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A-Ailable At Available Online at http://www.recentscientific.com International Journal of CODEN: IJRSFP (USA) Recent Scientific International Journal of Recent Scientific Research Research Vol. 8, Issue, 3, pp. 16266-16269, March, 2017 ISSN: 0976-3031 DOI: 10.24327/IJRSR Research Article EFFECTS OF GOLD MINING ON THE GENERAL POPULATION Amitha Hegde., Ankit Varun*., Momeka K and Vaisakh Vasudevan Department of Pedodontics,DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24327/ijrsr.2017.0803. A.B. Shetty Memorial Institute0115 of Dental Sciences, NITTE University, Mangalore ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACT Article History: Hutti, one of the three functioning gold mines in India, is located in Raichur District of Karnataka. Mercury and arsenic, being active constituents of the Gold mining industry are known toxicants that Received 17th December, 2016 st are hazardous to humans, wildlife and domestic animals and may accumulate in the environment Received in revised form 21 causing serious damage to ecosystems and human health. Hence a questionnaire based survey was January, 2017 conducted amongst the local population of the Hatti village. Most of the people who participated in Accepted 05th February, 2017 th the survey were aware of the ill effects of mining. In growing age these signs and symptoms are Published online 28 March, 2017 more pronounced than elders. Some of the most common health problems noticed were dark brown pigmentation of the skin (47%), loose stool, breathing difficulties and fatigue. Female population Key Words: reported 3% abortions and miscarriages. The poor accessibility and unavailability of health care Gold mining, Mercury, Arsenic, centers was the main reason for the increased incidence of health issues. pigmentation, human health, Hutti village Copyright © Amitha Hegde et al, 2017, this is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. 5 INTRODUCTION brought about due to gold mining procedures (Lacerda 1997) . There was an exceptional hike in the gold prices experienced in The local demand for gold in India has always been ona rise. the country in the 1970s which further led to extensive gold According to national survey data there are only three mining for a very long period. functioning gold mines in India namely Hirabuddini mines in Jharkhand, and Hatti, Uti gold minesinKarnataka.1 Arsenic also serves as an important constituent of gold mining. It has a low abundance in the earth’s crust so it exists in the The village of Hutti is located in Raichur District in the Indian form of sulfide bearing minerals. The mining of gold and base state of Karnataka. This mine is probably one of the most metals is associated with sulfide mineralization thus ending up ancient metal mines in the world. There was an extensive releasing arsenic in the environment.6 increase in gold mining in the area between 1890 and 1920. The industry closed down in 1920 due to technical difficulties Hg and As are known toxicants that are hazardous to humans, and lack of funds. After the end of the second world war, the wildlife and domestic animals and may accumulate in the production started in September 1948, at the rate of 130 tonns environment causing serious damage to ecosystems and human of ore per day. By 1972 this rate had progressively increased to health. Studies conducted throughout the world where gold 600 tonnes of ore per day.2 The Company was originally mining occurs have reported the presence of high mercury and formed in 1947 as the Hyderabad Gold mines Company Ltd., arsenic concentrations in human urine, breast milk, blood,hair, 7 with the Hyderabad State Government holding a majority of and nails, and in plant and fish samples. the shares. With the re-organisation of the States in 1956, the High levels of Hg and As have been linked to detrimental Company was transferred to Mysore State (now Karnataka 2,3 effects on humans, such as skin problems, cancer, high blood State) and became Hutti Gold Mines Limited. pressure, cardiovascular diseases, and neurological and 7 Mercury, being an active constituent of the Gold mining reproductive disorders among others. The potential harm of industry dates back to the 16th century. Mercury is used in these toxicants to pregnant women, their fetuses and young amalgamation and concentration of gold and thus is a major children is an area of special concern. Women in these gold source of contamination in developing countries (Rojas et al mining regions may engage in geophagy, or earth-eating, 2001).4 The release of mercury in the biosphere is said to have behaviors, which are common in artisanalmining areas due to 7 exceeded 260,000 tons between the year 1550 and 1930, poor nutritional status and cultural acceptance of this practice. *Corresponding author: Ankit Varun Department of Pedodontics, A.B. Shetty Memorial Institute of Dental Sciences, NITTE University, Mangalore Amitha Hegde et al., Effects of Gold Mining on The General Population More alarming is the fact that even low Hg exposure in RESULTS mothers due to the contaminants released by gold mining could result in the fetus being exposed to high levels of Hg as it is The age of the participants ranged from 18 years to 58 years; concentrated by a factor of ten in the fetus relative to the however, most were between 25 and 38 years of age. Of the mother. Thus, even a woman with a low level of mercury hundred participants who participated in the survey, 39% lived exposure could give birth to a child with significant birth in Hutti for more than ten years, and 34% lived in the area for defects.7 In addition, Hg exposure due to transmission through five to ten years, remaining 27% lived for less than five years. breast milk could have an effect on the healthy development of Hutti village was the main center for mining activities in infants.8 Finally, infants and children are sometimes directly Raichur. Amongst the study population, the proportion of exposed to the mining processes themselves, since mothers participants who were aware of the gold mining were 81% and often have their children at the mine site and processing areas rest were unaware of the activity. while they are working and sometime young children even Most of the people who participated (67%) in the survey were 9 participate in mining as workers. aware of the ill effects of mining. (Fig. 1) Around 30% people Hence a questionnaire based survey was conducted amongst said that the quality of drinking water has improved. Gold the local population of the Hatti village. The primary objective mining and its byproducts are known to cause lots of health of this survey was to assess community risk knowledge and issues. In growing age these signs and symptoms are more perception of potential Mercury and Arsenic toxicity and/or pronounced than elders. So the next question was to see the exposure from artisanal gold mining in the Hatti village frequency of children taking leave from school due to health locality. issues. 50% and 39% children took leave from school once a month and more than once a month respectively. (Fig. 2) MATERIALS AND METHOD The study was conducted at the village of Hutti located in Knowledge about the ill effects of mining Raichur District in the Indian state of Karnataka. The estimated 80 67 population of the area of Hutti Gold Mines, as of 2001 India census is 14,716 out of which 9% of the population 60 is under six years of age. Males constitute 51% of the 40 population and females 49%. Hutti Gold Mines has an average 22 literacy rate of 24%. Most people in the village depend on Percentage 20 11 water from rivers, natural wells, and wells constructed for human and livestock consumption and for mining. 0 Yes No Don’t Know Using a cross sectional design with a simple sampling technique, 100 people were recruited into the study and participated in the structured questionnaire survey. All of the Fig 1 individuals approached agreed to participate, (response rate was 100%). These participants included the teachers and Frequency of child's leave from school attenders of the Primary school of Hutti Village and also the 60 general village people residing and working at the adjoining 50 50 streets. Written informed consent was obtained from each 39 40 participant. Since mining occurs in close proximity to housing and other economic activities, all people over the age of 18 30 20 were considered eligible to participate. The individuals who Percentage 11 were recent immigrants of the place were excluded from the 10 survey. A single researcher carried out the questionnaire 0 survey, structured in English and provided to the participants. Once a week Once a month More than once a month Those who needed it to be translated to the native language of Kannada, were assisted by the researchers. Fig 2 The survey consisted of a total of 20 questions which included categorical questions (“Yes”, “No”, “Don’t know”) and open- Some of the most common health problems noticed were dark ended questions. Questions pertaining to their quality of life brown pigmentation of the skin (47%), (Fig. 5) loose stool and the source, quality of drinking water were included so as to (38%), breathing difficulties (49%) and fatigue (47%). identify the cause for the prevailing health issues. Participant’s Around 11% people noticed loss of sensation of feet and hands knowledge of the ill effects of gold mining was determined especially towards the toes and fingers. When dental health was from basic questions regarding their awareness of associated considered around 55%people reported with white spot lesions health impacts.
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