May 2018 East Link Construction Underneath the East Channel Bridge Reduced boat clearance Sound Transit’s East Link Extension has been working to retrofit the East Channel Bridge for future light rail construction and operation. To do so, crews have Suspended work installed temporary suspended work platforms to the platform underside of the bridge. The main channel will remain navigable but may be narrowed as work moves from east to west and platforms move from pier to pier. Boat clearance has been reduced to approximately 59 feet below the work platforms. For safety, when work is occurring, boats will be directed around the suspended platforms. Additional amber warning beacons have been installed Approximately 59’ to warn boaters. All boaters should still be vigilant and navigate with care around the East Channel Bridge. Safety is our top priority; please use appropriate boater etiquette and follow speed and navigation signs near the bridge. Mercer Island boat launch staging area Beginning later this spring, Sound Transit will use a Photo of the East Channel Bridge with work platforms. portion of the Mercer Island Boat Launch parking area for construction staging. Some parking spaces and access to the boat launch will be maintained throughout construction. Additional boat launch parking is available at Mercer Island City Hall. Sound Transit plans, builds, and operates regional transit systems and services to improve mobility for Central Puget Sound. 401 S. Jackson St. | Seattle, WA 98104 | 1-800-201-4900 / TTY Relay: 711 |
[email protected] | What to expect Work hours will be Monday – Friday: 7 a.m.