Deltasigdeltasigdeltasigthe of Delta Sigma Pi ® the Journal of America’S Foremost Business Fraternity Summer 2001- Volume 90, Number 4 Inside
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DeltasigDeltasigDeltasigThe of Delta Sigma Pi ® The Journal of America’s Foremost Business Fraternity Summer 2001- Volume 90, Number 4 Inside L A Deltasig Makes His Mark in Hollywood page 4 L Educational Extravaganza at Grand Chapter Congress page 6 L Mr. & Mrs. Sidney A. Sparks 2001 Collegian of the Year page 8 L Clyde Kitchens/Thoben Elrod 2001 Regional Collegians of the Year page 16 L Welcome Xi Sigma and Xi Tau Chapters page 12 Cover L Photo Contest Entries: Brothers and Others Have FRATERNAL FUN! John Juat, DePaul, wins grand prize page 3 The DELTASIG of Delta Sigma Pi 1 Focus ON THE FRATERNITY - BROTHERHOOD What Is It About? What Does It Mean? Why Do They Do It? observed the members of the chapter me is what happens after they have of brothers have taken cruises, traveled talking, laughing, sharing stories and passed. In one case, through what overseas, held various tournaments even, in one case, crying. He thought, appeared to be instinct, the brothers (golf, darts, softball, basketball, “Wow, these people really know each from the chapter got together to estab- volleyball), visited the wine country or other and are tightly bonded in lish a scholarship fund to honor the just visited someone’s lake house. In something.” As the evening pro- brother’s memory. Through the honor, all these examples, brothers traveled gressed, several of the brothers gave they are helping people in the future. In great distances to be with other presentations on different activities other cases, portions of the estate of the brothers, yet these are brothers who that the chapter participated in. There brother who passed on were donated to were not part of the chapter where they were tours, speakers, trips, parties, Delta Sigma Pi for various purposes. were initiated. What is it about? What faculty lunches, formals, banquets and Again, the gifts helped people in the does it mean? Why do they do it? study sessions. Then they talked future. Something caused these people about the national organization, and to move in such a manner, prompting After thinking about the experi- events that occurred away from the the questions: What is it about? What ences, I came back to the last 48 hours. campus and around the country. This does it mean? Why do they do it? The meeting in L.A. Four Delta Sigma person saw something, but could not Pi brothers took time away from put his finger on what it was. Simple As Grand President, I have had the families, careers and weekend events to Norman Kromberg, Grand President questions needed answers: What is it honor of installing several chapters. My spend almost 15 hours in a hotel room about? What does it mean? Why do role, while important in the eyes of the reviewing Grand Chapter Congress ell brothers, here is my last they do it? chapter (I present the Charter which details. Most of you may think us chance to do an article for makes them a chapter), is relatively easy crazy. Maybe we are, but we did it WThe DELTASIG as Grand Another brother told me about to accomplish. I usually fly in on a anyway. At the same time, somewhere President. I am on a plane to London, one particular event that stuck in her Friday evening, participate in the events else, some brothers took the time to call having just left a Delta Sigma Pi mind. As part of a community service on Saturday and then leave Sunday. my wife. What is it about? What does meeting in Los Angeles. This was a event, she volunteered to deliver This exposure has provided an interest- it mean? Why do they do it? planning meeting for the 43rd Grand holiday gifts to kids who were ing perspective. There is a common Chapter Congress in Buffalo, with Past mentally handicapped. These trend in each one of these installations. Well, as the plane starts its ap- Grand President Bill Kinsella, Golden particular kids happened to be in The excitement, the awareness of the proach into London’s Heathrow Airport, Council Member Robert Tavarez, foster homes. This brother delivered unknown and the sense of accomplish- I think I discovered the answers by Executive Director Bill Schilling and the gifts and saw something. These ment can be seen in the eyes of the looking over these thoughts and many myself. Anyway, right before getting on kids, many of whom did not really colony members. You can tell they have others. What is it about? BROTHER- the plane, I talked with my wife Kim know any family, took extreme joy in worked hard as a team and as individu- HOOD. What does it mean? BROTH- who informed me that she had received receiving the gifts. But there was als. As the events progress, you quickly ERHOOD. Why do they do it? one of the traditional “late night (fun) something else – these kids seemed to sense something else has occurred. BROTHERHOOD. phone calls” from some brothers in be receiving something else. Almost There are people behind the scenes, but Delta Sigma Pi is brotherhood! L Chicago the night before. The meeting all of the kids were more interested in very critical to ensure that the installa- and this phone call, and a great deal of the giver than the gifts. The kids tion occurs. These people are the time on a plane, caused me to think wanted to play, talk, be held and just volunteers who have offered time and about what I have learned or observed interact with the brother. Afterwards, guidance for these colony members. In during the last four years. In doing this, the brothers thought to themselves: observing the end result, the work that three basic questions keep coming to What is it about? What does it mean? these volunteers do is amazing. Again mind: What is it about? What does it Why did I do it? we ask the questions: What is it about? Norm Kromberg mean? Why do they do it? What does it mean? Why do they do it? Grand President During my time in Delta Sigma I heard a story of someone’s first Pi, I have had the unfortunate Delta Sigma Pi encourages social exposure to Delta Sigma Pi. This first opportunity to hear about situations activities. I think we all know what that impression happened to be a “Meet The where one of our brothers has passed is about in college. However, something Chapter Night” where the brothers met on, either by accident or untimely interesting happens; these social and mingled with the potential new disease. I am sure most of you have activities take place over larger dis- brothers. During the event, this person had similar experiences. What strikes tances. Over the last few years, groups 2 Summer 2001 The Deltasig ® of Delta Sigma Pi visit our web site: Features Calendar of Events Visit our web site for more information on events. Page 4 A DELTASIG MAKES HIS MARK 2001 IN HOLLYWOOD AUGUST 9 NOVEMBER 3-4 DELTASIG Magazine Fall LEAD School – Phoenix Parry Shen tells how he, a business major and Issue Copy Due NOVEMBER 7 former officer of Alpha Kappa Chapter at Buffalo, AUGUST 11-13 Founders’ Day Executive Committee Meeting NOVEMBER 9 gets to Hollywood with a leading role in a major AUGUST 13 DELTASIG Magazine Winter motion picture. Board of Directors Meeting Issue Copy Due AUGUST 14 Page 6 Leadership Foundation Board of 2002 EXPAND YOUR KNOWLEDGE Trustees Meeting August 15-19 February 1-3 43rd Grand Chapter Congress This year’s educational programs at the Grand Board of Directors Meeting, Niagara Falls/Buffalo Chapter Congress are exciting learning experi- Oxford, OH SEPTEMBER 15 February 15-17 ences you won’t want to miss. Meet the speakers Michael H. Mescon Northeastern LEAD Provincial and facilitators for the 43rd Grand Chapter 2001 Career Achievement Award Conference, Princeton, NJ Banquet - Atlanta, Georgia Congress. February 22-24 SEPTEMBER 28-30 Western LEAD Provincial Leadership Retreat Conference, Las Vegas Page 8 MR. & MRS. SIDNEY A. SPARKS in Oxford Southeastern LEAD Provincial 2001 COLLEGIAN OF THE YEAR OCTOBER 13-14 Conference, Jacksonville, FL LEAD School – Cincinnati March 8-10 LEAD School – Oklahoma City Brandon D. Trease, Wayne State-Nebraska, North Central LEAD Provincial OCTOBER 27 Conference, Chicago was named the 2001 Collegian of the Year Make A Difference Day March 22-24 and looks ahead to an exciting two years OCTOBER 27-28 South Central LEAD Provincial LEAD School – Charlotte, NC on the Fraternity’s new Board of Directors. Conference, Fort Worth LEAD School – Iowa City April 25 National Alumni Day Page 9 CLYDE KITCHENS/THOBEN ELROD 2001 REGIONAL COLLEGIANS OF THE YEAR Departments, Plus . Twenty-one scholarships were awarded for 2001 in recognition of excellence Page 2 FOCUS on the Fraternity among our collegiate members. Page 14 Chapters Speak Page 17 Meet the Trustees of the Leadership Foundation Page 12 WELCOME XI SIGMA AND XI TAU CHAPTERS Page 18 Delta Sigma Pi’s Affinity Partners Wingate University and Syracuse Univer- Page 20 Alumni Notes sity are now the hosts of Delta Sigma Pi Page 22 Alumni Chapters and Special Interest Groups chapters number 249 and 250. Page 23 Bits and Pieces The Deltasig of Delta Sigma Pi is published four times annually by the International Fraternity of Delta Sigma Pi in the Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer. Periodicals postage rate paid at Oxford, Ohio 45056, and at additional mailing offices. USPS 152-940. © Copyright 2001 by The International Fraternity of Delta Sigma Pi, Inc. The Deltasig of Delta Sigma Pi is distributed quarterly to all collegiate chapters, life members, national honorary initiates, faculty and honorary initiates for five years following initiation, national officers, Golden Council members, current Leadership Foundation donors, Fraternity leaders and new grads for one full calendar year following year of graduation.