YOLÜME VII. WASHINGTON CITY, D. C., MARCH 11, 1877. NUMBER 2. can't get out of his own way; therefore most of the son on one side - and old Hamlin oh the other, and principally by the Attorney General, and as that In- THE CAPITAL, blows which he designs for others hit himself. Now, threw down the gage of battle, estimable gentleman, Mr. Taft, who would have been LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY when he came away from the White House the other Would any solemn old senatorial pump stand spon- a superior Attorney General had he ever studied any Tlie Halthews-Kvarts Letters, day. rubbing the inflamed 'seat of his intellect, and sor for Stanley Matthews'dispatch? Show him the law, had gone out, he could not see how it was pos- COLUMBIA, S. C., March 10.—The following letters THE CAPITAL PUBLISHING COMPANY, vdwing vengeance, if he had any sense it would at son ot a gun ! But none of the old pumps responded. sible to retain the Hon. Don Cameron—so remarkable are made publlo to-day by Governor Chamberlain at 987 » street, Washington* D. C. once have occurred to him that tho only- way he could They" were past the.time of life when it is considered as a Cameron from his being somewhat educated. the special request of Stanley Matthews, and are the injure Hayes was by supporting his administration. •necessary to knock chips'off the shoulders of small At this Sonator Cameron remarked with some vio- letters alluded to by Mr. BJalne In the Senate on the BOJitfr PIATT, ....... EDITOB. And by the time he had supported Hayes; six weeks boys. Poor Blaine ! He couldn't even find a wind- lence that the/ gentleman from New York was a 7th inftint: the latter would have been glad to give him all seven TEBSIB: Per year, (including postage.) $2.50; six mill to tilt against; for he was the only one in the damned pulled 'up wind-bag and a nuisance. of the Cabinet places in consideration of his distin- WASHINGTON CITY, Maroh 6, 1877. monHis, $1.50; three month?, 75 cents—lii advance. Senate, and it is written that no windmill can tilt Senator Conkling retorted by saying that he might guished and invaluable enmity for the balance of his Hon. D. II. Chamberlain, Columbia,?South Carolina. Single copied, 5 cents._ against, itself. Suppose some Tipperary Irishman be a wind-bag, but it was some comfort to know that DE AH Sut: I liavo not the honor of a personal ac- term. But no; Blaine lacked sense; and consequently should waltz into the Vatican some morning with OCBJBS: Ten copies'to one address, #20 in advance, he was not an old money-bog stuffed with T)ther peo- quaintance with you, but have learned to respect you he did not perceive the fine point.of strategy that lay about six inches of his coat-tails dragging on the floor, from iny knowledge of your reputation. I take the with one copy freo. Twenty copies to one address, #35 ple's money. liberty ot addressing you now, with great distrust ot within his grasp. On the other hand, he espoused and invite any spalpeen in the august college of car- in advance, with one copy free. Senator Morton, amid cries, of order, said he would the propriety of doing so; prefacing it by saying that the cause of Kellogg—whom Jim Nye used to call dinals to tread on them—" jist trid on the tip lnd av ask the attention of the caucus to the business before I speak without authority from any one and represent 187 Brindle Bill. Now, Kellogg is a carpet-bagger. And wan av thim!"' Or imagine a robust Wm. goat trying only my own views. The situation of public affairs in 187 ADVERTISING KATES them. They certainly were in a great dilemma. If South Carolina aro too complicated to be discussed at OF the carpet-bagger having become, as honest old Tom to provoke a hitching-post to mortal combat. It is a tho President they had Inaugurated In a rather sin- length In a note, and yet it Impresses me as one that THE CAPITAE. Robertson says, " Hated at the North, execrated at long time since anything has been seen so utterly ab- ought to be changed by the policy of the Republi- gular manner persisted in the reform he was evidently can statesmen in such a way as not only to remove all TIJO fallowing rates tor advertisements will be strictly the South and despised by the nigger!" surd as Blaine's effort to make a Donnybrook of the contemplating he would reform the Republican party the controversies that disturb that State, but to re- adhered to, and NO DEVIATION WHATEVER WILL BE, Blaine finds congenial fellowship in ICellogg. There- Fog-bank. out of existence. It was his, Senator Morton's, opin- move all embarrassments arising from it to the party in other parts of the country. v \ m'.: fore Blaine seizes the coat-tails of Kellogg and ex- . I am sorry for Jim. He Is out ol' his line of business. ion that beforfi taking further steps in the Senate it Local notices. 30 cents per line pects Kellogg to pull him into the Presidency four Ho should immediately resign from the Senate and would be well for them to ask a consultation with It has occurred to me to suggest whether by your own concurrence and co-operation an accommodation, City Horns 25 cents per line years from now. I once knew a fellow whose ideas of get back to the House, where the boys will always bo President Hayes and assure him that they were not could not be arrived at which would obviate the neces- locomotion were similar to Blaine's theory of political found ready to whoop it up for liim. They never have in earnest upon the stump last fall, and that his re- sity for tho use of Federal arms to support either gov- 1 time. 1 mo. 3 mo. 6 mo. 12 mo., progress. This fellow, having partaken largely of tho ernment, and leave that to stand which was best able any rows in the Senate—except in executive session; forms were simply impracticable. to stand of itself. Such a course would relieve the peculiar cpnstltutlonal law of a late administration, 1 inch 50 $4 50 $12 00 $-20 00 $36 00 and what would Blaine give for a row when there are Senator Cameron said they might try that on, but Administration from the necessity, so far as Executive 37 50 72 00 walked solemnly into a wator closet at one end -of a action. is concerned, of making any decision between 2 inches 3 00 9 00 24 00 no boys or niggers in the gallery and where no report they would find their consultation was held amid a 3 inches 4 50 13 50 35 00 55 00 100 00 railway station platform, took a seat and inquired, the conflicting governments, and would place you in 45 00 75 00 130 00 oi his great speech could be printed In the newspapers? lot of soreheads and copperheads and have no more a position of making the sacrifice of what you deemed 6 00 18 00 "Why in h—1 don't this train start?" It is fortunate 5 inches í 7 50 22 00 56 00 90 00 165 00 A row of that kind is of no more value to Blaine effect on this man than water on a duck's back. The your abstract rights for the sake ot the peace of the 6 inches 9 00 25 00 68 00 120 00 200 00 for Kellogg that his reputation is already as bad as a than a hand-organ would be to a monkey on the side- community, which would entitle you to the gratitude, ! , crítuann.. 250 00 mistake was in nominating him. not only of your own party, but the respect and esteem 13 50 45 00 90 00 150 00 reputation can be; otherwise Blaine's advocacy of him walk without any audience of small boys to toss him 1 column... 25 00 75 00 175 00 300 00 550 00 Senator Blaine here interrupted with some remarks. of the entire country. I trust you will pardon the might he injurious. pennies for his antics. liberty I have taken, as my motive is to promote not- "And who was more responsible for that than you ? only the public, but your personal good. ¡53?" No bills will be recognized at this office And yet Blaine represents his constituency with - The only affecting part of the transaction is the cool -You nominate him over the party's choice, and Ed- unless contracted by The Capital Publishing fidelity. Perhaps you are not acquainted with the desertion of Blaine by Simon Cameron, Morton, Sar- munds and Hoar count liiiu in, and now you come with great respect, constituency of Blaine. Blaine's constituents are gent and the other sly fellows, loavlng him to the ten- here and cry over the lost lacteal." STANLEY MATTHEWS. • Company througlt its proper agent, the busi- Appended to the foregoing letter are the following those natives of Maine who neglect lo emigrate pre- der mercies of Stanley Mathews, who, as Blaine will The venerable Hamlin hero remarked that proba- ness manager, Mr. 8. A. Safford. jr. cipitately as soon as tlioy are old enough to realize presontly find out, knows no such thing as mercy for lines by Mr.
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