Melmerby Parish Council Extraordinary Meeting Held on Tuesday 23 Rd February 2021

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Melmerby Parish Council Extraordinary Meeting Held on Tuesday 23 Rd February 2021 ‘FRESH SONGS OF HOPE’ April Dear Friends, 2021 This past year has been a hard time for a great many of us, much of this has been about loss, both of loved ones and a loss of our freedoms which perhaps we took so much for granted. There is a place I go to find solace and comfort, I go there often, it is not far from where I live, it does not stand out in any way Mid-Eden really just some fields in the foothills of the Pennines, but it is a Magazine place where the Curlew still comes and the Skylarks still sing and with news the Lapwings nest. from the Parishes of For me it is a place of Hope.... The Cross Fell For the Christian not being able to sing congregationally has Group been a hard thing too, whoever thought that this might happen to the church in the 21st century? But just as the Curlews are returning to gladden our hearts with their wild cries and bubbling song, so our songs of hope will rise again soon, a day we anticipate gladly for sure, songs of Joy and passion in the risen Christ and the grace of God on offer to us all. The early disciples voices had been muted too, no more hosannas there as the stone of Josephs tomb closed on the entrance, as they filed away it must have seemed all hope was dead along with the carpenter from Nazareth. What a tremendous and Joyful responsibility then for the Angels that resurrection morning to break the seal of Rome, Roll back the stone and SIT on it, for me that action of the Angel says it all, then the words to Mary.....’He is not here....HE IS RISEN’.....just as he said he would!! In the Greek of the New Testament the word Hope means ‘a confident expectation’, facing the future knowing that Jesus Sponsored by ________________________ invites us to a life with him is a sure promise, whatever may lay Langwathby Stores & Post Office. ahead on our shared journey. The VIC, Culgaith. Parish Councils: Culgaith, Langwathby May your songs of hope rise with the Skylark this Easter time Get if touch if you’d like to support us and sponsor the MEMO when you turn to face the Son..... NOTE: Due to Coronavirus restrictions information / events Rev. Keith Speck may be out of date - so please take this into account. MidEdenMemo Page 1 THIS MONTH’S ARTICLES Page MEMO AGM –Summary of minutes 3 Help & Support - Coronavirus Pandemic 4-7 Culgaith PC Minutes 8 Melmerby PC Minutes 9 Lynn’s Dog Walking Challenge 10 Hartside First Responders AGM Notice & Agenda 11 Hefted, Melmerby Village Hall - CANCELLED 11 Article - The National Census 12 -13 Article - The Census in England & Wales 14 Kirkland & Blencard 50/50 March Winners & Notice 15 EEMC - Easter Sunday ‘Drive Up’ 15 Registers 15 Skirwith Village Hall Lottery Results & Notices 16 Wanted - Handyman and/or Gardener 16 Re -Development of Gamblesby Methodist Church 17 Melmerby Village Hall Lottery Results 18 Community Activities : Pubs, Shops & Restaurants 18 -20 Business & Local Services 20 -24 COVER ARTIST We’d like to thank Erin, Year 3 from Culgaith School for kindly producing this month’s cover drawing for us. See drawings from other pupils on the inside back cover CLERGY CONTACT NUMBERS The following EEMC ministers can be contacted by email or telephone: Rev Katharine Butterfield Tel 01768 898176 Email [email protected] Rev Keith Speck Tel 01768 898257. Email: [email protected] Canon Stephen Pye Tel 01768 881212 Email: [email protected] Rev Dave Milner Tel 01768 863209 Email: [email protected] Do You have an Article for the MEMO? During this difficult time, the MEMO has been kept going as a way for our community to help one another by offering advice and sharing interests that might make us all feel a bit better. We would love to have contributions from you, our readers. We have only a few conditions: • Items should have a local focus, so that they are especially relevant to our readers • Items must be non-political and inoffensive - MEMO is a community publication for everyone, whatever their beliefs If you have an idea for an article, drop us an email just to check it’s OK Email: [email protected] Page 2 About The MEMO A team of over 40 volunteers collate, type, proof & distribute your MEMO each month to produce a community based publication. We are grateful for the support given by businesses & sponsors. You can contact us as follows: For editorial, general or non -business enquiries contact: Chris Forrester 01768 881015; e: [email protected] For business advert enquiries contact our business coordinator: Jeff Trueman 01768 881163; e: [email protected] For payment related enquiries contact our treasurer: Sheila Ripper 01768 881348; e: [email protected] All copy for the April issue by Noon FRIDAY 16th APRIL 2021 Items ready to be typed can be sent directly to - [email protected] or to Chris Forrester, Bank House, Langwathby, CA10 1LW - (across the road from “The Shepherds Inn”) Payment should accompany the advert request . Cheques payable to ‘The MEMO’; Payment can also be made by BACS/electronically please contact Jeff or Chris as above for details or confirmation of charges for your advert. The Committee maintain the right to edit and/or withhold material as deemed necessary. With regret the general distribution of the MEMO has had to be suspended as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic. A paper copy can be picked up from shops/post offices in Langwathby, Melmerby and Ousby CHARGES WAIVED - UPDATE FROM THE MEMO COMMITTEE. At our recent AGM, the MEMO committee looked at how the MEMO could continue safely in light of the ongoing COVID -19 pandemic. The committee agreed to maintain the suspension of door to door deliveries, with printed copies being left at shops / post offices in Langwathby, Melmerby and Ousby and an online copy created at and on Facebook. Thanks to a small surplus, we are also able to suspend our charges for advertising – a small help to our communities. At the AGM the committee decided to review these decisions again and after careful consideration of finances and feedback the committee have agreed to continue this approach until September 2021. We would like to thank the individuals and businesses who have been able to donate to The MEMO. Our ability to support our communities and local businesses by waiving charges will continue to be dependent on these donations. Please get in touch if you can help. STAY HOME - PROTECT THE NHS - SAVE LIVES Page 3 DEADLINES: PLEASE SUBMIT ARTICLES AND ADVERTS NO LATER THAN FRIDAY NOON ON THE FOLLOWING DATES: May 16th April June 14th May July 11th June August 16th July September 13th August October 10th September November 15th October December/ 12th November January MEMO AGM - SUMMARY The MEMO AGM was held at virtual meeting on ZOOM on Monday 1st February 2021. The MEMO Committee reported on the highlights of the year and expressly thanked the volunteers, advertisers & sponsors that have made the 2020/21 year a continuation of the MEMO’s success even in the challenging times of the Covid19 pandemic. The existing committee members were re -elected: • Chairman / Editor - Chris Forrester • Treasurer Sheila Ripper • Business Coordinator Jeff Trueman • Typist / Proof Reader Coordinator Iain Broadway • Cover Artist Coordinator Nigel Faulkner • Distribution Coordinator Vacant We said farewell to some long -serving volunteers whose commitment to the MEMO spans tens of years so we feel lucky to have benefited from their support and would like to thank them and their families. A special thank you to Pat Turvey our outgoing distribution co -ordinator and we will be looking for a volunteer for the distribution coordinator role in the coming months as we hopefully can start considering restoring the full door to door distribution of the MEMO. It was agreed to maintain the suspension of a full distribution of the MEMO and to continue the COVID -19 waiver on MEMO fees for advertising and for this to be reviewed again in six months (Sept 2021). This is a summary of the AGM and full minutes and committee reports can be requested from the chairman / editor (Chris Forrester). The next AGM date will be notified in the November 2021 MEMO at the latest but will be planned for early February 2022. Page 4 SUPPORT DURING THE CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC As is the case in communities across the country the Eden Valley has been no exception in responding to the challenges faced by the coronavirus pandemic. People have been coming together and supporting each other during this difficult time. In addition to families, neighbours and friends supporting one another a range of support groups, networks and services have been established in our communities to provide that extra bit of help, especially for the vulnerable, lonely and isolated. Often these groups/networks have been established through parish councils and may relate to their Emergency Plans but other people have also come forward to offer/coordinate support arrangements. Sometimes a list of people believed to be isolated or vulnerable may have been drawn up through local knowledge so that contact can be made or maintained. Groups have employed differing ways for establishing contacts e.g. via ‘Help Cards’, websites, Facebook, emails, adverts in local papers and newsletters. Below is a list giving details of some groups, networks, and contacts in communities covered by the Mid Eden Memo’s distribution area.
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