FACT EDITION Surprising facts about UTC and its people 2 | The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Magazine University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Magazine volume two, issue three | Summer 2019 utc.edu/magazine 4 Message from the Chancellor EDITOR George Heddleston Getting Business-World Ready at Unum 6 Vice Chancellor, 8 WUTC Turns 40 Communications and Marketing 11 One-of-a-Kind Emergency Management Executive CREATIVE DIRECTOR 14 Virtually Blind, But Undaunted Stephen Rumbaugh 16 Engel Stadium’s “Take Me Out to the Ball Game” History ART DIRECTOR 18 Alumnus Steps Away from Divinity College He Founded Lynn Newton 20 Music as Therapy WRITERS 22 Engineer, Inventor, Entrepreneur Sarah Joyner Shawn Ryan 24 Athletics Megan Shadrick 25 Bookshelf Gina Stafford 26 Alum Notes CONTRIBUTING WRITER 27 Noteworthy Chuck Wasserstrom 28 Notabilis PHOTOGRAPHER Angela Foster We welcome your feedback:
[email protected] VIDEOGRAPHY Mike Andrews Jacob Cagle The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga is a comprehensive, community-engaged campus of the University of Tennessee System. The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga is an equal employment WEB opportunity/affirmative action/Title VI/Title IX/Section 504/ADA/ADEA institution. Chris Gilligan ABOUT THE COVER From UTC’s “did you know” category, legend has it that if you step on one of the four, smooth-faced seals of Heritage Plaza as a student, you are doomed to fail your next exam, class or even wash out of college altogether. Even though it might just be a campus myth, Mocs are not willing to tempt fate. In fact, during the plaza’s busiest foot-traffic, you can see students part like the red sea, veering right or left, careful not to step on the seals which represent the schools that partnered to form the UTC of today.