They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:

Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. November At the going down of the sun and in the morning 2020 We will remember them. I have heard these words every November for as long as I can remember. I was in the Boy’s Brigade as a youth and we were always involved in a church parade on Remembrance Sunday, either in our local parish church or, sometimes the many different BB Mid-Eden companies from across Belfast would gather for a parade in the city centre, often ending up at St Anne’s Cathedral, Belfast for a service Magazine of Remembrance alongside current members of the armed services, with news police, fire brigade & ambulance teams as well, of course, with the from the veterans who served in past conflicts. Belfast in the 1970’s & 80’s Parishes of was still living in a time of conflict so many of the services The represented had recent memory of loss. Group When the challenges are still there and the risk of losing a colleague or friend through an act of terrorism is a reality the act of remembering is important. Thankfully the conflict in Northern Ireland is virtually a thing of the past and many young people alive today never lived through the experiences of my generation. This is why the act of Remembrance is vitally important. The generations who fought in both World Wars are either no longer with us or reaching the stage in life were it is becoming difficult to share their experiences. We have so much to thank those generations of service personnel and their families for all they lived through and died for. Bodies will grow old but the memory should stay fresh. No one should want to return to a world that lived through the catastrophe of those conflicts, no one should have to live through any period of conflict, but people do. These may not be on our shores but they do still exist in 2020. Jesus calls us to be peacemakers in Matthew’s gospel. This, of course, is not always easy, especially if someone is being aggressive to you. Our forces during WW1 & WW2 went into each conflict with a desire to defend the vulnerable and to prevent the aggressor from Sponsored by ______reaching our shores. Many of the names on headstones we visit in Stores & Post Office. our local church yards & cemeteries will have been servicemen Home and Garden – Nigel and Jill Preston, Winskill. taking orders. They will have been in the front line remembering The VIC, . those they had left behind. In honour of the fallen we should ensure Tithe Cottage Furnishings. that their memory lives on long into the future. They did not seek Parish Councils: Culgaith, , Langwathby PCCs: Addingham, Culgaith, , Langwathby war, they wanted peace. Langwathby Methodist Chapel. Rev Mark Houston MidEdenMemo Page 1

THIS MONTH’S ARTICLES Page They may be able to help 3 Emergency Support Helpline, County Council and partners 3 Coronavirus Local Support Groups 4-5 We Remember Them in Ousby 6-7 We Remember Them 8 Poppy Appeal 2020 9 Remembrance Sunday 9 Local History - Langwathby - Jeremy Godwin 10 Memo AGM 11 Kirkland & 50/50 Results 11 Village Hall Lottery 11 Green Homes Grant Scheme 12 -13 Quilting Marathon for Dementia UK 14 Melmerby Village Hall Lottery 14 Community activities 15 Pubs, Shops & Restaurants 15 -16 Business and Local Services 17 -20


November 13th


We’d like to thank Barbara Hitch who has kindly produced this month’s cover drawing for us.


Weddings :

October 3rd - Joshua Stinson & Hannah Stephenson at St. John the Baptist’s, Melmerby


For all enquiries about baptisms, weddings, funerals, or other church -related matters, please ring either: 01768 885669 (Rev Mark Houston) or 01768 881720 (Rev Colin Marchment) Page 2 About The Mid Eden Memo (MEMO) A team of over 40 volunteers collate, type, proof & distribute your MEMO each month to produce a community based publication. We are grateful for the support given by businesses & sponsors. You can contact us as follows: For editorial, general or non -business enquiries contact: Chris Forrester 01768 881015; e: [email protected] For business advert enquiries contact our business coordinator: Jeff Trueman 01768 881163; e: [email protected] For payment related enquiries contact our treasurer: Sheila Ripper 01768 881348; e: [email protected]

All copy for the November issue by Noon FRIDAY 13th November 2020

Items ready to be typed can be sent directly to - [email protected] or to Chris Forrester, Bank House, Langwathby, CA10 1LW - (across the road from “The Shepherds Inn”) Payment should accompany the advert request . Cheques payable to ‘The MEMO’; Payment can also be made by BACS/ electronically please contact Jeff or Chris as above for details or confirmation of charges for your advert. The Committee maintain the right to edit and/or withhold material as deemed necessary.

With regret the general distribution of the MEMO has had to be suspended as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic. A paper copy can be picked up from Langwathby & Melmerby village shops


In March, the committee looked at how The MEMO could continue safely in light of the Covid pandemic. Door to door deliveries were suspended, and printed copies left at shops in Langwathby and Melmerby and an online copy created at and on Facebook. Thanks to a small surplus, we were also able to suspend our charges for advertising – a small help to our communities.

The committee decided to review these decisions after six months and after careful consideration of finances and feedback the committee have agreed to continue this approach until March 2021. We would like to thank the individuals and businesses who have been able to donate to The MEMO. Our ability to support our communities and local businesses by waiving charges will continue to be dependent on these donations. Please get in touch if you can help.

Please all stay safe - “Hands Face Space” Page 3

Note also see details of other local support groups / networks on pages 4 & 5. Page 4


As is the case in communities across the country the Eden Valley has been no exception in responding to the challenges faced by the coronavirus pandemic. People have been coming together and supporting each other during this difficult time. In addition to families, neighbours and friends supporting one another a range of support groups, networks and services have been established in our communities to provide that extra bit of help, especially for the vulnerable, lonely and isolated.

Often these groups/networks have been established through parish councils and may relate to their Emergency Plans but other people have also come forward to offer/coordinate support arrangements. Sometimes a list of people believed to be isolated or vulnerable may have been drawn up through local knowledge so that contact can be made or maintained. Groups have employed differing ways for establishing contacts e.g. via ‘Help Cards’, websites, Facebook, emails, adverts in local papers and newsletters.

Below is a list giving details of some groups, networks, and contacts in communities covered by the Mid Eden Memo’s distribution area. Arrangements in each village community may vary. However generally the services on offer are likely to include the following types of help : -

> collecting and delivering essential food shopping or other urgent supplies

> collection of medications/prescriptions

> posting of mail

> offering a friendly chat

Other types of service may also include things like dog walking or plant and seed exchanges. Arrangements have also been made in some cases with some local food producers/retailers which can be delivered to central points in a village such as a village hall. The list may not represent the totality of the local support on offer but it gives details of at least some and key contacts. Page 5


Blencarn and Kirkland Andrew Clay 01768 88693 or 07931 732825 [email protected]

Culgaith Culgaith Support Group Sue Smith 01768 879006 Anne Blues and Paul Saager 01768 88702 David Witney 01768 88777 Shane McNicol 01768 879202 Andy Challis 07834 545124

Gamblesby, Dori Henderson 01768 881369 & Unthank [email protected]

Langwathby Coronavirus Support Network – Langwathby [email protected] Liz Terry 01768 889174

Melmerby and Facebook page David Bardsley 01768 881557 or 07881 371432 [email protected] Ruth Beaumont 07901 820850 Gary Fletcher 01768 889372 or 07881 815280 Marjorie Jones 07901 766253 Chris Jones 01768 881839 or 07887 800211

Ousby Clare Hansford 01768 881965 Sue Castle -Clarke 01768 881713

Skirwith Nicola Kuliszewski 01768 879238 [email protected]

Penrith based operator but Ian Moseley 07788 724793 covering as well

Other services are being offered by local shops covering matters such as delivery of food and some other provisions. Langwathby Village shop (01768 881342) will deliver to a wide range of villages in the area and Melmerby Village shop (01768 881915) can also organise deliveries. In some cases villages such as Culgaith and have arrangements with some establishments in Penrith, Appleby and local villages (such as butchers, greengrocers, pubs, cafes) for deliveries/takeaways, some delivered to a central point in a village on specified times for collection. Please speak to the contacts in those villages for details of this. Page 6 We remember them in Ousby

Every November, the nation unites on Remembrance Sunday to honour those who made sacrifices to protect and se- cure the freedom we all enjoy today. We make sure that no -one is forgotten.

World War I

The number of men and youths who died during World War I was dev- astating. The shocking horror of that war touched every corner of the . It brought death to every city, town and village - ex- cept for fifty -two, one of which was Ousby. All twelve men and boys who marched off to war from Ousby returned alive.

What seems like a cause for celebration was at that time actually a source of embarrassment. As a blanket of grief shrouded thousands of communities throughout the land, social historians tell us that a small number of villages experienced a different emotion – shame.

For communities like Ousby, it was almost as if they had not joined in the sacrifice. Their residents benefitted from the peace after the war, but it felt like they had not paid the price. Records indicate that the sense of shame lasted decades. There was a self -imposed silence and censorship. It was felt that it would be quite wrong to celebrate the safe return of village men -folk as that might be seen as some kind of inappropriate triumph.

To mark their good fortune, the residents of Ousby quietly installed a small memorial window in St Luke’s church. The dedication at the foot of the stained glass reads:

“Erected by the parishioners in grateful recognition of the mercy of God who in his divine goodness afforded protection to all the men who went from this parish to the Great War 1914 -1918 and safely restored them to their homes.” Page 7

World War II

Then World War II engulfed Europe and the world. There were twelve men and one woman who left Ousby between 1939 and 1945. Incredi- bly, everyone who left Ousby to serve in World War II also came home safely.

To once again mark their good fortune, the resi- dents of Ousby purchased an oak lectern that sits in St Luke’s church near the pulpit. The dedica- tion plate on the front reads “In humble thanksgiv- ing to Almighty God for the safe return of all men and women from this parish who served their country in the Second World War 1939 -1945.”

Honour them with pride

War, once known, follows people all their lives. However with the pas- sage of time and the consequent change in attitudes, “Thankful Villag- es” like Ousby no longer feel shame.

Remembrance is a multi -faceted activity. It is anything but triumphal and is certainly not boastful. Nor is it about paying token respects on notable anniversaries. It is about reminding ourselves who we are and holding ourselves to certain standards. Above all, it is about learning lessons from the past and looking to the future.

Social attitudes have changed and we can now honour with pride the memory of all those local people who served in World Wars I and II - ordinary people caught up in extraordinary events.

Sue Castle -Clarke Page 8

We will remember them…

In World War 2, men and women from the British Isles fought alongside people from India, Pakistan, Nepal; Britain's colonies in West Africa, Gambia, Sierra Leone, the Gold Coast (now Ghana), Nigeria; and the Caribbean. Although Churchill sent telegrams to every Embassy and High Commission, telling them to find 'administrative means' to reject black volunteers, the need for recruits was overwhelming. Below is a table showing some of the world -wide carnage that was the Second World War: between 70 and 85 million people were killed. (Source: Total Deaths in WWII Rank Country % of Population (Low Estimate) 1 Soviet Union 20,000,000 13.7 2 China 15,000,000 2.9 3 Germany 6,900,000 8.23 4 Poland 5,900,000 16.93 5 Dutch East Indies 3,000,000 4.3 6 Japan 2,500,000 3.5 7 India 1,027,000 0.58 8 Yugoslavia 1,027,000 6.63 9 French Indochina 1,000,000 4.05 10 France 600,000 1.44 11 Philippines 557,000 3.48 12 Romania 500,000 3.13 13 Italy 492,400 1.11 14 Korea 483,000 1.99 15 Hungary 464,000 5.08 16 United Kingdom 450,900 0.94 17 United States 419,400 0.32 18 Lithuania 370,000 14.36 19 Czechoslovakia 340,000 2.33 20 Greece 300,000 7.02 Page 9

Due to Covid, there will be no house to house collection this year for the British Legion in either Langwathby or Edenhall.

We are very grateful to the following venues for agreeing to have a Poppy Box: Hope’s Garage, Langwathby Post Office and Store, The Shepherd’s Inn, Edenhall Hotel, and Saddleback’s Coffee on Langwathby Green, where donations can be made.

All donations are greatly appreciated.

Remembrance Sunday November 8th

There will be a short service of remembrance at the War Memorial in Langwathby, at 10.45am, finishing with two minutes silence at 11 o'clock, but we will not be moving into church afterwards.

Some may wish to bring a chair to avoid standing for that length of time. Page 10

The District in 1847 From Mannix and Whellan’s Directory of


In 1841, Langwathby had in it 273 people. It had a common, 554 acres, and has been linked to Edenhall since Henry I gave it to Henry Fitz Swein (nowadays he’d be Henry Swainson), and later (pre 1300) it was part of Scotland till the puppet -king Baliol upset Edward I, who took hold of it. It remained royal property until William III, a Dutchman, gave it to a Dutch friend of his, by then Earl of Portland, whose family sold it to the Duke of Devonshire in 1787. Those holding their land from the lord of the manor had to attend his court at Penrith.

The Church was rebuilt in 1718 by its regulars, who added its porch in 1836. Bishop Appleby merged it with Edenhall in 1380, and the Vicar takes the services (twice each Sunday) at both alternately.

The Eden Bridge (a good one with three arches) was built in 1686. The Alston Carrier serves Langwathby (to Penrith Mon and Thurs; to Alston Tue and Fri) You could often get a lift with him.

Langwathby had 13 farmers (7 of them freeholders), 1 cattle – dealer, 1 miller, 2 blacksmiths, 2 gentlemen, 2 tailors, the Parish Clerk, 2 carpenters, 1 shoemaker, 1 shop, 3 pubs. Four people had left sums of money to help with the parish’s poor. The Vicar lived at Edenhall. Thank you to Jeremy Godwin Page 11


The MEMO AGM will be held on Monday 1st February 2021 at 7.30pm. Depending on COVID restrictions in place, which we will review closer to the date, we will either hold this as a socially distanced meeting in Langwathby Village Hall or we will hold it as an online video conference. All welcome to attend and have your say about how you'd like your community magazine run or to talk to us about volunteering your help with the production of the MEMO.

If you think you will be interested in attending could you please contact Chris Forrester on [email protected] or 01768 881015 and he will ensure you are contacted with final arrangements.

Kirkland and Blencarn 50/50 Club

October winners

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th

Matthew Jake Pat Gail Amanda Sharp Ridley Forbes Williamson Coates

Skirwith Village Hall Lottery

August September

1st Bob Marston (83) 1st George Sheldon (44) 2nd Ian Richardson (99) 2nd Jeanette Armstrong (75) 3rd Carol Robinson (125) 3rd Nicola Marquis (116) 4th David Harding (13) 4th Dick Walker & Helen Wood (62)


1st Chris Wright (90) 2nd Nicola Marquis (116) 3rd Laura Wilson (8) 4th Chloe Oake (45) Page 12 New £500k Green Homes Grant Scheme launches in Eden

Eden District Council has won £513,003 of central Government funding for a pilot scheme to help improve energy efficiency in private households across Eden.

From Monday 19 th October, owner occupiers and landlords will be able to apply for funding of up to £10,000 from the Government’s Green Homes Grant, Local Authority Delivery (LAD) scheme, which will be delivered in partnership with E.ON UK.

It’s hoped the LAD pilot scheme, which run until March 2021, will help address the triple challenges of zero carbon emissions, improving residents’ health and wellbeing and reducing fuel poverty in the private housing sector.

The LAD scheme is an enhanced programme specifically aimed at Eden residents and is a separate source of funding from the Government’s existing Green Homes Grant scheme, which offers vouchers of up to £5,000 for households across the UK.

Households that have already received a £5,000 voucher through the existing national Green Home Grants scheme will not be eligible for funding through the Eden LAD scheme.

Leader of Eden District Council, Virginia Taylor, said: “‘Improving Eden’s housing is an essential step towards sustainability – carbon emissions, health and wellbeing, financial stability. But it’s very expensive, so I’m delighted our Officers have won us this investment from Central government – I hope very much there will be more schemes in the pipeline to improve more homes in Eden.”

Eden District Council’s Green Growth Portfolio holder, Cllr. Mark Rudhall, said: “The pilot will focus initially on offering energy efficiency installations, within Wards, which are impacted by the Pennines’ weather, including Alston Moor, Brough and Langwathby.

“As the scheme progresses it will then focus on the Wards of Kirkoswald, Hesket, Skelton and Penrith West. We aim to learn from this pilot scheme and widen the offer to additional Wards within the District during the next phases of the scheme.” Page 13

E.ON UK Chief Executive, Michael Lewis, said: “Improving energy efficiency makes people’s homes more comfortable, healthier and cheaper to run. We’ve seen those benefits first -hand through the work we’ve done with local authorities around the country, investing hundreds of millions over the last decade or so to ensure homes are fit for the future.

“By working with Eden District Council to deliver free energy saving improvements through the Green Homes Grant local authority delivery scheme we’re further demonstrating the ability of investing in housing to ease fuel poverty and energise the local economy which is all the more vital after Covid -19 and lockdown.”

To be eligible for a LAD grant of up to £10,000, residents must: • Have a household income of under £30,000 per year, before tax • Have a household Energy Performance Certificate, (EPC) level of E, F, or G

Residents who meet both of the above criteria can qualify for a range of energy efficiency measures, such as external wall insulation, air source heat pumps, window and door improvements and smart heating controls.

Those in older properties with solid walls, which have an annual household income under £30,000, but don’t have an EPC rating for their property can also apply. E.ON will assess their properties for an EPC and look to include them within the scheme.

To find out more or to register your interest, contact E.ON on 0333 202 4820 or email [email protected] .

For more information visit Eden District Council’s Green HomesGrant webpage at -homes -grant/

Do You have an Article for the MEMO? We would love to have contributions from you, our readers.

We have only a few conditions: • Items should have a local focus, so that they are especially relevant to our readers; • Items must be non -political and inoffensive: MEMO is a community publication for everyone, whatever their beliefs; If you have an idea for an article, drop us an email just to check it’s OK Email: [email protected] Page 14

EDEN VALLEY FRIENDS OF DEMENTIA UK QUILTING MARATHON Raising funds for a Dementia Specialist Nurse Since March 2019, the Eden Valley Friends of Dementia UK have raised over half their target of £50K, needed for the provision of a specialist demen- tia nurse (an Admiral Nurse), in the Eden Valley. Those affected by dementia and their family or carers would be supported in their own homes. Fundraising has become difficult because of Covid 19, which meant the can- cellation of some fundraising activities. So new initiatives have been neces- sary. For a period in October and November I am undertaking a challenge to make as many children’s quilts as I can, - at least 10 - and sponsorship money for this will go to the Friends of Dementia UK appeal. The quilts will go to sick or traumatised children in Cumbria, distributed by the NE Cumbria Co -ordinator for Project Linus. THIS IS HOW YOU CAN GIVE TO MY APPEAL: Through Just Giving: ‘Joan Patricia Wager is fundraising for Dementia UK – Joan’s Quilting Marathon’. By Bank Transfer to: Nat West Bank. Account name ‘Eden Valley Friends of Dementia UK’ Sort code: 01 -02 -17 Account number 23176679 By cheque payable to ‘Eden Valley Friends of Dementia UK’ at Langwood Barn, Langwathby, CA10 1LW THANK YOU! Joan Wager [email protected] Eden Valley Friends of Dementia UK. Regd. Charity 1039404

Melmerby Village Hall Lottery

September October

1st D Monteith 1st C Kirk 2nd G Leslie 2nd C Kirk 3rd Burford family 3rd K Gascoigne 4th B Lambert 4th Renvoize family 5th J Jones 5th Wilkinson family


1st J & J Allen 2nd J Wright 3rd E Greenop 4th D Burrrows 5th C Kirk Page 15 COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES VILLAGE HALLS Langwathby Village Hall bookings - please contact Jan Morris on 01768 889085 / 07970 862049. LOCAL PLAYGROUPS A friendly, welcoming playgroup, open to everyone from local and surrounding areas during term time, offers a variety of toys, craft sessions, outings, snacks and story/song time suitable for 0 -4 years. Langwathby - Wednesdays 9.30 -11.30am - Langwathby Village Hall. Last Wednesday of month is a free session at Rheged Soft Play Centre. Contact Catherine - 07921 080904 PUBS, SHOPS & RESTAURANTS

Edenhall Country Hotel

Fish & Chip Friday We are open Monday to Sunday Bar meals served daily 9.00am- 4.00pm 12pm-2pm & 6pm-9pm Breakfast & Lunch menu...Outdoor Seang Battered Haddock, Homemade Chips & A range of Cards & Gis Mushy Peas for only £9.95 Booking recommended Sumptuous Sunday Lunch from £10.95

01768 881 811 We also cater for Weddings, & Christenings, Funerals, Anniversaries, ‘Upstairs’ Birthdays and Special Occasions Open 5 days a week Closed Sunday’s & Tuesday’s Edenhall Country Hotel, Edenhall, 10.00-4.00pm Penrith, CA11 8SX T:01768 881454 Or by appointment please call Deborah on 07739 071141 Ladies fashion, Gis & Interiors Looking forward to seeing you all… LANGWATHBY STORES & T 01768 881 811 POST OFFICE

The Old Village Bakery | Melmerby Opening Times

holisc horse and hound Monday to Saturday 7am to 7pm

Sponsored by ‘The Old Village Bakery’ Sunday 8am to 6pm

If you have experienced reiki you will know how We have to close at times to restock the relaxing & balancing it is. Have you shop when our delivery arrives and to considered reiki for your horse, dog or other pet? I make up orders. Telephone to check. offer reiki for animals helping to calm, reduce stress and helping to improve the relaonship you Orders taken for Delivery or Collection have with your pet.

Read more on Facebook or call Telephone: Lynn on 07483 872 619 01768 881342 Page 16 PUBS, SHOPS & RESTAURANTS (continued) The Shepherds Inn

The Village Green, Langwathby, CA10 1LW E: stephen@shepherds T: 01768 881463

Bed and breakfast with 6 letting rooms

Good home -made food served 12pm till 8pm every day


Summer hours Open Mondays from 7pm, Drinks only. Black Swan Tuesday and Wednesday Closed Culgaith 01768 88223 Thursday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday: Steve & Jacky look forward to welcoming you all... - meals served 6pm 9pm Offering Sunday lunch every week 12:00 - 1:30 & Quiz Night every other Thursday Evening menu daily served 6:00 - 7:45 Booking is essential Regular live music

We have social distancing measures in place Tel: 01768 881374 following government guidelines. Follow us on Facebook: The New Fox Inn

The Byre Cook - Craft - Create

We offer a selection of services such as in-house crafts and cookery workshops, within our cosy converted barn. THE SHEPHERDS INN, MELMERBY We also offer outside catering, with a wide range of buffets. Afternoon tea, Open Wed & Thurs 6.00 -11.00 party food bags for kids, Fri & Sat 5.30 -11.00 Sun 12.00 - 10.00 hot pie and peas.

Traditional Sunday Lunch all day until 8.00 Please contact for more information

Tel: 01768 889064 01768 881422 Village Green, Melmerby CA10 1HF Follow us on Facebook: The Shepherds Inn or 07950 220208

Page 17

BUSINESS AND LOCAL SERVICES A1 Electrical Services Eden All Types of Electrical Work Undertaken * Outside lights working this winter? * Low cost LED lights up to 90% electricity saving! * Security cameras at affordable prices for farms and homes. * PAT testing & Landlords Certificates for rentals and holiday homes.


ACUPUNCTURE & MASSAGE PENRITH Experienced Acupuncturist & Massage Therapist, treating a wide range of conditions including back pain, sciatica, frozen shoulder, arthritis, sports injuries, infertility, menstrual and menopause symptoms, IBS, migraines, anxiety & depression & cancer related fatigue & nausea. Free phone consultations for all. Contact Jules Burrell MBAcC on 07890 197759 or visit Home visits also available.

I’m pleased to announce the clinic is open again. Strict hygiene methods will be in place to ensure your safety. I look forward to welcoming you into a safe, healing and nurturing space. Jules Burrell MBAcC BORDER WATER TECHNOLOGIES LTD: We undertake all aspects of drainage, groundworks, erosion control, wetland/pond creation, CCTV surveys of drains; also design, installation, maintenance of sewage treatment systems & tank surveys for house sale. Contact 01768 881612. Email: [email protected] or

Tel: 01768 881413. Mobile: 07510 416851 Email: [email protected]

All aspects of joinery, building, plastering and tiling. Suppliers and installers of UPVC windows, doors, conservatories, fascias and soffits. Free estimate and guaranteed to beat any like for like. Written quotation.

Langwathby Hall, Langwathby, Penrith CA10 1LW Call the Salon for Hair Appointments 01768 889380 For Beauty Call Marie on 07944 643337 Plenty of FREE PARKING .

Chloe’s Hair & Beauty offers all aspects of Hair Dressing & Beauty Treatments for Women, Men and Children.

COLIN DAWSON LTD: ELECTRICAL AND DAIRY ENGINEERS All types of Electrical Installation and testing carried out. Bagged animal, poultry, and wild bird seed. A wide range of household and electrical supplies, workwear, tools and general hardware is available from our shop at Highmill, Langwathby. Tel: 01768 889084 email: [email protected] Page 18 BUSINESS AND LOCAL SERVICES (continued) CULGAITH SAFE & LOCKS: 24 hour Emergency Response 07790 613320 Services provided: Emergency entry to your home, business or car/van; Lock servicing/replacement and fitting; Key cutting, home and business security advice. Website: E -mail: [email protected] .uk Premium grass-fed Highland Beef & Lamb, raised on the Cumbrian fells. From a Red Tractor Assured farm we ensure all our animals have the highest welfare. Highland beef has a unique flavour: aged for 21 days it is rich in flavour and succulent in texture.

To order or for all enquiries: 07887 500911 / 07594 660307 emmas[email protected] Eddie Potts : Decorative Painter

All aspects of Interior / Exterior paintwork undertaken. Experienced painter of High End Bespoke fitted kitchens. Specialist paint effects available - Murals, Marbling etc. email: [email protected] Mobile: 07968 642661

EDEN PROPERTY SERVICES: For all your property maintenance - painting, decorating, tiling, plumbing, joinery, hard landscape, stone walling, small building work etc. Contact Jack Barnes on 01768 88661 or mobile 07899 074762 FELLSIDE GROUNDWORKS LTD: Council approved – all types of commercial and domestic groundwork undertaken: Drives, tarmacing, concreting, curbing, walling, drainage etc. Also plant hire and small tool hire at reasonable rates. Please call John on 07825 768911 or 01768 881158. Or email [email protected]

- Electrical Contractors Domestic & Commercial Field View Electrical is a local electrical firm trading for over 20 years! All aspects of electrical work undertaken - No job is too big or small….

So why not give us a call for your free site visit and no obligation estimate? Tel: 017684 80754 - 24 Hour Emergency Response

Email: [email protected] / Web: Fairfield House, Stony Cove Lane, North Lakes Business Park, Penrith, CA11 0BT

GARDEN SERVICES: Joe Thwaites, The Lilacs, Langwathby - Lawn mowing, strimming, pruning, hedge trimming and general maintenance. - Fully insured Tel: 01768 881441 Mobile: 07929 155816 or email: [email protected] INDUSTRIAL ROOFING, CLADDING & BUILDING MAINTENANCE TEL 01768 88464 CONTACT:JOHN ELDERS, BRAMBLELANDS, CULGAITH HOME AND GARDEN: Nigel and Jill Preston, Holme Lea, Winskill for your landscaping, grass cutting, hedge trimming, joinery, internal painting and decorating. High standard of work at sensible prices. Remember, if Nige can’t oblige hopefully Jill will! T 01768 881834 Page 19 BUSINESS AND LOCAL SERVICES (continued)

LAMBKINS DAY NURSERY & PRE -SCHOOL CENTRE Providing Outstanding Care and Education for children aged 3 months to 8 years old. Flexible free 15 -30 hours available. Exciting opportunities for the children including forest school and creative workshops. Call the team for more information:01768 881888 or [email protected]

As a local electrician with over 12 years experience, I offer a friendly and professional service in all aspects of electrical work. I am fully registered and insured with the NICEIC. Free design advice and quotations offered. All works will always be of the highest standard and signed off 07568 729010 01768 879115 Marius Erasmus - Pea Top House, Culgaith, CA10 [email protected]

M.J. ELECTRICAL Friendly and Reliable, Local Electrician based in Melmerby. All aspects of electrical work undertaken. Free quotations available. Call Michael for all your electrical queries: 01768 881799 or 07760 444525 Email: [email protected]

MOLE CONTROL: Problems with moles in fields, verges or lawns? For honest and reliable help, ring Nick at home on 01768 88767 (after 6pm). Mobile 07592 863680.

PINE TREE NURSERIES & GARDEN DESIGN SERVICES Glassonby CA10 1DZ Tel: 07899 722530 / 07391 450735 Email: [email protected] Wander round our display beds and choose from a large selection of perennials, shrubs, conifers and grasses. Friendly advice always available. Opening times: Wed - Sun 10am - 5.30pm including Bank Holidays

PAUL NEARY JOINERS & BUILDERS All aspects of building work undertaken, from design and build, consultancy and site management to UPVC Windows, Doors, Loft Conversions and Fitted Kitchens. Property/Land wanted for Development or Renovation, any area considered. Call Paul on 07799 146816 for your free estimates .

PS TREE . Providing qualified tree management and professional tree inspections. Work undertaken includes pruning, felling, crown reduction, hedge cutting and orchard management. Qualified to provide tree risk assessments and reports. Fully insured. For a free, no obligation quote please call Dave Willetts on 075000 49755 or visit Page 20 BUSINESS AND LOCAL SERVICES (continued)

ROWAN Tree Surveys t 01768 881207 m 07517 489527 [email protected]

Phil Scott -Collins Arboricultural Consultant providing professional tree condition reports, tree risk assessments and development site tree surveys.

ROY HODGSON LOCAL BUILDER: All aspects of building work undertaken. No job too small. Fully qualified (C&G) with over 30 years experience. For a free, no obligation quote please call 07721 730108 or 01768 88658 SEWING AND ALTERATIONS All of your sewing needs and alterations catered for. All those jobs that you don’t want to do, let me do them for you. Contact: Jan Morris on 07970 862049 or 01768 889085

TIM METCALFE JOINER AND TILER: All types of joinery and tiling work undertaken. Fully qualified with 25 years experience. All size jobs considered. Call 01768 881827

TITHE COTTAGE FURNISHINGS Professional, friendly service making all types of curtains, roman blinds, pelmets, cushions and more. Free home measuring service and can provide all linings, tapes etc. All you need to do is choose your material! A growing selection of curtain poles, tracks and trimmings are also available. Alternatively why not recycle existing furnishings into new window dressings? Please call Catherine Atkinson on 01768 889179 / 07443 899659 or


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TEXT RICHARD ON 07980 691057 Both the Church of and the Methodist Church have issued statements WHOLE, SEMI, SKIMMED MILK ALSO FOR DELIVERY ORGANIC MILK, announcing that public worship can now be offered in church buildings if the PINT GLASS 75P CREAM, BUTTER, FREE RANGE EGGS, practises of social distancing and hand sanitisation are followed. 1 LTR £1.20 ORANGE JUICE, YOGHURTS, POTATOES,

2 LTR £1.75 CHEESE, BACON & SAUSAGES During the month of November there will be a selection of church services which FIND US ON FACEBOOK ‘EDEN VALLEY MILK DELIVERYS’ will be advertised on the East of Eden Mission Community website and in the weekly newsletter. The service sheets for home worship will continue to be produced. We will continue with our on-line service, via Zoom which is assessible by the Mission Community website. The recorded service is also available on YouTube. Please see the website, for further details.

With the recent relaxation of the rules we are pleased to report that the following Church buildings will be open during the day for private prayer. Addingham St. Michael, Culgaith All Saints, Edenhall St Cuthbert, Kirkland St Lawrence, Langwathby St Peter, Melmerby St John the Baptist & Ousby St Luke. Please follow the social distancing and hygiene instructions to ensure everyone stays safe.

The following EEMC ministers can be contacted by email or telephone: - Rev Katharine Butterfield Tel 01768 898176 – [email protected] Rev Keith Speck Tel 01768 898257. Email: - [email protected] Rev Mark Houston Tel 01768 885669 Email: - [email protected]