TUESDAY Bedtime Stories SCORCHY SMITH (All kinds of comics—(or everybody—In Tke Sunday Star's entered comic section.) —By Frank Robbins Program February 17, 1942 AFTMtUTM Radio By THORNTON W. BURGESS. rXXJ KNEW YOU WERE 91UCIC, f PERHAPS. A5M5U you COODNT HAVE l<- Last-minute changes in radio programs sometimes regch but vou stayed right here... AH£K\CAM SAX EXPECTED 10 5TAYHEPE' Wp WECE COMING. None of the little people who were \ > The Star too late for correction that day. PLAYING CHOPIN AND SCARLATTI/] I WM WAITING INDEFINITELY' >ou | MV INGENIOUS r-^. there ever will forget how Buster WHAT WERE >OU WAITING FOR, L MUSTHArft had -TFRlENP5/r^i Green —P.M. — WMAL, 630k.-WltMOk.-WOL. 1.260k.--- WBV, 1,5°0k.- Bear was Introduced in the Smith 12:00 News—Continentales News—Pleyhouse John B. Hughes Kilo Speaks Forest. It was the funniest intro- Blair Luncheon Music Big Sister 12:15 Jimmy Pleyhouse—Music duction any of them can remember. Firm end Home Devotions Merino Bind Helen Trent 12:30 ’’ " " Our Sa» They laugh now whenever they 12:45 Rod River Valley _ " think of it, though at the time 1:00 HR Baukhage _Sports Pige Life Is Beautiful 1:15 Between Bookends Mary Meson Government Girl Woman In White some of them didn’t laugh at all. 1 30 Ear Teasers Front Page Farrell Vic and Sade No, Indeed! The truth is some of Rm4 o( 1:45 Four Polka Dots War News_Sports Page them were too frightened to see " World Young Dr Malono 2:00 Army Band Light of tho anything funny. You see, it hap- 2:15 The Man Joyce Jordan Mystery pened like this: 2:30 Info the Valiant Lady Fletcher Wiley lighf had met Buster 2:45_Care of Aggie Horn Grimm's Daughter__ Kate Hopkins_ Jimmy Skunk Bear the of 3:06 Orphans of Divorce News—Sports Page News up by pond Paddy 3:15 Page Elinor lee the Beaver in the Green For- Honeymoon Hill Sports" " deep 3:30 John's Other Wife Music Masterworks est and he had made Buster Bear 3:45 Plain Bill Vic and Annie’s adventures in the colored tomie section The Sunday Star.) Harold Just Sade_**_ get out of his way. Peter Rabbit TITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE (Mor* of Orphan thrillint of —By Gray ■ ■ 4:00 Wife News—Sports Page Pace Variety Show "g "■« News-Club Matinee Backstage had seen him do it. and, of course, 4:15 Club Matinee Stella Dallas Sports Page THAT IS " " THE KAHE? WHAT PADRE? SHE'S Jones The Johnson Family Nancy Dixon Peter had told every one he met. TURNING/' f ^\( GOOq 4:30 Lorenzo OH-OH, POINT—THE CRISIS! OH" A SOLDIER YOU'VE OH- CM ALL TURNED THE CORNER? NEWS, INDEED? Widow Brown Boake Carter Mark Hawley Every one had expressed a great \ 4:45 Mat.—Star Flashes Young 7 KATIE* OOCTOR-- SHE’S PASSEO IT,. OH—OUR BEEN? YOUVE WOK RIGHT -JUST A SHES COMING BACK! AND I NOTE 5:00 Commuter Tunes When a Girl Marries Pres. Cont.—Music Mary Marlin deal of admiration for Jimmy A rrs—irs HOW?-tS"? KATIE —SHE’S— UTTLE KATIE-YOUR LITTLE DIZZY ANNIE'S GOING TO 0 THAT, IN CURING " " 5:15 News and Music Skunk until Peter came to Prickly H COME 1 SHFS COMING BACK anme! NURSNQ HAS PULLED FOR A SECOND- GET WELL? IT WAS S ANOTHER, KATIE Jack The O'Neills I IS KATIE'S NURSING DIO HAS CURED J 5-30 We the Abbotts Armstrong Porky the Porcupine. Prickly Porky l TO US* y HER THROUGH- THE PADRE J 5:45 Tom Mix Musicade Capt. Midnight Just Entertainment SLEEP NOW, KATIE- DOWNSTAIRS- / rr! NOTHING ELSE! J HERSELF AS L had said that it was notning to ^ News Sevareid—News YOU'VE EARNED IT- > y '- 6:00 News—M. Beattie News—Ray Michael Prayer—Sports make Buster Bear get out of the ^^VlN Richards' Or. Voice ot Broadway ^ II'-IT 6:15 Lum and Abner Musicade Johnny way and that he would do the same News and Music P.-T. A. Founders 6:30 Boy Scout Week Bwukhage—Musicade thing if some one, would invite Bus- The World 6:45 Lowell Thomas _Musicade_ _Syncopation Today_ ter Bear to come down where he *W Easy Aces Pleasure Time Fulton Lewis, ir. Amos and Andy was. Jumper the Hare had offered 7:15 Mr. Keen News ot the World Nichols' Or.—Ring lanny Ross to go invite Buster Bear and Reddy 7:30 Dream House Burns and Allen Confidentially Yours Helen Menken Fox had planned to prevent Jumper " " 7;45 " " Inside ot Sports_" ever getting near Buster Bear. So Reddy had hidden where he could ”j;00 Cugat Rumba Revue Johnny Presents What’s My Name Missing Heirs " " jump out at Jumper and perhaps 8:15 catch him. had come Meet Your Treasure Chest Grab Bag Bob Burns Along Jumper, 8 30 Navy " " " " and just as Reddy was getting ready g.45 "_ Burns—Elmer Davis to spring he heard a step behind 217-42 Famous Trials Battle of the Sexes Gabriel Heatter We, the People W VodT Jury " " him and had turned to look right maou> &(¥h* " ’• " News g.‘l5 News—Sports straight In the face of Buster Bear. rm,or / i N. B. C. Fibber and Spotlight Bands Report to Nation IrwrrTiKht. \U2 t>y 1_NO! hollered back that he -N TO Leon Psarson William Shirer tail between his legs and he started THAT BIRD <50Y WITH -I'VE TOLD YOU ANY HUMOR TO PAY YOU ! N«« News and Music WANTED _ TF66~ for home faster than ever he had A \f I TOLD TO Ywu Bailey's Or. Elks' Anniversary Arch McDonald WHICH WAS BILL? TIME AND AGAIN AW, \\TAIK PEOPLE] 1M5 Music Want Layton run before. His looked as if " " Barron's Or. eyes HERE LOOfclM' SHORT HIM TO TRYIN’ TO / <<;->» St. Louis Serenade Blue _ S°J*JA yy/HAT TO SAY \ » they world pop right out of his COLLECT J«MONEY!, "_"_Benny Goodman's Or. FOR YOU LAST \ ) HJ( NJTH A TO PESTS LIKE “BEAT IT! / head. His tongue hung out of one WEEK COME ORDINARY WAS MONEY. IOrchs.-D. Patrol News-Orchestras , __ THAT 1 BUT I / News-Orchestral News-Orchestra side of his mouth, and his teeth i^6o~ i _^ JEST WONDERIN' Vv—' __ WIHX—Z50W.: 1.J40K. would have chattered with p— _ fright IF YOU WASN’T I 8:15 Glen Gray Music 8:00 News If he NOSE..^ J 8tron* had stopped long enough to 8:30 Arlington Program MAKfN’ A 1:05 Tony Wakeman 8:30 New? close his mouth. My, my, my, he / _ 2 .00 News 8:45 Let'a Walt* 8:35 Jerry Strong MISTAKE. M Tony Wakeman certainly was was L 2.05 B OO New. B:00Newa frightened, Reddy 3 News 9:05 National Sym. Hour 9:05 Time for Musi* Fox. You see, it was the first time .00 Tony ,3:05 10 00 News: Ladies First 9:15 Thumbs TJp 9:30 Uptown Shopper he had seen Buster Bear. He had I Wakeman 10:10 Nile Music; U F.W.A. 10:30 Bill Strickland's Or. 10:00 News heard about him, but he hadn’t be- 6-00 News 10:0.6 Time for Musio sft 1100 News lieved all he had heard. when 11:05 Strike Up Band 10:15 Timely Events Now, E 10:.30 Victory at Home 5 iS SVifhm*'riodroRodeo 12:00 Midnight Newsreel he actually saw Buster Bear and 6:30 Rhythm 1:00 Hillbilly Hit Parade 10:45 Melody Moment* C. oiu. how he he 6:45 A. 1.00S 00 Sian Off 11:00 New. big was, couldn’t get 6 00 Tony *akeman signjxr_ 11:05 Marshall Adami by U Coflia away quick enough. _ Court 6:15§tong* music 11:30 Traffic 6:30 Health Report, TOMORROW. 12:00 News; Health Report The minute Reddy started to run News 7:00 _ 6 00 Jerry Strong 12:10 Time for Musio Jumper the Hare started after him. **WV8-hi fit! 30 Morning Offering 12:30 Consolettes Z on TaDernac**Tabernacle 6 Cipritpki. Ml. k* ftppdiMW C*. IN. ft Z'™ 7:00 News 12:46 For Defense Reddy can run fast, but Jumper, as Strong 1:00 8:05 NextWeek'a Headline* you know, can run faster* So he ^ Newl__ 7^rry had no trouble in keeping right at TARZAN (Keep up with Tartan's thrilling adventures in the colored comic section of The Sunday Star.) —By Edgar Rice Burroughs UusU 7:15 *”*•«**• Reddy's heels. But Reddy didn’t \:00 Luncheon «:00 rVF&FZiu. T..30C. Lane present* know this. He was so 1 30The 1450 Club 6:45 Devotional Service frightened BY RUB8WO AGAINST Gat# Quartet p Ntw. 7:45 Golden 6:55 A. P. News that he didn’t stop to look back, HE SHARPENED Club 7:55 A. P. New. *tTU* SAND, 2:00 The 1450 £fk and when he heard some one " Rh°" T°^ just THE TEETH. A NO WITH 8 00 C0DC"t 8:O0 D. V A arRk iSfws C* DohaTs behind him he thought it was Blis- THIS CRUDE SAW-KNIFE Record 8:15 Barrington Sharma R:.30Ticg Tock Revue 3 00 Library ter Bear, and tried to run harder. .3:15 Army Program 8:30 Defense CouncU HE CUT A SHAFT FDR *lfHE n on Luther Patrick As for Buster 8:55 A. P. News Bear himself he was A SPEAR. CASTAWAYS ^l^KthWk fc VnMTMUU? 9:55 A. P News & Weather so tickled at the of 3 55 A-P News*1 9:OOWWDC Preienti sight Reddy Fox WATCHED 9 ;30 New.View. lo':30 ^SS^^ST chased by timid Jumper the Hare EAGERLV. 122| |0 whVt^imaireife£bm 9:46 Shall "We Waits 10:46 Talk About You that he started, after them as fast UPON THE 9:66 A. News as he 4*6 A. P. News P. 3X81» yUi could go so as to see what SUCCESS OP 5 soMelSdy^omeot. 10:00 John Uurtiuih liiis Tropical Moods would happen next. THIS At the foot of the tree in which 10:45 Behind Wsr^New^^ illSJfV •CAVEMAN' ItiH Parade sat 6 00 Civ Defense; Music 10:55 A P. News * Weather 12:00 Melody Prickly Porky, were several of WEAPON Riders 6 America Today 11:00 Glenn Miller Music 12:15 Stage is Latin Melody Parade the little people of the Green For- THEIR 6 30 Capital Revue 11:30 Nocturne le.30 11:55 A. P. News 12:45 Flashes of Life est about Buster Bear LIVES s RSWlnis News A weather gossiping and THEN BY HACKING Hiiral High Lights 12:00 aign A. P News ANdA 7:.00 Off_12:55 wondering if Jumper the Hare really SANDING HE MADE A DEPENDED would invite Buster Bear to meet BARBED SPEARHEAD FIT- 0 EVENING STAR FEATURES. the former’s "Concerto for Piano and Or- 'WHY'S THE POINT LOOSE?' them. No one excepting Prickly TED IT INTO A SOCKET, chestra,” Spohr's "Symphony No. 2" and THE MIGHTY TARZAN TORE AWAY THE ASKED <3RANNYk. "IT'LL Stir Flashes: Latest news with Bill Coyle, Porky believed he would. Prickly AND TIED IT LOOSELY Ravel's "la Valse." JAW OP THE ANTELOPE, THEN BROKE IT. COME OPP." ’YOU’LL SEE twice daily; WMAl, 11 i.m. end 4:55 p.m. Porky knew Jumper better than the WITH A THONG. WRC, 9:30—Fibber and Molly: In which others because WHY,* TARZAN ANSWERED. they had both come ss>r _ THE EVENING'S HI6H LIGHTS. the Fib goes completely Hollywood. from the same Great Woods to live colored comic Frank H. U.S.M.C. in (There's plenty of adventure in The Sunday Star’s 16-pate book.) —By Rentfrow, WWDC, 7:30—line Presents: Count van WJSV, 9:30—Report to Nation: The story the Green Forest. Suddenly SERGEANT STONY CRAIG there was Pechtern. Counselor ot th* Netherlands lega- of democracies' women In wartime. a great racket. Every- East body looked to see tion, discusses the situation in the Dutch WMAL, 10:30—lew Jenkins and Marty up what it meant. XhIM II THI A ^ There came Fox /TUAl* Indies. Serve in a 10-round light-heavyweight contest. Reddy running as QOPi you WIMD MLL JOt OP if he thought his very last minute f WOl, 8:00—What's My Name: Georg* WRC, 10:30—Red Skelton tests Ingeniously had come and right at his heels was Jesse! will be one of those quizzed. the mettle. Army's Jumper the Hare. It looked just rfurrsyffiP^Ir/7 Heirs: A woman de- Scbwii WJSV. 8 00—Missing as if Reddy was running awav from shows PROGRAMS. clared legally dead two years age up SHORTWAVE Jumper, and everybody shouted with collect a $20,000 in- undisputably alive to LONDON, 5:40—"Religion In Action": GSC, laughter. Reddy didn’t stop. Oh, heritance. 9.58 meg., 31.3 m.: GSL. 6.11 meg., 49.1 m. my no! He kept right on. But WPC, 8:00—Johnny Presents: Tallulah LONDON. 6:00— Irish Half Hour: GSC, 9.58 Jumper stopped. Bankhead in "Th* Will." meg.. 31.3 m.; GSL. 7.11 meg., 49.1 m. “I’ve brought my old friend, WMAL, 8:00—CltQBt Ruillbl R»VU»: In- MOSCOW, 6:15—Comment in English: RKE, Buster Bear, to introduce him.” said and as troducing a new beguin* taken from Coates’ 11.6 meg., 25.9 m. Jumper, he spoke with a “Cinderella Suite." LONDON, 7:00—"The War on Land": GSC, great huffing and puffing Buster Bear WWDC, 8:30—Defense Council: A soldier, 9.58 meg,, 31.3 m.; GSL, 6.11 meg., 49,1 m. himself cam* crashing into sailor and marine discuss the local tJ. S. 0. LONDON, 8:00—"Inside Nazi Europe": GSC, their midst. All Board 9.58 meg., 31.3 m.: GSL, 6.11 meg.. 49.1 m. the laughter stopped right WMAL, 8:30—Meet Your Navy: Th* Great SYDNEY, 8:25—News and Music: VLQIO, then and there. You never, never did lakes Naval Training Station show, which 9.59 meg., 31.4 m. see such a frightened scamper- Includes band, orchestra, choir and Eddie MOSCOW, 8:45—News In English: RKE, ing! Unc’ Billy Possum and Happy Jack Peabody. 11.6 meg., 25.9 m. Squirrel got in each other's WRC, 9:00—Battle of Sexes: Four Cana- LONDON, 9:30—"Britain Speaks": GSC, way as they tried to climb the same i^ai four American models. 9.58 31.3 m.; GSL, 6.11 49.1 m. tree. Striped Chipmunk tried to dian students and girl meg., meg., in the colored comic section The Star.) Norman Marsh crawl a (Dan Dunn continues his fight against crime of Sunday —By WJSV, 9:00—We, th* People: Introduc- LONDON, 10:15—Radio Theater: GSC, 9.58 into hole too smaU for him. DAN DUNN Bobby Coon fell backard from an 60IN TO 00 ing an anti-Axis secret agent, a private in meg., 31.3 m.; GSL, 6.11 meg., 49.1 m. THOSE NA2IE5 MAY FOLLOW AEANT1ME, THOUSANDS OF MIES AWAY. KAY, AND IRWIN, ARE m old on which he was WHAT HAPPFNED TO SOMETH4N6 ff I’M the Army Morale Division and two boys study- MOSCOW, 10:15—Broadcast in English: RKE, stump sitting. ME INTO THE CLOUDS HOPMC I'LL TURN SOUTH—FOR M LISTENING TO THt SHORTWAVE RAWO—IT 6 TIME FOR DANS Skunk and DAN »? D© TWY 004N* DOWN AN’ ing nursing. 11.6 meg., 25.9 m. Only Jimmy Prickly TO RAM ME—THEY’D DO FIFTEEN MINUTES—THAT WUH REGULAR BROADCAST—A DISTANT ANNOUNCER SPEAKS— seemed unafraid. Buster ~ GOIM WINX, 9:05—National Symphony Hour: A GUATEMALA, 11:30—Operatic selections by Porky ANYTHING TO PREVENT MY MIT ME Atom 5IXTy FIVE M FIND WM OUT— ENLIST—I'M Bear sat and his little TO THOSE recorded solo recital featuring the voice of famous singers: TGWA, 9.68 meg., 31.3 m. up eyes ESCAPING—ESPECIALLY Mils FROM THE COURSE I WE ARE SORRY W! MUST 00 FI6t4T ™ f ,\p(v/ twinkled and he grinned as fig INKEd") NOW// Rosa Ponselle. LONDON, 12:00 a.m.—Southern Serenade: broadly SINCE I HAVE THE FURY'S WAS FLYING WHEN I THAT JONES Will BE SOMETHING// MMSHU«HT he said: “I'm ever so to meet fcfrV'lftilSll/i^ THEY CAN'T KILL UN. WOl, 9:30—Spottight Band: Benny Good- GSC, 9.58 meg., 31.3 m.,- GSL, 6.11 meg., glad OWN PLANE- ENTERED THE CLOUDS— UNABLE TO BROADCAST --T J-- you and I hope we’ll get better on amav with man’s. 49.1 m. *•'», >•'1 ""r ■..ii'T* THEN HI STRAIGHTEN OUT— TONIGHT-HE HAS MET Ian* it] when are not in ^ WMAl, 9:30—H. B. C. Symphony: Oscar GUATEMALA, 12:15 a.m—Operatic Selec- acquainted you for AMERICA// m * WITH A VERY SERIOUS S j--- such a levant is soloist, Alfred Wallenstein conducts tions: TGWA, 9.68 meg., 31.3 m. hurry.” V ACCIDENT— And this is the way that Buster _4.M. -- TOMORROW S PROGRAM Bear was introduced to the little ISO 6:00 Today's Prelude Gordon Hittenmark Diwn Patrol Sun Dial mw mm am " •* people of the Green Forest by ^ | * " " " Jumper the Hare. 6 30 Nows—Art Brown Farm Report—Dial * 6:45 ** * Brown Sun Dial Art." TiOO News—The Kibitzers Arthur Godfrey POINTS FOR PARENTS " "

7M5 The Kibitzers _ 7:30 Defense—Kibitzers Defense—Hittenmark News—Art Brown News Reporter For many homemakers, their 7;45 Earl Hittenmark Brown Arthur Godfrey best contribution to defense is to Godwin_Gordon Art.. " do better those tasks which they ”1:00"’ The Kibitzers News—Perry Martin News of World * * 8:15 " " Martin—Hittenmark Arthur Godfrey are already doing. 8:30 News—The KlbHien Gordon Hittenmark News—Arf Brown '' " " Sol Hess 8:45 The Kibitzers Art Brown This THE NEBBS (You'll enjoy the Nebbs just us much in the colored comic section of The Sunday Star.) —By " “_ and Jane News—Arthur *0:00 "m Judy _ Godfrey ri 00 HOPE OUCH'S \ Housewives' Muslt of Air PANUY^W rocr THOSE TWO ^ THEY'RE \ ^FINISHED CONFERENCE 9:15 _ _School rCDMlNd HOME. 1 " P^(SU«SS MESSAGES G ALL0P1N® CALC/ \ MIS»\ WITH OTHER B>® SHOTS. 9:30 Breakfast Club News—Banghart Homemakers' Club NNOUUD UMB A 1 ]PRACTt HIM TORRlBUV BWtT '' f OVER THE WIRES An ] L HOME SOON--UNE 9:45 and Stories America loves SOX OP CAXtOV I NORTUVIUEy till anv* "_Song Story_News—Homemakers’ f ^WITHOUT ANY LOST A NOW v7 Kvwoucomt j RUOV* T0:00 Pin Money Bess Johnson Homemakers' Club Betty Crocker uaa pisuaa says j OUT MYEOLP > " " KKi. MOT>ON TKrr. ffvaow 10:15 Bachelor's Children Mr. Moneybags Myrt and Marge L'no' sen’ Maa appb- S ilii ii i I ■ “ Afl 10:30 Helpmate Singing Strings Stepmother A—.TVra MAS NO SAULS' * '* IStiffi^Tn 117^ (ONSOOUCDSAy 10:45 “_Road of Life_Morning Serenade Woman ot Courage fekWW^ANCBgi Aless ini tsw 11:00 Star Flashes—Women Mary Marlin B. S. Bercovici Clark's Treat Time Ojf^VwOUOS J iSMIl: atl wlv 11:15 Waltzes ef the World Right to Happiness Hoe-Down The Man I Married 11:30 N. B. C. Program The Bartons News and Music Bright Horizon " * 11:45 !David Harum Rhythms of the Day Aunt Jenny —P.M. 12:00 News—Moort’j Trie News—Playhouse John B. Hughes Kite Smith Speaks 12:15 Gwen Williams Playhouse—Music Luncheon Music Big Sister Mother: “Now, more than ever 12:30 Farm and Home Devotions Old-Fashioned Girl Helen Trent before, I feel my husband and chil- " 12:45 River Valley Wayne Gal dren should come home at night to _Red" West_Our Sunday_ 1:00 H. R. a cheerful and serene home.” Baukhage _ Sports Page Life Is Beautiful ••IT 1:15 Between Bookends Mary Mason Government Girl Woman in White " " Not This 1:30 Ear Teasers Front Page Farrell Vic and Sade | 1:45 Al and Lee Reiser News—Mary Mason Sports Page Road of Life " Gene 2:00 Vincent Lopez’s Or. Light of the World Young Dr. Malone The Star’s colored comic book every Sunday.) —By Byrnes " " REGULAR FELLERS (Read Id-page 2:15 The Mystery Man Joyce Jordan " 2:30 Into the Light Valiant Lady Fletcher Wiley VOU N THIS BENCH " JIMMIE / AM WWADDAYA HAFTA SOMe ADVICE ^ 2:45 Care of Aggie Horn Grimm's Daughter Kate Hopkins f WEV$ MAKES A SWELL **_ IN s»t still roa'? GAVE TO THAT tXJMBBELL- jj of Divorce 1 GONNA GET THIS 3:00 Orphans Against the Storm News—Sports Page News VOU MIOHTA KNOWED THINS TO WARM Hill HOCKEV GAME OR NOT? WHY DO/TCHA WARM 3:15 Honeymoon Ma Perkins Sports Page Elinor Lee DP BUT IT ISN'T " " Take tH, 3:30 John's Other Wifi Young's Family Music Masterworks IT'E GOLD SITTING UP WHILE YOU'RE he'd Vic and HERE/ WAlTtW/‘P ^ WDONO/ 3:45 Sade_“ "_"_"_ ^ AROUND 4:00 Street Singer News—Sports Page Pace Variety Show °*r'Urrjd 4:15 New—Club Matinee Stella Dallas Sports Page 4:30 Club Matinee. The Johnson Family Nancy Dixon 4:45 Mat.—Star Flashes Young Widow Brown Boako Carter Mark Hawley ^ 5:00 Commuter Tunes When a Girl Marries Musical Ranch Mary Marlin " Mother: “I’m so restless I can’t 5:15 " Portia Facts lift News and Music The Goldbergs " m home a minute. I’m going to the Abbotts Jack The O'Neills stay 5:30 We, Armstrong see if there’s more I can Just Entertainment something 5 45 Tom Mix Musicade_Capt. Midnight_ do in the defense program." 4:00 News—M. Beattia New—Ray Michael Prayer—Sports New Ed. C. Hill—News Richards' Or. Arch McDonald 6:15 Lum and Abner Musicade Johnny When you’ve enjoyed reading the New and Musk Frank Parker 6:30 Variations Baukhage—Music Songs paper, pass it along to the Junk deal- World 6 45 Lowell Thomas Musicade SyncopationThe Today er. Then you can enjoy It again when you read that more shells have reached the front. Shells are shipped Defense STAMPS and STAMP On! ike Axis! in cardboard made from waste paper. Bay iwis '“SSSP?53 S BfW