Local Government Boundary Commission for England Report No
Local Government Boundary Commission For England Report No. 4^ 7 LOCAL GOTEEDMHT BOUNDARY OOJMISSION FOR ENGLAND REPORT NO. ^" 3 7 LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNMHY COMMISSIOH FOR ENGLAND CHAIBMAH Mr G J Ellerton CMS MBE IEPTJTT CHATRMAN Sir Wilfred Burns CB CBE MEMBERS Lftdj Ackner Mr T BrockUnk DL Mr D P Harrison Professor G E Cherry T3I1 3T. HCS. PATRICK J2KKIN UP SECRETARY OF STATE ?03 THE EKVI30KK2IT *. In their parish review report subnitted to us on 16 June iV80f Guildford Borough Council suggested changes to parts of ths boundary between the Borough, of Cuildford ?.r.d the Boroughs of Surrey Heath, Poking and Elmbridge, and Districts of Hole Valley and T7averley in the Coi-nty of Surrey, and the Borough of 3ushmoor in the County of Hacipahire in the following parishad and unparished areas:- Ash Parish, Guildford/Surrey Heath Borough Pirbright Parish, Guildford/Surroy Eeath Borough Pirbright Parish, Guildi'ord/tfokinc Borough Ockha-n Parisii, Guildfcrd/Elcbridge Borough Effin^haa Parish, Guildford/r.role Valley District East I'.orsley Parish, Guildford/Abinger Parish, Kole Valley Shere Parish, Guildford/Abinter Parish, Hole Valley Shere Parish, Guildford/Ev/hurst Parish, Vfaverley District Albury Parish, Cuildford/V.'onersh Parish, V/averley r:halfor;l parish, Guildford/Bcamley Parish, TTaverley Shalford Parish, Guildford/Godalming Parish, 77averley Coinpton Parish, Guildford/Godalmir.g Parish, '.V-: verley Shackleford Parish, Guildford/Goclaiming Parish, i7a*/erley ShaclQeford Parish, Guildford/Witley Parish, ";7averley Seale and Tongham Parish, Guildford/Elstead Parisl;, /teverley Seale and Toafjham Parish, GuildTord/Tilford Parish, VTaverley Seale and Tonghaa Parish, Guildford/7averley District Ash Parish, Guilclford, Surrey/Rushooor Borough, Eaapshlre ^ ;2.
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