London Metropolitan Archives,Laurence Ward | 288 pages | 14 Mar 2016 | Thames & Hudson Ltd | 9780500518250 | English | London, United Kingdom The meticulously hand-coloured bomb damage maps of London – in pictures | Cities | The Guardian

Home Bomb Damage Map. London was heavily hit by German bombing during the Second World War, especially during years of — At one point in September London was bombed for 56 out of 57 consecutive nights. The aim was to damage morale by creating terror, and to hit sites of economic importance. An anomalous white turreted house on the corner of Chesterfield Road and Chatsworth Road in Grove Park, for instance, marks the spot where a bomb made a space amongst the other Edwardian houses. For instance, double-decker buses arrived at William Hogarth school and took most of the pupils off to Tring in Hertfordshire; the grammar school pupils went off to Amersham. Many people prepared small-scale air-raid shelters in their gardens, some of which still survive. There were overground shelters The London County Council Bomb Damage Maps 1939-1945 those who might get caught out while shopping, surrounded by sandbags: there was The London County Council Bomb Damage Maps 1939-1945 near the War Memorial on Turnham Green, one in Barley Mow Passage, one on Thames Road near the Rec and most school playgrounds had at least one. In June the Germans deployed their V-1 flying bombs, so they could attack London with 1,pound warheads without endangering their aircraft. More than 2, landed in the London region, killing 2, people. A small memorial marks the spot. It took about 5 minutes for a V2, carrying 1,kg of explosive, to The London County Council Bomb Damage Maps 1939-1945 from its launch site in Holland to London. Once the rescue services had saved everyone who could be saved over 22, people were pulled out from bombed buildings in London during the warthen surveyors and rescue workers would decide how to classify the damage. The results were hand painted in different colours onto a updated to Ordnance Survey map, at a scale of 25 inches to one mile:. Key: Red — Category 1: Total damage. Orange — Category 2: Some repairs, possibly could become category 1. Yellow — Category 3: Borderline areas, uncertain whether repairs possible, might have to be demolished. These maps were kept secret during the war, as they contained information very useful for the enemy. In the s when they were handed over to the London County Council Archives at County Hall a great buzz went around the staff when they realised what had arrived. The results were hand painted in different colours onto a updated to Ordnance Survey map, at a scale of 25 inches to one mile: Key: Red — Category 1: Total damage. It is sobering to consider the impact the War had on the people of Chiswick. Timeline of historic maps; Chiswick through the centuries

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Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to The London County Council Bomb Damage Maps 1939-1945 Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Between andLondon and its environs experienced destruction on a huge and deadly scale, with air raids and rocket attacks reducing entire buildings and streets to rubble. Featuring new, high-quality reproductions of the maps, this publication marks the first occasion on which these truly remarkable documents have been made available to a general audience. An introduction by Laurence Ward, Principal Archivist at the London Metropolitan Archives, explores the maps in the context of the terrible events that made them necessary. Reproductions of the maps themselves are complemented by a series of photographs of the damage done to the , taken with a sympathetic yet unflinching eye by police constables Arthur Cross and Fred Tibbs; additional The London County Council Bomb Damage Maps 1939-1945 photographs; and tables of statistics. This landmark publication represents an invaluable graphic representation of one of the most dramatic and affecting episodes in the . Get A Copy. Hardcoverpages. More Details Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 4. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Mar 24, E rated it it was amazing Shelves: historywar. Really interesting book! Added bonus: my toddler loves looking at all the maps - we picked out colors, shapes, The London County Council Bomb Damage Maps 1939- 1945 topographical feautures! Bob Bickersteth rated it really liked it Nov 15, Jonathan Burr rated it it was amazing May 01, David Bird rated it it was amazing Jun 04, Gareth rated it it was amazing May 19, Jonathan Kendall rated it it was amazing Dec 24, Michael Powell rated it really liked it Oct 23, Matthew Gregorowski rated it really liked it Dec 25, Keith Braithwaite rated it really liked it Nov 03, Craig rated it really liked it Feb 17, Princessofwails rated it it was amazing Mar 02, Ben Green rated it really liked it Sep 18, Vaughan rated it it was amazing Dec 28, David Dobbs rated it it was amazing Nov 13, Stuart rated it it was amazing Jan 01, Thejaswi rated it it was amazing Aug 19, Carys rated it it was amazing Apr 29, Matthew rated it it was amazing Jan 03, Mr H Velleman rated it liked it Aug 27, Virginia rated it really liked it Jun 07, Mr Andrew K Buckley rated it it was amazing Jul 18, Rgemini rated it it was amazing Feb 27, Andrew J Schuler rated it it was amazing Jun 03, Portia rated it really liked it May 18, Michael Welch rated it it was amazing May 25, Maria Duggan rated it really liked it Feb 01, There are no discussion topics on this book yet. About Laurence Ward. Laurence Ward. Books by Laurence Ward. Related Articles. Read more Trivia About The London County No trivia or quizzes yet. Welcome back. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account.