'HVWLQ\&ROOHJH,QWHUQDWLRQDO '(9(/23,1*:25/'&/$66/($'(56 :+2:,//326,7,9(/<75$16)2507+(:25/' $&&5(',7('6,1&( $FFUHGLWLQJ&RPPLVVLRQ,QWHUQDWLRQDO 7KH:RUOG V/DUJHVW&KULVWLDQ6FKRRO$FFUHGLWLQJ$VVRFLDWLRQ Destiny College International Handbook (2015) Keith Johnson, PhD Chancellor Dr. Vivian Rodgers President HEADQUARTERS P.O. Box 15001 Spring Hill, FL 34604 TELEPHONE 352-597-8775 MAIL
[email protected] WEBSITE www.DestinyCollegeOnline.com Developing World-Class Leaders 1 | Page Destiny College International Handbook (2015) CONTENTS Letter from the President 3 Our Vision 4 Accreditation 5 Academy Career Paths 5 Undergraduate Program 7 Course Description 8 Master of Christian Leadership Degree 16 Masters Of Executive Leadership Coaching 23 Class Meetings and Procedures 24 Registration 25 Student Privacy Act 25 Admissions Policies 25 Articles of Faith 28 Developing World-Class Leaders 2 | Page Destiny College International Handbook (2015) LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT Your Growth as a Leader Starts Right Now! I regularly meet people who are surprised to learn that leadership is an important part of success. It’s true. Whatever we do in life, our personal development depends on our growth as leaders. All human institutions need to have leaders. We know this is true whether that institution is a church, nation, business, school, television station, or a family. The world prizes leadership. Influence, riches, and power have been claimed by leaders who, by virtue of their vision for a better future, are able to attract the loyalty, respect, and service of others. Leaders in all walks of life are in constant demand. I recently heard someone described as a “born leader.” But I must disagree.