`- March-April 2020, Issue 91 See all issues to date at the 503rd Heritage Battalion website: Contact:
[email protected] http://corregidor.org/VN2-503/newsletter/issue_index.htm ~ ~ 173d Photo of the Month “Elements of the 173d Airborne Brigade Arrive in Saigon From Okinawa, 1965” (Caption & photo source: DoD Vietnam Studies, 1989) 2/503d VIETNAM Newsletter / March-April 2020 – Issue 91 Page 1 of 68 We Dedicate this Issue of Our Newsletter in Memory and Honor of the Young Men of the 173d Airborne Brigade & Attached Units We Lost 50 Years Ago In the Months of March and April 1970 “You have done your duty, to honour you is ours.” Deandrea Hamilton Paul Vernon Adams, 20 Ralph North Bright, 22 SGT, D/1/503, 3/7/70 CPL, B/2/503, 4/21/70 (Incident date 3/3/70) 2/4/11: “We Remember. Ralph is 10/6/03: “You will always be buried at Peoria Cemetery, Orange Park, remembered. Dear Paul, I wanted to take Clay County, FL. BSM ARCOM PH.” the opportunity to just thank you for Robert Sage everything you did for our country and the people during the war. Your dedication to this country is evident and Gerald Winston Byrns, Jr., 24 you are greatly respected. I don’t know much about SSG, D/4/503, 4/27/70 you, but you’re a hero to our generation and 2/4/11: “We Remember. Ralph is generations to come. Thank you and may you rest in buried at Peoria Cemetery, Orange Park, peace. Sincerely, Ashley.” Ashley Kiefer Clay County, FL.