Groundwater Resources of the Mwembeshi and Chongwe Catchments ­Including the Lusaka Region

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Groundwater Resources of the Mwembeshi and Chongwe Catchments ­Including the Lusaka Region Roland Bäumle, Andrea Nick, Beauty Shamboko-Mbale, Chisanga Siwale & Simon Kang‘omba Groundwater Resources of the Mwembeshi and Chongwe Catchments including the Lusaka Region A Brief Description of Physiography, Geology, Climate, Hydrology and Groundwater Systems of the Area Prepared as a technical co- REPUBLIC OF ZAMBIA Federal Institute for Geosciences operation project between the Ministry of Mines, Energy and Natural Resources governments of Zambia and the and Water Development Stilleweg 2 Federal Republic of Germany Lusaka, Zambia 30655 Hannover, Germany Groundwater Resources of the Mwembeshi and Chongwe Catchments including the Lusaka Region A Brief Description of Physiography, Geology, Climate, Hydrology and the Groundwater Systems of the Area Roland Bäumle, Andrea Nick, Beauty Shamboko-Mbale, Chisanga Siwale & Simon Kang’omba Reviewed by Hans Klinge, Andreas Günther & Volker Hennings This publication was produced under the technical co-operation project between the Govern- ments of Zambia and the Federal Republic of Germany implemented by the Department of Wa- ter Affairs, Ministry of Mines, Energy and Water Development, Zambia and the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources, Germany, and complements the hydrogeological map sheet series for the Mwembeshi and Chongwe Catchments including Lusaka and surroundings. Project numbers: BMZ PN 2008.2125.6 (Phase II) BGR 05-2344-01 Text, layout and graphics: Department of Water Affairs, Lusaka Photographs: R. Bäumle (pages: 12, 15, 16, 32a, 33, 34b, 37, 41, 42a,b, 55b, 58, 60), K. Hahne (p. 13, 17b,c, 18, 22, 23, 42c, 43, 45), V. Hennings (p. 17a), A. Nick (p. 40b, 55a), T.Krekeler (p. 32b, 34a, 35), R. Kringel (p. 1, 6, 11, 54), C. Koch (p. 39), C. Mayerhofer (p. 40a) Cover photo: York Farm with City of Lusaka in the background (A. Nick) Print Layout: Andrea Nick Printed by: Associated Printers Ltd, Lusaka All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in any retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, re- cording or otherwise, without the written permission of the copyright owners. © 2012 Department of Water Affairs Lusaka & Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources, Hannover First Edition, March 2012 Foreword The Groundwater Resources for Lusa- us ers, at reasonable cost, with security ka Province project was proposed and of supply under varying conditions, sup- implemented by Government of Zambia porting economic growth and improving through the Department of Water Affairs livelihood. (DWA) with support from the Federal Republic of Germany through the Feder- The produced hydrogeological maps, al Institute for Geosciences and Natural groundwater information, technical man- Resources (BGR). The project started in uals, and guidelines for groundwater January 2010 and covered a 36-month resource management in the Lusaka implementation period ending Decem- region are important for water resource ber 2012. The project was planned to managers, academicians, politicians, fulfil the urgent need for groundwater water users and other interest groups. resource assessment in the Chongwe However, what remains is the challenge and Mwembeshi catchments, including to put it to use and help to achieve the the Lusaka City area. It was aimed at national goal of economic growth and strengthening the capacities of the water poverty eradication through sustain- sector in Zambia with special emphasis able development and management of on groundwater by compiling a ground- groundwater resources in the country. It water database which contains informa- is however notable that the limited infor- tion on borehole data, geology, yields of mation on groundwater data was one of boreholes and water quality and hydro- the main challenges met during the im- geological maps. plementation of the project. In this regard the Government appreciates the contin- The information generated by the project ued support of the Federal Republic of are useful for regulation of groundwater Germany through BGR. development, use and management in the study area. Furthermore the project Finally, I wish to commend the GReSP was intended to be a model for ground- Project Team, DWA management and water assessment in other catchments in BGR for successfully implementing the the country. project and producing the project docu- mentation including this brochure which I am gratified to note that the outputs of highlights various issues addressed by the project which include trained man- the project. power, establishment of a groundwater database and hydrogeological maps will be useful to the national planning and regulation authorities, especially in view of the new Water Resources Management Act. I am therefore pleased to launch the hydrogeological maps, technical docu- ments and the brochure produced by the project which will play an important role in the implementation of the Integrated Resource Management Plan to achieve sustainable water resources manage- George K. Zulu ment and development. This will ensure PERMANENT SECRETARY equitable provision of water in adequate Ministry of Mines, Energy and Water quantity and quality for all competing Development 3 Executive Summary In order to ensure the sustainable de- well as the vulnerability of the groundwa- velopment and use of water resources, ter systems were thoroughly assessed. an integrated management is needed, including surface water and groundwa- As part of these investigations one hy- ter as stipulated by the Zambian Water drogeological map at scale 1:250,000 Resources Management Act. The ba- and two, more detailed maps at scale sis of such an integrated management 1:75,000 were developed. The design is a sound assessment of the available and legend of the maps follow interna- quantities and qualities of surface and tional guidelines and can be adopted as groundwater. The effectiveness of such a standard for groundwater maps of oth- management strongly relies on the in- er regions. For future studies and explo- stitutional framework and the availability ration drillings, other thematic maps can of qualified staff at planning institutions. readily be prepared at various scales The main aim of this project therefore from the comprehensive Geographic In- is to enable the relevant planning au- formation System. thorities to apply integrated water and This publication reviews the state of landuse planning in the Chongwe and knowledge and provides references for Mwembeshi catchment areas including further reading on the geography, cli- Lusaka. A professional comprehensive mate, geology, hydrology and ground- groundwater information system was water in the area comprising the Mwem- established at the Department of Wa- beshi and Chongwe catchments, and ter Affairs and capacity was built in the partly beyond. It accompanies the three key institutions. Through comprehensive thematic maps together with a manual groundwater investigations and surveys which provides detailed explanations on the groundwater potential, the current the use of the maps. pollution status and potential risks as Flowchart showing the concept of developing a groundwater information system. 5 In the Mwembeshi and Chongwe Catch- dilute contaminants to a high degree. ments over 90 per cent of all groundwa- ter is hosted by hard rock including karst The need to protect the resource against formations. The carbonate rocks host contamination cannot be over-empha- abundant groundwater resources that sized, especially in the fast growing City are tapped for commercial agriculture of Lusaka with ever increasing demand and for domestic and industrial water for clean water. Areas with extreme and supply to the City of Lusaka. On the hy- high vulnerability such as the Lusaka drogeological maps the various marbles Dolomite aquifer that are exploited for of the Katanga system were categorised the production of drinking water need to as groundwater systems of “high” or be considered for the establishment of “moderate to high” potential with excep- protection zones, as the groundwater in tional permeability and yields. However, these areas is very likely to be affected since these aquifers are very heteroge- in the event of pollution. The concept of neous, groundwater exploration is not a groundwater protection through restric- straightforward task, and the importance tions in land-use has to become an inte- of modern siting methods is emphasized gral part of city planning in Lusaka. for further development of these ground- water bodies. Most other rocks found in the area includ- ing igneous rock, gneiss, schist, quartz- ite and metasedimentary rocks gener- ally form aquifers of limited potential, but locally conditions can be more favorable. The potential of the vast sediments of the Kafue Flats is variable due to differ- ent depositional domains and was rated “limited to moderate” in potential. The overall groundwater quality in the Lu- saka region meets most targets of both national and international drinking water standards and hence, is in most places well suitable for drinking water supply. In terms of bacteriological contents, how- ever, groundwater is unsuitable for drink- ing in most of the high-density urban areas in Lusaka, unless disinfected by chlorination. Another concern is the ni- Solid waste dumped in Lusaka Dolomite rock trate concentration in these areas which are equally caused by the lack of safe sanitation services. Poor on-site sanita- A continuous and extended monitoring tion facilities
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