1 \




II Page Nineteen r Thursday, August 21, 1964 Thursday, September 3,1964 THE JEWISH POST I'hM~_~~g~I~~~!~~_?~__ . __ ==____ , ______~T~B~S~~I~B~W~I~S~B~P~O~S~T~ ______~ __~ __~~_ , ------Religious Dilemma In• binical Assembly and consists of lu tioll now gol ng on is one of the hottest members of the Conservative rab­ crucibles in which the relevance and binate; and this disqualification is oll'CCt!VllIlCHH of religion iil today's world due solely to their membership in if! heing teKlerl. And the results of the THE PRESIDENT OF THE the Rabbinical Assembly. The coer­ 11I!III'IIII~d "'11111 Cmlllell WmIlUII, thl' IllIhll"1I1I1I1I 01 teHt at'e determined by the answerH to UNITED SYNAGOGUE OFFERS cive positioh adopted by the Orthodox Uw N"tl"II .. 1 (:111111",1 of JI'WINh WIIllum t.wo t'elllt.ed qucHtions: To what extent rabbinate in Israel has already been i~ the l1Iot'l\l outlook of the particulm' A PROPOSAL TOWARD THE responsible, since the State of Israel came into being, for alienating a large relil1'lon actually shaping' the kind of RESOLUTION OF THE VEXED · (Ultl NO 1\ 11)(12 flUI'VOY uj' thl' IIttill\dO~ 01' Hocietr its \ll'ophdH and ils preachers sector of Jewish Israelis from even D. .lllwll in It nu\,lot' dty oj' 1\ bordlll' stu hI, ()\ll) detlcl'ibl' liS good 'I To whnt extent is the a minimum adherence and' observ­ 0\' \.huf\IJ bIJIIII\' inttwvlllWllli Willi tltlltorl WhOU1Cl: hI) .ol'jl·lml:wd religioll in(\uencing its com­ Mr. Maislen, President of the United ance of our faith. There is currently 1\~1'\)li(1 tim I ",Iowll\h OI'Il'I\I\\:'mUolI~ ~h()lIld ,1ol.n llIl111icllnls so (hll( t.hey net in their daily Synagogile of' America, is a prominent taJdng place in Israel a repetition of with t)tl\lW~\ to flOC\Il'O dlll\\IIl'I'cll'lIlhm ()[ tho public lives in nn~ordancc with the socinl vision New York attorney who submitted testi- the plight of American religious . mony to the United States Senate on Jewry in the early 1900's. I'Il'lwulH," '\ ' r II ' or Uwit' 1'l1ligioU8 teachings? issues involving the separation of chur"h "01' \'m\l'~(l\," hl' 1\IIllwo1'od. '. I n ~'Oll\l1\'11 o\~ AS'nillst theKe cl'iteriu, nt least one and state in opposition to proposed legis­ One of the reasons for the emer­ ~'l\ll gd Idllml 1'01' hill COlll\lI'y,. he OUll'ht. ;0 b~ (~I'itic hilS round the Jewish group wnnt­ lation aimed at undoing the Supreme gence of Conservative in the IIhll' til get IW mlm!llt lUll wilh IIth(11' Amm iCI\I\K. ing. In nn 1I1'tide entitled The Negro Court's decision barring prayers in the United States was to save and con­ Lllt,ilI', tim tlI\1lI11 nUlII wt\1'I l\l'Ilwd, "Wuuld YO~I Vldm'Y and the .Iewish Failure in the schools. serve traditional Judaism from the IIhJ(l(l\. lu NIlIl:I'Ul\1l movllll\' into this 1I1)lghbor- mugmdm' 1\lI1e1'I(,IIU Judllisnt Inst 1'1111, coerciveness and rigidity of Ortho­ hood Y" Albert VOI'Slllln, directol' of the Commill­ doxy. We are now confronted with .• , Al'o ~'I)U Idl\(lIug '/" WtlS his \'\lply, "I'd even· Kion 011 Social Adion of Reform .Tudaism, HE DOCTRINE of separation of the same challenge with respect to Knid: church and state was conceived United Synagogue Presideht George Maislen (left) in conversation with Israel's a meaningful survival of Judaism in oh,1t'ill to L\lIm Homll I" " "aIOOl Everett (right) T . But thllll, 1111 till Ilrtorlho\l~ht. ho ndd?d, Of ".Jews stnl'ted ahend, but we have civil rights campaign with the Rev. Ralph~~~~~;~~c~:~~, D. treasurer by our Founding Fathers in the President Zalman Shazar in Jerusalem. Israel. We must once again have the ~!llm'II~, It wouldn't l'\lully. I\truut mo, lJo(.t\lI~e I \~tl\n~d \\'Iwl'e \\'c wcre. The trou- of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. United States and enacted into law courage to accept this challenge. IIvl.l III 1\1\ I\\}tll'tmollt, Hut [ (It\l'\) t\lJout m~ nmgh: bl,:is I hut ol1\(n's arc now rushing by the First Amendment to the Constitution. There is always the tendency to speak There is not only room for but a need for theological hOl'II, I wouldn't; Wtlut thom tn 100lll tho \tlilitl of pust us. And it is not only the Negroes whose angry forward While the American concept of separation loosely about "freedom," "the free world," pluralism in Jewry in Israel. It is a sort of unplanned thl!\t' $:m,O()O hmnul'l I" , burst frequently seems to climb over our backs, flattening us in of church and state does not exist in any "liberty," "freedom of speech" and similar and unorganized system of checks and balances, which '1'h\1'I 1\\1\11'1:\ rUI:\\IOIl8US sumnuu'l:t.U t1l,,1 tlttltlld~\" the midst of the parade. Increasingly, Catholics and Protestants, other part of the world, religious freedom terms. Every form of freedom or liberty is together with a full program of relig-ious Jewish educa­ of II IIU\.)tlll\l\lh~\ 1\\!IJ:\\\olll 0\' Amlll'kl\ll .IIlWI:Y :., \l~ most of whom were late starters and many of whom weren't even' does exist in most parts of the free world. necessarily subject to law. "Freedom" can­ tion for Israeli youth would serve as the strongest safe­ !'I\(lt, hu \'Il\ll'tll:limt 1\ \l:il1\tl\'111 lU\\llollt'·Y, A nU\JO[\t.~ in the rnee until recently, are moving past us.". This is particularly true in those countries not be understood to mean that each individual guard against the dangers of conversion from Judaism "Wllile m()~t. Jew~ espouse \)r Amil\'hmll.lt\WII fnvm' till! prillcill\tl thnl NIlP,·I'Oc.'~ Words Without Action? that have subscribed to a United· Nations has the freedom to act as he chooses, regard­ to any other faith. IIhOl\l\\ {\c\\\(W{) ilqUt\\ l'i)\,hls, III the tllll'\'IlY of the Ilrll1ciple of Nell'ro equulity. sub - commission's draft declaration on the less of how his interpretation of freedom l\\tmy mllUuge to u\'oid e0l!-­ Mr. Vor"pun then went on to cite the clear and affirmative whtull thlll il\dN\(\unl \VIlli 1\ \)I\\'\;, fo\' UXI\l\\\l\t', ndions of the Catholic (,hurch and its church bodies, of the United elimination of all forms of religious intoler­ affects his neighbor, No freedom can be ~o \\il\' ()Ilnt.. or 1\\\ thOSIl ll\tt.ll'~'i~WL'tl, ngl,twd ymt frontinA' the llroblellls 111 tllear ance. The State of Israel is a signatory to absolute. own 1·I"e~." says the uuthor. Presbytel'ian Church, and of the National Council of Churches of .h)w\lIh O\'~'nl\hmUmll:\ lIho\l\d ,\0\1\ With ntlll'ttl ttl Christ in Ame,·ica. a body including most of the Protestant this historic document. Under the protective cloak of freedom of hlll\1 1I1l1ll\l~ t\t.~,\l'~I'tl~I\\;\()\\ or thl! Sd~\lOltI. Imitll'(\, Are ,Iew~ Ih'ing up to their In the pluralistic society of America, many speech, groups are permitted to gather in rl'l'llImslbilitil'S ill the struggle demoninations in thi8 country. He pointed out that these groups 'l't\ 'WI' \'IlUt. Hl' till) 1)l\\'t\l\ttl of prmm\'Y sch.onl hud organized "pecial efforts to mobilize their participation in i,. religious bodies, because of their former public places and slander a class of people in rot' d\'i1 ri.llhts - ill their , l~hlMI't\n l\IId (om· 1'0\' \lQllt; of tim I'I\l'\lI\t~ ~.f \\Ig'h uS8uring equnlity for Negroes - and had allotted large sums of inability to practice their faith freely, and the most vicious manner or to spread the dli\tl\'el\ Um,\' npPI':I.n'll It religious Il'.lldl'rshill, t heir com-I ,.~ Ill'lmo\ sllid w\)\ll~l th~~... , money to nmke this renl. including the Jews because of their unhappy "big lie" suggested by Hitler in his Mein \\"Il\'tl "I:\onw" N{I.\l:I'o Ilhllll\'t.'ll .\1\ thlm' own d\l\- ",unlll lift'. It.... indh'iduuls? While Jewi"h religious bodies have spoken in favor of equality ". experiences under Christian rule in many Kampf. ~ The American Nazi Party, for example, ;\\'\)II's \111\l\l\lltl, for nIl. Vors~)ltn wa" saying that there were no actions comparable '.' parts of the world, wJWe eager to accept the "'IIl' Stuut' '~lutU~ to Ole netion of the church groups. Implicitly he was also saying principle of separati6'h of church and state. recently paraded with banners stating that 01\ tll\' l..\thl'I' lmnd, fndl\)l;' the 1'1'\\8\\1..'1.:1 ,If thM Jews ClUlnot claim a plnce as one of "the three great religions An examination of many decisions of our the slaughter of six million Jews in Germany was a myth; that it did not take place; that dir,ld \l1i\1'l:IlI\l:\\ \',mb\"t. l.ltlt\\"-~I\ th\lm~wh'~\'\w{\. ml\\\~' AI~\m'!\,l\l\ .h~w$. y\~ "I'\me hI ~'\:I !11- Passion From the Pulpit freedom of religion and of separation of I'l>,.>\! the 1\1\"'1'. \W\\l\\\h':'l{\ {Illd ,I~\l\\'8 :1:' ,\thO\ l~\ll\' church and state is, however, not absolute, were exterminated were "planted" in Ger­ ~k Vor"pan also spoke of the other question, the impact many after the war. This is permitted under dl"odMI\, whH" Ame\'\c~\l\S, 1 h\ll:l, III the l.m~l\e of t.he religi,)I\ on the congregants. Bitterly, he said, "Social pas­ '.~ any more than the various other freedoms l\\\\""\>~" we tmmd tinlt tl2 pel' ~"t. \\~ mn', \'\~t.I\'\' guaranteed by our Constitution are absolute. the abused right of freedom of speech. "ion is a disturhance to most Jews. Passion from the pulpit is Freedom of religion involves freedom to ~lll\\\\h\ {\I\\d th'~' ,,'-(\\\Id \Ib,ll,d hI lmv\l\,~' Nl'~l'l\(:'$. u"u:llly tolei'at"''!. if condescendingly; passion put to action is A survey of these decisions indicates that \IIlW,) \\lh_1 t1l1.\\\' 1\,,\j\'hb\wht.)\.Ri. ,\,hh- W:h, m:III..'.\\\"\ propogate one's beliefs .. This right, our courts Two Israeli synagogues are linked with World Council of r-eg-:u,jed :1$ f:mntici"m." (a) The state may regulate or prohibit con­ tw l\~ \\\'\' \.'\'.lIt hI :>.\mihH' S\l\'\·"S$. III ~'l.\d, ,If t WI' have held, is subject to reasonable regulation Synagogues: Emeth V'Emunah in Jerusalem, whose spiritual Tht'l'e is :\1,,0 n ch:tllenge to the vast and varied network of duct that is commonly regarded, on non­ to meet demonstratable dangers, but not to leader is Rabbi Alfred A. Philipp (left), and Moriah Congrega­ ,)t.he,' l\\~hw \'Hh.\.~ Je.wi,,}) ol'g-:lI1izations, institutions and ,agencies. In many ways, religious grounds, as immoral, harmful tion in Haifa, where Rabbi Ephraim Mandelcom (right), formerly ,.\\\\1 It. \\\' N.'_lt\'<)M ;\1\<\ ouright prohibition. . :\~) ~'\\'l\. hdi.~'\~ --~ the.~- are tht' Yery models of communal response to social needs. or against the general welfare; of Temple Emanuel at Parkchester in New York, occupies the l\1\ men ~ ___ 1\\\\.I\\h\ h:w\' \~\\I\I \'w:ht~. Hut .".... ' :U'<' Jews are profoundly distressed whenever pulpit. I-hm- "hl,uld tlley :Ulswer the call for Negro equality? (b) The state may limit the activities of a member of their community betrays his \'<~\'l\\\ Ilml Ne~\,:)l~>\ I\\\whw: illl<\ I'm' l\e~hh>.w­ Some Specific Questions h\¥,"'~$. wm I'h:\\~~ (11,' ... h:\.\':ll'h',r ,It t\l\' l\e~h~\\)"­ children in ways that would be unconsti­ commitment to Judaism and joins another The danger of losing Jews to other religions remains h\.\\,,\l :\lId ",HI ~\\'h~' dm\"n \)\''I.Ip".\'ty Whh'>\. \\ h<~n Pr'lctk,u~\- every Jewish organization has tal,en an official tutional when applied to adults, even religion. Nevertheless, they acknowledge that. ~""tion f:n:m·ill-..I'! equality for Negroes. Jewish community rela­ serious indeed, but legislation is neither the proper nor N,,~\'-() \'h1M\~\\ Il\) ('nt\'.1' tIl\' $.:U\l<.' $~h,... ,\~ :l,$ '~\\I' though these activities are part- of the any outright prohibition of missionary work the effective means of averting it. Conservative Juda­ tl('llS .3..\rc"llcles ha\'t~ ca1\"'i ~j)on ~hem to look also at some specific d,Hd,'<'n " .... \\'\\\'\'y t.lmt t.l\ .. \,~\'\'\':< ~Pl'\~'" III th1.' '\.~hh'" \\~ H.... "l.U\>.nt~ the effect of which would be to favor While there is no separation of church a language that will be intelligible and palatable to the ('Ie:::: III ellll'h,yme~lt" lelldlllg llnd ser\'lce? Do (hese institutions Ah~\,"... \ "''''l' \\f II$. kl\"\\~ N"~I'<""$, :," \"l.\\:~h :111" certain religious beliefs at the expense and state in Israel at the present time, and confused and perplexed members of our people, wherever ,\$. fl'klhl$.. in ,\m' \\,'\,,,. '\'1\" mlti.:mwM." lX\I'...... l\.t­ $"Jl 01' rem pl'\'l.... rty and hire and upgrade personnel on a non- of others, if there are secular reasons while it is not likely that the American con­ ,,-li~'rlnlimn('1ry b,,'i.Sis? . they may be. It)l.~'''''' \\f "h~~,,~h\\' h::o.' ",Mh."'" ~.... ',n\,,~l\;.' h\ ,-~\'t':'\l\ for the law. cept of separation of church and state will i;.\,,\~:< \\~' ,'\\I\t~"I~ \\,IHI N<'~'''I.''''''' nm \~·\"Y ~1('-"''' I)", .•~ewi~h or~llizatio1l5 "t'111d "houltier to gllOulder with be adopted there - a pr6b­ The problem of religious observance in Israel has· h' th,' \\m,Hnll.':l; ,.\\\ ,,\mi\ll.1' (th\V\l...l:<"Curt' €'quality for Negroes, ag many did in ~~\~'$.\~"\\\" .:.s.k<'o.l hI ''''It' ~m",,,~'$ ,-Yl J,,\\"$... from the point of view of practice not only in that country but elsewhere. Do we 1~",~ Y€l:U'"s ~"'_rch "1) Wasllu1gton., but mam' did not'l . halacha - religious freedom N\\ ('hl)'('(' in ttl... ~\"'ttn not in our religiou/l services affirm our age-old belief . Wb,at (\f the i:1!ernal pl'lic.je,:; of .Te,,-ish . sel'\'ice llgenrie" ;ouch is guaranteed .to all faiths in -'t'h" why, \x ....' hill ... " ~"l'l('t'mt"" h~'l'~'n .:>,."'l;.,:,,,t as 11l""pn;s.us.. Vt;c.sb"nal. ~e:niC'eS. t'hiild CST'" agent'ies, fnmih' coun­ Israel, but ironically, not to that Out of Zion shall come forth the law and the word $.h'\'t\M .~""~ {X' ':>l~ ,;il\\'1:'<'.'1.1 it\\lll ,}fh"r Wl~l.h' "t1~m~. ~'::'Uo-l1 sern.:'t:'s ~ ~ome "en-eNegroe;; - others do on all wings of Judaism. of God from Jerusalem? Why, Ul<' AAl.ll", '1-"""-'1\1.-, ,1 lllmit'<'-.:l ba.."l'l' - s.Dti ~C'mi' don't.. . . . Am"l.,,~l~$ ~ \l~"h,,<", h~"" The Conservative rabbinate :~~k;,,,~, sh,,\\~d d~ ~,\t'''''~h'\'' ,\t .kw~:lke a surve\, of Jewish atti­ I believe therefore that the time has come when is not recognized in Israel. Jews in and out of Israel should begin to address them­ &\\W~\'\.l N,,~~"I."''''' \""''''' lx' ,H$>C',-\#"'~ ~" $~'l,,~,.at'<' 't1:rd",.", m :a J'IS.'I"1:Jcut'l.!. ("U11!lU1J"jtr. The need for 'it came about I That is to say, the Orthodox 1'),<\,\\ ,~\'<' ~H:ii~\\,~<"''' Ii)'f ~~~ AWR~·ri.'~\\S '2 1.::0.;: 1~\'1. ::il:t;t~T U1ect'lTeni'TOf tlh-E' J-ewlsh ""'(1lnmmnih' centre h~d selves to the goal of achieving in the Jewish state 1 'AA" "f~~~d t~\"'1:'<' is ~'iH1!.? ".l';'''},,'l' 'ill tiht' rabbinate in Israel, and hence ,,,,,,..y "",,",>tid ~~lilib1~e~'~"'<"I\~~-;; ~1·<'l'l.~~ ::U~~ ,:",,,nt.r<" W.il.S m't~1,c~"1 ie' ~.J'T'e Je-wii;,b 'Purposes, it;; only requirement permit a member of the Con­ "'l-,," ~) ."",\'\-ci\'~""'l ~'\' ~"'th<,~'r.:< ~~~ Amn...~ ,\''¢ ;;\l.t'<' r,,>l" 't<'SS even though their interpretation of halaeha does not ... ~ .{ ...:-.. 'I" .. nni'-:mbe;rsh'll' chan :.!l~T'.li(>.!l1'J:tS be of j:!'ood di"~At'er Thl'- :L - .." " servative rabbinate to offi­ ,'bl'l~"<'l)l.",a ~S &1< ...\~~~~~""1 """,.~1!<'>'tl: :a.s ~ ...:-'>Wl- 'i'IC" QC!_.Jh.- T,t- - - ~ '>.", "'~ 1_ 1~rp.l"'"llt\d rn iJ:;€ IWes;; -and in the ;:-ommunity as ciate at weddings. It also coincide with that of the Orthodox rabbinate there: nnm.. l ~W>1\,\' wiitt-h ~t~ '<)W~~ ~'l<.'>t\'(''r),; ,<)t n'lSt~~:ut;i<"'~'l' 1 "?~iJ,""-"Wr'ze: tm! !'\1?;.,"'''110 ili'0f gix,d ,ciJli.!'.lU't.?J' 'C'.ould ~l&O hecome nlen1- refuses to recognize a get 'AA'td 'A'$: '" )\1\.'>u.... , (b) An Israeli concept of separation of church and state ",~1},~ *~''I(.~"" ~ ~'tii~ wh<:'l.,~ n~"iI'~­ ~'eTI'... TIl", ~1 !'to:N!l}~_ '" S5 M-..:a1 Dl' XilgT0eS .apJ>l,ied f('1r membership (divorce) issued by a Fellow :'><"l~ ~'l'AA~~~t~~ "'~~):l~s~n~'i'~:r h~l'l<)el'1{'.'i~ ~\l\-M'\~ 1'>:::1 U/t)@ .T""in.",b fJJ""'l'tic;: ;riSl=ed 'Q!'d!1c>"'''''~~ their "'-'h" that would not do .violence to the Eretz Yisrael IT '~""_~"" ."- - "- :1"i'=U menluet:-.s IJlS- of the National Beth Din of "" ,'~'l:il~""""',""'ii$1-~ ~~'lJe~\t 1fi~-' envisioned by the prophets and inspired by the '. ".U'"~ -'";::""'"' U~f' !'.~~'ll". _""!lCl r.:ad :!L:PJ'rCl.!iclled me tbst t11ey did not Rabbi Isser Yehuda Untennan (left), 77, of Tel Aviv, the United States, which is :'1i'.fld :a SmITf'.' e'! .. 1",'1;("l;:,b :ll:t:t;rnodes [\!l tihis suibJI:'-ct· ~hev ~1~~ "'y . .~ 'M{"~1t\"'t' ~ R~i.", .'J'a,:~ :...... ~ .. .. 1. '" ...~ ~"'t!ll. recently defeated Rabbi (centre), 47, senior chaplain officially recognized by tpe Torah, and would at the same time recognize the ...... :w.....; ... '~ .. -.;: ...... rank .1-"",,,, 4I>'!"e ~~. ;&...::l...... 'J.. 'toS ~ "''''''Q:' re1~)Us (with of brigadier) of Israeli armed formes, in elections for faculty of the Jewish Theo­ necessity, of "interpreting tradition so that it might· _ _ _ Wlnrt k :l), "'Je1risb ?wpollSt '!... country's Ashkenazic chief rabbi. At far right is Rabbi Yitzhak Nissim, ,'lN~,\';'l\~)"""t!i''''l ~lI'! t;h" lG~~~' S'ta~ 'l.'0 ilt>i'l~·~"".str,,,~ Israel's Separdic chief rabbi. (Courtesy Israel Information Services) logical Seminary and the~ab- serve the needs Qf the new day." B:u!'J<'-iil l::'! -;}.ci;c ~:1'l_!,~,o~.ne l~ nnf'C>} the c..-rloc.s'l lR'u~~ ... , '--" t h<,Vr "')."l.~'m~l.'1'1W'l'lt ~"h1 ~ihcil' ,%,..,00 ~n ....<;s"n"~i: t.!'t'~ I ~ .~ -..." _'iOl.WUy .·i...;:w::ma~ .:n. ;m.:"~: !!.t):) ~",~~~\,l~' !i\.'>'t X~~)io,,, ~:n An~~, 1'\l're l'JlN ~'\'... '>-

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