Season Two - Divergent Mind - 2020 - 2021

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Season Two - Divergent Mind - 2020 - 2021 Divergent Mind: Insanity and Innovation. The Things List: Season Two - Divergent Mind - 2020 - 2021 Instructor: Elmund Earlingtone. [email protected] 29 October 2020, Process: Information Gathering: The Thing List: 30 October 2020, Process: Information Gathering: The Thing List: 31st October 2020, Process: Information Gathering: The Thing List: 1st November, Process: Writing Day: The Things List: 2nd November, Process: Audio and Writing Day. The Things List: 3rd November, 2020: Election Day. The Thing List: 4th November, 2020: Logos: Website: Process: The Things List: 5th November, 2020: Writing: Website: Pups 13th Birthday. The Things List: 6th November, 2020: Writing. The Things List: 7th November, 2020: Ad placement and all that. The Things List: 8-11th, November 2020: A bit of a break. The Things List: 1 12th November, 2020: Study to the roots. The Things List: 13th November, 2020: finding out that others are writing similar papers. The Things List: 14th November, 2020: Reading Day. The Things List: November 15th - 17th, 2020: PiP. The Things List: November 18th - 19th, 2020: Flash Cards: Additionals: So Much Reading Rainbow. 18th November, 2020:Optics: The Things List: 19th November, 2020: Flu: Flashcards: Filing to Come. The Things List: 19th-2 November, 2020: Guides: Emails: In: Confidence: Out. The Things List: 20th November, 2020: Getting on the Map. The Things List: 21st November, 2020: Overdoing it. The Things List: 26th November, 2020: Bedrest: A meal: Normalcy. The Things List: 27th November, 2020: Stock Feed: Galleries. The Things List: 28th November, 2020: Nettios: Tamales. The Things List: 29th November, 2020: A semi-day off: Discussion with another Linkedin Member asking what I need: Asked for advice on getting started. The Things List: 30th November, 2020: New Week: Market Play. The Things List: 1st December, 2020: New Week: Market Play. The Things List: 2 2nd December, 2020: Advice. The Things List: 3rd December, 2020: More Advice. The Things List: 4th December, 2020: A single Market Change. The Things List: 5th December, 2020: A single Market Change. The Things List: 6th December, 2020: Pain being a limiting factor. The Things List: 7th December, 2020: Getting Back to work after the weekend. The Things List: 8th December, 2020: A slow day at the market. The Things List: 9th December, 2020: A low day at the market. The Things List: Structure[edit] 10th December, 2020: A different day at the market. The Things List: 11th December, 2020: Yikes, and enough about that. The Things List: 12th December, 2020: Kagome Metals. The Things List: 13th December, 2020: Gaussian Boson Sampling and interferometry. The Things List: 14th December, 2020: Testing a new theory on market analysis. The Things List: 15th December, 2020: Not much to say . The Things List: 16th December, 2020: Gamma Ray Emitters. The Things List: What are some uses of gamma ray emitters? 3 17th December, 2020: Dipping. The Things List: 18th-20th December, 2020: Episode 1. The Things List: 21st December, 2020: Rollercoaster or Runaway carriage? The Things List: 22nd December, 2020: Well here’s hoping? The Things List: 23rd December, 2020: Liquidation takes a while in a falling market. The Things List: 24th December, 2020: Christmas Eve. The Things List: 25th December, 2020: Christmas Day. The Things List: 26th December, 2020: Boxing Day. The Things List: 27th December, 2020: Rest Day. The Things List: 28th December, 2020: Etsy falling pretty hard. The Things List: 29th December, 2020: Back to work. The Things List: 30th December, 2020: 2nd to last day of 2020. The Things List: 31st December, 2020: Last day of 2020. The Things List: 1st January, 2021: Happy New Year. The Things List: 2nd January, 2021: More Sleep. The Things List: 3rd January, 2021: Prepping for tomorrow. The Things List: 4 4th January, 2021: Falling Market. The Things List: 5th January, 2021: Podcast Day. The Things List: 6th January, 2021: Podcast Day. The Things List: 7th January, 2021: Podcast Day Catch Up Day Three. The Things List: 8th - 10th January, 2021: Days lost to illness. The Things List: 11th January, 2021: Petabytes. The Things List: 12th January, 2021: Rest. The Things List: 13th January, 2021: Studying cell types for improved cell timing cohesion for longer life spans. The Things List: 14th January, 2021: The Work Begins (this is a multi day project for funsies to clear my head). Let’s cross index Cell Timeframes with bodily functions and then all their various cancers. The Things List: 15th January, 2021: Overdid it again, mood cycling is a delicate balancing act. The Things List: 16th January, 2021: Can’t sleep so more research is done towards the 14th’s goal. The Things List: 5 29 October 2020, Process: Information Gathering: Things I want to get done today: Read 100 pages of an art book, even if it’s just skimming it for what it’s good for. Colour and light is great for material light conditions in an organised fashion. ​Fuzzy Unknown Page Count/100 Reviews: How to draw is fantastic to teach you about camera technique as well as any shape being drawn in perspective. Easy to follow but hard to master. Easy to go to needed part as it’s wonderfully organised. What I’m currently lacking: Give a crap about their story and finish my first save the cat for their first real episode. End the first one on close up of her face with high detail “Is that for me?”. Hoping that doing nanowrimo will get me started. The Thing List: 1. Developing all the parts of the photonic computers pcb boards is needed: 1. Si^-1---Si^-1 units find the space where cross chatter would cause interference at any level so shielding can be put in place as well as a pull out replacement system for recyclability. They need to shield alpha and beta particles if possible. How to use Autodesk Eagle for Pcb production. 2. How to attach a server to IBM Quantum Computer as the processor.​ (Sub 2 minute video). Host Katie Pizzolato. WATCH THIS FOR A QUICK LESSON ON QUANTUM COMPUTERS. 6 3. knowing the IBM system is attached to their atomic clock. 4. Figure out how time crystals are read lattice-wise (counterclockwise or clockwise or one then the other or back and forwards. They read from one side to the other side and then back again in time. Meaning that they can transport insane amounts of information as long as you think of them waves washing against a rocky shore of another time crystal, plus we can split them in multiple directions after a set number of cycles and keep them going laterally for some duration which may be beneficial. If you cycle them you'll have near infinite polarization in time with read sectors all along the process in our version of time. 5. learn how IBM’s quantum computer works (refresher) videos.​ READ THE BLOG BELOW THE VIDEO. 6. Memorize Greek Alphabet to IBM’s types of gates. ​Read Once: 7 8 Going to have to learn each of these Definitions separately. May as well include the Gates Diagrams as well and their matrix definitions: 9 7. Emailed A Mister H​ enning Schröder is head of the department for ​ optical interconnection technology at Fraunhofer IZM, Berlin, Germany; e-mail: [email protected]; about the ​ ​ design based on this article: ng-optical-printed-circuit-boards-on-an-industrial-scale 8. Asked politely for a Research Gate account. Placement 226 in line. 9. ​ An energy landscape is a mapping of possible states of a system. The concept is frequently used ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ in physics, chemistry, and biochemistry, e.g. to describe all possible conformations of a molecular ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ entity, or the spatial positions of interacting molecules in a system, or parameters and their ​ ​ ​ corresponding energy levels, typically Gibbs free energy. Geometrically, the energy landscape is the ​ ​ graph of the energy function across the configuration space of the system. The term is also used ​ ​ ​ more generally in geometric perspectives to mathematical optimization, when the domain of the loss ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ function is the parameter space of some system. ​ ​ ​ Applications[e​dit]​ ​ The term is useful when examining protein folding; while a protein can theoretically exist in a nearly ​ ​ infinite number of conformations along its energy landscape, in reality proteins fold (or "relax") into secondary and tertiary structures that possess the lowest possible free energy. The key concept in ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ the energy landscape approach to protein folding is the folding funnel hypothesis. ​ ​ ​ ​ 10 In catalysis, when designing new catalysts or refining existing ones, energy landscapes are ​ ​ considered to avoid low-energy or high-energy intermediates that could halt the reaction or demand excessive energy to reach the final products.[1] ​ In glassing models, the local minima of an energy landscape correspond to metastable low ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ [2][3] temperature states of a thermodynamic system. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ [4] In machine learning, artificial neural networks may be analyzed using analogous approaches. ​ For ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ example, a neural network may be able to perfectly fit the training set, corresponding to a global ​ ​ minimum of zero loss, but overfitting the model ("learning the noise" or "memorizing the training ​ ​ ​ ​ set"). Understanding when this happens can be studied using the geometry of the corresponding energy landscape.[5] ​ Formal definition[​edit​] Mathematically, an energy landscape is a continuous function X=>R associating each physical state ​ ​ with an energy, where X is a topological space. ​ ​ In the continuous case, X=R^N, where N is the number of degrees of freedom of the system.
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