The World of QRP

The Fun of Low Power Ham Radio Loren C. Singh, AE7CG Prescott Valley, Arizona

What is QRP?

communication using 5 watts or less

— Any operating mode: CW, AM, SSB, FM, PSK31, etc.

— Smaller, less expensive, more energy-efficient equipment

— Homebrew, kit, or manufactured gear

QRP in a QRO World — Work the world, 24 x 7 x 365? — “Life is too short for QRP!” — Develop operating skills: patience, skill, determination — Awareness of changing band conditions — Surfing: “Ride the wave of QSB”

Results can be surprising!

My first receiver, 1958:

My first QRP rig, 1960: 5 watts, AM, 6M —

My first HF QRP CW rig, 1970s & 1980s:

My first 2M FM rig, 1980s & 1990s:

Current gear at AE7CG:

Tuna Tin :

Tuna Tin Transmitter:

Altoids can form factor:

Altoids can transmitter:

There are many QRP clubs and contests:

6J6 Crystal-controlled Oscillator Transmitter:

40M & 30M transceiver, 1-watt:

N1AW Homebrew 80M Transceiver:

N5EM/M, Elecraft K2:

QRP Picnic Table:

QRP HF Station:

Tri-band Beam :

Low 20M Dipole Antenna at AE7CG:

Yaesu FT-817:

“Please increase your power.”

“I can’t. I’m QRP.”

“Well, THIS is what you sound like!”

[QRO station decreases power to 2 watts.]

“Sounds pretty good to me.”

“Thanks for the QSO. I’m QRU.”

“Sorry. No copy. You’re very weak.”

“Your RST is 559.”


This presentation about QRP has just touched upon a few areas. Amateur radio should be fun, and QRP operation can open many avenues for joy, learning, and friendship.

The world of QRP shows that the hobby need not be overly complicated, expensive, or beyond comprehension.

More can be less, and simplicity can be its own reward — certainly ideas to be considered.

72 & 73, AE7CG