Culgaith Parish Council Annual Report 2017 – 2018 Serving:- Kirkland.

In Culgaith From The Chair.  Parking of cars on footpaths in the village was As the weather warms aer a long, cold winter, Culgaith discussed and advice taken from the Police. Parish Council can look back on a producve year in  Drove Road seat, had been repaired privately, 2017/18. May I thank all our Councillors for their PC agreed to undertake the cung of grass commitment and support throughout the year. The work around it and to facilitate the provision of a of the Clerk, whose dedicaon and tenacity in enacng lier bin. the decisions of the Council and liaising with EDC and  War Memorial Seat has been repainted. CCC, is also highly appreciated.  Pinfold Plaque has been cleaned. Caroline Richardson  It was agreed to undertake maintenance Chair, Culgaith Parish Council pruning of the roadside trees alongside the Tarn.  Loaning Head Development – Accepted the Around The Communies site be called ‘Primrose Hill’.  During 2017/8 the Council considered 9 Some of the Issues raised are listed below. planning applicaons in Culgaith General  Electronic Planning Consultaon was In Skirwith implemented by EDC. A laptop projector was  Skirwith Bus Shelter – Roof and guering has issued to the PC, by EDC, to facilitate the been repaired. viewing of plans.  Skirwith crossroad verge damage by heavy  Mark Binney Landscaping and Stonework’s vehicles was addressed, no acon was taken. tender was accepted for the grass cung  A ‘Garden Waste’ skip was provided, as in contract for the 2018 - 2020 seasons. previous years, in Skirwith.  A ‘Parish Community Emergency Plan’ was  Paral repair was made to Skirwith Noce agreed and implemented. Board.  Newly elected County Councillor, Claire Driver,  The Parish Council was liaising with United was warmly welcomed. Ulies regarding future minor mains water  An ‘ACT’ Household Emergency Leaflet was improvements in Church Street Skirwith. distributed  Small, self-sown trees were removed and the  A replacement office Laptop computer was stumps treated to prevent regrowth, opposite purchased, finance by the NALC Transparency Aglionby Farm, Skirwith. Fund.  During 2017/18 the Council considered 5  Police and Crime Commissioner – Public planning applicaons in Skirwith Consultaon Survey, was noted.  Modificaons to the ‘Eden Local Plan’ were In Kirkland and Blencarn considered and accepted. The footbridge on Kirkland Green was  The ‘Neighbourhood Watch’ provision in the  Parish was reviewed. repaired. A replacement footbridge at the Cornmill,  The work of the ‘East Family Support  Group’ was publicised. Blencarn has been installed. Water leaks on Blencarn Green were reported  Grant received to provide Defibrillator road  signs. Signs have been ordered. to United Ulies.  A new drain was installed at White Hall corner, Highway Maintenance Blencarn. Highways issues were very ably handled by  The bench on Blencarn Green received a coat Cllr Jill Hay and the Clerk. The Council have of preservave. been very grateful to the staff of the Highways  During 2017/18 the Council considered 4 Department for their support of Parish issues planning applicaons in Kirkland and Blencarn raised by the Councillors, during the year. Learning and Development Footway Lighng  Electronic Planning Consultaon. A meeng The EDC policy to devolve the ownership and was aended by the Chair and Clerk maintenance of Footway Lighng to Parish Councils  Eden Associaon of Local Councils - Triparte was discussed at great length during the year. There meeng, was aended by Cllrs J Hay and was a strong feeling that Councillors were being ‘held Caroline Richardson over a barrel’ on the issue; not to take over the lights  A ‘Common Land’ workshop was aended by would result in them gradually being removed by EDC, Cllr C Richardson. as they failed, but to take them over would result in a  A CALC ‘Neighbourhood Plan’ meeng was substanal rise in the Parish Precept. In the interest of aended by Cllr J Hay Parishioners safety, a reluctant decision was made to take over this responsibility, subject to the legal Finance document on the takeover being agreed with EDC. The Parish Precept (The Parish Councils share of Council Tax) for 2017/18 was £9135 Parish Councillors 2017 - 2018 Culgaith Ward The balance carried over at the end of the year was Jill Hay £10505.17 1 Chestnut Close, Culgaith Pam Jago Financial Summary 17 Chestnut Close, Culgaith Income 2016/17 2017/18 Pauline Toppin (Vice Chair) £ £ Glenmara, Culgaith Carried forward 10292 10351 David Witney Precept 8700 9135 Sunnyfield, Culgaith, Penrith Grants 0 1352 1x Vacancy Vat Recovered 190 0 Other Income 219 222 Blencarn and Kirkland Ward Total Receipts 9109 10709 Marjorie Helm Rigg End, Blencarn Expenditure Caroline Richardson (Chair) Administraon 4003 3927 Smithy House, Blencarn Village Greens 2191 2576 Ken Philipson Village Maintenance 342 1968 Glebe Farm, Kirkland Playgrounds 150 290 Grants 1622 1393 Skirwith Ward Wreath 17 17 Laura Wilson Vat paid 51 384 Skirwith Hall, Skirwith Elecons 0 0 Philip Hemingway Total Expenditure 8376 10555 Old School House, Skirwith

Support For Local Organisaons Parish Clerk £ John Fleming Memo – Mid Eden Newsleer 50 Fell View, Blencarn, Penrith, Cumbria, CA10 1TX. Fellrunner 343 Tel 07768 468 634. E Mail [email protected] Skirwith Village Hall 200 Kirkland and Blencarn Recreaon Room 200 For More Informaon Culgaith All Saints Church 200 For more informaon on the work of the Parish Culgaith Victoria Instute 200 Council, including full copies of the minutes, visit:- Guardians of Culgaith Tarn 50 Skirwith Parish Church 200 Forthcoming Meengs The Winter Snow Storms Monday 2nd July 2018 – Skirwith The severity of the winter blizzards was felt by all in Monday 3rd September 2018 – Blencarn the Parish. Councillors were very grateful for the Monday 5th November 2018 - Culgaith efforts of the Highways Department to make the roads Monday 7th January 2019 – Skirwith in the Parish passable, within a few days of the storms. Monday 4th March 2019 – Blencarn The snow clearing work undertaken by local farmers Monday 13th May 2019 – Culgaith was especially appreciated. (Annual Parish Meeng/AGM/May meeng)