Giving what you have

July In the midst of our present blighted landscape seeking to find a way 2020 forward has not been an easy task, but many of us have had more time to see and sense the world around us more intimately I think. Our spring has been quite stunning to see unfold, nature has carried on what it does so very well each year regardless of our troubled times . Mid-Eden In the context of having a little more time, I happened to catch a BBC 2 programme recently about the Australian classical guitarist John Magazine Williams, watching him playing alongside Julian Bream was with news mesmerising. from the Parishes of At one point he played with the BBC Symphony Orchestra at a packed The Cross Fell Albert Hall, he walked out on to the stage just him and his guitar, he Group brought what he had, a sublime gift shared with all those present. I happen to play the guitar a little, I do my best most Sundays to lead a little worship in a local church setting, though i did play recently in a school setting which was different, anyhow I got a round of applause from the children....which was nice, still not sure if they were clapping because at last I had finished or because they enjoyed it? There is a famous incident in the Bible in John’s gospel of what we call the feeding of the 5,000, where a little boy gives what he has and in the hands of Jesus something mystical and incredible happens...... We bring and we share what we have..... For many months to come there will be great need in our communities, need not only for bread and fish but also for time, for care, for listening and for reaching out Covid is not the only stalking shadow on our land, loneliness is happening all around us and is a real danger to health and wellbeing of Sponsored by ______many not just our older generation, what gifts, talents, or time do you Langwathby Stores & Post Office. have that might make all the difference to people where you live? Home and Garden – Nigel and Jill Preston, Winskill. The VIC, . Keith Speck Tithe Cottage Furnishings. Parish Councils: Culgaith, Hunsonby, Langwathby PCCs: Addingham, Culgaith, Edenhall, Langwathby Kirkoswald Manse Langwathby Methodist Chapel. MidEdenMemo Page 1


Emergency Support Helpline, County Council and partners 3 Kirkland & Village Hall 50/50 Club 3 Guardians of the Tarn AGM 3 Coronavirus Local Support Groups 4-5 Summer Migrant Birds - Sheila Ripper 6-7 It’s All In The Mind - Emma Mitchell 8-9 Grow Your Own Ginger - Iain Broadway 9 Relieving Stress - Jackie Oliver -Watts 10 -11 Festival of Flowers and Weddings - Cancelled 11 Skirwith Village Hall - Help and Information 12 Langwathby Rainbow Treasure Hunt 12 Langwathby in 1901, Jeremy Godwin 13 Hartside First Responders AGM / Volunteers Required 14 Community activities 15 Pubs, Shops & Restaurants 15 -16 Business and Local Services 17 -20 Poems by Kath Holmes Inside back cover

MEMO COPY DATES 2020 th th July 17 August 14 September 11 th October 16 th November 13th


We’d like to thank Vicki Everett who has kindly produced this month’s cover drawing for us - ‘Fell Pony Yearlings’

The MEMO now has a website!

You can download the electronic copy of the Memo from here and also additional content like an the extended “Culture Online” article.


For all enquiries about baptisms, weddings, funerals, or other church -related matters, please ring either: 01768 881212 (Canon Stephen Pye) or 01768 881720 (Rev Colin Marchment) Page 2 About The Mid Eden Memo (MEMO) A team of over 40 volunteers collate, type, proof & distribute your MEMO each month to produce a community based publication. We are grateful for the support given by businesses & sponsors. You can contact us as follows: For editorial, general or non -business enquiries contact: Chris Forrester 01768 881015; e: [email protected] For business advert enquiries contact our business coordinator: Jeff Trueman 01768 881163; e: [email protected] For payment related enquiries contact our treasurer: Sheila Ripper 01768 881348; e: [email protected]

All copy for the July issue by Noon FRIDAY 17th July 2020

Items ready to be typed can be sent directly to - [email protected] or to Chris Forrester, Bank House, Langwathby, CA10 1LW - (across the road from “The Shepherds Inn”) Payment should accompany the advert request . Cheques payable to ‘The MEMO’; Payment can also be made by BACS/ electronically please contact Jeff or Chris as above for details or confirmation of charges for your advert. The Committee maintain the right to edit and/or withhold material as deemed necessary.

With regret the general distribution of the MEMO has had to be suspended as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic. A paper copy can be picked up from Langwathby & Melmerby village shops


The Mid Eden Memo (MEMO) has been supported by our business and non -business advertisers for many years, and now in these extraordinary times we want to return that support to our community and businesses that operate from it, who all face the challenges the Coronavirus pandemic brings.

Thus from the May 2020 issue of the MEMO, the fees for all business and non -business adverts and subscriptions will be waived for a minimum period of six months. The MEMO has limited emergency funds so we cannot keep this going indefinitely but we will review this position after this initial six month period. We would welcome contributions from any advertisers or supporters that feel they are able to help us maintain this for as long as possible.

Please all stay safe, stay alert and support our NHS and other key workers. Page 3 Kirkland and Blencarn Village Hall

The Village Hall is closed until further notice. We look forward to reconvening at the Hall when the current Covid -19 situation is over. Meanwhile stay safe and well.

Kirkland and Blencarn 50/50 Club June winners 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Stephen Ethel Peter Esha Adam Wales Hodgson Brunskill Holloway Purdham Many thanks to all our members for their continuing support in these difficult times .

THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE GUARDIANS OF THE TARN. JUNE 2020 The AGM of the committee normally takes place between June and August each year and as such is a public meeting, which anyone is welcome to attend. In addition to a review of the work undertaken by the Guardians throughout the year in maintaining the village green, the annual accounts are provided by the treasurer. This year, in line with current regulations, the AGM has not taken place because of the difficulty of observing social distancing. The annual financial statement has, however, been circulated to all trustees and has been approved. Geraldine Gaizely, Secretary.

Note also see details of other local support groups / networks on pages 4 & 5. Page 4


As is the case in communities across the country the Eden Valley has been no exception in responding to the challenges faced by the coronavirus pandemic. People have been coming together and supporting each other during this difficult time. In addition to families, neighbours and friends supporting one another a range of support groups, networks and services have been established in our communities to provide that extra bit of help, especially for the vulnerable, lonely and isolated.

Often these groups/networks have been established through parish councils and may relate to their Emergency Plans but other people have also come forward to offer/coordinate support arrangements. Sometimes a list of people believed to be isolated or vulnerable may have been drawn up through local knowledge so that contact can be made or maintained. Groups have employed differing ways for establishing contacts e.g. via ‘Help Cards’, websites, Facebook, emails, adverts in local papers and newsletters.

Below is a list giving details of some groups, networks, and contacts in communities covered by the Mid Eden Memo’s distribution area. Arrangements in each village community may vary. However generally the services on offer are likely to include the following types of help : -

> collecting and delivering essential food shopping or other urgent supplies

> collection of medications/prescriptions

> posting of mail

> offering a friendly chat

Other types of service may also include things like dog walking or plant and seed exchanges. Arrangements have also been made in some cases with some local food producers/retailers which can be delivered to central points in a village such as a village hall. The list may not represent the totality of the local support on offer but it gives details of a least some and key contacts. Page 5


Blencarn and Kirkland Andrew Clay 01768 88693 or 07931 732825 [email protected]

Culgaith Culgaith Support Group Sue Smith 01768 879006 Anne Blues and Paul Saager 01768 88702 David Witney 01768 88777 Shane McNicol 01768 879202 Andy Challis 07834 545124

Gamblesby, Glassonby Dori Henderson 01768 881369 & Unthank [email protected]

Langwathby Coronavirus Support Network – Langwathby [email protected] Liz Terry 01768 889174

Melmerby and Facebook page David Bardsley 01768 881557 or 07881 371432 [email protected] Ruth Beaumont 07901 820850 Gary Fletcher 01768 889372 or 07881 815280 Marjorie Jones 07901 766253 Chris Jones 01768 881839 or 07887 800211

Ousby Clare Hansford 01768 881965 Sue Castle -Clarke 01768 881713

Skirwith Nicola Kuliszewski 01768 879238 [email protected]

Penrith based operator but Ian Moseley 07788 724793 covering as well

Other services are being offered by local shops covering matters such as de- livery of food and some other provisions. Langwathby Village shop (01768 881342) will deliver to a wide range of villages in the area and Melmerby Village shop (01768 881915) can also organise deliveries. In some cases villages such as Culgaith and Gamblesby have arrangements with some establishments in Penrith, Appleby and local villages (such as butchers, greengrocers, pubs, cafes) for deliveries/takeaways, some delivered to a central point in a village on specified times for collection. Please speak to the contacts in those villages for details of this. Page 6 Summer Migrants – Swift, Swallow or Martin? We know summer isn’t far behind when we start seeing those super - travellers, the migrant birds returning from the warmer southern climes of Africa: Swallows, Swifts and the two Martins – House Martins and Sand Martins. It’s the Martins that are often one of the first migratory birds to return in spring, mid -March to mid -April, most having spent their winter in the Sahel, the moister area south of the Sahara. It’s an amazing journey, and a hazardous one that they’ve already done in reverse last autumn – and will do again this coming autumn! Most British summer resident swallows winter in South Africa, so their journey consists of flying north over western African states, across the Sahara – although some seem to prefer to avoid the desert and follow the coast instead – then across eastern Spain, over the Pyrenean mountains, western France, and finally, over the English Channel and back to Britain. They tend to fly mostly during daylight, at speeds between 17 -22 miles per hour and covering on average 200 miles a day, and in total perhaps up to 6000 miles! Swifts may be the last to arrive here, sometimes not until the last week of April or early May, returning from parts of Africa south of the Sahara. There are various websites where you can track their migratory progress, including this one: They’re all here right now. But can you tell the difference? They all look rather alike, flying high and fast, swooping, and dipping over water and fields catching their main food of insects as they go, with largely black/ very dark blue /dark brown bodies. But spend a few minutes to look more closely and you’ll start to be able to identify each one separately. Swis - the super high -fliers, swirling high and fast in the sky, often in groups screeching wildly, you may hear them before you see them. They very rarely rest on the ground or perch on wires, spending most of their time in the air. Numbers have been rapidly declining in recent years, dropped 57% between 1995 and 2017, probably due to a complex mix of factors such as shortage of insect foods and climate changes, but in particular a shortage of old buildings with crevices suitable for nesting. Colour: dark sooty brown all over, lighter to whiteish chin and forehead; may even look black against the sky Wing shape: long backwards -curving scythe -shaped Tail: short, forked Nest: feather -lined cavities in old buildings/under eaves and gables Page 7 Swallows – the graceful gliders, darting and gliding often low to the ground over fields and meadows particularly near rivers and lakes (and even puddles in hot dry weather!) where there are lots of insects, or just above the tops of the trees. They can often be seen perched in long lines along wires, chirping and twittering. Colour: glossy deep blue -black back, back of head, and chest band; browner wings; whiteish to deep pinky -buff underparts; deep rust -red chin and forehead

Wing shape: long and slender, scythe -shaped

Tail: deeply forked with long streamers

Nest: a deep open -topped cup of mud and straw, glued with mud onto a beam or ledge of a building, often under eaves . House Marns – smaller and stockier than swallows but with very similar habits – flying low over water catching small flies whilst on the wing, or zooming around at mid -height usually in flocks, and fluttering in and out of house eaves chirping softly. They can also be seen gathering in long lines along wires, particularly shortly before migration. They tend to come to the ground solely for gathering mud to build their nests.

Colour: blue -black top of head and back, prominent white rump; dark brown wings, whiter underparts; white throat

Wing shape: backwards -curving but stubbier than swallow

Tail: short, stubby forked

Nest: enclosed rounded cup of mud with top entrance, most commonly under outside house eaves rather than inside beams; often in colonies. Sand Marns – the smallest, and the most gregarious, of the group, most commonly seen swirling and flapping around near water as they hunt for insects. Colour: all brown top of head and back, brown breastband; white underparts Wing shape: stubbier backwards -curving Tail: short, stubby forked Nest: bores long holes into earth or soft sandstone, frequently on sandy riverbanks and cliffs and sand quarries, always in colonies. Page 8

IT’S ALL IN THE MIND! Chris Packham —the TV presenter and naturalist —had a special guest on his morning show a few weeks ago []. Emma Mitchell is a molecular biologist, naturalist and author who suf- fers from depression.

She was explaining that our natural environment has a physical effect on our brains —an effect that is irresistible, not just imaginary —an ef- fect that helps to reduce anxiety and improve our spirits.

She mentioned 3 hormones that work together and are affected by nature: ♦ Cortisol that rises when we feel frightened or worried, increasing blood pressure and pulse -rate. Handy when confronted by an ag- gressive dog that we want to run from but a nuisance when it’s a threat that we just have to live with; ♦ Serotonin that tries to balance our moods; ♦ Dopamine that makes us feel elated and joyous when we suddenly see a peacock’s tail or a loved one. So, we want to lower our Cortisol and increase our Dopamine.

Research has shown that 120 minutes a week (say, 20 minutes a day) spent in a green space has a real, physical effect on our mental health.

She described 5 things that we can all do to help our mental health.

☺ Sit beside water —a stream or fountain or pond. The ripples, calming sounds, and gently repeating patterns give your mind a rest, reducing Cortisol, and the beauty of the scene increases Dopamine. ☺ Touch soil —benign bacteria in the soil will be inhaled without your knowing it, releasing Serotonin and reducing anxiety. Any form of gardening —potting up house -plants or weeding —will get you touching soil! ☺ Look at Fractals. The veins on the backs of leaves and the branches of trees have repeated patterns that gradually reduce in size. These are fractals and they affect the brain in the same way as soothing music. Curved shapes and shades of green also help to bring calm feelings. So don’t just walk past leaves and flowers —stop and look carefully at them from all angles, and look up through the canopy of trees at the limbs, branches and twigs. ☺ Brush against plants, and walk on vegetation. This will release Page 9

physiological responses that reduce Cortisol and lower blood pressure and pulse rate, and so help with insomnia and churn ing thoughts. ☺ What if you can’t get outside? Just seeing greenery improves mental health! Look at photographs of landscapes and plants, watch nature programmes like Springwatch. These all help in- crease Serotonin and Dopamine while decreasing Cortisol!

So when you feel anxious and a bit low, don’t hole up at home: get out into a natural area —by the river, or in the garden —or just look at photographs of beautiful landscapes and pot up some house -plants!

You can find some of Emma Mitchell’s photographs on Instagram: @silverpebble2 She has several books. Her most recent is “The Wild Remedy: How Nature Mends Us —a Diary”. Here’s a typical review: A deeply personal account of the author’s battle with de- pression. She writes about her encounters in nature and how they help her to manage her symptoms. I found the author’s writing beautiful and soothing to the heart; which I especially appreciated during these troubled times. In addition, the book is filled with stunning photography and artwork by the author.

GROW YOUR OWN GINGER! I stumbled on a guide to growing ginger at home just after hearing Emma Mitchell’s ideas. So I bought a larger piece that usual —one with several little growth buds —and planted it up in a pot which I left on a windowsill. I happen to have a small heated propagator, so I left the pot on that and watered it just enough to keep it damp. 10 days later, I have green shoots! I don’t expect to get usable ginger before Christmas, but it’s definitely lifted my mood! There are lots of guides on the internet, but essentially you need free -draining compost and a deep pot about 7 inches across. Bury a piece of ginger with three or four growth “eyes” facing upwards just under the surface (it doesn’t have to be covered), keep it damp but not wet, warm —around 21 degrees —and wait. If you’re like me, you won’t be able to resist giving the compost a poke every day to see if anything’s happening!! Page 10

Relieving Stress Through Simple, Easy Body Movements

At the moment we cannot do all the things we normally do to alleviate stress and boredom (which in itself leads to stress). Here are a few suggestions for getting rid of accumulated tensions from worry or fears about what the future may hold for us.

It’s easy to overlook the fact that stress caused by anxiety can be reduced by paying attention to your body. Think of how tense you can feel between your shoulder -blades and how just rolling your shoulders backwards and forwards can make you feel better. Here, then, are a few very simple things that we do in Yoga which can ease mental tension by giving your body some TLC (Tender, Loving Care!).

Go through this list every day, standing or sitting. You can repeat each one as often as you like – even once each is helpful – but 3 to 5 times would be even better!

Simple stretches: • Lift your arms sideways and stretch up as if you’re trying to touch the ceiling • Hang you arms at your sides and stretch your hands down as if you’re trying to touch the floor • Breathe deeply into your chest and relax on each out -breath (try 5 breaths but stop if you feel light -headed) • Stretch out your fingers as straight as you can, then curl them up to make really tight fists • Shrug your shoulders up, up, up then let them drop down gently • Try slowly rotating your shoulders forward then backward a few times. Page 11

We need to move the spine in 5 ways every day: • Lengthening: look straight ahead and imagine you’re a puppet and someone is pulling gently upwards on the string that’s attached to the top of your head! (You won’t move much!) • Extending: very gently and slowly bend backwards – it should feel pleasant, not sore. Don't throw your head back: think of looking at where the ceiling meets the wall. • Flexing: bend forwards - not so far as to annoy your back. Keep your knees soft if you're standing & take your hands to a chair or rest them on your knees for support. • Side bending: stand or sit tall with your hands by your sides, breathe in & as you breathe out ease to one side so your hand slides a little way down the side of your thigh. Then repeat on the other side. • Twisting: stand with soft knees (ie not locked straight) & turn side -to -side letting your arms swing away from your sides; or sit and do some twists, really letting your shoulders go.

Now you should feel better!

Research shows that it’s much easier to learn a new habit if you stick to the same time each day, so add these into your daily routine (not immediately after eating, though!) and you will have another strategy to add to those suggested by Helen Goad in last month’s Memo.

Jackie Oliver -Watts qualified with the British Wheel of Yoga & has taught for 23 years in and around Penrith. She hopes to get back to her Melmerby class and her chair yoga class before too long!

A Festival of Flowers and Weddings at Melmerby Church

Our Wedding festival originally planned for August will be postponed until we are allowed to open the church fully. Page 12 SKIRWITH VILLAGE HALL

Milkman now delivering

Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays in Skirwith

Also has eggs, orange juice, potatoes, cream, yoghurt and butter

TEXT 07980 691057 to contact him

For more information on deliveries to Skirwith at this time, please see the noticeboard in the bus shelter, the village hall window or email [email protected].

To join Skirwith WhatsApp group message 07708 884969

Did you know that the credits received by EDC from the recycling bins in Skirwith amounted to about £200 last year and were distributed between the church, the village hall and the playground committee, so please use them. More waste in them, brings in more money for the village.

If anybody in Skirwith needs help, please email, text / call as above or call Kathryn 01768 88234 . I can put you in touch with people who have offered to help.

Langwathby Rainbow Treasure Hunt

This June/July, if you look closely, you will find painted stones hidden around Langwathby village. Each stone is different, but all follow the rainbow theme showing our gratitude to our key workers.

There are 10 for you to find and a treasure hunt tick sheet with a picture of each one can be found on the link below or the Mid Eden Memo Facebook page where you can also share your adventures,

Happy hunting!

But please don’t touch and leave them be for others to see. Page 13

Langwathby in 1901

The Library is still shut due to COVID precautions, so I continue my extracts from the 1901 Directory by Thomas Bulmer, a Penrith lad who’d left the town by then. He’d done his earlier one already, 1883 – 84. Last month we had Langwathby’s details and Edenhall’s too. Now it’s Addingham’s turn, i.e. Hunsonby, Winskill, Little Salkeld, Gamblesby, Glassonby. Hunsonby and Winskill These were a joint township run by Addingham’s Parish Offices until 1874, when they were made a . In 1891, 282 people lived here, mostly farm workers. The soil is good. The school was founded in 1726 by Joseph Hutchinson, yeoman (i.e. farmer who owned his land). He gave it 50 acres of land upstream at Gawtree i.e. it’s annual rent (let to tenant) helped to pay the school expenses. He also left land and money to help Hunsonby’s destitute. In 1901, the school got almost £67 p.a. from this (now £5360), enough to pay the master. He was Jacob Pickering, and lived in Norfield House, Hunsonby. He was the Parish Council’s clerk as well. The nearest Post Office was at Langwathby. The nearest pub was Hunter’s Cottage, Ousby road end. In Hunsonby were 8 farmers and 3 persons of private income, also 1 grocer and 1 joiner and builder. In Winskill were 5 farmers, 2 stonemasons, 1 builder, 2 threshing machine owners and 1 painter. The road-foreman, William Davidson, lived in Winskill.

With thanks to Jeremy Godwin

Page 14

HARTSIDE FIRST RESPONDERS: AGM In these uncertain times, we have decided to hold our AGM by Zoom on Monday 13 July 2020 at 7.30 pm If you would like to join us for our meeting, or become a First Responder, please contact our secretary, Alison Smith, on 01768 881066 or [email protected]

Operational since 2011, our area covers Gamblesby, Unthank, Melmerby, Ousby, Winskill, Hunsonby, Glassonby, Little Salkeld, Langwathby and all places in between. The agenda for our meeting follows: 1. Apologies for absence 2. Consider approval of minutes of the AGM held 15 April 2019 3. Matters arising 4. Chairman’s Report (Peter Watters) 5. Treasurer’s Report (Jane Jones) 6. Secretary’s Report (Alison Smith) 7. Team Leader’s report (Irene Ramsden) 8. Equipment Officer’s report (Bob Bell) 9. Election of officers and committee members: Current com- mittee members: Alice Noble, Clare Hansford, Susan Bell 10. Any other business 11. Date of next AGM/Committee meeting

We NEED responders particularly from the villages where none of our volunteers live. Being a first responder doesn’t have to change your life. It could change someone else’s. Page 15 COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES VILLAGE HALLS Langwathby Village Hall bookings - please contact Jan Morris on 01768 889085 / 07970 862049. LOCAL PLAYGROUPS A friendly, welcoming playgroup, open to everyone from local and surrounding areas during term time, offers a variety of toys, craft sessions, outings, snacks and story/song time suitable for 0 -4 years. Langwathby - Wednesdays 9.30 -11.30am - Langwathby Village Hall. Last Wednesday of month is a free session at Rheged Soft Play Centre. Contact Catherine - 07921 080904 PUBS, SHOPS & RESTAURANTS

Edenhall Country Hotel

Fish & Chip Friday Bar meals served daily & ‘Upstairs’ 12pm-2pm & 6pm-9pm Battered Haddock, Homemade Chips & ‘We are open’, offering a take-away Mushy Peas for only £9.95 service on Wed, Thurs, Fri & Sat Sumptuous Sunday Lunch from £10.95 9:00am - 2:30pm Upstairs will also be open for Ladies We also cater for Weddings, fashion, Gis and Interiors Christenings, Funerals, Anniversaries, We will be operang on Birthdays and Special Occasions Governmental Social Distancing Guidelines Edenhall Country Hotel, Edenhall, Looking forward to seeing you all Penrith, CA11 8SX T:01768 881454 again Mark, Angie, Deborah & the rest of the team x LANGWATHBY STORES & Tel: 01768 881 811 POST OFFICE


holistic horse and hound MONDAY TO SATURDAY 7AM TO 12AM 1PM TO 6PM As many begin to return to work, please consider your dog’s needs. They may SUNDAY 8AM TO 12AM 1PM TO 4PM have had your constant love and attention for weeks so could find an these may change so ring to confirm empty home a challenge . ORDERS TAKEN FOR DELIVERY OR Call Lynn Healey to discuss your COLLECTION

requirements 07483 872 619 Telephone: Or find us on Facebook 01768 881342 Sponsored by ‘The Old Village Bakery’ Page 16 PUBS, SHOPS & RESTAURANTS (continued) The Shepherds Inn

The Village Green, Langwathby, CA10 1LW E: stephen@shepherds T: 01768 881463

Bed and breakfast with 6 letting rooms

Good home -made food served 12pm till 8pm every day


Summer hours The Black Swan Open Mondays from 7pm, Drinks only. Culgaith Tuesday and Wednesday Closed 01768 88223

Offering lunch menu Thursday to Sunday 12.00 – 1.45 Thursday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday: Including Sunday Roast every week meals served 6pm -9pm (Closed Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday lunch times) Quiz Night every other Thursday Monday to Sunday 6.00-8.30 offering a full evening menu (Booking advised) Regular live music

Monthly music evenings Tel: 01768 881374 please check for future dates… Follow us on Facebook: The New Fox

The Byre Cook - Craft - Create

We offer a selection of services such as in- house crafts and cookery workshops, within our cosy converted barn. THE SHEPHERDS INN, MELMERBY We also offer outside catering, with a wide range of buffets. Afternoon tea, party Open Wed & Thurs 6.00 -11.00 food bags for kids, Fri & Sat 5.30 -11.00 Sun 12.00 - 10.00 hot pie and peas.

Traditional Sunday Lunch all day until 8.00 Please contact for more information

Tel: 01768 889064 01768 881422 Village Green, Melmerby CA10 1HF Follow us on Facebook: The Shepherds Inn or 07950 220208

Page 17

BUSINESS AND LOCAL SERVICES A1 Electrical Services Eden All Types of Electrical Work Undertaken * Outside lights working this winter? * Low cost LED lights up to 90% electricity saving! * Security cameras at affordable prices for farms and homes.

* PAT testing & Landlords Certificates for rentals and holiday homes. FREE QUOTES CALL SIMON ON 07904 331 909 FRIENDLY AND PROMPT RESPONSE ACCREDITED AND FULLY INSURED TOP QUALITY WORK [email protected]

ACUPUNCTURE & MASSAGE PENRITH Experienced Acupuncturist & Massage Therapist, treating a wide range of conditions including back pain, sciatica, frozen shoulder, arthritis, sports injuries, infertility, menstrual and menopause symptoms, IBS, migraines, anxiety & depression & cancer related fatigue & nausea. Free phone consultations for all. Contact Jules Burrell MBAcC on 07890 197759 or visit Home visits also available. Temporarily closed during the coronavirus lockdown. Wishing you all a safe and healthy transition through this difficult time, Jules Burrell MBAcC

AROMATHERAPY, REFLEXOLOGY, INDIAN HEAD MASSAGE, REIKI, EAR CANDLING. Experienced therapist based in Culgaith providing treatments which may assist with various stress -related and physical conditions. Contact Susan Walker for further information on 07791 228007 or 01768 879214. Email [email protected] - TEMPORARILY CLOSED

BORDER WATER TECHNOLOGIES LTD: We undertake all aspects of drainage, groundworks, erosion control, wetland/pond creation, CCTV surveys of drains; also design, installation, maintenance of sewage treatment systems & tank surveys for house sale. Contact 01768 881612. Email: [email protected] or

Tel: 01768 881413. Mobile: 07510 416851 Email: [email protected]

All aspects of joinery, building, plastering and tiling. Suppliers and installers of UPVC windows, doors, conservatories, fascias and soffits. Free estimate and guaranteed to beat any like for like. Written quotation.

Langwathby Hall, Langwathby, Penrith CA10 1LW Call the Salon for Hair Appointments 01768 889380 For Beauty Call Marie on 07944 643337 Plenty of FREE PARKING .

Chloe’s Hair & Beauty offers all aspects of Hair Dressing & Beauty Treatments for Women, Men and Children. Late night appointments available Wednesdays & Thursdays. Page 18

BUSINESS AND LOCAL SERVICES (continued) COLIN DAWSON LTD: ELECTRICAL AND DAIRY ENGINEERS All types of Electrical Installation and testing carried out. Bagged animal, poultry, and wild bird seed. A wide range of household and electrical supplies, workwear, tools and general hardware is available from our shop at Highmill, Langwathby. Tel: 01768 889084 email: [email protected]

CULGAITH SAFE & LOCKS: 24 hour Emergency Response 07790 613320 Services provided: Emergency entry to your home, business or car/van; Lock servicing/ replacement and fitting; Key cutting, home and business security advice. Website: E -mail: [email protected] .uk

Premium grass-fed Highland Beef & Lamb, raised on the Cumbrian fells. From a Red Tractor Assured farm we ensure all our animals have the highest welfare. Highland beef has a unique flavour: aged for 21 days it is rich in flavour and succulent in texture.

To order or for all enquiries: 07887 500911 / 07594 660307 emmas[email protected] Eddie Potts : Decorative Painter

All aspects of Interior / Exterior paintwork undertaken. Experienced painter of High End Bespoke fitted kitchens. Specialist paint effects available - Murals, Marbling etc.

email: [email protected] Mobile: 07968 642661

EDEN PROPERTY SERVICES: For all your property maintenance - painting, decorating, tiling, plumbing, joinery, hard landscape, stone walling, small building work etc. Contact Jack Barnes on 01768 88661 or mobile 07899 074762

FELLSIDE GROUNDWORKS LTD: Council approved – all types of commercial and domestic groundwork undertaken: Drives, tarmacing, concreting, curbing, walling, drainage etc. Also plant hire and small tool hire at reasonable rates. Please call John on 07825 768911 or 01768 881158. Or email [email protected]

- Electrical Contractors Domestic & Commercial Field View Electrical is a local electrical firm trading for over 20 years!

All aspects of electrical work undertaken - No job is too big or small….

So why not give us a call for your free site visit and no obligation estimate?

Tel: 017684 80754 - 24 Hour Emergency Response

Email: [email protected] / Web:

Fairfield House, Stony Cove Lane, North Lakes Business Park, Penrith, CA11 0BT


GARDEN SERVICES: Joe Thwaites, The Lilacs, Langwathby Lawn mowing, strimming, pruning, hedge trimming and general maintenance. Fully insured. Tel: 01768 881441 Mobile: 07929 155816 or email: [email protected]

HOME AND GARDEN: Nigel and Jill Preston, Holme Lea, Winskill for your landscaping, grass cutting, hedge trimming, joinery, internal painting and decorating. High standard of work at sensible prices. Remember, if Nige can’t oblige hopefully Jill will! T 01768 881834

LA BROCANTE EMPORIUM (The Gallery, Melmerby, CA10 1HN) for vintage & second - hand furniture, furnishings, kitchenalia, collectables, and much more. Open every Friday, Saturday, Sunday (& bank holidays) 10am -5pm. If you like traditional to quirky or classic to kitsch —come and have a browse. Contact Marianne on 07935 284751

LAMBKINS DAY NURSERY & PRE -SCHOOL CENTRE Providing Outstanding Care and Education for children aged 3 months to 8 years old. Flexible free 15 -30 hours available. Exciting opportunities for the children including forest school and creative workshops. Call the team for more information:01768 881888 or [email protected]

As a local electrician with over 12 years experience, I offer a friendly and professional service in all aspects of electrical work. I am fully registered and insured with the NICEIC. Free design advice and quotations offered. All

works will always be of the highest standard and signed off appropriately. Why not give me a call today. 07568 729010 01768 879115 Marius Erasmus - Pea Top House, Culgaith, CA10 1QW [email protected]

M.J. ELECTRICAL Friendly and Reliable, Local Electrician based in Melmerby. All aspects of electrical work undertaken. Free quotations available. Call Michael for all your electrical queries: 01768 881799 or 07760 444525 Email: [email protected]

MOLE CONTROL: Problems with moles in fields, verges or lawns? For honest and reliable help. Ring Nick at home on 01768 88767 (after 6pm). Mobile 07592 863680.

PAUL NEARY JOINERS & BUILDERS All aspects of building work undertaken, from design and build, consultancy and site management to UPVC Windows, Doors, Loft Conversions and Fitted Kitchens. Property/Land wanted for Development or Renovation, any area considered. Call Paul on 07799 146816 for your free estimates . Page 20 BUSINESS AND LOCAL SERVICES (continued)

PINE TREE NURSERIES & GARDEN DESIGN SERVICES Glassonby CA10 1DZ Tel: 07899 722530 / 07391 450735 Email: [email protected] Wander round our display beds and choose from a large selection of perennials, shrubs, conifers and grasses. Friendly advice always available.

Due to Gov advice we are not currently open however please contact us with enquiries via phone/email/Facebook. We will update our Face- book page with reopening times'.

PS TREE . Providing qualified tree management and professional tree inspections. Work undertaken includes pruning, felling, crown reduction, hedge cutting and orchard management. Qualified to provide tree risk assessments and reports. Fully insured. For a free, no obligation quote please call Dave Willetts on 075000 49755 or visit

ROWAN Tree Surveys t 01768 881207 m 07517 489527 [email protected]

Phil Scott -Collins Arboricultural Consultant providing professional tree condition reports, tree risk assessments and development site tree surveys.

ROY HODGSON LOCAL BUILDER: All aspects of building work undertaken. No job too small. Fully qualified (C&G) with over 30 years experience. For a free, no obligation quote please call 07721 730108 or 01768 88658

SEWING AND ALTERATIONS All of your sewing needs and alterations catered for. All those jobs that you don’t want to do — let me do them for you. Contact: Jan Morris on 07970 862049 or 01768 889085

TIM METCALFE JOINER AND TILER: All types of joinery and tiling work undertaken. Fully qualified with 25 years experience. All size jobs considered. Call 01768 881827 or 07977 571237

TITHE COTTAGE FURNISHINGS Professional, friendly service making all types of curtains, roman blinds, pelmets, cushions and more. Free home measuring service and can provide all linings, tapes etc. All you need to do is choose your material! A growing selection of curtain poles, tracks and trimmings are also available. Alternatively why not recycle existing furnishings into new window dressings? Please call Catherine Atkinson on 01768 889179 / 07443 899659 or email:[email protected] LOCAL ANGLICAN AND METHODIST CHURCH SERVICES ONE DAY COVID-19 THE CHURCH CONTINUES TO BE ALIVE AND One day we’ll meet again ACTIVE, BUT OUR BUILDINGS REMAIN CLOSED FOR PUBLIC To mourn the ones we’ve sadly lost WO RSHIP Amid the awful human cost. Both the Church of and the Methodist Church have issued statements One day we’ll be able to hug each other, announcing the suspension of all worship services until further notice.

Laugh together and share a cuppa Whilst this will mean a huge change to our normal practice, we feel it is important

With no more social distancing. to offer opportunities to continue to worship at home. To this end you are

encouraged to see East of Eden Mission Community printed services for home use. One day children will be back in school And some day in the distant future If you have online facilities you can also access our Mission Community Sunday They will be taught about the two metre rule. Services either Live every Sunday at 10:00 am via Zoom or shortly afterwards on YouTube. Please see the website, for details of how One day the Fellrunner will come again to tune in.

And I’ll wait for it in the sun With the recent relaxation of the rules we are please to report that the following Friends on it to meet at last. Church buildings will be open during the day but strictly for private prayer only One day the kindness shown to all Addingham St. Michael, Culgaith All Saints, Edenhall St Cuthbert, Kirkland Will carry on and on and on St Lawrence, Langwathby St Peter, Melmerby St John, Ousby St Luke, Skirwith For everyone needs it in their lives. St John

Please follow the social distancing and hygiene instructions to ensure everyone One day, hopefully soon, stays safe. Families will be seen Enjoying a picnic on the green. Our EEMC ministers can be contacted by email or telephone: -

Rev Katharine Butterfield Tel 01768 898176 – [email protected] One day this will all be over So, until then, remember Rev Colin Marchment Tel 01768 881720 Email: - [email protected]

ONE DAY………… Canon Stephen Pye Tel 01768 881212 Email: - [email protected]

TONTO Rev Keith Speck Tel 01768 898257. Email: - [email protected] ‘Kemo Sabe’ said Tonto, Rev Mark Houston Tel 01768 885669 Email: - [email protected] ‘Please alter it pronto. Your mask should go south To cover your mouth!’ So said his sidekick Tonto

Poems by Kath Holmes