QRP (Low Power), “Splinter” QRPp Trans-Receiver, The, Minikiewicz (W4FSV), CQ 2012, Apr., p. 22 QRP (Low Power), 30 Meter Fun Machine: A Superhet 30 Meter QRP Transceiver Part I (Carr N4PC), CQ 1989, Nov pg 32 QRP (Low Power), 30 Meter Fun Machine: A Superhet 30 Meter QRP Transceiver Part II (Carr N4PC), CQ 1989, Dec pg 32 QRP (Low Power), A low-power fantasy land, Ingram (K4TWJ), CQ 2006, Oct., p. 74 QRP (Low Power), A new pursuit and a new kit, Ingram (K4TWJ), CQ 2007, Aug., p. 68 QRP (Low Power), A Portable 7-Band EFHW Vertical , Taft (K1EHZ), CQ 2015, Mar, p. 28 QRP (Low Power), A QRP Superstation: You Can Do It! Rought (KA8SMA), CQ 2012, Apr., p. 26 QRP (Low Power), A QRP Toolbox, Hart (AD1B), CQ 2002 Oct pg. 18 QRP (Low Power), A QRPer’s 40- Through 17-Meter EFHW Antenna Coupler with Super-Sensitive SWR Bridge, Fisher (KI6SN), CQ 2014, Feb (digital only), p. 48 QRP (Low Power), A&A Engineering 20 Meter QRP CW Transceiver Kit (Carr N4PC), CQ 1994, May pg 34 QRP (Low Power), All around QRP, Ingram (K4TWJ), CQ 2007, Apr., p. 72 QRP (Low Power), Art of Very Low Power Operating (Weiss K8EEG), CQ 1979, Jan pg 38 QRP (Low Power), Awards: QRP Awards, Plus a Very Short-Term Award, Melinosky (K1BV), CQ 2014, Feb (digital only), p. 91 QRP (Low Power), Behold the Rockmitey! Cobb (K4YFR) and Kauffman (AJ4YN), CQ 2015, Mar, p. 19 QRP (Low Power), Bicycle QRP MiniDXpedition to Albania, Kovaceski (Z35M), CQ 2016, Jun, p. 10 QRP (Low Power), Build a Beep Box, Metzger (K8JWR), CQ 2002 Oct pg. 22 QRP (Low Power), Build the 80 Sardine-Ceiver, Westgard (NY9D), CQ 2014, Feb (digital only), p. 33 QRP (Low Power), Build Your Own WSPR Beacon, Devos (XV4Y), CQ 2014, Feb (digital only), p. 36 QRP (Low Power), Building Captain Midnight’s 1942 “Pocket Locator” QRP Transceiver, Zane and Kawabata, Oct, p. 26 QRP (Low Power), Building the ozQRP MDT QRP DSB Transceiver, Purdum (W8TEE), CQ 2016, Sep, p. 32 QRP (Low Power), Chasing (and Setting) a CQWW QRP Record on 160, Mohr (SM¯MDG/SE¯X), CQ 2016, Feb, p. 32 QRP (Low Power), Coming Up to Speed (QRP Basics), Ingram (K4TWJ), CQ 2004, Apr., p. 86 QRP (Low Power), Communicating Under the Noise: JT65A on HF - Part 1, Witkowski (W6DTW) and Hood (NW7US), CQ 2010, Oct, p. 32 QRP (Low Power), Cool Clubs and Hot Goodies, Ingram (K4TWJ), CQ 2003, Feb., pg 86 QRP (Low Power), CQ Reviews: MFJ-9200 “QRPocket” CW Transceiver, Moseson (W2VU), CQ 2012, Apr., p. 32 QRP (Low Power), CQ Reviews: Ten-Tec Argonaut VI QRP Transceiver, Hartford (N6GA), CQ 2013, Mar, p. 32 QRP (Low Power), DSP for the FT-817, Simple SWR Monitor, Acorn tubes for QRP (Low Power), Ingram (K4TWJ), CQ 2003, Dec., pg 81 QRP (Low Power), DXCC QRP Trophies #28 & #29 (Weiss K8EEG), CQ 1984, Jul pg 70 QRP (Low Power), DXing through QRP Lenses, Smith (N4AA), CQ 2003, June, pg 85 QRP (Low Power), Elecraft KX-1 CW Transceiver Kit, CQ Reviews, Ingram (K4TWJ), CQ 2004, Feb. p. 49 QRP (Low Power), Elecraft’s Kit Rigs Revisited, Battery Notes, more, Ingram (K4TWJ), CQ 2004, Dec., p. 70 QRP (Low Power), Everything is coming up QRP, Ingram (K4TWJ), CQ 2006, Aug., p. 68 QRP (Low Power), Experiences Of A G-QRPer (Smith G4FAI), CQ 1982, Jun pg 22 QRP (Low Power), Fast-Forwarding Our Novice Days Into the New Millenium, Sickles (WA3UVV) and Fisher (KI6SN), CQ 2014, Dec, p. 26 QRP (Low Power), First QRP Rig, My, Fluxe (W4LSV), CQ 2016, Apr, p. 66 QRP (Low Power), Flight of the QRP Bird … or the Freedom of QRP, Kovaceski (Z35M), CQ 2012, Jun., p. 13 QRP (Low Power), Florida QRP Tale (Schultz W4FA), CQ 1982, Jun pg 38 QRP (Low Power), Foxes, Micro Rigs and More, Ingram (K4TWJ), CQ 2002 Jun pg. 96 QRP (Low Power), Fun and affordable low-power gear, Ingram (K4TWJ), CQ 2007, Oct., p. 86 QRP (Low Power), Fun with Skywires, Ingram (K4TWJ), CQ 2003, Aug., pg 64 QRP (Low Power), Gearing Up for QRP Fun, (Ingram K4TWJ), CQ 2001, Oct. pg. 79 QRP (Low Power), Getting High with Ham Radio: The Adventures of WS0TA, Maas (KT5X), CQ 2012, Jun., p. 20 QRP (Low Power), Getting Started With QRP (DeMaw W1FB), CQ 1994, Dec pg 94 QRP (Low Power), Go QRP with Double (DeMaw W1FB), CQ 1997, Feb pg 90 QRP (Low Power), Going On a Family Vacation? Don’t Forget the Rig!, DeLuca (AA2VG), CQ 2002 Jan pg. 48 QRP (Low Power), Gordo’s Short Circuits: Two Pounds, Twelve Volts, 14 Amp Hours (Lithium Iron Phosphate batteries), West (WB6NOA), CQ 2013, Mar, p. 62 QRP (Low Power), Half-Century of Hiking with Ham Radio, A, Blanchard (K1YPP), CQ 2013, Jun, p. 13 QRP (Low Power), Hands-On Guide to QRP Success, (Ingram, K4TWJ), CQ 2000, Apr pg 98 QRP (Low Power), Have 3 Watts, Will Travel (Maritime Mobile QRP), Kato (AH6CY), CQ 2015, Mar, p. 15 QRP (Low Power), Homebrew Your Way to Happiness, (Ingram K4TWJ), CQ 2001, Feb pg. 62 QRP (Low Power), Homebrewing Today and Tomorrow, (Ingram K4TWJ), CQ 2000, Oct pg. 79 QRP (Low Power), How To Build A QRP Transceiver For The Novice 15 Meter Band (Chapman KI6BP), CQ 1995, Nov pg 11 QRP (Low Power), How To Build A Simple QRP Control System (Bunn N4LTA), CQ 1992, Feb pg 40 QRP (Low Power), How To Win The CQ WPX Contest With QRP (Wells KR7L), CQ 1984, May pg 60 QRP (Low Power), HW-8 Mods Revisited: CWF-3 Audio Filter (Weiss K8EEG), CQ 1982, Oct pg 50 QRP (Low Power), It Fits Any Lifestyle, Ingram (K4TWJ), CQ 2005, Jun., p. 85 QRP (Low Power), Jeff’s Walk: VK4XJJ’s solo trek across Australia, Wood (WV5J), CQ 2008, Feb., p. 48 QRP (Low Power), JT9: QRP with the Magic Multiplied, Liljegren (W4GAL), CQ 2014, Feb (digital only), p. 29 QRP (Low Power), K8IF Steps Down (Weiss K8EEG), CQ 1983, May pg 52 QRP (Low Power), Kit-Building: “Count on It!” Eisenberg (K0NEB), CQ 2014, May, p. 66 QRP (Low Power), Kit-Building: “This Little Piggie Went to Market,” Eisenberg (K¯NEB), CQ 2013, Jun, p. 81 QRP (Low Power), Kit-Building: A Pair of QRP Quickies, Eisenberg (K0NEB), CQ 2014, Feb (digital only), p. 66 QRP (Low Power), Kit-Building: A QRP SWR/Watt Meter Kit and an Add-on Audio Filter Kit, Eisenberg (K0NEB), CQ 2012, Apr., p. 80 QRP (Low Power), Kit-Building: Building the Vectronics VEC-1340 QRP CW Transceiver, Eisenberg (K0NEB), CQ 2012, Feb., p. 66 QRP (Low Power), Kit-Building: Holiday Treats, Eisenberg (KONEB), CQ 2012, Dec. p. 49 QRP (Low Power), Kit-Building: Of Cyclones and Sound Cards, Eisenberg (K¯NEB), CQ 2013, Mar, p. 58 QRP (Low Power), Kit-Building: The Rockmite ][ - An Updated Classic QRP Kit, Eisenberg (K¯NEB), CQ 2016, Feb, p. 70 QRP (Low Power), Kits, homebrew, and more!, Ingram (K4TWJ), CQ 2007, Feb., p. 78 QRP (Low Power), Learning Curve: A QRP (Low Power) Primer, Arland (K7SZ), CQ 2012, Apr., p. 66 QRP (Low Power), Learning Curve: Life is Too Short Not to QRP, Ochu (KO¯Z), CQ 2016, Jan, p. 75 QRP (Low Power), Learning Curve: The Best Laid Plans, Arland (K7SZ), CQ 2012, Aug., p. 58 QRP (Low Power), Learning Curve: The Wilderness Radio Project, Arland (K7SZ), CQ 2012, Jul., p. 56 QRP (Low Power), Low Power , QRP Rigs and Antennas, Ingram (K4TWJ), CQ 2005, Apr., p. 83 QRP (Low Power), Low-Power (QRP) Primer Part I - What It’s All About (Arland K7YHA), CQ 1995, Mar pg 52 QRP (Low Power), Math’s Notes: A Simple QRP CW Transmitter, Math (WA2NDM), CQ 2015, Jun, p. 52 QRP (Low Power), Milliwatting to the Max, Ingram (K4TWJ), CQ 2005, Oct., p. 70 QRP (Low Power), Milliwatts & Micronauts (Ingram K4TWJ), CQ 1996, Apr pg 48/May pg 68 QRP (Low Power), Mini-reviews and Notes for Beginners / Newcomers, Ingram (K4TWJ), CQ 2004, Oct., p. 72 QRP (Low Power), Mobile; “Tuner Top” for the MFJ Club (Ingram K4TWJ), CQ 2001, Jun pg. 79 QRP (Low Power), More Build ‘em Notes and FT-817 Tips, Ingram (K4TWJ), CQ 2002 Apr pg. 78 QRP (Low Power), More FT-817 and QRP-Related Treats, Ingram (K4TWJ), CQ 2002 Oct pg. 60 QRP (Low Power), More Neat Treats for Light Travelers, Ingram (K4TWJ), CQ 2002 Feb pg. 77 QRP (Low Power), More new gear, goodies and antennas, Ingram (K4TWJ), CQ 2006, Feb., p. 91 QRP (Low Power), More QRP Notes -Rig Views & Projects! (Ingram K4TWJ), CQ 1993, Feb pg 92 QRP (Low Power), Musings on an Experiment in QRP, Locher (W9KNI), CQ 2002 Oct pg. 11 QRP (Low Power), MXM TXR-XX QRP Transceiver Kit (DeMaw W1FB), CQ 1995, Jun pg 26 QRP (Low Power), My QRP Life, Hiers (AA4GA), CQ 2016, Feb, p. 10 QRP (Low Power), N0ARQ’s Solution To The HW-8 RIT PC Board Dilemma (Weiss K8EEG), CQ 1982, May pg 98 QRP (Low Power), New Cub in the Den Ð An EZ Brew Project, (Ingram, K4TWJ), CQ 2000, Jun pg 73 QRP (Low Power), New QRP Trend: Under One Watt Output (Weiss K8EEG), CQ 1984, Mar pg 56 QRP (Low Power), New Rigs and More Good News, (Ingram K5TWJ), CQ 2001, Aug pg. 58 QRP (Low Power), New Uses for Old Tubes: Building a Junkbox QRP Transmitter, Thompson (K3MD) and Thiel (K3TUF), CQ 2015, Sep, p.24 QRP (Low Power), North American QRP CW Club, A Look Inside, Mitchell (WY3H) and Shannon (K3WWP), CQ 2013, Mar, p.18 QRP (Low Power), On the Edge: Using QRP Next to Saltwater, Vanderheide (N7OU), CQ 2013, Mar, p. 13 QRP (Low Power), One-Hundred Watt QRP, Wolff (KC7O), CQ 2013, Mar, p. 38 QRP (Low Power), Personal Portable Ð The Hot New Rage (Ingram K4TWJ), CQ 2001, Dec pg. 80 QRP (Low Power), Phoenix QRP Transceiver, The, Part I, Metzger (K8JWR), CQ 2004, Jun., p. 11 QRP (Low Power), Phoenix QRP Transceiver, The, Part II, Metzger (K8JWR), CQ 2004, Jul., p. 11 QRP (Low Power), Pigs, Buddies and ‘tennas, Ingram (K4TWJ), CQ 2006, Jun., p. 56 QRP (Low Power), Pixies, Tixies, and Milliwatts, Ingram (K4TWJ), CQ 2003, June, pg 77 QRP (Low Power), Pizza/Brownies & QRP (Hollenbeck AA0OF), CQ 1997, Oct pg 32 QRP (Low Power), Portsmouth Island, North Carolina … A “Rockmitey” QRP Expedition, Cobb (K4YFR), CQ 2014, Jun, p. 34 QRP (Low Power), Propagation: We’re Rocking with QRP Power, Hood (NW7US), CQ 2012, Jul., p. 98 QRP (Low Power), QRP - Red Hot & Cookin’! Part I (Ingram K4TWJ), CQ 1997, Feb pg 74 QRP (Low Power), QRP - Red Hot & Cookin’! Part II (Ingram K4TWJ), CQ 1997, Mar pg 74 QRP (Low Power), QRP ’99: New Kits & Neat Ideas - Part I, (Ingram K4TWJ), CQ 1999, May pg.60 QRP (Low Power), QRP ’99: New Kits & Neat Ideas - Part II, (Ingram K4TWJ), CQ 1999, Jun pg.72 QRP (Low Power), QRP “Backpack Mobile” In The Sierra Nevada Mountains (Bock), CQ 1982, Jun pg 46 QRP (Low Power), QRP “Newbie” Takes on the CQWW SSB DX Contest, A, Manning (WB3D), CQ 2016, Apr, p. 26 QRP (Low Power), QRP a la Carte, Makoski (W2LJ), CQ 2014, Feb (digital only), p. 18 QRP (Low Power), QRP Alive with Thrills and DX! (Ingram K4TWJ), CQ 1995, Aug pg 68 QRP (Low Power), QRP Antenna Cheapware, (Murphy VE3ERP), CQ 1998, Mar. pg. 30 QRP (Low Power), QRP Booster - Build A 25 Watt (DeMaw W1FB), CQ 1996, Jan pg 60 QRP (Low Power), QRP Conferences and Forums are Hot! (Ingram K4TWJ), CQ 2000, Aug pg 109 QRP (Low Power), QRP Field Day 1983: Part I (Weiss K8EEG), CQ 1984, May pg 104 QRP (Low Power), QRP Field Day 1983: Part II (Weiss K8EEG), CQ 1984, June pg 58 QRP (Low Power), QRP Field Day 1984 Results (Weiss K8EEG), CQ 1985, May pg 86 QRP (Low Power), QRP Fun - Part II (Ingram K4TWJ), CQ 1992, Mar pg 108 QRP (Low Power), QRP Hotter Than Ever! (Ingram K4TWJ), CQ 1994, Nov pg 104 QRP (Low Power), QRP in Paradise, Hester (WD9F), CQ 2012, Apr., p. 16 QRP (Low Power), QRP is Hot and Cooking!, (Ingram, K4TWJ), CQ 2000, Feb pg. 90 QRP (Low Power), QRP Maritime Mobile on Cruise Ships, Kato (AH6CY), CQ 2016, Jun, p. 38 QRP (Low Power), QRP Mobile, Ingram (K4TWJ), CQ 2002 Dec pg. 79 QRP (Low Power), QRP On 1750 Meters (Bradley N1ADX), CQ 1979, Nov pg 35 QRP (Low Power), QRP Operating - Yurt Style (Turner K0HT), CQ 1980, Feb pg 73 QRP (Low Power), QRP Operation With Ten-Tec Transceiver (Gould WA0SLU), CQ 1982, Jun pg 72 QRP (Low Power), QRP Projects, Ingram (K4TWJ), CQ 2005, Dec., p. 68 QRP (Low Power), QRP Reigning Supreme (Ingram K4TWJ), CQ 1997, Sept pg 50 QRP (Low Power), QRP Scene: Don’t Wait For The ‘90’s! (Weiss W0RSP), CQ 1987, Dec pg 60 QRP (Low Power), QRP Snapshot: KF7ET, Callahan (KF7ET), CQ 2016, Feb, p. 35 QRP (Low Power), QRP - Some Design Tips (DeMaw W1FB), CQ 1996, Mar pg 80 QRP (Low Power), QRP Update: More News and Views (Ingram K4TWJ), CQ 1993, Nov pg 66 QRP (Low Power), QRP Updates and QRP Contesting Notes, Ingram (K4TWJ), CQ 2004, Jun., p. 64 QRP (Low Power), QRP: “You’re Not Getting Older … QRP is Getting Better,” Lazar (W4DNN), CQ 2015, Aug, p. 76 QRP (Low Power), QRP: A Big World of Little Radios, Hartford, (N6GA), CQ 2012, Apr., p. 72 QRP (Low Power), QRP: A Couple of New QRP Gems, Hartford (N6GA), CQ 2011, Oct., p. 82 QRP (Low Power), QRP: A New Club, a New Rig and a New Kit, Hartford (N6GA), CQ 2013, Aug, p. 58 QRP (Low Power), QRP: A QRP Technology Christmas, Lazar (W4DNN), CQ 2015, Dec, p. 70 QRP (Low Power), QRP: Always Something New in the Big World of Little Radios, Hartford (N6GA), CQ 2015, Apr, p. 70 QRP (Low Power), QRP: An Introduction … plus the Ft. Tuthill 80, Hartford (N6GA), CQ 2010, Jun, p. 72 QRP (Low Power), QRP: As Seen at Dayton - Part I, Hartford (N6GA), CQ 2014, Sep, p. 64 QRP (Low Power), QRP: Aspiring to the Low-Power Challenge, Rought (KA8SMA), CQ 2016, Aug, p. 62 QRP (Low Power), QRP: Clubs, Kits and Fun Meets, Ingram (K4TWJ), CQ 2009, Feb, p. 78 QRP (Low Power), QRP: Dinking with alternative energy, Ingram (K4TWJ), CQ 2009, Apr, p. 80 QRP (Low Power), QRP: Elmer, Doc and a Little Magic, Hartford (N6GA), CQ 2010, Dec, p. 56 QRP (Low Power), QRP: Even QRP Fanatics Sometimes Cheat, Lazar (W4DNN), CQ 2016, Apr, p. 62 QRP (Low Power), QRP: Fun times, fun rigs, Ingram (K4TWJ), CQ 2008, Aug., p. 66 QRP (Low Power), QRP: Getting the Most Out of the Least, Hartford (N6GA), CQ 2014, May, p. 61 QRP (Low Power), QRP: Going Fishing With QRP, Hartford, (N6GA), CQ 2012, Feb., p. 69 QRP (Low Power), QRP: Good Hype, Good ‘tennas, Good Gnats, Ingram (K4TWJ-SK), CQ 2010, Apr, p. 85 QRP (Low Power), QRP: Good Things Come in Small Packages; A Chat with Designer KD1JV, Hartford (N6GA), CQ 2011, Aug., p. 63 QRP (Low Power), QRP: Hootin’ in a Can … and More! Ingram (K4TWJ), CQ 2010, Feb, p. 86 QRP (Low Power), QRP: Improving QRP Station Efficiency, Rought (KA8SMA), CQ 2016, Dec, p. 73 QRP (Low Power), QRP: It Just Followed Me Home From Dayton, Hartford (N6GA), CQ 2010, Aug, p. 67 QRP (Low Power), QRP: Let’s Build Something, plus the North American QRP Party, Hartford (N6GA), CQ 2013, Apr, p. 50 QRP (Low Power), QRP: Mega Antenna Transforms QRP Into QRO, Lazar (W4DNN), CQ 2016, Jun, p. 84 QRP (Low Power), QRP: Mini-rigs in tins and cans, Ten-Tec’s Argonaut V and more, Ingram (K4TWJ), CQ 2008, Feb., p. 82 QRP (Low Power), QRP: More Fun Than Ever (Ingram K4TWJ), CQ 1992, Feb pg 96 QRP (Low Power), QRP: More small talk and easy dinking, Ingram (K4TWJ), CQ 2009, Aug, p. 71 QRP (Low Power), QRP: New Rig, New Antenna, New QRP Operating Position, Hartford (N6GA), CQ 2011, Dec., p. 54 QRP (Low Power), QRP: Nonstop action & nonstop fun! Ingram (K4TWJ), CQ 2008, Dec., p. 73 QRP (Low Power), QRP: Of Salt Water and Seriously Fine Radios, Hartford (N6GA), CQ 2012, Dec. p. 44 QRP (Low Power), QRP: One Ham’s Field Op is Another Ham’s Home Station, Hartford (N6GA), CQ 2015, Jun, p. 54 QRP (Low Power), QRP: Operating the Bands With One Watt, Hartford (N6GA), CQ 2011, Feb., p. 83 QRP (Low Power), QRP: Parking Lot and Dining Room Antenna Ideas, Hartford (N6GA), CQ 2013, Jun, p. 66 QRP (Low Power), QRP: QRP and a Small Magnetic Loop Antenna, Lazar (W4DNN), CQ 2016, Feb, p. 63 QRP (Low Power), QRP: QRP Fun with the iPad, Hartford (N6GA), CQ 2013, Oct, p. 77 QRP (Low Power), QRP: QRP Fun with Tuna Tins and Android, Hartford (N6GA), CQ 2014, Nov, p. 58 QRP (Low Power), QRP: QRP in the South Pacific, Hartford, (N6GA), CQ 2012, Aug., p. 53 QRP (Low Power), QRP: QRPers - Individualists, Hartford, (N6GA), CQ 2012, Oct., p. 74 QRP (Low Power), QRP: Recycling Radios, Seeing Spots and Raindrops, Hartford (N6GA), CQ 2010, Oct, p. 74 QRP (Low Power), QRP: Reggie and the Fairchild 50, Ingram (K4TWJ), CQ 2009, Dec, p. 60 QRP (Low Power), QRP: Rigs, Keys and Fly Specks, Ingram (K4TWJ), CQ 2009, Oct, p. 79 QRP (Low Power), QRP: RV QRP to the National Parks, Lazar (W4DNN), CQ 2015, Oct, p. 69 QRP (Low Power), QRP: Some Post-Field Day QRP Projects, Hartford (N6GA), CQ 2014, Jul, p. 83 QRP (Low Power), QRP: Some Serious QRPp Work and Some Serious QRP Antennas, Hartford (N6GA), CQ 2015, Jan/Feb, p. 56 QRP (Low Power), QRP: Something Old, Something New, Hartford (N6GA), CQ 2011, Apr., p. 72 QRP (Low Power), QRP: Still Hot and Rompin’, Ingram (K4TWJ), CQ 2008, Apr., p. 84 QRP (Low Power), QRP: Takin’ it to the Woods, Hartford (N6GA), CQ 2011, Jun., p. 71 QRP (Low Power), QRP: Tasty QRP Goodies, Hartford (N6GA), CQ 2013, Dec, p. 52 QRP (Low Power), QRP: The Do’s and Don’ts of QRP Contesting, Rought (KA8SMA), CQ 2016, Oct, p. 58 QRP (Low Power), QRP: Three Cheers (Treats) for QRP, Ingram (K4TWJ), CQ 2008, Oct., p. 86 QRP (Low Power), QRP: Three little rigs, Ingram (K4TWJ), CQ 2008, Jun., p. 84 QRP (Low Power), QRP: To the Field or On the Trail: What Really Works? Hartford, (N6GA), CQ 2012, Jun., p. 64 QRP (Low Power), QRP: Welcome Once Again to the Fun World of QRP Operating, Hartford (N6GA), CQ 2014, Feb (digital only), p. 11 QRP (Low Power), QRP: Winter Do-it-Yourself Projects, Hartford (N6GA), CQ 2013, Feb, p. 68 QRP (Low Power), QRP: World QRP Day June 17, Ingram (K4TWJ), CQ 2009, Jun, p. 84 QRP (Low Power), QRP-15 CW Transceiver (Littlefield K1BQT), CQ 1990, Sep pg 43 QRP (Low Power), QRPing With Milliwatts (Page G4BUE), CQ 1982, Jun pg 33 QRP (Low Power), QRP-QRPp What’s It All About (McCoy W1ICP), CQ 1982, Jun pg 44 QRP (Low Power), Quick-brew Fun: The Super Mite, Ingram (K4TWJ), CQ 2004, Aug., p. 70 QRP (Low Power), Ramsey SX Series Sidebander 20 Meter QRP Transceiver (Carr N4PC), CQ 1997, Jan pg 24 QRP (Low Power), Reaching high with low power, Ingram (K4TWJ), CQ 2007, Jun., p. 66 QRP (Low Power), Real Radio Spirit and Radio Fun, Ingram (K4TWJ), CQ 2003, Oct., pg 62 QRP (Low Power), Retro-Radio QRP, Ingram (K4TWJ), CQ 2003, Apr., pg 90 QRP (Low Power), Return of Operating Reports (Weiss K8EEG), CQ 1984, Jan pg 58 QRP (Low Power), S&S Engineering ARK-40 (A 40 Meter Synthesized QRP CW Transceiver Kit) (Carr N4PC), CQ 1994, Jan pg 40 QRP (Low Power), Sardines, Wine, Whiskey, Cows and a Radio (QRP DXpedition to Portugal and Ireland), Minkoff (NK6A), CQ 2016, Feb, p. 14 QRP (Low Power), Satellites and the QRPer, Herr (WA6ARA), CQ 2014, Feb (digital only), p. 54 QRP (Low Power), Setting up a MESH Network, Beattie (W2TTT), CQ 2014, Feb (digital only), p. 42 QRP (Low Power), Skeeters, ‘Nauts, and more, Ingram (K4TWJ), CQ 2006, Apr., p. 78 QRP (Low Power), Sparks in the Snow – “FYBO” in Minnesota, Seaquist (KC9IWE), CQ 2013, Feb, p. 13 QRP (Low Power), SSB and QRP Combo, (Ingram K4TWJ), CQ 2000, Dec pg. 97 QRP (Low Power), Still the Biggest Thrill of All, Ingram (K4TWJ), CQ 2005, Feb., p. 84 QRP (Low Power), Summit Expeditions: Outdoor Radio Adventure Close to Home, Good (K3NG), CQ 2012, Jun., p. 44 QRP (Low Power), Summits on the Air (SOTA), Kimmerly (KJ6HU), CQ 2015, Mar, p. 10 QRP (Low Power), Superhet 30 Meter QRP Transceiver Part III (Conclusion) (Carr N4PC), CQ 1990, Jan pg 28 QRP (Low Power), Tejas Backpacker I QRP Transceiver (Ingram K4TWJ), CQ 1993, Feb pg 18 QRP (Low Power), The “Killer Watt” Bags QRP’s Ultimate Challenge: or “Real CW ops wear headphones,” Lazar (W4DNN), CQ 2007, Feb., p. 36 QRP (Low Power), The Buddy, a QRPp Treat, Ingram (K4TWJ), CQ 2005, Aug., p. 72 QRP (Low Power), The Paraset: a WWII Spy Radio You Can Build (The Ultimate QRP Transceiver), Kato (AH6CY), CQ 2016, Feb, p. 19 QRP (Low Power), The Poor Man’s Battery Supply and Portable Antenna for the FT-817, Blalock (WN4BML), CQ 2002 Oct pg. 14 QRP (Low Power), The QRP MudMod (Murphy VE3ERP), CQ 1997, Jul pg 26 QRP (Low Power), The Rainbow Tuner (Ingram K4TWJ), CQ 1997, Nov pg 68 QRP (Low Power), The Single-IC Crystal Tester and QRP Transmitter, Spies (WB9YBM), CQ 2002 Oct pg. 24 QRP (Low Power), The Tuna Tiny Spy Radio Ð A Modern Version of the Paraset, Giammanco (N5IB), CQ 2016, Feb, p. 26 QRP (Low Power), Those Who Have Gone Before - N6HY (Weiss K8EEG), CQ 1983, Dec pg 84 QRP (Low Power), Three Quick Brew Projects!, Ingram K4TWJ), CQ 2002 Aug pg. 58 QRP (Low Power), Titan - Build 40M QRP (DeMaw W1FB), CQ 1996, Jul pg 66 QRP (Low Power), Trail-Friendly Radio: 2014 ‘Bumblebee’ Tails … err, Tales, Fisher (KI6SN), CQ Plus (digital only) 2014, Oct, p. 138 QRP (Low Power), Trail-Friendly Radio: Ropin’Your Radio on the Trail, and What Knot, Fisher (KI6SN), CQ Plus (digital only) 2014, Nov, p. 148 QRP (Low Power), Two Tinned Tunas and more, Ingram (K4TWJ), CQ 2006, Dec., p. 46 QRP (Low Power), Viking-5: A 5 Watt Solid State Transmitter for 3.5 & 7 MHz (Weiss K8EEG), CQ 1979, Feb pg 40 QRP (Low Power), Viking-5: A Solid State VFO for 3.5 & 7 MHz (Weiss K8EEG), CQ 1979, Apr pg 32 QRP (Low Power), W0RW’s Top Ten List for Portable QRP Success, Signorelli (W0RW), CQ 2016, Jun, p. 16 QRP (Low Power), What’s In Your Basement? Lawn (W2JAZ), CQ 2016, Feb, p. 30 QRP (Low Power), What’s your QRP “IQ”? Ingram (K4TWJ), CQ 2007, Dec. p. 64 QRP (Low Power), Whats Happening in QRP? Plenty!, (Ingram K4TWJ), CQ 2001, Apr pg. 79 QRP (Low Power), Worked All States with 100 Milliwatts, Watkins (N0EVH), CQ 2014, Feb (digital only), p. 22 QRP (Low Power), Your First Homebrew QRP Rig - The TWOFER (Weiss W0RSP), CQ 1988, Jun pg 70