Cytogenetic Characters of Arachnocoris Trinitatus Ber- Groth
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© Comparative Cytogenetics, 2008 . Vol. 2, No. 2, P. 139-142. ISSN 1993-0771 (Print), ISSN 1993-078X (Online) Cytogenetic characters of Arachnocoris trinitatus Ber- groth, 1916 (Insecta: Heteroptera: Nabidae) from nests of the spider Coryssocnemis simla Huber, 2000 (Araneae: Pholcidae) V.G. Kuznetsova1, S. Grozeva2 1Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Universitetskaya nab. 1, St. Pe- tersburg 199034, Russia; 2Institute of Zoology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Blvd Tsar Osvoboditel 1, Sofia 1000, Bulgaria. E-mails: [email protected], [email protected] Abstract. The study of karyotype and testis structure has been carried out on males of the nabid bug Arachnocoris trinitatus Bergroth, 1916 collected from web nests of the pholcid spider Coryssocnemis simla Huber, 2000 in Trinidad, West Indies. Testes were shown to consist each of 3 follicles. The chromosome complement includes 2n = 12 (10 + XY). Nucleolus organizing regions (NORs) are GC-rich and are situated on the larg- est autosome pair. These characters match those of A. trinitatus bugs inhabiting nests of the other pholcid species Mesabolivar aurantiacus Mello-Leitão, 1930 in Trinidad. Key words: Araneae, Pholcidae, Coryssocnemis simla, Heteroptera, Nabidae, Ara- chnocoris trinitatus, follicle number, karyotype, DAPI, CMA3. INTRODUCTION in Trinidad in web nests of the other pholcid The bug tribe Arachnocorini (Nabidae, Na- spider Coryssocnemis simla Huber, 2000. The binae) occurs in the New World and represents bugs were identified by Dr. Tom Henry as A. a morphologically and biologically highly spe- trinitatus. It is the authors’ opinion that Arach- cialized group of damsel bugs, with only two nocoris bugs use spider nests as ready-made genera, Pararachnocoris Reuter, 1908 and prey-capture devices and as the sites to find Arachnocoris Scott, 1881 (Kerzhner, 1981). mates (Sewlal, Starr, 2008). The small neotropic genus Arachnocoris in- Quite recently, as a part of ongoing studies cludes eleven species (Kerzhner, 1986, 1990), of the family Nabidae, we examined male and all of which inhabit spider web nests, mainly female reproductive organs and karyotype of of pholcid spiders (Araneae, Pholcidae). A. trinitatus, collected in Trinidad in M. au- In Trinidad (West Indies), Arachnocoris rantiacus nests (Kuznetsova et al., 2007). In trinitatus (Bergroth, 1916) is known as an that study, A. trinitatus was found to display a endemic and a frequent species in web nests number of characters differentiating it from all of the pholcid spider Mesabolivar aurantia- hitherto studied nabid species (Kuznetsova et cus Mello-Leitão, 1930 (Sewlal, Starr, 2008). al., 2004; Grozeva et al., 2004). Among these Recently, Sewlal and Starr (unpublished) col- characters are chromosome number, 2n = 12 lected for the first time Arachnocoris bugs (10 + XY), the lowest within the family; the Free access: 140 V.G. Kuznetsova, S. Grozeva Figs 1-5. Chromosomes of Arachnocoris trinitatus, male, 2n = 10 + XY. 1 - metaphase I. The X and Y chromo- somes are clearly double-stranded. 2 - metaphase II viewed from the pole. The X and Y chromosomes are widely separated and clearly single-stranded. 3 - metaphase II viewed from the side. The X and Y chromosomes demon- strate a “distance pairing”. 4 - DAPI-stained condensation stage with AT-rich blocks at telomeres. Noteworthy is the absence of signals on the largest bivalent (arrow). 5 - the same chromosome plate after CMA3. Noteworthy is the bright interstitial GC- signal on the largest bivalent (arrow). Bar = 10μm. nucleolus organizing regions (NORs, i.e. sites plays any characters different from those of the RNA genes) situated on the autosomes found previously in A. trinitatus from M. au- rather than on the sex chromosomes, which is rantiacus nests. For this purpose, the same set characteristic of all other representatives of of cytogenetic techniques has been used. the family; testes composed of 3 seminal fol- licles but not of 7, the modal number for the ATERIAL AND METHODS Nabidae. These distinctive characters, at least M the reduced follicle number, were suggested Males of A. trinitatus were collected in to indicate many transformations during spe- web nests of C. simla spiders. The collec- ciation of A. trinitatus and probably represent tion was made by J.N. Sewlal and Ch.K. Starr the result of extreme specialization of the spe- (unpublished) in the higher elevations of the cies. In order to characterize the karyotype of deciduous seasonal forest above the Mt. St. A. trinitatus in greater detail, we used, in ad- Benedict monastery in Trinidad, West Indies dition to the standard Shiff-Giemsa staining, (1180079N, 674919E) in April 2008 (late dry C-banding and silver nitrate staining (NOR- season). banding), also base-specific fluorochrome A total of 7 males were studied, and all staining (CMA3 and DAPI) for revealing GC- chromosome preparations were made from and AT-rich chromosome sites. testes. We applied here the same cytogenetic The goal of the present study was to check techniques as in Kuznetsova et al. (2004). if A. trinitatus inhabiting C. simla nests dis- The preparations were analyzed by an Comp. Cytogenet., 2008. 2(2) Cytogenetic characters of Arachnocoris trinitatus 141 Olympus BX 51 light microscope at 1000x, chromosomes demonstrate a bipolar co-orien- and photomicrographs taken using a digital tation and are located near the opposite poles. camera MotiCAM 2000. The fluorochrome- This pattern named a “distance-pairing” is labeled preparations were analyzed using a typical of the subfamily Nabinae as a whole fluorescence microscope Dialux 22 at 1000x, (Kuznetsova et al., 2004, 2007; Angus et al., and photomicrographs were taken using a 2008). camera Wild Leitz MPS 46. After DAPI and CMA3 treatment, prophase condensation stages showed the distribution of RESULTS AND DISCUSSION signals similar to that previously discovered in The testes consist of three elongated A. trinitatus from M. aurantiacus nests. After colorless follicles (testis tubes). In spermato- DAPI, different in size terminal AT-rich blocks cyte prophase I, the homologues of the biva- were visible in the majority of bivalents ex- lents are oriented parallel to each other, and cept for the largest bivalent, which was ful- the diplotene and diakinesis stages are absent, ly DAPI-negative (Fig. 4). When stained by CMA , the same chromosome plate showed which is characteristic of the achiasmatic mei- 3 osis. This meiotic pattern is common to the terminal blocks on the same bivalents and a Nabidae as a whole (Nokkala, Nokkala, 1884) bright interstitial GC-rich block, the site of and agrees with that of A. trinitatus males in- NOR, on the largest bivalent (Fig. 5). habiting M. aurantiacus nests (Kuznetsova et In conclusion, we have found that A. trini- al., 2004). The spermatocyte metaphases I (MI) tatus bugs inhabiting C. simla web nests share contain 5 autosomal bivalents and the X and Y with those inhabiting M. aurantiacus web univalents (Fig. 1) confirming the meiotic for- nests the same testis structure and similar cy- mula of n = 5A (autosomes) + X + Y and the togenetic characters. diploid chromosome complement of 2n = 12 (10 + XY). The chromosomes are holokinetic ACKNOWLEDGMENTS displaying no localized centromeres. At this We are grateful to Drs J.N. Sewlal and stage, the X and Y chromosomes are clearly Ch.K. Starr for providing the fixed insects for double-stranded. The longest bivalent appears the present study. This study was supported to be more than two times as large as the rest financially (for V.G. Kuznetsova) by the Rus- bivalents, which have similar sizes. The first sian Foundation for Basic Research (grant 08- division is reductional for the bivalents, con- 04-00787), the Programs of the Presidium of trasting with the sex chromosomes, which un- the Russian Academy of Sciences “Dynamics dergo equational separation in anaphase I (AI) of Gene Pools in Animals, Plants and Man” and segregation in anaphase II (AII). This pat- and “The Origin and Evolution of Biosphere”, tern known as a sex chromosome post-reduc- and (for S. Grozeva) by the Bulgarian Acad- tion is characteristic of the overwhelming ma- emy of Sciences and the Bulgarian Ministry of jority of the Heteroptera (Ueshima, 1979), the Education and Science (grant TK-B-1601). family Nabidae included (Nokkala, Nokkala, 1884; Kuznetsova, Maryańska-Nadachowska, REFERENCES 2000). Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 show metaphase II cells (MII) each with 5 double-stranded auto- Angus R.B., McCartney S., Thompson L. 2008. On the karyotypes of the British high chromosome somes and the single-stranded X and Y chro- number Nabidae (Insecta: Heteroptera) // Comp. mosomes. Viewed from the side (Fig. 3), sex Cytogenet. 2(1): 67-72. Comp. Cytogenet., 2008. 2(2) 142 V.G. Kuznetsova, S. Grozeva Grozeva S., Kuznetsova V., Nokkala S. 2004. Pat- Kuznetsova V., Grozeva S., Nokkala S. 2004. 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