Wellesley News
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1TA Literary Supplement see Paee 5 WELLESLEY NEWS Vol. LXI WELLESLEY NEWS, DECEMBER 8, 1967 No. 12 5? Sears Urges More Human Commitment Debate Over Titicut Follies To Solve Problems of Ghetto, Inner City At 4:30 last Thursday after- noon, recent Boston mayoralty Rages In Massachusetts Court candidate John Sears breezed in. apologized humorously for having kept the Political Science Forum by SiiKiin Faster '08 Wiseman and Rrldgewaler was ty," a documentary? How much of audience walling, and began t» pre- i'llli'Ut Tallies Is a movie nhnul largely oral, and thus It is difficult "reality" should be shown on the sent his thoughts on the Huh city. llllilgcwnlcr's Slale Menial Hospi- to determine If Wlsemon did In- screen? Should, for instarcc, in- A Harvard grnduntc and Rhodes tal (or Hie Criminally Insane deed broiieli his contract. The state spection of nude bodies be consid- scholar, Representative Sears sug- Named nfled n variety show pre- claims dial he agreed to give them ered os part of the reality of gested ways in which the inarti- sented by the Inmates, the movie final review and not to take pic- Brldgewater? Do men give up their culate poor may be helped. Many implies that on u larger scale the tures of Incompetent men. rights to privacy upon entering of his recommendations were nn institution itself has overtones of Many Questions such a public institution? outgrowth of his work with the being a real-life variety show of Another ambiguous clement cen- Ren! Motives? subcommittee on the ghetto which the absurd. ters around the fact 'that the in- These and other questions make met in Worcester earlier this full. Indeed even the stnle of Mass- mates are "Insane." Thus, are their the issue unclear. In addition, the "The majority of problems can achusetts seems to agree thai this wi ll ten releases legally binding? motives of each part are not clear- be solved with human commit- Is trtln, and, along Willi Ilia director Should an administrator make the cut. Whether Wiseman's movie Hililgewaler, ment," he emphasized, though he of has rilshod to decisions for I hem, because of their was designed to he documentary or did not deny the lm|s>rlimcc of bring suit against the movie, charg- Incompetence? If their rights have sensational Is perhaps open to accompanying well-directed funds. ing that certain scenes which ap- been Infringed ii|sin, should they question. And the state's concern Slstcr-Clty rrogruni pear (1) invade the privacy of the bring suit against the movie them- for individual rights of the inmates He proposed u sister-city pro- Inmates, (2) were photographed selves, or should the institution might actually be designed to pre- gram, pairing suburbs like Welles- without permission ffom the insti- do It for them? vent an expose of the conditions ley with sections of Roxbury and John Sears tution, and (3) arc not proper Wos their privacy invaded, or in the prison. other ghetto areus. In adopting n man. Terming him Kevin White's material for a movie. does nnyone have the right to Stoodlcy's View poor sector, the suburb would en- "safety valve", he saw Atkln'H flights Involved photograph in a public Institution Bartlett H. Stoodley, chairman courage an exchange of citizens, strength In his Image In Imth the Film maker Frederick Wiseman and to present the movie as "reali- (Continued on pnge 10) through clubs and recreation and white and black communities as contends that "the right to take health services. neither an Uncle Tom nor n pictures of Hrldgewutcr Is as clear He stressed the need for subtlety bomb-thrower. as the right to take pictures of a MIT Urges Wellesley Students and genuine rather than "do-good- Sears sees the Jloston elections traffic accident in, Scollay Square" er" motivations to avoid the crea- as evidence that we can still solve (Time, Dec. 1). Wiseman did, how- tion of resentment. our electoral problems reasonably, ever, have to obtain permission to To Apply Teaching Positions Echoing his campaign posters within the familiar democratic take pictures in the institution. He for headlined "John Sears Cares", he channels to obtain effective re- also got permission from 100 In- For the past ten years, the MIT In general, the subjects will be called for an expenditure of time, sults. mates, though not from nil who Summer Studies Program for High approached on the introductory not money, in tackling the basic After giving n number "f |H)lR- ap|ieor In t'\e film. School Students has offered a wide college level but the material cultural lags which tend to rein- nant examples of poverty In not The trial concerning Tlllrut Fol- of college courses should be understandable to high force other problems. only Roxbury but In Chinatown, lies began two weeks ago In Bos- selection level high school students In the Bos- school students with a good back- Atkins — A "Safety Vnlvo" the Puerto Rlcan section and a ton. Meanwhile It Is being shown to ton area at no cost. This program, ground. College students in a He said confidently that pro- sizable white ghetto, he expressed only in New York, having been completely organized and adminis- teaching position will be able to of- grams of this type could succeed enthusiasm for Charles Percy's and banned temporally In Massachu- tered by MIT students, draws close fer a course of his own choosing with people like Tom Atkins in of- Robert Kennedy's proposals that setts by petition of the state. One to one thousand high school pupils and design. He will have complete fice, giving a strong endorsement business enter the ghetto. of the ambiguous elements In the each freedom in planning the syllabus, for the newly elected city council- (Continued nn pnge 4) trlnl Is that the contract bewcen summer. It has now been decided to cx- defining the size of the class, and lenil the activities of the Summer determining the approach. Studies Program into the winter Deadline McCarthy months. have YD's to Endorse Sen. Wellesley students Two-hour classes for the winter been invited to apply for teaching term will be held on Saturday imsitions for the winter term. morning at MIT from 9 to 11 by Fat Nicely '71 sachusetts." McCarthy. a.m Joan has high hopes for the Mc- Complete Freedom . ... and 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. beginning As the 1968 Presidential election A state headquarters for Mc- is "very The program is looking for stu- Sat, Feb. 3. approaches, Wellesley Young De- Carthy for President opened in Carthy campaign, which well organized In Massachusetts." dents to serve as department Wellesley students who are in- mocrats arc preparing themselves Boston on Dec. 4, and "at least Evei-y college will have a program heads lecturers Instructors, and terested In giving three to six hours for a busy year of campaigning. 10,000 volunteers across I he stale similar In Wcllesley's and she feels leaching assistants. There will a week to teach n course of their On Oct. 23 Young Dems passed will he needed," says Joan, "Every Hint McCarthy has "a very good also be openings for seminar lead- choice can obtain applications from a resolution which urged "in the Democrat and Independent In the chance" of winning. ers. Lora Collett or Cindy Dorrance, best interests of the party anil Hie state musl be contacted before the both '70, in Pomeroy. The deadline United States" that voters search primary on April 30." for application has been extended for a better Administration than After Christmas, Wellesley for Wellesley students until Decem- the present one. Young Dems will hold a rally to ber 9. 1967. Slightly late applica- Stand on McCarthy McCarthy for President form a tions will also be considered. Ac- Since Minnesota Senator Eugene Club. wont to attract every- "We ceptance notices will be mailed on McCarthy's Dec. 2 announcement not just Young one on campus, Dec. 20. President that he will run against doesn't stake his |mi- Dcms. A mon The program "offers the Massachusetts De- the students Johnson in liticol future on a Joke. He ex|iecls who give these courses an oppor- mocratic primary, it hns been pre- votes, need at lensl 200 to win We tunity to gain valuable experience dicted that Young Dcms will adopt Wellesley." volunteer workers from in course design an cndorse-McCarthy resolution and classroom communication. The positions shortly after Christmas vacation. ADA Also Involved of- fered are challenging, and the re- Joan Entmacher '68, co-chair- Another group interested In the wards, in terms of experience and man of Young Dems, also expects Democratic primary also repre- accomplishment, are the College Young Democrats of significant." sented on campus Is the Americans Massachusetts to pass a similar re- for Democratic Action. John solution at their Dec. 10 meeting. Brodc, Instructor in economics and "There is no doubt," she says, "that member of the national board of Physics Department McCarthy Is the overwhelming the ADA, soys that while the group choice of college students of Mas- will not take a stand before the To Hold primaries, he can state that they Open House I MIT COURSES I will support anyone opposed to The physics department will ? All Interested In taking courses A Vietnam. hold open house on Wed., Jan. 10, at or In getting to know! I MIT The ADA, he says, is a non-par- from 8-9:30 p.m. In Pendleton Hall more about It: coeds arox I MIT tisan group, and primaries are for students and faculty.