Divergent Mind: Insanity and Innovation. The Things List: Season Two - Divergent Mind - 2020 - 2021

Instructor: Elmund Earlingtone. [email protected]

29 October 2020, Process: Information Gathering: The Thing List:

30 October 2020, Process: Information Gathering: The Thing List:

31st October 2020, Process: Information Gathering: The Thing List:

1st November, Process: Writing Day: The Things List:

2nd November, Process: Audio and Writing Day. The Things List:

3rd November, 2020: Election Day. The Thing List:

4th November, 2020: Logos: Website: Process: The Things List:

5th November, 2020: Writing: Website: Pups 13th Birthday. The Things List:

6th November, 2020: Writing. The Things List:

7th November, 2020: Ad placement and all that. The Things List:

8-11th, November 2020: A bit of a break. The Things List:


12th November, 2020: Study to the roots. The Things List:

13th November, 2020: finding out that others are writing similar papers. The Things List:

14th November, 2020: Reading Day. The Things List:

November 15th - 17th, 2020: PiP. The Things List:

November 18th - 19th, 2020: Flash Cards: Additionals: So Much Reading Rainbow.

18th November, 2020:Optics: The Things List:

19th November, 2020: Flu: Flashcards: Filing to Come. The Things List:

19th-2 November, 2020: Guides: Emails: In: Confidence: Out. The Things List:

20th November, 2020: Getting on the Map. The Things List:

21st November, 2020: Overdoing it. The Things List:

26th November, 2020: Bedrest: A meal: Normalcy. The Things List:

27th November, 2020: Stock Feed: Galleries. The Things List:

28th November, 2020: Nettios: Tamales. The Things List:

29th November, 2020: A semi-day off: Discussion with another Linkedin Member asking what I need: Asked for advice on getting started. The Things List:

30th November, 2020: New Week: Market Play. The Things List:

1st December, 2020: New Week: Market Play. The Things List:


2nd December, 2020: Advice. The Things List:

3rd December, 2020: More Advice. The Things List:

4th December, 2020: A single Market Change. The Things List:

5th December, 2020: A single Market Change. The Things List:

6th December, 2020: Pain being a limiting factor. The Things List:

7th December, 2020: Getting Back to work after the weekend. The Things List:

8th December, 2020: A slow day at the market. The Things List:

9th December, 2020: A low day at the market. The Things List: Structure[edit]

10th December, 2020: A different day at the market. The Things List:

11th December, 2020: Yikes, and enough about that. The Things List:

12th December, 2020: Kagome Metals. The Things List:

13th December, 2020: Gaussian and interferometry. The Things List:

14th December, 2020: Testing a new theory on market analysis. The Things List:

15th December, 2020: Not much to say . The Things List:

16th December, 2020: Gamma Ray Emitters. The Things List: What are some uses of gamma ray emitters?


17th December, 2020: Dipping. The Things List:

18th-20th December, 2020: Episode 1. The Things List:

21st December, 2020: Rollercoaster or Runaway carriage? The Things List:

22nd December, 2020: Well here’s hoping? The Things List:

23rd December, 2020: Liquidation takes a while in a falling market. The Things List:

24th December, 2020: Christmas Eve. The Things List:

25th December, 2020: Christmas Day. The Things List:

26th December, 2020: Boxing Day. The Things List:

27th December, 2020: Rest Day. The Things List:

28th December, 2020: Etsy falling pretty hard. The Things List:

29th December, 2020: Back to work. The Things List:

30th December, 2020: 2nd to last day of 2020. The Things List:

31st December, 2020: Last day of 2020. The Things List:

1st January, 2021: Happy New Year. The Things List:

2nd January, 2021: More Sleep. The Things List:

3rd January, 2021: Prepping for tomorrow. The Things List:


4th January, 2021: Falling Market. The Things List:

5th January, 2021: Podcast Day. The Things List:

6th January, 2021: Podcast Day. The Things List:

7th January, 2021: Podcast Day Catch Up Day Three. The Things List:

8th - 10th January, 2021: Days lost to illness. The Things List:

11th January, 2021: Petabytes. The Things List:

12th January, 2021: Rest. The Things List:

13th January, 2021: Studying types for improved cell timing cohesion for longer life spans. The Things List:

14th January, 2021: The Work Begins (this is a multi day project for funsies to clear my head). Let’s cross index Cell Timeframes with bodily functions and then all their various cancers. The Things List:

15th January, 2021: Overdid it again, mood cycling is a delicate balancing act. The Things List:

16th January, 2021: Can’t sleep so more research is done towards the 14th’s goal. The Things List:


29 October 2020, Process: Information Gathering:

Things I want to get done today: Read 100 pages of an art book, even if it’s just skimming it for what it’s good for. Colour and light is great for material light conditions in an organised fashion. ​Fuzzy Unknown Page Count/100

Reviews: How to draw is fantastic to teach you about camera technique as well as any shape being drawn in perspective. Easy to follow but hard to master. Easy to go to needed part as it’s wonderfully organised.

What I’m currently lacking: Give a crap about their story and finish my first save the cat for their first real episode. End the first one on close up of her face with high detail “Is that for me?”. Hoping that doing nanowrimo will get me started.

The Thing List:

1. Developing all the parts of the photonic computers pcb boards is needed: 1. Si^-1---Si^-1 units find the space where cross chatter would cause interference at any level so shielding can be put in place as well as a pull out replacement system for recyclability. They need to shield alpha and beta particles if possible. How to use Autodesk Eagle for Pcb production. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDq3ly9QxTE

2. How to attach a server to IBM Quantum Computer as the processor. https://www.ibm.com/quantum-computing/use-case/researchers ​ (Sub 2 minute video). Host Katie Pizzolato. WATCH THIS FOR A QUICK LESSON ON QUANTUM COMPUTERS.


3. knowing the IBM system is attached to their atomic clock. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/System_time

4. Figure out how time crystals are read lattice-wise (counterclockwise or clockwise or one then the other or back and forwards. They read from one side to the other side and then back again in time. Meaning that they can transport insane amounts of information as long as you think of them waves washing against a rocky shore of another , plus we can split them in multiple directions after a set number of cycles and keep them going laterally for some duration which may be beneficial. If you cycle them you'll have near infinite polarization in time with read sectors all along the process in our version of time.

5. learn how IBM’s quantum computer works (refresher) videos. https://www.ibm.com/quantum-computing/use-case/researchers ​ READ THE BLOG BELOW THE VIDEO.

6. Memorize Greek Alphabet to IBM’s types of gates. R​ ead Once:



Going to have to learn each of these Definitions separately. May as well include the Gates Diagrams as well and their matrix definitions:


7. Emailed A Mister ​Henning Schröder is head of the department for ​ optical interconnection technology at Fraunhofer IZM, Berlin, Germany; e-mail: [email protected]; about the ​ ​ design based on this article: https://www.laserfocusworld.com/optics/article/14040276/maki ng-optical-printed-circuit-boards-on-an-industrial-scale

8. Asked politely for a Research Gate account. Placement 226 in line.

9. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Energy_landscape ​ An energy landscape is a mapping of possible states of a system. The concept is frequently used ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ in physics, chemistry, and biochemistry, e.g. to describe all possible conformations of a molecular ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ entity, or the spatial positions of interacting molecules in a system, or parameters and their ​ ​ ​ corresponding energy levels, typically Gibbs free energy. Geometrically, the energy landscape is the ​ ​ graph of the energy function across the configuration space of the system. The term is also used ​ ​ ​ more generally in geometric perspectives to mathematical optimization, when the domain of the loss ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ function is the parameter space of some system. ​ ​ ​

Applications[e​dit]​ ​ The term is useful when examining protein folding; while a protein can theoretically exist in a nearly ​ ​ infinite number of conformations along its energy landscape, in reality proteins fold (or "relax") into secondary and tertiary structures that possess the lowest possible free energy. The key concept in ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ the energy landscape approach to protein folding is the folding funnel hypothesis. ​ ​ ​ ​


In catalysis, when designing new catalysts or refining existing ones, energy landscapes are ​ ​ considered to avoid low-energy or high-energy intermediates that could halt the reaction or demand excessive energy to reach the final products.[1] ​ In glassing models, the local minima of an energy landscape correspond to metastable low ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ [2][3] temperature states of a thermodynamic system. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

[4] In machine learning, artificial neural networks may be analyzed using analogous approaches. ​ For ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ example, a neural network may be able to perfectly fit the training set, corresponding to a global ​ ​ minimum of zero loss, but overfitting the model ("learning the noise" or "memorizing the training ​ ​ ​ ​ set"). Understanding when this happens can be studied using the geometry of the corresponding energy landscape.[5] ​

Formal definition[e​ dit​]

Mathematically, an energy landscape is a continuous function X=>R associating each physical state ​ ​ with an energy, where X is a topological space. ​ ​ In the continuous case, X=R^N, where N is the number of degrees of freedom of the system. The ​ ​ graph of a continuous energy landscape is a hypersurface in R^N+1. ​ ​ ​ Hills and valleys in the energy landscape correspond to local maxima and minima of R, respectively. ​ ​

10. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41570-020-00228-3 ​

11. Quantum "seabeds" interacting sound waves propagated around and through with timed efficiency using nullifying or amplifying directional radio/sound waves or lasers would lead to the least noisy system possible. Perhaps embedding them between time crystals would be a good solid state quantum drive. They use elemagnetic waves to control the quantum particles so it's just a matter of setting the pieces into place and then firing timed electromagnetic waves and their nullifiers to force any possible quantum alignment probability though it may reverse all commands depending on directional schema. It would peak as it went through time, hit it’s collective zeniths and troughs and then reverse direction and make it back to the future version of the user with the original photonic information intact or at least change in some way that is testable.

12. Made a teaser for season two of Divergent Mind. Scheduled for Friday at 10 p.m..

13. Read for tomorrow: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_computing ​ ​


30 October 2020, Process: Information Gathering:

The Thing List:

1. Read Previous Days Report:

2. Make the First Podcast. D​ one Last night.

3. No Idea who made this. Need to find who to give credit to.

4. Go to Pharmacy. 5. Read First reports pages and count as read pages for the day:

6. Discuss the fact that time crystals have a shear or peak that lets it go back in formation as time persists, so you could do your calculations in time crystals that are


entangled and they would hold the quantum state atoms in a solid electromagnetic field controllable from the outside as long as when we knew we wanted our reading in the future and reciprocate for the futures return to limit time crystal vibrations (noise). “Careful with that drive boy, it’ll tear you to pieces and rebuild you in it’s own image,” he said moving along. I looked down at what he had motioned to. A kaleidoscope of colors suddenly cascaded in slivers of light blindingly eclipsing our passage down the hallway. As we entered the elevator I turned to him, “What was that?”. “Quantum Photonic drive, as I said—lets us view time until we watch pure photonic relays, letting us know where to head to next. Based on time crystal shear reaction and action—we take the idea of the fact that we’ll actually get the middle view at some point and can measure at any point in a cascade the depths of the quantum particles up until and after then, and map space and time itself between the -entangled quantum particles. Very basic stuff”.

7. C​ reating a new class of photonic connectors and augmented junction to allow passage into the lines (either mono or multiline).

First we need the new carbine- silicon---silicon to junction system set up. The junction is different in that it spins in place as a set of shielded prisms all lined up to allow little refraction but also less interference, and instead of being as wide as the photon needed to get there, we rotate the photon on it’s “side” as it is fired drastically reducing the size of the cable to roughly or less than a boxed 1 nanometer side.

Also we can control the type of that gets through the silicon---silicon quantum dots if we want because we can build in resistors by connecting something like -salt- molecule as resistors in series from zero to it’s natural blockage state. Meaning we can even have more control as long as the atoms for resistances behave properly. (Must be bent or stacked so that they don’t overcome the length of the minimum silicon---silicon bond length).

8. Did none of the others really, cold so very sore at the moment.


31st October 2020, Process: Information Gathering:

The Thing List:

1. Prep for Nanowrimo. Goal is in ten days. Scifi. May Use Being an Asmovian since the save the cats are already done. ​Written the first 3,000 words so far for the book based on ~15,000 words of plot in an intermixed style. Shaking off the cobwebs will take a minute. 11 issues of plot should get me to my goal I hope but if it doesn’t I’ll just pretend I’m making a comic and plot it out that way (read: quickly) and crank it out. Book Cover Below.

2. Chore day. Dishes and swept.


1st November, Process: Writing Day:

The Things List:

1. Wrote most of the day starting at 6 A.M., with intermittent breaks until roughly 4 P.M.. ​Hit 6,000+ words of the book, and finished converting issue one of the comic into the book. Not a bad conversion rate. 2. Realised I’m going to draw in additional pages throughout the book as a way to enhance the overall quality of the experience for the reader. H​ ighlighted in blues in the work plot text. Green are creators notes. 3. Went over issue two and most of its subsequent notes to see what’s planned for the next day. Still shooting for a ten day write to get through Nanowrimo. B​ ecause of a glitch in copying my count is lower than originally thought. Let me check the remaining story plot points to see if there are additional glitches. 4. Got to Part Six. T​ he plot gets extremely dark very quickly. I must have been in a bad place when writing this, but it should make for some excellent shots (drawings for the book).

2nd November, Process: Audio and Writing Day.

The Things List:

1. Put up podcasts from halloween/November 1st. For Divergent Mind Season Two. 2. Rested until 9. 3. Breakfast. Chicken Ramen. H​ ate it but food stamps only go so far. 4. I don’t understand why they don’t use a purely round fusion reactor. ​I designed that years ago. No core. Forcing a core just aids it, but doesn’t fix the problem, where mine has a better chance of doing so. Just ask me.


5. Meds took effect. W​ oke at three thirty in the afternoon. Frustrating. Can’t seem to focus on the story. The first 400 words were a lesson in pulling teeth. Back is sore. Hard to concentrate in general terms. 6. Made it to the top result in Spotify for Divergent Mind, which is awesome.

3rd November, 2020: Election Day.

The Thing List:

1. Invited to the ​Discover Brigham (Medical Group) by Harvard Virtual Panel. Should ​ be good. November 12th at 8 a.m. my time. Asked if I could show them the design for the self sanitizing mask, and was approved to go up the chain. Waiting to hear back. 2. Went out to try and fill the tire before it pops. ​Air hose broken. Again. 3. Got money for election night watch a thon. 4. Applied for a home license so that I could create my patents and designs and sell things to people at the appropriate times. ​Good luck.


5. Officially got approved to start my 2nd Business: ​Townsends Atomics. It should let me work on my patents and designs in a professional manner while getting more into photonics and show off what else I’ve designed. 6. Chores: Dishes, laundry, counter wiped down, garbage bins out. 7. Joined photonics spectra. J​ anuary 19th-22nd. so much to learn. 8. Bought townsendsatomics.com. $23.00.

4th November, 2020: Logos: Website: Process:

The Things List:

1. Made logos for neighbor. 2. Made and uploaded episode 6 of DIvergent Mind season two. 3. Realised I had bought the wrong domain name, so bought the correct one as well. 4. Neighbor wants a bunch of changes (additional work) to a free logo design. ​Not in the mood.

5th November, 2020: Writing: Website: Pups 13th Birthday.

The Things List:

1. Put up episode 7 of Divergent Mind podcast. 2. Changed status for Brigham event from Inventor to Owner of Townsends Atomics. 3. Took Meds: W​ oke up at 5 p.m., so frustrating.

6th November, 2020: Writing.

The Things List:

1. Put up episode 8 of Divergent Mind Podcast. Definitely going in the wrong direction work-wise. Back to focusing if possible before mood cycles.

2. Made logo for Townsends Atomics, based off of Ta, Tantalus-- or the mythology of tantalizing.


3. Finished neighbours logos.

4. Found the small business subreddit: Made a welcome post: I'm -J. I founded Townsendsatomics.com​ yesterday. I hope to become a nano and sub-nanometer product designer, ranging from electron lithography, photonics, Photonic computers, quantum computers, time crystals as well as about ~300 designs I've been sitting on waiting to share with people. My first biomedical patent is going through its paces at the U.S. Patent office. My lawyer believes I created a new type of material, so that's neat I guess.

If you want to be my first customer I'll take a 10% welcoming fee from the total, before taxes.

I'm brand new so I'm hoping to delve into this subreddit and learn as much as I can.

7th November, 2020: Ad placement and all that.

The Things List:


1. Put up Episode 9 of Divergent Mind Podcast Miniseries. 2. Took morning meds. W​ oke up at 6 p.m. again. Oh man. 3. Read over Nanowrimo project. 4. Asked for help in learning to network from my local Mensan group. 5. Figured out the basics behind a photonic hard drive. Or at least a photonic saving system. ​Additional: if spread through the meeting crystal sending info backward to the zenith by forced directional tuning you can get through time lateral longitudinal data storage and or collection.

8-11th, November 2020: A bit of a break.

The Things List:

1. Spent the days asking questions with my Mensan group. Great advice to be honest. 2. Sent out a letter to a Stanford Photonics Professor who is looking for post docs, but how does someone like me without those chances get into that position. ​Answer: Asked if she needed interns. Waiting to hear back. 3. Ordered my first book from the library this year online edition: Have to read 26 pages per day to get through it. About a day ahead at this point. 4. May have to put nanowrimo on hold and focus on what could make my and Nettio’s lives better. 5. Check out w​ ww.TownsendsAtomics.com​ if you’re bored. As I learn more I’ll make it more robust, and if I can ever get it built how I want (in roughly a year) I will be most happy. 6. Started learning Greek Alphabet so I can figure out the maths in the book. May need flash cards. 7. Read about the Molecular Orbital Theory as the first unknown thing in the book. h​ ttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Molecular_orbital_theory


8. The library book is: Modeling, Characterization and Production of Nanomaterials. 9. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fock_matrix 10. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamiltonian_(quantum_mechanics) 11. 2 episodes to do in the morning. Fun. Have a wonderful day!

12th November, 2020: Study to the roots.

The Things List:

1.h​ ttps://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roothaan_equations

2. Signed up for event through Mensan acquaintance.

3. This problem was solved with insulating layers of hexagonal boron nitride. An optical sensor was placed very close to (but not touching) the sample, at a distance of just one nanometre, separated by a boron nitride layer. This prevented electrical coupling between the sensor and the sample, while maintaining enough proximity for high detection sensitivity.

https://www.sciencealert.com/physicists-have-created-a-long-hypothesised-electron-crystal /amp

4. Generalized eigenvalue problem. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eigendecomposition_of_a_matrix#Generalized_eigenvalue_ problem

13th November, 2020: finding out that others are writing similar papers.

The Things List:

1. The great thing about the new double slit "gigantic" molecule sounds like my entangled self idea but proven empirically. Wait until


they realise they can cast shadows and move the reality of the directions of the storage of the quantum entangled states. 2. My Current reading list (Not including the book:mainly websites): a. Silicon Photonics: Light is the Ultimate Medium for High-Speed… b. Optics | Photonics Handbook | Photonics Buyers Guide. c. Imaging| Photonics Handbook | Photonics Buyers Guide. d. Sensor & Detectors| Photonics Handbook | Photonics Buyers Guide. e. Test & Measurement| Photonics Handbook | Photonics Buyers Guide. f. Light Sources| Photonics Handbook | Photonics Buyers Guide. g. Fiber Optics, Communications | Photonics Handbook | Photonics Buyers Guide. h. Spectroscopy| Photonics Handbook | Photonics Buyers Guide. i. Microscopy | Photonics Handbook | Photonics Buyers Guide. j. Materials, Coatings | Photonics Handbook | Photonics Buyers Guide. k. Laser Measurement Systems: Best Practices | Photonics Handbook |Test & Measureme... l. Aspheric Lenses: Design Considerations | Features | Photonics Ha… m. Flat Optics: Considerations When Buying | Features | Photonics H… n. Laser Safety: Important Considerations | lasers | Photonics Handb… o. Transparent Ceramics: Enabling Large, Durable, Multifunctional O… p. Common Infrared Optical Materials and Coatings: A Guide to Prop… q. Optical Materials: Double-Sided Lapping and Polishing | optics | P… r. Excimer Optics: High POwer Demands High Reliability | optics | Ph… s. Plastic Optics: Specifying Injection-Molded Polymer Optics | optic… t. Thin-Film Coatings: A Buyer’s Guide | optics | Photonics Hanboo… u. Ultraviolet Filters: Past and Present | optics | Photonics Handbook… v. OPtical Delay Lines: Key to Time-Resolved Measurements | Test… w. Antireflection Coatings for the Ultraviolet, Visible, and Near-IR | m… x. Beryllium Mirrors: Refinements Enable New Applications | optics |... y. Cleaning Optics: Choosing the BEst Method | optics | Photonics H… z. Coefficients of Expansion and Densities of Optical Material | Gen… aa. Data Tables: Optical Thin-Film Materials | materials | Photonics Ha bb. Heat Control and Lighting Systems Design: Optical Coatings Sep…


cc. Mirrors: Coating Choice Makes a Difference | coatings | Photonics… dd. Optical Coating: Materials and Deposition Technology | materials |... ee. Optical Coatings: Improving Traditional Technology | coatings | Ph… ff. Optical Materials: Transmissions and Refractive Index | materials |... gg. Optical System Design: Keeping the Coatings in Mind | optics | Ph… hh. Rules of Thumb | General Reference | Photonics Handbook | Phot… ii. Transmission Ranges for Optical Materials | General Reference | P… jj. High-Brightness LEDS: A Boost from High-Performance Silicones… kk. Beamsplitters: A Guide for Designers | optics | Photonics Handbook… ll. IBM Quantum | Researchers mm. Making optical printed circuit boards on an industrial scale | Laser nn. What single layer atoms absorb radio frequencies - google search. oo. Types of quantum gates ibm - Google Search pp. The 3 Types of Quantum Computer and Their Applications qq. Search Publications | ResearchGate rr. How the Process Works - Youtube ss. Building an interative heuristic solver for a quantum annealer | Spri… tt. Energy Landscape - Wikipedia uu. - Wikipedia vv. Positioning | Photonics Handbook | Photonics Handbook… ww. Nanopositioning: A Step Ahead | positioning | Photonics Handbook… xx. Vibration Control: Limiting Mechanical Noise | positioning | posit... yy. Micro assembly: Minimizing Error and Maximizing Precision | posit… zz. Positioning System Performance: Understanding the Rules | positioning… aaa. Nanopositioning: A Step Ahead | positioning | Photonics Handbook…

14th November, 2020: Reading Day.

The Things List: bbb. Bose–Einstein condensate. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bose–Einstein_condensate

















Divergent Mind: Insanity and Innovation. The Things List: Season Two - Divergent Mind - 2020 - Part 2.

Instructor: Elmund Earlingtone

[email protected]

November 15th - 17th, 2020: PiP.

The Things List:

1. If you use the inside of the cube for growing as well so that you get total pod or pipe coverage then you would get nearly a full yield of lettuces minus the misting and variable UV light(s) if you can not find spherical rotatable system. Which I think I'll build it for fun.






4. Wasted far too much time on Reddit. Did meet a new business acquaintance through it though, which is great: T​ old them I would keep them at the top of my

https://webdyno.ca/ If you need any IT help, website design, list. To the point, honest. ​ ​ ​ advertising, marketing, seo, or app development we got you and will be happy to assist you with any of your tech needs :) 5. I’m sitting here staring at the other screen of my setup. Just a small portable HD Screen. It has a picture of the 506 masks we made to proper specifications arranged by Nettios to look like 506. ​It was weeks then months of work to get them all done by four thumbs and a number of fingers. She’s an amazing craftsperson. My muscular dystrophy slowed me down a bit but we had fun. Just sore hands each day. She’s got a bad back as well, so sitting at a sewing machine for 10+ hours meant we had to rest during the week. I think that’s why I’m going to make this a non profit research group. It should, if funded, let me build, patent, and then give away life saving designs while letting others work on what they need to do to save the world. Who the fuck wants to see the game over screen of this one? Not me. 6. Today (tonight) is much in the mood to be a reading night. It’s dark. I’m sore. So let’s hit the stop button and start our reading over. 7. I haven’t forgotten about the Greek Alphabet so I’ll make those cards tonight. Let’s do that first. a. Got a large piece of paper or many smaller ones if available (whichever you prefer) from my Strathmore collection. I like drawing and bristol myself. b. Fold as many times as needed to get your right square numbers. Just count them out as you fold and you’ll be fine. c. Cut them out. (This is literally the first time I’ve done this so it’s interesting.) d. My hands are shot for the day and I need them to be legible so they shall be taken care of in the morning. e. Since this image is lagging out for the third time I’m listening to Jackson Browne For Everyman.



November 18th - 19th, 2020: Flash Cards: Additionals: So Much Reading Rainbow.

18th November, 2020:Optics:

The Things List:

1. How to do a fusion and mechanical optical splice for microfiber cable as presented by United Technologists Europe Limited (UTEL). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xba2MThR9Ls 2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MrJswUU143M ​ Great overall lesson of fiber optic basics using Wind Turbines. 3. https://www.researchgate.net/post/Why_does_band_gap_energy_of_quantum_dots_ vary_with_its_size2 4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bohr_radius 5. Posted to Podcast Sharing Subreddit.

19th November, 2020: Flu: Flashcards: Filing to Come.

The Things List:

1. Flu shot day. 2. Finishing Flash Cards Tonight. B​ est do that now actually. 3. Starting at page 1 of the series, I’ll be reading for the rest of the day--at least for a few hours to see what I can get done. G​ ot the Greek Alphabet Flash Cards Made before starting to read. 4. Got to page 19. The real studying starts now. Going to stretch and then get into it.


5. 6. Got flashcards finished. ​Read through twice. 7. Went through and cleaned up the first part of the notes a bit better while reading through them. 8. Made the podcast for the last day and today. 9. Uploaded most recent pdf to w​ ww.townsendsatomics.com 10. Decided that I want to turn this thing, as it is now, into a non-profit research group that releases things to help save the world if possible. Looking for like-minded individuals.


19th-2 November, 2020: Guides: Emails: In: Confidence: Out.

The Things List:

1. Put up Seasons Guide on Podcast https://anchor.fm/DivergentMind/episodes/Season-2-EP-22b-The-Guide-to-the-Serie s-as-it-progresses-emo3r7​ Season 2 Ep: 22b

The Guide to the Series as it progresses.

2. Posted to Podsharing Subreddit. 9 p.m. [Test Time]. 3. 9:13-9:20 Break. 4. 9:15 Fixed error. 5. 9:18 ​- Aesop Rock’s - Spirit World Field Guide. Excellently Dense Lyrically. 6. 9:20 |"I was at the Gates."| 7. If you’re running a Podcast: Feel free to make season guides at points that make sense to the listener and it should hopefully help deepen the connection. [​ Testing Now] 8. Water. 9. 9:27 | “It’s probably a trap.” | 10. ​ - Lil Gnar, Lil Keed, Internet Money - HEY! 11. - Daft Punk - Television Rules the Nation/Crescendolls - Alive 2007 - 12. 9:59 | “The Honest Man, the promised land” |. 13. Okay, so I’m an idiot. I emailed Arianna Huffington last night. [For some reason it doesn’t bother me to say hi to people through an email. I try to be polite. Human contact is hard. Always has been. At least since the attempted murder.] Today I got what appears to be two car rentals in my name from Hertz in H​ olualoa, HI. Does anyone know if it’s fake or legit? I doubt Ms. Huffington would have the time for me. 14. The urlvoider says the picture link is valid. Nothing on their blacklist.


I’ll have to wait on it. I just don’t know. I can be dense with this sort of thing. Checked the date and it came to me for a ticket that was to have left yesterday. So either I screwed up or that ticket is fake. Both poor events. 15. Created C​ onstantly Updated PDF: PDF #0 16. Uploaded it to the m​ ain page ​and the P​ DF ​Page.


20th November, 2020: Getting on the Map.

The Things List:

1. 5:36 a.m.. Added a map list on the main site of where my podcast listeners reside based on percentage of listens. 2. 7:04 a.m.. Using w​ ww.mapchart.net ​made a Global Listeners Reference Image to go along with the list. Purple are listeners.

3. 7:26 a.m.. Uploaded to Twitter. 4. Breakfast [Meds and food]. 5. Read some of A Brief History of Time: FROM THE BIG BANG TO BLACK HOLES while waiting for breakfast to cook. [Birthday Gift--First Edition in Plastic Wrap--Very Happy]. Forward by Carl Sagan, so that was pretty wicked. 6. 9:29 a.m. Sort of got distracted. Going to rest to see if Meds make me sleep. Did I mention I have severe A.D.D. and I can’t take the meds for it because it whacks out the psych meds. U​ nfortunate. 7. Did I mention there’s a subreddit? h​ttps://www.reddit.com/r/DivergentMind/ ​where you can discuss things, get goodies once in a while, and progress with me further. 8. Made ko-fi site: h​ttps://ko-fi.com/divergentmind


9. Added kofi link to w​ ww.townsendsatomics.com.​ 10. And to subreddit. 11. Added Million Words Comic to kofi. 12. Posted to Twitter, Facebook, and anchor episode Seasons Guide. 13. Chores for the day. 14. Put works up until 11:01 p.m. on the h​ttps://ko-fi.com/divergentmind/shop.​ 15. The originals are large sharpie pieces. They are for sale, but I do hope to allow everyone who can afford that site gets a chance to try anything I put up (other than a select few items so dear to me that I need a difference).

21st November, 2020: Overdoing it.

The Things List:

1. Overdid it on the work today. Back is aching like a sob. Sat too much. 2. 12:21 a.m. Ran out of time to do the podcast because I was uploading my https://ko-fi.com/divergentmind/shop ​​Everything [books, comics, celebrity fanart] on there is $5 which is less than most people spend on a cup of large fancy coffee. Hope you enjoy what’s up. More to come. I’m about halfway through. 3. NOTE: Don’t forget to add in ​ pdf-0-what-i-did-today-the-things-list-season-two-divergent-mind-2020 to the front page. Locked out at this point. Off to bed. 4. Ended up taking med and sleeping until 4 p.m. 5. Finished uploading wares to ko-fi shop. 6. Added in Overdoing it to podcast. 7. Put podcast up on w​ ww.Anchor.fm/DivergentMind 8. Took the rest of the night off.


26th November, 2020: Bedrest: A meal: Normalcy.

The Things List:

1. Checked ​https://ko-fi/divergentmind/shop ​ was still looking good. 2. Put up podcast episode 24. Please support the store for something neat in return. www.achor.fm/DivergentMind 3. Mapped out making the gallery for Linkedin post for tomorrow. Which is first on the list to do. 4. Had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

27th November, 2020: Stock Feed: Galleries.

The Things List:

1. Bought my first stocks and watched them until the markets closed for the first day--a half day which means until 10 a.m. where I am and before after-market trading begins. ​Much to learn. 1.03 Shares Apple which just released the iPhone 12 Max and Mini and their silicon chip builds--this is for passing the next holidays as the minimum length of time--expected to grow. 1 Share Party City (freebie)--windfall stock that covers the turbulence of the others though volatile. $10 Tesla which is down for a potential suspension recall as well as parts falling off of those made in China. Trusting in battery futures. .016748 of a share. $5 Disney since they are down for laying off 10,000’s of people. .033797 of a share. Had planned to do this three years ago but my friend spoke to me about it earning enough to pay for what I needed and so I’m trying it out as a long term investment mechanism. -20 cents for the first sales of the day. Not sure if the after-market affects the outcome of tomorrow but it’ll hit me pretty quickly when I check them out in the morning. 2. Took Meds. 3. I think what you have to do with the stock market is much like poker and play like all the others don’t tell you how to play. We’ll see if I do it right or if I don’t, but at least I


can’t lose it unless the market tanks and I hope trusting the consumer market to bear my weight should be okay as a starting point while I learn. 4. Website gallery image link put up to w​ ww.ko-fi.com/divergentmind/shop​ . ​Smaller than what I want but the website editor forces perspective to be fuzzy otherwise. Best I can do at the moment. 5. Posted that to linkedin ​https://www.linkedin.com/in/jordan-townsend-2348601a5/ 6. Finished podcast from last night. 7. Uploaded to w​ ww.Anchor.fm/DivergentMind​ . 8. Uploaded to Linkedin as well. 9. And the subreddit. 10. Kept reading through my 4th book. ​Tempted to upload DIvergent Mind and Alternative Energy once they’re cleaned up and properly done. 11. Posted to twitter: h​ ttps://twitter.com/JordanT31450973 12. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Market_intelligence 13. Decided that t-mobile will be my next share at 244% growth over top player Walmart over 5 years. Even beats Cigna’s ratios by $13+/$90 savings per share. 14. Buy Cigna stock straight away! Holy smokes 244% worth over 5 years. 15. 29 views on h​ ttps://www.ko-fi.com/divergent mind/shop/

28th November, 2020: Nettios: Tamales.

The Things List:

1. Went to Nettio’s for the day. 2. Lined up buying three shares of QS from the NYSE. Hopefully under S40 per share. 3. Learned a little about P/E ratios. The higher they are, the more the buyer is paying per share, and if it’s really high it may fall away. If it’s low it may rise but you have to make sure that the stock is the stock and not some fade away trend. Unless that’s how you play the market.


29th November, 2020: A semi-day off: Discussion with another Linkedin Member asking what I need: Asked for advice on getting started.

The Things List:

1. Have started discussion with another person on the beginnings of a company. Waiting to hear back. 2. Arranged music for this podcast episode. 3. Have a meeting with another Mensan tomorrow: They’re an investment company, but the meeting is informal. Not sure what to expect. Best do some note delving to see what they were looking for. 4. Watched a Warren Buffet Interview from the 80’s. I​ nteresting fellow. 5. Emailed Mr. Buffet for advice. P​ erhaps he will skim the email and get back to me if I’m lucky enough. 6. Heard back. ​ Very cool guy. Has offered help after sharing his company with me. Fascinating stuff. ​www.kcproto.com/about/projects 7. Shared my list of research with him to see what he was interested in. 8. Continued discussion with Linkedin user well into the night.

30th November, 2020: New Week: Market Play.

The Things List:

1. Opening market was in the red this morning, though it could rally by the end of the day. Going to check in on things intermittently. 2. https://youtu.be/Rw_ZzC2s_3E​ Warren Buffet Video #2. 3. https://youtu.be/9ayR6kZX0VQ ​ Starting to play market with $100. 4. Changed the Document name to The Things List. Makes the most sense. 5. Slow day. Checked in with Mensan Chapter. Waiting to hear back. 6. Oh, was able to buy 2.55 shares of QS. When I placed the order I had hoped to get three full shares but it moved so quickly after market close over the weekend that’s what I got. Still not complaining.


7. https://youtu.be/2I_GZebHd8Y​ How I Pick My Stocks: Investing for Beginners 8. https://youtu.be/tj7EzN8JC-0 ​ Financing Your Venture: Angel Investment - Your First Meeting with an Angel 9. Made the music for the podcast tonight. 10. Morning NYSE Market Close: Total Returns.

QuantumScape Corporation -7.43/2.55 shares.

Disney +0.00/.033797 shares.

Apple +2.59/1.03 shares.

Tesla -0.49/.016748 shares. 11. Total losses $4.07 over the morning. G​ lad they are long term investments to get their dividends. Forgot to mention after hours sales do affect outcome greatly as you will see later on. 12. Meeting with fellow Mensan. Hoping it goes well. 13. A whole bunch of Mensans replied to my query. N​ ice to have a chat. 14. Total Gains/losses after Afternoon Market Closed.

QuantumScape Corporation -10.92

Disney +.0155

Apple +4.40

Tesla -.0793

Total Gains/Losses: -$6.5838


Divergent Mind: Insanity and Innovation. The Things List: Season Two - Divergent Mind - 2020 - Part 3 - December.

Instructor: Elmund Earlingtone

[email protected]

1st December, 2020: New Week: Market Play.

The Things List:



2. Started to read Prototype to Product by Alan Cohen. https://www.amazon.com/Prototype-Product-Practical-Getting-Market/dp/14493622 9X/ref=sr_1_1?crid=225BS34AA61MD&dchild=1&keywords=prototype+to+product& qid=1606843929&sprefix=Prootype+to+%2Caps%2C213&sr=8-1 3. How to build your own quantum computer. https://medium.com/qiskit/how-do-i-build-a-quantum-computer-in-my-house-1c7e9 dc0c242 4. KLM Protocol https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KLM_protocol 5. How to get started making your own Quantum computer with photonics. https://turbofuture.com/computers/build-quantum-computer Needs: ​polarizing beam splitter: The beam splitter will reflect horizontally ​ polarized light and allow vertically polarized light to flow through unimpeded. Photoresistor: Photoresistors are variable resistors that allow us to ​ ​ change the resistance of a circuit based on how many come into contact with the photoresistor. When the photons hit the photoresistor it will lower the resistance of the circuit which will increase the voltage of our circuit.

A. Pulse a laser diode to create photons.

a. B. Pass the photons through a beam splitter.

b. C. Measure the V and H modes of the beam splitter output with photo-resistors.

c. D. If there is a higher voltage (lower resistance, more photons) in the H mode than the V mode, we return a 0.

d. E. If there is a higher voltage in the V mode than the H mode, we return a 1.

e. F. If there is an equal voltage in both modes we repeat the algorithm.


Arduino Code Provided.

/* Annotated QRNGv1 Firmware V1.1 ​

* Author: Noah G. Wood


* Copyright (c) 2019 Spooky Manufacturing, LLC

* License: GPLv3.0



int triggerPin = 2; // This pin will pulse our quantum ​ ​ ​ ​ circuit

int hPin = A0; // This pin measures the horizontal ​ ​ polarized photons

int vPin = A1; // This pin measures the vertically ​ ​ polarized photons


float H = 0; ​ ​ ​

float V = 0; ​ ​ ​

void setup() { ​ ​ ​ ​

// Just setting up triggerPin and serial connection ​

pinMode(13, OUTPUT); ​ ​

pinMode(triggerPin, OUTPUT);

Serial.begin(9600); ​ ​


int Random() { ​ ​ ​ ​

// Pulse the laser ​

digitalWrite(triggerPin, HIGH);

delay(3); ​ ​


digitalWrite(triggerPin, LOW);

// Read the photoresistors ​

H = analogRead(hPin);

V = analogRead(vPin);

// Determine random bit ​

if(H>V) { // More photons in the H mode, return 0 ​ ​ ​

return 0; ​ ​ ​ ​

} if(H < V) { // More photons in the V mode, return 1 ​ ​ ​

return 1; ​ ​ ​ ​

} else { ​ ​

/* The same number of photons are in both modes! ​

This is actually not an uncommon occurrence, for our


purposes we will simply run the function recursively until

a random bit can be generated.





void loop() { ​ ​ ​ ​

// The main program ​

// Run our program and print the random bit to serial ​



​Parts To Build It Yourself


If you want to build this for yourself, here are the parts that you need (These are the same materials I used)

● Arduino Uno

● Photoresistors

● 50/50 Beam splitter

● 650nm Red Laser Diode

● Plastilina Clay

● Arduino Breadboard Shield

● Case/project box (I purchased mine at michaels, but my first prototypes just used the cardboard boxes the components were delivered in)

A note on beam splitter shipping:

The beam splitters can take a little while to have shipped, I believe they come from China. I would recommend Edmunds optical if you wanted to take a serious go at quantum computing, but they can be quite pricey and we don't really need that sort of lab-level quality for simple home experimentation -yet!


Use a small ball of plastilina clay to stick the beam splitter to the bread board and to hold the laser diode in place.

Use cotton gloves to prevent dirtying the optics.


Cover the device when in use.

https://github.com/Spooky-Manufacturing ​

6. Sold 2.552274 shares QS for $37.87 each for 93.843033 shares of Hexo at 1.03 per share.

7. Sold all shares of Hexo for 1.03 for a gain of ~$3.89.

8. Bought 1 share AMD for $92.76

9. Put. $3.89 into AAPL to bring it up to 1.0613 shares.

10. Posted to h​ttps://wwwko-fi.com/divergentmind/shop/ All right folks, Prepare to do a double barrel mole (roll). This is what I've got planned for 20-21 if I can. Turn this into a non profit. Share research lists with interested investors, founders, and the like. See if anyone wants to be included. Get to work building the first backyard quantum computer for fun. It's photonics based so it will be so cool to get it working. Keep doing my daily podcast anchor.fm/DivergentMind Keep adding to my website daily at www.townsendsatomics.com . I think I'm going to shoot for the replicator first. It seems to make the most sense at this moment in what we need. Then I'll just have it make what I need from that point onwards.


This is a double barrel mole:

11. Made music for the podcast today.

12. 30 minutes on an exercise bike. 5k. Lungs are still healthy.

13. Rest period afterward.

14. Had a conversation with the folks posting to reddit about how they started their non-profit. G​ ot a response. Useful advice, thanks.

15. Figured out monthly bills and how long it would take to save to build w​ ww.townsendsatomics.com first quantum experiment. It is roughly $400 ($310 per known item. ~$40 for shipping from various places, may be less though. $50 left for known and likely unforeseen needed items [wiring and what have you]) unless I can find cheaper components.

2nd December, 2020: Advice.

The Things List:




Yesterday’s Market Play was the first time it fell that badly--so I suppose that’s something to look out for.


2. Re-re-designed office layout to be more ergonomic--or at least give me space to build my first quantum computer once that’s saved up. 3. Found: ​https://veryfetch.net/search?search=starting ​ a youtubers starters guide for beginning your youtube plans. a. Since I’m going to go with starting a fundraiser, I have to make a welcome video, hopefully with help from Nettios--she’s a fantastic film maker. 4. Spoke with an old acquaintance. 5. Was up until 5 a.m. to create this:

6. Took a break. Nah. Realised I have another store full of cool stuff! https://www.redbubble.com/people/jtownsend/shop?asc=u


7. Then this:

8. Created Things to learn for quantum Replicator. 9. Connected to another investor (angel?) on Linkedin today. Said hi. 10. Took a real break. 11. Created the drawing for a simplified inner casing. 12. Traded tesla for Crypto BTC $9.51. L​ ong term hold. 13. Very tired. Podcast comes out tomorrow.


14. Closing stocks for the day.


15. 16. https://www.growthmentor.com/blog/startup-pitch-competitions/


3rd December, 2020: More Advice.

The Things List:

1. Bought 1 share AMD for average price $94.06. Bought 1 share T-mobile for average price $131.65. Bought $50 of Alibaba: ​0.189778 share + $1.68 for .006362 of a share.

2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Single-photon_source ​ ​I have a product designed that should be able to downcommission the wavelength to any potential photon size (range). 3. https://www.investopedia.com/articles/personal-finance/101515/comparing-longter m-vs-shortterm-capital-gain-tax-rates.asp ​ Capital Gains Tax 4. Paid $51.00 for 2.030447 shares, at an average price of $25.12 per share. (This was risky). Never do this. If the money affects your ability to pay bills or feed your ​ kids you may have a gambling problem. www.sanhsa.gov will help you out free ​ ​ of charge. 5. You paid $12.62 for 0.10271 AAPL. 6. Picked the wrong horse with AMD today. Swapping them over to what I can get in Esty. Approximately $184.18 for 1.18 shares. This is for the holiday sales coming ​


ahead, and to gift to someone else later.

7. Downloaded Keynote. 8. Made my first pitch deck to review. It’s basically a document that tells what your product does, where it will sit in the market, and all that jazz. It’s supposed to be 10 pages, and I got it in 5. Going into for review.

4th December, 2020: A single Market Change.

The Things List:

1. Sold 2 shares of Planiter for 49.75, kept remaining cents in play. 2. Bought .321871 shares at $49.75.


5th December, 2020: A single Market Change.

The Things List:

1. Morning Market Prospects.

2. Yesterday is a gift to someone so I can’t talk about it in case they’re listening, but if they want to ruin their gift they can read the pdf. 3. I use wikipedia so often that they asked me 5 times for a donation. I tried to give them “​about $3.50.”​ , but it paged out on me. 4. Made a video on how to create the case for the Quantum Replicator. 5. https://cryo.gsfc.nasa.gov/introduction/liquid_helium.html ​ Liquid Helium-3, and -4 for cooling. Lower the temp and barometric pressure below what is normal and they can get within 1° K of each other.


Example of two helium mix:

6th December, 2020: Pain being a limiting factor.

The Things List:

1. Entire body is sore today. Was able to get 20 minutes on the exercise bike.

2. If you would like to support my company this holiday season with a small token for yourself or a shirt for someone else that you like, I have a few stores open and commissions are open to and I'm flexible on the price as long as you know it takes a bit to make and you'll need a reference:



$5 art print at home prints. Super fun to color in.


Fashion, knickknacks, phone cases, all sorts of cups and draperies, fun stuff.



7th December, 2020: Getting Back to work after the weekend.

The Things List:

1. Morning market at 8:28 a.m.. 2. Swapped out Baba for Constellation Pharmaceuticals.

3. Sold Constellation for FATE.


4. Made a movie file of all slides of art to share on linkedin and facebook, website unsupported. 5. Made my first NASA Connection: Fantastic!

8th December, 2020: A slow day at the market.

The Things List:

1. 2. Chores.




5. It Looks like I’m reading all day. It’s got scores of sections.




8. All right, the FAR is 1,992 pages which I've started on. I wonder how long it'll take me to get through it.

9. Published backed up podcast episodes as single piece.

9th December, 2020: A low day at the market.

The Things List:



2. Bought 1 share twitter at 48.54, .985979 of a share of Virgin Galactic for 34.46: Current Returns in total per stock.


3. Returns for the end of day (disaster):

4.52+.25-.36+.03+4.10-2.42-1.39-3.17+.48-.35= 1.69


Only down to gaining $1.69. I’ve had to change tactics. R​ emember it’s not how scary the graph looks, but if the maths is positive you’re still doing alright. Depending on where you bought of course. (I’m pretty sure, haha).

Structure[e​dit]​ ​ The Federal Acquisition Regulation is contained within Chapter 1 of Title 48 of the Code of ​ [4] Federal Regulations (CFR). ​ Chapter 1 is divided into Subchapters A-H, which encompass ​ ​ Parts 1-53. Chapter 1 appears in two volumes, with Subchapters A-G appearing in Volume 1

[5][6] while Subchapter H occupies all of Volume 2. ​ ​ The volumes are not formal subdivisions of ​ Title 48, but refer instead to the fact that the FAR is printed by the Government Printing Office in two volumes for convenience.

The single most heavily regulated aspect of acquisition is contract pricing, which is addressed throughout the FAR, but especially in Subpart 15.4, Parts 30 and 31, and Subparts 42.7, 42.8, and 42.17. A large part of the FAR, Subchapter D, describes various socio-economic programs, such as the various small business programs, purchases from foreign sources, and laws written to protect laborers and professionals working under government contracts.

The final three chapters of Title 48 (61, 63 and 99) establish the Civilian Board of Contract ​ Appeals, the Department of Transportation Board of Contract Appeals, and the Cost ​ Accounting Standards Board, respectively. The Armed Services Board of Contract Appeals ​ has been established by charter within the Department of Defense.

The proper way to cite a regulation within the FAR is by part, subpart, section, subsection,

[7] without respect to chapter or subchapter. ​ For instance, the FAR rule on legislative lobbying ​ costs is found at FAR Part 31, Section 205, Subsection 22 (cited as "FAR 31.205-22").

[5][6] The table of contents, as of the edition published October 1, 2012, is available. ​ ​

4. https://www.usa.gov/donate-to-charity

10th December, 2020: A different day at the market.

The Things List:


1. https://scitechdaily.com/unique-process-developed-for-producing-ultrastrong-cou pling-between-light-and-matter/


3. Bought half a share of Doordash, and just under a third of Airbnb.



11th December, 2020: Yikes, and enough about that.

The Things List:


1. Sold all of DoorDash as it has lost money since it’s IPO consistently. Reinvested that into Apple on hopefully the low point.

2. Sold all AirBNB (Long term probably a keeper.) Bought as much Etsy as I could. BTC

is Still there. 3. Study Day reading F.A.R.

12th December, 2020: Kagome Metals.

The Things List:


1. Holy crap is that a cool idea. Was up until 2 drawing it out. It seems that the pyrolytic carbon upon initial lighting will sway, so the firings will have to be timed correctly within the kagome metal of dual quantum dot Si and the bonded third atom that allows the least amount of electrical resistance which could be zig zagged graphites chiral design. It would also make it room temperature and higher, meaning other than the initial cooling it would absorb heat well allowing longer run times within the quantum design.

13th December, 2020: Gaussian Boson Sampling and interferometry.

The Things List:

1. Okay Daily Podcasts are the proper way to do it. 2. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boson_sampling 3. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interferometry


14th December, 2020: Testing a new theory on market analysis.

The Things List:

1. Bought MRNA .378903 for $62.00 2. Sold FATE 1.014627 Share for $95.96 3. Bought $70.00 of AMZN for .022264 of a share. 4. Bought $50.00 of TGT for .289084 of a share. 5. Sold .985979 SPCE for $26.82 ​Should have trusted my gut and added into Tesla instead of selling that. 6. Sold one share of T-Mobile for $130.99.

7. The buying power is coming out to pay bills, but I’m still only down -1.00% for the past month. ​Which for starting out is alright. According to the numbers I’m up 6.08+.73+.06+20.62+3.48-3.27+.37-.42+.90= $28.55


15th December, 2020: Not much to say .

The Things List:

1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thermodynamic_equilibrium 2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gibbs_free_energy 3. Okay the third element in kagome metal is bonded at angles between 109.5 to 104.5. 4. Bought .34 share of Etsy. Bought one share of QuantumScape (again) for $59.44. Also .11 of a share of Apple. Sold .359654 of Moderna for losing $10 in an hour out of $62 put in.

5. 6. Ordered Custom wooden token from Etsy saying: Etsy Stock: 1 Share. 7. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atomic_radii_of_the_elements_(data_page)


8. https://chem.libretexts.org/Bookshelves/General_Chemistry/Map%3A_Chemistry_-_T he_Central_Science_(Brown_et_al.)/24%3A_Chemistry_of_Coordination_Chemistry/24 .5%3A_Color_and_Magnetism 9. how many um in nanometer 10. 0e- define electrical 11. size of a gamma ray 12. 62415097523028144.0000 eV = ​ 0.010000000655358525 joule 13. https://web.pa.msu.edu/courses/2000fall/phy232/lectures/emwaves/spectrum.html 14. https://www.pveducation.org/pvcdrom/properties-of-sunlight/energy-of-photon 15. Bought Brk. A for $25.00. 16. Sold AMZN and TGT to pay bills.

17. This is a note to start buying these next month. I want to see if it helps to spread it out. 18. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamma-ray_burst


16th December, 2020: Gamma Ray Emitters.

The Things List:

1. Figured out what type of photons are needed for the device. ​Gamma.​ 2. Lead casing I suppose. 3. https://www.arpansa.gov.au/understanding-radiation/what-is-radiation/ionising-radi ation/gamma-radiation 4. https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn%3Ali%3Aactivity%3A6744498297198661 632/?commentUrn=urn%3Ali%3Acomment%3A%28activity%3A67444968021935308 80%2C6744498183730163712%29 5. What are some uses of gamma ray emitters?

Gamma emitting radionuclides are the most widely used radiation sources. The penetrating power of gamma rays has many applications. However, while gamma rays penetrate many materials, this does not make them radioactive. The three radionuclides that are by far the most useful are cobalt-60, caesium-137, technetium-99m and americium-241.

Uses of caesium-137:

● measurement and control of the flow of liquids in industrial processes ● investigation of subterranean strata (i.e. oil, coal, gas and other mineralisation) ● measurement of soil moisture-density at construction sites ● levelling gauges for packaging of food, drugs and other products.

Uses of americium-241:

● smoke detectors for households ● fluid levelling and density gauges ● thickness gauges for thin materials (i.e. paper, foil, glass) ● aircraft fuel gauges


● when mixed with beryllium, americium-241 produces a 241​​ AmBe neutron source with uses in well logging, neutron radiography and tomography.

6. Sometimes it’s just good to try and see how much you know compared to what’s expected of a basic understanding.


17th December, 2020: Dipping.

The Things List:

1. 2. Pulled out $299.99 to pay bills.




18th-20th December, 2020: Episode 1.

The Things List:

1. Had a mini cycle and was awake until I burnt out and had to sleep.

21st December, 2020: Rollercoaster or Runaway carriage?

The Things List:



2. Sold 1 share of Twitter and .000074 Berkshire Hathaway A. for 78.58 for gifts. 3. Wasn’t trusting in the market and sold a share of Etsy for $187.00 4. Bought one share of QS (again again -_-) for $85.88



6. So I remained ahead of the morning, and earned a bit this month getting me close to my goal to make it a non profit.


22nd December, 2020: Well here’s hoping?

The Things List:

1. 2. Bought 1 share qs for $122.36. 3. Bought 1 share Keurig Dr Pepper for $31.06.




23rd December, 2020: Liquidation takes a while in a falling market.

The Things List:

1. ⅓ losses from the previous day within an hour, liquidated stock to have principle for the new year. Would have been 20 percent return

2. https://medium.com/qiskit/researchers-make-quantum-material-using-53--ibm -quantum-processor-and-qiskit-aa63c9c64dc​ Bose-einstein condensates.

24th December, 2020: Christmas Eve.

The Things List:

1. Bought 1 share of Apple at $132.86.



25th December, 2020: Christmas Day.

The Things List:

1. Sold 0.01240451 BTC has been filled for $300.03. 2. Received your order to buy $300.00 of GOOG. (A). 3. Made dinner. 4. Watch movies until one a.m..

5. Okay let’s explain these stocks shall we. Etsy was the gift for my wife, and will be going to her when she wants to cash it in. AAPL was my first stock, and was also


bought for their consistent popularity with the growing markets cascade. GAIN is my first dividend paying stock. Paid Monthly. I think next month, having had 10 shares, I’ll get a few dollars. That’s free money to cover the spread of losses and the beginnings of dividend investing. GOOG was a misbuy so I swapped it out to GOOGL which gives me voting rights as a class A instead of C evaluation if I ever get to that point. Hopefully it’ll dip until Monday and then rise on it’s proper growth pattern. (NOT SHOWN): received your order to buy $28.40 of STAG. Another Dividend Monthly stock. Roughly half the yield of GLAD so that’s why they’re invested in a bit heavier at 10 shares (per Mondays executions of course). 6. https://www.google.com/intl/en-US_US/googlefinance/disclaimer/ 7. First quarter, Q1: 1 January – 31 March (90 days or 91 days in leap years) ​ ​ Second quarter, Q2: 1 April – 30 June (91 days) Third quarter, Q3: 1 July – 30 ​ ​ ​ ​ September (92 days) Fourth quarter, Q4: 1 October – 31 December (92 days) ​ ​ (google search)

26th December, 2020: Boxing Day.

The Things List:

1. Put in an order for $506.60 for GAIN. That amount is just larger than 50 shares. At (8.253 Dividend/12 months)x50 shares=$​34.3875​ per month meaning that if it stays the same or within almost $5 losses (considering that it’s min was less than that over the course of going public) it will create whole and partial shares and reinvest them into the same vein each month. If it goes lower I actually should make more shares.

27th December, 2020: Rest Day.

The Things List:

1. Rest Day.


28th December, 2020: Etsy falling pretty hard.

The Things List:

1. Waited for the market to open. 2. Watched etsy stock fall more than ten dollars in an hour. 3. Sold Etsy at 179.92 4. Bought Etsy later in the day for 178.16

29th December, 2020: Back to work.

The Things List:

1. 2. Sold 1 share Apple 137.09 3. Bought 0.00517463 BTC shares for 137.09 thinking it would break 28,000 that day. 4. Sold BTC for 13.405511 shares at an average price of $10.16 per share of GAIN.



30th December, 2020: 2nd to last day of 2020.

The Things List:

1. Sold 1 share APPL $135.13. 2. Sold 78.541444 shares of GAIN for $10.10 each. 3. Received 4.377738 shares at an average price of $181.21 per share. 4. Closed Day:


31st December, 2020: Last day of 2020.

The Things List:

1. Last dinner of the year. 2. End of the year for these two stocks.


Divergent Mind: Insanity and Innovation. The Things List: Season Two - Divergent Mind - 2021 - Part 4 - January.

Instructor: Elmund Earlingtone

[email protected]

1st January, 2021: Happy New Year.

The Things List:

1. Slept for most of the day.

2nd January, 2021: More Sleep.

The Things List:

1. Couldn’t help myself and slept most of the day away.

3rd January, 2021: Prepping for tomorrow.

The Things List:

1. Added more funds into the brokerage account (stimulus cheque). 2. Sold $639.03. Of BTC. 3. Bought the same amount for Monday of Etsy.

4th January, 2021: Falling Market.

The Things List:


1. 2. Sold off $400 of etsy to pay for the first quantum computer.

5th January, 2021: Podcast Day.

The Things List:

1. 2. 50 minutes on the elliptical 4.41 miles. 3. Started forming a plan on what my non profit could offer. Seems like a pretty fun idea. Not telling all but a trusted few about it.


6th January, 2021: Podcast Day.

The Things List:


2. 3. Took meds and fell asleep at 4 p.m..


7th January, 2021: Podcast Day Catch Up Day Three.

The Things List:

1. Caught up on podcasts for ​www.anchor.fm/DivergentMind ​ . 2. ​https://faculty.csbsju.edu/frioux/interfer/1photon-interfer.pdf Illustrating the Superposition Principle with Single Photon Interference 3. https://www.microscopyu.com/tutorials/birefringence-in-calcite-crystals 4. Bought $1,000 in Bitcoin in an attempt to not touch it.

5. 6. Was able to bike 4.41 miles this morning and an extra 5k this evening. 7. Tried hand at designing Quantum Device’s rudimentary pathways.

8th - 10th January, 2021: Days lost to illness.

The Things List:

1. Sold $1,034.98 of bitcoin Jan 9th. Began to move it from Brokerage account to proper one. Should be available within a week to start ordering parts for the QC. 2. Slept around illness. 3. Passed over 23rd anniversary in the U.S.A..


11th January, 2021: Petabytes.

The Things List:

1. Researched how to get petabytes through tricore build fibre optic cable using new materials, combined with current designs for retrofitting. Useful for Submarine Lines. (I think.).

12th January, 2021: Rest.

The Things List:

1. Body is weakened today, so did errands surrounding getting my car street legal. Got it sorted. 2. Using this Lens that can offer multiple wavelengths through it (just showing two and then three for instance) and using the sets of bits as 0,1,00,11 it maxes out at 7 “new bits” for an item that had seven bits already, but for every other bit amount other than 0 or 1 or 10… add in a third wavelength just for 10 and off state 01 that will show the fourth column where the highest bit amount is 5, 01 is 5th column. If we combine layering instead of separating the layers of wavelengths so they intermingle you get your needed numbers down to 4 “new bits” and that includes all the English alphabet both capitalized and lower case. Numbe Binary 1st 2nd 3rd “off state” wavelength intermixing rs wavelengt wavelengt between states. addition for splicing per h: 2 h: 2 expansion needed for other languages. functions. functions. 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 10 2 1 1 3 11 1 1 1 4 100 2 2 2 5 101 3 2 2 6 110 2 2 2 7 111 2 2 2


8 1000 3 2 2 9 1001 4 3 2 10 1010 4 2 2 11 1011 3 2 2 12 1100 2 2 2 13 1101 3 3 2 14 1110 3 2 2 15 1111 2 2 2 16 10000 3 3 3 17 10001 4 3 3 18 10010 4 3 3 19 10011 3 3 3 20 10100 4 3 3 21 10101 5 3 3 22 10110 4 3 3 23 10111 4 3 3 24 11000 3 3 3 25 11001 3 3 3 26 11010 4 3 3 27 11011 3 3 3 28 11100 3 3 3 29 11101 4 3 3 30 11110 3 3 3 31 11111 3 3 3 32 100000 4 3 3 33 100001 4 4 3 34 100010 5 3 3 35 100011 4 3 3 36 100100 4 4 3 37 100101 5 4 3 38 100110 4 4 3 39 100111 4 4 3 40 101000 5 3 3 41 101001 5 4 3 42 101010 6 3 3 43 101011 5 3 3 44 101100 4 3 3


45 101101 5 4 3 46 101110 5 3 3 47 101111 4 3 3 48 110000 4 3 3 49 110001 4 4 3 50 110010 4 3 3 51 110011 3 3 3 52 110100 4 4 3 53 110101 5 5 3 54 110110 4 4 3 55 110111 4 4 3 56 111000 4 3 3 57 111001 4 4 3 58 111010 5 3 3 59 111011 4 3 3 60 111100 3 3 3 61 111101 4 4 3 62 111110 4 3 3 63 111111 3 3 3 64 100000 4 4 4 0 65 100000 5 4 4 1 66 100001 5 5 4 0 67 100001 4 4 4 1 68 100010 5 4 4 0 69 100010 6 4 4 1 70 100011 5 4 4 0 71 100011 5 4 4 1 72 100100 5 4 4 0


73 100100 5 5 4 1 74 100101 6 4 4 0 75 100101 5 4 4 1 76 100110 4 4 4 0 77 100110 5 5 4 1 78 100111 5 4 4 0 79 100111 4 4 4 1 80 101000 5 4 4 0 81 101000 6 4 4 1 82 101001 6 4 4 0 83 101001 5 4 4 1 84 101010 6 4 4 0 85 101010 7 4 4 1 86 101011 6 4 4 0 87 101011 6 4 4 1 88 101100 5 4 4 0 89 101100 5 4 4 1 90 101101 6 4 4 0 91 101101 5 4 4 1 92 101110 5 4 4 0


93 101110 6 4 4 1 94 101111 5 4 4 0 95 101111 5 4 4 1 96 110000 4 4 4 0 97 110000 4 4 4 1 98 110001 5 4 4 0 99 110001 4 4 4 1 100 110010 4 4 4 0

Lett ASCII Binary Lett ASCII Binary er Code er Code a 097 01100001 A 065 0100000 1 b 098 01100010 B 066 0100001 0 c 099 01100011 C 067 0100001 1 d 100 01100100 D 068 0100010 0 e 101 01100101 E 069 0100010 /4 1 f 102 01100110 F 070 0100011 /4 0 g 103 01100111 G 071 0100011 /4 1 h 104 01101000 H 072 0100100 /4 0 i 105 01101001 I 073 0100100 /4 1 j 106 01101010 J 074 0100101 /4 0


k 107 01101011 K 075 0100101 /4 1 l 108 01101100 L 076 0100110 /4 0 m 109 01101101 M 077 0100110 /4 1 n 110 01101110 N 078 0100111 /4 0 o 111 01101111 O 079 0100111 /4 1 p 112 01110000 P 080 0101000 /4 0 q 113 01110001 Q 081 0101000 /4 1 r 114 01110010 R 082 0101001 /4 0 s 115 01110011 S 083 0101001 /4 1 t 116 01110100 T 084 0101010 /4 0 u 117 01110101 U 085 0101010 /4 1 v 118 01110110 V 086 0101011 /4 0 w 119 01110111 W 087 0101011 /4 1 x 120 01111000 X 088 0101100 /4 0 y 121 01111001 Y 089 0101100 /4 1 z 122 01111010 Z 090 0101101 /4 0

Size of wire is 125 nm for submarine use. Use ultraviolet waves from 10-20-30 (or if a better known ratio is known please share). Gets you 122 nm, 123 nm, 124 nm and Ultraviolet light can be used to much greater results. 10 wavelength giving 30 Phz/sec. So if all three lines can be that low you will get better results but they must be far enough apart to not interfere as well as cladded well enough not to affect sea life by sterilizing the floor from leaks.


Thinking aloud. Possible material? Carbon crystals. 1-3-1. Let’s magnetic field build wh... you know what you could probably build triangular directional prisms out of graphene and they would possibly compress while data runs along them. But they offer a flaw due to randomization of the connections. Unless data is not sent willy nilly.

Negative thermal coefficient so they would expand in the water and shrink as they heated up to their running temperatures.

What if the refraction rate could be adjusted by air gapping between atoms so that your material is sub vacuumed at 1 and 1.467 refractive index. Say in equal parts. So if we have 186282/((1+1.467)/2)= 151019.05148 miles/sec.

To sync lenses with their triple-cores adjust nano build to allow periods to be synced properly once fired.

186282/160000x2-1= 1.328525 refractive index.

186282/((1+1.328525+1.49)/3)= 146351.27438

186282/((1+1.025+1.49)/3)= 158988.904694 3/2.49= 1.20481927711

So it goes water to oxygen and back again and you get 161352.966652 miles/sec if only using those materials for travel if you perform a slight twist to lock in inner materials.

13th January, 2021: Studying cell types for improved cell timing cohesion for longer life spans.

The Things List:

1. After building an office chair that came in I spent the rest of the day reading about the types of cells.


14th January, 2021: The Work Begins (this is a multi day project for funsies to clear my head). Let’s cross index Cell Timeframes with bodily functions and then all their various cancers.

The Things List:

1. This is just a test to see what I can get done today after doing a few drawings throughout the day. Did my first photo bash too, which was quite fun. To fully complete these tables below, there is a full series of cells I have to read through, and then find every cancerous type known currently per item. The goal is to cross index the Cells Timeframes and the bodily cycles to get an idea of how a body operates at the cellular level as a “jokingly: average” person. Then find the cancer rates for all types of cells to determine new screening methods so that they can be used to help people. The first could be useful to any disease or condition indexed as well as the cancers.

Unfortunately I did not take the proper time to gather references for everything. Forgive me for my slackness, I was working quickly and forgot to do so until some time in.

Cell Timeframes: Cell type % Cyle Regenerative Rate/times it Amount of Times regenerated in a cell Timing can regenerate before full week. coun death/-swap to cancerous. t


Erythrocytes 84.0 Made If blood lost (ie 1 of 12 pint Plasma 60-120 (60 x maximum pints (red blood in Bone average) ​blood ​ volume losable before death over time using cells) Marro (plasma) within 48 hours. one instance of leading up to death. w. 120 It will take four to eight 1/2 to 2/3s of their blood) times if 1-2 days weeks for your body to pints lost. .25-.125 per week to full completely replace the replacement of RBCS. red blood cells Platelets 4.9 10 days Hard to find out easily 1.4 bodies available regenerated in a within current skill scope, week. Will have to look up what affects assuming 10 days. 1/5th them. of whole number in body per day. Bone 2.5 ~120 marrow days cells Vascular 2.1 endothelial cells Lymphocyte 1.5 s Hepatocytes 0.8 Neurons 0.6 and glia Bronchial 0.5 endothelial cells Epidermal 0.5 cells Respiratory 0.5 interstitial cells Adipocytes 0.2 (fat cells) Dermal 0.1 fibroblasts Muscle cells 0.001 Other cells 2. Is pancreatic cancer just the lack of bicarbonate allowing the digestive enzyme to eat through the surrounding cell walls, exposing the outside and inside to unwanted agents?

It involves stem cells. Cancerous adult stem cells.

Notes to self: Just go down the list of Given Cell Types [GCT] and find their timings and regenerative rates and compare and contrast to the table below that involves each cell type in a matrix (table I guess).


60 + 6(60) and 60 + 8(60) pints of blood. 420, 540 {Ignore}

Blood Stem Cells [BSC] within bone marrow can regenerate bone marrow and blood cells of all types, so why are people not taking donor marrow’s plasma and then the donee’s marrow cell and reprogramming it to the same type by removing the inside of the donor cell and inserting delicately the inside of the donee’s cell in one movement then catalysing a series of healthy stem cells to their full replenish cycle number amount until the patient is healthy again. Something to look into later on I suppose.

What inhibits HCO3 secretion in the pancreatic duct? Furthermore, this H​ CO3​ --independent s​ ecretion​ is ​inhibited​ by bumetanide, an i​ nhibitor​ of the Na+- K+-2Cl- cotransporter (NKCC). Bile Salts cycle every 10-12 times per day, every 2.4-2 hours.

Bodily Cycles per Function day

References: https://www.cancer.gov/publications/dictionaries/cancer-terms/def/hematopoietic-stem-cell

The ways that stem cells can be messed with:

You touched or were touched by something harmful, and absorbed it through your hair skin or nails. Like licking paint from a lead painted fence. Someone gave it to you intentionally or unintentionally through food and drink. It was inside you already laying dormant and broke through when those sets of cells were released into the blood stream, and attached where they fell.

First things to do are to find all the molecules in a healthy cell, and then a cancerous cell which would in some way look different. Perhaps a scanning system which goes by shape irregularity or color cellular spectroscopy—likely that’s what happens already. https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/the-digestive-process-what-is-the -role-of-your--in-digestion Pancreatic enzymes


Your pancreas creates natural juices called pancreatic enzymes to break down foods. These juices travel through your pancreas via ducts. They empty into the upper part of your small intestine called the duodenum. Each day, your pancreas makes about 8 ounces of digestive juice filled with enzymes. These are the different enzymes:

● Lipase. This enzyme works together with bile, which your liver produces, to break down fat in your diet. If you don't have enough lipase, your body will have trouble absorbing fat and the important fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K). Symptoms of poor fat absorption include diarrhea and fatty bowel movements. ● Protease. This enzyme breaks down proteins in your diet. It also helps protect you from germs that may live in your intestines, like certain bacteria and yeast. Undigested proteins can cause allergic reactions in some people. ● Amylase. This enzyme helps break down starches into sugar, which your body can use for energy. If you don’t have enough amylase, you may get diarrhea from undigested carbohydrates.

Pancreatic hormones Many groups of cells produce hormones inside your pancreas. Unlike enzymes that are released into your digestive system, hormones are released into your blood and carry messages to other parts of your digestive system. Pancreatic hormones include:

. This hormone is made in cells of the pancreas known as beta cells. Beta cells make up about 75% of pancreatic hormone cells. Insulin is the hormone that helps your body use sugar for energy. Without enough insulin, your sugar levels rise in your blood and you develop diabetes. ● Glucagon. Alpha cells make up about 20% of the cells in your pancreas that produce hormones. They produce glucagon. If your blood sugar gets too low, glucagon helps raise it by sending a message to your liver to release stored sugar. ● Gastrin and amylin. Gastrin is primarily made in the G cells in your stomach, but some is made in the pancrease, too. It stimulates your stomach to make gastric acid. Amylin is made in beta cells and helps control appetite and stomach emptying.

So chronic heartburn not related to diet, or perhaps because of a poor one, could be caused by a non working Gastrin

Types of Cancers:

● Bladder Cancer

● Breast Cancer

● Colorectal Cancer


● Kidney Cancer

● Lung Cancer - Non-Small Cell

● Lymphoma - Non-Hodgkin

● Melanoma

● Oral and Oropharyngeal Cancer

● Pancreatic Cancer

● Prostate Cancer


● Uterine Cancer ●

Exocrine secretory epithelial cells[​edit​]

● Brunner's gland ​ cell in duodenum (e​ nzymes ​ and ​ ​alkaline mucus​) ● Insulated ​ ​goblet cell​ of ​ ​respiratory ​ and​ d​ igestive​ tracts (mucus secretion) ● Stomach ● Foveolar cell ​ (mucus secretion) ● Chief cell​ (p​ epsinogen ​ secretion) ● Parietal cell ​ (​hydrochloric acid ​ secretion) ● Pancreatic acinar​ cell (b​ icarbonate ​ and ​ d​ igestive enzyme​ secretion) ● Paneth cell​ of small ​ ​intestine ​ (​lysozyme​ secretion) ● Type II ​ ​pneumocyte ​ of ​ ​lung ​ (​surfactant ​ secretion) ● Club cell​ of lung

Barrier cells[​edit​]

● Type I​ ​pneumocyte ​ (lung) ● Gall bladder epithelial cell ● Centroacinar cell​ (pancreas) ● Intercalated duct​ cell (pancreas) ● Intestinal ​ ​brush border​ cell (with ​ ​microvilli)​

Hormone-secreting cells[​edit​]

● K cell (secretes​ ​gastric inhibitory peptide)​

● L cell (secretes​ g​ lucagon-like peptide-1​, ​ ​peptide YY​3-36​,​ ​oxyntomodulin,​ and glucagon-like peptide-2​)


● I cell (secretes ​ ​cholecystokinin​ (CCK)) ● G cell (secretes​ ​gastrin)​ ● Enterochromaffin cell​ (secretes​ s​ erotonin​) ● Enterochromaffin-like cell ​ (secretes​ ​histamine​) ● N cell (secretes​ ​neurotensin)​ ● S cell (secretes​ s​ ecretin)​ ● D cell (secretes​ ​somatostatin)​ ● Mo cell (or M cell) (secretes​ ​motilin)​ ● other hormones secreted:​ v​ asoactive intestinal peptide​,​ ​substance P​,​ a​ lpha​ and gamma-endorphin,​ ​ ​bombesin ● Thyroid gland​ cells ● Thyroid epithelial cell ● ​ cells ● ● Oxyphil cell ● ​ (islets of Langerhans) ● ​ (secretes ​ ​glucagon)​ ● ​ (secretes ​ ​insulin ​ and ​ ​amylin)​ ● ​ (secretes​ s​ omatostatin​) ● ​ (secretes​ ​)​ ● PP cell​ (gamma cell) (secretes ​ ​pancreatic polypeptide​)

Cells derived primarily from ectoderm[​edit​] Exocrine secretory epithelial cells[​edit​]

● Salivary gland ​ mucous cell ● Salivary gland ​ serous cell ● Von Ebner's gland​ cell in tongue (washes​ ​taste buds)​ ● Mammary gland​ cell (m​ ilk ​ secretion) ● Lacrimal gland cell​ (​tear​ secretion) ● Ceruminous gland ​ cell in ​ ​ear​ (e​ arwax​ secretion) ● Eccrine sweat gland​ dark cell (glycoprotein secretion) ● Eccrine sweat gland​ clear cell (small molecule secretion) ● Apocrine sweat gland ​ cell (odoriferous secretion, sex-hormone sensitive) ● Gland of Moll ​ cell in eyelid (specialized​ ​sweat gland)​ ● Sebaceous gland​ cell (lipid-rich​ ​sebum ​ secretion) ● Bowman's gland​ cell in ​ ​nose​ (washes ​ ​olfactory ​ epithelium)

Hormone-secreting cells[​edit​]

● Anterior/Intermediate​ ​pituitary​ cells ● Corticotropes ● Gonadotropes ● Lactotropes ● Melanotropes ● Somatotropes


● Thyrotropes ● Magnocellular neurosecretory cells​, secrete ​ ​oxytocin​ and ​ ​vasopressin ● Parvocellular neurosecretory cells,​ secrete​ ​thyrotropin-releasing hormone ​ (TRH), corticotropin-releasing hormone​ (CRH), vasopressin, oxytocin, ​ ​neurotensin,​ and​ ​prolactin ● Chromaffin cells​ (a​ drenal gland)​

Epithelial cells[​edit​]

● Keratinocyte ​ (differentiating​ ​epidermal ​ cell) ● Epidermal​ ​basal cell​ (​stem cell​) ● Melanocyte ● Trichocyte​ (gives rise to hair and nail cells) ● Medullary ​ hair shaft cell ● Cortical​ hair shaft cell ● Cuticular ​ hair shaft cell ● Huxley's layer ​ hair root sheath cell ● Henle's layer​ hair root sheath cell ● Outer root sheath ​ hair cell ● Surface​ e​ pithelial cell​ of​ c​ ornea​, ​ ​tongue​,​ m​ outh​,​ ​nasal cavity,​ distal ​ ​anal canal​, distal ​ ​urethra,​ and distal​ ​vagina ● basal cell (stem cell) of cornea, tongue, mouth, nasal cavity, distal anal canal, distal urethra, and distal vagina ● Intercalated duct​ cell (salivary glands) ● Striated duct​ cell (salivary glands) ● Lactiferous duct​ cell (mammary glands) ● Ameloblast ​ (deposit​ ​tooth enamel)​

Oral cells[​edit​]

● Odontoblast​ (tooth ​ ​dentin ​ formation) ● Cementoblast ​ (tooth​ ​cementum ​ formation)

Nervous system[​edit​] There are nerve cells, also known as​ n​ eurons​, present in our human body. They are branched out. These cells make up​ n​ ervous tissue​. A neuron consists of a cell body with a nucleus and cytoplasm, from which long thin hair-like parts arise. Sensory transducer cells​[e​ dit]​

● Auditory inner hair cells ​ of​ o​ rgan of Corti ● Auditory outer hair cells ​ of ​ ​organ of Corti ● Basal cells of ​ ​olfactory epithelium ​ (stem cell for olfactory neurons) ● Cold-sensitive primary ​ ​sensory neurons ● Heat-sensitive primary ​ s​ ensory neurons ● Merkel cells ​ of epidermis ● Olfactory receptor neurons ● Pain-sensitive primary ​ ​sensory neurons ● Photoreceptor cells​ of​ r​ etina​ in ​ ​eye:​


● Photoreceptor ​ r​ od cells ● Photoreceptor blue-sensitive​ ​cone cells ​ of eye ● Photoreceptor green-sensitive​ c​ one cells​ of eye ● Photoreceptor red-sensitive​ ​cone cells ​ of eye ● Proprioceptive ​ primary​ ​sensory neurons ● Touch-sensitive primary ​ ​sensory neuronss ● Chemoreceptor​ ​glomus cells ​ of ​ ​carotid body cell ​ (blood pH sensor) ● Outer hair cells ​ of ​ ​vestibular system​ of ear (acceleration and gravity) ● Inner hair cells ​ of ​ ​vestibular system ​ of ear (acceleration and gravity) ● Taste receptor cells​ of ​ t​ aste bud

Autonomic neuron cells[​ ​edit]​

● Cholinergic neurons​ (various types) ● Adrenergic​ neural cells (various types) ● Peptidergic​ neural cells (various types)

Sense organ and peripheral neuron supporting cells​[e​ dit]​

● Inner pillar cells of ​ ​organ of Corti ● Outer pillar cells of organ of Corti ● Inner phalangeal cells of organ of Corti ● Outer phalangeal cells of organ of Corti ● Border cells of organ of Corti ● Hensen's cells ​ of organ of Corti ● Vestibular apparatus supporting cells ● Taste bud supporting cells ● Olfactory epithelium supporting cells ● Olfactory ensheathing cells ● Schwann cells ● Satellite glial cells ● Enteric glial cells

Central nervous system neurons and​ ​glial cells[​ ​edit]​

● Neuron​ cells (large variety of types, still poorly classified) ● Interneurons ● Basket cells ● Cartwheel cells ● Stellate cells ● Golgi cells ● Granule cells ● Lugaro cells ● Unipolar brush cells ● Martinotti cells ● Chandelier cells ● Cajal–Retzius cells ● Double-bouquet cells


● Neurogliaform cells ● Retina horizontal cells ● Amacrine cells ● Starburst amacrine cells ● Spinal interneurons ● Renshaw cells ● Principal cells ● Spindle neurons ● Fork neurons ● Pyramidal cells ● Place cells ● Grid cells ● Speed cells ● Head direction cells ● Betz cells ● Stellate cells ● Boundary cells ● Bushy cells ● Purkinje cells ● Medium spiny neurons ● Astrocytes ● Oligodendrocytes ● Ependymal cells ● Tanycytes ●

Lens cells[​ ​edit]​

● Anterior lens epithelial cell ● Crystallin-containing lens fiber cell

Cells derived primarily from mesoderm[​edit​] Metabolism and storage cells[​edit​]

● Adipocytes:​ ● White fat cell ● Brown fat cell ● Liver lipocyte

Secretory cells[​edit​]

● Cells of the ​ ​ ● Cells of the produce ​ m​ ineralocorticoids ● Cells of the produce ​ ​glucocorticoids ● Cells of the produce​ ​androgens ● Theca interna cell ​ of ​ ​ovarian follicle​ secreting ​ ​estrogen ● cell of ruptured ovarian follicle secreting ​ ​progesterone


● Granulosa lutein cells ● Theca lutein cells ● ​ of ​ ​testes​ secreting ​ ​testosterone ● Seminal vesicle​ cell (secretes seminal ​ ​fluid ​ components, including ​ ​fructose ​ for swimming sperm)​ ● Prostate gland​ cell (secretes seminal fluid components) ● Bulbourethral gland​ cell (m​ ucus ​ secretion) ● Bartholin's gland ​ cell (​vaginal lubricant ​ secretion) ● Gland of Littre​ cell (mucus secretion) ● Uterus​ ​endometrium ​ cell (c​ arbohydrate​ secretion) ● Juxtaglomerular cell​ (r​ enin​ secretion) ● Macula densa cell ​ of kidney ● Peripolar cell​ of kidney ● Mesangial cell ​ of kidney

Barrier cells[​edit​] Urinary system[​ ​edit]​

● Parietal epithelial cell ● Podocyte ● Proximal tubule brush border cell ● Loop of Henle thin segment cell ● Kidney distal tubule cell ● Kidney collecting duct cell ● Principal cell ● Intercalated cell ● Transitional epithelium ​ (lining​ u​ rinary bladder​)

Reproductive system[​ ​edit]​

● Duct cell (of​ ​seminal vesicle,​ ​ p​ rostate gland​, etc.) ● Efferent ducts​ cell ● Epididymal principal cell ● Epididymal basal cell

Circulatory system[​ ​edit]​

● Endothelial cells

Extracellular matrix cells[​edit​]

● Planum semilunatum epithelial cell of ​ ​vestibular system​ of ear (proteoglycan secretion) ● Organ of Corti ​ interdental epithelial cell (secreting tectorial membrane covering hair cells) ● Loose connective tissue ​ ​fibroblasts ● Corneal​ fibroblasts (c​ orneal keratocytes)​ ● Tendon fibroblasts ● Bone marrow ​ ​reticular tissue​ ​fibroblasts ● Other nonepithelial ​ ​fibroblasts


● Pericyte ● Hepatic stellate cell ​ (Ito cell) ● Nucleus pulposus cell​ of ​ ​intervertebral disc ● Hyaline cartilage ​ ​chondrocyte ● Fibrocartilage ​ ​chondrocyte ● Elastic cartilage ​ ​chondrocyte ● Osteoblast/​ o​ steocyte ● Osteoprogenitor cell ​ (stem cell of ​ ​osteoblasts​) ● Hyalocyte​ of ​ v​ itreous body​ of eye ● Stellate cell​ of perilymphatic space of ear ● Pancreatic stellate cell

Note: ​ ​Cephalic ​ connective tissue and bones are derived from the​ ​Cranial neural crest ​ which comes from the ​ ​ectoderm​ g​ erm layer Contractile cells[​edit​]

● Skeletal muscle cell ● Red skeletal muscle cell​ (slow twitch) ● White skeletal muscle cell​ (fast twitch) ● Intermediate skeletal muscle cell ● Nuclear bag cell ​ of ​ ​muscle spindle ● Nuclear chain cell ​ of ​ ​muscle spindle ● Myosatellite cell​ (stem cell) ● Cardiac muscle​ cells ● Cardiac muscle cell ● SA node cell ● Purkinje fiber ​ cell ● Smooth muscle cell​ (various types) ● Myoepithelial cell ​ of ​ ​iris ● Myoepithelial cell ​ of ​ ​exocrine glands

Blood and immune system cells[​edit​]

● Erythrocyte ​ (red blood cell) and precursor erythroblasts ● Megakaryocyte​ (p​ latelet ​ precursor) ● Platelets​ if considered distinct cells, currently there's debate on the subject. ● Monocyte​ (white blood cell) ● Connective tissue​ m​ acrophage​ (various types) ● Epidermal​ ​Langerhans cell ● Osteoclast​ (in bone) ● Dendritic cell​ (in ​ ​lymphoid tissues​) ● Microglial cell​ (in ​ ​central nervous system​) ● Neutrophil granulocyte​ and precursors (m​ yeloblast​,​ ​promyelocyte,​ ​ ​myelocyte,​ metamyelocyte)​ ● Eosinophil granulocyte ​ and precursors ● Basophil granulocyte ​ and precursors ● Mast cell


● Helper T cell ● Regulatory T cell ● Cytotoxic T cell ● Natural killer T cell ● B cell ● Plasma cell ● Natural killer cell ● Hematopoietic stem cells ​ and​ ​committed progenitors ​ for the ​ ​blood​ and ​ ​immune system (various types)

Germ cells[​edit​]

● Oogonium​/O​ ocyte ● Spermatid ● Spermatocyte ● Spermatogonium cell​ (stem cell for spermatocyte) ● Spermatozoon

Nurse cell​[​edit​]

● Granulosa cell ​ (in ) ● ​ (in testis) ● Epithelial reticular cell ​ (in thymus)

Interstitial cells[​edit​]

● Interstitial kidney cells 2. Took a break and added a table to my store - won’t you stay awhile so we may chat? https://www.redbubble.com/shop/ap/68092864?ref=studio-promote



15th January, 2021: Overdid it again, mood cycling is a delicate balancing act.

The Things List:

1. I use art therapy to help me get stable quickly if I’m like this. It takes my mind off of things. So I started a new comic at ​www.memecapable.com ​ where it will tell the stories of my wife and me as we go through our lives dealing with various illnesses and our two service dogs. Please feel free to check it out for the first page where I introduce my wife lil’ rummager. 2. Bought one share GAIN.

16th January, 2021: Slept all day.

The Things List:

1. In the middle of a manic comedown, so I had to sleep most of the day.

17th January, 2021: Slept all day.

The Things List:

1. Collective neuron firing to get lateral and longitudinal movement of outside materials.

They would be a reverse optic nerve feedback system. You would think of the image, pull it to the glasses inner display and it would then be interpolated from that devices control output system to the meshed outer devices and they would align magnetically with timed rotations, leans, and magnetic cycles to get the resulting physical build you would want.

Outer device:

360 degrees of lean and straight rotation in each arm, simple levers with electromagnets in each tip that can been flipped from on state to the next. In the center housing. Code Matrix for all possible movements. Cycles for all magnetic field interactions as well as leans, and rotations, and their combinations.


Make them taught by learners until a suitable neural network is combined and working. Program each item with its own identity.

Power: too big and heavy. Must think of an atom generator again.

Communication to eye wear. RF, or bt.

You could present the glasses information by scanning the cones and rods of the users eyes and overlaying the image into the viewing surface so they ”thought” of the image subconsciously and then they would internally visualize the material causing specific movements of cones and rods as they read the item and build the item through glasses instruction.