can't get out of his own way; therefore most of the son on one side - and old Hamlin oh the other, and principally by the Attorney General, and as that In- THE CAPITAL, blows which he designs for others hit himself. Now, threw down the gage of battle, estimable gentleman, Mr. Taft, who would have been LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY when he came away from the White House the other Would any solemn old senatorial pump stand spon- a superior Attorney General had he ever studied any Tlie Halthews-Kvarts Letters, day. rubbing the inflamed 'seat of his intellect, and sor for Stanley Matthews'dispatch? Show him the law, had gone out, he could not see how it was pos- COLUMBIA, S. C., March 10.—The following letters THE CAPITAL PUBLISHING COMPANY, vdwing vengeance, if he had any sense it would at son ot a gun ! But none of the old pumps responded. sible to retain the Hon. Don Cameron—so remarkable are made publlo to-day by Governor Chamberlain at 987 » street, Washington* D. C. once have occurred to him that tho only- way he could They" were past the.time of life when it is considered as a Cameron from his being somewhat educated. . the special request of Stanley Matthews, and are the injure Hayes was by supporting his administration. •necessary to knock chips'off the shoulders of small At this Sonator Cameron remarked with some vio- letters alluded to by Mr. BJalne In the Senate on the BOJitfr PIATT, ...... EDITOB. And by the time he had supported Hayes; six weeks boys. Poor Blaine ! He couldn't even find a wind- lence that the/ gentleman from New York was a 7th inftint: the latter would have been glad to give him all seven TEBSIB: Per year, (including postage.) $2.50; six mill to tilt against; for he was the only one in the damned pulled 'up wind-bag and a nuisance. of the Cabinet places in consideration of his distin- WASHINGTON CITY, Maroh 6, 1877. monHis, $1.50; three month?, 75 cents—lii advance. Senate, and it is written that no windmill can tilt Senator Conkling retorted by saying that he might guished and invaluable enmity for the balance of his Hon. D. II. Chamberlain, Columbia,?South Carolina. Single copied, 5 cents._ against, itself. Suppose some Tipperary Irishman be a wind-bag, but it was some comfort to know that DE AH Sut: I liavo not the honor of a personal ac- term. But no; Blaine lacked sense; and consequently should waltz into the Vatican some morning with OCBJBS: Ten copies'to one address, #20 in advance, he was not an old money-bog stuffed with T)ther peo- quaintance with you, but have learned to respect you he did not perceive the fine point.of strategy that lay about six inches of his coat-tails dragging on the floor, from iny knowledge of your reputation. I take the with one copy freo. Twenty copies to one address, #35 ple's money. liberty ot addressing you now, with great distrust ot within his grasp. On the other hand, he espoused and invite any spalpeen in the august college of car- in advance, with one copy free. Senator Morton, amid cries, of order, said he would the propriety of doing so; prefacing it by saying that the cause of Kellogg—whom Jim Nye used to call dinals to tread on them—" jist trid on the tip lnd av ask the attention of the caucus to the business before I speak without authority from any one and represent 187 Brindle Bill. Now, Kellogg is a carpet-bagger. And wan av thim!"' Or imagine a robust Wm. goat trying only my own views. The situation of public affairs in 187 ADVERTISING KATES them. They certainly were in a great dilemma. If South Carolina aro too complicated to be discussed at OF the carpet-bagger having become, as honest old Tom to provoke a hitching-post to mortal combat. It is a tho President they had Inaugurated In a rather sin- length In a note, and yet it Impresses me as one that THE CAPITAE. Robertson says, " Hated at the North, execrated at long time since anything has been seen so utterly ab- ought to be changed by the policy of the Republi- gular manner persisted in the reform he was evidently can statesmen in such a way as not only to remove all TIJO fallowing rates tor advertisements will be strictly the South and despised by the nigger!" surd as Blaine's effort to make a Donnybrook of the contemplating he would reform the Republican party the controversies that disturb that State, but to re- adhered to, and NO DEVIATION WHATEVER WILL BE, Blaine finds congenial fellowship in ICellogg. There- Fog-bank. out of existence. It was his, Senator Morton's, opin- move all embarrassments arising from it to the party in other parts of the country. v \ m'.: fore Blaine seizes the coat-tails of Kellogg and ex- . I am sorry for Jim. He Is out ol' his line of business. ion that beforfi taking further steps in the Senate it Local notices. 30 cents per line pects Kellogg to pull him into the Presidency four Ho should immediately resign from the Senate and would be well for them to ask a consultation with It has occurred to me to suggest whether by your own concurrence and co-operation an accommodation, City Horns 25 cents per line years from now. I once knew a fellow whose ideas of get back to the House, where the boys will always bo President Hayes and assure him that they were not could not be arrived at which would obviate the neces- locomotion were similar to Blaine's theory of political found ready to whoop it up for liim. They never have in earnest upon the stump last fall, and that his re- sity for tho use of Federal arms to support either gov- 1 time. 1 mo. 3 mo. 6 mo. 12 mo., progress. This fellow, having partaken largely of tho ernment, and leave that to stand which was best able any rows in the Senate—except in executive session; forms were simply impracticable. to stand of itself. Such a course would relieve the peculiar cpnstltutlonal law of a late administration, 1 inch 50 $4 50 $12 00 $-20 00 $36 00 and what would Blaine give for a row when there are Senator Cameron said they might try that on, but Administration from the necessity, so far as Executive 37 50 72 00 walked solemnly into a wator closet at one end -of a action. is concerned, of making any decision between 2 inches 3 00 9 00 24 00 no boys or niggers in the gallery and where no report they would find their consultation was held amid a 3 inches 4 50 13 50 35 00 55 00 100 00 railway station platform, took a seat and inquired, the conflicting governments, and would place you in 45 00 75 00 130 00 oi his great speech could be printed In the newspapers? lot of soreheads and copperheads and have no more a position of making the sacrifice of what you deemed 6 00 18 00 "Why in h—1 don't this train start?" It is fortunate 5 inches í 7 50 22 00 56 00 90 00 165 00 A row of that kind is of no more value to Blaine effect on this man than water on a duck's back. The your abstract rights for the sake ot the peace of the 6 inches 9 00 25 00 68 00 120 00 200 00 for Kellogg that his reputation is already as bad as a than a hand-organ would be to a monkey on the side- community, which would entitle you to the gratitude, ! , crítuann.. 250 00 mistake was in nominating him. not only of your own party, but the respect and esteem 13 50 45 00 90 00 150 00 reputation can be; otherwise Blaine's advocacy of him walk without any audience of small boys to toss him 1 column... 25 00 75 00 175 00 300 00 550 00 Senator Blaine here interrupted with some remarks. of the entire country. I trust you will pardon the might he injurious. pennies for his antics. liberty I have taken, as my motive is to promote not- "And who was more responsible for that than you ? only the public, but your personal good. ¡53?" No bills will be recognized at this office And yet Blaine represents his constituency with - The only affecting part of the transaction is the cool -You nominate him over the party's choice, and Ed- unless contracted by The Capital Publishing fidelity. Perhaps you are not acquainted with the desertion of Blaine by Simon Cameron, Morton, Sar- munds and Hoar count liiiu in, and now you come with great respect, constituency of Blaine. Blaine's constituents are gent and the other sly fellows, loavlng him to the ten- here and cry over the lost lacteal." STANLEY MATTHEWS. • Company througlt its proper agent, the busi- Appended to the foregoing letter are the following those natives of Maine who neglect lo emigrate pre- der mercies of Stanley Mathews, who, as Blaine will The venerable Hamlin hero remarked that proba- ness manager, Mr. 8. A. Safford. jr. cipitately as soon as tlioy are old enough to realize presontly find out, knows no such thing as mercy for lines by Mr. Evarts : bly had they given way to the choice of. tho party BEAU GOVERNOR : I have read this letter and con- ¡gg" Owing to the unprecedented demand what kind of a State they have. been born in. Provi- him. The situation recalls an Incident of boyhood: there would be now no necessity . i'OL' a caucus versed with Colonel Haskill and Senator Gordon on for THE CAPITAL, the office will be leapt open dence keeps a few people in Maine, who are carefully A neighbor of our's had a flne plnm orchard, which called to consider the course of a Republican this subject so interesting to lis all. I should be very- glad to aid in a solution of the difficulties of the situa- until 11 o'clock a. m. Sundays. Persons who selected with a view to influencing all respectable was surrounded by a high board fence, and in which,, President.; as in that evont I'ilden would now. folks to emigrate at once; Well, these are Blaine's tion, and especially to hear from you speedily. are •finable to procure THE CAPITAL from the by way of additional security against the depredations be President. However, he said, it was idle With iny compliments to Mrs. Chamberlain, yours newsboys and hotels will be supplied at this constituents—the few persons retained as moral scare- of small boys, the owner was wont to pasture an old now to even think, let alone dwell on the very truly, . , Wit. M. EVARTS. crows by Divine Providence. Alter this explanation office-, 027 D street. Merino ram with enormous horns and a disposition past. The question is as to the course to you will understand the secret of Blaine's wonderful similar to that of Holman. One day half a dozen ot be pursued. Gentlemen said we're saddled with Hayes' Policy. hold upon the people of Maine. No hold has ever us small boys held a Consultation about those plums. another . He only wished it were on M-EMPIIIS, Tenn , Maroh 10.—The largest meeting TOUGHING BLAI1TE. been seen like it, unless wo except that hold which We agreed to capture them. We all climbed the Andy Johnson, for Andy Johnson's policy was a re- of business men that ever assembled at the Cotton. Blaine got on those Mulligan letters. And no hold fence. I was detailed to look after the Merino ram, election to the presidency, and that made him de- Exchange of this city met there tills afternoon to tak» Showing the Uses of the Modern Statesman— like it will ever be seen until the devil gets Blaine, and, in discharge of this delicate responsibility, was pendent on a party; but this gentleman did not care action In reference to the policy foreshadowed by Our Jsuell Sees His Way Clear in a Choice constituents, Mulligan letters and all. soon Involved in what a Southern gentleman would for a spcond term, and was in for a reform that was President Hayes in his inaugural address and by the Between Two Frauds. But, to be serious, Blaine is becoming the most call "a difficulty." I got a good hold on the old fel- not only impracticable but death to the party. If Mr. appointment of I). M. Key to his Cabinet. Wm. A. WASHINGTON,' D. C., March 8,1877. colossal nuisance of the century. He is not only del- low—by the horns—and immediately my philosophical Hamlin's advice had been followed the most obnox- Goodwyn presided: Speeches were made by several I have 'seen a great -light, as they say at Methodise uging the name of the American people with disre- mind was beset by the perplexing question as to ious element to Republican success, the press, would prominent men. A committee appointed to draft «amp-meetings. As Grant wrote .to "Newcomb, pute, but lie- is becoming a chronic disturber of the whether I had the ram or tho ram had me. But no) ere this have been muzzled. As It was he did not resolutions expressing the sentiments of the business Eastou an ! Smith," of St. Louis, during the Gratis peace and an inveterate peddler of noxious notions sooner was the dead-lock perfect ttian all the other know what to do. men on the subjeet reported a preamble and resolu- Brown campaign of 1S7Q, 1 have been "enabled to see which are designed to bedevil the feeble-minded. small boys ran away to the owner of the orchard and tions to the effect— Senator Hippie-Mitchell took the floor, and re- my way dear." 1 shall support the administration of Never accomplishing anything and proposing pothing, told him there was a wicked urchin out there trying to That the members, without committing themselves marked that if a war could bo got up with Mexico or the fraudulent President. I shall acquiesce in the lie hangs on the verge of politios like a Bedouin upon steal his plums. Then the owner came put and lifted to the legality or the fairness of tho means or the- Spain, the people would demand the recall of the late methods by which Rutherford B. Hayes became vcrdieJs of Bradley. I shall hail J. Madison Wells the flanks of a caravan, watching for Some pilgrim me over that high board fence, partly by the tip of my President of the United States, but recognizing him President, whose course in reference to pur foreign and El fait Plnkston as martyrs and canonize them as with a sick camel to drop out of tho procession. east ear and partly upon the tip of his boot. What as such under the rulings of the. electoral commission., relations and the count ot the two houses of Congress, and saints. For mine ey-c9 have seen apd mine ear* have If the fools were all dead, Blaine could do no harm. hurt my feelings worst was that, after having dls- , Senator Anthony here interrupted the honorable having read c'arefuliy his Inaugural address, are im- heard the glory of the opposition of Blaine. Up to But some of them still live, and, as a consequence, missedme in this feeling manner, he praised the other pressed with the hope that it is his determination to senator by saying that it was not a question of foreign yesterday and to-day I had been full of the. gall- of Blaine always hsffjflsl"eáóUgh~offoílowing to keep his small boys for their honesty, and gave them all the give the country an administration of pacification, relations so much as domestic relations; at which the reconciliation and justice; therefore. bitterness toward the men who had stolen our Presi- own conceit up to tho intolerable point and to infect plums they could stuff into their pockets! That epi- Hon. John Hippie-Mitchell suddenly subsided. Resolved, That we hail with satisfaction and ap- dency; full of the fierceness of resentment against the the political atmosphere with an unpleasant smell. sode destroyed my faith in Human nature. Blaine proval the broad departure of President Hayes from- Senator Blaine again took the floor, and said that man who had accepted the stolen property at their There is no success in him ; but be always comes near will soon be a skeptic also. a. O. B. the policy which has characterized the administration» it was all nonsense to take issue with the President on of tho past years, and that we pledge ourselves, with- hands; wad' full of the aquafortis of contempt for the enough to success to nerve his misguided followers the confirmation of his Cabinet. It would place them out regard to past or present political associations or pusiUBiHmity of Chose rightful owners, the Demo- for another effort in his behalf. His followers are of affiliations, to uphold and sustain him in every just in a false position. The President had a right to call erats,whohad stood quietly and allowed their poekets two classes : First, played out and used up old hacks and constitutional measure or act of his administra- THE CAUCUS. the devil to his Cabinet, or a worse a lot ol imbeciles, tion having for its object the permanent pacification to be rifled without even so much as an able bodied and frauds who have .been kicked out of all other fel- [From our Speolal Reporter.] as the late President had done. But we can fight his and reconciliation of the people and' States of the remonstrance. But now I am at rest. Having learned lowship, and second, credulous and enthusiastic boys Federal Union; and to this end, After President de facto Hayes sent in the names of Southern policy, and that I mean to do whether this that ifialne was really, actually and in lkot at, war who are led to believe that iron cheek and leather his Cabinet, a caucus was hastily called to consider Be it further resolved, That we heartily indorse and caucus sustains me or not. approve his appointment of our distinguished lellow- with !Yer_ Hayes, 1 hasten to assure tho latter of my lungs constitute the true statesman,and that Blaine's the situation and determine what course the leaders At this Senator Dawes got the floor, and on opening citizen, Hon. D. M. 'Key, to the position of Postmaster distinguished consideration, and to congratulate liim system of ten-eent thlmble-riggery is tho true game of the Senate should take. Senator Ferry took the General, and that our thanks are due to Mr. Key for his mouth the caucus suddenly left. upon good luck. No other possible conjuncture of politics. chair. After the sorgeant-at-arms had cleared the his promised acceptance of the same. couM bave maee his tenure of tho Presidency even As a Kennebec town-councilman Blaine would have premises, and reported all persons not privileged to be The resolutions were adopted almost unanimously^ toleraifile in the eyes of respectable people. 1 have been a success. But in the arena of national politics present expelled, the doors were locked. St. Ed- WAK\I\(i. On the committee on resolutions were General A. J. herdWf&re remarked that Hayes was a lucky dog. he figures as ridiculously as a cockroach turned out to munds took the floor and remarked, in a deep, solemn DEA'B Slit: Lest you may be found unprepared when Yaughan, ColonelA. D. Gwynno and Major W. M. That he seemed in truth— pasture In a ten-acre lot. It is only when he becomes voice, that in view of the visitation Divine Providence Guy, three ex-Confederate officers, the committee u tho day of wrath'comes, I write to advise you that the A favorite of Fatp, in Fortune's lap oaressed." the boss cockroach of a horde of grasshoppers that he had put on them in the shape of Kutherford B., it Hon. Zachariah Chandler will soon be a private citi- being composed entirely of Democrats. That" iromors and emoluments, have fallen upon him ceases to be ridiculous, and he only ceasos to be ridic- would be well, he thought, to address the throne ot zen. You may not be aware that for nearly two years Vanderbill's Will. like ripe apples from the tree. Tha t he seemed to ulous when lie becomes pestiferous.' He may not be grace, a.nd through humble solicitation beg the Lord your existence has hung upon the brittle thread of NEW YOP.K, March 10<—Cornelius J. Vandorbilt's- have been singled out by God Almighty as a living able to accomplish anything of great detriment, but to spare them further Infliction. Zachariah's official dignity. Now that he no longer objections to the will of the late Commodore Vander- testimony unto all men of the omnipotence of' Good he sometimes has power to delay the accomplishment This, however, was opposed by Senator Blaine. has to support the dignity of a Cabinet position he bilt have been filed In the surrogate's office to-day,, Lueki And all that sort of thing. But no stroke of of that which is beneficial—as in. the present instance " You need not," hecried, "attempt to throw off upon feels freo to indulge in all the blessed privileges of the and embrace tho following points: He avers that the- . luck a« ever descended upon his head bears any he.obstructs the pacification of Louisiana and South the Lord your own work—and a pretty damned mess American sovereign, among which, as you are aware, writings offered for probate are not tho last will and comparison—not even tho remotest or the far-fetched- Carolina. you have made of it." is the privilege of fracturing the peace. For several testament or codicil of the late Commodore Vander- est—to that stroke which fell in the Senate yesterday When Stanley Matthews and Mr. Evarts, on behalf Senator Hoar said the remarks of the gentleman days—In fact ever since he definitely ascertained that bllt; nor did the testator sign the papers either in the when Blaine declared war on the new Southern policy of Hayes, advised that poor shivering Upstart, Cham- from Maine were intemperate anil unjust and likely no member of Grant's Cabinet would be retained by presence of the'attesting witnesses or at all, or de- of Hayes. All the other pieces of good luck which berlain, that the good of the country required bis with- to wound the feelings of others. He observed that St. Hayes—the Hon. Zachariah has consumed his spare clared them to be his last will or codicil thereto; nor have Befallen Hayes bear the same relation to this one drawal from the position to which he pretends, Mat- Edmunds was weeping. time in polishing up his arsenal and preparing his did he acknowledge subscribing thereto in the pres- that tire sputter of a tallow candle bears to a bolt of thews and Evarts simply tried to do by mild persua- St. Edmunds said ho was not weeping—he scorned stomach for tho stowage of a large quantity of the ence of the witnesses; that the attesting witnesses did- chain lightning. Blaine has his uses. The State sion, out of pity, what simple justice would have' such an imputation ; he had a cold in his head. As Sinews of war. of KTaine has its uses also. The State of not sign their names as witnesses at the request of the-, dictated should bo done by the hair of his head— for the gentleman from Maine, he was not much of a Last night he called at the White House and bor- Maine exists on the map in order that Blaine may deceased, nor in the presence of the deceased,, n&r in-, and what will be done by the hair of his head, too, if, politician, but more a man of letters rowed that knife with the ragged edge which formed sit in Congress. And Blaine sits in Congress in order the presence of each other. at Blaine's instigation, he should stick tliore thirty Ere he could proceed Senator Blaine sprung from the subject of Mr. Hayes' recent speech at Fremont, that decent men may know what course to tike on oc- The contestant further claims that deceased was not days longer. But Blaine thinks ho sees an opportu- his seat, and, sweeping down the aisle, assumed a Ohio. This completes his preparations. You had casions ef dilemma. Blaine sometimes hesitates in sound mind .when the paper purports to have been nity, and grasps it. melo-dramatic pose, and shaking a bundle of grocery better declare Newspaper Row in a state of sfege and about taking a position. He nevor hesitates about signed, nor in any respect capable of making a will or Now if a little nigger should see a mule's tail, and, and other household bills, demanded in a loud and use your influence with the new administration to se- taking other things—railroad bonds, letters, "memo- codicil thereto; that the paper writings were pro- imagining that It afforded him a good opportunity to threatening voice if the gentleman referred to the cure a proclamation of martial^law in the District, un- randa!*' and the like1—but he does sometimes hesitate cured by fraud and undue influence of William H.. steal a ride, should grasp the tail, with the conse- Mulligan letters; if so he would not proceed to read til the Hen. Zachariah recovers from the enthusiasm about taking a position; and on these occasions all Yanderbilt and others to the contestant unknown, or quences traditional in such cases, everybody would them. ineident to his return to the delights of private citi- men who have at heart the interests of the country by others at their instance, or by William II. Yander- laugh and express wonderment that, after two cen- At this proposition the caucus was seized with a zenship. Buell has procured a suit of sheet-iron un- and who want to be right hesitate also; the suspense bilt personally, and were not voluntarily executed by turies of uniformly disastrous experiment, the Ethio- panic, and cries of "don't read," "don't read," "he'll derclothing. Crawford of the Chicago Times is con- Is poSnftd. But no sooner does Blaine rear up on his pian should still be so infatuate d as to grasp a mule by deceased, but under restraint and coercion;. that the apologize," rung through the chamber, and St. Ed- templating an immediate trip abroad. George Alfred hind legs and begin to paw the air with his fore- the tail. But the nigger In tills case would not be one deceased was, by reason of delusion, (morbid or men- munds rising, said that he was not in robust health; Townsend has procured a pair of base-ball shoes to in- paws, bellowing the while like a four-year-old bull whit more absurd than Blaine is when he embraces tal,) mania, mental disorder, age, or for other reasons» but, as he said, suffering from an attack of the Kidwell crease his speed. In fact everybody is getting ready with »stone wall between himself and the object of his the carpet-bagger and tries to make political capital disqualified to make Such will; that by a desire to- -Bottoms, and in view of this he would say to the hon- for the deluge, and you should be wise in time and be- desire», than all good men complacently betake them- out of him. He might as well go out in the fieldsan d concentrate his fortune in the person of William H. orable gentleman from Maine that he did not refer to fore it is everlastingly too late. selves to the other side and put their trust In God. bestride the decomposing carcase of a dead horse with Yanderbflt and his children, he had become incapac- the Mulligan letters that the honorable gentleman BtaSrais not like Daniel Webster. Blaine-would the design of taking a .ride.' Poor Blaine! When This really alarms its! What with the itated from making a fair will, and had disregarded had read to the House, but to certain letters unread, rathor be wrong than be President; but he would like that great big presidential maggot gets into asmajl liis other children, and through undue influence; that probably were more valuable in a historical point malaria, the hard times, an indictment to be both. When our Proctor Knott remarked that head it produces rickets. Blaine " hoped his tongue and that the paper writings are therefore invalid" in of view. hanging over us, to have the yenerable Blaine was the d—dest seoundrel on the American would cleavo to the roof of his mouth." That was the law. The objections were attested, by tho proctor and' Senator Oonkling, at this, interrupted the speaker by Zacharial i out on a raid, would be more continent" he did very wrong. Knott should have most discreet wish I ever knew him to avow. If it counsel of the paid Cornelius J. Vanderbilt, the con- remarking that, although he had no doubt the record than we could bear. And armed with bur said, "Blaine Is the most useful man on the American only would, he might possibly obtain a reputation for testant. and Inner life of the gentleman from Maine were of or any other continent." Blaine is to polities what good sense in the course of t ime—unless he should own Cutlery— intense interest, but he labored under the delusion— the light-house is to navigation: his light shows where learn the deaf and dumb art of talklDg with liis An- " Thus the struck eagle." Foreign'* News. perhaps it was a delusion—that they were called those places are which must be kept away from. He gers ; and even if he did that it might serve to keep What a burden life is with so much Xack LONDON, Maroh 10.—'The Timet' Belgrade dispatch together to consider the course to be pursued towards is the red flag of polities; for, whenever you see him hi3 Angers busy in conversation and thus improve his in it. about the preparations in Bosnia for resisting an an* reputation as a respecter of the laws of meum and the gentleman they had counted Into the presidential you know there is small-pox in the neighborhood. He ticipated Austrian movement says : "The governor ot tuum. chair. If this was to be considered he would -remain, remfmls me of the fellow who used to go about the the Tucli provinces has been ordered to send 625,000 but if any side issue of a matter so small as the record country as an advance agent of a noted temperance THE closing chapters of "The New Gospel of Com- pounds of bread and SO,000 pairs ef sandals- for the Meanwhile I have my little laugh on the boys who, of the gentleman from Maine was to be discussed, he promise According to St. Edmunds" was received too army." lecturer. He always traveled forty-eight hours ahead ten days ago, were supplying lung power to produce would at once withdraw. late for this issue, but will appear next week. . LONDON, March 10.—It was the barkPorro, from of the lecturer, giving a fearful example of the effects the Blaine yell and—why, three Cabinet places were At this Senator Blaine retorted and said the differ- Antwerp for Bull River, South Carolina, which col- of intemperance! the merest bagatelle, you know! Blaine was going ence between his privato affairs and the gentleman [From Jacob Bener, Esq., Druggist, Mlddletown, Bat one earthly consideration could have induced to be President in fact! But he would allow Mr. and lided with the ship Maryland, from Baltimore for from New York was in the fact that he never thrust Dauphin County, .] patriotic people—people who value manhood, honesty, Mrs. Hayes to oooupy the White-House, you know, Bremen. The Porro has put into Dover with the- them upon others. Messrs. SKTH W. FOWLE & SONS. honor, law, peace, charity and the other benisons, be- just to humor the children and keep peace in the loss of bowsprit and bows damaged by the collision. "No," added Conkling, "it would not be safe to do GENTS ; Please send me immediately half a gross nefices and amenities of life—to tolerate a President family ! But it seems Blaine is not President in fact. The correspondent of the Timet, at St. Petersburg, so." of Dr. Wlstar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, as it is selling in a letter dated March 1, discussing liis telegram of inot elected by the people, but counted in by Bradley, It is somerbody else! rapidly, and gives good satisfaction. 1 have been February 27, stating that an extraordinary council of Strong, Miller, Garfield, Hoar, Edmunds et at. That "Probably not," retorted Blaine, "bui they would selling the Balsam for more than twenty years, and And now Morton, Simon Cameron and those other have always found It satisfactorily spoken of. I have the ministers was held on the previous day,, at which one thing was that Blaine should oppose his adminis- not be such a bore." the Czar presided, and it was decided: to demobilize- sly old fellows have quietly gone and made their had a number of customers who have realized Incal- tration. That left the situation in the nature of a Senator Morton said that it struck him, judging culable benefit from the u&e of it In the first stages of the Russian army, &o., says: peaoe with Hayes, leaving Blaine, all unconscious, choiee between two frauds; and, as my friend McOul- from the conduct of the President, that he was, it consumption. 1 am never without it in my family, and The council to which my telegram referred was held, tearing away with his groat speech at the empty air. administer it to any member of it when troubled with and I have no doubt the question of pea^e or war was- lagh cmce said of Bill Grosvenor—who, by the way, is seems, weak enough to believe that which they, the lead- As I said before, Blaine Is very smart. None of those eoughs, colds, lung and bronchial affections, and find fully discussed. Further, I am told on the best author- thefidu» Achates of Carl Schurz-"Hell could not pro, ers of the Republican party, had promised In the way it a most efficient remedy. JACOB BKNKK. ity, that the whole question having been gone into in- sly old fellows are so smart as Blaine. He is not only duce nor Omnipotence duplicate" a fraud which of refprm duringthe late election, and judging from the SO cents and $1 a bottle. Sold by all dealers. the presence of General Ignatleff, the members of ther so smart that he can't keep out of his own way, but he council over which the Emperor presided were unan- would not instantly be chosen as the lesser of the two result of that election, their candidate was about tho rams so lost that he stubs his toe against himself and imous in the conclusion that in the present circum- if the other happened to be Blaine. only one who did BO believe. Now the remedy BABGIAINS in black Cassimeres—50, 62, 75, &c., at stances peace is of the greatest necessity to Russia. tumbles down. He opens his mouth and puts his foot I am told that Blaine opposes Hayes because Hayes But he was Interrupted by Senator Cameron, who Towsoit's, 836 Pennsylvania avenue. 1 am also informed that owing to these considera- in it. He raises his hand to strike Hayes and smites tions, ideas of a peaceful policy were accepted during refused to give him the patronage he demanded. said that while he was perfectly willing their oounted- his own cheek—which is protuberant. It was funny Co. A. that council, and that the only point on which the That Blaine went up to the White House and com- in President might try on his damned reform notions he members differed was the time at which the demobil- to see Blaine prancing up and down in the Fog-bank-, It is with feelings of genuine pride that we refer to manded Hayes to stand and deliver two or three Cabi- did not Intend to submit to being insulted by them. He our crack Infantry company. On the inauguration of ization of the army should be ordered. According to and nobody paying any attention to him except John my informant It was decided that the order for de- net places and no end of other valuables, and that has made up a Cabinet of soreheads and copperheads, he President Hayes their soldierly appearance and mag- Patterson and Spencer, together with a few niggers nificent marching attracted the attention of every mobilization should be issued as soon as peace was- Hayes In response kicked Blaine down the front steps, continued, who have done nothing during the past ten and some immature females in the gallery. How he one who was on the avenue. This company deserves signed between the Porte and Servia and Montene- whereby a soreness was produced in the seat of year? but abuse -us. Now we aro asked to confirm gro. brandished that telegram! Blaine knows how to the heartiest support of our citizens,and we trust they Blaine's intellect-. But Blaine Is taking the wrong them. "For"my part I'd see him damned first." will not be backward in extending to them generous brandish private papers. He knows how to get them, Freight Bates. way to get even. It is just like him. Ho never does Senator Conkling said he could see that It was not assistance. Under Col. Moore they have obtained a also. | Howly Chrolst," said Mulligan, " he's got me position in the front ranks of tho militia throughout NEW YORK, March 10.—The Post says: "After the right thing. He is so smart. Blaine is—so wise in tho President to dispense, at this trying mo- mimorandy, too!" With what fine frenzy he waltzed the country, and our city need never be afraid of her several private meetings between the officers of the damned smart, if I may be allowed the term—that he ment, with the services of the Hon. Don Cameron. trunk railroad lines, the freight rates f rom this cfty to around there in a smftll open space, with John Patter- boys, wherever they may visit, or what organization Still, he continued, as the War Department was run they may chance to meet. the West have been advanced from the basis of fifty cents to Chicago to seventy-five cents J' V THE CAPITAL.----MARCH 11, 1877. o

For THE CAPITAL. what purported to be" a performance of the ment of this color, and people are daily only cut his hair and confine himself to LADIES' GOODS. THE MAGDALENE CROWNED. .ady of the Camellias. watching to see if the present glass of the writing poetry and not attitudinizing in 'Tls done. The solemn farce is through, Matilda Heron never gave up to within a conservatories of certain fashionable resi- private theatrical fashion in drawing-rooms, ' And stilled the drum-beats mocking sound. short time of her death the idea of earning dences are not removed in favor of the where not even a belle sauvage would be 719 SPRING GOODS. 719 The falsa has overborne the true, her living by her stage impersonations; the shade that is, thanks to General Pleasonton excusable, I would say: "Live on, humble The shameless Magdalene is crowned. mimic scene exercised over her the same and a responsive public, all the rage. It Miller ; since you have determined to be a The angry winds again go free fascination that it begot when she first trod used to be considered particularly trying to wise moth and not try to be a gaudy but- Of fumes of oil and calcium light the boards. Her attempts to act were, how- be obliged to wear blue spectacles, but terfly, live on and write on !" TRAW AND CHIP HATS, BONNETS AND S Flowveise , just received at Brought from our rifled Treasury, ever, fitful, for the reason that managers no it has been asserted for the last few days SAPHIR. DAVIS'. To blaae betrayal of the right. longer considered her an attraction, and the that the young ladies of one of the fashion- The martial train and ifcggod mob few occasions that she came before the pub- ble schools in the vicinity of the reservoir ABOUT SNAKES. OMPLETE STOCK OF LADIES' UNDER- contemplate a mazarine promenade as a C wear, Skirts, fite., at very low prices, afc Have passed. The lurid, sick'ning scene lic of late years were those of benefit per- A WOBD IH THKII1 DEFEH8E AMD SOME PRETTY HARM- DAVIS'. 51ade all true hearts indignant throb— formances. Her final appearance on the combination of deference to fashion and LESS VARIETIES. . The Pinkston bawd enrobed as ijîï'oén ! stage, made at the Park theater on the 3d of indication that they study to such a praise- Snakes aro peculiar animals—without arms, legs or ORSTED FBINGEB IN ALL (DOLORS Black Silk Fringes in new style«, at Alack, what times ! what strange portents ! July last—a night when all the city was but worthy extent that their eyes are being af- feet and without wings or fins ; yet how gracefully W DAVIS'. A perjured black-and-white quartette of doors viewing the display of fireworks fected. and swiftly some of them can move 1 Most persons consider them all horrible and disgusting creatures. Tho nation's free will circumvents, and the great parade, and a dreadfully Certain it is that not a few of our elegantes •J^OVELTIES IN NECKWEAR, at Helped by the nation's bayonet. 1 fear they speak from prejudice, without much rea- warm evening, moreover, when few persons have dared to adopt for the now modish son. Tho almost universal hatred for the serpent \ DAVIS'. Thon comes this " man who can afford " could be induced to be shut up in a play- double eye-glasses the true cerulean tint, tribe has, with few exceptions, arisen from the teach- To take this high and honored place. house—was made as Camille. and that the friends they contemplate at ings of the third chapter of Genesis. That tho word ST. APLE AND FANCY NOTIONS. By gift of that .Returning Board ! A representation that attracted more the theater or in the park they will hence- serpent is used throughout the chapter to designate Let Judas turn his blushing face. forth see darkly through a glass., Already, the instrument of Satan used in the temptation and EST GOODS AT LOWEST PRICES, at notice, however, was the one given at fall, is plain enough, but no man has yet, or ever will B Then asks the people's prayers for aid Booth's theater one afternoon in the April speaking of drives, the carriage-makers have To help him on the stormy path. be able to prove that the serpent of Genesis is identi- DAVIS', preceding, for the benefit of Bijou. At this taken the hint, and the windows of brough- cal with the serpent or snake of tho present day. feb25-3t7 719 Market Space,, corner Eighth street. TTwere better had he stopped the raid, ams and coupes of the latest- make are true Some writers suppose it to have been a Hying dragon, And thus escaped the people's wrath. , performance her mother acted Medea. There was about this personation a sort of blue. If it is not " Blue Glass," but' "Blue others a winged serpent, and Dr. Adam Clark held Nor prayers, nor cant, nor whine, nor sighs, melancholy interest; one felt that one was Grass" drinks that are placarded in the the opinion that the animal was an ourang-outang. 1877 18ÏÏ The great masters have generally painted it a ser- Can cleanse the stains of theft and fraud; in the presence of a once great actress, who saloons, why, then, it ought'to be. Finally, There is no refuge there for lies ; pent with tho head of a woman. SPRING IMPORTATION. could then, alas! be regarded as but little a play is about to be brought out at one of They're aliunde all, with God. the theaters called Blue Glass, and if Mile. If we take the chapter in a literal sense, we must better than a/ruin. Now and then there naturally suppose that previous to the serpent's over- There's usurpation in your claim ; were gleams of the old power, and one saw, Aimee would only consent to appear in La throw it had the power oi walking eroct; for the curse French Pattern Bonnets You're not the people's choico, my Hayes j in the panther-like ferocity that buret forth Heine Indigo, the glass of fashion and the was: "Upon thy belly shaltthou go, and dust shalt AND IMPORTED NOVELTIES, And thus the fruits of sin and shame CHIP AND STRAW BONNETS AND HATS ever and anon, the true Promethian fire. (blue) mould of form would be complete. thou eat all the days of thy life." If the animal had For Ladies, Misses and Children. Must come, in dark and troubled days. Stay! there are the Bohemian glass-blowers, at one time the power of walking erect or flying, it Washington, March 6. K. Unwieldy as was her figure, Matilda Heron French Flowers, would occasionally assume a pose that was who, if they are smart, ought to be feeling was not what we at the present day would call a ser- pent or snako. And that serpents exactly similar in' RIBBONS, SILKS, ORNAMENTS, &c., now in statuesque, and that left its remembrance pretty blue by this time in their palace on store ana rtady for inspection. FROM NEW YORK. the l^owery. form and habits to the existing species inhabited even' indelibly fixed on the memory. One forgot tho preadamite earth geological researches have clear. Peculiarities of Matilda Heron—A Once Famous at such times the actress' inability to always Washington has so monopolized the at- ly proved. "VVe know that the serpent goes upon its MRS. J. P. PALMEE, control her voice, which would sometimes belly, but we also know that many snakes never swal - 1107 F street; between Eleventh and Twelfth street«. Actress' Bizarre Existence—Ihe Blue Glass tention of the country for the last week that ap2-ly6 Madness—Theatrical and Social Chit-Chat . sink to guttural tones, and sometimes wan- the metropolis has been forced to partially low any dust at all; for some species of Tropidonotus and other water-snakes never seize their prey out 0 f [New York Correspondence of THE CAPITAL.] der away into staccato-like flights that descend from its perch of independence and 1877 SPRING grated on the ear. Her Medea was fine at the water. No one has yet disoovered a serpent who se NEW YORK, March 8, 1877. go South for its items of interest. Still, for chief article of diet is dust; but it must be acknowl - It is fiofc so very long ago that Matilda moments even then, for it was real; it was Lent, we have not been very "dead," and edged that all serpents, when they capture and swallow a true pre-Baphaelite effort, and one felt Assortment now complete oi CHIP and STRAW Heron, in the çourse of a note to the writer, the promise of a perfect avalanche of social an animal upon a dusty surface, must swallow mor e HATS and BONNETS, FLOWERS and SILKS. returning thanks for some trivial favor, instinctively that she would not hesitate, and theatrical doings immediately ahead or less dust, which necessarily adheres to the object . TORCHORE or SMYRNA LACES, all linen. which her bruised and keenly sympathetic even in defiance of art, to tear with a ruth- would suffice to keep up the spirits of a com- Serpents always swallow their prey whole, and there - HAMBURG EDGINGS and INSERTIONS. fore de not carry into their stomachs near so large a nature magnified a thousand-fold, penned less hand the inner emotions of human munity much worse off than we are. ALL-OVER TUCHINGS, very cheap. quantity of «lust as most carnivorous quadrupe ds MONOGRAM KID GLOVES, in opera and spring these words : "Oh ! I wonder if they will let nature and lay bare the quivering nerves. "The melancholy Dane " is to stride forth Her's was an intense realism, but it was which tear their prey to pieces and drag it about while colors : 2-buttons, $1.00; 3-buttons, $1.25; 4-buttons, me stay at peace in heaven—or wherever on Saturday, but his reentree would awaken eating. $1.50 ; 6-buttons, $1.75. they intend to put me ! I am weary and powerfully affecting; it seized hold of the no particular interest did he not come in the We are also told that the serpent "was more subtle spectator and made him shudder, and, than any beast of the field," yet in the serpent family MBS. M. J. HUNT, worn of all these turmoils. When, oh! unquestionable shape of Mr. Charles Cogh- we find some of the dullest and most stupid objects of ocl-ly8 621 and 623 D Street, i wheal ? Poor little Bijou is sadly distressed presto change! (I speak now of the efforts lan, who takes his benefit on that night. If animated nature. What serpent can be compared in of her last days, when she ought to have subtleness with the elephant^ fox or cat? Not one. 1 about tho case involving my name. God Mr. Coghlan would only promise to be as would entreat the farmer ana others not to "crush the MISS E. A. McCOltMICK been content to have remained only a head" of every serpent one meets. Many species are help her ! She has thé thorny road quick- entertaining as the Count Johannes or " the beneficial in the'number of field and meadow mice HAS OPENED A setted for her already!" It was characteris- memory,) all at once you found yourself Boy Hamlet," (who is said to have died they• destroy, and some of the smaller species feed tic of the once great actress, whose death is distressed at the elocutionary vagaries of in Brooklyn recently, by the way—peace to almost entirely upon insects. There are few farmers CHOICE ASSORTMENT this poor woman, and pained that her mo- who have not at times plowed up tho milk snake, just announced, that she should express his rashness!) I doubt not the public would Ophlbolus Doliatus. Is it not beautiful, with its cream- OF ments of power should be only moments— colored coat, marked with ehocolate and black blotches? herself with such intensity about a matter be even more anticipatorily pleased than in some parts oi the oountry this is called the house nothing more. snake, and is wrongly thought to be venomous. Both which was of no intrinsic importance save now, when they know that Mr. C. is certain names are inappropriate and calculated to mislead, French Bonnets and in the fact that it might have been one of for it neither dwells in houses nor drinks milk. As it Matilda Heron's speech at this perform- to be at least conventionally good and per- the last straws destined to break the camel's is principally found in open fields and meadows X ance was not as startling as some that shehad haps (for his Orlando had the air of " 'Tis think clod snake, which is the translation of the ge- Round Hats, back. The loss of fortune and, to a certain neric name Ophlbolus, would be a more appropriate made—witness that of years ago in the West, I! Hamlet the Dane'!") something more. WITH degree, of friends, had sharpened her feel- name. It is as harmless as a duckling. 1, on two oc- when, in trying to express to a public her In any event the admiring fair ones will casions, have carried it alive in my hand. ings to a point that induced what might gratitude for their favorable reception of crowd the house—including, I'll be bound, The common gprtor snake, EutseniaSirtalis,is rather Novelties in Feathers,Flowers, &c.,&c. seem to outsiders extravagant expression, pretty in Its black and yellow striped skin; so also is her efforts, she is reported to have said : the enamoured Oriental . beauty who de- and she lived and moved in an atmosphere the ring snake, Diadophls Punctatus, with its black 533 NINTH STREET, " My friends,. I owe to your encouragement lights to hang like a passionate rose of Ve- body and little white collar. The heat^ or harlequin that one would have been tempted to term rona over an upper box, and seems to invite snake, Slaps Fulvius, encireled by numerous rings of apr9-ly3 (St. Cloud Building.) everything that makes life bright and scarlet, yellow and black, is indeed beautiful,although unreal, had not one paused to think of the happy. I owe to you my unborn child!" the Romeo of her fond desire to wear her it is armed with small, erect poison fangs. The scarlet actual m isery that had led to the conditions snake, Cemophora Coccinea, is similarly colored, but DET GOODS. Her speech at her little daughter's benefit on his heart of hearts. On the same even- is without fangs, consequently harmless. Formerly of her later years. the Indian girls oi Florida used to twine the bead was a tender bit that touched some people ing Lester Wallack will come forward in a new role, the hero of My Awful Dad. snake in their hair, thus making a noat and pretty JOHN II. KENNY, Matilda Heron, although practically with- deeply in its picturesque suggestiveness of head ornament. Some may think this' a horrible Fancy Lester Wallack condescending to fashion, but a snake in the hair is not worse than a drawn from the footlights for some years " a little pleasure and a long pain." Taking bug in the ear—is it? Yet we have often seen bugs enact a man fifty years of age—in short, an previous to her death, was a very remarka- a floral offering that was handed her on hanging to the ears of civilized ladies. However, (Late lace buyer lor A. T. Stewart & Co., New Yofrk,) awful dad! But Charles Matthews, who they are called Brazilian beetles, not bugs. Willis ble figure among the notabilities of the me- being called before the curtain, she said, writes in liis poem entitled Love in a Cottage: adapted the piece from the French and You lie down to your shady slumber tropolis. She was a woman whom one pointing to the basket, "All flowers, not a acted in it in London, has given him a pre- And wake with a bug in your ear. Invites attention to his stock of could not look at without being struck by thorn among them!" , cedent. Mr. Wallack is not as old as the I suppose the poet intends this to be one of the the thought that she lived in other regions terrors of rural life. Now, since Hum Pedro's visit So-me time ago Matilda Heron lived in a venerable but sprightly Charles, to be sure, has made everything from Brazil so fashionable, there than those of the common-place. The rest- small hotel kept by a proprietor of Turkish but then he is decidedly "getting on." is more than one lady who would be happy to— * less fire of her black eyes under her iron- Awake from her shady sluihber, baths, who dispensed that hot air and cold This comedy is best recalled here through a And put a green bug in her ear— grey hair told of a nervous and excitable water commodity on the lower floor. In certain irreverent remark said to have been (A bug llko a glossy cucumber)— REIL AND IMITATION LACES, temperament, and the broad forehead and Without ever dreaming of fear 1 the same house at the time lived George made by his Royal Highness, the Prince of We cannot omit from the list1 of pretty serpents firm jaw gave indication that, whatever Francis Train, and it may well be said that Wales, on contemplating a statue of his late the Osceola snake, which is brilliant red. above, might be her state of life at this latter-day crossed by pairs of black rings,each enclosing a white never were two more eccentric people father. He looked at the effigy of the prince one. It is non-venomous. Our well-known groen EMBROIDERIES, NOVELTIES epoch, she had not lived without accom- thrown together than these, whose views snake, Cyclophis Yenalis, clad in its brilliant green consort and could not refrain from applying coat,has rather a prepossessing appearance. In the far AND plishing some purpose. could scarcely have been alike on any sub7 Southwest and IVlexico are found several beautifully to it the title of Mr. Matthews' then reigning marked serpents, mostly small and non-yonomous, She gave one the idea of a Frenchwoman ject, apd who must have made it particu- comedy, "My Awful Dad!" said Albert Ed- but as thoy are only known to me through descrip- LADIES' FINE UNDERWEAR. in dress, although she was always most larly lively for the other boarders by mani- tions and alcohollo specimens, I omit their names.— ward. Boston Courier. plainly attired in black ; the simple bonnet, fold discussions and arguments at such Due notice will be given of our opening of Spring the skirts guiltless of crinoline even when moments as they happened to meet at the Other novelties are the aforesaid Blue MISCELLANEOUS, crinoline was the fashion, and the long cloak social board. Glass and the operatic spectacle of A Trip Millinery. of water-proof cloth, wore such as the mid- Subsequently Matilda Heron transferred to the Moon, which is to be brought out at 615 Pennsylvania avenue, between Ninth and Tenth THIS streets. oetl8-ly7 dle-aged Frenchwoman of the working class her goods and chattels to the Maison Riche- Booth's theater, to succeed that dismal con- It Is^Worth likes to dress in ; and, perhaps, the contour lieu, an establishment on Lexington ave- coction, Fifth Avenue, with an incidental CUT $5.00 OUT SPRING STYLES. of the Irish face helped the suggestion. nue that now shelters Mile. Aimee and her ballet, in which will figure that doughty, To every reader of this paper who sends us this certifi- She was often to be seen at the theaters, and cherished Didi; here it was that I last met little rival of the suave and barebacked cate and $1.00 we will forward, for one year, "THE NOW READY. TREASURE." a magnificent Illustrated Monthly Jour- never had performances a more interested Miss Heron, and here she unfolded the Bartoletti—Mile. Emma Palladino. This nal and Housekeeper's Magazine, and one copy of our spectator than this veteran actress, whose humming-top has no back to speak of, (or now and elegant premium Ohromo, entitled story of what she considered the injustice ^ASKIKG A BLESSING," eccentricity was evidenced on grand occa- done her daughter by the manager who at least she does not show it,) but she can A masterpiece of the Dusseldorf School of genre painting by Prof. Jordan, size 20^x15%, executed in DRESS HATS, sions in rising and waving her handkerchief first introduced her to the public in Mon- dance like a sylph and sunshine combined. the highest style of Art. Retail price of which is to those artists whom she desired to par- sieur Alphonse. Of the merits or demerits As though this array were not an embar- $5.00, and a copy of thè following beautiful poem de- scriptive of the Chromo, in elegant illuminated colors " FROM $5 to $B, ticularly honor, and whose tears flowed as of the case it was of course impossible to rassment of riches, we are to have a Wagner for framing:: ALSO, readily at the pathetic passages as those of judge, not being acquainted with both sides festival, with Mme. Pappenheim as the Ay; but wait, good wife, a minute; FINE SOFT AND STIFF FELT HAT'S OF THE the "greenest" attendant on the drama prima donna, and a revival of La Belle 1 have first a word to say; MOST APPROVED PATTERNS. of the story, (and every story has two sides,) Do you know what day to-day is? BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S HATS, NEW who ever thought the sorrows of stago but it was very difficult to resist the in- Helene, in which Mile. Aimee will publicly Mother, 'tis our wedding-day! SHAPES. Fine assortment of SILK, ALPACA AND GING- heroines real sorrows and all their woe's fluence of Matilda Heron's alternately vig- demand (after a lapse of some years) why Just as now, we sat at supper HAM UMBRELLAS. actual and not put on with their paint and When the guests had gone away; orous and pathetic manner as she first show- Yenus should take delight— You sat that side, I sat this side, KER & GREEN, Hatters, powder. The last occasion on which she 1419 Pennsylvania avonue, above Willard's Hotel. ered maledictions on Augustin Daly's head, " A vous faire Cdscader, Cascader, Cascader, Forty years ago to-day! oct29-ly distinguished herself in this manner was at and then, with genuine maternal fondness, La vertu ?" Then what plans we-laid together; the premiere of Miss Multon, at which, pictured the effect of the dismissal from his What brave things I meant to do! MISCELLANEOUS. refusing to avail herself of tho seat placed It is not only my mission this week to Gould we dream to-day would find us company of the sensitive and undeniably announce our prospective entertainments, At this table—me and you? at her disposa! by the managament of the talented Bijou because of some disagree- Better so, no doubt—and yet 1 H. E. OFFLEY & CO., Union Squaïe Theater, this strange woman but your own. Your charming townswo- Sometimes think—I cannot tell— ment, the nature of which I have forgotten. man, Miss Adelaide Randall, will have a . Had our boy—ah, yes, I know dear; BANKERS, sat down on the steps as near the extreme It was a cold day, and Matilda Heron had Yes, He doeth all things well. end of the balcony circle as she could get, benefit in Washington just before Lent Well, we've had our joys and sorrows, WASHINGTON, D. C. been suffering from the effects of an injury closes, and there is no necessity to bespeak Shared our smiles as well as tears; and, huddling there, with her «lbows on the to her leg, for which damage she subse- And—the best of all—I've had your BANK OF DEPOSIT, EXCHANGE, COLLEC- railing and her hands pushed into her mass for this young singer, whose efforts in art Faithful love for forty years! TION, &e. quently obtained a round sum from the city have been most meritorious, and whose of iron-grey hair, wept or cheered as the Poor we'vè been, but not forsaken; United States Gold and Silver Coin and Coupons government; she had wrapped, for these Grief we've known, but never shame— achievements are already numerous and bought and sold. Foreign Coin and Exchange. Gov- emotions of the play dictated. She had reasons, a great gray shawl about her,and it Fatherì for 7hy endless mercies most pleasing, a place in your favor. Miss Still we bless Thy Holy Name. ernment Bonds, all issues and denominations. previously formally confided Bijou, who fell from her shoulders to her feet like some This is a rare Randall will appear in L'Ombra, the / i /^i ipl "TiT fi! n chance for District of Columbia securities dealt in and loans was to make her first appearance at this classic drapery; on her abundant but sil- A I ÌÀ \ I Vy°u t0 make monei'- We opera in which she made a successful /i ?T [li \ I i^will pay you large cash negotiated. theater, to Mr. Palmer, the manager, and vered hair-there rested a cap such as dames Collections made at lowest rates and drafts cashed now she watched the progress of her daugh- debut at the Academyof Music here, under Vfl -i-J-Li JL N-/commissions and give you wore in the last century. She made a pic- Mr. Max Maretzek's direction, and which exclusive territory. Send us one dollar, avoid unne- and issued on the principal cities. ter's graceful delineation with an interest ture as she stood there that reminded the cessary correspondence, receive your territory and go Strict personal attention given to orders for invest- she has of late been repeating with the best to work at once. Upon receipt of which we will for- that never faltered. ment securities, and information concerning them writer of the Marie Antoinette one sees rep- results throughout the South. In Savan- ward Agent's outfit, Certificate of Agency, &c. Spe- resented in prints as that queen appeared cimen copies 10 cents; none free. cheerfully sought and furnished. dec2&-tffi She was most demonstrative, however, in nah, Augusta and Macon she was warmly Address, Tlie Treasury Publishing Co., just before being led out to execution ; al- feb25-ly2] No. 49 Cedar Street, New Yorlc. regard to the superb acting of Clara Morris, received, and she has more recently had an ELIX DESFOSSE,S V beit it must be said that Miss Heron's talk enthusiastic success in Jacksonville, Flori- F whom, it may be remembered, she had was not of a nature that would suggest res- FRENCH BAKERY, crowned at a performance oï Camille with da, where there are many visitors from the AGENTS'REPORTER, i«/^ (Established 1859. ignation. North. AGENT'S. Actually overflowing with solid informa- 18 YEARS OF INCREASING SUCCESS. a wreath of laurel. On that occasion the tion indispensable to every Agent. It takes with ev- FELIX DESFOSSE, creatrice of Dumas' heroine in this country, She was dramatic, though, and I shall Is it indeed true that Joaquin Miller is in erybody and everywhere. It is live, bright, spicy and The well known and only real French Bater in Wash- who was much given to speech-making be- brimful of good things. Shows up frauds. Exposes ington, has removed to No. 2012 H St., bet. 20th and never forget the sonorous ring with which your midst and that correspondents from humbugs. Information from headquarters that will 21st Sts, near Penn. Ave., where, in a house expressly fore the curtain, and who, poor soul ! was she delivered these words: "Innotso many Washington are "correspondents to com- be a source of wealth to any in or out of employment. built for the purpose, he has greater facilities than be- oftentimes more abrupt than coherent, re- Articles on the Art of Money-Making, Science oi Can- fore for' the manufacture of the best French and years from now Bijou will have acted in mand and do his spriting gently?" I think vassing, How to (ret Rich, and Instructions to Agents Amorican bread. French Bread a specialty. ferred to herself sadly as the "Camille of the in each number. No advertisements inserted for any French, and English, and Italian—in Paris that Miller will amuse you;- but in the name parties who will not deal honorably with our subscri- Liberal terms offered to hotels and dealers. past," and prophetically pointed to Bijou as find in St. Petersburg—from New York to of the everlasting Sierras, do not let him bers. Ads. from all honorable parties solicited. None N. B.—French bread is recommended for persons of the Camille "of the future." Clara Morris others need apply. delicate health, especially for those suffering from !" impress you with the belief that he is a MUD IT THIS SPECIAL OFFEB.—To every new dyspepsia. Beware^of imitations. jy2-ly? she, of course, recognized as the Camille The blue glass inania is really something great creature, for he is not. He affects Willis subscriber we will send by mail, post paid, free, as a premium, the handsomest jewelry combiha^ <'of the present," not being at all disposed that cannot be escaped; it has got so now eccentricity, as so much stock-in-trade, but tion out, consisting of elegant gold-plated Watoh PATENTS. PENSIONS. tp belittle the magnetic influence of a per- it is all veneer and will rub off; not in- Chain, Lady's Jet Brooch, Jet Ear Drops, pair elegant that one cannot look out of one's back win- Gold-Stone Sleeve Buttons, Lady's Heavy Wedding sonation that has come to be regarded as dows without beiDg confronted with panes, grained, and thus^a curious feature of a Ring, Set (3) Spiral Studs, new style Collar Stud, and II. S. & R. P. EYANS, almost synonymous with pathos. It was Gent's Parisian Diamond Pin. The price is only 75 deeply, darkly, beautifully blue, distribu- strong and original individuality. I have cents a year, post paid, with above valuable premium Attorneys and Counsellors-at-Law, not every Camille that Matilda Heron "took ted to the extent of perhaps three panes in at no feeling against the poet of the far, far free. Can you aiiord to do without" THE HEPOKTKB" Corner Fifth and J) sts. If. TP., opp. City Sail, to," as witness her receipt to the managers for the trifle we ask.? POSTAGE STAMPS TAKES AS P. O. Box 104. Washington, D. O. least one window of almost all the houses West, except the natural disgust that one CASIT oï Mrs. Kousby for fifty dollars (her roy- whose rears are in range. On the avenue it feels at a man making, as some one said, a Remit 75 cents at once to U. S. Supreme Court, Court of Claims, District THE TREASURE PUBLISHING CO., Courts. Local Collections, Internal Revenue Oases. alty, "for the crucifixion of having witnessed has got to be quite the thing to have a case- missing link of himself. If Joaquin would moh4-ly8 49 Cedar Street, New York. oet8-ly2 o THE CAPITAL.----MARCH 11, 1877.

Donn, we will renew his contract for the extermina- put in writing. Cilley complied on all points except the room, the only variety of color permitted being in THE HfAUGTJBàL ADDRESS. that of Webb's standing, wnich he neither admitted the dark-toned blue and the grayer flat tint. There is, MEDICAL. tion of moth, mold and mildew— a process that is also nor denied. Graves regarded this as equivocal, and however, one picture on the walls; but this is a full- water-repellant. [The crowd look blue, and a voice asked for more explicitness, but the gentleman from length life-size portrait of a lady in Japanese costume, The President spoke as follows : cries, * Poppycock; kill 'em; damn 'em, kill 'em."] Maine declared that he could not permit himself to be by Mr. Whistler, which occupies a frame over the fire- MY FBTLOW-CITIZEHB : In accepting tlie high office further catechized. Then a challenge passed, Cilley plaoe. It is not this, however, which alone suggests No, my fellow-citizens; no violence. Any violence, accepting; the weapons rifles; the distance a hundred the resemblance to Japahese taste, for the whole inte- so unexpectedly thrust upon me, it is first our duty to however slight, might cause a shrinkage of values— yards. rior is so fanciful and fantastic, and at the same time return thanks to the Almighty for His divine inter- a panic in trade—and knock down the securities upon Webb, learning that a duel was to occur, deter- so ingenious and original in motive, as to be com- ratimi in our behalf. Events of the last sixteen years mined to prevent it, insisting on his right to take the pletely Japanesque. which we live. Leave this matter to me. It is better, position of Graves. He was purposely kept in igno- When the room is furnished, as it Is intended to be, ha.ro 8»own this guiding hand in our earthly afl'airs, when you are in possession, to conciliate an enemy rance of the time and place of the meeting ; but in with the vases aijd other pretty ornaments, which, it and prave beyond cavil that the Republicans are like than to pay costs, even if you gain ydur ease. company with two resolute friends, the three armed to may be presumed, will not be restricted to blue and the tlUHdren of Israel, the chosen people of the Lord. the teeth, scoured the vicinity of the capital to inter- gold only, but will enrich the "harmony" with every DE. CHANDLER, F.R.S.A., Now, you are naturally curious as to my Cabinet, rapt the combat at all hazards. While they were in- beautiful modulation of color and form, and when the Some skeptical minds may question this on the ground and there is much speculation as to who my constitu- tent on this purpose, Cilley's body was brought into blue carpet covers the floor the last touch of finish will Late Physician io St. George's and St. Bartholo- that these children have shown a disposition to seize tional advisers are to be. I have no objection to name the city. He had been killed almost instantaneously be put to this very novel piece of decoration, which, mew's Hospitals, London, Curator to upon what is not their own, thereby exhibiting that them here, although it is not usual in an Inaugural on the third fire, the challenger escaping unhurt. 'besides its originality, has great interest in being St. Elizabeth's, etc. absence of purity claimed to be essential to those What would have been the result if Webb and his throughout the work of the artist's own hand, without address. But this is the day of innovation, as my ap- friends had found the dueling party before the fight the adventitious aid of the stenoiler, and marked After years of the most laborious re- favored by the Divinity. But we have to remember pearance here by a returning board proves; there- it is impossible to conjecture. The tragedy could with artistic feeling and individuality in the design search and investigation, and after the that when the children of Israel; under the guidance fore I see no impropriety in taking you into my confi- hardly have failed, however, to have been much deep- and the execution. practical application in treatment to thou- of Moses, fled the house of bondage, they did seize, ened. sands of patients, Geo. Chandler, A.M., dence. . As Cilley was a Democrat and Graves a Whig, as M.I)., noiv presents to the American pub- take, and carry away all the property oi the Egyp- It was my first intention to call upon the Young were Webb and Henry A. Wise, the duel was consid- MEDIOAL. lic the following remedies, his sole dis- covery and property, the efficacy of wJiicU^ tians they could possibly transport. [Cries, "Dat's Men's Christian Association to provide me with a ered a political one—which it was not—and was judged so!" and eheers.] in a partisan fashion. It is plain enough now that it is attested in the voluminous quantity of Cabinet. But it was thought this might be consid- was wretchedly mismanaged by Wise on one side and 6C testimonials, the unsolicited offerings of This has been held by the highest christian moral- suffering and discouraged patients, who ered sectarian; so the intention was abandoned. General Jones on the other ; since, as the principalx s ists to have been just and proper, for that the children were contending for a mere point of honor, there is no have not only received relief and benefit Then I thought to offer two or three leading places to from their continued use, but have beeyi. of the Lord only took that which was due in the way reason, even according to tne code, why they should Says a Boston physician, " has no equal as a blood pr6minent Southern Democrats, but I could find none have exchanged more than one shot. The melancholy purifier. Hearing of its many wondèrful cures, after radically cured of ailments and chrowic of wages fot their many years of unrequited toil. willing to accept and face their constituents. 1 then affair from beginning to end is a capital illustration complaints, which have been adjudged by all other remedies had failed, -I visited the Laboratory the most eminent physicians as hopeless. ["Amen," and cheers.] determined to fetch all my Cabinet from Ohio. [Groans of the irrationality and absurdity of the duello. and convinced myself of its genuine merit. It is pre- Wow, had Moses, through a returning board and a from the crowd.] 1 WEBB AND TOM MARSHALL IN THE FIELD. pared from barks, roots and herbs, each of which high joint electoral commission, been made King of Four years later Webb was called to the field by is highly effective, and they are compounded In such a The leading place, that of Secretary of the Treasury, Thomas F., better known as Tom Marshall, the clever manner as to produce astonishing results." Egypt, would not the children have the same right to I tender to Senator John Sherman. His qualification but erratic Kentuckian, who has been called a great seize, hold and enjoy the property of their political for the position is that he knows nothing about natural orator, and for many years distinguished him- . opponents ! Of a certainty, yes; and this is our caso self alternately as an advocate of temperance and as finance, and therefore he will not be embarrassed by an example of the evils of its violation. Webb, as edi- VEGETINE precisely. [Voice, "Dat's so; Moses went for de hen IOBRKAR. any preconceived ideas or theorios. I wish to retain tor of the Courier and Enquirer, had sharply criticized Is the great Blood Purifier. roosts." Cheers.] Marshall for his active exertions in Congress" to re- the Hon. as Attorney General for the peal the bankrupt law, and while the latter was ar- This incomparable DEP URATIVE is The services of the Republican party to the country same reason, and the reason, in addition, that 1 once guing a case before the court of oyer and terminer in a powerful ALTERATIVE, TONIC, DI- cannot be over-estimated nor over-paid. It saved the this city certain strictures were passed upon him that URETIC, DIAPHORETIC, and APERI- rented an office of him in Cincinnati. One good turn VEGETINE ENT, combining virtues which render Tjnion through a four years' war, in which the Repub- provoked a cartel. deserves another. My friend ex-Governor Noyes I Will cure the worst case of Scrofula. it invaluable and never-failing, and by licans alone fought, bled and died. It emancipated intend for the Navy. Ho gets horribly seasick and The Kentuckian declared that the journalist daily its continued use will thoroughly eradi- four millions of slaves, it created a national debt continued his attacks upon him; that they wore per- cate all diseases of the blood. Its ingre- this may cure him. The Hon. Job Stevenson, Secre- fectly outrageous; and that finally he was held up as dients are of a purely harmless extrac- that bus been hold by great political economists to be tary of the Interior. The good Deacon Smith I place a renegade ready to inflict injury, but lacking courage VEGETINE tion, the products gathered from remote a national blessing, for it encourages economy and to resist insult or vindicate character. This is doubt- Egyptian Provinces, and where there is in the office of Postmaster General. Stanley Matthews less an exaggeration, though the language was op- promotes labor. It has kept tfie turbulent South in a Is recommended by physicians and apothecaries. the slightest taint of disease in the sys- 1 select as my Secretary of War; Ben. Eggleston as probrious enough to justify resentment. The meetihg tem, it never fails in ejecting that disease state of abject servitude, thereby teaching that rest- Secretary of State. was in Delaware, and at the second fire Webb's leg through, the medium of the skin, or ex- less region humility and good citizenship. It has was hit, causing a painful wound that disabled him pelling it through the many and various 1 have arranged to have my excellent friend Garfield for a good while. His antagonist hated the journalist VEGETINE taught the negro, late slave, that he is master, and thoroughly, and expressed regret afterwards that he, channels of the body, thereby allowing, returned as senatorin place of Sherman; thus provid- and, indeed, forcing all the orga/ns into given to our halls ol legislation some of the brightest had not killed him, whioh was neither generous nor Has effected some marvelous cures in cases of Cancer. ing for all the eminent.men of my State except Murat chivalrous. their proper normal and functional con- - statesmen our country has ever known. Can these d it ion. A very brief space of time toill services be estimated or paid for in money? Cer- Halstoad, to whom I purpose tendering the lucrative The grand jury indicted Webb for leaving the State convince any patient using it, of its un- with the intent "to give or receive a challenge, and in tainly not. What, in comparison, are sums lost in offioe of postmaster at Cincinnati, to repay him for VEGETINE doubted reliability and wonderful cura-- losses in making his independent journal a partisan his special plea before the; court he made these re- tive properties, it being, most unquestion- the Credit Mobilier, the Pacific Mail, th'e Black Fri- marks, which are certainly manly and full of common Cures the worst cases of Canker. ably, the very acme of medical triumphs+ organ in our behalf. [This part of the address was J sense: "I do not pretend to deny that 1 quitted the and the greatest discovery of the present day, the whisky ring, or the donation of our public "l State expressly to fight a duel with Hon. Thomas F. domain to railroad corporations? [Cries of "Amen," received in silence and disgust, there beir g too much age, in the treatment of every disease Ohio already in theirn.] Marshall; but there are those who will bear witness VEGETINE where the blood itself is primarily the and applause.] . > that 1 utterly refused to sanction any arrangement seat of the lesion or disorder, such as And now let me say In conclusion: I have re engaged which would give the meeting a sanguinary appear- Meets with wonderful succoss in Mercurial diseases. . Nów, an ungrate luì people, in a moment of much ance. With me it was strictly a point of honor; and SCROFULA and the thousand and one political excitement, seemed to. have forgotten these Brother Newman, who, assisted by two able-bodied my solemn determination that, under no circumstan- causes that lead to this terrible affliction, clergymen, will nightly return thanks for our victory, ces, would I take the life of my antagonist, can leave of which all civilized communities Ore services, and in tlie election that followed, by a ma- cognizant, for Biblical Truth has assert- and pray the Lord to continue his divine interposition no doubt on the minds of honorable men that 1 was VEGETINE i( jority of the popular vote, and a majority in the elec- not actuated by any feelings of malice toward him. I ed that the Sins of the fathers shall toral college, declared they would have no more of in our behalf. Bob Ingorsoll can have no recognition simply acted in accordance with the dictates of that Will eradicate Salt Rheum from the system. visit even unto the third and fourth gen- from my administration until he experiences a change public opinion which I had not the moral courage to erations," and to BROKEN-DOWN A&D this great party so favored of God. In this moment contemn—that public opinion which is alike arbitrary ENFEEBLED CONSTITUTIONS it is a of trial and sore tribulation, the Lord raised up a of heart and turns from the worship oi Jim Blaine to and unjust; which, while it for ever disgraces all who VEGETINE potverful rejuvenator, causing the terecfc man In our behalf, in the person of J. Madison Wells, the God of Israel. shrink from* these personal encounters, at the same of man once more to assume the God-like [A deep, solemn amen swung through the crowd as time gravely censures all who engage in them. It Cures the most Inveterate cases of Erysipelas. form of manhood. who, through his firmness, stimulated and sustained was with me but a choice of evils. 1 selected what 1 For CUTANEOUS DISEASES, URIN- by a reasonable sum of money, stayed the wild it dispersed.] deemed the less. Solemnly resolving that in no con- ARY DISORDERS, CONSTIPATION OR tumult and turned the tide in our iavor. [Cheers for tingency would 1 take the life of my adversary, 1 had VEGETINE COSTIVENESS, LIVER AND KIDNEY a right to believe that the law which had never been COMPLAINTS, GENERAL AND NERV- Wells. NOTED DUELS enforced against others would not be revived against Removes Pimples>nd Humors from'the face. OUS DEBILITY, RHEUMATISM. It is asserted by these evil-minded Democrats that me. From the duel 1 alone am the sufferer. Had 1 GLANDULAR ENLARGEMENTS, EPI- been influenced by the same feelings as my antagonist, THELIOMAS US CANCER, SCURVY, this j. Madison Wells is a man of bad character, and [N. Y. Cor. Chicago Times.] he might have been long since the tenant of the silent AFFECTIONS &F THE BONES, INDO- tomb, and I a wanderer from my home, an object of VEGETINE therefore could not be an instrument of tlie Almighty. AN EXTRAORDINARY AND DEADLY DUEL. LENT ULCERS, FEMALE COM- execration and denunciation by that very society which Cures Constipation and regulates the bowels. PLAINTS (and to the gentler sex it is a My fellow-citizens, Divine Providence, through mys- One ot the most dramatic and extraordinary duels really compelled the meeting." terious ways, accomplishes his wondrous ends. He as boon long sought for by sensitive, suscep- oi the present century was that between William Cole- tible, and delicate females, as it takes frequently uses the evil as the good. Indeed, to revert man, editor of The Evening Post, and Captain Thomp- Webb was sentenced to Sing-Sing for a term of two son, harbor master. It occurred in the summer of 1803 VEGETINE direct action upon their ailments) AND again to the children of Israel, later and able divines, years: but petitions for his pardon were numerously ALL FORMS OF CHRONIC DISEASE under the following circumstances: James Cheetham, signed, and before the date of his compulsory retire- such as Brother Newman, High Keeper of the Execu- a fierce Republican, and editor of The American Cit- Is a valuable remedy for Headache. IN WHICH THE BLOOD IS THE SEAT ment from public life Governor Seward pardoned him. OF THE TROUBLE, it is invaluable. A tive Conscience, and others, hold that the patriarch s izen,, had a violent discussion with Coleman, an ardent Federalist, which led to a challenge from the former. Webb, though he has just passed his seventy-fifth perseverance with this remedy will prove and prophets of the old Testament were men of prof- year, is still visible in Broadway, looking venerable a positive and permanent cure for Coleman, who had founded The Post, (November 16, but vigorous, and full of his old fire. He has seen VEGETINE ligate'ehaxacter. In this way Brother Newman con- 1801,) was a native of Massachusetts, and had begun CHILLS and FEVERS and all MALA- wonderful changes in the country and the metropolis, RIAL POISONS. founded the Mormon preacher who sought to confuse with the determination to keep his paper clear of per- and in nothing more of a change than in the news- Will cure Dyspepsia. sonalities and to inculcate just principles in religion, paper press. The fever of journalism must still burn Thousands of Testimonials attest the him by reference to those old patriarchs and prophets. politics and morals. Party strifes ran too high, how- in his ancient veins ; for it is only a week or two since truth of these claims. [Cheers.] ever ; ho was obliged to take a purely secular course, that he had a very long letter on tlie political situation VEGETINE Price, One Dollar, in large bottle, or though he had frequently denounced dueling as a in one of the morning dailies. six bottles, $5» But, my fellow citizens, we are saved any considera- deadly and barbarous custom. Restores the entire system to a healthy condition. tion of the character of J. Madison Wells by the high A SPANISH PISTOL MATCH. Challenged himself, he had not the moral courage joint commission, that finally ended this contest; that to decline; but J udge Brockholst Livingston, in order One of the last journalistic duels in which any blood decided we. could not go behind tlie returns in any to prevent the meeting, ordered out a posse and had was spilled was between two foreigners, Senor Jose VEGETINE the principals arrested. The arrest was interpreted Ferrer de Canto, editor of El Cronista, a Spanish paper GASTROtf. investigation of corruption. So, when J. Madison against Coleman, and Thompson, a friend of the ad- printed here, and Senor Francisco Porto, a wealthy Cures Pains in the Side. Wells is assailed, we can say with the same logical ministration, declared publicly that the editor of The Cuban, one of the editors ot La Revolution, the Cuban GASTRON is a safe, speedy, and posi- tive cure for that most depressing of ail- reasoning that we are not called upon to go.behind the Post could not be made to finht. The charge created organ. They quarreled, as may be/inferred, about the excitement among the political leaders,- and after con- revolution in the Q,ueen of the Antilles, and went to VEGETINE ments, and a brief course of treatment will returns. [Loud, long and continued applause.] sultation it was decided that the journalist must call Canada to shoot at one another. They masked their restore the digestive organs to their pris- Still furthor, in support of the belief that the Lord the captain out. Every possible precaution was taken intent very skillfully; they reached Lundy's Lane on Removes the cause of Dizziness. tine strength, and promote the healthy to avoid a repetition of legal interference A well- a delightful Sunday morning in June (1869.) settled action of the stomach and intestines. Tl\e- is with us, at the same time and in the same placo He known surgeon, Dr. McLean, received one morning the preliminaries hastily, and, twenty seconds after, nervous irritability of literary and all raised up Mrs. Eliza Plnkston. This woman, brought an anonymous letter to the eitect that at 9 o'clock of Senor Porto fell. It was thought he was killed, but VEGETINE persons pursuing a sedentary life, is in on a sofa, horribly mangled, mutilated and abused, the same evening he would find a horse and gig on investigation proved that it was nothing worse than a speedily removed by this agent. The the south of Bowling Green, foot of Broadway. He ball through both legs. The affair was all over before Relieves Faintness at the Stomach. stomach is restored to health and the key- moved the heart of the American people-in our behalf was requested to drive» to a particular spot on the road anybody, except their immediate friends, had any sus- note of the system will once more respond and paved the way to the acceptance of J. Madison running alongside of Potter's Field, (now Washington picion of what was in the wind. in the performance of labor. Wells' acts. [Cheers for Pinkston and AVells.] square,) where some friends would be awaiting him. Dr. P. S. Townsend of The Evening Star took a pu- Price, One Dollar, in large bottle, or VEGETINE six bottles, $5. It is alleged that' Eliza Pinkston is not a chaste wo- He complied with -tne request. Arriving at the gilistic turn at Bennett in the banking quarter, more pla.ee designated, he heard pistol-shots, and looking than forty years since, and was exhibited in a ludi- Cures Pains in the Rack. man. This has nothing to do with the question, and over the fence, saw by the moonlight one man sup- crous light in the issue of the Herald. if it had we can say that, even in the pursuit of Eliza's porting another, with two or three figures at a little BENNETT AND HAMBLIN. ' chastity, according to the decision, we cannot go be- distance. The manner in which Bennett treated such occur- VEGETINE hind the returns, Can wo go behind Eliza? God for- The supporter inquired, "Are you Dr. McLean?" rences may ftejudge d from his encounter with Tom and receiving an affirmative reply, he continued, Hamblin, manager of the Bowery, then (1839) the Effectually cures Kidney Complaint. bid. [Voioe, "Amen."] "This gentleman needs your aid; please take charge fashionable theater of the city. The manager and his But on this delicate indelicate subject we may rest of him, and carry him to his friends. wife had separated, causing much scandal and public TRACHEON. The speaker then laid the person on the grass, and discussion, the Herald siding with the wife. When VEGETINE easy, for Messrs. Sherman and Garfield having testi hurried off with the others. the Bowery was burned a complimentary benefit was A slight so-called cold will ofttimes- fled to the good character of J. Madison Wells, saying lead to a serious cough, which, uneared The doctor recognized the wounded man as Capt. tendered Hamblin, but Bennett opposed it strongly in Is effective in its cure of Female Weakness. for or badly treated, must have but one that his character was as good as their own, doubtless Thompson. Staunching the blood flowing from his his paper, and consequently the house, on the evening side as well as he could, he bore him to his residence, of tlie benefit, was pitiably small. .Soon after, at a result—it must eventuate in a settled case if called on they would also bear testimony to the left him at the door, rang the bell, and went away. dinner party of the actor's friends, it was decided, of BRONCHITIS, or what is worse, the chastity of Eliza. It is in evidence that these gentle- His family answered the bell, and were horrified and white the diners were flushed with wine, to go to the VEGETINE deadly CONSUMPTION. To all suffering from harassing cough and expectoration, men attended and took part in the festivities ot an astounded at what met their sight. The captain re- editor's office and chastise him. Hamblin, large and Is the great remedy for General Debility. fused to give any account of the* affair; said he had muscular, in Company with three or four others, en- TRACHEON offers a sound, reliable, and octoroon ball at New Orleans, where Eliza would have been honorably treated, and bogged that no effort tered the Herald furtively by a rear entrance, and fell permanent relief. It augments expecto- been probably had it not been for her numerous should be made to discover his adversary. On the violently and unexpectedly upon the journalist writ- ration, and enables the patient to expel third day he died, and so the strange tragedy ended. ing at his desk. Things wfere disordered generally, VEGETINE that terribly septic deposit, which, if left wounds. [Laud cheers and cry, " 'Pore God, ain't he Coleman went back to his editorial duties, and no at- and Bennett would have been seriously hurt but for without judicious treatment, must com- cute !"] tempt was made to molest him. He died of apoplexy the interference of the police. As usual, the paper Is acknowledged by all classes of people to'be the best municate its poison to the vesicular sub- I admit, my fellow-citizens, that it is something new twenty-six years after, and was succeeded by William printed a detailed, though not very accurate descrip- and most reliable blood purifier in the world. stance of the lung, degenerating and de- Cullen Bryant, who had begun to write for The Post tion of the battle, at the close of which, Bennett said VEGETINE IS SOLI) BY ALL DRUGGISTS. stroying that most essential of organs, to inaugurate a President who has been defeated at some three years previous. Hamblin had picked up a silver half dollar lying on feb25-lmo3 and ultimates only in an early ana un- the polls and In the electoral college. But, my friends, the counter and decamped. "Now we don't care a timely death. TRACHEON has no equal,, BRYA 1ST AS A BELLIGERENT. cent," continued he, "about Hamblin's foolish at- much less a superior, and its use will not this is a progressive age, and true statesmanship de- Bryant, not over amiable even in his 83d year, used tempt to do us physical harm; but we do care fifty JOSEPH BOSS, mands of us that we consider and promote the real only remove the deposit, thereby affording- to be very testy. He has never fought any duels, cents about tlie half-dollar he has stolen." 431 Ninth street, between 1) great relief, but heals the membrane and interests of the country regardless of past usages that albeit of sufficiently pugnacious disposition, as would leaves the patient in possession of healthy seem evident from the report that he once made a Bennett, speaking of the matter long after, said and E northwest, have survived their usefulness. It was the intent of the half-dollar story turned the public mind from the lung tissue. personal assault with a cane upon William L. Stone PRACTICAL TRUSS MAKER, Prite, Fifty Cents per bottle, or six- the fathers to found this Government upon the ballot, of the Commercial Advertiser, and declined a cartel main fact. People ceased to think of the assault, and bottles, $2.50. ' as a better way to insure self-government. But after for no other reason than that its sender was not his fell to wondering whether Hamblin had or hau not social peer. carried off the half-dollar. nearly a century's experience we find the polls so cor- The journalist unquestionably understood human Sole Agent for the District of Columbia for the best rupted that It is necessary to organize an institution A DUEL "WITH A DROLL ENDING. nature, at least human nature of the average sort. ELASTIC TRUSS, without metal springs. Patented Hemorrhoids. that, intervening between the ballot and the official, Another singular and almost comical duel was the 1873. Manufactured by the Pomeroy Truss Co., 746 one fought by John Swartwout and l)e Witt Clinton, •RUSK AND GREELEY. Broadway, New York. PILOJV. • saves the one and protects the other. This is called a at the first of this century. Neither of them was pro- Albert Rusk, a member of Congress from Arkan- sas, before the civil war, assaulted on A complete assortment of Hard Rubber and all Many causes tend to produce this pain- returnfng'board. Of these we have four thousand in fessionally a journalist, but their quarrel grew out of other kinds of Trusses, Elastic Silk Stockings, Shoul- newspaper insolence. When the American Citizen the grounds of the Capitol at Washington because he ful and distressing state. The blood is my own State alone. Those of Ohio are not so per- disliked something The Tribune had printed. During der Braces, Supporters, &c.-constant!v on hand. retarded in its return; the too frequent denounced Aaron Burr for deserting the Democracy, Ladies will be waited upoirby Mrs. Ross. fect as those existing In the South, but through the Burr's friends set up the Morning Chronicle in his de- several sessions subsequent, Greeley—even the peace- use of drastic purgatives tends to produce ful Greeley—is said to have carried a revolver to pro- je25-ly7 congestion of the bowels, torpid action of efforts of our friends John Sherman and James A. fense, and Matthew L. Davis, the "Van Nesses and Swartwouts contributed to its columns. The Citizen tect himself from further attacks, and the fact becom- the liver, and numerous other causes are Garfield wo hope ere long to have them in the same ing known he was not molested again. the source of this complaint, and hitherto accused Burr of interfering with the Federalists for DR. ROGERS, ~ nothing effectual has been presented to admirable condition. The theory here worked into the defeat of Jeff erson for the Presidency, and the the public, which would rapidly alleviate Chronicle reciprocated by bitterly attacking the Clin- Peacock Decoration. praotioe is that the ballot counts for nothing until it tons, Livingstons and other influential Federalists. Consulting and Practicing Medical Elec- symptoms and ultimately prove an effect- has been manipulated and sanctioned by the Return- [From the London Times.) trician. ive cure. In PILON tve have a remedy The political heat was so great that the old Manhattan which not only acts almost instantly, but ing board. It is true that this Inures to the benefit of Bank took part against Burr, and refused to re-elect A singular experiment in decoration has just been Swartwout as director because he was Burr's friend. carried out by Mr. Whistler, well known as a painter, NERVOUS DISEASES AND DISEASES OF will remove the largest tumors of the parts the party in power. But this should give us no con- The campaign was burning, and during its progress, and even more distinguished as an etcher. Au apart- WOMEN A SPECIALTY. (Pilesy by absorption, and many who cern, as wo are the party in power and, please God, have received not only benefit, but have in a political discussion between Swartwout and Clin- ment in the house of Mr. Leyland, at Prince's Gate, been radically cured, have been assured intend to remain. We are in our father's house and ton, the latter called the former a liar and a villain. has been decorated throughout in blue and gold, the OFFICE 809 NINTH STREET N. W. Swartwout demanded an apology; Clinton replied that ornamentation being entirely derived from the beau- fcb4-ly (prior to using this treatment) by emi- wo intend to stay. [Cries, "Dat's so; hit'em agin," nent surgeons that the only relief they he had been charged with unworthy motives in oppos- tiful plumage of the peacoek, displayed in various ever could expect in life, would be by an and loud cheers."] ing Burr, and that his harsh epithets were merely a formSj the whole intended by Mr. Whistler to be what, operation, and removing it or them from Now It would be proper for me here to say a word retaliation. If the original charge were withdrawn he in liis peculiar pictorial nomenclature, he calls "har- SQUIBB'S PREPARATIONS would withdraw the epithets. mony in blue and gold." The room, which is on the the body by a procedxire which necessitat- about my policy. I Would but for one difficulty—I AND ed the kn.ife. This remedy has been hailed ground floor, is not large, and rather narrow, being lit with delighty and is now prescribed by have no policy. 1 did promise a civil-service reform, The matter could not be settled without recourse to by three windows at the side, and differing from or- arms, and they fought near Weehawken. Five shots dinary rooms chiefly in having a ceiling moulded English Extracts! many practising physicians, who are cog- and I promise it again. It will be of easy accom- were exchanged; three without effect. At the fourth with ten or twelve leaf-shaped compartments, from With Full Line of Pharmaceutical Products. nizant of its merits, as the only known plishment. 1 intend retaining all the good men in fire Clinton's bullet lodged in Swartwout's leg, and which depend as many stalactitio droppers, to which Special attention given to compounding Physicians' sure cure for PILES. Richard Riker, the former's Second, inquired, "Is your office and turning out all the incompetent ones. This lamps arc fixed. It has also a peculiarity in a sort of Prescriptions. Also, Soda, Vichy and Kissengen on Price, Fifty Cents per package, or six principal satisfied now?" light trellis-work of wood fixed to the wall, forming draught. will alford ample room for those earnest men who have "He is not," came from the wounded man's friend, shelves for the display of Oriental porcelain. for $2.50. m^mammam exerted themselves In tfie late election to secure our and the fifth fire put another bullet in the same leg. JOS. IV. HODGKIN8, This, like every part of the interior, has now been 3006 7 th St. If. W., 3 floors above Boundary St. . continuation in office. [Cheers and'crics of "Bobby, "Now is your principal satisfied?" again was asked, THE ABOVE REMEDIES ARE and again a negative was returned; whereupon Clin- profusely gilt, and even the inner surfaces of the shut- ap28-l thorough in the eradication of the differ- make way for your uncle," and laughter.] ters are covered completely with flat gilding, upon ent and various maladies denominated, ton, who had no animosity whatever against his adver- which are painted large peacocks, so that when the My attention has been callcd to certain .turbulent sary, exclaimed, "Then he may go to the devil! I'll and are the result of patient, searching, fight no more!" and immediately quitted the field. windows are closed and the lamps lit the effect is com- DR. MARY PARSONS, laborious, and scientific investigationy spirits who threaten us with an armed resistance. plete,-and the artist then realizes his idea of a cham- embracing a period of many years, in They are such men as the venerable Jere. Black, THE GRAVES-CILLEY DUEL, ber resplendent as the gorgeous bird itself. Mr. Europe and America. fought in the winter of 1838, is still fresh in the niinds Whistler, explaining his design, says a pattern has Henry Watterson and Donn Piatt. If the specific directions are complied of many who have forgotten its immediate cause. been invented from the eye of the peacock's feather, with, thousands of patients will bear wit- Well, my friends, unless these gentlemen are more Matthew L. Davis, the life-long friend of Aaron Burr, combined with one devised from the breast feathers. 611 Thirteenth street Northivcst. almost his only friend, indeed, for many years preced- These two patterns, either in blue or gold, are repeated ness to their relative merits, and corrob- terrible in the next war than they were in the last we orate every assertion. Where there ave ing his death, was the Washington correspondent of throughout the room. They are spread from the lamps many complications of disease, and pa- need not be disturbed in our dreams. [Loud laugh- the Courier and Enquirer, and charged some member over the ceiling, and in the cove of the cornice the eye OFFICE HOURS : 8 to 10 A. M., 3 to 5 P. N. tients so desire, DR. CHANDLER will ter.] My Illustrious predecessor was much troubled of Congress, mentioning his name, with corruption. of the feather is seen running along beneath the small The matter was brought before the House ot liepre- breast feathers. octlf>-ly be pleased to give all information, and by these pestiferousigentlemen, especially Donn Piatt; sentatives, and the correspondent summoned as a treat by letter if necessary. but being a military man, moro ready to fight than witness.. An exciting debate ensued, and Jonathan . From the cornice to the dado the wall is painted a Descriptive and Explanatory Circu- flat blue, and on the end wall is a large design oi two POTOMAC PAPER MILL, lar of the above remedies sent on receipt think, he did not know how to deal with them. He Cilley, a member from Maine, was very severe on James Watson Webb, editor-in-chief of the offending great peacocks fighting, all painted in gold, and with GEORGETOWN, D. C. of stamp. If the PROPRIETARY met abuse with abuso, and threats with violence, and newspaper. flashing eyes of real diamond and ruby. The dado MEDICINES are not on sale at your has the ornament of the breast feathers varied in one particular druggist's, send orders to even invoked the aid of the law. Webb at once went to the capital to have an explana- band with gold on blue, and in another the reverse of I shall treat them- In a different way. As the At- tion or satisfaction. He called upon Cilley through blue on gold. In this way Mr. Whistler contrives to his friend Graves of Kentucky in courteous terms, it introduce a certain variety by ringing the changes in DR. CHANDLER, torney General's office has been for years without any is said, for an explanation of his language. Cilley his "harmony" of blue and gold, employing through- GEOEGE HILL, Jr., law, and will probably continue to suffer from this hesitated to receive the communication, in writing of 1479 Broadway, New-York City. out the feather forms of the bird. But on the shutters, Manufacturer of and wholesale dealer in want, I shall pay the aged Jere. Black some huge fees course, but asked time to consider. After considera- when closed, and thus filling the recesses of the win- tion he declined to receive the communication, and SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. jen7-ly8 to enlighten the Attorney General. I shall astonish the dows, pairs of large peacocks are painted, not, how- took the ground in conversation with Graves, that he ever, in their natural colors, but in the fiat tint and ERY BEST PRICES PAID FOR people of the United Stages by advertising in a journal was not personally responsible for language used in gold which belongs to the conventiimal treatment of debate; that he intended no discourtesy to Graves, the decorator. PAPER. V that has the lafgesi circulation in the southwest. That and as Graves understood him, made nb objection to SECOND-HAND CLOTHING, will satisfy Henry Watterson and cause him to regard Webb's standing as a gentleman. Afterward Graves Anything like pictorial decoration, by employing Warehouse, 433 Ninth Street fortbliest. BOOTS. SHOES, &C., requested that the substance of the conversation be the beautiful iridescent colors of the peacock plumage, AT JUSTH'S OLD STAND, a returning board as a divine dispensation. As for has been carefully avoided in the ornamentation of sepl0-tf2 WASHINGTON, D. O. 612 D street northwest. Orders by mail promptly attended to. maiCl-tC 4 THE CAPITAL.----MARCH 11, 1877. o

quality he won his way to the head 'of our That Mr. Hayes should appoint Evarts, Sing we of Uonklinff, Boscoe bright, IN OUR ISSUE of to-day we publish the in- THE CAPITAL. armies at a time when the Confederacy was Scliurz, Devens and Key to his Cabinet, men The level-headed statesman with heart all right. dictment fpund against us by the grand falling from sheer exhaustion. In popular Through all thè annals of the,by-gone time, jury of the District. It is something of a possessed of the confidence of an honest peo- Telling in verse or prose of deeds sublime— WASHINGTON CITY. estimation the last doctor and sometimes the ple ; that he should promise to return the Of priestly martyrs dying at the stake, novelty, and therefore good reading, as the last dose kills or cures the patient. The army to its legal and legitimate duty ; that lie Of patriot soldiers and of statesmen great— Yankee remarked of the Bible unexpect- edly left him by a will. We are e&arged SUNDAY MOKITING, - - MARCH 11.1877. general who lost more in killed between the should re-announce as a principle all that lie No one is grander than the man who stood Rapidan and Richmon,d than his foe had in gave1 us as promise in tiie way of civil service, Above all factions for his country's good; with inciting an insurrection: We suppose 'Severed his party ties and 'gainst the tide the District attorney, the learned Wells, is command was regarded as a great captain, are enough to make us thank God and take EXIT GEAHT. Of blind unreason turned the wrath aside; ready with tlie insurrection or rebelMon or because he happened to be general when courage, if we could forget the crime through Of all the Presidents who at the end of Lord of the tempest and the iron will riot to which we incited. This, is the the Confederacy ended. which he came to power. But there is no Who to the storm-tossed waters cried " be still," their terras have stepped down and out,leav- only limit prescribed by law to free speech repentance, penance, prayer or good works And saw the waves subside, the winds aliate, ing the key in the door for the successor, the His ignorance of our Government was so and a free press. If the riot, insurrection or that can undo the wrong done. A blow has And riding safe again the ship of State. strangest is that of Ulysses S. Grant. As dense that it brought discredit on his intel- 'Twos thus, oh, Roscoe, in our darker days, rebellion follows the incendiary language, been struck that has shaken the veryfounda- he passes from the entrance under the por- lect. One could scarcely comprehend how a You won from foes themselves the meed of praise. the author must, of course, take the conse- dations of self-government. The faith in the tico to the shades of obscurity found in pri- man of ordinary mind should have so con- What elouds were gathered In our nation's way quences; but the old English doctrine of trea- ballot, so long weakened by wicked men, has When factions led and demagoguos held sway; son, that made a wish that a deer kifited by vate life for mediocrity,he leaves behind him fused a knowledge of the Government he was been destroyed, and that good government When dark corruption breathed along the land, the king might be, hoof, horns and allin his • -a sore puzzle for future historians. called on to administer. Looking at the And wrath and right wont maddened hand in hand. gracious majesty's belly, good ground for affair from a purely military point of view, comes of its destruction only makes the ruin Amid the din of fratricidal strife A dull, coarse, ignorant man, he yet seems drowning, hangingand quartering, does not he considered the Chief Justice of the the more complete. You rose o'er all and saved the nation's life. " to have accomplished more in the way of prevail to any great extent in this blessed Supreme Court a part of his staff, and when ruin to our republic than the entire Confed- The advocates of monarchy in Europe ad- But let us long sing land of burs. And yet we believe that de- he appointed Messrs. Bradley and Strong How it was our Conkllng erate army in four years' war, that cost a mit that it is based upon false principles; signs against the digestion are more damna- justices, and pledged them in advance to a Game to save million of lives and our national prosperity. that it is antagonistic to modern intelligence Our country from a suicidal grave. • ble than the attempt to compass the death decision that, violating the Constitution, Self-government came to an end under his and civilization. But they say, ";You see It was when Logan went to rally up the boys, of a ruler in any other way, becahgp dys- gravely affecting the business interests of the Administration, and the philosophical inqui- that it gives us good government." That In Illinois ; pepsia is not only extremely slow and pain- entire country, he did not comprehend that To tell in ungrammatlc phrase ful to the sufferer, but so infernally disa- rer will be puzzled to determine how far his the game played by the eight against seven, he was guilty pf an offense, in packing a Of bygone days : greeable to his friends, relatives and asso •official life was concerned in or responsible so shameless that one of the commission court, that should have consigned him to the When the rebellion raised its awful head ciates. If, instead of calling on the people for the result. One can readily perceive that himself admitted that it was gambling with He drew his trusty blade and fought and bled, penitentiary He regarded Congress as a to rise in their wrath and smite the osurp- a government based on virtue and intelligence cards, should end in a repudiation of the That is, in confused mood and tense, council of officers collected to consider his ersj we had published a pious wish ttoat His would faro badly without virtue or intelli- players and the inauguration of a good man, He bled in a symbolic sense. orders, and all the offices were so many per- He was a plucky cuss, Excellency would take, say Plantation Bit- . gence at its head, and that .eight years of only-confirms the people in their unbelief. ters—supposed to be concocted of Taad rum sonal perquisites to be apportioned out Ever foremost in a fuss. such rule would prove disastrous. This as if Satan, after eighteen centuries of | Cool In the rattle and dead carpet-baggers—until he died, we among his friends and relatives. abuse from the pulpit, were suddenly to be As the decay began previous to his first Of musket din and mouthing roar ol battle. could understand and appreciate the horror found the better friend of humanity. And he was gaining on his foes, inauguration we can only hold him responsi- His projects for bettering the condition of in the people that would justify the exist- When up there rose ence even of aDaddyTaft and a willing ble for hastening the fall, so as to have our the country were as crude as his blunders There is nothing more dangerous, if not Four hundred pounds of legal adipose, were ludicrous. In one inaugural he tells of fatal, to a republic than a contempt for the And Sat on Logan. Ah ! to tell Wells. But inciting a people to a lively cir- centennial, self-government and his term end culation of dead cats and old boots in a riot, the vast mineral wealth of the far West that constitutional forms under which it exists. Of the sad event that there befell. at the same time. or the use of deadly weapons in an ins^rrec was to pay the national debt, without reflecting Having dethroned the monarch, we have Never since Zaok the Michigander, Our decline ante-dates in its beginning his Than Logan grander. tion,"when nothing comes of our popular ap- first inauguration. We can trace it back that the debt is held by ono party while the enthroned the law, and its power for good Hinged on his center In a public haek peals, is, as Poppy Taft would say, all poppy- clearly to the first departure made by the wealth is owned, by another. Then he depends altogether upon our volunteer obe- And crushed a baby in a.single whack, • cock. country from the teachings, traditions and opens up a San Domingo project that is also dience. In our political structure the foun- Was aught so sad as that When Logan died beneath the Weight of lesal fat. principles of the Democratic party, that made to cancel our national obligation, although dation stone is the ballot. If there is right NOT LONG SINCE a citizen of Washington of our Government a process to. keep the the country to be annexed is so poor, aud in self-government it is in the fair, honest And now through Egypt swells the mournful cry its population is so helpless, that nothing and final decision of our process through Wild and high, was knopked over by a negro hack-driver. peace—protecting through law the weak and He remonstrated with some indignation, but a warm climate and" tropical fruit keep which the will of the people finds utterance. That, like the sighing of the Southern wind innocent from the strong and wicked, and Through groves of pine, whereupon the hackman jumped from his leaving all else to the energy, intelligence the people from starvation. Cut that off and the republic falls in ruins. With solemn sweep, box and gave the sufferer a severe Ür ebbing, and virtue of the people, and by a nioe ad- He made Andrew Johnson's administra- Unfortunately for Mr. Hayes, unfortunately Is sad and deep, Other hackmen encouraging the assault, justment of powers between local interests tion respectable through the dishonest, for the country, he is a living fact of a de- Ol chil dren wailing for official bread, and all getting away without an arrest. stroyed ballot. He holds his place not only O'er Logan's dead. and general necessities as a nation, harmon- coarse creatures he put in office and made Ah ! never more to see Soon after Mr. Smoot caught a negro ized the parts toward each other. From his associates. For the first time in our his- through the dishonest act of a corrupt re- The little subsidy taking articles from his carriage. He at- this we passed in the late war to a central- tory members of the Cabinet were charged turning board, but in defiance of the will of Collectors and assessors howl, , ' tempted to save his property and wasdread- ized power that sought to be paternal, under with crime and escaped conviction only the people. He has no more right to this Postmasters grow]; fully beaten. For Logan, heavy-lunged, and strong men who . with humanity in their mouths through political discipline and favor, that place lie usurps than Victor Emanuel or East Wednesday night the bodies of two Queen Victoria. This unhappy fact seemed In wind and check. white men were found upon the terrace of had the bitterness of the devil in their controlled the Senate and obstructed the Who swept the cause like hurricane along, hearts. courts. to pervade the very atmosphere the day of No more may speak ; the Capitol. All that was known Of the his inauguration, and deadened all enthusi- affair was that th ey had been stoned todeath Silent, obstinate and coarse, he had an So put him softly in his little bed ; In Europe, where this sort of government asm. As he swung along amid his military, . Let prayers be sold by negroes. individuality and force of character that is the only one known, the governing the people gazed as if they saw some strange, Over Logan dead. Is it not about time some steps were taken at all times commanded a certain amount of Leave the hero in his tame alone, element is a class removed by birtb, wealth dark event coming into the century, and to put art end to this lawlessness and give and intelligence from the temptations that respect. Resembling Louis Napoleon in this, Let a simple monument arise some sort of protection to life ? Our police coming for no good. And so it is, the abuse To greet the curious eyes assail poor, vulgar demagogues suddenly as in many other characteristics, he struck the of the ballot culminated in death at his in- Of a Government contractor's stone, are better than that of any other city, for more thoughtful minds as one extremely here these guardians of the peace do not .lifted into power on popular favor. Unre- auguration. Stolen from soldier's eemeteries. vi }*• ' strained by constitutional law, swung clear dangerous to the country. Had ho possessed make up a political body, and have only of all legal limit, there was an opening for more sense he would have been less success- We have had frauds at the polls these their legitimate duty to claim their efforts. vice and a premium on hypocrisy the leaders ful, as his force was. not restrained by any many years. In our great commercial cen- MINOR NOTES. But they are so few in number that we were of the Republican organization were swift thought, knowledge or conscientious scruples. ters men purchase their way into Congress, better off without them. As it is we rely on THERE is an eccentricity in a mule that that which can really afford us no protection, to develop. And he lived to justify the fear. The and in State elections a fair count is almost makes him kick up when the harness is be- and are prevented from arming and caring Cajsarism we have to dread is not of the in- All sorts of schemes for the amelioration impossible. But all this has been against ing removed after a day's work. Jones for ourselves. Our regret is that a few eon- dividual, but of a party, that, trampling of the human family, for the development of law, and the courts have striven to arrest the says this reminds him of Grant finding an gressmen were not knocked in the head, so industries, for the better support of virtue rights under foot, holds its despotism on a wrong and punish the wrong-doers. For the indictment against us when about leaving as to teach our only law-makers that we are and the suppression of vice, were stimulated shattered Constitution. It is more to be first time in our history the highest tribunal the White House. really m a helpless condition through their by the rich deposits left in the pockets of feared than individual ambition or the usur- sanctions the crime and seats the criminal. neglect and meanness. We would select Miss WHITELAW KKID makes a scandal- their promoters. Thus the Black Friday, pations of a dynasty; for, like a cancer, it First the troops of the United States were Mr. Holman for this example, but for the . ous attack upon Dr. Mary "Walker. Doctor that turned our great financial center into a sickens and corrupts all that it feeds on; used to intimidate voters in doubtful States. fact that his constituents have at last come and while reaching in its feeders to evory This failing, a corrupt body known as a re- Mary can retort by saying that she has as to a correct appreciation of his charactsrand hell of blacklegs and ruined thousands of much right to pantaloons as Miss White- part of the country, is in its organization self- turning board, in utter disregard of majori- elected him to remain at home. honest dealers, and brought shame to the law has. But we expect hair-pins to fly sustaining and immortal. A king may be very door of the Executive Mansion, origi- ties, gave two States to the minority* candi- now. beheaded and every member of his family date, and a tribunal composed of justices of nated in a desire to facilitate the forwarding AMONG the rumors afloat upon the stoeets - of Western produce. The railway across destroyed, but a party, like the many-headed the Supreme Court of the United States IT IS NOT WISDOM in Blaine and Morton of the good things to be given us by this the continent left a deposit in the hands of monster attacked by Hercules, has no life counts in the man repudiated at the polls. to be digging up records. Morton's assault new Caliph of Bagdad, is one to the effect that can be reached. on Blaine reminds the public of the skunk • its managers of over eighty millions. The There is nothing that Rutherford B. Hayes that home rale is to be introduced into the Freedmen's Bureau and the Freedmen's upbraiding the coon with the foul odor that District of Columbia. We" hope so. The President Grant gave place to a successor can do that will cleanse him of this crime. permeated the atmosphere in his immediate Bank robbed the untutored negroes of their whose title to his place is a corrupt commis- Tlip "damned spot" will not out. Like District has had a two-fold existence. When neighborhood. it came to paroelilig out offices the District hard-earned wages to the extent of millions. sion, who, disregarding the ballot, inaugu- the bar sinister across a coat-of-arms, at all was considered the property of all the The Indian ring.fattened on the christian in- hours for the four coming years Rutherford rated a fraud. And the worst feature of the THE TEODITE in the camp is that there is people, and it was made an asylum toxall tervention, gotten up to protect the poor red evil is the fact that no one individual can be B. Hayes will be marked with this offense. danger of Hayes proving to be in office all the spavined, pole-eviled, string-halted, man, that was used by adroit scoundrels held responsible or punished for the wrong; Let him be pure as ice and white as snow, in they promised for him on the stump. everything but broken-winded political to cover their thefts. Our space will not and after all this man, the late President, was all his dealings he will yet be His Fraudu- "The infernal fool," cries Morton, "takes hacks of the United States. But when it permit even a schedule of tbe villainies por- the least guilty. He only executed what leney ; for good cannot come of evil, nor life us at Our word." came to keeping up magnificent avenues . petrated under cover of philanthropic design. others designed, and saving his honor at the from corruption, unless ye die and so be born " Yes," adds Ingersoll, "pnd no one was planned for thegrandeurotthe General Gov- quite damned idiot enough to do that be- Congress passed from constitutional law- expense of his intellect, history will dismiss again. ernment, the District belonged exclusively fore." making to a legislation upon every known him as a well-meaning but misguided man, to the District, and was taxed accordingly. who was a brave soldier, a kind husband, This has not been our only evil» The interest of tbe country. The approaches to THE NEW YORK Tribune wants to know affectionate father, a firm friend and, re- ELEGIAC VEitSES legislative philanthropists of CongresB have the halls were thronged and crowded with where Dr. Mary Walker and Donn Piatt On tho Sad Demise of an Eminent Soldier and found the District an admirable nursery for lobbies, rings, deputations and individuals, moved from cares he could not comprehend, were on inauguration day, since Hayes got Statesman who Lived Beloved and Died Unan- all sorts of wild experiments, principally of ••each clamoring to be heard in behalf of pri- was possessed of many of the qualities neces- safely from the White House to the Capitol. imously. a colored tint. We were saddled with negro vate advancement that could be gained only sary to good citizenship. This sneer is rather questionable, coming YOUNG LOG-ANY A R. suffrage in advance of any other part of our from Whitelaw Eeid, who is in continual through loss to all. Certain manufacturing He is gone from our .gaze African-afflicted country, and we have had danger or arrest for an indeoent exposure interests, under a plea of protecting and pro- HAYBS AT THS KELM. Like a beautiful dream, saddled upon us no éiid of rings, lobbies, caused by appearing upon the streets in moting skilled labor at home, haye always The first moves of this gentleman pain one ,And never may Hayes contract combinations, and taxes enotigh to On his countenance beam ; male attire. been paid bounties by our Government; but make Rome howl, and the idea of asking for that he was not honestly electod Presi- Logan, I mean, ±lie West came in, and she said the same fa- dent of the United States. With a firmness our consent never seems to have eataed Our Captain Jinks of the horse marine, WE APPEAR before our readers to-day in vor should be extended to all labor, and so the heads of our gracious rulers. that is all the pleasanter from the fact that Of heavy mustache and martial mien ; a new dress. Our increased and rapidly in- we had protection given to raw material, it is unexpected, he applies the knife to the Oh ! never more We can scarcely realize that a better day May the heavy roar creasing circulation demands this, as it de- that the manufacturers met by demands for evils in bis own party, and kicks aside in mands many new and attractive features is dawning upon us, and these official agents, Of hie voice be heard on the Senate floor, who are in reality our masters, are to be higher bounties, which were granted, until scorn the dirty ladder on which he ascended Voted by Dem's a terrible bore, that we purpose adding to our journal. We trade, stimulated, swelled to unhealthy pro- to power. And with that ladder falls much Nor his hair be seen that the girls adore. would suggest to advertisers, not only selected from among ourjeitizens, men in portions, and eventually burst and broke of the ill that afflicts our unhappy country. He is gone from our gaze, in Washington but elsewhere, that we offer whom we have confidence, and who know us and our wants. And yet this is but •down in one common rain. When Richard IH. ordered the decapitation And Sitting Bull, in a daze, them means of reaching not only the citi- Looks the chamber o'er, zens of the national capital, but every part simple justice, that nothing but long tssage But under this paternal system we have of Richmond, doubtless, could that noble- And notes that seat, now vacant more, of the United States and the Canadas. makes tolerable. A community, like an bad a carnival of rogues, speculators and man have been heard, he would have ad- If possible; than it was before. individual, can in time accommodate itself •dreamers. The streets, hotels, clubs and dressed the incoming blood-stained adminis- "A gallant cuss was he," to any stupid abuse. Says Sitting B., tration in the eloquent manner of Blaine THE NASTY GUSTAVE DOKE of America •corridors of the Capitol have been populated Indiana's diseased O. P. when he appealed to the Senate in behalf of devotee a cartoon to us in the last number with low men and lewd women, whose faces "He'd figlit the devil and his wrath deride WE SECOND the move made by the Even- of Harper's Journal of Civilization. We would have thrown Diogenes with his lan- Kellogg. But that the devil is ever on our side." ing Star to the effect that the seat of govern- And Sherman, the wondrous financier, are represented as peddling powders good tern into a state of utter desperation and All that Blaine said was, unhappily,- but ment may remain at Washington through- Who on his meager pay per year, against moths. It is a stupid production, out the year. Transfering it to any other disgust. too true. Ivellogg's title to a seat hi the "With great economy and care, and we cannot make out what people find place during the summer months is to arrest " You must excuse me, gentlemen," said Senate rests 011 the same foundation that Has made himself a millionaire, to laugh at. The vile artist narrowly es- the wheels of government, while carting it <3encral Schcnck, when chairman of the Com- made Hayes President. If the first is repu- Mourned for the gallant Logan, who knew not fear, caped a hi'ti Had he put a sign in the back- But boldly from his place, to a fashionable resort is simply indeoent. mittee on Ways and Means, to a breakfast diated the last is a fraud, and the dose given IVitil iron jaw and swarthy face ground to read, " Grant, Ingalls & Co., As Mr. Hayes promises to restore the offices ¡party to which he had been invited, "but St. Edmunds and O. P. Morton is enough to Made direful attacks wholesale and retail dealers in Government to their legitimate channels, and put a stop grindstones,and hair-pins attacked me before turn even their stomachs. If the three inde- With blows and whacks moths," he would have made a center shot. to tbe last eight years' treatment of them as I was out of bed, and hoop-skirts is now cent old men of the Supreme Bench, who On Democrats, likewise syntax. Likewise economy called political personal conveniences, we trust he may con- upon ¿he pavement watching for me to go soiled their ermine that their party might So analytical, SENATOR PATTERSON mourns at Hayes' sider it, his duty to remain President at •out." live, have any sensitiveness, which we doubt, It made him mad and critical treachery to his earpet-bag friends, and re- Washington throughout the year. He meant the several lobbies begging their pillows are not to be envied. Shame, For like Paul, the pious rad., fuses to be comforted. So does Spencer of There are pleasant quarters at the Soldiers' Muoh learning made our Logan very mad: "bounties from a paternal Congress. like a specter, haunts their waking dreams. Alabama, who no longer finds a ready tool Home that he and family may occupy dur- Thus Nevada's golden Jones in the White-House. Patterson allows his ing the more oppressive season of heat, fol- In the midst of this confused administra- They sold themselves, their honor and their From ancient tomes tion of a once constitutional government high calling—degraded a tribunal that, jrp to And .wondrous lore, wrath to get the better of his political dis- lowing the example set by Mr. Eincoln. cretion, and thus delivers himself of liis General Grant was called to the presidency. this time, has won the love and commanded Crave us his thoughts with laughter rippling o'er, We have no sinister design in this. Mr. Then Logan, rising solemn, sad and slow, true inwardness about the hotel lobbies: Hayes has our arms; besides, our disposition A graduate of West Point, he could not the respect of the American people. And all Demolished Johnny in one windy blow; "Hayes never could have been President for what? That the man they carried into to kill is turned now in the direction of •write ¡¿sentence in correct English, and was so And Roscoe Uonkling tilled with fpars, had it not been for the action of the carpet- power over . a broken Constitution and a Morton, Cameron and company. So long as incapable of self-support that when the war Stuffing cotton.in his tortured ears, baggers—-d—n him— he never was elected, these enemies of man fight Rutherford, we rained ballot should repudiate their acts and Fled to the cloak-room, where he smoked and swore broke upon us he was found keeping the and we made a mistake by not standing by are moved to extend our potent arm in de- tally of hides by a tan vat in Galena. He treat with scorn the fine-spun legal logic Till the mighty Logan yielded up the floor And hollow echoes ceased to ftoatoronnd, Tilden. In self-defense the carpet-baggers' fense of that gentleman, even if he did get under which they sought to hide their cor- 11 had one quality, however, that was marked And silence, like a politico, came to heal the blows will have to make terms with Democrats in in through J. Madison Wells and Mistress at the time—he would fight—and on this ruption. of sound." the Senate." Eliza Pinkston. THE CAPITAL.----MARCH 11, 1877. o

©N LAFÍT Wednesday ex-Governor Scott, THAT DISTINGUISHED exotic statesman, SOCIAL GOSSIP. From Brown's Young Man. gene d'armes, who made tho people pass along after a •Generals McGowan and Kershaw, Judge T. William Pitt Kellogg, is understood to be Of what oan we write that would be more interesting moment's look. Flowers in crowns, columns, hearts •J. Macâcey and other prominent South Caro- disgusted. He is said to have said that this The abrupt spurt in society life here died out as to the general publio than the family of the new Pres- and anchors were piled before It several feet deep and linians waited upon the President and urged seemed to be an era of conciliation. That suddenly as it appeared. Had Tilden been inaugu- ident? But it is'a subject worn so threadbare by our renewed every day. It is a wonderful painting ; even upon him the propriety of recognizing the everybody was being conciliated by that rated we should have had Washington crowded tor co-laborers in the journalistic field that only the In- the photograph gives a queer pain to the heart and spired prophet could find new and attractive words moistens the eyes. The face is full of anguish of dis- Hampton government, and thus save South most delicate of all arguments, an appoint- the spring and summer. But as the choice of the peo- ple was lost in the little game of Seven-up the people re- with which to rehabilitate it. Mrs. Hayes has been dis- appointment and weariness, and it is mneh more the -Carolina from the blighting influences of a ment to office—everybody except the mained away, and as Eutherford B. has announced cussed, laid out and dissected. We have been told of lier Napoleon, head than that of Vela, which, however, is continuation of the Chamberlain domina- straight-out Republicans, who need no con- his intention to turn out no one except for cause of in- toilets—whether they were fashioned of showy silk all too good to be criticised. tion. Governor Scott is firmly of the opin- ciliation. Kellogg learns that Devens has competency, the crowd from Ohio that filled oar or lustrous velvet ; if they were ornamented with folds Colonel and Mrs. Luckey lift on Tuesday for their ion that peace and good government can been made Attorney General to conciliate hotels and boarding-houses sorrowfully repacked their of satin or folds of fringe or rich lace ; if her jewels future home in Salt Lake city. Many friends gath- only be secured in that State by the recog- the "independent voter," whom -Sam carpet-bags and wended their way homeward, mutter- were rare or ordinary ; if she was tall and angular or inclinod to embonpoint; if her nose was tip-tilted ered at the depot to wish them a pleasant journey. nition of Hampton. He knows Chamber- Bowles professes to have found in western ing as they went, "It isn't such a victory after all;" and now the national capital is as deserted and silent or a la grec ; if^her coiffure was her own and how she lain's antecedents well, for he proved the Massachusetts in large numbers; that Hon. Carl Schurz Is In town, the guest of Colonel as the Kidwell Bottoms of a moonlit night. wore it ; hor eyes, liquid blue or tender, solemn grey ; and Mrs. Bathbone, at their residence on Sixteenth "foxy fellow" of his administration, in- Schurz was appointed Secretary of the In- The ladles of the late Cabinet are dashing about her mouth largo, indicating strength of purpose, or street. citing the most corrupt element in the legis- terior to conciliate the German vote which having their p. p. o's on the dear friends who listlessly small, betokening weakness ; if she received with that Mrs. Sinclair, the wife of Colonel Sinclair, United lature to schemes of plunder, whereby the. that distinguished lecturer is supposed to throw the cards in the card-basket and look eagerly for graclousness inborn of a lovoly womanly heart, or with States army, Is spending several weeks with her father. debt of the State was increased to many carry in his pocket—at $200 a nighty strictly the newcomers. frigidity ; If a japonlca was over her left ear or her Major McDonald. millions of dollars. Chamberlain was at- in advance; that Key was made Postmaster There Is never a more melancholy spectacle than a right ; If slie covered her hands with six or twelve- buttoned gloves ; if her robes were deoolptte or high torney general, and it was upon his written' General to conciliate the Confederates; that late high official haunting the places where so lately Mrs. Hopkins, wife of tho representative from the corsage ; If her boots were one or six I Voila tout ! opinion that many jobs were devised and Evarts was appointed Secretary of State to he or she reigned like a solemn ghost. They look and Pittsburg district, left for home on Thursday evening. act as such, carrying in their manner the belief that There Is nothing loft for us to tell, and we will at once She had many friends here who regret that she will passed through thë legislature in defiance conciliate those highly respectable gentle- they are perturbed spirits out of place and startling speak of the elegant toilets worn on Inauguration not return to us next winter. - of Seott's vetoes. men who met at the Fifth Avenue Hotel the living. day by a few of the ladles of the corps diplomatique. Mrs. Sherman returned on Tuesday from St. Louis, last spring and solemnly resolved that The most marked specimen of this is ex-President Madame Mantilla, wife of the Spanish ambassador, A specimen of Chamberlain's record may whither she went to visit Mrs. Fitch and tho two "this disposes of Mr. Hayes," in the immor- U.S.Grant. Ono catches glimpses of him walking was most conspicuous. She Is quite handsome and is be found in the actions of the infamous babies, of whom she brings pleasant news. tal words of the present Secretary of the or riding alone with none BO poor as to do him rever- noted for the magnifioence of her costumes and "Land commission board," of whioh he was Interior. ence. But yesterday the crowd gazed at him eagerly, size of her diamonds. It was evidently a robe from Mrs. Levey, nee Bouligny, is expected in town next the legal adviser. At Chamberlain's re- and the throng that followed, flattered, sought and Worth—who alone in the" Parisian world dares to har- week, whither she has been called by the sudden death - quest this commission paid the enormous In fact, says William Pitt, all the enemies sued, all disappeared like snow before the rising monize strong opposing colors—a wine-colored velvet of her mother. Mr. Levey was obliged to proceed ti> • sum of $120,000 for a worthless, uninhabita- of the Government have been conciliated sun of Spring. No need to danoe attendance In an ante- and sea-shell pink, the bodice and train of velvet Australia. ble tract of laud in Charleston county known except a certain element out West, and he chajnber now for hours waiting for his gracious pleas- hemmed with pipings of pink, a pink satin petticoat and bows, lace stomacher with coquettish bows on left as the "Hell-hole Swamp," the owners of expects these will be brought into the fold ure for a few minutes' interview. King and walk in. He is the guest of the lato Hon. Hamilton Fish, out- shoulder. On hei^hapely head was a white hat, Nor- which having previously attempted, with- by the appointment of Sitting Bull as Com LOCAL ITEMS.. Old Sardine, who is waiting in calm repose to be carted mandy cap shape, relieved by wine-colored velvet and out success, to sell the same property for missioner of Indian Affairs. Of course, says back to his sarcophagus upon the Hudson. The pala- rose-pink feathers,and in front a full ruffle of soft lace. LADIES note paper—Milans & Wilkins. $9,000, ai private sale. This land is inun- William Pitt, the Northern Republicans are Lady Thornton wore a prune-colored velvet suit with tial residence is as deserted as the Congressional Ds. WELL'S Eureka for the teeth costs but 20 cent?. dated for six months in the year, and is the remembered in the appointments of Sher- library during a session of Congress. hat of same shade lighted by blue feathers. Her abode of wild hogs and reptiles. Such have man, McCrary and Dick Thompson. But These handsome residences affected by Cabinet ofH" daughters had suits of navy blue silk, hats to match, FIHE combs and hair brushes at Koes' pharmacy. -been the disreputable antecedents of Cham- he,can't see where the Southern Republicans cers and senators have Strang« histories. Ono day trimmed with gray feathers. apZS-ly berlain that he has been heartily despised come in for their share of conciliation, unless comes an official and rents it ready furnished for a Madame Freyre looked very handsome in blue Ce- For $40.00 a «63.00 Set of Harness, leste silk with a flouncing of white pointe d'aiguille by whites and blacks alike, the latter having Hayes expects the constituents of Postmas- season, and anon It throbs with the rattle of carriages, Nickel, Silver or Gold mounted, at F. Schuh's, eorner the rustle of silks and satins. There is a sound of lace ; black lace shawl, white hat with* trimmings of Ninth and F streets northwest. mart-3t3 refused to contributo a dollar in the way of ter General Key to conciliate them in the revelry by night and a rush of a multitude by day. blue silk and black velvet. But there is no need for ALL should use Dr. Wells' Eureka. taxes towards defraying the expenses of his usual manner—with the shot-gun! We Then comes a change. The official departs, another me to continue the list. I will add that Baron Shish- so-called government. Governor Scott is must add that we doubt this report. We takes his place, and in an adjoining street, perhaps, kin, the genial and accomplished representative from Carpet-Cleaning. satisfied that, had it not been for the con- don't believe Kellogg ever said as gooi the demonstration is repeated as before. Bussia, was accompanied by Buke Constantino, who Eureka Steam-Carpet-Oleanlng Works, Seventh- taminating influences of Chamberlain and thing as that in his life. If it had been We happened' in the reporter's , gallery when the was an attentive observer of the proceedings. Ho ar- street wharf. Orders by mall, or left at W. S. Mitchell rived at the house of thè minister on Sunday at 12 the hungry horde that surrounded him, he Warmoth now—but Warmoth would not ex-President, Grant, entered. The senators greeted SL CO. !S Carpet House, Markot Space. McGee & Ferry, o'clock, and in the evening the entire corps of diplo- Proprietors. would have, succeeded in controlling the have said that, because he is to be concil- him politely, but it was marked politeness. It was febjrGmósl reported that he came there to lobby against the con- mats, with a few from the musical and social world of ALL like Dr. Wolls' Eureka after ono trial. législature, and * many of the swindling iated with the collectorship of the port of firmation of Carl Schurz. We cannot believe this, Washington, gathered to do him honor. There was THIRTEEN SODA TICKETS for $1.00. Cocoanut, measures by whioh the South Carolina treas- New Orleans. but we were struck with the difference a Jew hours had delicious music, Madame de Hegorman delighting her ury was robbed might have been avertèd. auditors with a Busslan nightingale song, the accom- Quince, Currant, Cherry, Banana, Coffee, Tee and made., Time was when the President's arrival at the thirty other sirups drawn from the largest and finest paniment to which was played by Duke Constantino, ONE day last week Colonel William F. Capitol created a sensation. He would be accom- apparatus In the city. H. M. Pinkard, 477 Pennsyl. panied by his secretary, take his seat in the Presi- who is a clever musician. The young, fair Countess vania avenue. Dr. darks' old stand. ap23-ly BBILUAST BOS IN-GEBSOI.L says that the Craig received from Secretary Chandler the i avenue, Dr. darks' old stand. dent's room and summon senators to his presenoe, and Herbenshein contributed a song, as did Mre. Nagle Republicans have discovered in one day in patents for 74,000 acres of land in southern EASY feet. Dr. White. these bald-headed, animated pokers would stand, hat and Mrs. Camp, whom we have always with us, and Janl4-tf Hayes that which it took them three years to Colorado.- This is a part of the old Loi whose voices each year grow sweeter, stronger and in hand, bowing before him, while in a few words, Books at Auction. more enchanting. find oat in Andy Johnson. This discovery Auimas grant, and the claim was purchased monarch like, he would express his wishes. Now—but Commencing to-morrow evening, at 7:30 o'clock,. •reminds us of Governor Corwin's old story by Colonel Craig from Cyprian St. Vrain why dwell upon the disagreeable subject. One sun Thomas Dowling, auctioneer, will sell at his rooms, On Thursday evening we formed part of the crowd rises as the other sun sets, and from the one the southwest comer of Pennsylvania avenue and Elev- illustrating a quickness of apprehension in and his partner Yigie in 1855. For several at Willard's Hall to compliment by their presence sycophants and toadiestiirn to worship the other. enth street, a large collection of valuable law, scien- one Jake Thompson, who went into a pas- years immediately following the close of the Miss Story, whose benefit night it was. She was never tific and miscellaneous books. Catalogues are ready. ture, bridle in hand, to capture a four-year- war Colonel Craig, having resigned from By the bye, a story/is told of how Mrs. Newman heard to so great advantage, though in the scene and several other pious ladies called on Mrs. Hayes, old colt that wandered free with a rope the army, lived upon his ranch, improving from Deborah the entire dramatic effect was destroyed STOTT & CROMWELL, wholesale druggists, seH im- and asked her to dispense with all wines and liquors by her toilet, which was of white silk en traine. If mense quantities of Dr. Wolls' Eureka. halter dragging from its neck. The colt was and stocking it, and would probably not in the White House, so as to set a good example to the shy of the bridle and Jake left the objection- have been in Washington, except as a casual she had only been in costume her impassioned elo- FOE low estimates on plumbing and gas-fitting ge people. Mrs. Hayes replied by saying that as she quence would have doubly thrilled her hearers. She to Hamilton's, Y. M. C. A. building, Ninth and II able article oh a stump. He found it as diffi- visitor, but for the famous or infamous at knew the spirit that prompted the request she re- is a capable actress, and wo hope ere long to be told streets. Largest establishment in tho city. Satisfac- -cult'to Lead the colt to the bridle, and then tempt of the Colorado land ring to steal his ceived it kindly, but would say that even did she that she has adopted the drama as a profession. Mr. tion guaranteed on all work. Largest assortment of bethought himself a sort of electoral com- ranch, along with the great tract of which it believe in that extreme, she would not pre sume at her gas-fixtures ever exhibited south of "New York, and at Eeed and Miss Jones delighted the audienco by their lowest prices. mission thatwouldcounthimin. He tied the is a part. For three years the struggle has husband's table to diotate in such a matter. delicious voices. The sparkling operetta, in one act, end of the baiter to his leg and then tried, gone on in the departments and before the by Offenbach, entitled The Hose of Auvergne,, was STOTT & CROMWELL are wholesale agents lor Dr. The Hayes'. measuring his length upon the ground, to oourts. At times the colonel was despon muoh better rendered than when we heard it in Wells' Eureka. ' . We have little to say of the incoming family, be- Georgetown some weeks ago. Miss Johnston, the reaeh the bridle. The colt, however, dent and his enemies triumphant. But at cause Jenkins has left us nothing to say. To use a vile pretty, vivacious daughter of Judge Johnston, en- ttacrerty's. ^alarmed at this compromise, ran away, and last he has in his pocket the Government pun, the -social atmosphere is hazy with adulation. tered into the character with the greatest spirit ; her Our David, determined to surpass all his competitor* Jake found himself being dragged aloijg Even our Jones, cynical old fellow that he is, it will be and secure for his eustomers the finest liquors in the patents, and owns the largest farm in the costume was entirely cornine ilfaut, and she sang Country, has obtained a large lot of the celebrated the swamps, over the fences, through the United States. There are men who own seen indulges in some gush anent the poor Mrs. with an abandon quite charming. It is needless to "Blue Grass" whisky. This whisky is said to be un- thickets, in 'the most disagreeable manner. greater quantities of land, but there is no Hayes, who will be sorely puzzled to recognize herself add our meed of praise to the encomiums showered on equaled and is plaoed on the market on its merits during the next lour years in the gossip oi the press. alone. Everything is first-class at Hagerty's, corner That evening, when his friends and family farm in one tract so large as Colonel Craig's. Mr. Pugh and Mr. Young ; they are always good, and Seventh and E, and those desiring a quiet lunch, as Already her features have grown regular and classic. found Jake "arid put him together, he was It is located in the valley of the Arkansas we pay the trio the highest compliment in our power well as first-class liquors, should not fail to pay a visit Her quaint, old-fashioned hair-sofa style of wearing her when we frankly stato that it was the first amateur to Hagerty. asked to explain, which he did in a rather river, which forms its northern boundary tresses is praised as perfectly lovely. Well, well, so performance by which we were not only not bored, but disconnected way, and he wound up with for several miles, and the Huerfano river tho world goes. Lot it go. were highly delighted. BBOWSIWO'S BITTERS will cure dyspepsia, Indiges- •earnestly exclaiming: funs through the center of the tract. It is tion and constipation. For sale by the druggists, tt The London Pictorial World has a very compli- without doubt the most valuable ranch in Eutherford B. WHY not try Dr. Wells' Eureka upon your teeth? "Gentlemen, that 'ere colt hadn't made mentary notice of the poems under cover and title of, the United States. It embraces about twice The more one sees of this gentleman the more one two jumps afore I saw where I missed it." regrets he was not honestly elected to tho place he "Songs of Land and Soa," by our townswoman, Miss Dan. O'Brien. the territory of the District of Columbia, Hayes' first jump teaches Bob the same holds. It is such a luxury to have a gentleman in the Esmeralda Boyle. Among other laudatory remarks Travelers by the Baltimore and Ohio railroad should being about twelve miles long by ten wide, is this : "Miss Boyle's rhythm and reason go hand in not fail to pay a visitto O'Brien's restaurant; they can fact. White House—to have about that old-timey mansion an air of refinement and hearty, honest weloome. By procure traveling companions containing the finest and has 40,000 acres oi pasture, 18,000 acres hand, and her sentiments are always commendable; liquors; meals served at all hours at the lowest prices. the bye, the following may be of interest just now : Cuii'IJ? Jirs'HOK WAITE ought to have the of arable and bottom lands and about 16,000 the story told in Letters of a Poet to his Sister are The finest salt water oysters received dally, and all NEW YOKE, 9th March, '77. notably well told." that a traveler desires to make his journey comfortable New York Graphic indicted for inciting to in- acres of timber. It is valued at from §750,- EDITOR CAPITAL : While I sympathize with you The London Graphic also has a notice paying and pleasant oan be found at O'Brien's, opposite surrection, for the several illustrations in and all honest men in the defeat of the popular will Baltimore and Ohio depot. 000 to $1,000,000. Craig is a lucky man. tribute to the poetic sympathy and feeling displayed which the head of that legal luminary is •t tho late election, I believe I can see a white lining in the verses. CAFTAIK DEATLBY, 1220 E street, has the finest made to figure. If the Chief Justice does to the cloud. 1 believe General Hayes will prove more of a curse to the men who so fraudulently oysters in the market, and will deliver them to ail not rise and kill somebody after looking at OUR FBIEND TECUMSEH was much Among the members of the present cabinet in parts ol' the city and Georgetown. Mr. DeAtley re- counted him iu than to anybody else. While he Turkey—the members of whioh are all literary men- those pictorials he is a very forgiving sort amazed at a report current last week to the lacked the high tone necessary to make him reject a ceives his oysters direct, and therefore has the finest is Yefek Effendi, whom it will be remembered married that are sent to this city. of christian. He has been smitten, not effect that he had vigorously recommended stolen presidency, yet I am of the opinion there is stuff a daughter of Baron Gerolt, for many years the dean on one cheek, but on the entire counte- Joe Johnston for Secretary of War. So in him that will make the conspirators sick. Notice to Carpenters and Builders. You know. Captain Gardner. You know what a of the diplomatic corps. Another daughter, and "she nance, and made to look like "the devil be- deeply annoyed was our friend Tecumseh true, brave old gentleman he is. Well, last summer the fairest of them all," is a veiled relegieuse at the A large stock of white and yellow pine lumber of all grades at greatly reduced prices. Call and ex- fore day," as bad little boys say when they that, one day at the Ebbitt House, he seized he told me that during the war he, being Convent of the Visitation, on the corner of Tenth and then in command of a transport, was dlrocted amine stock at the lumber-yard of .T. E. itoach & Ca, use "cuss words." a newspaper correspondent by the scalp- to take on board at Baltimore a brigade G streets. She was a belle in Washington society, corner Twelfth street and Maryland avenue south.- lock, figuratively speaking, and informed and go to sea with sealed orders, to bo opened was courted and became engaged to a Prussian offi- By-the-bye, the Graphic company might when out of sight of land. He did as directed, and him that " You newspaper fellows print as took on board a brigade under the command of Gen- cer. The match was broken oft by her parents, and put in a plea of mitigation of damages by after two years she renounced the world and became a ALL should use Dr. Wells' Eureka upon their teeth . facts, in the most reckless manner, things eral Hayes, who also had sealed orders, same as his •exhibiting the new head of the Chief Jus- own. The day the troops embarked was rainy and nun, to the dire distress and dismay of her family. the men, unaccustomed to the sea, suffered from sea- Go TO 412 Eleventh street, near Pennsylvania ave- tice done in publio by our little artistic-lob- which are not facts!" Ho then went on to nue, and see the Troy collar and cutf machine work- sickness, for the voyage proved stormy. As directed, • It is stated that Mr. William B. Bodgers will be byist, Miss Vinnle Ream. This is one of say that "nothing could be more absurd they opened their orders and found that they were ing in the office window of the new Swiss (steam) than the idea that he or any other military commanded to make for the Savannah river. first secretary to President Hayes, assisted by his son, laundry. Its work is perfect. Gentlemen's fine Miss Vinnie's sweet advertising dodges. Webb Hayes. laundry work a specialty. See advertisement. commander should recommend any man These orders they kept to themselves, and the men She selects some old pub. func., who finding the vessel heading continually to the South, does not know a work of art from a bologna for his civil superior!" We hasten to sejumpet d to the conclusion that they were destined for lion. Elihu Washburne, our minister to France, is PATENT medicines at Koss' Pharmacy, Seventh and our friend Tecumseh right. He did not certain ports then infested with yellow fever, and one at the Kiggs House. He arrived by the Celtic last Boundary streets. ap23-ly sausage, and works at him in public. To day they mutined. ''It was about as ugly as any muss I week from Europe. recommend Joe Johnston. He merely said ever witnessed," said Captain Gardner who had seen WHY not try Dr. Wells' Eureka upon your teeth ? see the Ohief Justice of the Supreme Court some trying service at an earlyday in California and on working up his countenance to an expres- that General Johnston was an accom- the Isthmus. General Hayes could have quieted the The latest at weddings is to have the main aisle men In a minute by telling them of their real destina- thickly strewn with flowers. At the marriage of Mr. Merchant«' Lunch. sion of sublime emotion at a fail', while the plished soldier and a faultless gentle- tion. This, however,would have been a loss of disoipllne Milliken to Miss Outhout, in New York last week, the The lovors of the finest liquors that money can pro- man ; all of whioh is true as gospel. But and dignity. He called the men together on deck and fair, poodle-headed Vinnie gazes and dabs bride walked over a mat, stretched from the door to the cure should not fail to call at the Merchants' Lunch. he said these things in a personal way addressed them kindly but firmly. He spoke of their The finest lunches can be procured at the shortest and dabs and gazes,is a spectacle to treasure past three years' service, of their many battles and altar railing, fashioned of evergreens and filled In by notice, and tho way that our friend Wilkening can and out of his own individual respect for wide renown, and asked if they were willing to wipe all lilies, roses and violets. in one's memory. But let the Chief Justice this out by one act of insubordination. serve a lunch 13 enough to make a dyspeptic as hun- serve some sort of a writ on the Graphic his old antagonist; not in the form of a py as a horse. Tho merchants congregate there; the recommendation for a Cabinet position. He spoke at length but wound up by saying that to Mr. Bichard M. Thompson of Indiana, whose name lawyers dine there. In a word every ono who desires company immediately. seize the boat and change her course could only be the luxuries of the season goes to 309 Seventh street. Still we feel bound to add that Tecumseh accomplished over his dead body. The effect was has gone to the Senate for the position of Secretary of found In three cheers given their general and a return the Navy, is quite a literary man. His brochure, would not have wept had Joe Johnston been LAROE variety of soaps and perfumery at Koss J. MADISOS WELLS passed our office on to quarters. The next day the vessel was in the entitled Civil Power and the Papacy In the United made Secretary of War. Savannah river. Pharmacy. ap23-ly the clay of inauguration, and expressed in a I don't believe Blaine, Morton, Cameron, and that States," had an immense sale. It shadowed forth the loud voice the pious wish to hang us to a lot can bulldoze such a man. Yours, T. evils resulting from what ho imagined a necessary re- WHY not try Dr. Wells' Eureka upon your teeth ? sulUf the Catholics ever attained the ascendaney^in lamp-post One of our staff happened to be A PHOTOGRAPH of the new library build- Jones Discoursoth. this country; and I fancy the sentiments, which be- Furniture. seated in the window at the time,and retorted ings, designed by Smithmeyer and adopted The latest spring patterns of furniture have been re- Whatever the politicians may say about the Fraudu tray singularly ignorant and partisan spirit, are not somewhat hastily by telling Madison W. to ceived at Brietbarth's f&shionablc emporium. These by Congress, is on exhibition in the window lent President, says Jones, it lias been a good many very acceptable to the four or five millions of people goods were selected especially for this market, and In go to that place reserved for sinners. This ef Chapman & Solomon. It is an exceed- years since such a hostess as Mrs. Hayes has done the who, during the late struggle, showed their patriotism durability, design and finish cannot bo surpassed. .was not charitable, for the poor old gentle- to the Government, whioh, next to their religion, they Mr. Brietbarth lias also received an Immense stock of ingly beautiful structure from the cultivated honors of the White House. Of course no lady can parlor suits and walnut and cottage chamber setsr, man is wending his winding way in that brain and skilled hand of one of the most appear at her best until she gets the hang of the house. love, and for which, as for their faith, they would do whioh he otters to the public at prices to suit the times. battle; all this, and yet they are Catholics. •direction with a certainty that afflicts all distinguished architects in the United But If her first week of entertaining is any criterion, His stook of arm chairs and lounges is complete in and if she is to improve in proportion as she gets the every respect and comprises every variety in the mar- •christian hearts. We doubt whether Moody States. Mr. Spofford, the librarian, says The Corcoran Art Gallery has been quite an objec- ket. Those desiring anything in the way of furniture hang of tho house, says Jones, Mrs. Hayes will - rank and Sankey, aided by several able-bodied that the interior comes as near perfection in tive point of Interest during the past few weeks. On should not fall to call at 417 Seventh street. with Mrs. Madison by the time her husband completes Wednesday the President strayed in quite alone and divines of heavy lung-power, could put the the way of light, taste and convenience as the presidential term to which he was not elected by wandered around for several hours amid the fine col- WHY not try Dr. Wells' Eureka upon your teelh ? »brakes of salvation ou J. Madison so as it is possible for a library building to be. the people. She has the most thorough faculty, says lection of paintings and of sculpture and casts repre- The Chesapeake. •even to slow up, let alone save the old Jones, of making people think she is glad to see them The purpose of having a style of architec- senting the best works of ancient Greek and Boman The excitement over the Inauguration having passed sinner. ture differing from the heavy granite struc- that I have encountered in Washington official society art. The bronzes Include many of Barye, the famous away and the entire population settled down to their Here, however, is a noble chance to test tures so common to the Government is hap- for many a day. A plain-mannered, unpretending French artist The objects of greatest Interest in this regular occupations, the procession is forgotten and American woman, of the sohool of twenty years ago, tho only thing remembered is the fried oysters at the 'the efficacy of prayer. Let all the christian py, and will be quite a relief. It ought to department include cloisonne vases and other wonder- Chesapeake. Strangers and citizens alike pronounee without a particle of nonsense about her and as unaf- ful results of human skill and patience. The statuary -congregationsof the United States give, say, be erected in Judiciary Square, and, while the procession a failure, but the fried oysters at Fin- fected in the White House as if she were in her own is the main attraction, and of new pieces I can recall ley &. Supplee's a success. There is but one place in ninety days, with three days of grace, to leaving the congressional library where it home in tho small town of Fremont; but, withal, a none more beautiful than Bhinehart's Clytle, which the city for fried oysters, or anything else in the eat- a constant, earnest appeal, with intermis- is, make of this the library of the Govern- lady of culture and of easy seir-possesslon that would able line, and that is at the Chesapeake, 928 Pennsyl- loses no point even when oompared with the Venus de vania. avenue. If there Is a benighted individual who •sioij only for rest and refreshment, in behalf ment. fit her for the proudest social circles in any country. Medici. The Dying Napoleon is surrounded always doubts our word let him pay a visit to Supplee, and it -of J. Madison Wells. Should this succeed, There will be no flavor of codfish about the aristoc- by a cordon of enthusiastic admirers. The directors he is dissatisfied we will refund his money. racy of the White House, says Jones, under the dis- we might then try it on the devil himself * SPENCER'S intellectual effort, from an have not been happy in locating it,.and we hope toseo pensation of Mrs. Hayes, says Jones. There will be DR. WELLS' Eureka is a tip-top article for tho teeth -with a good prospect of success. lanonymous intellect, to prevent General it removed to the upper floor. It is neither so touch- John F. Morgan of Alabama from admis- no malaria of verdigris arising from brass buttons; ing in its appeal to thej human heart or so inspiring a and gums. sion to his seat in the Senate, failed dis- there will be no snobbery arising from the organiza- memory of the exile of St. Helena as a painting made "T® the Ladies." IF THE STATEMENTS of Judge T. J. mally. The only thing achieved by the tion of a mutual admiration society between gnorance from a sketch taken by Napoleon's physician a few Superior kid glove cleaning, 12%c. per pair. Mackey of South Carolina are to be relied little man was to clear the galleries as he and Impudence; but under the dispensation of Mrs. moments after his death, a full description of which droned away through his pages of printed upon, it will not be long before a certain Hayes the White House will be a national model or a was in Harper's Monthly some time last year, and Kid gloves beautifully dyed to look a3-well as new, slips, and his argument was so Spencerian well-ordered home, where the well-behaved American 30c. per pair. senator from that State will be hauled over a photograph of whioh is owned by a lady in this cityr and powerful that he succeeded m defeat- citizen can go and call, along with his wife and daugh- the senatorial coals for certain questionable ing his own attempts most admirablv, and The picture is in the possession of one of the families Feathers handsomely cleaned and curled, 25 and 80 ter, with a certainty of polite usage, and whence* he of the Faubourg~St. Germain, and has never been ex- transactions attending his election to thV •General Morgan was admitted almost with- cents. can come away without being made to feel that any- hibited but once, and that was at the great exposition Senate. Oh! how certain Treasury em- out dissent. It furnishes quite a history of body has condescended—whioh is a very unpleasant the times to see Spencer the antagonist of for the benefit of Alsace and Loraine. Around it Ladies' dresses cleaned without being ripped. ployés would mourn should such a calamity sensation to an American sovereign, It has not General Morgan, though their difference of " during the hours " such crowds gathered, many of An entire suit of gentleman's clothes handsomely -befall "Johnny." careers makes it natural enongh, always feeea thus at the White flotise, says Jones. whom fell on their knees and wept and prayed, that But contparlSeos ars odious. cleaned, steamed and pressed for $2. It was necessary after the first three days to place two ©fflce of R. C. Douglass, under National Theatre, tf THE CAPITAL,-—-MARCH II, 1877.

For THE CAPITAL. lence,] "and to that we make our last appeal," by no,security for their rights, and that a shrinkage of know. Dan Bryant stepped from the cork of min- OF LIFE. [meaning thereby that he, the said Donn Piatt, in- values is now in order. If there is law for fraud there strelsy to tho Cork of Handy Andy with ease and PLUMBING AND GAS-FITTING. Ho, fixing eyes of hope upon the sun, oited and advised the people of the United States of is reason for violence," [meaning thereby that the de- graoe. Johnny Wild leit the "nigger" business tor America seditiously and rebelliously to oppose by vio- the classlo grooves of Booth's Theater. The same Is And never steering while the swift waves runt cision of the said' commission legalized fraud, which true of Georgo Knight, the Dutchman. Cool Burgess Him turning as they list, reaches no goal. lence the decisions of the said commission and the justified the people of the United States of America was a simple negro minstrel a few years ago; now he 1862. ESTABLISHED 1862.. inauguration of the person so declared elected Presi- in resisting such decisions and the inauguration gives specialties, acting, dancing and singing, for which he easily gets $150 to $200 a week. For all our life is made of little things, dent of the United States of America under said de- of the person so declared to be elected by violence. ] Oar chain of life is forged of little rings, A man or girl who can only sing, or only dance, cisions,] he, the said Donn Piatt, at tho time of print- "And to that we make our last appeal," [meaning isn't worth as much as one who does both. A good And little words and acts uplift the soul. ing, publishing and circulating the said rebellious and thereby that he, the said Donn Piatt, incited and ad- singer gets from $40 to $80, a good dogger $30 to $50. sedieious words, to wit, at the oounty and District .There are exceptions, of course. This sketch" does not 'Tis good to look aloft with ardent eyes, vised the people of the United States of America, include simple ballad singers nor soloists of any kind And work as well; he, doing these, is wise, aforesaid, on the day and year aforesaid, did inoite seditiously and rebelliously to oppose by violence the outside the variety realm. There are thousands who and set on foot a rebellion and insurrection against earn their living in the humbler ranks of the dramatic But one without the other gains no goal. deoisions of the said eèmmission and the inaugura- C. Gk THORN, the authority of the United States of America and profession, who are content to exist while others ride MAURICE F. EUAN. tion of the person so declared elected President of the on to fame and fortune. Some of them sprung from the laws thereof, against the form of the statute in United States of America under said decisions,] he, the lowly boards on which these song and dance people such case made and provided, and against the peace work, and others, perhaps, are there yet, waiting only UNITED STATES VS. DOffST PIATT. the said Donn Piatt, at the time of printing, publish- for the chance to rise. and Government of the United States of America. ing and circulating the said rebellious and seditious PLUMBING, GAS AND STEAM FITTING Third Count —Anjl the grand jurors aforesaid, on words, to wit : at the county and District aforesaid, on IN THE SUPREME COURT OP THE DISTRICT OP COLUMBIA, their oath and affirmation aforesaid, do further pre- the day and year aforesaid, did incite and set on foot a EE AL ESTATE, ET0. HOLDING A CRIMIMAL TERM. sent that Donn Piatt, late of the county and District rebellion and insurrection against the authority of the AND EXTENSIVE DEALER IN DECEMBER TERM, 1876. aforesaid, on the eighteenth day of February, in the said United States of America and the laws thereof, an o rtnn>TO LOAN ON choice HEAL District of Columbia, County of Washington, ss ; year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and against the form of the statute in such ease made and «pJLw,\J"LJlJP ESTATE, IN SUMS FROM The grand jurors of the Unitod States of America seventy-seven, with force and arms, at the oounty and provided, and against the peace and Government of $500 TO $1500. Apply to in and for the county and District aforesaid on their District aforesaid, did unlawfully, maliciously, fel- the United States of Amerioa. D. F. HAMLINK & CO., 940 F Street. oath and affirmation respectively do present: oniously and seditiously incite and set on foot a re- That Donn Piatt, late of the oounty and District Fifth Count.—And the grand jurors aforesaid, on POR RENT—HOUSES. bellion and insurrection against the authority of the their oaths, and affirmation aforesaid, do further pre- 71811th street n. w., 7 rooms, all modern imps.. .$33 33 aforesaid, on the eighteenth day of February, In the United States of America and the laws thereof, 432 H street n. w., furnished, 14 rooms $150 year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sent that Donn Piatt, late of the county and District OWN street n. w., 6 rooms 20 1220 F STREET, against the form of the statute in such oase made aforesaid, being a person of evil and seditious and 235 East Capitol street, (Grant's Row,) 16 rooms, seventy-seven, he, the said Donn Piatt, being an in- and provided, and against the peace and Government handsomely furnished, to a private family, habitant of and residing within the said United States turbulent disposition, and maliciously intending and of the United States of America. endeavoring to disturb the tranquillity, good order and rent only 160 of America, to wit: in the county and District afore- 1441 Massachusetts avenue, 16 rooms 150 BETWEEN TWELFTH AND THIRTEENTH said, and under the protection of the laws of the? said Fourth Count.—And the grand jury aforesaid, upon Government of tho United States of America, and Dbl. Brick in Georgetown, 18 rooms, furnished. STS. maliciously and wickedly intending and endeavoring 720 Eleventh street northwest, 9 rooms, " . United States of America, and owing allegiance and their oath and affirmation aforesaid, do further pre- 002 H street northeast, 7 rooms, mod'n improv'ts fidelity to the said United States of America, and not sent that, under and by virtue of the Constitution and to disturb the peace of the said United States of 601 Tenth street, 7 " " " laws of the United Statos of America, the people of Amerioa, and to causé insurrections, riots and tumults 603 Tenth street, weighing the duty of the said allegiance and fidelity •S®- No connection with any other house. the several States of the United "States of America, withinHje said United States of America, to the great 606 Tenth street, 7 " " " to the said United States of America, but being a se- 607 Tenth street, 7 " " •• ditious person, falsely, maliciously and unlawfully in- in their several States, in accordance with the terror, annoyance and disturbance of the citizens of 611 Tenth street, 7 " » " Remember the old stand—1220 F street, opposite the the said United States of America ; afterwards, to- tending and contriving the peace and tranquillity of modes prescribed by the legislatures of the several 613 Tentli street, 7 " " " Board of Health office—where can be found C. G. States, on the seventh day of November, in the year wit : on the eighteenth day of February, in the year 615 Tenth street, 7 " " " 'the said United States of America to disquiet, molest 623 Tenth street, 7 " " " of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and seventy- Thorn, the man for the times. and disturb, and as much as in him lay, rebellion and of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and — Ninth street, bet. Fand Gn.e., 7 rooms," „ oct20-tf6 insurrection against the authority of the said United seventy-six did proceed to vote for electors who were seven, at the county and District aforesaid, did, with 301G street northwest, store io 303 G street northwest, store io States of Amerioa and the laws thereof to incite, set on to elect the President and Vice President of the force and arms, unlawfully, wickedly and maliciously incite, stir up, and as muijh as in him lay, endeavor 710 Third street northwest ' io JOHN BARRY, loot, assist and engage in, and to bring the Constitu- Unitod States of America for a period of four years, 612 loth street n. w., 14 rooms, furnished.(..'.. 80 tion and laws of the said United States into danger commencing en the fourth day of Mfirch, in the year and labor to persuade the citizens of tho said Unitod 723 10th street northeast, 4 rooms and stable 12 and contempt, and to prevent the execution thereof, of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy- States of America, and a great number thereof, whose POR SALE—HOUSES. Prioe. Plumber, Gas & Steam Fitter names are to the jurors aforesaid as yet unknown, 2-story frame, s. e. cor. Lawrence and 19th sts. did, on the day and year last aforesaid, at the county seven. 7 rooms, easy terms $1 600 and Distriot aforesaid, with force and arms, unlawful- And the grand jurors aforesaid, upon their oath with force and arms unlawfully, riotously and tumult- 2-story frame, 1620 Madison st. n. w., easy tms... 2'ooo « W» Seventh St., bet. A' and 0, N. ff. ly, maliciously, feloniously and seditiously lnoite and and affirmation aforesaid, do further present, that ously to assemble and gather together to disturb the 148 A n. e., 10 rooms, all modern improvem'ts 6 600 peace of the said United States of America and terrify N. E. cor. 7th and A s. e„ 10 r'ms, mod. imp'ts... 5,600 set on foot a rebellion and insurrection against the thereafter, and on tho twenty-ninth day of January, LeDroit Park 7 rooms, ' « " 4 300 «»-ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. authority of the United States of Amerioa and the in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and annoy, disturb and Injure other citizens of the 1619 Ninth st. n. w., 11 rooms, " " 4'ooo ap30-l " 3'ooo Constitution and laws of the said United States and seventy-seven, by virtue of a law of the United said United States of America in open violation of Ten New Bricks, 7 rooms, " the laws, good Government and order of the United 630 K street northeast, 6 rooms, easy terms 2,'600 against the form of the statute in such case made and States of America, ontitled "An act to provide for and 424 street southwest, store and dwelling 2,500 GROCERIES- provided, and against the peace and government of regulate the counting of votes for President and Vice States of Amerioa against the peace and Government Cor. 2d and As. e., 12 rooms, all mod. imp'ts 14 000- President and the decision of questions arising thereon of the United Statos of America. Mass. ave., bet. 14th and 15th n.w., 16 r'ms, do... 18,000 the United States of America. 1102dst.n.e.,7rooms, all modern improvem'ts 4,500 WILLIAM B.* GREEN, for the term commencing March 4, A. D. 1877," a com- Second Count.—And the grand jurors aforesaid, upon H. H. WELLS, U. S. Attorney, D. C.' 1122d St. n.e., 7 " " " " 4 500 mission was appointed to decide such questions as 623 N street northwest, 5 rooms 2'ooo DEALER IN their oath and affirmation aforesaid, do further pre- might be submitted to them in manner therein pro- 18 7th street northeast, 3 rooms, mod. imps, 4*600 sent : That Donn Piatt, fate of the county and Dis- 22 7th street northeast, 8 rooms, mod., imps, 4,600 vided as to how said votes should be counted. SONG AN» DASCE MEN. STAPLE ASD FANCY GBOCEBIES, trict aforesaid, ©n the said eighteenth day of February, LOTS POR SALE. Price And the grand jurors aforesaid, upon their oath and 8800 feet on Pa. ave., 4th and C sts. s. 0 8 800 in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred »'. W. CORNER TlIlItTEKSTH 1XD F STS. affirmation aforesaid, do further present, that the WHO AND WHAT THEY ARE—WHERE THEY COME PROS! 4,800 feet on Mass. ave., bet. 17th and ISth sts,. 4'800 and seventy-seven, he, the said Donn Piatt, being —THEIR SPECIALTIES AND PRICES. 1160 feet F st. n.w., bet. 9th and 10th 5 800 an inhabitant of and residing within the said said commission, having in the manner provided by 4300 feet Q St. n. w., bet. 14th and 15th 3 870 law, and in accordance with law, determined that the [From the Telegraph.] 9000 feet 1 st. n. e., bet. 12th and 13t.h 1 620 United States of America, to wit: at the "Song and dance" men average from $50 to $200 a 4000 feet G st. n. e., bet. 10th and llth 1 500 Haying moved from my old stand to the above- oounty and District aforesaid, and under the votes of the States of Florida and Louisiana should be week. Their services are varied, however, and it 1584 feet H St. n. e., bet. 3d and 4th l'ooo named locality, I have greatly enlarged my stook with cast for Rutherford R. Hayes for President of the would bo as absurd to class them all together as it new goods fresh from the Northern markets which I protection of the laws of the said United States of 2500 leet G st. n. e., bet. 10th and llth '450 respectfully ask my patrons and friends to call and ex- United States of America and for William A. Wheeler would to put all servitors of the church under the 2836 feetN st. n.w.,bet,16th and 17th"1 , . America, and owing allegiance and fidelity to the said classification of priest. Popularly speaking, all men amine, feeling confident that I can satisfy them both for Vice President of the United States of America, so 2932 " " " " These lots are fn quality and price. United States of America, and not weighing the duty and women who sing and danoe on the stage are 3127 " " u u situated within of his said allegiance and fidelity to the said United decided. "song and dance" people. In reality such is not tho 3226 " " " " a few yards of And the grand jurors aforesaid, on their oath and case. Harrigan.and Hart, who command $200 a week' 3322 " " " u I Scott's Square. States of Amorica, but being a seditious person, each, and have been offered as high as $500 for a brief 3420 " " u u j and are offered W®, B. GREEN. falsely, maliciously and unlawfully intending and affirmation aforesaid, do further present, that Donn season in Boston, would feel hurt if they were to be 3517 « » u 1. for Bale on the oc29-6mos5 contriving the ;peace and tranquillity of the said Piatt, late of the county and Distriot aforesaid, on the spoken of as song and dance men* They sing and they 3815 " " " it * most reasono- eighteenth day of February, in tho year of our Lord take steps, to be sure, but their specialty is "Irish acts " 3712 " it f u u ble terms. JOHN HZ KteLLY, United States of America to disquiet, molest and dis- in which singing and dancing are incidental. 3200 feet cor. A and Delaware ave. s. w„ fronting the turb, and as much as in him lay, rebellion and insur- one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven, he, The first woman who introduced male impersona- Capitol. s Dealer in FIRST-CLASS rection against the authority of the United States of the said Donn Piatt, being an inhabitant of and resid- tions on the stage in this country was Miss Annie TO EXCHANGE FOR CITY PROPERTY—250 BEEF, V^ASSSSSIN LAMB, America, and the laws thereof, to inoite, set on foot, I ing within the said United States of America, to Hindle, now playing in tho West. At first her male acres land 7 miles from Washington, improved by two wit., In the county and District aforesaid, and under costuming was not popular. Atter a little audiences dwellings and outhouses, «nd containing 60 peach TEAL, 1IUTTOS, Etc. assist and engage in, and to bring the Constitution and became accustomed to it, and as her bearing was trees and a living spring; 25 acres yidlded last year 75 laws of the United States of Amorica into danger and the protection of the laws of the said United States of modest and decorous, she soon became a $100 favorite bushels corn per acre. CORNED BEEF A SPECIALTY. contempt, and to prevent the execution thereof, did! Amerioa and owing allegiance and fidelity to the said The best known of tills class is Ella Wesner, who TWO LOTS, each 30 feet front by 175 feet deep, Stalls 628, 629 and 630 Center Market, Ninth street looks as masculine in her street costume as in her fronting on the turnpike road, and only three min- on the day and yair last aforesaid, with force and] Unitod States of America, and not weighing the duty wing; and 206 and 208 Northern Liberty Market or ad- stage dress. Probably Miss Wesner would consider utes' walk from the Bladensburg station. Price. dress Box 713 City Post Office. Marketing delivered arms, at the county and District aforesaid, unlawfully,! of his said allegiance and fidelity to the said United it infra dig. if she were catalogued as a song and $175 each. ; free of charge to all parts of the city. dcel0-ly8 maliciously, feloniously and seditiously incite and setl States of America, but, being a seditious person, dance woman. Nevertheless, dressed like a man, she Also, ROOMS and other Houses for rent. A spe- falsely, maliciously and unlawfully intending and sings serio-comic songs, and- at the close of each verae cialty: Routing, selling, and insuring property,' col- on foot a rebellion and insurrection against the aul takes a few steps in toe and heel time. Her costumes lecting rents, and negotiating loans. CIGAES AND TüBAuOO. thority of the United States of Amorica and the Con- contriving the peace and tranquillity of the said United are neat, fashionably cut. and in no sense loud. She Apply to D. F. HAMLINK & CO., • stitution and laws of the said United States of Amer- States of America to disquiet, molest and disturb, easily secures $125 and travels continually either Real Estate iind Insurance Agents. and as much as in him lay rebellion and insurrection here or on the other side. The regular song and dance dec31 3mo2 940 F street northwest. ioa, and did with toree and arms, at the county and people are divided into three specialty sets—the ne- District aforesaid, on the day and year aforesaid, against the authority of the said United States of gro, Dutch and Irish. Stranae to say, they never falsely, maliciously, feloniously and seditiously print, America, and the laws thereof to incito, set on foot, as- attempt the Yankee. At tho head of the negro men W. N. ROWE, publish and circulate, and cause and prooure to be sist and engage in, and to bring the Constitution and is old Dave Reed, who, so long ago as the times of laws of the said United States of America intq dan- Christy and the Bryants, was a favorite end man, and REAL ESTATE BROKER, Wholesale printed, published and circulated, and willingly aid who, for thirty years at least, has delighted the voung r Dealer in Im- and assist in thb printing, publishing and circulating ger and contempt, and to prevent the execution there- and made merry tho old. Dave Reed is not far from >'0. 512 F street X. Vi., one square east of Post Office, ported and in the county and District aforesaid, of and concerning of, did, on the day and year last aforesaid, with force sixty years of age, a quiet, decorous man of family. Washington, D. C. manufacturer of The huge posters which exhibit the comely features HOUSES, LOTS, AND FARMS ON SALE. the Cactus, La a certain law of the United States of Amerioa, entitled and arms, at the county and District aforesaid, un- of "Gus Williams," the " Dutch Comedian," to ad- Houses Rented. Rents collected. Money Loaned Manola, La Roose, "An act to provide for and regulate the counting or lawfully, maliciously, feloniously and seditiously incite miring crowds, say nothing about his status as a song and Stockton Cigars. and set on foot a rebellion and insurrection against and danee man, and he would doubtless feel annoyed and carefully invested. nov26-ly2 Agent for the Ambro- votes for President and Vice President and the de-l if he were to be called such. For all that, he is one of cision of questions arising thereon, for the term com- the authority of the United States of America, and sia Fine Cut. The trade the most popular of the many who tell Dutch dialect F A. BEUTEE & CO. supplied direct from the mencing March 4, A. D. 1877, and of and concerning the Constitution and laws of the United States of stories, sing Dutch songs and round off each perform- ' factory at the very lowest New '" the decision of a commission, by virtue of and under America ; and did, with force and arms, at the county ancowith a dancing flourish. Managers cheerfully York and Baltimore prices, pay Williams $150 a week and find it profitable. said act created, certain false, malicious, rebellious and District aforesaid, on the day and year aforesaid, George Knight, who has made the hit of Rowe's REAL ESTATE AND GENERAL AGENTS, and seditious words, as lollows: " This Is not law ; falsely, maliciously, feloniously and seditiously print, "Fifth Avenue," has more brains than a dozen average Claims prosecutod before the Departments and publish and circulate, and cause and procure to be actors, and would scoff at the idea of a song and dance against the District of Columbia. Money Loaned and [meaning thereby that the decision of said commis- Loans Negotiated. Legal Documents of all descrip- JSSf-Rctail branches at Willard's, Metro- printed, published and circulated, and willingly aid classification. He tells stories, sings songs and dances politen, Arlington and Imperial Hotels. sion theretofore made on the questions submitted to every evening in the week at Booth's Theater, where tions carefully drawn. Houses for Rent and Collection 1 and assist in the printing, publishing and circulat- of Rent a specialty. Offico 1137 Seventh street, bet. L ' . oct8-tfl them under the said act was unlawful] "it is revolu he gets in the neighborhood of $150 a week and makes and M northwest. F. A. BEUTER turn;" [meaning thereby that the said decisions were ing in the county and District aforesaid of and con- a bad play go. cerning a certain law of the United Statos of America, But the Irish singeis seem to be tho favorites. Two sopl7-6mos8 Justic| e of- th- e— Peace . t revolutionary,] "and if the people," [meaning the men in worsted stockings, corduroy breeches, red vest, people of the United States of America,] "tamely sub- entitled "An act to provide for and regulate the counts green coat, a wide collar, a short pipe, if gifted with mit we may bid a long larewell to constitutional gov- ing of votes for President and Vice-President, and the any vocal power and leg-shaking ability, are always HOSEA B. MOULTON, decision of questions arising thereon, for the term certain of applause and good pay. These people are ernment j" [meaning thereby that if the people of the great sticklers for designation. Sam Devere, for in- 1331 Seventh St., bet. X and O Sts. northwest. i Uhited States of America did not forcibly resist the commencing March 4, A. D. 1877," and of and con- stance, plays the banjo, sings commonplace songs, and cerning the decision of said commission, by virtue of now and then takes a step. He is good for $100 a week ATTORNES-AT-LAW, JUSTICE OF THE said decisions of .the-said commission the Government : said act of Congress, created certain false, malicious, the year round. He calls himself a negro delineator— PEACE. REAL ESTATE AGENT AND of the said United States of America as established by not a song and dance man. COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS. its Constitution, would thereby be brought to an end.] rebellious and seditious words, as follows: ' As a rule these people travel In couples. Their "Fraud no longer vitiates. A corrupt administration stylos differ. Some afiect the neat and fancv; others Special attention given to the prosecution of Pay "This is not law," [meaning thereby that the decision the loud and obstreperous. Delehanty and Hengler, Pension and Bounty Claims against the Government. has only by its bayonets to hold a State usurpation of the said commission theretofore made on the ques- for instance, dress in velvet coats and trousers, ruffled apr30-7 long enough in power for a corrupt returning board to tions submitted to them under the said act of Congress shirt fronts, pretty stockings and fancy shoes, and give quiet, neat, artistic dancing, accompanied by do its vile task and the work is done. • was unlawful;] "it is revolution," [meaning thereby Samuel C» Mills, W. N. WOOD, Agent, sentimental songs. They are paid $150 a week: On febl8-6m3 Cor. Ninth and F sts. northwest. " If a man thus returned to power" [meaning that the said decisions were revolutionary;] "and if the other hand, Johnson and Bruno dress roughly, the people" [meaning thereby the people of the United act uncouthly, and Indulge in acrobatic rudeness to JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, UNITED STATES thereby a person declared elected President of the the huge delight of their audience. They, too, got 3A1IËL 10U6HEAB, said United States of America under the decisions of States of America] "tamely submit, we may bid along $150. COMMISSIONER AND NOTARY PUBLIC. the said commission made under the said law of the farewell to constitutional government," [meaning None of this class indulge in sketches. Their en- tertainment is oonfined to singing and acting. The No. 488 Louisiana avenue, Washington, D. C. JOBBER OF said United States of America ] "can ride in safety " thereby that if the people of the United States oi America did not forcibly resist the said decisions of moment the line of the dialogue is passed, and they Special attention given to Pensions and the Collec- f meaning thereby that if a person can ride in safety ; have sets or scenes on the stage, they rise on the his- CIGARS ANI) TOBACCO, that is, without being killed, assaulted or receiving the said commission, the Government of tho United trionic grade to the level of sketchists and actors. So tion of Claims. mar26-ly5 long as they confine themselves to singing and danc- - bodily harm,] "from the Executive Mansion to the States of America as established by its Constitution would thereby be brought to an end.] "Fraud no ing there must be two of thom. The one comple- LIVEEY STABLES. NO. 1408 PENNSYLVANIA ATENUE, OPPO- Capitol to be inaugurated,we are fitted for the slavery ments the other. While one dances the other can SITE WILLARD'S HÖSEL. that will follow the Inauguration," [meaning thereby longer vitiates. * A corrupt administration has only, rest. Of late years there has been Introduced an odd mhl9-ly3 style of dancing. It might, perhaps, be termed ec- A. B. KETE8. the inauguration of the person declared elected Pres- by its bayone ts, to hold a State usurpation long enough J. L. SMITH. in power for a corrupt returning board to do its vile centric gymnastics. Hand-jumps, double somersaults A >,W ident of the said United States of America under the and physical demonstrations, from the ordinary ath- T' A MPTJTflTTIf— CIGAKK'IPTK- sarid decisions.] task, and the work is done. If a man thus returned to letic trick to the most difficult feat of the professional JLl ftffl.DjnlijU.UPERIQ.UE AND VANITY FAIR power" [meaning thereby a person declared elected arena. Some of the performers are little better than MIXTURE.—dulte equal to a cigar and at one-tenth "We do not believo the people of the United States IxE^STBS dk3 Oo. President of the United States of America under the bad olowns; but some attain such popularity by their the cost. Unlike all-others. Provided with mouth- are of this servile sort," [meaning thereby that he, wit and humor as to warrant managers in paying them piece, to avoid direct contact of the teeth and. decisions of the said commission made under the said the mucous lining of the cheeks with the tobacco, the said Donn Piatt, did not believe that the people of $150 a week. They go from city to oity, always sure of law of the United States of America] "can ride in a cordial reception. while the entire quantity of tobacco is consumed. the said Unitod States of America, would submit to al-1 Packed in tin foil and gotten up with the same care - safety" {meaning thereby if a person can in safety, The ordinary mind might consider a clog-dancer, low a person to be elected and inaugurated President who also sings, a song and dance man; but the frater- and attention that characterizes all the productions of, that is without being killed, assaulted or receiving our factory. Highest Centennial award. Sample by of the said United States of Ajnerica under the said nity would be outraged at such ignorance. Now and bodily harm] "from the Executive Mansion to the then clog-dancers go in pairs, but rarely. There are mail 15 cents. Ask your dealer for our goods. WM.. decisions of the said cSmmission so created by and S. KIMBALL & CO., Rochester. N. Y. Fiva prize Capitol to be inaugurated, we are fit for the slavery two one-legged clog-dancers who make good salaries. under the laws of the United States of America, but Aclogoouplo get $80 a week. Sam Martin lost his medals. - )an26-3m7 that will follow the inauguration," [meaning thereby leg in the war; and being unable to obtain employ- would assault, wound and kill such person on his way the inauguration of the person declared to be elected ment studied the steps, bought a crutch, and now 1833. ESTABLISHED 1S83. lrom the Executive Mansion to the Capitol to be inau- President of the United States of America under the draws $50 a week. He dances well, taking the same gurated.] JOHN McDEKMOTT & BEOS., said decisions.] " We de not believe the peoplo of the j steps with his crutch that he does with his leg. The most popular couples are those who give male and COACH MAKERS AND CARRIAGE DEALERS, ""We do not believe that they are prepared, without United States are of this servile sort," [meaning female impersonations. A favorite sketch opens with a blow, to part with their hard-earnod, blood-stained an aged couple, man and wife, sitting in their humble No. 310 PENNSYLVANIA ATEKPE, thereby that he, Donn Piatt, did not believo that the COACHES, (Near Third street,) possessions," [meaning thereby that he, the said people of the United States of America would eubmit cabin. They sing. The old wife goes out, returning Donn Piatt, did not believe that the people of the said presently as a young maiden. They sing. The lather WASHINGTON, D. C. to allow a person to be declared elected and Inaugu- goes out, returning presently as the lover of the girl, OPEN HRETTS, United States of America would at this time allow a Carriages and Harness received on Storage and Sold rated President of the United States of America under and then they not only sing but dance, you'd better on Commission. Carriages Repaired. person to be declared elected and inaugurated Presi- the said decisions oi the said commission so created believe. It can readily be seen that in the hands of LIGHT WAGONS, dent of the United states of America under the said an artistic couple this sketch affords scope for pathos under the laws of the said United States of America, decisions of the said commission so created by and and humor. At all events, it. is very popular, and is EAILEOAD TIES, but would assault, wound and kill such person on his reproduced in German and Irish dialect all over the SADDLE HORSES, under the said act of Congress, but would resist by way from the Executive Mansion to the Capitol to be country. WHITE OAK TIMBER, CEDAR POSTS AND force such inauguration.] Just now musical mokes and musical coons are all DO UBLEand SINGLEB UG GIES inaugurated.] " We do not believe that they are pre- the rage. They are simply a variety of the song and HICKORY BUTTS, "Notice is now served on the citizens of Louis- pared, without a blow, to part with their hard-earned, dance genus, but would probably not class themselves and all other vehicles promptly furnished. iana and South Carolina that they must care forthem - blood-stained possessions," [meaning thereby that he, as such. Their mode of operation is this: Two men, Manufactured and for sale by blacked, are discovered in a cabin, on a table of which selves," [meaning thereby that he, the said Donn the said Donn Piatt, did not believe the people of the are twenty different instruments. They propose to «8" Orders left at the Arlington Hotel or at the AUSTIN P. BROWN, Piatt, believed that the people of the said States said United States of America would at this time allow spend a pleasant evening together, and do so, trying, New York avenue and Fifteenth street, ap23-i Washington, D. C. should not rely upon the laws of the United States a person to be declared elected and inaugurated Presi- in turns the several instruments, interspersing tlie Stable, day or night, will receive prompt attention. numbers with songs, jokes and dances. Sanford and for their protection, but should resort to force and vio- dent of the United States of America under the said Wilson do a very neat act of this kind, and are well J. AMBLER SMITH, lence.] "How soon lamp-posts will bear fruit is for decisions of the said commission so created by the said worth $125. Fields and Hoey call themselves musioal Close Carriages for wedding calls and receptions. them to say," [meaning thereby to incite and act of Congress, but would resist by force suoh in- coons, get the same price and do a rougher act. In all these theaters serio-oomic vocalists are adver- Attorney-at-Law, induce a portion of the people of the said States auguration.] " Notice is now served on the citizens tised. Of these Ella Wesner, Jennie Hughes and of Louisiana and South Carolina to speedily re- of Louisiana and South Carolina that they must care Miss Ida Raymond are the best. They get from $100 -Boarding and Livery Stables 713 nrrEENTH STREET NORTHWEST,WASH- sort to force and violence.] "To the people for themselves/' [meaning thereby that he, the said to $150 a week. Miss Richmond is considered the best dresser in the business. Miss Hughes sings well AT WILLARD'S HOTEL STABLES, INGTON, D. C. of the North and West notice is given that ajl Doqn Piatt, believed that the people of the said States and dresses well. She, however, contemplates leaving the toil to which they are subjected that bond- should not rely upon the laws of the United States for that line-and entering the legitimate drama. Corner Fourteenth and D streets, Washington, D. O. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO CLAIMS holders and monopolists may fatten secure is repaid their protection, but should resort to force and violence. It is a very narrow margin that divides a sketcher BEFORE THE DEPARTMENTS. by no security for their rights, and that a shrinkage from a burlesque actor. The famous Worrell sisters, " How soon lamp-posts will bear fruit is for them to Lydia Thompson, Harry Beckett and Stuart Robson GEO. A. BAKU, of value is now in order. If there is law for lraud REFERS TO : Hon. Lott M. Morrill, Secretary ot say," [meaning thereby to incite and induce a portion are burlesque actors, differing from those in the va- Treasury; Hon. Z. Chandler, Secretary of Interior; there is reason for violence," [meaning thereby that of the people of the said States of Louisiana and South riety theaters only in merit and the " lengths " they Hon. J. M. Tyner, Postmaster General; Hon. R. Hol- the decision of the said commission legalized fraud, learn. It is but a few years since Mr. Beckett was the land Duell, Commissioner of Patents: Hon. J. Q,. Carolina to speedily resort to force and violence.] "To star of the Thompson troupe, dressed as a woman and Carpenter and Builder, which justified the people of the United States of Smith, Commissioner of Indian Affairs; General J. A. the people of the North and West notice is given that sang and danced like the best of them. Mr. Robson Williamson, Commissioner General Land Office. America in resisting such decisions and the inaugu- all the toil to which they are subjected, that bond, recently played in burlesque in the Athenaeum, a Bos- ration of the person so declared to be elected by vio- ton variety theater. ALSO TO MEMBERS OF FORT'jf-THIBD- holders and monopolists may fatten, secure, is repaid As a matter of fact the several lines of acting are Shop 505 New Jersey Avenue. CONGKESS. much more intimately connected than most people I'ebll-tf3

I o THE CAPITAL.----MARCH 11, 1877.

For THE CAPITAL. from parties in the departments, who "club" together, Better than Bine Glass. TO TEAVELEES. HOTELS AND BESTAUBANTS. J. DON CAMERON'S LAMENT. and say they get things much cheaper outside of Bobby Blinkers was a Nevada boy, and didn't want Washington. I have not time this week to argue the to go to sohool the other day. He did not put in his appearance at breakfast, and about nine o'clock his TgALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD. AIB -.—MacPlierson's Farewell. subject, but I can and will prove that everything can mother went up to see what was the matter. Bob was NEW HOTEL. be bought here as cheap as any outside place can sup- writhing about the bed from an improvised stomach- The great double track. ply the articlo of the same kind, and 1 will do so next ache. "All right," said the old lady. "I'll apply a NATIONAL ROUTE AND SHORT LINE But whilom since I stood nmemg mustard plaster," and In a few minutes a hot mustard ' TO THE R1GGS HOUSE, The foremost of the day-an I week. ROBERTS. plaster, containing two square feet of motive power, Northwest, West and South. was spread upon that boy- s abdomen. "Mother, how JANUARY 14, 187T. PLUHHEB & SPOFFORD, Bat now, alack! my neck Is wrung long must this thing stay on?" "1 guess I'll be able And I am flung away-ah! A Scene at the Delhi Imperial Assem- ta take It oil' about four this afternoon, and then If 1 A. M. Leave Washington: Proprietors. blage. can get an emetic to work it'll be all right. Lie still, For Hayes I bargained fast and loose my boy; I'll bring you through." Then Bob rose up 6:00 a. m.—Baltimore and Way Stations. Fifteenth and G Streets, Washington, D. C. The display of elephants at the Imperial assemblage 7:00 a. m.—Baltimore, Annapolis and Way Stations. And future Influence boasted; Immediately and started for school, and the plaster 7:60 a. m.—Point of RockB and Way Stations. oct20-8 But his politicians cooked my gooso— was one of the finest ever seen. A correspondent was the cause of his being an hour late.—Boston counted one hundred and eighty-two government ele- Globe. F8;00 a. m.—NBW YORK AND BOSTOH EXPRBSS. On £ am the goose they roasted. Sunday to Baltimore and Way Stations only. phants, forming part ol a great semi-circle, which was 8:30 a. m.—Baltimore and Way Stations. EBBITT HOUSE, 1 strutted through the portal way, continued by tho contingents of the great rajahs t8:*0a.m.—Chicago, St. Louis, Cincinnati and Pitts- They bounced me through the back door; MISCELLANEOUS. burg Express. Hagerstown and Valley Railroad, and drawn up in the rear of the pavilion set apart for rul- HEADQUARTERS ARMY AND NAVY, Methought I was a peacock gay, ing chiefs. As their highnesses' state elephants were Pittsburg except Sunday. But they proved me for a jack-daw. fl0:10 a. m.—Baltimore Express. For Annapolis on gorgeously caparisoned, and their howdahs, covere d Sundays only. How sad to play me for a fool, with gold and silver, shone resplendent in the sun, the GEORGE BRIETBARTH, P. M. WASHINGTON, I). O. An ill-used party toiler. effect of the whole was magnificent. There must have 12:00 p. m.—Baltimore, Annapolis, Elllcott City Ac- The frog that tried to bo a bull been several hundred elephants belonging to the na- DEALER I2Ï commodations. tive princes on the field. Round and about there were tl:30 p. M —NBW YORK ASD NORSOLK EXPRESS. C. C. WILLARD, Proprietor. In .aSsop burst his boiler, On Sunday to Baltimore and Way Stations only. camels In hundrods, some with saddles, some carrying 8:30 p. m.—Baltimore and Way Stations. And so, poor me ! put me on the shelf, blunderbusses on the front hump and a wild looking METROPOLITAN HOTEL, A played-out party flunkey. 4:30 p. m.—BALTIMORE AND LAUREL EXPRESS. soldier on the rear one, and some laden with provender 4:30 p. m.—Frederick and Point ol Rocks, Accom- WASHINGTON, D. O.; Who tried to be the cat himself, for the elephants. The troops of the native princes FASHIONABLE FURNITURE, modation. Was made catspaw for the monkey. formed a brave show, but whether they would be worth f4:3S p. m.—Baltimore, Annapolis and Way Sta- CAEROLLTON HOTEL, Tripped from my high estate I skip much on a field of battle is very doubtful Indeed. tions. +7:00 p. m.—Baltimore and Way Stations. Baok to\he farm in Dauphin; They are wretchedly armed, and with the exception of +7:16 p. m.—Chicago and Columbus Express. BALTIMORE, MD., a few regiments'as wretchedly drilled. BEDDINGS, WINDOW SHADES, A tear drop gilds my massive lip, {7:45 p. m.—St. Louis, Cincinnati ana Louisville Both under the management of the undersigned. I am an outoast orphan ! The Irregular cavalry—very irregular, most of It— Express. f8:20 p. m.—Point of Rocks Accommodation, (9:40 R. R. COMMAS & CO. 1 toddle down fate's hard-pan slope looked wild and picturesque,- but for the most part it was mounted on horses that none of our cavalry sow- SPRING PATTERNS JUST RECEIVED. p. m. on Sunday.) nov26-6m8 All sore from cruol kioks; 1 ars would look at. However, such as they were, this f9:20 p. m.—NRW YORK EXPRESS. Daily. Question if there still be hope, added immensely to the ensemble of the scene. The All other trains dally except Sunday. feu dejoie which was so admirably given by the troops All trains stop at Relay Station. IMPERIAL HOTEL, But echo answers " nixy!" rolled up toward the line of rajahs'elephants with a Trains leave Baltimore for Washington, f6:05, 6:50, most alarming roar, and a stampede at once began. f7:00, 7:20, 9:00 and 10SO a. m.;and 12:15,3:00, 3:30,4:30, The state elephants turned and ran. They jostled f5:00, f6:30, f8:00, 6:30 and 18:16 p. m. Also 10:00 a. m. GOSSIP BY UOBESTS. each other with Bueh force that one was actually and 1:30 p. m. on Sundays. WASHINGTON, D. C., thrown down, and came to tht ground with tremen- SEVENTH STREET N. W., WASHINGTON, D. C. For further information apply at Ticket Offices at Sparrowgrass, after getting well settled in his dous foroe. Fortunately the manouts got them In Depot, corner New Jersey avenue and C streets, 485, hand before th^y rushed fairly among the troops and country home, about ten miles from the maddening (Next to Odd Fellows' Hall.) 601 and 603 Pennsylvania avenue, and 613 Fiiteenth spectators, but many accidents occurred. It was said street northwest, where tickets can be procured and no28-tfl J. S. PIERCE, Proprietor. crowd—New York—told his wife to buy some chickens, at the time that hundreds of people were trampled to orders will be taken for baggage to be checked and re very young ones, so they could have the pleasure of death, but happily this turned out not to be the caso. celved at any point In the city. The elephants took fright again and again as the firing READ THE FOLLOWING : raising them; "so nice In the oountry, you know." THOS. R. SHARP, Master of Transportation. oame up near them, but they never became completely L. M. COLE, General Ticket Agent. IRVING HOUSE, She did so, and as Sparrowgrass was called away for a panic struck ; had they done so the casualties would Walnut Marble-Top Dressing-Case Suites at febl-tf!5 GEO. S. KOONTZ, General Agent. Corner Eighth and D Streets S. W. time on business ho had no time to lnspeot his pur- certainly have been counted by hundreds if not by thousands. Elephants will not stand fire. GREAT One square north of Pennsylvania avenue; two squares chase- One morning alter his return he heard a mis- 1877. PENNSYLVANIA 1877. south of the Patent and Post Offices. cellaneous noise in the yard. "What's that?" said ROUTE AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN PLAN—PLEAS- he. " Oh, my dear," says Mr. S., " that's our ohickens; Sean Swift on Lawyers. Handsome Hair-Cloth and Eep Parlor Suites TO THE NORTH, WEST AND SOUTHWEST. ANT ROOMS AT MODERATE RATES- Gulliver in his voyage to the Houyhnhums, being they crow beautifully." "Crow?" ejaculated her at $55.. Doable Track, Steel Kalis, Splendid TABLE BOARD AT $20 PER MONTH. other half faintly. Further investigation proved that q ueitioned by his master as to the nature and prac- Seencry, May'iiilicent Equipment. EDWARD A. BUTTS, tices of the law, made the following observations: febl8-ly2 ' PROPRIETOR. the chiokons were all roostors, and Sparrowgrass, in- 1 Cottage Dressing-Case Suites at $86. ' There was a society of men among us bred up from NOVEMBER 27,1876. WEST END HOTEL, stead of having a nice gentle brood of chiokens, had a Trains leave Washington, from Depot, Corner of riotous lot of roosters, who intended to have their their youth intheartof proving that white is black and Sixth and B streets, as follows: GEORGETOWN, D. C. own way,and they did,notwithstanding the grief of the black is whito, according as they are paid. To this All Kinds of Furniture For Pittsburg and the West, 9:55 a. m. daily, with V. SHINN Proprietor. society all the rest of the people are slaves. Parlor Car to Pittsburg, and Sleeping Cor to Cin- Sparrowgrass family. The result of the Republican In- AT FACTORY PRICES. This hotel is conveniently located, being situated on "The judges are persons appointed to decide all cinnati, St. Louis and Chicago; 7:40 p. m. daily, the line of the Washington and Georgetown City Pas- vestment in what they fondly believed to be an Inno- with Palace Car to Chicago. senger Railroad, the ears of which, irom the Railroad controversies of property as well as for the trial of crim- Examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. BALTIMORE AND POTOMAC RAILROAD. cent little brood of chickens, gentle, inoffensive little inals, and picked out from the .most dexterous lawyers and Steamer Depots, pass the door every two or three mar4-lts For Canandalgua, Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls minutes. The guests of this house can roach any oi things, that they could feed and manage as they who have grown old or lazy, and having been blessed and the North, 7:40 p. m. dally, except Saturday, liked, brings to my mind this little episode in the the Public Buildings of the National Capital, or any all their lives against truth and equity, Jie under such with Palace Car to Watklns. For Williamsport, place of amusement, &c., by a pleasant ride of a tew :Sparrowgrass family. The Republican chicken has a fatal neoessity of favoring fraud, peijury and op- New York Window Shade Store, Erie, Elmira and Watklns, 9:55 a. m. dally except minutes. Board per day, |2. By the month at re- Sunday, turned out a self-willed rooster with a decided will of pression that I have known some of them refuse a 618 Ninth nt., Opposite Patent Office, duced rates. Sep26-tiB large bribe from the side where justice lay rather than For New York and tho East, 2:05 a. m..and 9:20 p. m. bis own. The party has elected its President, and yet This house deals exclusively in WINDOW UP- daily, with Palaoe Car attached; Limited Express injure the faculty by doing anything unbecoming HOLSTERY. All the latest Patterns oi Shades. HARVEY'S it is not happy. For three months it did everything their nature or their office. of Puiman Parlor Cars, 9:20 a. m. dally, exoept Sun- to procure its tame ohicken, as was supposed—it ig- Cornices, Curtains, &o. Patent and all other Fixtures^ day. " It is a maxim among these lawyers that whatever Stores and Offloes fitted up. Elegant Shades with For New York and the East, 1:30 p. m. daily, except Old Established ladies' and Gentlemen's nored fraud, everything, to gain Its ends. The will has been done before may legally be done again, and Sunday, with Parlor Cars to New York and Sleep- therefore they take special care to record all the de- Gold Borders lor $1 each, with fixtures. Cords, Tas- ol the people was not regarded, but in spite of every oisiohs formerly made against common justice and sels, Curtains, Fixtures in great variety. ing Cars to Boston. right Hayes was deolared eleoted, and the party who Branoh of FUSSELL & KLOES, New York, For Philadelphia, 1:30 p. m. daily, except Sunday, OYSTER SALOON AND RESTAURANT, the reason of mankind. These, under the name of and 2:05 a. m. and 5:30 and 9:20 p. m. daily. Limited had stolen everything for years stole their President. precedents, they produce as authority to justify the mar4-4t5 R, J. CLAUSE, Agent, 1016 Pennsylvania Avcnuo and Eleventh Street, most Iniquitous opinions, and the judges never fall of Express, 9:20 a. m. daily, except Sunday. WASHINGTON, D. C. There was a grand torchlight procession, which the directing accordingly. Accommodation for Baltimore, 7:36 a. m. and 4:20 p. The largest Oyster House In the United States. All m. daily, except Sunday. . papers informed us would have "ten thousand in " In pleading they studiously avoid entering Into brands of the tfnest oysters that the briny deep can H. WALKER TUCKER. For Pope's Creek Line, 3:35 a. m. and 4:20 p. m. daily, produce are served with every imaginable dish that line." Well, 1 gazed at the "prooesh " and counted the morits of a. case, but are loud, violent and tedious except Sunday. in dwelling upon all circumstances which are not to DEALEE IN can be called for. four white men in it ; the rest of the grandeur and the purpose. For Annapolis, 9:55 a. m. and 4:20 p. m. daily, except richness was concentrated on some Ave hundred un- Sunday. The Ladles' Saloon is one of the handsomest in all "It is likewise observed that this society has a pecu- BOOTS, SHOES AND RUBBEBS, ALEXANDRIA AND FREDERICKSBURG its appointments, and Is conducted especially for reliable colored men, or boys rather, who waved their liar cant and jargon of its own that no other mortal RAILWAY AND ALEXANDRIA AND WASH- them. can understand, and wherein all their laws are writ^ Open from 6 a. m. until midnight. torches with a zeal that was laudable, but rather dis- ten, which they take special care to multiply; whereby OF THE VERY BEST MANUFACTURE, INGTON RAILROAD. tracting as a tout ensemble. They stopped, according For Alexandria, 1:55, 6, 7, 8, 9,10,11 a. m.; 1, 3, 4:20, 5, Oysters, Terrapin and Game a specialty. they have wholly confounded the very essence of mar4-4t 1023 PENNSYLVANIA AVE. 6:10 and 7 p.m. On Sunday at 9 a. in. and 1 and 7 to programme, at the " 186-and-Hayes-is-elected " truth and falsehood, of right and wrong. p. m. IIAB VEY(É HOLDEN, Proprietors headquarters, on F street. Some one came out and "In all points out of their own trade they are "Harvey," the Inventor of Steamed Oysters. usually the most stupid and ignorant generation For the South, via Richmond, 1:55 a. m. daily, and said something—that is, his lips moved—and every j. r. jsxxis & coM via Lynchburg, 7:16 a. m. and 10 p. in. daily. sep24-tf3 among us, the most despicable in common conversa- Trains leave Alexandria for Washington, 6,7, 8, 9,10, one hurrahed ; then a black-whiskered youth emerged tion,-avowed enemies to all knowledge and learning, SOLE AGENTS FOR and equally disposed to pervert the general reason of 11 a. m., 1, S, 4:20, 5, 6:10 and 7 p. m. On Sunday at and said, " Fellow-citizens and Republicans, (mean- mankind in'every other subject of discourse as in their 8 and 10 a. m. and 6:10 p. in. ing the darkey infants,) there is no doubt that Hayes THE CELEBRATED CHICKERING Tickets, information, Sleeping and Parlor Oar ac- "AMAFS." and Wheeler had a larger majority than is ever known. AUD commodations can be procured at the offices: North- tra A IE iilit with Texas Jack. east corner Thirteenth street and Pennsylvania ave- CHero some of the colored brethren, under a mistaken FAMOUS WEBER PIANOS, nue, northeast corner Sixth street and Pennsylvania 1216 Pennsylvania Ave. 1216 Pennsylvania Ave^ idea that it was a camp-meeting, said, "amen," Texas Jack has returned from a hunt in the Sweet- AND avenue, and at the Depot, where orders can be left for "glory," while the rest raised up their non-explosive water country with a party of Englishmen, a nd has the checking of baggage to destination from hotels had a talk about it with a writer for the Spirit of the THE SMITH AMERICAN ORGAN! and residences. / ~ torches amTsaid with one voice, "Hurrah ;" where- Times. There were seven in the company. The game D. M. BOYD, JR., upon the rest of the brilliant remarks and historical jjen'l Pass enger Agent. consisted chicfiy of elk, black-tailed deer, antelope Pianos and Organs Carelully Tuned and Repaired FRANK THOMPSON, facts of the black-whiskered youth were drowned in and mountain sheep. No hostile Indians were en- by skillful workmen. Satisfaction guaranteed. Gen*I Manager. First-Olass Hotel Board for $20 aMonth shouts from the "ten thousand respectable citizens countered. The only dangerous brute in the West to Three meals a Day. 937 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, NEAIl TENTH STREET and State associations"—1 quote—who were doing, hunt, Jack says, Is the bear. He is cunning, swift OUAb AST) WOOD. B. HENZE, Proprietor, their duty and carrying the sarcastical banner— and always ready for a fight. He thinks that the best dec24-tiB 1216 Pennsylvania Avenue,. "choice of the people.", place to hunt bears is where there are not many to be H. A. CLARKE. JOHN T. GIVEN. found, and of the grizzly he says: " He will stand in J. L. SMITHMEYER & CO. Well, of course, we, the "people," thought every- the middle of the road, growling and getting his mad ARCHITECTS, AMERICAN HOUSE, thing had gone suddenly crazy, beoause that rough, up, when there isn't a iive creature within forty miles NO. 703 FIFTEENTH STREET. BETWEEN G Coal and Wood. AND NEW YORK AVENUE. Corner JPenviaylvania Ave. and Seventh St,, villainous-looking orowd was not the representa- of him. If you meet one, and turn out for him, he febl8-ttB tives of thé people's choice ; and we, the " people," will probably leave you alone, but if you say a word went home sadly and in a meditative tone of mind. look out for him. Many a time I have made some GLOVES AMD SHIBTS. At the junction of the Avenue and Seventh Street Hayes has proved that he is a man possessing an such remark to a bear as ' Where are you going, Tom- CLARKE & GIVEN, Railways, affording direct communication with the different steamboat and railroad lines. Board, $2.00 • opinion of his own, and oarpenter enough to construct my ?' when, in an instant, his arms would bo up and ready to tear me to pieces. per day. his own Cabinet without any assistance, and he is evi- WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN my28-tfl SCHOFIKLD & DUFFY, Proprietors.— " No, sir, we don't go bear hunting very much. You dently going to have it of new material, not of old see, they oan run as fast as a horse, and you have to GREAT REDUCTION worn-out lumber. put a bullet into just such a place to kill them, and WOOD AND COAL. MISCELLANEOUS* until they are dead they are dangerous." Jack. In Blaino, who played in the grand variety combina- conclusion, tells this story: " I was out once with a tion circus last year, appeared in the Fog-bank for a party in Texas, and we came across a big cinnamon COLUMBIA brief season as a grand and lofty tumbler the other bear. A fellow proposed to capture him with his lasso. IN THE Daily arriving, cargoes of select ANTHRACITE He made a good throw, and got the loop around the and BITUMINOUS COAL, lor families, steam and day, and quoted soripture, which was as an unknown bear's neck. When old cinnamon felt It get tight, manufacturing use. tongue to his confreres. Mori on, who has been shaking what do you thi nk ho did 1 He just set up on his Woody shirts for some time in every one's faoe, says he haunches, felt of the rope with one paw, and then be- KINDLING AND CORD WOOD. gan pulling It in hand over hand. There was a horse will be—well, bull-dozed—if he wants the bloody aud a man fast to the other end of the rope, but they Prices of Kid Gloves ! COAL STANDARD—TON 2,240 lbs. Schurz in the Cabinet. And Chandler, who has been had to come, both of them. As for the hunter, he BANK NOTE COMPANY, jumped off and got away, but the bear drew the pony in the habit of sitting down on every one, has under- right up to him and killed him." Best Quality, Fair Prices and Fair Dealing. gone that cheerful process himself, whereby every one rejoices and goes out to "see a man." No. 424 TENTH STREET WEST, Wanted to be Interviewed' Between D and E streets north. Well, 1 suppose no one is happy in this world, so BEANCH YARD, oornor Twelfth and C streets OOS Pennsylvania Avenue, why should the Republican party be? 1 want to ask Virginia (Nev.) Chronicle: This morning a young lad, with a parcel of school-books under his arm, came northwest. a conundrum hero, and I respectfully ask answers into the Chronicle office and stood for some minutes DEPOT at Potomac Bridge, corner Maryland ave- from Morton, Blaine et. al. at once. Whatis greater leaning against the door. He was presently Inter- nue and Thirteen-and-a-half street. sep5tl3 than the will of the people? Why the potent-eight, WASHINGTON, D. C. rogated as to his wants, mission, &c. We Have this day Reduced the Prices of of course. (The paragraph association is informed "Are you the feller that does the interviewin' ?" Great Keduction in Price of Coke. this is oopyrighted.) Dr. Mary Walker says she will our celebrated DELIVERED TO ALL PARTS OF THE CITY The reporter acknowledged that branch of his call- wear crape on her arm lor thirty days on aacount of AT THE SAME RATE. ing, and the boy proceeded: Chandler going out of our Interior, because, she says, New Schedule—Full load of 40 bushels for $2.60. [Smaller loads, 5 cents per bushel; cartage, 60 cents. ] We are prepared, with every facility, for he kept the spittoons clean. So It goes. Soxaf are "Would you interview a feller what got licked ?" * 'Certainly." LUCCA GLOVES, APPLY TO satisfied—some are not. It is a truly loyal fight, In "Ye see, I go to the second ward school, and this Office of Washington Gaslight Company, which we wicked Democrats have nothing to say, only morning I got licked like thunder—lor nuthin'—will 413 Tenth street northwest, 711 First street northwest, the country feels that after all a man is in the White ye put that in ?" or to 110 Bridge street, Georgetown. "Go on, my uttle man. Throwing spit-balls at a AS FOLLOWS : House who knows what to do and means to do it; and girl, I suppose?" Engraving and Printing we all prây he may stiok and not back down. "Ye see I had a book open—" H. W. PADDON, "A Beadle's Dime?" Among the amusing things always to be observed "No, a reader; but it; wasn't time to have readers 2-BTJTTON $1.20, formerly $1.25 DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF in Washington, is the course of the so-called " inde- open. It was spellin'-book time, ye see, and the first pendent 1' journal. It starts our with high-flown pros- thing I knowed somethin' took me 'longside tho ear BANK NOTES, BONDS AND COMMERCIAL. sorter In this way. [Here the boy bumped his head WOOD AND COAL, pectus, and gains subscribers because it is to be, oh ! against the door.] The teacher grabs me by the 3-BUTTON $1.35, " $1,50 YARD, CORNER EIGHTH AND BOUNDARY . yes, an independent paper. A number oi people have collar, and begins to hajil me 'round, and busts me STREETS NORTHWEST. been watching an instance in point, and statistics agin the wall. Then he licks me." Special attention given to orders from the country. WORK OF EVERY KIND, &c. »how that it was "independent" for five months, "High-handed outrage." 4-BUTTON $1.50, " $1.00 "You bet; and if Bill Snooks was here he would apr23-7 (it is six months old,) then it flopped, as it were, and show ye how he got lioked. We git licked every day WM. H. PHILIP, President. Washington still advertises for an Independent news- for nothin'—jest nothin' at all. The teachers' partial- 6-BTJTTON $1.80, " $2.00 Hot Air the Only Safe l&eans of Heat- GEO. T. JONES, Vice President. paper that Government pap won't buy. ity all the time." "Can you tell what partiality means?" ing Railroad Cais. JOHN W. WATERS, Secretary. Grant said he would be glad " when the day came "No, but that's what they call it. It's a man that J. M. VAN BUSKIRK, Treasurer. to take from him his publio responsibilities, and let licks one leller right along, and don't lick another 8-BTJTT0N $2.20, " $2 50 him become a private citizen." The day has "come ;" feller at all. Now, put that in and send the bill to my dad." J. C. NALLEY, why don't he subside? why does he reappear in the character oi a lobbyist? Wo all went cheerfully to Cardinal Antonelli aud the Pope. Lloyd's Patent Heating and HOUSE AKI> SIGN PAINTER. what we supposed was his farewell performance, but [From the Pall Mall Gazette.] (Formerly of the firm oi Nalley & Hodges.) it Is getting too funny to see him running round now According to a writer in the Paris Journal, the Pope Particular attention given to lobbying against people who are his superiors in every was not too fond of the late Cardinal Antonelli. Their Ventilating Car KALSOMINING, GRAINING AND INTERIOR way. Go to Europe, young man; do anything but natures were antipathetic rather than otherwise, and TAYLOR & HUFTY, DECORATION. Combines perfect safety from Fire in case of Accident, disgrace yourself in this country more than you have • the Holy Father was in the habit of playfully deslg - No. 509 K Street Northwest. nating his Prime Minister by the name of Barabbas together with an even Distribution of Heat through don't make a fool of -yourself longer than the law each Passenger Car in a Train. When tho Cardinal was dying the Pope did not ex- 933 Pensylvanla Avenue. Mr. Lloyd will be happy to show and explain his allows, is the advice of one who wants to be a friend. press the faintest desire to see him. That the Secre- my7-tf patent to all at his place of business, Chromoa Framed to Order, It is very laughable to read the Jenkinses or gush- tary of State remained so long in office was owing Eight Cents per Foot. ing eolumns in newspaper accounts now about Hayos partly, of course, to his talents, which Pius IX. could WASHINGTON MATTRESS FACTORY, well appreciate, though he could not like the man. Èr3 S * Window Cornices $1 per pair and his family. One paper—"an Independent"—says >7) 3.2 ca 905 D street northwest. jan21-tf5 "Miss Fanny" is a beautiful brunette and a greatcon- Moreover, it has been justly observed that Popes as a s H arara 1 M JH- to Velvet and Fancy Mats, Passe Partouts, rule are slow to ohange their servants. At Rome ^MM 55 Ol S. CASTLE, 1304 H Street N. W., versationalist, and will evidently bo a great acquisi- W H R.Ö C politics are not subject to tho fluctuations which they g »-Ö« M > H Picture Frame Factory. ' tion to society." Now, the laugh comes In on the fact pass through in other places. » ^ 2 M ® S Come and see the handsomest imitation velvet frame that "Miss Fanny" is a school girl In her teens, and mS Bj* MII S.I Vi in the city for cabinet oards, either stands or hangs— Change Implies error, and the absolute union of the ™ f i M ö only 35 cents. my7-8 not at all in society, as the term goes. spiritual and temporal powers In the States of the 0 fe 3 CT © mH* CTJ © fc? Ipgl-B® s a They do say there is no one left in Ohio to turn out Church caused any appearance of error in matters M WftS « , o fCQ Importing and Manufacturing temporal to react upon the esteem In whioh the Pope's 05 B ^BIO SÄ o. B P tad Ifce street lamps, and that therefore the gas company authority was held in matters spiritual. Pius IX 01 H œ 'g SS P! is delighted. This may not be true; but I will say wished to appear to act, in the midst of European m S g. g S s FINE STATIONERY Look Out For Paint! revolutions, as if always bearing one unchangeable 1 S ••ti that the "inaugurators" were the worst crowd I ever purpose steadily in view. Something of better feeling tr » E< t> i and XT. G. BOWEN, ® H B «3 bip £.3 saw, and I walked the streets in a plebeian manner to in the Pope's mind is also said to have contributed to a Sag- Q f GG see them. The "centennials" were a gentlemanly lot maintain the long ascendancy of Cardinal Antonelli. Ö M S" m es p ** 1323 Massachusetts Avenue Northwest, I he Pope knew that ho was unpopular, and took a ^ö çrïï c? Hi O compared to the grasshopper Ohioans who floodedou r certain generous pleasure in protecting him. Again * Wholesale and Retail, House & Ornamental Painter & Glazier. city during inauguration times. the disgrace of Cardinal Antonelli would have involved H w O S* it was thought, the disgrace of too numerous a follow- 13 ? Ï5G> fi v# Imitations of all kinds of wood and marble, kalso- Some three weeks ago 1 mentioned the fact that ing who regarded him as their political leader; and w Bp-S" m 1121 CHESTNUT STREET. mlnlng wails. Jobbing promptly attended to. ap30-l p CD © things eould be bought here as oheap as elsewhere. I the Pope had not the courage to face a general break- g»' PHILADELPHIA. up of the pontifioal administration. Kí have received several communications on the subject p) c a"«! <ì SEND FOR SAMPLES AND PRICES. tf>CC 3

"AN EVENING IN RUSSIA," the lecture DESPITE the lenten season the reception given by Marlirlter. . WANTED. of: which we spoke in a late issue, didn't pan out well. Mr. and Mrs. Fassett, at their ,'handsome studio, last The acknowledged authority on fine arts in this city It is sad to think that tho combined brains, time and evening, was as brilliant as it was enjoyable. Vocal is our friend John Markriter, whose, new;'store is ANTED.—An upholsterer out of work will work thronged daily by the elite of the city, examining and at maps oi the bureau of statistics should be of so little and instrumental music by some of the first talent of , ,.,„: customer's house or at' home for about one- enjoying the beautiful pictures, which can only be Whalt the usual prices. Address postal card to Henry SUNDAY MORNING, -- MABOH 11,1877. profit. " The Grand Duke Alexis " was advertised to the city, reoitations. by Mrs. Lippincott (Grace Green- found at Markriter's, 626 E street. The walls are Nourry, City P. O. • be present, but failed to show up. " The military wood) and others, and an examination of the many covered with the choicest engravings, and his stock of pap6r-hangings and picture frames are entirely new, spirit " was to have added grace and beauty to the beautiful works of art with which the studios aro ANl'ED.-A lady desires a' situation as Gov- and selected for the spring trade. In connection with erness for small children. Best reference. Ad-* RECORD OF THE WEEK. scene, but old Tecumsehwas non est. "A large and filled, caused the evening to pass,in a most pleasant hi3 elegant store he has erected a magnificent art gal- Wdress Miss G., 7091 street northwest. fashionable audience " was to have spent an evening and satisfactory manner. Among the many guests lery, which is elegantly lurnished, and after the style of in the Czar's realms, but lo ! they were of tho things present were noticed Postmaster General Key, Consul New York houses, where ladies can examine the " WHERE," frantically asks an exchange, choioest specimens of foreign and domestic art works. FOE SALE 0E KENT. that wore but are not. Some fifty deadheads dropped General Hitz, Hon. B. B. French, Hon. M. G. Emery "where in these United States can justice be found ?" The public will fully appreciate this new enterprise of in, but regretted the drop, as the lecturer, spelling out and a host of others. "This reception is, we under- our friend, and we wish him the success in the future OH SALE—Cheap for cash, a fine Black Walnut It ^angs out" in Deadwood, as is seen in the re- his gleanings from Encyclopedias, rambled from stand, the first of a series, the second of which is to which he has so .richly deserved and received in the F Bedroom Set, In use only three months. Call past. Monday, after 5 p. m., on Mr. KETCH AM, 1307 Rjstes. cent execution ot the murderer of Wild Bill. (Joke.) manuscripts to maps, and at every plunge put Russia follow shortly. street. ii*T • COLONE I> J. MADISON WELLS, General further away from America, and Americans were in FAST-COLORED Calicoes, 4% cents, at the dark about Russia, The French soldiery never WE advise all lovers of beauty,.aft and pleasure to U | /A TWELFTH STREET NORTHWEST.— Tom Anderson and Majors Cassanave and Kenner of TOWSON'S, 636 Pennsylvania avenue. OxU For rent, with Board, elegantly furnished, longed to get away from Moscow more yearningly pay a visit to tho grand fair and festival to be held in the Louisiana returning board will leave town this apartments on second floor, bath-room connecting. than did those unhappy fifty to skip from that one aid of the Adas Israel congregation, on March 12,13, NEW YORK papers $1.25 per month. Subscribe at marll-2t*6 & week. They go to meet their friend Captain J. Iscar- 14 and 15, at Odd Fellows' HalL Everything has com- Milans & Wilkins book and stationery store, 603 Evening in Russia " into the haggard atmosphere iota bined to make this charitable undertaking a most bril • Seventh street, opposite Patent Office. of our Washington streets. The objept of the lecture 1 Q/JQ f STREET, OPPOSITE EBBITT THE report published that the criminal liant affair,and .we ask of all with whom charity and re- JLOttÖ House and Willard's Hotel—ELE- wae charitable, and for .sweet charity's sake the am- ligion are not merely words to visit thè fair and'Con- SOME other babies at Milans & Wilkins. GANTLY FURNISHED ROOMS, single or en court would not meet again this term is an error. The suite, suitable for senators or members-of congress. bitious lecturer cut it short; and through charity, of tribute their mite toward accomplishing the design grand jury will be sworn in to-morrow and start work €. G. Thorn. J irst.cla.ss caterers and first-class attendance. Table which we are brimful, we will let the matter drop now of this young and doserving congregation. The open- board. An early call will secure the best choice by Tuesday. The criminal court of this District Those who desire plumbing or gas-fitting should call nov26-tfi without going into details about the failure. The ing ceremonies will be grand and impressive, and would be a success, perhaps, if the fungus excrescence on our C. G. Thorn, 1220 F street, where they can leave lecturer feels badly enough about it already. alone are worth the trifling admission fee of 25 cents. their orders and rest assured that the work will be in the shape of its District attorney were removed. done in a workman-like manner. Mr. Thorn has AMÜSEMENTS. WE HAVE before us three photograph cards Success to the fair. just received a large assortment of chandeliers, which WHEN we look over the astounding num- are acknowledged by all who have had the pleasure RATIONAL THEATER. from Brady, giving us the best photographic work BEAUTIFUL black Alpacas—25, 30, 31, 35, &c., at LEMONS. ber of assaults, highway robberies and attempts of examining them to be the finest ever ottered in the we have yet seen : First, ttye electoral tribunal, the TOWSON'S, 636 Pennsylvania avenue. market. Every one knows Charley, and it is unneces- FIFTH AVENUE THEATER COMPANY. thereat in this city, and understand that owing to the celebrated eight against seven ; second, tho attorneys say for us to say a word in his favor. He is not only MONDAY AND TUESDAY EVENINGS ONLY. small force of patrolmen allowed , us, the propriety of on the Republican side; anil third, the attorneys for THE Avenue Theater holds the fort steadily and a thorough workman, but he is a gentleman in the citizens preparing themselves for self-defence seems runs a business that evidences its popularity and fullest sense of the word. " There is naught thatis good but must perish, the Democratic party. Of this most important event No pleasure but comes to an end; to be not only advisable, but pertinent to be advised. in our history, no better memory and knowledge can -merit beyond other advertisement. Manager Enochs Though the gods who destroy and who cherish SPAINO Cassi meres, for youths' wear, 37, 50,56, 60, at be had than in these photographs. Possessed of them is determined to keep up the reputation of his name A superior substitute send; MB. J. S. YOUNG, managing editor, and TOWSON'S, 636 Pennsylvania, avenue. one can have a rogues' gallery that history will hold as a variety manager here in Washington as in Phila- Witn no pleasanter fruit could supi)ly us:"' 31r. U. E. Perkins, city editor, of the Norfolk Land- Immortals or managers kind. up to the contempt of humanity through all time ; the delphia and elsewhere. Paper Hanging's. mark, visited Washington on the 5th, to witness the Yet the last nights ot 'Lemons' draw nigh us. heads of a few patriots to throw the rogues in stronger The fact that the White House is in an exceedingly Please bear that in mind." dismal spectacle on that occasion. Naturally they relief, and a collection of the brightest heads in the dilapidated condition is well known to every one who were better pleased with the city than with the sight. TJffiE imAN'S GOD. WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND» legal profession. It was our intent to take up each has ever visited that ancient old resting place. We Under its energetic and capable management the are glad to learn that President Hayes is determined SATURDAY, face and make a study of it, but our time and space The Red Man's Early Ideas of Deify. Augustin Daly's Brilliant Comedv. Landmark is looming up into its deserved reputation to renovate and refurnish the old rat trap, and has will not permit in this issue, But wo advise our read- [From Appleton's Journal.] already secured the services of Mr. J. A. K. Moore to THE BlG BONANZA, as one of the finest and newsiest journals in the South. With the same careful attention to the cast and detail ers to procure at an early day these interesting cartes. Among the rude and uncivilised tribes of the north- furnish the paper hangings, carpets. &c. If the. Pres- west coast, the idea of divinity was very diverse, and ident only inafe es as good a selection in his political ot the play that made its production the great success. THE NOTORIOUS LEM WEEDEN seems to in some cases obscure. The Tinneh, a great people companions there will be no fears for the success of his at Daly's Fifth Avenue Theater, New York. LAST NIGHT the police, under Lieutenant ocoupying a vast expanse of territory, reaching from MATINEE SATURDAY AT 2. be in the same condition and state of mind as the administration. Mr. Moore has a mau:iiiftoent stock March 19—MISS MA ItY ANDERSON. Skippon, raided the celebrated Oliib House and ar- the Arctic ocean southward to ;the fifty-fifth parallel of paper hangings, picture frames, carpets. &c., and Irishman said relative to England and Trance, which of latitude, worship the "man in the moon," who, as rested some forty gentlemen engaged in gambling. we would advise our friends to visit 309 and 311 Ninth •were "never at peace till they were at war." After they suppose, formerly lived among them as a poor Among the number was an ex-assistant secretary of street. HEATER COMIQ.UE. passing through the series of police court vagaries and ragged boy. This boy once made so large a pair the Treasury and a prominent judge of South Caro- of snow-shoes that he attracted the attention and T that have made him invaluable to the local reporters, ridicule of the entire community where he resided,, NEW BOOKS, new novels, and Lakeside Library at Will appear on MONDAY, TUESDAY, and lina, an ex-United States senator and several cx-mem- and with one or more indictments pending, he last and became the object of much heartless sport on the Milans & Wilkins. WEDNESDAY nights, and Matinee, Mr. SID. C. bers of Congress, who were taken to the Tenth street part of the villagers. But soon .there came a time of FR ANCE, in his new Sensational Drama, entitled week lit up the atmosphere of the "Division" once station-house. The Club was one of the best known great scarcity; the hunter traversed the forests in " 'Tils all tlie Rase." DEAD TO THE WORLD, more with the luridflash of war, and assaulted, in his vain; the earth bore no fruitago. and oil THURSDAY, FRIDAY, and SATURDAY gambling houses in the city, and its suppeession by Wood's small Caroline cigar is leading the best. place of business, one Callahan. The latter obtained Still, to their surprise, when every hope of success nights and Matinee, in the greatest Sensational the police authorities is probably a commencement of Done up in small packages. Drama ever written, entitled his arrest, but on the case coming up "letup" on the was exhausted, they were often led to freshly-killed an active, vigorous war against gambling houses of the game by some mysterious iniluenoe. Their benefactor W. N. WOOD, corner Ninth and F streets. MARKED FOR LIFE. matter. It was with some reluctanoe that the judge Will also appear, the best opcratic and sentimental District. soon proved to be none other than the poor boy with discharged the prisoner, remarking as he did so, " If the great snow-shoes—tho object of their ridicule. Boots and Shoes. vocalist in the profession. such men as you killed each other outright in your Though gratelul to him at first, they. soon forgot his MISS NELLIE ST. JOHN. SINGE we are promised "home rulers" in benefactions when the time of plenty returned, so For the benefit of the strangers who are visiting our And the incomparable song-and-dance artists, difficulties the community would gain by the opera- city, who are desirous of obtaining a pair of fine fit- our District commissioners the public mind naturally much so as on one occasion to refuse him n morsel Of MESSRS. HARRINGTON AND McGLONE, tion." fat meat. The divine personage who had externally ting boots or shoes, we will state that the fa-shiouable RICHMOND SISTERS, BARNEY McNULTY. revolves and looks about l'or the most suitable gentle- manifested himself to tiiem in the guise of a ragged emporium is at Dalton's, 903 Pennsylvania avenue. GEM BALLET 'J ROUPE, WE understand that a motion is on foot men for the offices. The name of Mr. Richard Wal- boy, now offended, took his departure to his residence This establishment has become famous for its large and the greatest sensation ever produced, lach suggests itself, almost as if by instinct, as one òf in the moon. However, in a month, he returned, ap- line of first-class goods, and is the fashionable store of LA .TARDIN MABILLE. ]t*8 to have Say Ics J. Bòwon appointed a commissioner qf pearing as a full-grown man, forgave their ingrati- the city. An .endless variety of ladies' shoes and the District. The appointment of Bowon to such a the number, and a moment's inquiry is enough to as- tude, told them that his home was in the moon, boots of the most fashionable pattern and make. sure us that this gentleman possesses emphatically and that ho would always assist them in the Anything first class in their line can always be found JOHN B. GOUGKEL position would be a severe injury and an unmerited chase. One punishment, however, they must suf- at William N. Dalton's, 903 Pennsylvania avenue. insult to the people of the District. As mayor, his every necessary and proper qualification. fer,^namely, that henceforward animals should be LINCOLN HALL. lean the entire winter, and only fat in the summer. career in office was characterized by the most infa- REPUBLICAN advice to Radical Rips : "The Telegram." LINCOLN HALL. mous, extravagant and disgraceful rule that any city The Nootkas of Columbia have a tradition of a ben; "Boys, B'Ayesy, and if you can't B'Ayesy, B'Ayepy efaotor and teacher who appeared to them long ago. The friends of the editor and proprietor of this was ever subjected to. The moral stench was more spicy little journal have made arrangements to give as you can." He pame to them up the sound in a canoe of copper. disgusting than the physical miasma from the most The paddle in his hand was copper; even his clothing a grand concert at Odd Fellows' Hall next month, the I I'ESBAY, »ARCH 13, at 8 o'clock. stagnant localities*)!' the canal in jvhich he navigated CALICOES at 4% cents, at was of the same metal. This mysterious, copper-clad proceeds to be expended for a new press. We trust old man sojourned for a while among tHem, taught every Democratwill purchase a ticket and thus secure TUESDAY, MARCH 13, at 8 oVioclk. himself to a contractors wealth. The people, sick of ' Towsox's, 636 Pennsylvania avenue. them the use of the metal which made him so conspic- a Hoe, from which . The Telegram can be issued every his system of misrule, róse finally and defeated him uous, told them that he came from the sky and that hour to the delight ot all truo lovers of liberty and the SUBJECT—" BLUNDERS." some time in the future, when their land should be de- dismay of all rings and corrupt politicians. by a majority of over live thousand votes, scarcely a stroyed, they would all die, but after death, rise and SUBJECT—" BLUNDERS." respectable man casting a ballot in his favor, his con- AMUSEMENTS. live with him above. Enraged at this prophecy of stituency being composed almost entirely of the lowest AFTER FORBIDDEN FRUIT, the acidulated fruit, their destruction, they arose and killed him, and, in Madame Washington. Tickets, 75 cents. possessing themselves of the canoe, fell heirs to the whites and negroes and imported negro strikers from Lemons, visits this city as the second production of The fashionable resort of our Washington ladies benefits which arise from the knowledge of copper. who desire tho latest Parisian styles of dress-making Roserved seats can be obtained, without extra, the Maryland and Virginia counties adjoining thè the dramatic horticulturists of the season. There is They, however, repented of their crime when they re- alized, at too late an hour, that the copper-man was is at Madame Washington's parlors, over Willian's, on charge, at E. M. Whitaker & Son's Bookstore, Vernon District. more in Lemons than in Forbidden Fruit, and .yet not the Avenue. This is the place in the city for fashiona- quite so much. The audience is kept in titter through- the incarnation of their deity, the Great Spirit, the A more unlortunate choice could not be made for a Man above. ble styles, and our lady friends who desire to follow Kow, 941 Pennsylvania avenue northwest. It6 out by its burlesque and impossible situations, but the fashions should not fail to call at her reception position of this character tlian Bowen, and the senti- genuine hearty laughter is never so frequently pro- In both of these legends we observe the ten- rooms. ment of the public is so strong against his selection dency, alluded to a moment ago, of .first' personifying VENUE VARIETY THEATRE, voked. All of its characters are good, and there are the introduction of civilizing influences, and then of A that we doubt if he will be hit upon as a nominee. Teas. Eleventh street and Pcnn'a Avenue. passages in it that almost achieve the rare merit of deifying that personification. In the boy with the HARRY ENOCHS Proprietor. great snow-shoes, suddenly elevated to the position o25-4tl victim was intoxicated, and had engaged in a hot cure a work of art they need not bo ashamed to show character is sustained by Mr. 1). Harkins, whose per- 033 IT Street Northwest, political controversy with a man and brother of to their friends. The paintings are all mounted in formance of Mr. Cadwallader is one of the finest fine leaf-gold frames and will be on exhibition at Mr. African descent, in which he had said something which specimens Of easy, graceful acting ever witnessed in Brooker's salesrooms Monday and Tuesday, and the wounded the sensitive feelings of the negro. They the light phases of the American stage. public are cordially invited to call and examine them. decl9-tfl SEAT0N HALL, 9th & D Sts., N. W. parted without violence, but the m. and b., summon- The Big Bonanza is without qualification a very Entirely refitted and furnished with Che LATEST ing a party of his friends, followed the lad, and, as- clever play, and one that can bear frequent repetition, Katzensteln« ^ SPECIAL NOTICES. STYLES OF TABLES. This popular clothier on Wednesday next, will open saulting him with paving-stones, crushed in his skull, inasmuch as it is of the brilliant order that doesn't The Bar is stocked with the finest Bsarfds of broke his neck, and beat the life out of his body. for the inspection of tho public, a fine assortment of wear threadbare or grow stale. piece goods of the latest styles and patterns for the LIQUORS AND CIGARS. We don't desire to prejudice public sentiment ahead spring season, which he will offer at popular prices. i^MILBUKN'S 8CANLON & CJO., 1 »I'oijrli-tol\S. of time, but the employment of the hangman's rope BLACK Cashmeres, 50,62, 75, &c., at This department is under the management ot tho HOT SODA, would, we think, be advisable in this case. There is a TOWSON'S, 636 Pennsylvania avenue. popular cutter Mr. E. L. Ives, who is so well-known to certain class—and too large a class—of negroes in this the public as the finest artist in the business. The With unequalcd 'i'KA, MISCELLANEOUS. Mies MARY ANDERSON will be in Washington public are cordially invited to attend his spring open- COFFEE city who seem to be thoroughly imbued with a spirit shortly. In Lady Macbeth th is brilliant tragedienne ing on Wednesday next, at 310 Seventh street. AND CHOCOLATE. ©i" fiendishness that needs but an opportunity to ex- has struck the keynote of her lyric power, and her Cold Soda and Mineral Waters on draught all the XXFL3T CS-OOJ3S hibit itself most emphatically. Nothing but the sever- HEADACHE cured in less than 25 minutes by Lo- "year. rendition of that wonderful character is startling in 1439 Pennsylvania Avenue, est punishment can keep them within decent limits. dllle's Headache Specific. Gail at Ebbitt House drug its power and genuine realism. nov5-tf7 Near Willard's Hotel. AT PRICES TO SUIT THIS TIM ES. store. iMce 50 cents a bottle. marll-3t2 THE INAUGURATION procession was thin. BLACK Silks very cheap, at > Madame Soule. AUCTION SALES. It resembled a kangaroo, inasmuch as it was all tail— TOWSON'S, 636 Pennsylvania avenue. The spring styles at the parlors of Madame SoulG are We are selling all kinds of Fancy and Staple Dry rag, tag and bobtail—and no head, and it differed THE Theater Comique flashes out in a can-can as an pronounced by all to be the most superb assortment ever Y 15. V. BROOKES, JR., Goods at prices as low as reliable goods can !»e bought from a kangaroo, inasmuch as there was not an ex- additional incentive to business and patronage, and offered to the'fashionable ladies of our city. Not to be B Auctioneer, tensive tail either. The plan of the procession was succeeds by its flash. The can-can is slightly too kan- a patron of Madame Soul6 is an acknowledgment that at In this city. We have about in this wise : one has ceased to care for the fashions of the day and Northwest corner Eleventh street and Pennsylvania kannish, but is anatomically a study, and so a success. has retired to the shades of private life. Those who J. Madison Wells and liis Returning Board. The additional interesting features of its bill are well have not had the pleasure of examining the madame's avenue, (Marble Building.) . BARGAINS IN BLACK SULKS A Detachment of Police, (to keep their eyes on the developed and excellent. Mr. W. H. Morton, the assortment should not fail to pay a visit to her parlors, Keturning Board.) over Gait's jewelry store, Pennsylvania avenue. And other Black Goods, together with fail stock of A Small Company of Philadelphia Militia, (who sub- motto vocalist," is noticably one of the strongest cards sequently went home disgusted.) in tho variety line, and Jake Budd still blooms like a NICEST spring overcoat in the city at $12.50. Katzen- desirable goods, all of which will be offered at bottom A Detachment ot the Regular Army, (who the night IMPORTANT SALE OF previous had threatened a revolt in Tilden's iavor.) black tube rose ¿ibout the edifice. The arraignments stein's, 310 Seventh street. prices, at Billy Copeland, Clarence Barton, Ramsdell and Ben for the present week are^xpressly fine. A . GODDARD'8, TWENTY minutes only is required for' Lodille's Miller. Btagiiifioeiit Oil Paintings, lt7* 908 Seventh Street northwest. The Columbus Cadets, (a squad of sixteen-year old NEW Spring Dress Goods, 10, 12,15,18, 20, 25, at Headache Specific to cure the worst case of nervous children, whose mammas came along to take care TOWSON'S, 636 Pennsylvania avenue. a of them.) . and sick headache. Only fifty cents a bottle', t Eb- COMPRISING WORKS OF MADAME DONOVAN Fred., the Son of an ex President, and a Battery. A POUND PARTY for the benefit of the Ladies' Aid bitt House drug store. marll-3t6 (Assault and battery, is Fred's forte ; he holds it ) Society will be given on Tuesday evening, the 13th Journal of Common Sense. Has just arrived from Paris with Rutherfraud B. Hayes and, his Predecessor in a Lan- EUROPEAN AND AMERICAN ARTISTS, dau I et. (Frequently hissed by the crowd.) instant, at the residence of D. W. Middleton, Esq., No. We have received the above paper from the pub- SPRING AND SUMMER COSTÜBLES, A Funeral Procession of Night-Liners, (Hired for Occa- 214 New Jersey avenue, Capitol Hill, The $20,000 ap- sion by Officials.) lishers, Messrs. Helphenstine & Bentley. The paper 1 A Direct Consignment from the In all the Newest Materials and Styles, which she will The Washington Light Infantry—-(only thing ap- propriated by Congress for the poor of the District is published in the interest of pure medicines and open on plauded in the procession.) having been exhausted, it is necessary for private drugs. The Chain Gang and Several Hundred Additional MONDAY, MARCH 12, AT HER PABLOHS, Negroes, (Released from the District Jail lor the Oc- charity to come to the relief of the destitute. The Science Union. BROOKLYN ART GALLGHY. casion. Ladies' Aid Society has done a noble work this winter. 1419 6 street, Opposite Ladles' Entrance to the Biggs Dr. T. B. Taylor will deliver the opening address House, Washington, D. C. Zack Chandler and Don Cameron witnessed the In addition to their soup house and the distribution of beiore the "Science Union," at "Masonic Temple The entire collection to be sold at public auction at fuel, clothing and provisions, they have established a "pagaunt" from the roof the Republican office and this morning, commepcing at 11 o'clock. Subject: my sales:room as above, commencing on WEDNES; MME. C. DONOVA1, wept. labor bureau, under the immediate supervision of " Influence of the Heavenly Bodies on Animal and DAY MORNING, March 14, at 10 o'clock; afternoon Brauch 8 East Klsliteenth street, M. Y. Mrs. Consul General Hitz, by means of which employ- Don «aid : " Had 1 but served Jim Blaine with half Vegetable Life " at 3, and evening at 7 o'clock, and continued daily, ment has been furnished to large numbers. It will the fraud 1 served R. B.," he (referring to J. B.) until disposed of, at same hours. 44 thus appear that the society named is one of our most Go TO Roman is. Cox's, 607 Seventh street, for fine would not have played me so for a fool !" The above Pictures are magnificently mounted in A NEW ENTERPRISE IN WASHINGTON. doserving. The hospitable mansion of Mr. Middle- spring overcoats very cheap. Zack said: " My brain needs to rest on something. fine Gold Leaf Frames, and will be sold together for SWISS UA-XT3VX5BY, (Steam) ton should be crowded with the charitably-disposed, If I could only get a fat little baby to. sit on it might LODILLE'S headache specific will cure the worst case the special benefit of the artist contributing. . 412 ELEVENTH STREET', NEAR PENN. AVE. ail of whom are invited. An entertaining programme This establishment is complete in every appoint- compose my thoughts and give me space lor consola- of headache in less than twenty-five minutes. Price, Free Exhibition to all on and after Tuesday morn- is in preparation. Contribution^ of fuel, provisions, ment, having all the modern improvements, and its - tion !" 60 cents. Ebbitt House drug store. marll-3t ing,when catalogues will be ready. work is done under the most skillful supervision. clothing and money may be made with the certainty Don sat down and wept like a Carthagenian. Zack Laundrv work of every description solicited. that they will reach the most deserving. VASELINE, 25 cents, at Cudlipp's, Seventh and N B. O. BROOKER, Auctioneer, went off, got drunk and swore to assassinate Hayes on COLLARS AND CUFFS IN TROY STYLE. streets. For the excellence of our work we refer, by special sight ; to shoot him on the eight-spot with his swivel- WAiisuTTÀ Cottons, 10% cents, short lengths, at Northwest corner Eleventh street and Pennsylvania permission, to Taylor Hufty. . headed cane. ToWSOK'S, 636 Pennsylvania avenue. HELLEX'S babies at Milans ft Wilkins. avenue, Marble Building. It5 marll-4t3
