CHAPTER OBJECTIVES Briefly, but completely, answer the following in note form.

1. Explain each of the major motivations for American expansionism in the 1890s. 2. State several arguments for and against the annexation of the Philippines. 3. Explain the principles of ’s foreign policy and describe the role of the U.S. in Asia, Europe, and the Caribbean between 1890 and 1912.

PEOPLE AND GROUPS Briefly identify the following, concentrating on significance and contribution. In the margin put the number of the objective(s) from above that the person or group belongs with OR PLACE THEM UNDER THE APPROPRIATE OBJECTIVE .

William Seward Depuy de Lome Anti-Imperialist League James G. Blaine T. Roosevelt (before & Philander Knox Queen Liliuokalani during presidency) Kaiser Wilhelm II Alfred T. Mahan John Hay Josiah Strong Henry Cabot Lodge General “Butcher” Wyler Emilio Aguinaldo

LAWS/DOCUMENTS/EVENTS Briefly describe the following concentrating on causes and effects. In the margin put the number of the objective(s) from above that the law/document/event belongs with OR PLACE THEM UNDER THE APPROPRIATE OBJECTIVE.

Teller Amendment Monroe Doctrine Pan-American Conference, Treaty of Paris, 1898 1889 Platt Amendment Open Door Policy Boxer Rebellion “Insular Cases”, 1901 Russo-Japanese War Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty Takihara Amendment “Great White Fleet” tour

TERMS Briefly define the following. In the margin put the number of the objective(s) from above that the term belongs with OR PLACE THEM UNDER THE APPROPRIATE OBJECTIVE.

“white man’s burden” yellow journalism imperialism dollar diplomacy anti-imperialists