The Assumpon by Tian, Basilica of Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari, Venice Italy Fr. David Kosmoski, Pastor Rev. Mr. Walter Maksimik, Deacon Mass Schedule Saturday evening Vigil Mass: 4:00 pm Sunday: 8:00 am, 10:00 am and 11:30 am Daily Mass: Monday-Friday: 8:00am followed by the Rosary Wednesday: Devotion to Our Lady of Perpetual Help after 8:00 am Mass St. Andrew Mass Association: First Saturday of the month: 8:00 am Mass Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday, 3:00 pm Parish Secretary: Rosemary Horniacek Parish Office: 732-634-4355 Parish Fax: 732-750-5905 Religious Education Department: Bette Vitale 732-636-4261 Parish e-mail:
[email protected] Parish website: New parishioners are welcomed! Please register to become part of our parish family by calling or stopping by the rectory. If your child is 18 years old, or out of college, they should register on their own. Registration is one of the requirements for sponsor certificates. SCHEDULE OF EVENT BINGO SCHEDULE th Tues. 8/13 7:30PM BINGO (doors open at 6) Tuesday, August 13 , Susan Peitz RCaller, Sue BowersRTeam Leader, Wed. 8/14 7:00PM Vigil Mass Bill Kearney, Dave Kearney, Eileen Lemmon, Nancy Superak, Annee Thurs. 8/15 7:00PM The Assumption of the Conway, Kathleen Neroda, Josephine Di Marno, Cake Bakers: Ka- Blessed Virgin Mary ren Lurker, Jean Kearney, Mary Moa, JoAnn Beiter, Karen Shaffer, Lorea Dowd Sat. 8/17 3:00PM Confessions LITURGICAL MINISTER’S SCHEDULE 4:00PM Vigil Mass Lector 7:00PM N/A Men Who Care 7:30PM N/A non-Family Support Group Wed.