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Keith Johnson, PhD Chancellor

Dr. Vivian Rodgers President

HEADQUARTERS P.O. Box 15001 Spring Hill, FL 34604

TELEPHONE 352-597-8775 MAIL [email protected] WEBSITE www.DestinyCollegeOnline.com

Developing World-Class Leaders 1 | Page Destiny College International Handbook (2015)


Letter from the President 3

Our Vision 4

Accreditation 5

Academy Career Paths 5

Undergraduate Program 7

Course Description 8

Master of Christian Leadership Degree 16

Masters Of Executive Leadership Coaching 23

Class Meetings and Procedures 24

Registration 25

Student Privacy Act 25

Admissions Policies 25

Articles of Faith 28

Developing World-Class Leaders 2 | Page Destiny College International Handbook (2015)


Your Growth as a Leader Starts Right Now! I regularly meet people who are surprised to learn that leadership is an important part of success. It’s true. Whatever we do in life, our personal development depends on our growth as leaders. All human institutions need to have leaders. We know this is true whether that institution is a , nation, business, school, television station, or a family. The world prizes leadership. Influence, riches, and power have been claimed by leaders who, by virtue of their vision for a better future, are able to attract the loyalty, respect, and service of others. Leaders in all walks of life are in constant demand. I recently heard someone described as a “born leader.” But I must disagree. There are too many examples in history of great leaders who developed into the role by force of their own vision and commitment. And we all have that ability. It’s quite possible you have not considered yourself a leader of any kind. Whether or not you have, you will be surprised to learn at Destiny College just hw many ways you are a leader, especially to those close to you. One of the reasons why there is a demand for leaders is that too many people, regrettably, would rather be led than assume leadership responsibility. When you are ready to accept the challenges of leadership, you will find many wonderful opportunities waiting to help you break away from the pack and to build on your achievements for future success. Keep in mind that your growth as a leader starts right now. You do not have to be the president of a billion dollar corporation, the president of a country, or the of a megachurch to be a leader. Start with your family, friends, church, school, or workplace. You can start today by developing your leadership skills at Destiny College.

We shape futures by educating people to develop the confidence, competence, and character you need to succeed as a leader.

Empowering you to become a Leader of Destiny!

Keith Johnson, PhD

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To develop and educate World-Class Leaders with the CONFIDENCE, COMPETENCE, and CHARACTER needed to succeed in ministry, business, government, education, media, and the arts.


Destiny College International is a unique school because we focus on the development of a person’s leadership potential.


• Recognition by the largest Christian Accrediting Association in the world. • Earn a Bachelor’s, Master’s, or Doctorate degree. • Class material is relevant and cutting edge. • Develop your leadership skills. • Receive Ministry Life credits. • Best price value in the industry. • Previously earned credits transfer from secular colleges, schools, and other training programs. • Establish yourself as an expert. • Publish a book using your Doctorate dissertation. • Earning a Doctorate degree will open business, television, and radio opportunities. • Provides the credentials you need to apply at thriving churches. • Increase your future financial potential. • Ministry placement opportunities. • Some of our students have used our Master’s of Christian Leadership degrees to apply for management and executive level jobs at major corporations.

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Destiny College International is a member of the ACCREDITING COMMISSION INTERNATIONAL, the world’s largest non-governmental school accrediting association. ACI is the accrediting authority for thousands of students in hundreds of schools in 9 countries on 5 continents, and operates in 35 states within the USA (including Washington, DC).

Specializing in seminaries and Bible colleges, ACI is an independent accrediting agency that exists to help the religious world obtain accreditation that is not government affiliated. All ACI member schools accept credits from other member schools, if the credits apply to their programs. OUR NEW ONLINE MODEL

Destiny College International is working hard to birth a new model of leadership development and training by providing online courses and satellite campuses. Business leaders can offer leadership development courses from the home office.

Churches are returning to a biblical model of developing and training their own leaders. Rather than “extract” leaders from their positions and send them away into a total academic context and community, students are left “intact” at the local level for their training. Thus, DESTINY COLLEGE ONLINE and Destiny College Satellite School allows you to develop and grow as a leader where you are already planted. ACADEMIC CAREER PATHS

Our curriculum philosophy and direction was birthed out of the heart of Founder, Keith Johnson, PhD, to help leaders discover, pursue, and fulfil their DESTINY. Our curriculum serves as a systematic approach to empowering students to overcome the feeling of powerlessness that rob so many of their destiny—God’s desire for them.

The curriculum is divided into seven degree programs, and students are rewarded a certificate or degree based on completing the total credit hours needed for each level of achievement. Undergraduate degrees do not have to be taken in a specified order.

Ministry Certificate 30 Credit Hours

Associates in Biblical Studies 60 Credit Hours

Advanced Diploma in Biblical Studies 90 Credit Hours

Bachelors of Biblical Studies 120 Credit Hours

Developing World-Class Leaders 5 | Page Destiny College International Handbook (2015)

Masters of Christian Leadership 150 Credit Hours

Masters of Executive Leadership Coaching 159 Credit Hours

Doctorate of Ministry 180 Credit Hours

Doctorate of Strategic Leadership 195 Credit Hours

Doctorate of Philosophy (PhD) 250 Credit Hours

Developing World-Class Leaders 6 | Page Destiny College International Handbook (2015) UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAM

Bachelors of Biblical Studies


• Road to Discovery • Excellence in the Workplace • Stepping Into Greatness • Authority of the Believer • Kingdom Stewardship • Spiritual Gifts • Methods of Bible study • How to hear the voice of God • Life of Christ I • Intro Christian Education • Life of Christ II • Effective Teaching • Old Testament Survey I • Multiple Intelligences • Old Testament Survey II • The Art of Distinction • New Testament Survey • Manners Matter • Excellence in Character • Healing Technicians

Second year: Fourth Year: 60 Credits 120 Credits ASSOCIATE’S IN BIBLICAL STUDIES BACHELOR’S DEGREE

• God’s Word • Love—The Royal Law • Bible Doctrine • Flowing in the Prophetic • Submission and Authority • Women in Ministry • Anointing • Marriage • Ministry Gifts • Educational Psychology • Romans • Church Governments • Galatians • Intro to Christian Counselling • Ephesians • Homiletics st • 1 Corinthians • Ministerial Ethics nd • 2 Corinthians • Principles of Leadership

Developing World-Class Leaders 7 | Page Destiny College International Handbook (2015) COURSE DESCRIPTIONS

TH 321 Authority of the Believer

To access the spirit of wisdom and revelation concerning the believer’s position of authority in Christ. To espouse the privileges and responsibilities of participating with God in the detection and overthrow of the powers of darkness in one’s personal and ministerial experience, thereby facilitating the extension of God’s Kingdom both locally and globally.

TH 211 Bible Doctrine

This course is an in-depth study of the fundamental truths of the Bible arranged in systematic form. You will learn what the Scriptures state and what the Scriptures mean concerning the doctrine of God, angels, humankind, sin, Jesus, atonement, salvation, the Holy Spirit, and His Church.

TH 345 Church Government and Ministry Gifts

This course will help you understand the fivefold ministry and its characteristics. It also teaches you the biblical structure for churches and reviews the offices of bishops, , elders, and deacons in the church.


1) To understand the function and characteristics of the five-fold ministry as described in Ephesians 4:11. 2) To understand the “Helps Ministry” and recognize our own motivational gift. Romans 12:6-8. 3) To understand the operation of the nine gifts or manifestations of the Holy Spirit listed in 1 Corinthians 12:8-10. 4) To examine the ideal biblical pattern for the operation of the Church. 5) To examine the offices of pastor, bishop, elder and deacon.

PSY 424 Educational Psychology

This course examines the way people learn and students discover the importance of identifying the different learning styles and developing lesson plans that incorporate techniques and approaches that engage people with a variety of learning styles.

ED 432 Effective Teaching

To help the students develop an understanding that teaching should change lives and develop a passion to communicate by an understanding of laws that create success in themselves as teachers as well as in their classroom. Developing World-Class Leaders 8 | Page Destiny College International Handbook (2015)

TH 231 Ephesians

This course delves into the Book of Ephesians and unveils the “mystery of the church” as no other epistle. Students see how God’s secret intention is revealed to form a body to express Jesus’ fullness on earth, by uniting one group of people, and to equip, empower, and mature the people to the end that they extend Jesus’ victory over evil. Overview:

Ephesians unveils the “mystery of the church” as no other epistle. God’s secret intention is revealed to form a body to express Christ’s fullness on Earth (1:15-23), to do this by uniting one people - both Jew and Gentile, among whom God himself dwells (2:11-3:7) and to equip, empower, and mature this people to the end that they extend Christ’s victory over evil (3:10-20; 6:12-20).

This course will be taught over the period of four weeks, with all assignments due on the fourth week of class.

TH 235 Excellence in Character

An examination of what it takes to possess godly character. Teaches principles and ideals for practical applications for a daily life of integrity.

TH 235 Excellence in the Workplace

This course encourages you to reach higher levels of excellence in all areas of life, with the emphasis on the workplace and/or ministry. It also explains the divine laws guiding individuals on paths to greater success.

TH 413 Flowing in the Prophetic

In this exciting class you will learn: how to flow in the gift of prophecy; the ministry of the prophet; how to understand the language of the Holy Spirit; how to discern prophetic pictures, dreams, the voices of God, and much more.

TH 225 Galatians

This course takes a deep look at Galatians, which clearly contrasts the works of the law and the work of the Spirit, examines the difference between the fruit of the Spirit and the fruit of the flesh, and discusses the contrast between living under grace and legalism.


1) To take a deeper look at this epistle which so clearly contrasts the works of the Law and the work of the Spirit 2) To examine the difference between the fruit of the Spirit and the fruit of the flesh. 3) To see the contrast between living under grace and under legalism. Developing World-Class Leaders 9 | Page Destiny College International Handbook (2015)

TH 211 God’s Word—Your Supernatural Tool for Ministry

Instead of intensive studies in psychology and theology books, you spend time in the only Book that will change your life and those to whom you will minister. You will learn valuable truths about: how to live by faith; how to obtain the unattainable; how to transform your life by transforming your thinking; how to overcome your weakness; and, four steps to lasting change.


Your supernatural tool for ministry – God’s Word! Instead of intensive studies in psychology books and theology books, you will spend time in the only book that will change your life and those to whom you will minister.

You will also learn some valuable truths on:

1) How to live by faith. 2) How to obtain the unattainable. 3) How to transform your life by transforming your thinking. 4) How to overcome your weakness. 5) 4 steps to lasting change.

TH 323 Healing Technicians for the 21st Century

Do you have a passion to pray for the sick? Do you need a miracle from God yourself? You will learn exciting truths about divine healing: how to become a healing technician; five revelation keys to receiving your miracle; 25 roadblocks to healing; and, how to heal the sick. Overview:

To understand that physical healing has been provided for us in the redemptive work of Christ. 1) To discover God’s will in respect to healing “all”. 2) To look at God’s methods of healing. 3) To discover hindrances to healing.

TH 233 Hebrews

In this course, you will gain a deeper understanding of why the Book of Hebrews was written, how it applies to believers, and to contrast the works of the law and the works of faith into everyday life experiences.

TH 221 First Corinthians

An expository study of the Book of First Corinthians. This course examines the social and spiritual climate of the church of Corinth and the events that led up to Paul’s correspondence to the Corinthian believers. Includes examination of the problems and challenges that can occur within a local church body as well as the scriptural solutions for these problems and challenges. Developing World-Class Leaders 10 | Page Destiny College International Handbook (2015)


This course will take students through an expository study of the book of 1st Corinthians. Students will examine the social and spiritual climate of the church at Corinth and the events that led up to the Apostle Paul’s correspondence to the Corinthian believers.

In studying Paul’s letters to the Corinthians, students will understand the problems/challenges that can occur within a local church body, as well as the scriptural solutions for these challenges.

TH 223 Second Corinthians

This is a continuation of where Paul leaves off in First Corinthians. Examines the social and spiritual climate of the church of Corinth and the events that led up to Paul’s correspondence to the Corinthian believers. Overview:

This course will take students through an expository study of the book of 2nd Corinthians. Students will examine the social and spiritual climate of the church at Corinth and the events that led up to the Apostle Paul’s correspondence to the Corinthian believers. In studying Paul’s letters to the Corinthians, students will understand the problems/challenges that can occur within a local church body, as well as the scriptural solutions for these challenges.

CC 426 Introduction to Christian Counselling

This course provides an overview of biblically based Christian counselling. Students are introduced to God’s method for making His children whole and explore how to help individuals overcome the problems in their lives that are hindering them. This course deals with issues of self-worth, which underlies most psychological problems.

TH 115 Kingdom Stewardship

In order to fulfil your God-given assignment, you need four things:

1) Information 2) People 3) Favour, and 4) Money.

In this teaching session, you will learn about: prospering God’s way; planning a budget; six steps to debt-free living; the difference between prosperity versus materialism; money myths; what the rich know that the middle and poor don’t; six Bible reasons for lack and poverty; and, God’s financial system.

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TH 131 Life of Christ

Provides an outline of the life and teachings of Jesus and surveys the order of the events in His earthly ministry. This course covers the deity of Jesus, His birth, His childhood, and His final days in Jerusalem.

TH 333 Life of Paul

A study of the life and teachings of the apostle Paul as recorded in the Book of Acts and the Pauline Epistles. Special attention is given to the beginning and growth of the Church and Paul’s influence.

TH 435 Ministerial Ethics

Provides a theological-ethical framework for the moral responsibilities of those in pastoral ministry. Students study the foundational values of character, vision, and virtues of the minister. Students assess the use of power in pastoral relationships and examine the need for professional accountability among ministers. Common ethical problems faced by ministers are exposed and preventive strategies are provided.

TH 313 Life of Prayer

This course is an in-depth study of 30 different types of prayer. You will have a clearer view about how you are praying and how you can pray more effectively in your daily life.

TH 411 Love—The Royal Law

Love is a major attribute of the Christian life because the Bible calls it the “Royal” law (see James 2:8). Love is the foundational law or controlling principle on which all the laws of life operate. You will learn: the foundation of love; the characteristics of love; practical pointers for walking in love; and, how to restore relationships as an act of love.

TH 331 Manners Matter

Develops a biblical and practical understanding of manners and how God instructs Christians to display proper manners. Equips students in practical applications of manners and enables them to instruct others in ways of etiquette.

TH 133 Methods of Bible Study

Students learn the various methods of Bible study (book, character, word, topical, etc.), the process of translating passages of Scripture from the Hebrew and Greek languages using Strong’s Concordance, and become familiar with available study tools.

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ED 324 Multiple Intelligences

To educate students in multiple intelligences and how to incorporate them in a classroom setting.

TH 125 New Testament Survey

This is a comprehensive study of the books of the New Testament, including the authors of each book, background information of the author and the book, and the emphasis of each book.

TH 121 Old Testament Survey I

A historical survey of the Old Testament. Special attention is given to the cultural background, the theological and contextual perspectives, and the practical application of major Old Testament themes.

TH 123 Old Testament Survey II

A historical survey of the Old Testament. Special attention is given to the cultural background, the theological and contextual perspectives, and the practical application of major Old Testament themes.

TH 135 Principles of Faith

This course establishes a solid foundation of the biblical tenants of faith and righteousness, and exercises and increases one’s faith in God. Examines how to apply that faith to one’s personal and ministerial experience.

TH 441 Principles of Leadership

This course studies the subject of leadership, exposes you to potential weaknesses you may have concerning leadership, and teaches how to turn those weaknesses into strengths. Encourages you to apply each of the leadership laws as building blocks to success in life.

TH 111 The Road to Discovery

Answers the five universal questions asked by every person: Why was I created? What is my assignment on this planet? Where do I need to be to fulfil my destiny?

Who am I called to be? How do I accomplish this assignment? Teachings and special testings reveal: your destiny, potential, and spiritual gifts.

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Also discussed:

1) Spiritual language 2) Motivational gifts 3) Personality types.

TH 215 Romans

This course examines the Book of Romans and the justification through faith, not works, the workings of the cycle of sin and death and how it affects believers at all levels of faith. Also, how to escape from its influence, to understand the personal consecration to God in view of His mercies, and to understand both the liberty we have through grace and the responsibilities we have toward weaker believers. Overview:

1) To show that Christ’s salvation is administered once and for all – to all people. 2) To understand justification through faith, not works. 3) To grasp the workings of the cycle of sin and death, how it affects believers at all levels of faith and how to escape from its influence. 4) To understand personal consecration to God in view of His mercies. 5) To understand both the liberty we have through grace and the responsibilities we have towards weak believers. TH 315 Spirit Faith

This course is a comprehensive study of faith principles and their practical application to every believer’s life.

TH 335 Spiritual Warfare

As a Christian, we fight spiritual enemies with spiritual weapons. This study provides information about the different enemies Christians battle and about each weapon and how they should be used.

TH 113 Stepping Into Greatness

In this series, Dr. Keith Johnson gets down to the hard-hitting truths that every person must submit to when serving under God’s chosen leader.

You will learn these exciting truths: servanthood: the call to greatness; faithfulness: the key to abundant blessings; submission: the Church as a force; honouring your leaders: the master key to increasing anointing; and the force and power of unity.

TH 213 The Great Exchange

This course teaches you how to control your thoughts and how to think the thoughts of God. This course enables you to live a more positive and victorious life based upon the written principles of God, and moves beyond the internal barriers that hinders effectiveness in your life. Developing World-Class Leaders 14 | Page Destiny College International Handbook (2015)

TH 415 Women in Ministry

Do you ever hold back from doing what God has called you to do because you are a woman?

• Has God called you to preach and teach His Word? • Do you have questions about the issue of God using women in ministry? Do you need help getting your ministry off the ground? • If you answered YES to any of these questions, this course is for you!

You will learn the following truths:

• 14 Bible proofs for women in ministry. • Why Satan tries so hard to destroy women in ministry. • 18 Wisdom secrets for women in ministry. • How to have a ministry of excellence.

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MASTER’S OF CHRISTIAN LEADERSHIP Degree 150 Credit Hours Program Objective

The Master’s of Christian Leadership program is designed to help each student develop the confidence, competence, character, and communication skills necessary to be an effective leader for the 21st century.

In this track, the student will read, study, and learn from some of the most cutting edge leaders and authors of our generation including:

Dr. John Maxwell Rated #1 Leadership Strategist in the World

Dr. Sam Chand Internationally Known Leadership Expert

Dr. John P. Kelly President of International Coalition of Apostolic Leaders

Dr. Dave Williams America’s Pace Setting Leadership Coach

Dr. Vivian Rodgers Known as Mr. Excellence

Bobb Beihl Consultant to the top Christian Leaders in the Evangelical Movement

Flip Flippen Marketplace Leadership Expert

Dr. Robb Thompson Relationship Expert

Mark Pfeifer International Ambassador of the International Coalition of Apostolic Leaders

Dr. Keith Johnson America’s #1 Confidence Coach, Leadership Expert and many more!

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The Confidence Solution Instructor: Dr. Keith Johnson

Descript ion:

See your inner strengths and talents, and become a confident and more successful person with The Confidence Solution Class.

You will learn the keys to unlock transformation in your life, expand your business, career, and relationships, shed unwanted weight and keep the pounds off for good, triumph over your greatest fears, skyrocket your income, and increase your confidence.

Leading With Confidence Instructor: Bobb Beihl

Descript ion:

The number one asset of a leader is confidence. In this course, you will learn how to maintain the mental toughness needed as a leaders to overcome the negative internal and external forces and voices of fear, uncertainty, and doubt so you can lead like a lion.

Leading in Crisis Times Instructor: Dr. Keith Johnson


This course explores, explains, and demonstrates how God prepares every leader for greatness during crisis times in the stockades of struggle. Discussed is the process all great leaders must go through on their journey to becoming the great persons they were destined to be. This course also provides practical principles how to successfully lead yourself and others out of crisis times.

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The Art of Turning Dreams into Reality Instructor: Dr. Keith Johnson

Description: The Art of Turning Dreams into Reality teaches you to evolve from a leader of history to a leader of destiny, maximize your leadership effectiveness, increase your leadership confidence, unite your team/staff behind your vision, and attract quality people to you.

Excellence Driven for Success Instructor: Dr. Vivian Rodgers

Description: This course will drive you toward reaching far beyond an ordinary lifestyle of mediocrity. You will learn why excellence is so important to God and how you can position yourself for success through Bible-based principles.

The Art of Distinction Instructor: Dr. Vivian Rodgers

Description: Ten questions are presented to help you separate yourself from the crowd. This class provides a glimpse into what your own distinctive difference can be and helps you to understand that God is committed to your unique development and success

How to Be a REAL Success Instructor: Dr. John C. Maxwell

Description: Success is not a destination. Success is a process, a lifelong strategy of building on strengths, min weaknesses, and focusing on the people and points of life that are most important. In How to be a REAL Success, Dr. Maxwell helps you understand the keys you need to succeed in life. Whether you are a civil servant or corporate executive, you will achieve great things by understanding 4 very important success-building areas: Relationships, Equipping, Attitude, and Leadership.

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Everyone Communicates, Few Connect Instructor: Dr. John C. Maxwell


Only one thing stands between you and success—your ability to connect. In this extraordinary video/audio training kit, Dr. Maxwell, the world’s most respected leadership expert, shares with you five principles and five practices for breaking the invisible barrier to leadership and personal success, including: • Finding Common Ground • Keeping Your Communications Simple • Capturing People’s Interest • Inspiring People • Staying Authentic in All Your Relationships

Everyone Communicates, Few Connect Instructor: Dr. Keith Johnson

Description: LQ measures your ability to positively impact others to achieve your destiny, purpose, and mission.

• The LQ Solution class will help you destroy mindsets that hinder you from living a life of success, significance, and Kingdom impact. • While your IQ and EQ (Intelligence and Emotional Quotients) contribute to your maximum potential, your LQ determines how much of that God-given potential you actually put to use in your day-to-day activities. • Your LQ—Leadership Quotient—is the significant and primary predictor of the size of your influence, impact, and income.

Ladder Builder Instructor: Dr. Samuel R. Chand Description: Those around you, not you, the visionary, will determine your success. Who’s Holding Your Ladder reminds us that the height of any visionary leader and the fulfillment of the vision are contingent on who’s holding your ladder. It used to be fun climbing this ladder, but the joy and excitement are gone. Dr. Chand discusses 15 challenges that are common to leaders and teaches you how to overcome them. Developing World-Class Leaders 19 | Page Destiny College International Handbook (2015)

Stone And Mortar Instructor: Dr. John P. Kelly

Description: Pastors call this institute one of the most effective tools ever created for building a healthy church. The training is filled with practical applications you can begin to implement immediately to see change. Designed for church leaders who wants to break barriers, this stone and mortar teaching will help you achieve numerical growth, increase your effectiveness, and broaden your influence. You will learn how to go from shepherd to leader, from pond to lake discovering the secret weapon for dynamic church growth. You will learn that proper administration sets the right foundation and how preaching with purpose builds your church. And finally, you will discover the benefits of building an Apostolic church and network, information vital to building your church and the Kingdom of God.

Becoming A Person Of Influence Instructor: Dr. John C. Maxwell

Description: Creating positive influence is not only a catalyst to your own success, it will become the legacy you will leave behind. In this DVD series, John Maxwell leads you through the principles of influence. He teaches the importance of influence and its direct impact on your leadership ability. You will be introduced to ways to increase your influence within your organization and beyond.

Put Your Dreams To The Test Instructor: Dr. John C. Maxwell

Description: What’s the difference between a dreamer and someone who achieves a dream? According to best-selling author Dr. John Maxwell, the answer lies in answering ten powerful, yet straightforward questions. Whether you’ve lost sight of an old dream or you are searching for a new one within you, Put Your Dreams to the Test provides a step-by-step action plan that you can start using today to see, own, and reach your dream. Dr. Maxwell draws on his forty years of mentoring experience to expertly guide you through the ten questions and answers required of every successful dreamer.

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The Flip Side: Break Free Of The Behaviors Holding You Back Instructor: Flip Flippen & Dr. Micheal Spencer

Description: Flip Flippen is the most influential man you’ve never heard of. This personable Texan is the founder of The Flippen Group, one of the fastest-growing corporate and personal training companies in America, and his philosophy has touched the lives of some of the most powerful individuals in the country—from Wall Street leaders to top sports figures like Terry Bradshaw and his NASCAR team, and from Joel Osteen’s team at Lakewood Church to the 150,000 people who trained with Flip’s company. Great advice for everyone, but particularly appealing to those taking stock of what they want to do with the rest of their lives, Flippen’s approach is surprisingly simple. When we learn how to identify our “personal constraints” and take the necessary steps to correct self-limiting behaviors, we will experience a dramatic surge in productivity, achieve things we have only dreamed of, and find greater happiness overall. Flippen has created a simple process to help.

Women In Ministry Instructor: Dr. Keith Johnson

Description: Do you ever hold back from doing what God has called you to do because you are a woman? Has God called you to preach and teach His Word? Do you have questions about the issue of God using women in ministry? Do you need help getting your ministry off the ground? If you answered YES to any of these questions, this course is for you! You will learn the following truths: 14 Bible proofs for women in ministry; why Satan tries so hard to destroy women in ministry; 18 wisdom secrets for women in ministry; and how to have a ministry of excellence.

Developing World-Class Leaders 21 | Page Destiny College International Handbook (2015)

Change Agents - How You Can Change Your World Instructor: Mark Pfeifer

Description: Understanding our God-given purpose in life is one of the most satisfying and fulfilling discoveries a person could make. In this course, you will come to understand how your assignment in the workplace can bring this enlightenment. Learn how to harness your ambitions and desires and direct them towards personal fulfilment by embracing your God-given call to be a change agent in your world.

The Art of Pacesetting Leadership Instructor: Dr. Dave Williams


Dr. Dave Williams, America’s Pacesetting Life Coach is recognized as one of America’s foremost authorities on leadership. In this course, you will learn the proven principles of leadership that will launch your life, ministry, business, or job to higher levels of success. Join him on a journey of discovery as he shares the secrets of developing the heart of an authentic leader. This is the course credited with catapulting Mount Hope Church from 226 to over 4,000! Using this course, a church in Grand Blanc, MI went from 8 to over 1,000.

Developing World-Class Leaders 22 | Page Destiny College International Handbook (2015) MASTERS OF EXECUTIVE LEADERSHIP COACHING Program Objective

The Master’s of Executive Christian Leadership Coaching program is designed to help each student develop the confidence, competence, character, and communication skills necessary to be an effective coach and consultant to other world-class leaders.

In this track, the student will read, study, learn coaching and consulting skills, and discover how to build a successful coaching business from America’s #1 Confidence Coach, Dr. Keith Johnson.

Degree Requirements

Life Coaching Certification Academy (9 credits)

Level 1 Life Coaching (3 credits) Level 2 Executive Leadership Coaching & Consulting (3 credits) Level 3 Business Coaching & Consulting (3 credits)

Required Master’s of Leadership Courses (15 credits)

• LQ Solution (3 credits) • The Confidence Solution (3 credits) • Ladder Builder (3 credits) • Everyone Communicates, Few Connect (3 credits) • Leaders of Destiny (3 credits)

Elective Classes (15 credits)

• Student may pick 5 classes from the Master’s of Christian Leadership courses.

Thesis Work

• 100 hours of logged coaching experience.

Total Credit Hours: 39

Developing World-Class Leaders 23 | Page Destiny College International Handbook (2015) CLASS MEETINGS AND PROCEDURES

All classes and teaching sessions are important to successful education. Scheduling of class times and format may vary to accommodate the student as well as the academic or church calendar. Only through faithful class attendance can the essential elements of a Bible college be fulfilled, i.e., information, impartation, and transformation. These are only achieved through participation and interaction.


As part of the college administration, confidential information must be properly handled. The Student Privacy Act governs the access to and the release of student records.

Student records are those records, files, documents, and other materials that contain information directly related to the student and are maintained by a school or a person acting on behalf of the institution.

Interpretation of the Student Privacy Act is a difficult task. At times, DESTINY COLLEGE INTERNATIONAL may seem overly cautious in our interpretation; however, when we weigh being overly cautious against possible consequences, we feel the risk of being cautious is acceptable.


• The student has the right to inspect, review and challenge the content of his/her education records. • The student alone has the right to access and release of his/her records. Access or release of records can be made to someone other than the student only by a release signed by the student. • The student has the right to refuse the release of personal information by the school.

The school is authorized by law to release “Directory Information.” “Directory Information” for each student includes the following information: Student Name Local Telephone Number Local Address Permanent Home Address Credit Hours Enrolment Dates and Times of Attendance Major Program of Study Degrees or Awards Earned

By law, the student may petition the school to withhold directory information. Once petitioned, the school may not release such information.

Developing World-Class Leaders 24 | Page Destiny College International Handbook (2015)


• Written exams and assignments must be completed for each module. • Students will be expected to supply their own materials for note taking. • Students are responsible for purchasing textbooks from the Bookstore or form their own sources for required reading. • Students are responsible for purchasing any supplemental materials that might be needed exclusively for each course. • Students will be required to spend “lab time” fulfilling a ministry assignment on a weekly basis. ADMISSIONS POLICY

All applicants should give evidence of Christian character. This includes the new birth, commitment to the will of God, and determination to prepare for leadership in Christian service. Habits or lifestyles that are inconsistent with a Christian testimony are not acceptable.

DCI requires of all applicants:

1) Be at least 18 years of age. 2) Submit a completed REGISTRATION FORM, including a recent photograph (black and white or colour). 3) Pay the non-refundable registration fee. 4) All applicants must be willing to allow DCI to conduct a background check if necessary. 5) Refer to campus hand-outs for additional information.


The registration process is complete only after all registration and tuition fees have been paid and registration forms have been signed by DCI personnel. See Registration details on page 19 of this manual. PRIVACY RIGHTS OF STUDENTS

DESTINY COLLEGE INTERNATIONAL will keep confidential the scholastic records of current and former students. At its discretion, DCI may provide information such as: student name, address, phone number, date and place of birth, major field of study, dates of attendance, degrees and awards received, and participation in official college activities. Students may withhold this general information by notifying the administrative offices in writing.

Students have the right to review the information contained in their records when they visit the DCI Developing World-Class Leaders 25 | Page Destiny College International Handbook (2015) administrative office with the exception of the following: financial information submitted by their parents, confidential letters and recommendations associated with admissions, employment, job placements, or honours to which they have waived their rights of review, or records containing information about more than one student. DISCRIMINATION POLICY

DCI complies with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of Student Privacy. No one will be discriminated against or denied the benefit of any program or activity of DCI because of his/her race, color, or ethnic origin. ADMISSIONS NOTIFICATION

Official acceptance will be granted when all required information has been received and approved. Official notification of acceptance will be given to the student.


To receive an official transcript from the central office of Destiny College, a fee of $15.00 must be submitted with a written request for transcript. No transcripts will be released without the prepaid fee. FEES

Application Cost: $25.00

Undergraduate Degree Program Cost: $175.00 per class (3 credits).

Some classes require book purchases.

Graduate Degree Program Cost: $250.00 per class (3 credits).

Full payment must be paid before degrees are awarded. Books not included. Each class requires book purchases. Leadership training program materials from John Maxwell are required for his classes.

Doctorate Degree Program Cost: $300.00 per class (3 credits).

Full payment must be paid before degrees are awarded. Books not included. Each class requires book purchases. Leadership training program materials from John Maxwell are required for his classes. Doctorate dissertation reading cost is $200.

Developing World-Class Leaders 26 | Page Destiny College International Handbook (2015)

Commencement Fee:

$50.00 includes gown, cap, and diploma.

Transfer of Life, Previous Schooling, and Ministry Credits: Each degree $300. Example: Associate’s degree: $300; Bachelor’s degree: $300; Master’s degree: $300.

Transcripts: To receive an official transcript from the central office of Destiny College International, a fee of $25.00 must be submitted with a written request for transcript. No transcripts will be released without the prepaid fee. Refunds: No refunds will be issued after registration, transfer of credits, or class fees have been paid.


No refunds will be issued after registration or class fees have been paid.


The grading scale of DCI is as follows: LETTER PERCENTAGE GRADE POINT A 90-100% 4 B 80-89% 3 C 70-79% 2 D 60-69% 1 F Below 60% 0 I Incomplete 0 W Withdrawal 0


Paul instructed Timothy that “the things which you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others.” Developing World-Class Leaders 27 | Page Destiny College International Handbook (2015)

Students are required to spend a minimum of four hours weekly outside their classroom work in practical ministry assignments. ACADEMIC POLICY

All students must maintain a grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 to remain in good standing. If the student’s GPA drops below 2.0, the student is placed on academic probation. A remedial plan will be worked out to assist the student in being removed from probation.


The certificate/diploma/degree is granted to the student who has successfully completed the Program of Study or requirements for the Bible degree program. The student must have a C average or 2.0 GPA. All financial responsibilities to DCI must be met before the student will be granted a diploma.


Destiny College International seeks to serve the Kingdom of God by offering educational opportunities to Christians of various denominational backgrounds. However, the college adheres to the following: ARTICLES OF FAITH:

We believe the Bible to be the inspired and only infallible authoritative Word of God.

All scripture [is] given by inspiration of God, and [is] profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: (2 Timothy 3:16 KJV)

* We believe there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, [even] our faith. Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God? This is he that came by water and blood, [even] Jesus Christ; not by water only, but by water and blood. And it is the Spirit that beareth witness, because the Spirit is truth. (1 John 5:4-6 KJV)


Developing World-Class Leaders 28 | Page Destiny College International Handbook (2015)

We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death, in his bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His personal future return to this earth in power and glory to rule.

And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. (Matthew 16:16 KJV) For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps: Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth: Who, when he was reviled, reviled not again; when he suffered, he threatened not; but committed [himself] to him that judgeth righteously: Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed. (1 Peter 2:21-24 KJV)

But he that prophesieth speaketh unto men [to] edification, and exhortation, and comfort. He that speaketh in an [unknown] tongue edifieth himself; but he that prophesieth edifieth the church. (1 Corinthians 14:3-4 KJV)

But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons. And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father. Wherefore thou art no more a servant, but a son; and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ. (Galatians 4:4-7 KJV) *

We believe that deliverance from sin, sickness, and poverty is provided for in the atonement, and is the privilege of all believers.

But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin. If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us [our] sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (1 John 1:7-9 KJV)

Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. (Isaiah 53:4 KJV)

Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed. (1 Peter 2:24 KJV)

When the even was come, they brought unto him many that were possessed with devils: and he cast out the spirits with [his] word, and healed all that were sick: (Matthew 8:16 KJV)


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