Mineral after one year of exposure in the Swiss Alps Resources, ETH Zurich

188 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Research group / institute Project Page

Klima- und Umweltphysik, High precision carbon dioxide and oxygen measurements 61 Physikalisches Institut, Universität Bern atmosphere/database/index_database.html

Koninklijk Nederlands GLOBE Aerosol Monitoring project 109 Meteorologisch Instituut (Royal Dutch Meteorological Institute)

Labor für Radio- und Mercury behaviour in the seasonal snow cover 131 Umweltchemie der VIVALDI (Variability in Ice, Vegetation, and Lake Deposits — Universität Bern und des Integrated), within the frame of NCCR Climate Paul Scherrer Instituts

Laboratory of Atmospheric Global Atmosphere Watch Aerosol Program at the Jungfraujoch 45 Chemistry, Paul Scherrer Institute onitoring/GAW_CH_Allg/GAW-aerosol.html

Leibniz-Institut für Sampling and physico-chemical characterization of ice nuclei in 91 Troposphärenforschung, mixed phase clouds Leipzig, Deutschland (IfT)

Max Planck Institute for Investigation of the cloud condensation nucleus (CCN) activity 97 Chemistry, of aerosol particles Biogeochemistry Department, Mainz

Particle Chemistry Cloud and Aerosol Characterization Experiment 6 (CLACE 6) 73 Department http://www.mpch- Institute for Atmospheric Physics, University of

Mainz and Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz

Particle Chemistry Mass spectrometric studies of ice nuclei and background 79 Department aerosol within CLACE 6 Institute for Atmospheric Physics, University of Mainz and Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz

Physikalisches Institut, Neutron Monitors - Study of solar and galactic cosmic rays 119 Universität Bern

189 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Research group / institute Project Page

Physikalisches Institut, SONTEL - Solar Neutron Telescope for the identification and 157 Universität Bern the study of high-energy neutrons produced in energetic eruptions at the Sun www1/div3/CR/Neutron/index.html

I. Physikalisches Institut, KOSMA - Kölner Observatorium für Submm-Astronomie 153 Universität zu Köln Radioastronomisches Institut, Universität Bonn

Physikalisch- Remote sensing of aerosol optical depth 25 Meteorologisches Observatorium Davos, World Radiation Center

Physikalisch- Longwave Infrared radiative forcing trend assimiliation over 27 Meteorologisches Switzerland (LIRAS) Observatorium Davos, World Radiation Center

Project SPAESRANE SPAESRANE environmental experiments 113 (Solutions for the Preservation of Aerospace Electronic Systems Reliability in the Atmospheric Neutron Environment)

Respiratory Muscle Changes in neural respiratory drive and breathlessness during 129 Laboratory, Dept of ascent to high altitude Asthma, Allergy and

Respiratory Science, King’s College London, UK

Swiss Federal Institute for Permafrost in the Jungfrau East Ridge 143 Snow and Avalanche Research SLF Technische Universität In-situ environmental scanning electron microscopic 103 Darmstadt, Institut für investigation of the ice nucleating abilities of aerosol particles Angewandte from mixed-phase clouds from the CLACE 6 campaign Geowissenschaften, Umweltmineralogie

Versuchsanstalt für Jökulhlaups from Gornersee 161 Wasserbau, Hydrologie und Glaziologie, ETH Zürich

Versuchsanstalt für Variations of the Grosser Aletschgletscher 137 Wasserbau, Hydrologie und Glaziologie, ETH Zentrum, Zürich variations_gr_aletschgretscher

International Foundation HFSJG:

190 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Index of projects Project Research group / institute Page

Acute exposure to hypobaric hypoxia: influence on combined Institut und Poliklinik für 125 lung diffusion capacity for NO and CO Arbeits-, Sozial- und Umweltmedizin, Ludwig-

Maximilians-Universität, München Viasys Healthcare GmbH, Würzburg Pneumologie, Medizinische Klinik Innenstadt, Ludwig- Maximilians-Universität, München

Aerosol Monitoring Station at the Jungfraujoch 41 Bundesamt für Gesundheit, Sektion Umweltradioaktivität 39/index.html?lang=de An orientable time of flight detector for cosmic rays Department of Physics, 123 University of Rome La


Atmospheric physics and chemistry Belgian Institute for Space 65 Aeronomy (BIRA – IASB)

Automated GPS Network Switzerland (AGNES) Bundesamt für 55 Landestopographie / Swiss Federal Office of Topography (swisstopo)

Changes in neural respiratory drive and breathlessness during Respiratory Muscle 129 ascent to high altitude Laboratory, Dept of Asthma, Allergy and Respiratory

Science, King’s College London, UK

Cloud and Aerosol Characterization Experiment 6 Particle Chemistry 73 (CLACE 6) Department http://www.mpch- Institute for Atmospheric Physics, University of Mainz and

Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz

Collection of large volume air sample Institute for Atmospheric and 111 Environmental Sciences, J.W.Goethe University Frankfurt

191 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Project Research group / institute Page

Cosmogenic 3He and 21Ne measured in artificial quartz Institute for Isotope Geology 117 targets after one year of exposure in the Swiss Alps and Mineral Resources, ETH Zurich

Fetal programming of hypoxic pulmonary hypertension Centre Hospitalier 127 Universitaire Vaudois

FINCH (Fast Ice Nucleus CHamber counter) Measurements Institut für Atmosphäre und 85 of Ice Nucleus concentration as function of Temperature and Umwelt, Universität Supersaturation during CLACE 6 Frankfurt

Global Atmosphere Watch Aerosol Program at the Laboratory of Atmospheric 45 Jungfraujoch Chemistry, Paul Scherrer Institute monitoring/GAW_CH_Allg/GAW-aerosol.html

Global Atmosphere Watch Radiation Measurements Federal Office of 19 Meteorology and Climatology MeteoSwiss, /startwave_dbs.html (IWV STARWAVE data) Payerne

GLOBE Aerosol Monitoring project Koninklijk Nederlands 109 Meteorologisch Instituut (Royal Dutch Meteorological Institute)

High precision carbon dioxide and oxygen measurements Klima- und Umweltphysik, 61 Physikalisches Institut, atmosphere/database/index_database.html Universität Bern

High resolution, solar infrared Fourier Transform Institut d’Astrophysique et de 5 Spectrometry. Application to the study of the Earth Géophysique - Université de atmosphere Liège

Hydrogen observations at Jungfraujoch, Switzerland Empa Materials Science and 37 Technology

In-situ environmental scanning electron microscopic Technische Universität 103 investigation of the ice nucleating abilities of aerosol particles Darmstadt, Institut für from mixed-phase clouds from the CLACE 6 campaign Angewandte Geowissenschaften, Umweltmineralogie

Investigation of the cloud condensation nucleus (CCN) Max Planck Institute for 97 activity of aerosol particles Chemistry, Biogeochemistry Department, Mainz

192 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Project Research group / institute Page

Jökulhlaups from Gornersee Versuchsanstalt für 161 Wasserbau, Hydrologie und Glaziologie, ETH Zürich

KOSMA - Kölner Observatorium für Submm-Astronomie I. Physikalisches Institut, 153 Universität zu Köln Radioastronomisches Institut, Universität Bonn

85Kr Activity Determination in Tropospheric Air Climate and Environmental 71 Physics, University of Bern, Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz, Freiburg i.Br.

Long-term energy yield and reliability of a high alpine PV Berner Fachhochschule 29 (photovoltaic) plant at 3453 m (BFH), Technik und Informatik (TI), Photovoltaik-Labor

14 222 Long-term observations of CO2 and Radon at Institut für Umweltphysik, 63 Jungfraujoch Universität Heidelberg http://www.iup.uni- http://www.iup.uni- diometrie-web-html

Longwave Infrared radiative forcing trend assimiliation over Physikalisch- 27 Switzerland (LIRAS) Meteorologisches Observatorium Davos, World Radiation Center

Mass spectrometric studies of ice nuclei and background Particle Chemistry 79 aerosol within CLACE 6 Department Institute for Atmospheric Physics, University of Mainz and Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz

Mercury behaviour in the seasonal snow cover Labor für Radio- und 131 VIVALDI (Variability in Ice, Vegetation, and Lake Deposits Umweltchemie der — Integrated), within the frame of NCCR Climate Universität Bern und des Paul Scherrer Instituts

National Air Pollution Monitoring Network, NABEL Empa Materials Science and 31 Technology http://www.umwelt- html

Neutron Monitors - Study of solar and galactic cosmic rays Physikalisches Institut, 119 Universität Bern

193 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

Project Research group / institute Page

Permafrost in the Jungfrau East Ridge Swiss Federal Institute for 143 Snow and Avalanche Research SLF PERMASENSE & PERMOS: Measuring permafrost in Department of Geography, 139 Alpine rock walls University of Zurich

Remote sensing of aerosol optical depth Physikalisch- 25 Meteorologisches Observatorium Davos, World Radiation Center

Sampling and physico-chemical characterization of ice nuclei Leibniz-Institut für 91 in mixed phase clouds Troposphärenforschung, Leipzig, Deutschland (IfT)

SONTEL - Solar Neutron Telescope for the identification Physikalisches Institut, 157 and the study of high-energy neutrons produced in energetic Universität Bern eruptions at the Sun www1/div3/CR/Neutron/index.html

SPAESRANE environmental experiments Project SPAESRANE 113 (Solutions for the Preservation of Aerospace Electronic Systems Reliability in the Atmospheric Neutron Environment)

Studies of the Chemical Composition of Aerosol in Mixed ETH, Zurich, Institute for 99 Phase Clouds Atmospheric and Climate Science

Study of the atmospheric aerosols, water, ozone and École Polytechnique Fédérale 15 temperature by LIDAR de Lausanne (EPFL)

The weather in 2007: Report for the International Foundation Bundesamt für Meteorologie 145 HFSJG und Klimatologie MeteoSchweiz

Variations of the Grosser Aletschgletscher Versuchsanstalt für 137 Wasserbau, Hydrologie und Glaziologie, z_variations_gr_aletschgretscher ETH Zentrum, Zürich

International Foundation HFSJG:

194 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007 Picture Gallery 2007 from

January: The best view of the fog is from the top of Europe.

February: CLACE 6 (CLoud and Aerosol Characterization Experiment) at Jungfraujoch. Crates of equipment from one of the research groups.

195 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

March: CLACE 6 (CLoud and Aerosol Characterization Experiment) at Jungfrau- joch. Cloud Particle Imager (CPI) and Forward Scattering Spectrometer Probe (FSSP) firmly installed on the Sphinx platform to withstand a snowstorm.

196 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

April: The Sphinx coming into view through the clouds.

May: Spring sunrise over the Aletsch glacier.

197 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

June: Thunderstorm.

July: The annual snow removal work at the Research Station Jungfraujoch by a team of mountain guides.

198 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

August: A permanent resident at Jungfraujoch.

September: Snow sampling at Jungfraujoch for Paul Scherrer Institute's investigation of the behavior of mercury in snow.

199 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

October: Observatory Gornergrat South with the KOSMA radiotelescope of the Universität zu Köln at Kulmhotel Gornergrat. This year marks the 100th anniversary of the Kulmhotel Gornergrat.

200 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

November: Snapshot from a medical experiment carried out in October by the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois CHUV Lausanne and the University Hospital, Berne, at the research station Jungfraujoch.

December: Mass balance measurements on Jungfraufirn using a firn-drill to determine the density in the annual layer.

201 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007

202 International Foundation HFSJG Activity Report 2007


We gratefully acknowledge financial support and support in kind from

Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF), Bern Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique FNRS, Bruxelles Max-Planck Gesellschaft, München The Royal Society, London Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF), Rome Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien Schweizerische Akademie der Naturwissenschaften (scnat), Bern Jungfraubahn AG, Interlaken Gornergrat Bahn AG, Brig Burgergemeinde Zermatt, Zermatt University of Bern Mammut Sports Group AG, Seon

Our sincere thanks to the scientists and their institutions for their energy and perseverance in carrying out high altitude research projects, with all the demands of nature and technology that this extraordinary work brings with it.