DOCUMENT 786 31st October 1978



A European armaments policy

REPORT submitted on behalf of the Committee on Defence Questions and Armaments by Mr. Critchley, Rapporteur ASSEMBLY OF WESTERN EUROPEAN UNION 43, avenue du Prllsldent Wilson, 75n5 Paris Cedex 16 - Till. 723.54.32 Document 786 31st October 1978

A European armaments policy

REPORT 1 submitted on behalf of the Committee on Defence Questions and Armaments 2 by Mr. Critchley, Rapporteur


DRAFT RECOMMENDATION on a European armaments policy

EXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM submitted by Mr. Critchley, Rapporteur

I. Introduction II. The problems III. The approach tfr solutions IV. The international organisations A. The rOle of NATO B. The independent European programme group C. The role of WEU D. The Panavia Tornado - A case study in collaborative procurement V. The view from national capitals A. B. C. Federal Republic of Germany D. Italy VI. Conclusions VII. Opinion of the minority

APPENDICES : I. The ten action areas under the NATO long-term defence programme on which task forces have been established II. Structure of IEPG III. Future equipment programmes IV. Joint production - Collaborative projects as a proportion of national defence equipment procurement V. Procurement, research and development, and research as a percentage of defence budget

1. Adopted in Co=ittee by 7 votes to 6 with 3 Handlos, Hardy, Konen, de Koster, Lemmrich, Maggioni, abstentions. Menard, Pawelczyk (Alternate : Buchner), Pecchioli, Peronnet, Hermann Schmidt (Alternate: Vohrer), Schol­ 2. Members of the Committee : Mr. Roper (Chairman); ten, Tanghe, Whitehead (Alternate: Banks). MM. Bonnel, Roberti (Vice-Chairmen) ; MM. Ahrens, Baumel, Bechter (Alternate: Bozzi), van den Bergh, N.B. The names of those taking part in the vote are Boldrini, Boucheny, Critchley, Dejardin, Fosson, Grant, printed in italics.


Draft Recommendation on a European armaments policy

The Assembly,

Aware that the growing cost of modern armaments technology and current economic trends can lead to unilateral disarmament through inflation in the countries of the Alliance ; Stressing the need for the joint production of armaments in order to provide interoperability and standardisation of military equipment ; to ensure the survival of a viable European armaments industry ; and lastly a. two-way street in armaments with the United States; Considering that limited but as yet too slow progress in these directions is now being made in the independent European programme group, in the NATO Conference of National Armaments Directors, and Military Agency for Standardisation, in all of which all WEU countries participate ; Believing that only if the European armaments industry as a whole is restructured on a viable and competitive commercial and industrial basis will adequate progress be made ; Welcoming the stuay of the European armaments industry being undertaken by the Standing Armaments Committee,


I. Urge that efforts to achieve joint production, interoperability and the standardisation of defence equipment in the European countries of the Alliance be concentrated in the independent European programme group ;

2. Call for the restructuring of the European armaments industry under the aegis of the European Community, relying on its responsibility in the fields of industrial and customs policy and research ;

3. Ensure that once the present study of the European armaments industry is completed, full use be made of the resources of the Standing Armaments Committee to assist in the foregoing tasks ;

4. Request the governments concerned to arrange for the IEPG to submit an annual report on its activities to the Assembly.


Explanatory Memorandum (submitted by Mr. Critchley, Rapporteur)

I. Introduction already signed between Messerschmitt-Bolkow­ Blohm and McDonnell Douglas in September 1. There are two vital objectives of the North 1977, with a view to the development of a new Atlantic Alliance which are subject to chronic fighter aircraft. The result of such transcon­ delays, if not frustration, for lack of effecti>:e tinental collaboration would be the disappearance unity between its European members. One IS of the independent European firms from the the standardisation and interoperability of arms market. The threat that faces the European equipment, the other is the establishment of a aircraft industry can best be understood when two-way street between Europe and North Amer­ we look at the difference between American and ica whieh is needed not only to provide a more European civil and military aircraft manu­ cos't-effective use of resources and increased facturers. There are nineteen eompanies within standardisation of weapons systems but also for the European Community as compared to only the psychological and political purpose of creat­ eight in the United States. The nineteen com­ ing a better balance in the Alliance between the panies have to share a substantially lower United States and its European allies. These turnover of 7.4 billion units of account in the frustrations and delays are a great impediment Community, as against 17.6 billion in the United to the build-up of the defensive strength of the States. This can only mean that both military Alliance, which the ever-growing weight of the and civil aircraft industries in Europe are badly Warsaw. Pact's offensive capability has made planned from the point of view of competition ; necessary. their research and development activities overlap thus reducing effectiveness ; costs are dispropor­ tionately high, while the benefits of economy of U. The problems scale cannot be exploited. The result is that both the civil and military aircraft industries are 2. It is, of course, an essential feature of threatened unless military ·procurement policy the Atlantic Alliance that it is an association is used to promote increased collaboration across of independent, democratic states, within which national frontiers. are divergent trends of public opinion, in con­ 5. Apart from the danger of American trast to the political conformity to the l\farxist dominance of the European armaments indus­ ideology and the control of the CPSU, the Com­ tries, one of the greatest threats that faces the munist Party of the Soviet Union (commonly western Alliance is the danger of "disarmament called Russia in the West), which characterise through inflation". At a time of low economic the Warsaw Pact. The lack of political unity growth, governments are reluctant to direct between the NATO countries is reflected in every further scarce resources to defence even though sphere of activity, diplomatic, strategic and weapon costs are growing fast and even though financial ; and it is an astounding tribute to the weapon effectiveness offers Alliance members validity of voluntary co-operation between free the best hope of counteracting the ever-increasing societies that NATO has held together as well offensive capability of the Warsaw Pact forces. as it has for nearly thirty years. But it is in Greater efficiency in weapon supply and a the field of arms procurement and manufacture, rationalisation of the equipment procurement with the rapidly rising costs of weapons, that process are therefore of paramount importance the lack of an jntegrated European programme for western security. As Elliott R. Goodman has is most marked and its disadvantages most written : " ... some observers look hopefully to a evident, both in regard to the Soviet bloc and new arms technology that promises to provide to the industrial and financial strength of the inexpensive but extremely effective weapons. United States. Their general adoption might make it possible 3. Indeed, if any real'progress is to be made for Europe to avoid being priced out of the weapons market, while also reducing the United along the two-way street in view of the constant 1 development and sales-drive of the great Amer­ States Defence Bill." ican armament corporations, then there is no 6. Mr. Goodman cites the increased accuracy time to lose. Given the time-scale in the design of precision-guided munitions and the example and production of weapons systems, decisions of their effectiveness in the Arab/Israeli war of will have to be taken by 1980 if new equipment October 1973 as evidence of the greater cost­ is to enter service by the nineties. effectiveness of future defensive short-range 4. If no progress is made towards rationalisa­ tion within Europe, large European arms or {. Elliott R. Goodman : "The puzzle of European aircraft manufacturers will enter into joint agree­ defence : the issue of arms procurement", Survey, ments with American companies, such as that su=er{autumn 1976, page 219. 3 DOCUMENT 786 battlefield weapon systems. However, he concedes research and development and longer production Richard Burt's argument that "both long-range runs. The European members of the Atlantic and all-weather precision-guided munitions now Alliance would without countervailing measures under development will cost far more than pre­ be even more likely to increase their dependence sent generation systems." 1 on the United States, thereby perpetuating the imbalance in the arms trade between Western Wasted money Europe and the United States. 7. .Another unhappy consequence of the Tke European defence equipment market separate national procurement and production of land, sea and air armaments, which tend to 10. The manufacture and procurement of air­ be increasingly sophisticated and costly, is the craft, though the most costly, is, of course, only duplication of expenditure on research. Thomas part of the whole operation of supplying the A. Callaghan, the "doyen" of writers on this manifold defence requirements of the European subject, estimates that in 1974 Europe spent Atlantic allies. They constitute (incLuding France) $2.5 billion on research and development, while a very substantial market, amounting to nearly the United States spent $7.6 billion. As the $40 billion in 1976, compared with the arms United States research and development pro­ expenditure of $77 billion of the United States. gramme duplicated virtually all European pro­ This gives us some idea in financial terms of jects and included much else besides, the Alliance the size of the defence transactions by members as a whole could save $2.5 billion if research of the Atlantic Alliance who also constitute the and development projects were shared equitably whole of the European Community, except Ire­ between Europe and the United States instead land. of being duplicated. Nor is there any evidence to suggest that the overlap in research and 11. The following table shows the spending by development between the European countries countries which form part of the NATO military themselves is any less than that between the system on major purchases of equipment as a European allies of the United States. One has percentage of their overall defence spending, only to count up the different types of weapons and from this we see that the Community coun­ with the same functions in use today with the tries for which figures are given spent between armed forces of the European members of the 10 % and 21 % of their 1977 defence budgets Alliance to have some vivid idea of the waste for this purpose, apart from Luxembourg with involved. It is not simply a matter of the its very low figure. At the same time, nearly procurement of non-standardised equipment, all these countries show ·a substantial increase manufactured in different countries on a small for 1977 by comparison with previous years. scale - the training of operating and main­ The figures must, however, be viewed with some tenance personnel, and the setting up of repair reservation as they only cover major purchases and maintenance facilities will be far more of equipment, and it is often difficult to draw expensive as well. the line accurately between the purchase of equipment and expenditure on buildings and 8. Thus we can only conclude that if national installations. In most cases, total spending on defence budgets are taken as a yardstick, coun­ equipment would be considerably higher than tries are getting too little defence for their indicated in the table. money, or, if existing capabilities are used as a yardstick, countries are paying too much for 12. While American equipment (e.g. computers, what they are getting. The present policies of precision-guided weapons, airborne and the European allies entail an unwarrantable aircraft) account for a sizable proportion of waste of resources, which, if properly used, the European non-nuclear weapons market, the would amount to a policy of European rearma­ German Federal Republic, France, Italy and ment. Up till now, the problem of producing the are basically self-supporting standardised military material and reducing in conventional arms. The other countries in duplication has been seen as one of achieving the Community are obliged to import most of specific objectives of defence policy. This has their military requirements. This aggravates the been due to the fact that discussion has taken present situation in which the equipment of place within organisations chiefly concerned with their armed forces is not only not standardised defence, e.g. Eurogroup, ·wEU and most recently but for the most part not interoperable either. the independent European programme group. 13. Fortunately, there is now not only a 9. In other words, the new weapons techno­ recognition throughout NATO of the nature of logy heightens the advantages which the United the problem, but also a publicly-declared States already possesses of greater resources for determination to achieve overdue reforms in the field of weapons procurement which is already being translated into concrete action. The prob­ 1. R. Burt: "New weapons technologies and European lems in this field have been clearly identified. security", Orbis, summer 1975, page 256. Thomas Callaghan has estimated that weapon 4 DOCUMENT 786

Spending on major purchases of equipment as a percentage of total defence expenditure

1972 1973 1974 ·1975 1976 1977

% % % % % % Belgium 11.4 8.4 8.8 9.1 11.1 10.3 Canada 6.1 7.3 5.9 6.3 8.0 9.1 Denmark 15.4 17.2 19.3 19.0 19.4 17.3 Federal Republic of Germany 12.3 12.1 11.9 11.8 13.2 13.3 Italy 16.9 15.2 15.2 13.9 13.1 14.0 Luxembourg 1.5 1.3 2.4 1.0 3.4 2.9 Netherlands 10.7 11.2 13.2 15.6 15.2 18.2 Norway 11.8 11.7 13.4 14.4 13.3 16.6 Portugal 7.5 4.5 3.1 1.9 1.9 2.2 4.9 5.0 3.0 - - - United Kingdom. 18.6 19.3 17.2 19.3 20.6 21.8 United States 21.6 18.9 18.1 17.5 18.5 20.8

Source : NATO. duplication 1 has cost NATO more than $10 bil­ (f) a balanced, collective, conventional lion per annum. He believes that the appalling force deterrent through military, waste of manpower, money, energy and materials technological and industrial interde­ has occurred because NATO has failed to pendence and through marshalling achieve: available economic .means to achieve desired military ends ; (a) common military requirements for weapons and equipment through com­ (g) equitable financial burden-sharing in mon tactical doctrine ; all defence areas through economic and technological benefit-sharing ; (b) complementary research and develop­ ment projects through rationalisation (h) jobs and markets for underemployed of development tasks and through defence industries through non­ specialisation in development areas ; duplicative projects on an Atlantic development and production scale and (c) a diversity of weapon system options through a North Atlantic common and hardware through a United States/ <;lefence market1. European technology base and through savings in system acquisition and sup­ Joint production and the arms trade port practices ; (d) larger weapons inventories at lower 14. The cost of modern arms having risen far unit cost through rationalisation of more than the rate of inflation, simple economics production sources and through pro­ has obliged some countries to co-operate, mainly duction runs of the combined Euro­ in the production of military aircraft. The very high research and development costs of aircraft, pean/American scale ; such as the Tornado, makes it virtually impos­ (e) mutually-supporting general-purpose sible for a single country to build such aircraft forces through standardisation of on its own. Thus joint production has become weapons and equipment and through one obvious solution, and one which, whenever common spares and maintenance possible, NATO has encouraged. The other has logistics; been to reduce unit costs by selling arms abroad. This arms trade has three disadvantages: it depends upon the procurement policies of others ; it runs the risk of accelerating arms races in 1. For table on advanced duplication, see the previous report of the Committee : Document 671. other continents which may lead towards involv- Explanatory Memorandum, Chapter V "Production of missiles in Europe" and Appendix II (Rapporteur Mr. Wall, 29th April 1975) ; see also R. Burt : "New weap­ 1. Thomas A. Callaghan, .Tnr. : "A co=on market for ons technologies", page 4, Institute for Strategic Stu­ Atlantic defence" Survival, May/.Tune 1975, page 129, dies, London, 1976. Institute for Strategic Studies, London. 5 DOCUMENT 786

ing Europe to its disadvantage, and it subor­ dependent on an allied country's supply and dinates NATO standardisation to the competitive maintenance facilities. interests in the third world. Nevertheless, the size of the arms · business makes it such an important element both in regard to the balance ID. The approach to solutions of trade and employment in at least two major countries of Western Europe that it could not 16. There is broad agreement on both sides be dispensed with. A survey made by the United of the Atlantic that urgent measures are neces. States Department of Defence shows that in sary to rectify these deficiencies and the Alliance 1974 France was the largest arms exporter in has acknowledged the principle that there is a the European Community with total exports "need to maJntain a highly developed techno­ worth $3 billion, followed by the United Kingdom logical scientific and industrial base in Europe with $1.5 billion, Italy with $0.25 billion and whilst also seeking to achieve the closest possible the German Federal Republic with $0.18 billion. co-operation in arms production and procure­ Evidently, the sale of armaments to other coun­ ment between the countries of North America tries is essential to the present structure of the and Europe". This Eurogroup statement of June French and British arms industries, even if it 1974 was officially noted by the NATO Defence is not an instrument of foreign policy such as Planning Committee. the United States' export of military aircraft to the Middle East. This is not a factor which 17. The British Secretary of State for Defence operates in favour of a coherent European arms told the House of Commons on 16th December procurement policy. 1974 that "there was general agreement- and in this I include my colleague the United States Defence Secretary - that progress on stand­ Standardisation and interoperability ardisation of equipment must involve genuine two-way traffic between the European allies 15. The notorious inefficiency, which stems and the United States". from the diversity of weapons, ammunition and communications systems produced and operated, 18. By May 1975, following the circulation in has been denounced for years by NATO's official quarters of the Callaghan report on supreme commanders and contrasted with the United States/European economic co-operation advantages of uniformity in the armament of in military and civil technology in late summer the Warsaw Pact. Standardisation and inter­ and autumn 197 4, and following the approval operability of arms have been under discussion by the United States Senate Armed Services virtually since 1949 and in a growing number Committee of the CulverjNunn amendment on of forums. Many standardisation agreements harmonisation and interdependence between the (STANAGs) have been negotiated and, no doubt, United States of America and Western Europe as the NATO long-term defence programme goes in the field of military equipment, the NATO into action there will be more, particularly as Defence Planning Committee agreed at its the result of Task Force 7 (electronic warfare) meeting of 22nd-23rd May 1975 "to pursue and Task Force 8 (rationalisation). But progress within the appropriate machinery the establish­ has been slow and piecemeal. There is, of course, ment of a two-way street between Europe and no way of removing two of the main causes of North America in order to provide a more cost­ diversity, the rights of independent states to effective use of resources and increased stan­ 1 determine their defence policies, of which the dardisation of weapons systems" • The then French is the most extreme example, and the United States Secretary for Defence, Mr. Schle­ competition and vested interests of rival arms singer, made it clear in October 1975 that he manufacturers in a free-market economy. All expected the Europeans "to put their own house must be accomplished by agreement. But there in order, and to make such arrangements as can be no question of the urgency of the matter. would enable them to compete realistically with 2 The attainment of interoperability is an absolute American industry." ' minimum requirement. Standardisation itself is urgently needed not simply from the point of 19. Western European equipment experts res­ view. of cost, but also to achieve proper logistic ponsible to the national armaments directors support. Non-standardised but interoperable examined the collective resources necessary to equipment could not, in the event of damage, meet the organisational and technical challenge be repaired and supplied with spare parts in to the European arms industries which a genuine all allied countries using different types of two-way street on American terms would pre­ weapons, unless those countries held stocks of sent. The result of their recommendations was spare parts, special tools, and, in many cases, had specially trained personnel. Interoperable 1 ..NATO communiqu6. but non-standardised equipment would therefore 2. The Alliance and Europe, Part IV - the European become rapidly unusable as a result of minor programme group - D.C.R. Heyhoe, Institute for Stra· damage in situations where equipment was tegic Studies, London, 1977, page 8. 6 DOCUMENT 786 the decision of Eurogroup Ministers at their street in defence procurement. The overwhelming meeting in The Hague on 5th November 1975 predominance of United States arms and equip­ "to explore further the potential for extending ment in use by NATO forces generally should co-operation in European armaments collabora­ give way to greater United States military pur­ tion in an independent forum open to all Euro­ chases in Europe. Moreover, there should be more pean members of the Alliance". Having partici­ licensing of European-designed equipment for pated in the meeting of United States, British production in the United States." 1 and German Defence Ministers in October 1975 and the French Mirage F-1 aircraft having lost out in the marche du siecle to the General IV. The international organisations Dynamics F-16 for the re-equipment of the Norwegian, Danish, Dutch and Belgian air A. The role of NATO forces, the French Government felt more willing to participate in a European arms procurement 22. While American political determination to organisation which accorded to French strategic develop a transatlantic dialogue on armaments concepts of independence from the United States questions persists and while Western Europe while offering to French armaments industries has concerted its efforts to improve European the benefits of additional economies of scale co-operation in arms production, the Alliance as allied to access to useful technological informa­ a whole has within the ambit of NATO pressed tion. forward its studies on standardisation and inter­ operability. Interoperability is now accepted as 20. Accordingly, a meeting of the Eurogroup essential throughout the Alliance, not least by countries arid France was held in Rome on the United States. Standardisation, however, is 2nd February 1976. The independent European regarded as a desirable objective for the more programme group (IEPG) 1 which was formed distant future - the late 1980s or 1990s. at that meeting has proved an invaluable forum Dr. Walter Laberge, the previous NATO and workshop for evolving at both a technical Assistant Secretary General for Defence Sup­ and political level a European armament policy port, used to argue that "competition makes which is independent of Eurogroup and of western technology great" and it is accepted NATO's integrated military structure but which within NATO that the military benefits of nevertheless brings together twelve European standardisation must not be allowed to be out­ members of the Alliance (i.e. the Eurogroup weighed by any drawbacks inherent in monopoly members plus France) in a way which should supply. enable them not only to harmonise their own weapon requirements but to adopt a common 23. Improved co-ordination of research and position in transatlantic dialogue with North development between the members of NATO is Americans in the field of equipment procure­ necessary. This will be a difficult task which ment. In Europe, the work of the IEPG has would be achieved by the creation of a supra­ made some progress, while in the United States a national agency to allocate research and develop­ declared commitment to the two-way street and to ment tasks and resources. Information would equipment rationalisation has been maintained. have to be stored which for primarily commercial In Congress, the House of Representatives Armed considerations is bound always to be a sensitive Services Committee on 24th January 1978 issue. announced the appointment of a special sub­ committee on NATO standardisation, interopera­ 24. Secondly, for interoperability, the stan­ bility and readiness. dardisation of component parts rather than of systems is of prime importance. One of the main 21. Furthermore, the United States Adminis­ difficulties that NATO has faced in this regard tration has been pursuing similar objectives for is that national operational requirements are not a considerable time. Defence Secretary Harold harmonised by NATO. Nevertheless, strenuous Brown stated at a press conference on 6th May efforts are made to achieve the maximum 1977 that "we need to concentrate on rationalis­ rationalisation of arms procurement. ing NATO's defence posture. That is, individual 25. Following the Atlantic summit in London national contributions must be fitted together in the summer of 1977, NATO launched a long­ better. In the short run, we need the ability to term defence programme in which ten areas of interchange parts, ammunition, supplies and particular importance (task forces) for the next units of soldiers. In the longer run, we aim for ten years were specified such as readiness, rein­ more standardisation of equipment, together with forcement, etc. 2 The long-term defence pro- the development of compatible doctrine, tactics and procedures ... Such co-operation", Mr. Brown argued, "inevitably means more of a two-way 1. "NATO defence co-operation", press conference with Harold Brown, Survival, July/August 19771 page 179, Institute for Strategic Studies, London. 1. Described in Chapter IV B below. 2. The task forces are listed at app£-ndix. 7 DOCUMENT 786 gramme draws up specific objectives and Continuation of the PAPS studies iden~ifies national participation and costings. It cons1sts of long- and medium-term eLements. NATO would like to establish a long-term The medium-term one overlaps the normal five­ armaments planning system. About two year rolling programme in which force goals years ago, the foundations were laid of for up to five years ahead are established and a PAPS (periodic armaments planning biennially reviewed. system) which combines the present and future armament requirements of the allied 26. One of the sector studies is known as countries and also examines the require­ Task Force 8 and deals with rationalisation, i.e. ments of future warfare so as to enable the the search. for more efficient use of NATO member countries to collaborate to a greater resources in the field of standardisation and extent in developing armaments. The PAPS interoperabili.ty of military equipment ; its system is only in its initial stage, that of the recommendatiOns were transmitted to the capitals NAT~ armaments planning (NAPR). This essentially consists in reviewing national o~ the member countries in preparation for a discussion during a ministerial meeting of the military equipment schedules (replacement Defence Planning Committee in mid-May fol­ dates, etc.) against NATO requirements lowed by the Washington summit meeting.' This for standardisation to enforce maximum interoperability. ~k fo~ce has examined the way NATO plans Its eqmpment reprovisioning ; whether there NATO has chosen six test areas. The two ~hould be more central planning ; whether changes naval spheres concern underwater weapons m procedures are nooded to implement stand­ - torpedoes and sonobuoys (for detecting ardisation and inreroperability ; and whether submarines) ; the two army fields concern changes are needed in staffing in NATO to anti-tank weapons and mortars · and the implement standardisation. It has also examined two air force fields laser illumi~ators and ~ few other spheres, such as the question of cluster bombs. The results of this first test mtellectual property rights (the study of prob­ will not be known until the end of the lems conc~rning o'Ynership of patents, payment year. Subsequently, it is hoped that it of royalties for licences, etc., in which joint will be possible to go on to the second ventures very often become bogged down) and stage of the PAPS system, i.e. to group oth~r schemes to improve standardisation by together the national countries with respect havr~1.g more countries collaborating in the pro­ to NATO programmes before they embark duction of the same defence equipment. on their own national plans for the develop­ ment of military equipment. In its con­ 27. The recommendations of this task force clusions, Task Force 8 endorses the PAPS are considered to be "reasonable and modest" studies. at NATO. Certain countries, including the United States in particular, consider that the recom­ mendations should have gone further but in A new review of national armaments general, all the countrie~ agree on the fact that planning· they "will oil the wheels of the organisation according to one Atlantic source". The three There is a suggestion to set up a kind of main recommendations of the task force are 1 : high-level committee (probably at the level of the dep.uty national armaments directors) to co-ordinate and even exercise pressure "The efforts to implement the STANAGs on the main NATO armaments groups, for should be stepped up example the army, navy and air forces For many years, through the Military research groups. It might be said, however, Agency for Standardisation (in which that the CNAD (Conference of National France participates), the NATO countries Armaments Directors, which meets twice have concluded standardisation agreements a year) is already accomplishing this co­ - STANAGs- concerning the standard­ ordination task. It is considered however isation in particular of the components of at NATO that the CNAD, being formed b; military equipment. Task Force 8 considers experts at a very high level, is often far that more pressure should be exercised on too removed from the daily work of the the national governments to implement individual armaments groups." them. The first stage will consist in asking 28. The long-term defence programme was the ~ain NATO commanders (MNC) why endorsed at the Washington smnmit meeting of certam STANAGs have not been imple­ the North Atlantic Council on 30th and 31st May mented. 19J~. but ~ranee, represented by its Foreign MmiSter, did not subscribe to that part of the communique. The work of Task Force 8 was 1. From Atlantic News, No. 1015, 5th April 1978. thus referred to : 8 ·DOCUMENT 786

"Rationalisation research and development. The work, therefore, of Task Force 8 (defence support) covering the 13. The objective is to achieve economic equipment and support of NATO forces has savings and enhanced military efficiency great potential. Both the support and equipment through increased standardisation. and functions offer scope for savings as does the interoperability. Programmes include whole area of logistics. However, for the imme­ development of new procedures for syste- . diate future the achievement of a good measure matic long-range armaments planning, new of interope;ability is vital such as the ability procedures for the improved formulation to turn round allied aircraft on the completion and utilisation of standardisation agree­ of a sortie, and harmonisation in the field of ments and continuation of the work under­ ammunition, communications and fuel. taken' by the Conference of National Armaments Directors in the field of intel­ lectual prope:rty rights. In the development B. The independent European programme group and acquisition of the equipment recom­ 32. The IEPG which is only some two and in mended the long-term defence pr(}­ a half years old 1 was established under the gramme co-operative programmes will be pressure of increasing weapons sophisticat~on pursued to the greatest extent possible. which prevents any European country meetmg Nations have also endorsed the need for its own weapon requirements alone, and from the transfer of technology between member. the desire to include France in a purely European countries where such transfers contribute armaments forum with all other European NATO to the furtherance of standardisation/ members. The IEPG is attempting to achieve interoperability of NATO defence equip­ practical results, particularly to present agreed ment." projects to the participating governments. The 29. Although it does not participate in the IEPG is seeking to create a balance between long-term defence programme, France through the armaments capability of the United States its continued membership of the NATO Confer­ and Europe by concerting the European allies' ence of National .Arm.ament:B Directors remains efforts in the field of defence equipment. a participant in the arms co-operation activities 33. The greatest difficulty which the IEPG of the Alliance. Some members of Task Force 8 faces is in achieving a common position without attend IEPG meetings, but no formal decision damaging the varying national interests of the has yet been taken on the method of informing twelve.member countries. The problem of balance the IEPG of the work of the task forces ; cer­ between the nations with advanced defence tainly the IEPG also is an essential tool of industries and the others is especially intractable weapon rationalisation. and offset considerations are often crucial to the 30. However, there are inherent drawbacks to agreement of joint projects. be overcome in any economic rationalisation of 34. The IEPG meets on two planes. The first arms procurement. Buying equipment from is at under-secretary of state level 2 under the abroad entails the export of funds and jobs to chairmanship of the Italian Under-Secretary of the supplier nation. Of course, equipment designs State for Foreign· Affairs and takes place once can be purchased and licence construction ini­ 3 a year in Rome • The second level is technical. tiated but then the economies of large-scale The national armaments directors meet under produ'ction are lost. Task Force 8 is engaged Ita1ian chairmanship (originally Admiral in the resolution of these problems. For example, l\Iainini now Generall\Ioizo) in Rome. Under it, countries can build sections of the equipment there a~e three working panels. The first (the to be procured. There can be an allocation to equipment planning panel) identifies areas for individual countries of responsibility for the potential co-operati011 and compiles equipment supply of different categories of weapon systems. replacement schedules. The second (the specific Common research and development programmes projects C(}-ordinating panel) works out the can be instituted although it is unlikely that they machinery of collaboration. The third (the defence would produce major financial savings.. - economics and procedures panel) identifies dif­ perhaps a maximum of 10 %. However, Jomt ferences in national company laws, export regula­ production can be very cost-effective, but o?ly tions, etc., and proposes means of harmonising for really major programmes such as warships, them. Panel I has collated equipment replace­ aircraft and guided weapons. ment schedules, transmitted them to NATO and 31. From all this, the two basic reasons for· standardisation stand clear - military effec­ tiveness and economic logic. The logistic simpli­ 1. See paragraph 20. fication inherent in weapon standardisation is 2. Some countries being represented by (political) under-secretaries of state, others by senior officials. · a very important military consideration. The 3 . .At the meeting in Rome on 6th and 7th November principal econom~c consider~tions are t~e ec?­ the question of the chairmanship of IEPG is expected nomics of scale m productiOn and saVIngs m to be discussed. 9 DOCUMENT 786 received comparable schedules from the United concluded between the United States and its States and Canada; Panel II has reached an European allies should not jeopardise efforts in advanced stage in some projects and a number the IEPG to develop specific equipment projects of agreed collaborative programmes are likely at the European level. to be started soon; Panel III has been operating in the very delicate area of economic compensa­ 38. At the present time such memoranda of tion and procedures. understanding have been concluded between the United States on the one hand, and France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway and Transatlantic dialogue the United Kingdom on the other. Others are being negotiated with Belgium and Denmark 35. Between the three panels and the national armaments directors, there is an ad hoc working· as well as Canada. These memoranda on mutual trade in defence equipment are designed to waive group on transatlantic dialogue. The IEPG has the Buy American Act, to enable the Europeans identified four topics for discussion with the to sell defence equipment in the United States North Americans : to the same value as that sold by the United (i) the preparation and offer of a list of States in Europe. equipment which the West Europeans 39. The succes; of the IEPG will depend on feel that the United States and its ability to speak with a single voice and on Canada should consider purchasing the ability of the United States and Canada to for their troops in Europe ; develop a truly balanced trade with the Euro­ (ii) a list of supplies for American and peans in armaments. In this regard, the attitude Canadian forces in Europe ; of the United States Administration alone will (iii) the identification of technical and not be critical - the practical attitude of Con­ legal obstacles to the entry of Euro­ gress will be crucial also, as the matter of the pean equipment to the North selection of a German or American for the new American market ; United States army main battle tank has shown. ( iv) the exchange of information - e.g. replacement schedules. The European Defence Industries Group (EDIG) 36. Both the IEPG and North Americans have 40. This body, established by the major arma­ agreed that a working group on obstacles be set ments firms to make contact with the IEPG, up, but the latter wish to establish at the same meets under the chairmanship of Admiral Azzoni time two further open-ended working groups. of Oto Melara. Its aims are : The first would examine possible rationalisation ( i) to make proposals to and react to of research and development and production. suggestions from the IEPG on indus­ The second would examine industrial co­ trial matters ; operation. However, the IEPG is not yet ready to respond to these two initiatives. Rational­ ( ii) to consider the possible association of isation is already being studied by the Con­ groups of companies to implement ference of National Armaments Directors in IEPG programmes ; NATO and there is a danger that these sug­ (iii) to offer industrial expertise for use gestions, if taken up, could lead to a duplication if necessary by the IEPG ; of work being done already in another forum - particularly as France participates in NATO's ( iv) to co-operate more closely together CNAD. Panel I and Panel II of the IEPG are with a view to making better use of therefore making a careful study of the American available financial and technical proposals before the IEPG responds. It has been resources. agreed that exchange of basic information The EDIG informs the IEPG on its proceedings between the IEPG and the North Americans is and keeps in touch with progress in the work adequately covered by the production of the of the IEPG panels and group, although no combillled equipment replacement schedules. formal relationship between the EDIG and IEPG has yet been agreed. 37. At its meeting on 2nd and 3rd October 1978 the IEPG at the level of national arma­ ments directors welcomed recent United States C. The role of WEU proposals for complementary competitive develop­ ment of families of weapons (designed to avoid 41. The Council has instructed the Standing duplication of development projects in Europe Armaments Committee to carry out a study in and the United States), but called for more three parts. The first part is to define and list information at the CNAD meeting on 24th and European armaments and arms manufacturers. 25th October. The IEPG also stressed that the This task upon which the SAC and IEPG have bilateral memoranda of understanding now being worked together is now complete. 10 DOCUMENT 786

42. The second part is to define the legal status essential and principal matters of policy and of the various armaments industries to define resolves those issues which can only be decided which companies are private, which public, which at a political level. transnational and which nationalised. Also the government ordnance factories have had to be 49. The more routine control of the project is listed. This report is complete and has been sent exercised by the board of directors upon which to the respective national authorities. official representatives of the three participating governments sit together with a representative 43. The third part concerns the economic facts of the Secretary-General of NATO, although he about the European armaments industries. To rarely attends. Each country has one vote and avoid all danger of duplicating the work of decisions are taken unanimously. NAMMA is Panel III Sub-Committee 4 of the IEPG in this located at Munich. The staff of NAMMA is 240 field, its tempo has been carefully phased and with 107 from Britain, 109 from West Germany method of working appropriately organised. and 27 from Italy, reflecting broadly the 44. On the question of staffing, there is governments' participation in the programme. flexibility in the composition of delegations to 50. NAMMA is set up as follows : the Standing Armaments Committee. For example, economic experts are invited to attend. ( i) office of general manager and An economic specialist on the staff of the deputy general manager ; French DGA was attached to the SAC. Likewise, ( ii) programme and configuration con­ two Belgian economic experts have been attached. trol; (The IEPG, in contrast, has no permanent secretariat and is dependent on the goodwill and (iii) military factors division ; co-operation of member governments). ( iv) systems engineering ; 45. At the present time the SAC and the IEPG ( v) production and quality assurance ; are seeking to obtain from national sources the (vi) budgets and contracts ; economic and commercial data required for the study, taking into acount considerations of com­ (vii) administration and personnel ; mercial or governmental confidentiality. The · (viii) office of the financial controller ; means required to obtain the information are ( ix) office of secretary to board of different for different countries and industrial sectors. For example Germany, where most of directors. the equipment firms are free enterprise concerns, 51. Britain has ordered a total of 384 requires a different approach from the United Tornados of the interdictor/strike variant and Kingdom where much of the armament industry air defence variant; West Germany has ordered is nationalised. The kind of data that the SAC 322 aircraft for the Luftwaffe and navy and has been seeking for the study concerns tech­ Italy 99 aircraft, both the latter being the nology, co-operation, employment and financial interdictor/strike variant. Two production inputs. batches have been authorised. From the second production batch, Panavia will become the prime 46. WEU like the IEPG meets various kinds contractor and all contracts will be authorised of difficulty from national quarters. WEU is mostly engaged in paper studies, not in making through them. decisions at the present time on specific arma­ 52. Well over half of the aircraft's flight test ment projects. programme has been completed. The first instructors for the Tornado will be trained at D. Panavia Tornado - A case study in MBB 's military division airfield at Manching collaborative procurement and possibly all subsequent ones at a joint operational conversion unit, RAF Cottesmore. It NAMMA is possible that an Anglo-German weapon train­ ing unit will be formed at RAF Honington. 47. The NATO Multiple Combat Aircraft Development and Production Management 53. NA1lfMA is the trinational procurement Agency is responsible for the day-to-day manage­ agency . for spares. The three countries will ment of the programme for the MRCA, now exchange defect data with NA1lfMA establishing known as the Tornado, ·which is being produced interim trinational repair procedures. for the Luftwaffe, German navy, Italian air force and the . 54. Co-operation has, however, had its price as well as its advantages. There are of course 48. The top policy-making body responsible for additional administrative and communication the Tornado programme is the trinational policy costs, although no single nation could have group which is constituted twice a year at natio­ afforded to build the aircraft alone. Further­ nal armament director level. The policy group more, it has not a:Iways been possible to select gives guidance to the board of directors on the optimum equipment and in some instances, 11 DOCUMENT 786 out of consideration of equity in work sharing However, if a new project were initiated by the or for operational reasons, national equipment Panavia partners, some 20 % of the development fits have been demanded. time would be cut. 55. Stores commonality · also between the 63. The repair of aircraft sections made by customer services will not be as good as had been one of the other partner nations usually pre­ envisaged because of the need to maximise the sents no problem except when a return to the utilisation of respective countries' existing jigs is required. Because final assembly takes weapon stocks. place in each of the partner countries, general expertise on the aircraft is satisfactorily spread 56. The experience and expertise of NAMMA and shared. should be harnessed for the procurement of a European successor to the Tornado. In this 64. N.A11iMA's role in ensuring a degree of regard, the time-scales for the two clear poten­ commonality between the aircraft in service with tial national inputs to such a project - the the different services is very important. The Royal Air Force's AST-403 and the Luftwaffe's co-location also of NAMMA and Panavia in the Neue Kampf Flugzeug - must be resolved. same building is extremely useful. However, NAMMA can be slow in reaching decisions and 57. The Tornado approach to collaboration has should have more authority, likewise Panavia proved basically sound. Pure subcontracting as should be given more authority over the resolu­ with the F-16 programme is less satisfactory. tion of technical problems. The Tornado system of procurement ensures that continuous in-service development is possible and 65. The choice of equipments specified rests that expertise is spread among the partner com­ with the partner nations. When a system panies. The procurement system by contrast used manufacturer is chosen, he may choose two sub­ for the British Phantom made in-service develop­ system collaborators in the partner countries. ment difficult. The aircraft would not have been built in the view of the MBB experts if design leadership 58. A dilemma remains over work sharing, had rested with one airframe manufacturer. Should it in the future be based on propor­ tionality of financial input as with the Tornado 66. The project is thought to be especially or should partner nations in a successor project helpful to Italy industrially. Almost every be able to play down social and political con­ Italian aerospace company is involved in the air­ siderations by specifying the most cost-effective craft in one way or another. The employment­ options on airframe and engine construction and generating effect of the Tornado programme in equipment Y Italy is considerable. Furthermore, although Italy contributes to only a 15 % share of the work, 59. Lessons also need to be l-earned from the Italian industry benefits fully from sharing experience with Tornado over the aircraft's technical knowledge and acts as a full partner RB-199 power plant which was developed at the in the aircraft's management. same time as the aircraft. However, engines take usually three years longer to develop than a Panavia new airframe and the aircraft's development has been consequently delayed. 67. The long-term significance of the Panavia Tornado programme has been well summarised by Mr. F.W. Page, Chairman of Panavia, at a View of Messerschmitt-Bolkow-Blohm press conference at the Hanover air show on 60. Clearly, one of the great , benefits of a 26th April 1978, who, when asked whether multinational combat aircraft programme is that Panavia would undertake further projects now the differing expertise of the participating coun­ that the Tornado was in production, said : tries can ensure an. optimised joint approach to "The answer must be Yes, if and when the project. our customers agree on their future require­ 61. If a· new joint combat aircraft programme ments. Panavia represents the first were initiated by the partner companies, the determined and successful attempt by three design team should be centralised, but final major European nations to get together assembly and flight test should be decentralised to rationalise their defence requirements as with Tornado. Separate flight testing and to co-produce a major weapon system increases the overall cost but speeds up the to meet those requirements. It is a huge development programme. The friendly rivalry of step forward in the evolution of European the respective flight test establishments is a spur commonality which has important ramifica­ to progress. tions in many important areas such as finance, tax and company law, as well as 62. If a new military aircraft were initiated in supply, logistics, operations and training. with the United States, there would be dif­ It is therefore inconceivable that this ficulties changing all the standards from metric. pioneering effort should in future be 12 DOCUMENT 786

thrown away and wasted. Indeed, we hope the cost of service pensions is not included in it will expand so that Panavia will include the defence budget. other nations." 1 74. A summary of the major equipment replacement programmes for the French armed V. The view from national capitals forces for the next ten years is at Appendix III.

A. Belgium Air force 68. The greatest constraint on Belgian weapons 75. To replace the Mirage 3 and Mirage F-1 procurement lies in the fact that Belgium's interceptors, the Mirage 2000 is entering pro­ defence requirements are well below its indus­ duction in 1982. To replace the Jaguar attack/ trial capacity and it is therefore difficult for it strike aircraft, a new aeroplane would be to develop or produce defence equipment in required. Discussions are being held with the general, except for telecommunications equip­ British and West German Ministries of Defence ment, small arms and munitions of all calibres on this project. In addition, a new generation which are Belgium's principal exports in this of air-launched guided weapons would be field. required.

69. There is no specific research. and develop­ Army ment allocation within the Belgian defence budget - such research as does take place is 76. The principal requirement is for a new purely on the scientific level and not directed battle tank to replace the AMX-30. towards particular projects or weapons. ·weapon research at Fabrique N ationale is financed Navy privately. Where possible, Belgium is trying to participate in joint research and development 77. The Foch and Clemenceau aircraft carriers as has been done with the new minehunters will need to be replaced. This is so far only at which are being developed with France, Ger­ the planning stage. No firm decisions have yet many and the Netherlands. been made. New anti-submarine and anti-aircraft will be required throughout the next 70. Belgium hopes that the IEPG will prove decade. A second generation of surface-to-surface helpful and that both European co-production guided weapons to succeed the will be and transatlantic co-production (two-way street) required. will be possible. If the Belgian armaments industry produced only for the Belgian market, Strategic strike force the production runs would be too short and unit costs too high. Belgium has therefore to be 78. Multiple warheads need to be developed as involved in co-operative ventures and the most a matter of urgency for France's submarine­ effective were co-production programmes like the launched ballistic missiles, and the first of a new General Dynamics F-16. generation of ballistic missile submarines is to be constructed to enter service in 1985. 71. The creation of a European Armaments Agency would be desirable so long as competition French view of independent European pro­ is retained. For a small country like Belgium, gramme group offset considerations are of crucial significance in the work allocation for any jointly-agreed 79. Progress is difficult with twelve nations weapon programme as are social considerations participating. There are sometimes divergent such as employment. views and interests. For example, the more industrialised nations with highly developed B. France armaments industries have different interests and criteria to apply to the questions of arms 72. The percentage of the defence budget procurement from those nations which have no allocated to personnel and associated functions armaments industries of their own. is 57 % and the percentage allocated to equip­ ment 43%- 80. A policy of deliberate preference in favour of European equipment is essential if the Euro­ 73. Of the expenditure on equipment, 25% pean armaments industry is not to be is spent on research and development of which overwhelmed by American imports. The United 5 % is research in. the pure sense and 20 % is States enjoys the advantage of scale, great development expenditure. These figures are on research and development funding and protec­ the old basis of budgetary computation whereby tion (the Buy American Act). 81. Before the independent European pro­ 1. Panavia press release, Munich, 27th April 1978. gramme group was initiated all other avenues 13 DOCUMENT 786 of co-operation had been exhausted. France would 90. The lack of a united policy to concert the like the SAC of WEU to have more work to do production in Europe of weapons which could also. be offered to the United States is especially regrettable. In three particular areas the Euro­ C. Federal Republic of Germany peans could develop weapons of the highest quality - third-generation anti-tank missiles, 82. From experience already derived, parti­ air-to-air missiles and air-to-ship missiles. The cularly from the Panavia Tornado and Sepecat Europeans could develop their systems in parallel Jaguar consortia, it is clear that Europe has the with those being developed by the United States capability to carry out future military aircraft with the selection being decided by a competition. programmes. 91. The current difficulty has been that the 83. The three leading nations in the aerospace United States has offered to participate from field, France, West Germany and the United the start in arms programmes in Europe while Kingdom, will all be looking for new combat continuing to develop its own competitor weapon aircraft around the 1990s. France and the United systems. Kingdom will be seeking a successor to Jaguar, whereas West Germany will be seeking a succes­ 92. As far as West Germany is concerned, all sor to the Phantom. its new projects will be done co-operatively and the Federal Republic will do its very best to 84. The aircraft industry . in the Federal concert its requirements with those of its allies. Republic values outside technical support for a In the field of small projects however, such as European programme, hence the usefulness of telecommunications and small arms, the emphasis the support from the McDonnell Douglas com­ within NATO is on standardisation and they pany which MBB is currently receiving and of could initially be developed separately with a the support which BAC in Britain receives from competitive final selection. · the Grumman company. D. Italy 85. An industrial approach to arms procure­ ment rationalisation is preferred. However, it 93. Italy gives tangible support to the IEPG has to be borne in mind that in the Federal and encourages its activities which are now con­ Republic, the armament industry is in private centrated on two basic sectors, transatlantic hands and cannot therefore be ordered to dialogue an,d the drafting of specific projects ; rationalise by the government. The government where the transatlantic dialogue is concerned, can only encourage rationalisation by a judicious it has become apparent that the parties wish to administration of its powers of project sponsor­ move on as quickly as possible to the concrete ship and funding. stage of achievements. In comparing positions, it became clear that there are still different posi­ 86. The Federal Republic of Germany is tions between the two sides of the Atlantic. probably better suited than the United Kingdom 94. The tendency of the North American allies to giving up some of its authority to a supra­ to speed up the dialogue and extend the frame­ national body like an international armament work to cover wider subjects is limited by the agency. The United Kingdom is in a more IEPG's need in each case to harmonise its posi­ ambivalent position having ties with both Europe tion beforehand within the organisation so as to and with the United States. speak with a single voice, which the North 87. West Germany's defence expenditure is Americans expect, moreover. rising at 3.5 % per annum, but because of infla­ 95. In any event, Italy believes that in view tion the real increase is smaller. of the complexity of the dialogue it must take the form of continuing negotiations but on a 88. The two-way street has already been pragmatic and gradual basis ; differences of initiated. First on the question of a gun for the opinion which are inevitable at the outset when United States army's new main battle tanks, the tackling matters which involve the parties' American Administration has decided in fundamental interests must not lead to discour­ principle to purchase the German gun for all agement. tanks procured beyond number 3,000 on the production line. 96. Progress in the dialogue assumes parallel progress in the constructive work within the 89. Over Roland II, Germany has had to IEPG where the greatest effort is needed, i.e. persuade the American authorities that full carrying out meaningful projects on a colla­ Americanisation of the system is against United borative basis. States interests in view of the considerable benefits of standardisation with the weapons 97. In this context, it seems essential for the with which the French and German armed forces IEPG 's work to be given constant and effective are equipped. political impetus by member countries with a


view to carrying out a few wholly IEPG projects calling on the European Commission "to submit without delay. Italy has taken appropriate steps to the Council in the near future a European to ensure that its national representatives in the action programme for the development and pro­ various working groups concentrate their atten­ duction of conventional armaments within the tion on specific procedure relating to every framework of the common industrial policy". aspect of co-operation, recently confirmed by the national armaments directors, with a view to 102. While Mr. Davignon, replying for the Com­ finding concrete and effective means of speed­ mission, considered that armaments production ing work up. and trade could be the subject of a Community approach, either in the framework of commercial 98. The coming months can be used for con­ policy (customs) o.r of industrial policy, reactions tinuing the present work of shaping and com­ of governments so far have been divided. Mr. de position which, in spite of the various levels of Guiringaud, the French Minister for Foreign agreement to be successively obtained, should Affairs, on 23rd June considered Mr. Davignon's allow the major difficulties to be overcome and interpretation of the Rome Treaties "open to even more effective forms of co-operation to criticism", while Mr. Simonet, Belgian Minister ·be found. .for Foreign Affairs, said on 20th July that the Belgian Government considered it "desirable" that the institutions of the Community should VI. Conclusions pay attention to the armaments industry. The Klepsch report was discussed by the IEPG on 99. Mr. Leo Tindemans in his report on Euro­ 3rd October 1978, which found it an "interest­ pean union suggested that consideration should ing proposal'' according to press reports. be given to the establishment of a European armaments agency. Likewise the Commission 103. Wl1at is surprising is that the pursuit of of the EEC's action programme for the aero­ common industrial objectives in the context of nautical sector (Spinelli report) presented to the a joint policy for the procurement and manu­ Council of the European Communities on 30th facture of arms should have been neglected so October 1975 advocated a similar body for the long. procurement of military aircraft. Also the Euro­ 104. There is surely a strong case for the Euro­ pean Parliament resolved on 15th December 1975 pean Economic Community to be concerned in that "an agency ultimately aimed at the joint this important aspect of the economies of its manufacture of weapons meeting the require­ member states. All the members of the Com­ ments of the NATO states" be established. munity, except the Irish Republic, are also mem­ 100. More recently there was the tabling in the bers of the North Atlantic Alliance. So are European Parliament on 15th December 1976 Greece, Turkey and Portugal whose admission by Mr. Berkhouwer of a motion for a resolution to the Community is on the way. They are the on co-operation in the armaments sector, in which same countries though associated for different he referred to the Tindemans proposal for the purposes. The Treaty of Rome makes no refer­ establishment of a European armaments agency ence to defence, nor have the organs of the and the importance for the attainment of a com­ Community - Council, Commission, Court and mon European industrial policy of rationalisa­ Assembly - any military function. This is well tion of the European armaments industry, and understood. It is the Treaty of Brussels and the called on the Commission of the European Com­ North Atlantic Treaty which provided concur­ munities to submit to the Council an action rently for the collective defence of the same programme for a European policy on the pro­ group of European powers, though many of us curement of armaments. believe that the failure of the attempt to create a European defence community in 1954 marked 101. This text was referred to the Political a tragic set-back for the idea of Europe. The Committee of the European Parliament and designation of specific weapons, standardisation Mr. Egon Klepsch appointed as Rapporteur. His agreements, joint production and all the technical report of 8th May 1978 on European armaments aspects of NATO's long-term defence programme procurement co-operation (Document 83/1978) must remain the responsibility of the Military reiterates the call for the Commission of the Committee of the Alliance, assisted by the European Communities to draw up an action Military Agency for Standardisation, the Con­ programme· to define "potential responsibilities ference of National Armaments Directors and concerning the development of a common arma­ the international bodies mentioned above, notably ments procurement policy within the overall the IEPG, which has the practical merit of framework of a common industrial policy". It including France, as well as the other NATO even considers as "indefensible any further members. But, none of these bodies, whose aim attempts to establish a common industrial policy is to achieve particular objectives of the defence which does not include this key sector". On programme, is competent to devise a common 14th June 1978 the European Parliament policy for the procurement and manufacture of adopted the resolution in the Klepsch report arms as a necessary part of the economy and 15 DOCUMENT 786 industrial life of the nations concerned. The responsibility of the Community's agency, in EEC is the only European institution in a posi­ order to protect fair competition, and ensure, as tion to bring about the restructuring of the far as possible, equality of advantages (with the Buropean arms industry, which is vital to the exception of the particular United States legisla­ introduction of a common procurement policy tive restrictions on the transfer of nuclear as well as to systematic co-operation and inter­ devices). change with the armaments industry of the United States, which could make the two-way 107. This would be necessary, particularly in street a permanent feature of the Atlantic the longer term, so as to prevent a few Euro­ Alliance. Hitherto, the Community has suffered pean undertakings from acquiring a virtual from having no regard to the armaments industry monopoly through the restructuring of industry in Europe. In 1976, 22 % of all the research that must take place. Such companies should and development funds' of its governments were continue to live at risk. Co-operation on such accounted for by that industry, so that, without procurement would also be necessary as part of it, a common industrial policy cannot be estab­ any intercontinental collaboration between lished. Secondly, the co-ordination of procure­ Europe and the United States. Through close col­ ment and manufacture of weapons by the laboration on procurement, it would be possible national defence establishments has, so far, to make purchases of American arms and equip­ resulted in a number of fragmented, individual ment conditional on equivalent purchases by the projects because there was no coherent organisa­ Americans from Europe, so establishing the tion on the production side. desired two-way street. 108. Another important area where the Com­ How the task might be discharged munity could make its influence felt is the financing of industrial research and develop­ 105. Were the EEC to set up, as is suggested, ment, undertaken in co-operation between firms a body to co-ordinate the procurement and manu­ in several member states in' areas of special facture of the arms of its member states, which interest to the armaments industry as well. Most would be either a section of the Commission, research and development projects in the air­ or an agency responsible to it, what would be its craft, computer and electronic industries £aU into modus operandi 1 It would be through the Min­ this category. isters of Defence sitting on the Council of the Community that it would receive definitions of 109. Furthermore, the creation of a common the military material needed for a given period, fund to facilitate structural change would be a the Ministers of states represented in NATO's natural task for the Commission. Consideration Defence Planning Committee basing their might also be given to whether or not the Com­ requirement on their commitments to the munity should play some part in building up mediurri- and long-term defence programmes of common buffer stocks of strategic raw materials the organisation, the French and Irish Ministers so that, in a crisis, production could be main­ indicating the common projects, if any, in which tained in both defence and civilian industries. their governments wished to participate. It would then be a question of identifying and co­ 110. Having regard to the existing overlapping ordinating the expertise available in each of the and wastage of money on research and develop­ existing national arms industries and firms con­ ment in the production of armaments, the co­ tracting for governments. On the industrial side ordination of research and development suggests the problems would not be essentially different itself as a subject particularly suitable for an from those of industrial policy in general, in arms-production agency of the Community. This much of which the European Community is is a prickly subject, involving not only the already involved - location of works, employ­ expertise, amour-propre and vested interests of ment, worker participation, investment, social many pundits in each country but also patents welfare and the environment. and national security legislation. 106. There would be a number of financial, 111. Evidently, the research findings of a partic­ technical and legal problems involved in a ular project sponsored by the · Community system of co-ordinated production of armaments. ought to be fully accessible to all those under­ For example, guarantees would be needed to takings taking part in it. But there is also the protect some countries against losses in their question of whether research findings should be balance of payments, incurred in the short term. available to the participating countries for For example, this would not necessarily apply to onward transmission to other enterprises, in cases individual projects, but, on the basis of several where organisations from only some of the projects over a number of years,. an effort ought countries taking part are involved on the manu­ to be made to operate the principle of fair facturing side. If this cannot be implemented, return. Procurement, that is the purchase of arms steps should be taken to ensure that, over a and technical know-how from countries outside period of time, projects are allocated in such a the Community, should also come under the way that individual participating countries do 16 DOCUMENT 786 not acquire a monopoly of advanced technology sufficiently afraid to begin the necessary process in one or more areas. of dismantling the bastions of our national sovereignty Y The idea of a European defence 112. Other problems which would arise from community evaporated, as we know, in the 1950s, the intervention of the Community in the w}len Germany joined its former enemies in the restructuring of the European arms industry American-European Alliance. Today, we should would include : rules of compensation, partic­ start to talk once again about the defence of ularly for lO&s of exports ; the legal framework Europe in the context of Europe. A Community­ for co-operation between undertakings, both in wide arms procurement and manufacture agency, respect of company law and the law of contract, the purpose of which would be to restructure the would need revision ; and, in the same way, the European arms industry, is, in the long term, the legal basis for the allocation of research and only way in which Europe can retain the ability development contracts and production contracts, to make arms, which it needs today, and by so including, in particular, common rules for doing, guarantee its own independence. adjudicating tenders, should, if not actually determined within an EEC framework, be worked out in collaboration with the Commission. Vfi. Opinion of the minority 113. The real difficulty of any such plan out­ lined above, is not detail but principle. We are dealing with sovereign, independent states, all 115. The report as a whole was adopted in Com­ of whom to a greater or lesser extent, regard a mittee by 7 votes to 6 with 3 abstentions. A nationally-owned arms industry as going to the minority of the Committee was opposed to involv­ heart of their concept of sovereignty. It is clear ing the European Community in armaments that such co-operation as there is at present industry policy, and some members would there­ between the member states of the EEC on the fore have deleted paragraph 2 of the draft recom­ procurement and manufacture of arms is not the mendation. Some members believed such involve­ result of any coherent, long-term policy, but ment would be divisive of the Alliance, possibly relates solely to isolated projects, where the isolating the United States or the allied Euro­ partners have usually had to choose between pean countries which are not members of the collaboration or abandonment of the project. Community, or might impose too great a burden on the Community or. undermine the IEPG ; 114. Has Europe the political will to recom­ others again doubted the legality of the proposal. mence its journey towards unity Y There are Several were anxious to ensure greater parlia­ three traditional routes : unity through conquest, mentary control- at national and international which has been tried and failed ; unity through level - of the armaments industry. Th~ view economic integration, which has run into the was also expressed that some proposals of the sands, and unity through the fear of a common report could lead, through standardisation, to a enemy. Soviet rearmament has increased the new integration which was held to be detri­ perception of the threat in Europe. But are we mental.



The ten action areas under the NATO long-term defence programme on which task forces have been established 1

1. Readiness 6. Communications, command and control 2. Reinforcement 7. Electronic warfare 3. Reserve mobilisation 8. Rationalisation 4. Maritime posture 9. Logistics 5. Air defence 10. Theatre nuclear modernisation

1. See paragraphs 25 et seq. of the explanatory memo· randum. 18 IEPG Unucr-Secretarics of State (Rome)

IEPG National .Armament . Directors (Rome)

Ad Hoc Working Group on Transatlantic Dialogue .(Dep. Nad. level) (Meets in Brussels)

(UK) (Bel) I (FRG) IEPG/EPP IEPGjSPCP IEPG/DEPP I Equipment Planning Specific Projects' Defence Economics and Panel Co-ordinating Panel I Procedures Panel I I I I .!. ... Replacement I Schedules' I Up-dating I Ad Hoc I,- Exploratory FRGI UKI ITI FRl I FRI UKI UKT FRI FRGI Nl I l\Ied.-Long R. Vll-man MBT-105 Tactical SR Unguided Mine Maritime Lightweight Military guided and port Army Impro\·cd combat anti-tank hunters I patrol torpedoes helicopters unguided anti- surf/air system •r ammo aircraft weapons I aircraft tank wcapona guided I weapons I NLI I Naval excrcice I mines I lr I ,., ~ fnE I NoR FRG lFR lFR Competition Industrial Arms Project Compensation transfer of co-operation proccilures teclm. export know-how Rationalisation- DOCUMENT 786 APPENDIX III


Future equipment programmes

(a) Belgium - Tactical transport helicopter Equipment· to be replaced in the future in - Third-generation anti-tank missiles the three armed forces subject to the approval of the various supervisory bodies : - Individual light weapon (a) improvement of six Hawk (Helip) - Self-propelled and towed 155 mm howit- batteries; zers (b) replacement of ±1,200 infantry armou­ _:_ Very short-range ground-air missile red vehicles (IAV) ; - Artillery rockets (c) modernisation of the equipment of a - Battlefield surveillance systems signals battalion ensuring communica­ tions for the staff headquarters ; - Artillery assistance systems (d) renewal of army transport vehicles in - RITA communications network continuation of a programme already under way covering : Air armaments - 1,800 quarter-ton 4 X 4 vehicles; - Mirage 2000 fighter aircraft - 900 8-10-ton lorries; - Alpha-Jet trainer aircraft .,...._ 160 tractors and semi-trailers ; - Air-air missiles - 100 wheeled breakdown vehicles ; - Laser-guided air-surface missiles and (e) procurement of 330 Milan systems for rockets the ATK surface programme ; - Interception radar (f) RITA programme: extension to other - Helicopter and aircraft engines transmission equipment ; - Tactical fighter aircraft (g) procurement of air-to-air and air-to­ surface munitions, mainly for F-16 air­ craft. (c) United Kingdom Production and development 1 (b) France Principal armaments programmes recently launched or likely to be launched by France in the coming years 311. Ships Naval armaments (a) Nuclear-powered ·fleet submarines. These vessels are designed for hunterjkiller operations - Nuclear submarine (attack) against surface ships and submarines. HMS - Minehunter (with Belgium and the Sceptre, the tenth nuclear-powered fleet sub­ Netherlands) marine and the fourth of the Swiftsure class, is planned to enter service shortly and two more - ASW and anti-aircraft corvettes of the class are under construction. The order - Carrier-borne Super Etendard fighter for HMS Trafalgar, the first vessel of a new aircraft class of nuclear-powered fleet submarines, was - New-generation Atlantic maritime patrol placed last year and a second is planned for the aircraft . coming year. These submarines will have improve­ ments in equipment, endurance and speed which - Anti-submarine helicopters will enable them to be more effective in their -Torpedoes primary role of hunting and detecting enemy submarines and surface ships in support of - Second-generation anti-ship missile NATO operations. - Self-defence systems for ships (b) Anti-submarine cruisers. HMS Invincible, Land armaments the first of the anti-submarine cruisers, was - Main combat vehicle - Anti-tank helicopter 1. Statement on defence estimates 1978, Cmnd 7099. 20 .APPENDIX III DOCUMENT 786 launched in :May 1977 and construction work duction for the Royal Navy is the Lynx Mark 2, on the second, HMS Illustrious, continues. A which will be operated from most destroyers and third ship of this class is planne<;l. frigates .. (c) Destroyers. Two Type 42 guided-missile destroyers are now in service and a third, HMS Naval weapons Newcastle, will shortly be accepted into service. 313. Air-defence weapons Three more are due to enter service in the com­ ing year. Four more ships were on order at the (a) . This medium-range surface-to-air beginning of this year and further orders are guided weapon system is now fitted in three planned. ships, and is expected to be accepted into opera­ tional service this year. A programme is under (d) Frigates. Seven Type 21 frigates are now way for an improved Sea Dart system and · in service and the last of the class is expected supporting radars to increase its air-defence to enter service shortly. With the launching of capabilities to meet the expected threat in the HMS Battleaxe in 1977, two Type 22 frigates mid to late 1980s. are now fitting out and two more are under construction. A fifth Type 22 is planned to be (b). The intensive series of sea trials ordered this year. on board HMS Penelope proved highly successful and production of both missile and ship system (e) Mine countermeasures vessels. HMS Led­ has begun. 'l'he weapon system is in advance of bury, the second vessel of the Hunt class of mine all others of its type and will provide the Type c·ountermeasures vessels, is under construction 22 and other ships with a close-range self­ and further orders are planned for this year. defence capability against missiles and aircraft. (f) Patrol vessels. Five ships of the Island class A programme of improvements is in hand to have now entered service as offshore patrol maintain the capability of Sea Wolf in the face vessels. Two further ships of this class have of expected developments in· the threat. been ordered for a variety of tasks including coastal fishery protection. 314. Anti-surface skip weapons (g) Fleet replenishment skips. RFA Fort Grange (a) Sub-. Negotiations were completed will enter service this year and a further vessel with the United States Government last October is under construction. for the full development of Sub-Harpoon, a sub­ marine-launched, air flight long-range anti-ship (h) Refits. The modernisation of HMS Dido, missile which will provide the main anti-surface the last of the first batch of eight ships in the ship armament of our submarine fleet from the Leander class frigate refit programme, is early 1980s. expected to be completed later this year. Modern­ isation of three ships in the second batch is com­ (b) . This anti-ship missile is expected plete, with four more in progress. Work has also to enter service in the early 1980s. Carried by begun on the refit of HMS Andromeda, the first the Lynx helicopter, it is intended to provide ship in the third batch, which will include the destroyers and frigates with an attack capability fitting of the Sea Wolf point-defence missile stretching far beyond their horizon. system, Exocet anti-ship missiles, enhanced sonar (c) NATO anti-surface ship missile. Joint equipments and electronic warfare equipment. feasibility studies are now in hand with a number of NATO allies for the next generation of anti­ 312. Naval aviation ship missiles for servic.e in the late 1980s and (a) Sea Harrier. The first front-line Sea Harrier 1990s. squadron is planned to form in 1980 for embark­ ation initially in HMS Hermes. The second will 315. Anti-submarine weapons embark in HMS Invincible, and ultimately all (a) Heavyweight torpedoes. Feasibility studies squadrons will be deployed in ships of her class. for a successor to the submarine-launched Tiger­ The aircraft will be armed with Sidewinder fish torpedo have begun. Ail\f9L air-to-air and P3T air-to-surface missiles to provide it with a quick-reaction capability (b) LigktweiriM torpedoes. Development is con­ against enemy aircraft and an attack capability tinuing on Sting Ray, the advanced lightweight against surface vessels. torpedo. It is designed to succeed the American Mk 46 torpedo and will be capable of being (b) Naval helicopters. Sea King Mark 1 heli­ launched from surface ships, helicopters and RAF copters are being modified to the standards of Nimrod aircraft. · Mark 2 helicopters, currently in production. Sea Kings will also be fitted With an improved radar 316. Other naval equipment and communications system and an acoustic pro­ cessor and sonobuoys to supplement the existing (a) Propulsion units. A new marine propulsion dunking sonar. The other helicopter under pro- unit based on the latest version of the Rolls- 21 DOCUMENT 786 APPENDIX III

Royce Spey aero-engine has entered full develop­ will make use of the valuable work carried out ment. during the joint concept studies. (b) Sonars. Several types of new sonar equip­ (c) Mechanised infantry combat vehicle. The ment are being developed and fitted to provide second phase of project definition for a mechan­ surface ships, submarines and helicopters with ised infantry combat vehicle, to replace part improved anti-submarine detection and classifica­ of the present FV430 series of armoured person­ tion capabilities. nel carriers in the 1980s, began in August Jast year. Project definition has also begun on a series (c) Electronic warfare and communications of variants. · equipment. Advanced new electronic warfare and communications equipment are included in natio­ (d) Tracked combat reconnaissance vehicles. nal and collaborative development and produc­ Two more variants in the series are now entering tion programmes. A NATO collaborative develop­ service - Striker, which carries the ment. programme is in hand for a decoy system anti-tank guided weapon system, and the com­ for use against anti-surface ship missiles .. mand vehicle, Sultan. The last variants in the series, Samaritan, an armoured ambulance, and (d) Navigation equipment. Production orders Samson, a recovery vehicle, are planned to enter have been placed for an improved inertial navi­ the production phase this year. gational system which will be fitted in sub­ marines and the new anti-submarine cruiser. (e) Combat engineer tractor. The new combat engineer tractor will enter service this year. (e) Ship radars. An advanced air surveillance and target indication radar is being developed 318. Artillery and associated equipment and will be in service with the surface fleet by the mid-1980s. (a) FH 70 and SP 70. The towed 155 mm field howitzer, FH 70, will begin to enter service (f) Airborne radars. The airborne early next year. The three collaborating coun­ search radar is now in full production. This is tries, the United Kingdom, the Federal Republic being fitted in the Lynx helicopter and will pro­ of Germany and Italy, are also continuing vide target information for Sea Skua missiles. development work on the self-propelled version, Blue Fox, a derivative of Seaspray, is under SP 70. Prototypes have been produced and are development and will be fitted in the Sea Harrier now undergoing technical evaluation trials. for air-to-air and air-to-surface roles. (b) Supervisor. Development of Supervisor, a (g) Action information systems. The large battlefield surveillance and target acquisition majority of the surface fleet will be fitted with system using real-time data transmission, is computer-based action information systems toge­ continuing. Supervisor is based on an unmanned ther with digital data links by the mid-1980s. miniature helicopter, the prototype of which will make its first flight in the spring of this year. Army (c) Cervantes. Development of a trailer-mounted radar, to locate rocket launchers and mortars, is 317. Armoured forces continuing. (a) Chieftain. Work on the planned improve­ ments to maintain and enhance the effectiveness 319: Army guided weapons. of Chieftain into the 1980s is going ahead. In (a) air-defence missile system. Deploy­ addition to latest marks of the tank laser sight, ment of the all-weather blindfire tracking radar, units will also this year begin to receive the DN 181, will begin early this year. Studies are muzzle reference system. A number of modifica­ now being carried out on further improvements tions to improve the reliability of the main to Rapier and to evaluate the cost-effectiveness engine are being incqrporated into the fleet. of a tracked version. (b) Chieftain replacement (MBT 80). The (b) Helicopter-borne anti-tank guided weapon. Anglo-German collaborative studies on a future Following the evaluation of the Franco-German main battle tank were terminated in March last HOT and the American TOW systems, the year. Although there was a large measure of Ministry of Defence announced in August last agreement on the details of the requirement, year. that TOW is to be adopted and will enter both countries felt that collaborative develop­ service with the army Lynx helicopter in the ment and production would not be possible, early 1980s. A substantial part of the equipment mainly because the time-scales in which each will be manufactured under licence in the United country required the replacement tank became Kingdom. incompatible during the course of the joint work. National studies on the best way of meet­ (c) Swingfire long-range anti-tank guided ing our requirement for a tank to be in service weapon. Development is continuing of a thermal­ by the late 1980s are now in progress, and these imaging night sight for Swingfire. Discussions 22 APPENDIX III DOCUMENT 786 have also begun with France and the Federal the present Bruin system, has now entered the Republic of Germany on the requirement for a final stages of development. Ptarmigan has been third-generation long-range anti-tank guided designed to conform with standards agreed in the ·weapon. communications sub-group of the Eurogroup, to enable future trunk systems to be fully inter­ (d) Milan medium-range anti-tank guided operable. weapon. It has been possible to accelerate delivery of the initial batch of Milan equipments being (h) Automatic data processing (ADP) system. bought from . the Franco-German consortium, Trials will be carried out in BAOR of a new Euromissile. Deliveries of this batch began last command and control ADP system, WaveU. If year and will be spread over two years. Develop­ these trials are successful it is planned eventually ment of a thermal-imaging night sight for Milan to equip all formation headquarters in 1 (BR) has begun on a collaborative tripartite basis be­ Corps with Wavell to assist them in data­ tween the United Kingdom, the Federal Republic handling. of Germany and France. (i) Logistic landing craft. Two newly-built 320. Other army equipment logistic landing craft have been launched. HMAV Ardennes was commissioned in December (a) Light anti-armour weapon. Project defini­ last year and HMAV Arakan will be commis­ tion began last year on a man-portable anti­ sioned in August this year. These vessels will armour weapon to replace the 84 mm Carl Gustav provide peacetime logistic support to the Hebri­ recoilless rifle and 66 mm M72 roc;ket. Discus­ des and logistic support for the reinforcement of sions are taking place within the EPG on the Europe in war. possibilities of collaboration. (b) Small arms. NATO technical trials to select a standard calibre for future small arms began Royal Air Force last year, and military tests will begin later this 321. New aircraft year. The new British 4.85 mm weapon system, comprising an automatic rifle and light support (a) Tornado GR1. First deliveries of production weapon, has been entered in the trials and the aircraft, of which 150 have so far been ordered, results should be available by the end of next are expected next year. The variable geometry year. configuration will confer great operational flexi­ (c) Mines. The Barmine anti-tank mine is now bility and permit a combination of high-speed in service and work began last year to develop low-level flight, good range and an excellent additional fuses to extend its operational applica­ take-off and landing performance. The tri-natio­ tion and improve its resistance to countermeas­ nal fljght test programme had amassed some ures. The complementary off-route mine and the 1,500 hours by the end of 1977, and test data Ranger scatterable anti:personnel mine system indicate that service requirements will be met. will enter service later this year. · (b) Tornado F2. The Tornado F2 air-defence (d) Electronic warfare. In July last year, an variant is now in full development with the first electronic-warfare regiment took its place in the of three development aircraft under construction. order of battle of 1 (BR) Corps. Most of its It will have an excellent loiter capability and its equipment will be British, although some is being armament will include Sky Flash medium-range bought from France. Further improvements in and AIM9L short-range air-to-air missiles, and our electronic-warfare capability are under con­ cannon. The first phase of the airborne trials of sideration. an important new air-intercept radar for the Tornado F2 has been completed and the second (e) Lynx helicopter. Intensive flying trials of phase, to demonstrate full mission capability, the army version of Lynx have been completed, will begin shortly. and the helicopter is expected to enter service in the middle of this year, replacing the Scout. (c) Nimrod AEW. Full development is under way to convert eleven Nimrod aircraft to the (f) Vehicles. The introduction of a range of AEW role. They will enter service progressively low-mobility vehicles - a basic cargo carrier, in the early 1980s, replacing the Shackleton. with tipper, fuel tanker and recovery variants - Mission system avionics will be developed and is proceeding according to plan. A main con­ integrated into a modified Nimrod airframe. The tractor has been chosen by competitive tender for main features of the system will be a new radar, the production of an 8-tonne medium-mobility electronic support measures, "identification load carrier which, together with its variants, friend or foe" interrogators, an integrated data­ will form the backbone of the Army's future handling system and associated communications logistic fleet. equipment. The aircraft is planned to be inter­ (g) Communications. The Ptarmigan tactical. operable to the maximum extent possible with trunk communications system, which will replace other NATO airborne early warning systems. 23 DOOUMENT 786 APPENDIX III

(d) The Harrier/Jaguar successor. Studies of Phantom and the 'fornado F2, is now entering various designs for an· aircraft to replace the full production. Requirements for future short­ Harrier and Jaguar are continuing with the range air-to-air missiles for the Phantom and aim of combining a capability for battlefield Tornado F2 will be met by the procurement of attack and for air combat in one airframe. The AIM9L missiles most of which, subject to satis­ possibility of developing such an aircraft col­ factory negotiation, will be manufactured by a laboratively is being explored with a number of European consortium of which the United King­ potential partners in the EPG. dom will be a member. (e) Support helicopters. It is intended to meet the army's requirement for medium-lift helicop­ (b) Air-to-surface weapons. Project definition ter support by the purchase of 30 Boeing-Vertol has begun of the P3T anti­ CH-147 Chinook helicopters from the United ship sea-skimming missile, which will be fitted States. The helicopters would be equipped with to the Buccaneer in the early 1980s to replace British equipment, where appropriate, to ensure TV and will later be carried by those commonality with equipment already in service Tornado GR1s which operate in the maritime with the Royal Air Force. At the same time a strike/attack role. P3T will have a considerably number of Wessex helicopters would be with­ longer range than Martel, will be guided by drawn from the .front-line and transferred to active radar to provide an all-weather day and other roles, or placed in reserve. night capability and will be able to penetrate the enemy's electronic countermeasures (ECM) (f) Sea King search and rescue helicopters. The defences. During the year American laser-guid­ first of the Sea King search and rescue helicop­ ance kits to improve the accuracy of RAF ters have been delivered to the Royal Air Force. 1,000 lb high-explosive bombs and laser­ They will enter service during the year and the designator pods for use on Buccaneers will be Whirlwinds they replace will be withdrawn. , delivered. Agreement in principle has been reached with the United States for the co-ope­ 322. Aircraft in service rative development of an advanced airfield attack (a) Nimrod maritime reconnaissance (MR) air­ system. Other weapons projects include studies craft. The major refit of Nimrod long-range of anti-armour and defence-suppression weapons, m_aritime patro1 aircraft is now in hand and planned to enter ser-vice in the 1980s. flight trials of the acoustic processor start this year. The first refitted Nimrod MR2s with the 324. Ground-based air-defence equipment processor, the associated active attack and long­ range passive sonobuoys, and the Searchwater (a) Rapier. The Rapier systems now in service radar are due to enter service next year. The with the RAF Regiment are being fitted with refit is to be completed by the mid-1980s. the blindfire tracking radar, DN 181. A study of further improvements is under way (see para­ (b) Harrier. An order for a further 24 aircraft graph 319(a) ). has been placed and deliveries should start next year. The feasibility of fitting a new improved (b) The United Kingdom air-defence ground wing to the aircraft is also under study. environment (UKADGE). The planned pro­ gramme of improvements to UKADGE, which is (c) Jaguar. Work is in hand to increase the receiving NATO funding support, is now well take-off thrust and the time between overhauls advanced and development work will begin this of the Adour 1\Ik 102 engine. Reconnaissance year. Work is also in hand to re-equip a number pods containing 'British infra-red linescan and of early warning stations. camera equipment ·are now being fitted. (d) Puma. The fleet will be progressively up­ 325. Other electronics dated by modifications to improve performance and extend component life, and by the intro­ (a) "Identification friend or foe" (IFF). Feasi­ duction of fibre-composite main rotor blades and bility studies are in progress in order to define a an ice and snow protection system. Delivery of replacement IFF system with NATO-wide appli­ an advanced tactical navigation system is plan­ cation. ned to take place this year. (b) Communications. High-speed data commun­ (e) Phantom. Work has begun on a programme ications are planned for the transfer of informa­ to improve the combat capability of the Phantom tion required by future command and control to maintain a high level of operational effective­ systems. Project definition has begun on the ness until it is replaced by the Tornado F2 in exchange of digital data between fighters, AEW the mid-1980s. aircraft, ships and UKADGE, and the feasibility of introducing a general purpose ground com­ 323. Aircraft weapons munication system, using digital transmission (a) Air-to-air missiles. The Sky Flash medium­ and computer switching techniques, is being range air-to-air missile, to be carried by the investigated. New very high frequency (VHF) 24 APPENDIX III DOCUMENT 786 and ultra high frequency (UHF) airborne radio to be fitted in the Tornado GRl and the Jaguar systems are being installed in most RAF aircraft GRl. ECM for the Harrier are also being studied. to replace obsolescent equipment and to satisfy revised international compatibility standards ; 326. Other development programmes new VHF and UHF ground radios are also being introduced. Techniques to improve beyond-line­ Work is continuing on improving engine of-sight radio systems are being studied and the safety, efficiency and reliability and on reducing installation of a new HF radio groundfair net­ costs. In order to build up experience on work for Strike Command aircraft has begun. advanced technologies relevant to new aircraft The United Kingdom is co-operating closely with and weapons, demonstrator programmes are its allies to ensure that, where necessary, future being carried out on the use of composite mate­ communications systems are interoperable. rials for helicopters ; on the application of active control technology to enable the pilot to (c) Electronic warfare. Passive radar warning get maximum capability from the aircraft and equipment is being fitted in a variety of combat allow greater freedom to the designer ; and on aircraft and active ECl\I equipment is planned advanced air-to-air missiles.



Joint production - Collaborative projects as a proportion of national defence equipment procurement (a) Percentage of "procurement" head of defence budget spent on collaborative projects

1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 Belgium 15.6 30.6 31.1 49.4 60.6 United Kingdom n.a. n.a. n.a. 17.1 17.6 n.a. = not available.

(b) Collaborative projects to which foregoing percentages relate (i) Belgium CVRT BE/UK Gepard (AA 35 mm) BE/FRG RITA (already approved) BE/FR Alpha-Jet aircraft BE/FR/FRG F-16 aircraft BEjNLJNOJDKjUS Minehunters BEJNL/FR

(ii) United Kingdom

Sea systems TynejOlympus logistic support BE/NL/UK Olympus gas turbine support FR/UK Seagnat - anti-ship missile decoy system . DK/FRG/NO/UK/US NATO anti-surface ship missile FR/FRG/NLJNO/UK

Land systems CVR(T) family- tracker armoured vehicles BE/UK SP 70 -155 mm self-propelled gun FRG/IT/UK FH 70 - 155 mm towed gun FRG/IT/UK Midge surveillance system CAN/FRGjUK Milan: night sight FR/FRG/UK

Air systems Tornado -multi-role combat aircraft FRG/IT/UK Jaguar- strike/attack aircraft FR/UK Puma- twin engine GP helicopter FR/UK Gazelle- GP light helicopter FR/UK Lynx- anti-submarine and utility helicopter FR/UK Martel- stand-off air-to-surface guided weapon FR/UK JP 233 - airfield attack weapon UK/US Long-range passive sonobuoy and sonic processor A US/UK

AUS- Australia FR- France NL­ Netherlands BE- Belgium FRG - Federal Republic NO­ Norway CAN- Canada of Germany UK­ United Kingdom DK- Denmark IT- Italy US- United States of America 26 APPENDIX V DOCUMENT 786


Procurement, research and development, and research as a percentage of defence budget

Procurement Research and . development Research Belgium 18% n.a. 0.06% Fi'ance 43% 10.8% 2.1% United Kingdom 1 44.2-38.1% 13.1-12.2% 1.9-1.8%

I. Range for years 1974-78. n.a. = not available.