

Waldo Baptist 2020 Scripture: Revelation 4:1-11 Introduction: Vision 1 has come to a close and now we open up Vision 2 which is the Throne of God and the Lamb!

The Lord’s personal message to the individual churches is now over. He has told them who He is, pointed out their failures, and warned and counseled them to correct their failures. He has also given them the great promises of if they will only overcome.

Over the next two chapters God reveals the center of divine authority, namely, the throne of God and the power of His Son, who is King of kings and Lord of lords. These chapters teach the saints on earth that in spite of all the onslaughts of evil by , God’s rule is supreme. God assures us that He is working out His plan; He gives us His promise that He governs His entire creation through the Lamb. God rules from His throne!

Now it is time for the churches to see the future events that are coming upon the earth, it is time for the churches to know that Jesus Christ is coming back to earth. He is going to end the world the way we know it and establish the kingdom of God forever and ever. Revelation 4: 1 – 2 - John is given a Vision & Invitation The “door” to heaven is a figurative expression that conveys to John the limits of his heavenly observation. Not everything is visible to him. Here God had opened the door to heaven’s throne so that John would be able to see the divine throne and reveal God’s sovereignty to fellow believers. 1. He saw the door open in heaven. There are 3 doors mentioned in Revelation • Door 1 The Open Door of Opportunity, the door, which God opens to the churches for bearing witness to the glorious gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is the opportunity that God opens for them to carry the gospel to their neighbors, communities, cities, states, and countries and the world. (Rev 3:8) • Door 2 The Door of the Human Heart. At the door of every heart there comes the knock of the nail-pierced hand. When believers carry the message of the gospel to their neighbors, it is then up to the individual person to open the door of his or her heart & receive the gospel. The decision is the neighbor’s. Every person has a door that has to be opened before Christ will enter – the door of their heart. (Rev 3:20) • Door 3 The Door of Revelation. Once a person has opened the door of their heart to Christ, Christ reveals the glorious things of Himself, of God, of heaven, and of this world. In addition, Christ reveals some of the events that are to take place as history unfolds itself – some of the vents that surround the return of Christ and the . (Rev 4:1)

2. The Voice Like a Trumpet! • The reference to the trumpet is connecting with the Jew who would immediately react to this sound because it meant that something important was to be heard. • The trumpet sounded at the giving of a decalogue (Ex. 19:16) the beginning of a new year, and at the onset of the feast of trumpets (Lev. 23:24) John also knew that it introduced the return of the Lord (Matt. 24:31 – 1 Thess. 4:16)

3. God Calling of John to come up here! V1 • Moses had received a similar command from God, who said to Him, “come up to me on the mountain” (Ex. 24:12) • John is permitted to see the future unfolding before him from a heavenly perspective. He is told what must take place; they are predetermined by God and part of a divine plan (Ps. 103:19). THE THRONE OF GOD! V. 2-3 God’s throne is the throne above all . It is the supreme seat of honor and majesty, of sovereignty and power. God is the supreme Majesty of’ the universe, the One who controls and holds all the events of history in His hands. He is the Supreme Authority"’ over all the world and the coming events of the end time. No person can cause the events to take place but Him. God is described in terms of light, the dazzling light of the most precious gems and jewels of that day. He is seen in all of His brilliance and dazzling splendor (Ps.I04: 2; 1 Tim.6: 16; 1). John gives us a sense of majesty and beauty of the appearance of God and the throne by referring to three precious stones; - Jasper – Carnelian – Emerald a. Jasper – stands for the unbearable brightness of the purity of God b. Carnelian – (sardian) stands for His avenging wrath c. Emerald – stands for His mercy by which alone we can meet His purity and justice. Twenty Four Elders – (V.4-5) a. They are seated upon thrones that surround’ God’s throne. This shows that they. Are near God, being honored with His presence • are resting in God, being fulfilled, complete, and satisfied. • Are enthroned with God, that is, they are given a permanent place in His presence forever and ever. b. They are clothed in white. This means that they are clothed in the purity and holiness of God and of Christ. c. They have crowns of gold on their heads. This means that they hold positions of authority; that they are given some duty and responsibility to oversee for God; that they serve God by overseeing some rule and domain; and that others serve under them. • The elders worship God. (Rev.4: 9-11 Rev. 11: 16) • The elders encourage – (Rev 5:5) • The elders explain the vision – (Rev.7: 13-14 Rev 5:5)

The Four: - there are the ’four who surround the throne of God. (V.6-8) Look at three things about them: 1. Their Position - They are the closest beings to God. They are the angelic beings! They are the guardians of God’s throne and of His holy presence 2. Their Description - They have six wings and are full of eyes (Rev.4: 6, 8). - - Their function has to do with the holiness and wrath of God (Rev.6: 1, 7; 15:7). - - They declare the holiness of God day and night and never cease to declare His holiness (Rev.4:8). Note that John chooses certain animals on Earth to describe certain characteristics that he notices • One being was like a lion: this symbolizes supremacy • One being was like an ox (calf): this symbolizes strength. • One being was like a man: this symbolizes intelligence. • One being was like an eagle: this symbolizes swiftness. The living creatures show us two things about God. 1. They show us the supremacy, strength, intelligence, and swiftness of God. 2. They show us that all of nature owes its worship to God.

The Elders cast their Crowns down before GOD! (V.10)

• To show that He alone is worthy and they are acknowledging the truth forever and ever. • They vocally declare His worthiness, and they praise Him as the Lord God of the universe and of creation. The Greek actually reads "Thou art worthy, our Lord and our God" (ho kurios kai ho Theos hemon). • This means that God is supreme; He is the first Being of the universe. He is the glorious Creator of all things. He is the One who created all things for His pleasure.