Of Drug 45, 142, 144, 346, 414 ACE Inhibitors 1
479 Index a –– voltage-gated ion channel state Abl inhibition 359 transitions 297, 298 absorption, distribution, metabolism, and – prolongation 298 elimination (ADME), of drug 45, 142, 144, – simulated cardiac, in M cells 297, 299, 300 346, 414 – simulations 303, 304, 320 ACE inhibitors 10, 12 – stratification of AP timings 301 acetaminophen 176, 374 – supra-AP timescales 300 – inhibitors, protects against hepatotoxicity – waveform 298, 304 in vivo 376 activity-based protein profiling (ABPP) 390 – liver damage 125 acute coronary syndrome (ACS) 281, 331, – overdose 110 337 acetylation 89 acute liver injury (ALI) 88, 96, 110, 115–118, acetylators 89 120 acetylcysteine (AC) 110, 113, 115 acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) 332, 333, acetylhydrazine 89 377, 401 acetyl isoniazid 89 acylcarnitines 112, 115, 116 acne 341, 342, 344, 380, 458 administration route, of drugs 52, 53 action potential 258 α2 adrenergic receptor (α2 AR) 22 – AP/QT prolongation adrenergic receptor antagonists 10 –– as a torsadogenicity biomarker 320 β-adrenergic receptors (β-ADRs) 35, 235 – duration 304 adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) – estimation of proarrhythmic hERG 465 occupancy levels based on 304 ADRs. See adverse drug reactions (ADRs) –– nontrappable blockers 305 adverse drug reactions (ADRs) 3, 4, 6–8, 14, 15, –– trappable blockers 304 457 – isomorphic lengthening 298 – as a drug-induced disease 30 – normal AP and proarrhythmic – as drug-induced diseases 29 abnormalities 296 – multiscale models of 30, 31 –– abnormal calcium channel reopening – primary toxicity
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