Inward FDI Stock in 2019 (% of GDP)

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Inward FDI Stock in 2019 (% of GDP) IIH page 1 IIH IIH 2021 page smart. 3 page 2 ambiious. compeiive. #1 European desinaion for 2019 by European Best Desinaions IIH IIH 2021 About Key igures page 5 page 4 Hungary Inward FDI stock GDP (PPS) GDP / capita (PPS) GDP growth (of GDP) Populaion Area 61% € 225,808 M € 23,110 4.6% 9,769,526 93,023 km2 (2019, MNB) (2019, HCSO) (2019, HCSO) (2019, HCSO) (2020, HCSO) Inlaion Average gross earning Budget balance Capital (populaion) Form of 3.4% € 1,131 -2.1% Government (2019, HCSO) (of full-ime employees) (% of GDP) Budapest Parliamentary (2019, HCSO) (2019, HCSO) (1,750,216) Republic (2020, HCSO) the lowest in the Currency Time zone Corporate EU Forint (HUF) GMT + 1hour Business friendly income tax environment Hungary has been coninuously 9% lat rate Social contribuion tax Membership in internaional organisaions improving its taxaion system. EU, UN, OECD, WTO, NATO, IMF, EC 15.5% EU member since 2004 (As of 1 July 2020) IIH IIH 2021 Foreign trade focus page 7 page 6 FDI focus Export Efecive inancing Coninuously through promoion and insurance increasing based on HIPA by HEPA faciliies by EXIM FDI inlow 3 main pillars since 2015 68 €109.1 61 billion 57 104.9 48 93.0 100.7 90.5 40 39 33 EU-14 new EU members 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Czechia Hungary Slovakia Croaia Romania Poland Slovenia Hungary’s exports by country group (billion EUR) Inward FDI stock in 2019 (% of GDP) non EU member European countries at Asian countries extensive network in American countries Other countries of diplomats 148 promoing Hungary’s local 84 foreign trade relaions representaions countries IIH IIH 2021 page 9 page 8 the Most Livable City #1 in Eastern Europe according to The Economist’s annual list #1 Budapest is the most afordale city for running a business (Uility Bidder) IIH IIH 2021 Human capital Dual educaion page 11 page 10 Talent pool in the service of Labour the Hungarian economy pool The Hungarian labour force structure is well qualiied and cost efecive, Other which increases the country’s Agriculture internaional compeiiveness. 285,110 145,016 Construcion 2 5 students in students in 8 teriary vocaional educaion educaion Manufacturing 22 63 Services Services The number of The number of teriary dual students engaged in 40+ educaion partner vocaional organisaions languages served dual training amounts to over by Hungarian Business is around Services Centres Mulilingual 900 50,000 highly educated English talent pool German French Italian Spanish Russian Chinese IIH IIH 2021 Outstanding page 13 page 12 Infrastructure 27h EU and Schengen Direct lights to Nr. 1 Nr.6 DENMARK zone membership (free movement of goods) 153 in length of motorways in railway line 18h 1,500 km desinaions in CEE (EU Transport density in Europe by 49 airlines in Figures 2019) 2.5h 1,000 km from Budapest Airport 9h 1.5h 500 km 1h 50+ Budapest scheduled container trains MotorwayMotorwa network weekly to European ports 18h covering the enire country Tornyosnémeti 36h of the North Sea, 54h M30 Záhony the Adriai c and Beregdaróc the Mediterranean Vásáros- M3 namény M15 M2 21 M49 M25 M3 M85 M3 M1 M100 M0 M35 M86 BudapestM0 M4 M4 rd M8 Abony M76 fastest M8 3 M9 47 MALTA mobil internet M44 Easy access 4G in the world M5 CYPRUS M7 M67 to Western and Eastern M9 European countries from already available M9 the heart of the coninent for commercial users M9 M43 5G M6 M60 Exising Under construcion 5G smart road Future development IIH IIH 2021 page 15 page 14 #1 6x best Best airport in the Eastern European region IIH IIH 2021 Hungarian page 17 page HIPA ofers one-stop-shop management 16 Investment consultancy services providing tailor-made informaion packages and HIPA operates an internal database of investment sites in Hungary. Promoion Investment The Investment Sites Database simpliies the task of matching incenives for companies interested in investors’ needs to potenial locaions. Searchable by size, locaion, Agency invesing in Hungary. sites available infrastructure and incenives. Locaion selecion 120 Access to informaion on investment Our database lists more than 1. INDUSTRIAL sites, labour market, taxaion, business 1600 sites PARKS environment, local suppliers and more. throughout Hungary Incenives 2. First-hand informaion on the full range of incenives, end-to-end management of the VIP cash subsidy system. Business development 340 3. Ideniicaion and development of local suppliers, mediaion between business OFFICES and government, policy proposals to improve the business environment. 1300 GREEN- & BROWNFIELD SITES IIH IIH 2021 Supplier page 19 page 18 Services The quanity, quality and geographical locaion of suppliers play an increasingly important role when choosing the locaion of an investment project. For INTEGRATORS For INTEGRATORS For SUPPLIERS & SUPPLIERS It is also common in the automoive sector, that the added value by suppliers in the inal product is growing increasingly. Therefore, at HIPA, we pay special atenion to the supplier-related demands of our invesing partners so that Hungarian enterprises can Market informaion B2B meeings Exhibiions be present in as many numbers as possible in the about the exising supplier between integrators and to paricipate on added value chains of the mulinaional corporaions. ecosystem before suppliers in order to create the biggest internaional We are ready to provide our partners with a complete picture about Hungarian suppliers in a given sector at the investment decision. business opportuniies. fairs and trade shows. the earliest stage of the investment project. Later, we support the expansion of the added-value chain of the investor by presening actual supplier’s proiles in Hungary. Supplier database Development trainings Supplier Forums about the companies focusing on quality and eiciency to enhance horizontal in Hungary with acive in order to help suppliers and verical connecions connecions and references enter and grow within among our partners. to the manufacturing sector. the added value chain of mulinaional partners. IIH IIH 2021 Incenives responding to the dynamics page Miskolc 21 page of the economy 73 6 35% 20 in Hungary 82 52 31 NORTHERN HUNGARY 28 44 Győr 37 63 27 41 35 Debrecen 62 84 86 79 25% CENTRAL NORTHERN 56 TRANSDANUBIA GREAT PLAIN 64 33 57 17 20% 19 85 Székesfehérvár 80 20 30 26 3 WESTERN 55 10 25 54 5 18 TRANS- 21 75 DANUBIA SOUTHERN 81 GREAT PLAIN trainings R&D&I investments 47 SOUTHERN TRANSDANUBIA Szeged 51 Budapest 39 projects (Regional Aid) 13 59 23 45 Pécs 83 53 68 15 14 24 61 22 78 66 12 16 43 Cash grant Cash grant Cash grant 2 70 69 67 71 50% 49 77 4 35% 76 7 1 32 9 Maximum 58 42 50 8 3860 48 74 36 aid intensity up to 40 11 65 50% 72 29 of the training costs 46 VIP Cash Subsidy EU VIP Cash Local subsidy 34 for regional aid of the employees and up to co-inanced Subsidy grant by 25% tenders municipality up to 73% of the project (based on the of the costs of workshop costs regions marked CENTRAL 13 Ecser 28 Ipolytölgyes 43 Monor 58 Ráckeve 73 Tésa establishment and on the map) HUNGARY 14 Érd 29 Jászkarajenő 44 Nagybörzsöny 59 Szentmártonkáta 74 Törtel development. 15 Farmos 30 Kartal 45 Nagykáta 60 Szigetbecse 75 Tura 1 Abony 16 Felsőpakony 31 Kemence 46 Nagykőrös 61 Szigetszentmiklós 76 Újhartyán 2 Alsónémedi 17 Galgagyörk 32 Kiskunlacháza 47 Nagytarcsa 62 Szob 77 Újszilvás 3 Aszód 18 Galgahévíz 33 Kisnémedi 48 Nyársapát 63 Szokolya 78 Üllő 4 Áporka 19 Galgamácsa 34 Kocsér 49 Ócsa 64 Sződliget 79 Vác Tax beneit Tax beneit 5 Bag 20 Göd 35 Kóspallag 50 Örkény 65 Táborfalva 80 Váckisújfalu R&D&I tax beneit Development tax beneit 6 Bernecebarái 21 Gödöllő 36 Kőröstetétlen 51 Pécel 66 Tápióbicske 81 Valkó as an exempion of 7 Cegléd 22 Gyál 37 Letkés 52 Perőcsény 67 Tápiógyörgye 82 Vámosmikola up to 100% 8 Csemő 23 Gyömrő 38 Lórév 53 Péteri 68 Tápióság 83 Vecsés of the direct costs 80% 9 Dabas 24 Halásztelek 39 Maglód 54 Piliscsaba 69 Tápiószele 84 Verőce 10 Domony 25 Hévízgyörk 40 Makád 55 Pilisjászfalu 70 Tápiószentmárton 85 Verseg of the projects of the CIT payable 11 Dömsöd 26 Iklad 41 Márianosztra 56 Püspökhatvan 71 Tápiószőlős 86 Zebegény 12 Dunaharaszi 27 Ipolydamásd 42 Mikebuda 57 Püspökszilágy 72 Tatárszentgyörgy IIH IIH 2021 Results Number 22 Electronics Professional page of projects 23 page from 2014 to 2020 12 Automoive 22 10 Food industry investment Top IPA of the Region by HIPA rd Investment / Site Selecion Magazine promoion ime volume 97 FDI 3 (EUR billion) by HIPA FDI Strategy 2018 / R&D Support / fDi Magazine New jobs 810 nd Investment Award ime 2 for the Region / AIM 2020 12,914 References 4.0 907 97 FDI projects + 810 COVID related projects 2019 13,493 5.3 101 2018 17,024 4.3 98 2017 17,021 3.5 96 +222% 2016 17,647 the investment 3.2 volume has more 71 than tripled 2015 2018 2019 2020 12,995 1.4 67 Top IPA Awards IIH IIH 2021 Investors page 25 page 24 of the Year The Hungarian Investment Promoion Agency (HIPA) aims to build a close cooperaion with the Hungarian investor community. One important tool with this purpose is our most important event of the year, the annual “Investors of the Year” award ceremony. Investors of the Year Award Ceremony Each year, companies execuing the most considerable investments of the previous year are being recognized together with a Hungarian supplier and an industrial park. The awards are presented by Minister of Foreign Afairs and Trade and CEO of HIPA.
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