Lanrjp[;J 0 Tbe Yeshiva College Debating Rabbi Joseph B
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.r,,:. ··r-:. · t ::- . i • . r .·· the SAC ·: ~ _:· ~.- ~; i :!. i ~ ;\ ~ ~= ~:·_ ··!(-· ; -~-- ·. 1~ f?: ~--:~ ~- :} -:_}!;:-: ~-~ r·:-~ :· .-~~r Red Cro$s . -:. -,:,• ...,. ·-:.,r.,. ,: .· . :. ) .. ··;: , .;£< _.: . ·· - l .~:-e :: :. B~od Dri~e , , . -~ • ' . ··_ r' :" ~ '. • (.;; ,: •• ~- .. Official Undergradua~e N~w~p~p~r of Yeshiva CQU~ge '..r VOLUME XXXVII NEW YORK CITY, MONDAY, · MARCH 16, 1953 · I / Debawrs Win ·:Ra,b·'-;~b-· ·1··: 1•t·· ·14l·k; · · &.·::~ :,dJ.~Jls~-i~,.-t;a_~;i -~ .·. Sol· o. ·ve·. ,. ·c··..· h .... .· .ft:UU-aF~ . ~a'.', Twenty-Three, Beat Harvard Overflow Crowd l~ LanrJp[;j 0 Tbe Yeshiva College Debating Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik, Professor of Talmud and .Jewish Philosophy, and Dr. Samuel Belkin, Pres~ Soeiety launched- upon its annual ident of Yeshiva, were the principal speakers at the Smicha convocation exercises held SUnday, .'March tours throughout the East Coast, 8, in Nathan Lamport Auditorium. Eighty-three rabbis, ordained during 1950-53, participated in from Monday to Thursday, Feb the exercises. Of these, ten are serving as chaplains in the armed forces. Three other rabbis, who ruary 23-26. The record of the are at present in Israel, were honored in absentia. , ' Debatin~ Team for this season "Too many rabbis today have 'messiah-complexes'," Rabbi Soloveitchik declared. "They: attempt to stands at 23 victories and 7 de save the world with large scale projects and forget to worry about the individual Jew.•• · - · feats. "We are not revivalists, hoping to appeal to large masses in great demonstrations. We must concen The New England team com trate on individuals," he said. He urged the newly-ordained rabbis to . stress the importance of Jewish prising Gil Rosenthal '53 and learning, and use the medium of education as a means to influence members of their co11gregations. Jacob Heller '56, won six debates "If by so doing th~ rabbi will and lost none. On Monday, the ·o-V1•s·ual be privileged to. cause even c:,ne debators downed their first op •commie• Lectures Y. U. Audl individual to return to Judaism, ponents at Brown University in THE COMMENTATOR will spon he should not consider himself a Providence, Rhode Island. On sor a series of three lectures in Introduces P anel failure," the speaker , said• . Tuesday, the team defeated Bos Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveltchlk Journalism for all members of • e S He attacked any a~empts that ton College and engaged in a the staff, Irwin E. Witty '53, edi Initiating S er I are made to alter traditional Ju non-decision debate at Boston tor-in-chief, announced. The first film forum of the se daism, and stressed tbat the,only University. The following day The first lecture on "The Ele- mester was presentec;l by the Au way possible for the rabbi to was highlighted by triumphs over Rabbi Gold Urges ments of News Writing" will be dio-Visual departmant of Yesh preserve .Jewish tradition ~as by Harvard and Tufts. given by Michael Rosenak '54, iva University, W e d n e s d a: y, fostering and building Yeshivot The Southern team of Jack Yeshiva Students News Editor, Tuesday, March 17, March 4, in RIETS Hall. and Jewish all-day schools. "Only Adelman '53, Fishel Pearlmutter To Live in Israel at 8:00 p.m. Mr. Sidney Pleskin, Instructor in this way can we combat those '55, Eli Laur '54 and Joseph The second lecture on "The in Education and Director of the that would falsify .Judaism,.. he Kaplan '56, beat the University Rabbi Wolf Gold, head of the Feature Story ,and the Interview" Audio-Visual department, intro said. of Pennsylvania, Howard, Uni department of Religious Affairs Spiritual Home versity of Maryland Law School of the Jewish Agency and leader will be given by Al Hoffer '54, duced the panel consisting of Mr. News Editor, Thursday, March Nathan Goldberg, Associate Pro and Georgetown. They were nip in the Mizrachi movement in Is Rabbi Soloveitchik urged the 18, at 8 : 30 p.m. fessor of Sociology and Dr. ped by Haverford, Johns Hopkins rael, addressed a joint meeting rabbis to regard Yeshiva as their and George Washington Univer of students of R.I.E.T.S. and The last session will deal with Helmut Adler, Instructor in Psy chology. sity. The Southern team h~ld Teacher's Institute in the Har "Speech Reporting and Headline four non-decision debates, two at ry Fischel Synagogue Monday, Writing" and will be given by The first film, "The High Wall," Temple, and ont:: each with Loyo March '2. Mr. Witty, Tuesday, March 24, produced by the Anti-Defantation at 8:00 p.m. la of Baltimore and Villanova. Rabbi Gold analyzed the pro League of .the - B'iiai Brith, fcieait ·: I All lectures will be held in The New York State tour, com- blem of emigration to Israel, with an unprovoked attack upon THE COMMENTATOR office. prising Sam.pel April '54, Joel from an Halachic and moral point an innocent family by a gang. A Balsam '54 and Morton Gefter of view. He quoted from the psychiatrist, with the aid of a '55, found Cornell, Colgate, Union "Zohar," Maimonides and several Y. U. Represented social worker, investigates the and Albany S t a t e Teachers tractates of the Talmud to prove gang-leader's family, school, and College easy prey. The deba~ors that it is a religious obligation of At I. R. C. Confab personal background, probing for lost to Syracuse and Lehigh. every individual Jew to reside in "The Role of the Middle East his childhood experiences · and In a special trip to Rutgers, at Israel. He urged the "Roshei in the International Crisis" was frustrations. The film was fol New Brunswick, Tuesday, March Hayeshiva" to give lectures on the topic of the Conference of the lowed by a panel discussion, · 3, Samuel April and Joseph Kap this subject and challenged his Pennsylvania International Rela where Professor Goldberg, ap lan downed the Rutgers team. On audience to justify their living tions Clubs held at Wilkes-Barre, proached the problem of pre:. Thursday, February 5. in the in the diaspora, in the light of Pennsylvania, February 27-28, at judice using "the group" as a Dorm Social Hall, Samuel April the Halacha. Wilkes College. Yeshiva Uni a n d Morton Gefter defeated basis. He pointed out that "since Rabbi Gold decried the com versity was represented by Gil we live in an urban society and Fordham College in a debate on placency of those Rabbis and lay Rosenthal '53 and Ne_!LII..echt '54, the trend toward urbaniza--Uon is the national topic. men who claim to be orthodox president and secretary respec increasing, tensions are created,•• but who relegate Zionism to tively of the Interpational Rela- causing frustrations which ;'find others. In his closing words, tions Society. · Dr. Samu•I lelkl11 Classicists He a r their expression in aggression Rabbi Gold thanked the audience , Among the impoziant speakers spiritual home, and realize that and scape-goatism." Lecture on Solon for their warm reception and ex heard were Dr. Abt."aham Har their fate is inextricably inter Dr. Manfred Halberstadt, Lec pressed the hope of being able to man, Director of the Israeli Dr. Adler declared that e~uca twined with that of Yeshiva." He turer in Latin, was the guest greet them again in Israel. Information Bureau in N e w tional media such as films ' and sai<,i. that their expression of speaker at a meeting of Era.nos, This was Rabbi Gold's last York, former Congressman Da books create an awareness of thankfulness to the institution, held Monday, February 23. His public appearance before his re niel Flood, Mr. Ahmed of the the causes of prejudice, but .can- however, ~ould take the form of topic was "Democracy as Inter turn to Israel. Egyptian Embassy. not eliminate it. more than mere feelings, but preted by Solon." should also consist of helping ~y In his talk, Dr. Halberstadt concrete action in behalf of discussed the development of Preparation, Long Speeches Minimized Yeshiva, and should include flnan-· Greek government from its early cial assistance. - beginnings until the time Solon "We realize," Rabbi Solo wrote the first democratic con As Muyern Club Maximizes Merriment veitchik said~ "that Yeshiva is· stitution, giving equal and just today the center of Judaism in treatment to all the classes of By Herman Ztemnelh upon dancing, "lebedigkeit," and not to speak of their unceasing America. Other institutions could society. Dr. Halberstadt went on As the sun set Sabbath, Purim communal participation, rings singing through the night. ( Continued on page 4) to read a translation of some of eve, the Shalosh Seudot Com and spiraling circles of dancers Spontaneous though it was, the Solon's poems which contain the mittee quietly folded up, and in hardly got off the floor. Enter chagiga did feature some impro essence of his political legacy to its place, the 'Muyem' Club went tainment by indi~duals · was at vised talent, among which shone Congrats the world The poems discuss the into action. For it was this club, a minimum, owi,l'lg to the sponta Abe Berman's forced imper THE COMMENTATOR , extends its evils of the pre-democratic period led and followed by that color neous nature of the affair. sonations, Meir Grajower's Les heartiest con~~ons to.Wal and how a solution could be ful Brazilian, Ishmael Cohen, Speeches, incidentally, were nil, sin-ful Torah and a Fuldaose of ter Silver •53 upon"· his engage acheived by mutual understand which undertook to stage this despite the presence of high dig grammen. Aside from that, there ment to Miss ElalJ)e Bienenteld; ing, co-existence, and peaceful year's neglected Purim Chagiga.