Winnipeg Hosts Western . Nat.Ional ORT Convention Bar Ilan Degree for Samuel' N. Cohen Initial Speaker At
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, " , . ., Page Two THE JEWISH POST Thursday, October 26, 1972 'lIhutsday, October 26, 1972 THE JEWISH POST Page ThrH ==~=----------------- ----- ~~~------~~ , , The Oldest Anglo - JC!1Dish Election of 'he New Rabhis" Week'!l in Western CllnaOO Bar Ilan Degree for Samuel' N. Cohen By DAVID LANDAU anything' about Cohens and diV'o~cees. At , , PC ST ESTABLISHED 1925 ly , lEwISH JTA Middle East Bureau Chief any rate, the election of Goren will certai!1 (Issued weekly in tbe inte...,a. of Jewish Community activities . alleviate the tension, at least temporarily, in Winnipeg and Western Canada) between Orthodox and secular, which was Member of Jewisb Chronicle News and l'ealUrl' hervice. London. Eng. Member of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, New York JERUSALEM (JTA) - The election of threa'teulng to' reach dangerouS .proportions. two new and relatively young· chief rabbis While the outlook for the specific areas of Published every Thursday by was hailed in .Israel as an opportunity - potential conflict might not seem to have EMPIRE PRINTERS LTD. perhaps a final opportunity - for the chief changed, the general atmosphere will doUbt WINNIPEG. CANADA rabbinate to become a meaningful force in less be markedly improved with the advent the spiritual life of the Jewish people. The of the new chief rabbis., HAROLD MARKUSOFF LEO J. LEZAIlK magnitude o~ the change is best expressed Publisber , " ~vertlBlnll Manager The election also produced a neW chief by the fact that the avera~e age of the two Heau V11lce: P.O.. Box 3777. Station ~B'. Winnipeg. Canada. R2WaR6 rabbin~te council. Gone are the more extrem Phone 589~7331 Subscription: $5.00 per annum Eve. Phone 839·&676 ,chief rabbis has dropped by a generation: ist rabbis of Unterman's period - Bezalel Second Class Mail Registratidh No. 0517 Rabbi Issar Yehuda Unterman, 86, and Zolty, Eliezer Goldschmidt and Shaul Yis Rabbi' Yitzhak Nissim, 79, gave' way to 56- raeli of the Rabbinical Supreme Court - year.old former chief army chaplain Shlomo and in" their place come younger men who Voting Patterns, Again Goren" and 'Sl:year:old. Ovadiah "Yo-sef, in Goren says will comprise' a "Zionist" Coun 'I that _order." The electors' choice was wel-. cil. (The ten-man council has the power td ,l That much bruited about issue, the 'Jewish vote in the corned by most Israelis. Goren and Yose£ legislate new halachic ordinances-provided I United States, keep.s on surfacing in the most disp~r!lte are vastly popular and respected in .their they do not clash with existing ones.) Zolty, places. Of course, Time and Newsweek have been glvmg respective communities, as noted halachic Goldschmidt and Yisraeli are also contem steady coverage to the scramble' for the Jewi'sh vote, but authorities and yet as men 'of the world - plating resigning from the Supreme Court other publications are getting into the act, too. The latest men of the sabra generation by upbringing now that Goren heads it. The senior judge, to. print articles on the way Jewish voters are swinging in if not by -birth. As one army general told Rabbi Yosef Shalom Eliashiv, has already PHILIP VINEBERG, Q'.C. the current presidential election are the right-wing National his former comrade-in-arms Shlomo Goren resigned, and if, the other three follow him, . • guest speake.; Review, edited by William Buckley, Jr., and the liberal when he came to congratulate him: "At least Goren will have the chance to make a clean Zionist monthly Midstream. The surprising thing is 'not we 'now have a chief rabbi to whom we can sweep' in the court, too. that both these publication consider the subject pf some speak in Ivrit." Not that Unterman spoke In another immediate post-election state importance, but that both come to substantially the same no Ivrit: he spoke it well - but with a ment, Goren said ,he' intended summoning a conclusions. diaspora accent, and, in the view of' most, synod of all the l!'lading ral?bis in the world Both journals ·agree, as do others, that wbile Nixon re- people, a diaspora attitude. to advise on questions of halacha. Rabbi ceived only 10 to 15 per cent of the' Jewish vote in 1968" he What will the election results mean for Joseph B. Soloveitchik of Boston, the leading will certainly win no less than 25 per' cent of the Jewish Israel and for world Jewry? Withio. hours American halachic authority, cabled Goren vote in 1972. Uneasiness in Israel is part of the reason, and of his election, Goren announced that he his congratulations on his victory. Other the National Review writer, Edward. Boylan of Rutgers Uni- would set up a Rabbinical Court· to rehear diaspora rabbis are still sU'spicious of ~oren, versity, p'oints to. the list of dubious stands McGovern has the mamzerim case _ the cause celebre since his detractors in Israel claim he has '. taken on 'Israel, such as his insistence that American fighter- which brought the election about. He also reformist ,tendencies. They will no doubt " bombers sent to. Israel in 1970 should be use.d for appealed to the Independent Liberal Party ,-I ~)llly follow his early moves carefully. The elec-' " "defensive purposes", a position that McGovern later "clari- to. give him a year's grace before pushing t4e tion of Y osef and his harmonious work with " fied" by stating that the United Stataes should take no. action, Hausner bill on civil marriages to a Knesset " MAX A. ~AUDE ••• Guest Speaker Goren until now as joint chief rabbis of Tel i, if the Israelis did use the jets offensively. votc. Premier Golda Meir, too, IS known to Aviv will help Goren' win the trust of other , Director General, World ORT Union ' There are' also McGovern's votes against joint military have appealed to Mapam not to support rabbis, since Yosef is accepted and respected' . appropriation bills which included aid to Israel, and his Gideon Hausner's bill but give Goren a in' right-wing rabbinical circles. Any hopes proposed cuts in the American defence budget for Europe chance. The ILP, however, has already re that Goren will be softer on non-recognition Winnipeg Hosts Western SAMUEL N; COHEN and the Mediterranean. And of course no only really knows jected Goren's plea and 'says it will seek a' , ••• Honorary Fellow,' Bar I1an University of Reform conversions are quite groundless. ' , , whether McGovern would change. his mind on Israel the vote soon. The'party claims with justice that He is as hostile to the Reform and Conserva .Nat.ional ORT Convention Jewish barrister to hold such Art Gallery, and chairman of the way he did in his choice of Vice-President. no change in the chief rabbinate can bring tive movements as any other Israeli, rabbi. a position, and widely known ,tax Manitoba citizen's campaign. McGovern's tax policies al\d support of quotas for minor- about a change within the halacha for the Thus, too, there is no chance that he will For the first time since the estab- director, American ORT Federation; RABBI ZEMAClI ,ZAMBROWSKY expert and chairman of the Cana- More recently, ,Mr. Cohen chaired ity groups, or "targets" or "goals"; or however else they're main body of "unmarriageables", the Cohens support the Conservative rabbis operating in lishment of Women's Canadian 'ORT Chairi!' Cohen, ORT student, Syng~- ••• University Vice-Chancellor, dian Board of Overseers of Bar Dan the construction and expansion cam being euphemi,stically referred to, are also mentioned by and divorcees. Goren ~ay well solve, the Israel. Goren is on record as opposing the a National Convention wi,ll be held 10wski, Tel Aviv; Robert Coopea', presides at Convocation University. , Ipaign of Sharon Home, and as 'both publication as inimical to, Jewish interests. plight of Hanoch and Miriam Langer,' the "Who is'a Jew" section of the Law of Return in westena Canada. As gateway to campa'tgn dire.ctor, World 0 R T Rabbi Zemach Zambrowsky, vice- Rabbi· Zambrowsky served as, sumed lealiership of the emergency . But what is most significant is that Jews are voting, not rnemzerim brother and sister, by proving in its present form an&will,press, along with the west, Winnipeg is' the hosting Union; -Dr. i3erthold Wyler, WorlD. chancellor of Israel's Bar Dan Uni- president of Canadian Mizrachi be- campaign to help the Jewish Child on behalf of liberal causes that would presumably be good halachically that in their particular case the Aguda and right - wing National 'Religious city. for the 12th Biennial Conven- ORT Union; Sol Kanee, national versity, will comer the IJegree-of fore accepting his present position ilil"ci. Family Service over its finan-. for all society, but in their own interest. .~~~ Ja.~of mru,llzerim d!)es not apply ~ l;lUt he - Party members, for its amendment to define ·Hot). to be held October 28 thrU 31 president, Canadian jewish Con- Fellow of Humane Letters on as world chainnan of Mizrllchi- cial crisis. As' Leonara Fein of Branaei~ University puts it in Mid- would never, could never abolish the law of conversion as only by halacha to the exclu at the InternatioItal Inn. gress; Mrs. Evelyn Shapiro, assist- Samuel N. Cohen at the Rosh Pina Po;Ue Hamizrachi, and chairman of A graduate 'Of the Winnipeg Tal~ stream, "There is simply no comprehenllive social equation mamzerim, or the law banning Coheris sion of Reform conversion. On the other KNOWLEDGE OF :MINDS • • • ant professoI: of Social Gerjatrics synagogue, Thursday, Nov. 2. the International Board of Trustees mud Torah, he has long followed a' that can be discovered or invented that will benignly providf! marrying divorcees. No rabbi could· do so hand, persons seeking to convert to Judaism SKILLS OF HANDS .