May 8, 2020

Dear Members of Congress:

We, the undersigned, are a diverse coalition of religious organizations, houses of worship, religious leaders, and a law firm dedicated to defending and restoring religious liberty in America. We are each concerned about a new threat to our nation’s faith communities: a swarm of lawsuits blaming houses of worship and religious ministries for any person who attended a religious gathering or received food or shelter from a charity or ministry and subsequently contracted COVID-19.

Although these lawsuits should eventually prove meritless, the cost of defending against them would have devastating consequences. Many of the same religious organizations who rushed to provide aid and comfort to those affected by COVID-19 now find themselves struggling financially. And a wave of lawsuits would force many to cease their operations, whether due to the cost of litigation, or the mere specter of it.

We have, and continue, to support prudent efforts to balance public health with the desire to “reopen America.” But in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a proliferation of complex and often contradictory orders and guidelines at the state, county, and local levels, each purporting to govern when and how to reopen. Unfortunately, no religious organization—or any organization—can follow every guideline or order that has been issued around the country.

We are concerned that some people—and their lawyers—will cherry pick certain guidelines from around the nation in order to assign liability to religious organizations. They might claim that a religious organization or a house of worship was negligent because it did not follow a single recommendation buried deep within a set of guidelines. Or they might claim that, even though the religious organization or house of worship was careful to follow all relevant guidelines and orders, it is nonetheless negligent because it did not follow a more stringent guideline issued in a town a thousand miles away.

This is a novel problem arising from the speed with which seemingly every state and local government in America developed their own, independent orders and guidelines. The problem will soon become even more acute as state and local governments across the nation transition to reopening, but each in a slightly different manner and at a different speed.

We must not permit religious organizations to be blamed or held liable for negligence because a food pantry in Wyoming did not follow an artificial amalgamation of every guideline from Washington to Florida. And even if the courts agree, the number of lawsuits attempting to apply that artificial standard may shut down the food pantry long before it has a chance of winning its case in court. Indeed, the mere threat of litigation may cause many religious organizations to remain closed far beyond what is necessary.


To avoid these unintended consequences, we propose that Congress include in the next iteration of COVID-19 economic relief legislation immunity for religious organizations from negligence suits resulting from their serving the public or reopening in accordance with local orders. Such protection could be modeled generally after the COVID-19 laws and orders that limit liability for medical professionals and commercial entities that manufacture and sell protective equipment by establishing a gross negligence or willful misconduct standard. This simple, common sense solution will provide religious organizations desperately needed protection from simple negligence lawsuits.1

Providing this reasonable measure of protection to religious organizations and houses of worship in America will ensure that they can continue performing their vital functions of serving Americans and ministering to all of our spiritual and physical needs. Moreover, it will also reassure ministries that voluntarily closed that they can reopen in order to resume serving their communities. Without this protection, many ministries may feel that they cannot reopen because a lawyer may claim that they are negligent in not following the standards of another industry or even another state. And some of those who do open may find themselves facing the very lawsuits we fear.

America’s faith communities and places of worship have always been at the forefront of ensuring that the hungry are fed, the naked are clothed, and the homeless are sheltered. The undersigned organizations and individuals urge Congress to provide the assurance that America’s faith communities can continue to be good Samaritans to the oppressed and the downtrodden as our nation begins its slow rebuilding.


1 See, e.g., Ariz. Exec. Order No. 2020-27 (Apr. 9, 2020) (limiting liability of licensed health care professionals, registered volunteer health care professions, emergency medical care technicians, healthcare institutions, and entities operating modular field treatment facilities to gross negligence or reckless or willful misconduct), Conn. Exec. Order No. 7V (Apr. 7, 2020) (limiting liability of health care professionals and facilities to acts or omissions that constitute a crime, involve fraud, malice, gross negligence, willful misconduct, or would constitute a false claim), Ill. COVID-19 Exec. Order No. 17 (Apr. 1, 2020) (limiting liability of health care facilities, professionals, and volunteers to gross negligence or willful misconduct), Mich. Exec. Order No. 2020-30 (Mar. 29, 2020) (limiting liability of any licensed health care professional or designated health care facility to gross negligence), Miss. Exec. Order No. 1471 (Apr. 10, 2020) (limiting liability of healthcare professionals and facilities to acts or omissions that constitute a crime, fraud, malice, reckless disregard, willful misconduct, or would otherwise constitute a false claim), N.J. Exec. Order No. 112 (Apr. 1, 2020) (limiting liability of any licensed health care professional or individual granted a temporary license to practice in connection with the state’s COVID-19 response to acts or omissions that constitute a crime, actual fraud, gross negligence or willful misconduct), N.Y. Exec. Order No. 202.10 (Mar. 23, 2020) (limiting liability of medical professionals to gross negligence), N.Y. S. 7506 / A. 9506 (enacted Apr. 3, 2020) (limiting liability of health care facilities and providers acting in good faith to willful or intentional criminal misconduct, gross negligence, reckless misconduct, or intentional infliction of harm), Ky. S.B. 150 (enacted Mar. 30, 2020) (providing that health care providers and businesses that make protective equipment in response to COVID-19 that ordinarily do not make such products are generally not subject to liability for ordinary negligence). FIRST LIBERTY INSTITUTE • 2001 WEST PLANO PARKWAY. SUITE 1600 • PLANO, TX 75075 PHONE: 972-941-4444 • FIRSTLIBERTY.ORG

Kelly Shackelford, President and CEO Franklin Graham, President and CEO First Liberty Institute Samaritan’s Purse and BGEA

Tony Perkins, President Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr., President Family Research Council Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

Rabbi Pesach Lerner, President James Dobson, Ph.D., Founder and President Coalition for Jewish Values Dr. James Dobson Family Policy Institute

Jessica Anderson, Executive Director Father Frank Pavone, National Director Heritage Action for America Priests For Life

Yaakov Rich, Rabbi Netanel Louie, Founder Congregation Toras Chaim Hebrew Discovery Center

Tim Wildmon, President Kirk Cameron, Founder American Family Association CAMFAM Studios, LLC

John Hagee, Senior Matthew Hagee, Lead Pastor Cornerstone Cornerstone Church

Eric Metaxas Eunie Smith, President Author & Nationally Syndicated Radio Host Eagle Forum

Timothy Head, Executive Director Dr. Jim Garlow, CEO Faith & Freedom Coalition Well Versed

Mark Gonzales, President Len Munsil, President Hispanic Action Network Arizona Christian University

Rob Pacienza, Senior Pastor Sam Rohrer, President Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church American Network

Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer, Pastor Emeritus Reverend Dave Welch, President The Moody Church, U.S. Pastor Council

Ken Ham, CEO Dr. Mike Rouse, President Answers in Genesis American Association of Christian Schools

Dr. Frank Wright, President and CEO Victoria Cobb, President D. James Kennedy Ministries The Family Foundation of Virginia

Jeff Myers, Ph.D., President Cathy Adams, 1st Vice President Summit Ministries Eagle Forum

David Barton, Founder Jonathan Saenz, President Wallbuilders Texas Values


Cathi Herrod, President Dr. Stephen Horn, Executive Director Center for Arizona Policy Louisiana

Gene Mills, President Dr. Steven McNeil, Executive Director Louisiana Family Forum State Convention of Baptists in Indiana

Julianne Appling, President Rev. Timothy C. Patterson, Executive Director Wisconsin Family Council Baptist State Convention of Michigan

Debbie Chaves, Executive Director Dr. Leo A. Endel, Executive Director Colorado Family Action Minnesota-Wisconsin Baptist Convention

Nathan Winters, Executive Director Barrett Duke, Ph.D., Executive Director Family Policy Alliance of Wyoming Montana Southern Baptist Convention

Dr. James R. Carter, Endorser Randy C. Davis, President & Executive Presbyterian and Reformed Commission on Director Chaplains and Military Personnel Tennessee Baptist Mission Board

Craig G. Muehler, President Kevin White, Executive Director Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty Nevada Baptist Convention

Dr. Kal McAlexander, Executive Director, William G. Boykin, Executive Vice President Chaplaincy Endorsement Commission Family Research Council Christian Churches and Churches of Christ Tim Barton, President The Right Reverend Derek Jones, Wallbuilders Bishop of the Armed Forces and Chaplaincy Anglican Church in North America Garret Hashimoto, Chairman Hawaii Christian Coalition Phillip F. Wright, Director & Endorsing Agent Evangelical Free Church of America James Robison, Founder and President LIFE Outreach International Rev. Robert W. Collins, II, Executive Director Alliance Chaplain Ministries Suzanne Bock Grishman, Director The Christian and Missionary Alliance Mercury One

Major General Bob Dees, U.S. Army (Ret.) David Lane National Center for Healthy Veterans American Renewal Project

Randy Covington, Executive Director Ken Eldred, CEO Alaska Baptist Resource Network Living Stones Foundation

Bob Dean, Executive Director Rick Joyner Dallas Baptist Association MorningStar Ministries

Dr. Robert Mills. Executive Director Dave Roever, President Kansas-Nebraska Convention of Southern ROEVER Evangelistic Association Baptists


Dr. Rick Scarborough, President Rob Thomas, Senior Pastor Recover America Now New Horizons Christian Church

Tim Lambert, President Michael Johnson, Pastor Texas Home School Coalition Open Door Baptist Church

Rosemary Schindler Garlow, Founder Hernan Castano, Senior Pastor Schindler’s Ark Rios De Aceite

Dr. Robert H. Turrill. President & CEO Atwood Brooks, Elder Evangelical Church Alliance New Life Presbyterian Church

Dave Kubal, President & CEO Keith Hodges, Lead Pastor Intercessors for America Liberty Church, Arab, AL

Gordon Klingenschmitt, Ph.D. Rob Ritacco, Founding Pastor Pray In ’ Name Jesus Journey Church

Stephen McDowell, President Dick Baker, Pastor and President Providence Foundation Steadfast Scripture

JC Church, Founder and Lead Pastor Linda Arey, Pastor Victory in Truth Ministries Women With A Cause Global Outreach

Jim Weber, President and CEO Gene Arey, Pastor Global Connection International Harvest Church International

Ron Johnson, Senior Pastor James Lavender, Pastor Living Stones Church Word of Grace Christian Church

Gene Amason II, Senior Pastor Peter Lobmiller, Pastor Church Alive Word Church

David Lukinovich, Senior Pastor Ron Craycraft, Pastor The Tabernacle Church Forecast For Life Church

Michael J. Frie, Lead Pastor Lynn Wilson, Pastor Metro Harvest Church Emmanuel Fellowship

Donnie Shaffer, Senior Pastor Belinda G. Moss, Co-Pastor Central Church, Zachary, LA Soteria Life Center

Joseph Kelley, Pastor Gary Wiesing, Elder Hamptons Church First Christian Church

Troy Thomas, Pastor Perry Moss, Jr., Pastor Bethel Church, Vidalia, LA Soteria Life Center

K. Doug Allen, Lead Pastor Cherri Campbell, Pastor and President Living Hope Church, Whitney, PA Victorious Faith International


Gerrit Di Somma, Reverend Mark Cowart, Pastor Carmel Global Ministries, Inc. Church For All Nations

Mark Coward, Pastor Terence Johnson, Founder Church For All Nations Terence Johnson Ministries

Doral Jackson, Senior Pastor Mario & Denese Ramos, Pastors The River Church Build A Foundation Ministries

Merrie Cardin, Pastor Mark Curts, Pastor Brazos Covenant Ministries First Southern Baptist Church

Dan Cramer, Pastor Sandra Felder, Senior Pastor Zion Christian Church, Pittsburgh, PA Rhema Life Community Church

Jim Medley, Senior Pastor Marion Browns, Founder and Pastor First Baptist Church, Lamesa, TX Works of Faith Ministries

Dr. Edward DeVries, Pastor Delores Helper, Pastor First Baptist Church, Fruitland, MD In His Presence Ministries

Chadd Pendergraft, Senior Pastor Daryl Dolbee, Pastor Crescent Valley Baptist Church New Wine Family Church

Joe Cannon, Th.D., Pastor Warren Marr, Pastor Crown Heights Baptist Church Turlock Believers Church

Thomas Smith, Pastor Steven Pettis, Pastor Mt. Zion Baptist Church Better Life Faith Church International

Dr. David Rivera, Senior Pastor Don and Sylvia Lazo Iglesia De Dios Pentecostal StreetSide Hope Ministries

Jonathan Friedt, Pastor Sylvester Johnson, Pastor Believer’ Fellowship of Lakeland, Inc. New Life Family Worship Center

Al Huba, Pastor Reverend Richard Mills, President House of Hope Declaring His Glory Ministries

Cheryl Johnston, Christian Education Director Jim Mosely, Pastor Plant City Church of God Oasis of Love Family Church

Bob Burchett, Senior Pastor Eric A. Torzano, Pastor Bride of Christ Ministry His Word Christian Center

Nathan Rice, Pastor Reverend Eddie W. Thompson, Pastor Christ Community Church Impact Church

Michael Johnston, Pastor Tracey Armstrong Open Door Baptist Church The Citadel of Seattle FIRST LIBERTY INSTITUTE • 2001 WEST PLANO PARKWAY. SUITE 1600 • PLANO, TX 75075 PHONE: 972-941-4444 • FIRSTLIBERTY.ORG

Corey Ross, Pastor Garrett Lear, Pastor Williamson County Cowboy Church The Heroes of American Liberty

Percey Joe, Pastor David Jenkins, Pastor Pacesetters Christian Fellowship Ambassadors Christian Center

James and Shelly Clay, Pastors Ronald D. Walker, Jr., Pastor Jesus Outreach Word of Faith International

Mike Anderson, Pastor David Horton, Pastor The Rock on the Ridge Grace Harvest Church

Judy Hamin, Pastor LueBertha Phillips, Pastor Ultimate Life Church LueBertha Phillips Ministries

Barry Harmon, Pastor James Hash, Senior Pastor and CEO Ultimate Life Church World Outreach Center

Millie Miller, Senior Pastor Samudrala Murthy, Pastor New Life Fellowship Samudrala Ministries

Maria Robinson, Minister Donald and Donna Long, Senior Pastors New Leaf Faith Christian Church

Dr. Lisa Powell Cheryl Ingram Door of Hope Christian Fellowship Word of Faith Family Church Orlando, FL

Eddie Blackwell, Senior Pastor Franklin Ables, Pastor Sword of the Spirit Ministries Overcomers World Ministries

David Pottberg, Pastor Vincent Arrigo, Minister Community Baptist Church Kingdom Outreach Ministries

Don Neyland, Minister Robert Frazier, Pastor South Terrebone Church of Christ Church Alive

Keith Eggert, Pastor Jane Ann Bucknot, Reverend Covenant Family Church Wings of Eagles Ministry, Inc.

Melina De La Cruz, Associate Pastor Brian Clark, Pastor The River Church Grace Life Church

Andrew J. Hemstrought, Pastor Tim Greenwood, President Metropolitan Holy Ghost Society Tim Greenwood Ministries

Dr. Michael Koku Dr. Larry Hutton, President Royal Envoys, Inc. Larry Hutton Ministries, Inc.

Russell and Sandra Rhodes, Pastors John Patton, Minister Fish Net Worship Center John Patton Ministries International FIRST LIBERTY INSTITUTE • 2001 WEST PLANO PARKWAY. SUITE 1600 • PLANO, TX 75075 PHONE: 972-941-4444 • FIRSTLIBERTY.ORG

Tommy Roberts, Pastor Wesley Hulvey, Pastor Life Pointe Christian Faith Center Springale Missionary Baptist Church

Tom Luether, Pastor Duane E. Bland, Pastor Family Worship Center Thibodaux Family Church

Kathie Wright, Ministry Director Laurie Garman, Assistant Pastor North Kern Christian Center Latter Rain Fellowship

Thomas Peetz, Senior Pastor Amos Yormie, Pastor Word of Life Christian Fellowship Covenant Outreach Center

Willie B. Royster, President Tracey L. Barbour, Minister Love Christian Center Church Tracey Barbour Ministries

Mylon Lefevre, President Clyde Oliver, Senior Pastor Mylon Lefevre Ministries Maranatha Christian Center

David W. Wignall, Pastor Marion Oliver, Reverend Missions Logistics International Clyde Oliver Ministries, Inc.

Donald and Christine Prouty, Pastors Ed Daniels, Senior Pastor Latter Rain Fellowship Living Word World Outreach Church

Orlando Randall, President Hollis Kirkpatrick, Pastor Joshua Ministries, Inc. Servants to the City

RJ Saladin, Pastor Robert Rhodes, Pastor Higher Plain Baptist Church Souls Harbor Ministries

Stephen LaFlora, Pastor Tim Franklin, Senior Pastor Maranatha Church of God in Christ Freedom Christian Center

Jacqueline Ragland, Chief Admin. Officer David Talbert, Pastor Revival Across America Freedom in the word Church

Mark Matta, Executive Director Nate Schegel, Senior Pastor Public Awareness Ministries Beyond Church

David Buesinger, Pastor Dr. Kevin Armstrong Open Door Ministries of NW Missouri, Inc. The King’s Dome Worship Center

Christi Le Fevre, Vice President Dan Yankunas, Pastor Mylon Le Fevre Ministries Solid Rock Church, Inc.

David Garner, Pastor Kevin Subra, Pastor Victory Church Northridge Baptist Church

Charles Minyard, Minister Terry Mize, President Word covenant Fellowship Terry Mize Ministries FIRST LIBERTY INSTITUTE • 2001 WEST PLANO PARKWAY. SUITE 1600 • PLANO, TX 75075 PHONE: 972-941-4444 • FIRSTLIBERTY.ORG

Robb Thompson, Senior Pastor Justin Bleuer, Pastor FHC Berean Church

Cecil Blye, Pastor Jan Simmons, Reverend More Grace Ministries Triumphant Christian Center, Inc.

Ignacio Hughes, Pastor Les Farley, Senior Pastor Ministerios Palabra de Fe Irresistible, Inc.

Jose Nacionales, Pastor Mark Matthews, President Lion’s Heart Christian Ministries, Inc. Tradewind Ministries

Lester E. Guest, Pastor Allen Bailey, Senior Pastor Accelerate Church Gathering Church

Ken Friendly, Pastor Dr. Kenneth Hyatt Lighthouse Christian Fellowship Victory Harvest Church

Perfeto Esquibel, Pastor Jan Frederickson, Senior Pastor Center Church El Shaddai Christian Fellowship

Tim Finlayson, Pastor Karl D. Pabst Sr., Senior Pastor Brevard Worship Center Resurrection Ministries, Inc.

Dr. Rodney Kyles, Senior Pastor Mike Canaday, President The Assembly Church Final Quest Ministries

Susan Wingate, Co-founder/Minister Reverend Kenneth Delgado, Senior Pastor Life Christian University The House Family Ministries

Dr. Brian K. Hayes, Pastor Dr. La Lucas, Pastor The Engrafted Word Family Church Winning in Life CFC

Sonya Triplett, Pastor Steve Cummings, Associate Pastor Reborn Nation Morning Star Community Church

DeAnna Guerrero, Pastor Julie Morrison, Founder/President Prayer Warrior Ministries Most High Barn Inc.

Scott Paisley, Pastor Reverend Charles Moore, Pastor Calvary Baptist Church Chunky Baptist Church

Bryan Lee, Senior Pastor Jerry Byrd, Pastor Boost Church Riverfront Church

Jonas Bohlin, Senior Pastor Craig Watson, Senior Pastor Fullness in Christ Church Incite Church

Michael Rogers, Pastor Dr. Dennis Burke oneWORD Ministries Dennis Burke Ministries FIRST LIBERTY INSTITUTE • 2001 WEST PLANO PARKWAY. SUITE 1600 • PLANO, TX 75075 PHONE: 972-941-4444 • FIRSTLIBERTY.ORG

Diane Bishop, Director Todd B. Hattenbach, Committee Chairman Family restoration Center Trail Life USA Troop CO-10:10

Harry Holloman, Senior Pastor Darwyn Hassert, Reverend Satellite Beach United Methodist Church Smyrna Bible Church

Travis Burke, Pastor Larry Martin, Senior Pastor New Life Church International Souls Harbor Church

Bob Raimondo, Pastor Danny Trichell, Pastor New Life Family Worship The Church on Garrett Road

Carl Peetz, Pastor Terry Trichell, Associate Pastor Calvary Chapel Waynesville D.T. Ministries

Johnny K. Rhoda, Evangelist Adam Smith, Pastor Word and Faith Christian Church New Liberty FWB Church

Carl Huffaker, Lead Pastor Shina Amachigh, Pastor Community Bible Church Northwest Berea Goshen Church

Glen Schlecht, Senior Pastor Jeff Summers, Pastor Immanuel Lutheran Church and School Harvest Life Ministries

John P. Wenck, Jr., Lead Pastor/President West Oakley, Senior Pastor Montgomery Faith Fellowship Faith Christian Fellowship,Hays, KS

Slavic Sagach, Pastor Joshua Harris, Pastor/President New Life Christian Center Palm Bay Baptist Church

Bill Dennington, Senior Pastor Natalie Guzman, Pastor Harvestfire Church International INCOURAGE Church/Ministries

Toni Tyler, Executive Pastor William Barrows, Pastor Houston Faith Family Church Glory Reigns

Edward G. Stoker, Pastor Cynthia Brazelton, Apostle Light of His Word Ministries VCMI

Leonard Ford, Prophet Peggy Talbert, Teach The Reality of the Gospel Ministries, Inc. Freedom in the Word

Owen Alston, Pastor Gill Rapoza, Pastor Harmony Ministries USA, Inc. Seeley Community Church

Tom Watt, Pastor Randy Lucero, Senior Pastor Faith Christian Fellowship Word Alive Church

M. Peter Olson, Pastor Art Aragon, Senior Pastor Good Shepherd Bible Church Heritage International FIRST LIBERTY INSTITUTE • 2001 WEST PLANO PARKWAY. SUITE 1600 • PLANO, TX 75075 PHONE: 972-941-4444 • FIRSTLIBERTY.ORG

William Huber, Elder Thelma Ramsey, Minister Sandhills Alliance Church Mihael’s Home of Refuge

Robert Kotlarz, Senior Pastor Janice Beechick, Outreach Committee Cornerstone Community Fellowship Fellowship Covenant Church

Robert Hillyer, Pastor Ronald V. Brown, Director/Founder True Life Church Cedaredge Disciples Training Center

Ken Jackson, Pastor Eldon Campbell, Founder/President Christian Life Church of Eufaula, Inc. Hope Ministries International

Jeff Anderson, Pastor Eldon Campbell, Secretary/Treasurer International Bible Conference Victorious Faith International Church

Rev. Susann Odom, Pastor Billy Tharp, Senior Pastor Steps of Faith Ministry Church Gods Love Ministries

Paul Koehn, Pastor Elnora Miller, Pastor St. Paul Lutheran Church, Albion, MI God’s Harvest Christian Center

Debbie Chaves, Executive Director James Gardner, Pastor Colorado Family Action/CFA Foundation Jasper Christian Center

Neil H. Woodley, Elder Dean Shropshire, Senior Pastor Rocky Mountain Evangelical Free church Chooselife CHURCH

Irene Benavidez, Associate Pastor Jeff Berg, Pastor Elim Church Forest Ridge Baptist Church

Gil Zaragoza, Senior Pastor Margaret Wethor, Pastor Faith Bible Fellowship of El Paso, Texas House of Refreshing Ministries

Steven Winter, Pastor Yorelis Teran, Senior Pastor 3 Degrees Ministries El Shaddai International Christian Center

David Fields, President Andrew Wommack, President Faith Revolutions Andrew Wommack Ministries, Inc.

Greg Schram, Pastor Richard Harris, Executive Director Lutheran Church of Hope Truth and Liberty Coalition, Inc.

Mike Chisolm, Pastor Deidra Thompson, Senior Pastor New Freedom Outreach Center Gateway on Mt. Zion Church

Dr. Stan Latta, Reverend Chris Eberhardt, President/CEO Reedy Creek Baptist Church Chris Eberhardt Ministries

Jeffrey Hayes, Reverend Ben Tankard, Pastor Common Ground Consultants, Inc. Destiny Center Church FIRST LIBERTY INSTITUTE • 2001 WEST PLANO PARKWAY. SUITE 1600 • PLANO, TX 75075 PHONE: 972-941-4444 • FIRSTLIBERTY.ORG

Francisco Jeanette, Lead Pastor James Scudder, Jr., Pastor The Village Community Church Quentin Road Baptist Church

Gordon Alley, Associate Pastor Peter Young, Senior Pastor Cornerstone Baptist Church Bridgeway Church

Keith Fleming, Executive Pastor Robert W. Provost, President Emeritus Brookside Baptist Church Slavic Gospel Association

Rodger Alley, Pastor Scott Park, Senior Pastor Cornerstone Baptist Church Impact Christian Church

Curtis Hight, Pastor Daniel Fredericks, Executive Director Ife Community Church UIM International

Mike DeVries, Pastor Timothy Chally, Reverend Northern Ridge Baptist Church IFCA

Joseph Helm, Pastor Dr. Kirk Youngblood Brookside Baptist Church Parker Bible Church

David Thompson, Pastor Amy Everette, Catalyst Gateway on Mt Zion Colorado Prays

John Tetsola, Pastor Ecclesia Word Ministries, International

Dr. Jerome Cooper Virginia Avenue Baptist Church

Pedro H. Gonzalez, Pastor Igkesia Embajada del Reino

Steward and Millie Lieberman, Pastors Chaim Congregation

Mike Worley, Pastor Beautiful Redemption

Phil Steiger, Pastor Living Hope church

Steve Ringelspaugh, Pastor Beautiful Redemption

Orlando Burt, Bishop Word of Faith Christian Center

William J. Perkins, Executive Director Christlife Ministries FIRST LIBERTY INSTITUTE • 2001 WEST PLANO PARKWAY. SUITE 1600 • PLANO, TX 75075 PHONE: 972-941-4444 • FIRSTLIBERTY.ORG