Volume 18, Number 10 October, 2009 The Greensboro Amateur Radio Association Providing Amateur Radio news for the Triad Brian Wilson, KJ4LKY, Editor www.w4gso.org
[email protected] transmitting so it’s a natural for Building The Elecraft K1 battery power operation. by Will Ravenell, AI4VE chose the four band option making it The kit consists of three boards, I’ve been getting interested in a K1-4. The bands the Filter Board, QRP operation and have been eyeing included are 40m, the Front Panel the Elecraft kits. After Rob Wittner, 30m, 20m, and Board, and the WG5Q, gave his presentation on either 17m or R F B o a r d . building the K2 at the August GARA 15m (parts for C o n n e c t i o n s meeting I decided to take the plunge. both are included b e t w e e n t h e I’ve built small kits before but the and the choice boards are made K2 looked like more than I wanted is made during w i t h i n - l i n e to tackle right now from both a cost construction). In plugs and there and effort point of view so I ordered addition to the fourth band selection is virtually no point to point wiring. the K1. This little 0.1 to 7 watt CW- there is a choice to be made for band Commands are passed between the only QRP rig comes with either a coverage. By changing a capacitor boards under the control of a PIC two or four band filter board and I and a crystal filter you can select processor on the Front Panel Board.